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Assessment of Diabetic Polyneuropathy in Inpatient Care: Fasting Blood Glucose, HbA1c, Electroneuromyography and Diabetes Risk Factors. PDF

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by  SuljicEnra
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Preview Assessment of Diabetic Polyneuropathy in Inpatient Care: Fasting Blood Glucose, HbA1c, Electroneuromyography and Diabetes Risk Factors.

Assessment of Diabetic Polyneuropathy in Inpatient Care: Fasting Blood Glucose, HbA1c, Electroneuromyography and Diabetes Risk Factors 123 acta inform med. 2013 jun; 21(2): 123-126 doi: 10.5455/aim.2013.21.123-126 Received: 15 february 2013 • Accepted: 04 April 2013 conflict of interest: none declared © AVICENA 2013 Assessment of Diabetic Polyneuropathy in Inpatient Care: Fasting Blood Glucose, HbA1c, Electroneuromyography and Diabetes Risk Factors enra suljic, igor kulasin, vanja alibegovic neurology clinic, clinical center of university of sarajevo, sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina corresponding author: enra suljic, phd. neurology clinic, clinical center of university of sarajevo, sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 71000 sarajevo, Bolnicka 25. original paper Men were slightly more represented in the total conclusions: The DPnP incidence was higher in summary sample (51.8%). In a sample of patients with DPnP, patients with longer duration of the disease, but goal: The goals of this study are to: a) determine there were slightly more male patients (n=26; 52%). without significant gender differences. Fasting the prevalence of diabetic polyneuropathy (DPnP) The average age of patients with DPnP was higher blood glucose and Hba1c were significantly higher in hospitalized patients with diabetes mellitus in men (58.3±12.5) (p<0.05). The average age of in patients with DPnP compared to patients without (DM) type 2; b) determine the frequency of DPnP the patients with DPnP was 55.1± 13.2. average DPnP (p<0.05). The dominant symptoms of DPnP in hospitalized patients with type 2 DM in relation values of fasting glucose was higher in the group were paresthesia (44%) and hypoesthesia (28%). to gender, duration of diabetes, fasting blood glu- of patients with DPnP (11.032±5.4 mmol/l) com- Regarding variable risk factors, the most common cose a nd Hba1c; c) identify the dominant DPnP pared to patients without DPnP (9.7±2.8 mmol/l) were hypertension and hyperlipidemia, without symptoms and the presence of variable risk factors (p<0.05). Mean values of Hba1C were higher in statistical significance in gender distribution, while in hospitalized patients; and d) determine the patients with DPnP (8.212±3.3%) compared to pa- smoking was significantly more common in men frequency and motor nerve conduction velocity of tients without DPnP (6.9±2.6%) (p<0.05). analysis than women (34.6%:8.3%). DPnP was present in n. peroneus (electroneuromyography) in relation to of DM duration between patients with and without 43.2% of men who use insulin therapy, while 54.2% the treatment of type 2 DM in hospitalized patients DPnP did not show statistically significant difference of women with DPnP used oral therapy. The lowest with DPnP. material and methods: The study was (chi-square=3.858, p>0.05). In both groups, most frequency of DPnP was found in patients treated conducted on 141 patients diagnosed with type 2 of the patients had duration of DM over 10 years, with combined therapy. Motor conduction velocity diabetes who were hospitalized at the neurological with a minimum duration of DM of 12 months. of n. peroneus was significantly lower in men using clinic of Clinical Center of Sarajevo university in There are statistically significant differences in ap- insulin therapy and/or combined therapy (p<0.05), the period from June 1 2009 to June 1 2010. all plied DM therapy by gender (chi-square=11.939, whereas in patients on oral therapy there was no patients included in the study were older than 18. p<0.05). Hypertension was more frequent in significant gender difference. Timely DM type 2 Values determined for all subjects are: age, sex, women (79.2%:69.2%), hyperlipidemia was equally diagnosis with proper treatment and electromyo- dominant symptoms, duration of type 2 DM, fasting presented in both sexes (50%:50%), obesity was neurographic monitoring (especially in older men) blood glucose, Hba1c, motor conduction velocity of more prevalent among women (25%:7.7%), while can prevent onset of diabetic polyneuropathy and n. peroneus, diabetes risk factors (hyperlipidemia, alcoholism and smoking were more frequent in men contribute to its successful treatment. hypertension, smoking, alcoholism, obesity) and DM (7.7%:0%; 34.6%:8.3%). There are statistically keywords: diabetic polyneuropathy, diabetes mel- treatment type. results: Of 141 patients with type 2 significant differences in the prevalence of risk litus, EnMG, electroneuromyography, Hba1c, DM, DPnP was confirmed in 50 patients (35.5%). factors by gender (chi-square=10.013, p<0.05). inpatient, fasting blood glucose, inpatient. 1. introduction of diabetic disease which includes clinical neuropathy indicates the Diabetes mellitus is most simply peripheral nerves damage. Diabetic state of electro-physiologically veri- defined as absolute or relative lack polyneuropathy is generally more or fied neuropathy with absence of sub- of insulin which results in hypergly- less progressive and is developing for jective and objective neurological cemia. As the consequences of long- weeks, months or even years (3). It signs. It occurs in about 20% of pa- term hyperglycemia, late complica- occurs in patients with diabetes mel- tients with diabetes (6). Distal, pre- tions of diabetes can occur on small litus types 1 and 2, as well as in pa- dominantly sensitive, motor (veg- and large blood vessels, nerves, and tients with so-called secondary dia- etative) or sensor-motor (vegeta- basal membranes of different tissues betes as part of other diseases which tive) polyneuropathy, are the most (1). indicates that chronic hyperglycemia common forms of the peripheral ner- Globally, the prevalence of dia- is the major factor in the develop- vous system damage in diabetes mel- betes is 5.9%. It is believed that this ment of polyneuropathy (4). litus. Symptoms and signs of sensory number will exceed to 7.1% in 2025 Diabetic polyneuropathy is de- fibers affection are most pronounced (2). In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the fined as the presence of symptoms in the distal parts of the extremities. incidence of diabetes mellitus is and/or signs of peripheral nerve dys- In patients with poorly controlled 7.4/100000 inhabitants (3). function in patients with diabetes diabetes, syndromes such as pares- Diabetic polyneuropathy is one mellitus after exclusion of other pos- thesia, dysesthesia or pain in the legs of the most common complications sible causes of dysfunction (5). Sub- can occur - they quickly disappear aCTa inFOrM MeD. 2013 Jun; 21(2): 123-126 / Original paper 124 Assessment of Diabetic Polyneuropathy in Inpatient Care: Fasting Blood Glucose, HbA1c, Electroneuromyography and Diabetes Risk Factors after hyperglycemia correction (7). cose and HbA1c values ; Identify the Male female Total Common symptoms are symmetrical dominant symptoms of diabetic poly- N 1 3 4 Normal findings paresthesia and burning pain that neuropathy and the presence of ad- % 3.9 12.5 8.0 most frequently occurs distally in the ditional variable risk factors in hos- N 13 9 22 Paresthesia legs, with the highest intensity during pitalized patients; To determine the % 50.0 37.5 44.0 night (in bed). In nighttime, very incidence of diabetic polyneuropathy N 3 2 5 Dysesthesia painful spasms in the lower legs can and motor nerve conduction velocity % 11.5 8.3 10.0 also occur. Achilles reflex is typically of n. peroneus (electromyoneurog- N 1 4 5 Spasms absent. Very often, sense of vibration raphy) in relation to the treatment % 3.9 16.7 10.0 is impaired, less commonly sense of of type 2 diabetes in hospitalized pa- N 8 6 14 Hypoaesthesia % 30.8 25.0 28.0 position. Motility disturbances are tients. N 26 24 50 rare. The easiest form occurs in el- Total 3. material and metHods % 52.0 48.0 100.0 derly diabetes, while the worst mani- Chi-square=13.939 p<0.05 fests in juvenile DM. Disorders of the Study was conducted on 141 pa- autonomic nervous system are man- tients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes Table 1. The dominant symptoms in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy ifested primarily by bladder atonia mellitus who were hospitalized at the and sphincter insufficiency. Further Neurology clinic, Clinical Center of With Without Total symptoms include tachycardia, or- Sarajevo University. A retrospective DPNP DPNP thostatic hypotonia, arthropathy and study was conducted which used N 2 3 5 <6 months osteopathy with osteolytic foci in tib- medical records of patients who were % 4.0 3.3 3.6 iotarsal or tarsometatarsal joints (8). hospitalized in the period from June N 1 2 3 6-12 months % 2.0 2.2 2.1 Data on prevalence of diabetic 1, 2009 to June 1, 2010. All patients in- N 3 14 17 polyneuropathy depends heavily on cluded in the study were older than 1-5 years % 6.0 15.4 12.1 diagnostic criteria, as well as the sub- 18. N 15 18 33 jects (groups) characteristics. We can Elevated values of fasting glu- 6-10 years % 30.0 19.8 23.4 say that neuropathic symptoms are cose was considered for values over N 29 54 83 present in 20-40% of patients with 7 mmol/L, while elevated HbA1c >10 years % 58.0 59.3 58.9 diabetes mellitus. The most common values were considered if they were N 50 91 141 symptoms are in the form of distal over 6.5%. As for pathological motor Total % 35.5 64.5 100.0 sensibility disorders. The symptoms nerve conduction velocity of n. pero- Chi-square =3.858 p>0.05 of pain are more common in prox- neus, values lower than 40m/s were Table 2. Duration of diabetes in patients with and imal and unilateral muscle groups considered as significant sign of without diabetic polyneuropathy (3). In some European countries, like DPNP. Only diastolic blood pressure women (n=24; 48%). United Kingdom, the prevalence of values were noted. High blood pres- Overview of the average age of pa- polyneuropathy in hospitalized pa- sure was considered if diastolic blood tients with diabetic polyneuropathy tients with diabetes mellitus is 29% pressure was over 95 mmHg. Elevated shows that the average age was higher (9). blood lipids was considered if choles- in men (58.3±12.5) than women In the monitoring and treatment terol level was over 6.4 mmol/L and (48.4±15.6). Statistical analysis using of diabetes mellitus, fasting blood triglyceride level over 2.2 mmol/L. the Student t-test shows that there glucose and HbA1c are regularly de- Classification of patients was made are statistically significant differ- termined, while it is necessary to in relation to: fasting blood glucose, ences (p<0.05). The average age of pa- monitor and treat-risk factors (hy- HbA1c, dominant symptoms, dura- tients with diabetic neuropathy in pertension, smoking, alcoholism and tion of type 2 diabetes, motor nerve our sample was 55.1±13.2 years, with obesity). For assessment of diabetic conduction velocities of n. peroneus, the youngest patient aged 33 and the polyneuropathy, besides clinical as- presence of risk factors and medical oldest at the age of 64. Overview of sessment, electromyoneurography treatment od DM type 2. fasting glucose values in patients (ENMG) is used for measurement of with and without diabetic polyneu- 4. results motor nerve conduction velocity of ropathy shows that the average value peripheral nerves. From total of 141 patients diag- are higher in the group of patients nosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus with DPNP (11.032±5.4 mmol/l) com- 2. goals that were treated at the Neurology pared to patients without DPNP The goals of this study are: To de- clinic from June 1 2009 to June 1 (9.7±2.8 mmol/l). Statistical analysis termine the incidence of diabetic 2010, 50 patients had confirmed dia- using the Student t-test shows that polyneuropathy in hospitalized pa- betic neuropathy, which amounts to there are statistically significant dif- tients with diabetes mellitus type 2; 35.5%. ferences (p<0.05). To determine the incidence of dia- Men were slightly more repre- Overview of HbA1c values in pa- betic polyneuropathy in hospital- sented in the total sample (51.8%). tients with and without diabetic poly- ized patients with diabetes mellitus In the total sample of patients with neuropathy indicates a higher mean type 2 compared to gender, dura- diabetic polyneuropathy we found values in patients with diabetic poly- tion of diabetes, fasting blood glu- more male patients (n=26; 52%) than neuropathy (8.212±3.3%) compared Original paper / aCTa inFOrM MeD. 2013 Jun; 21(2): 123-126 Assessment of Diabetic Polyneuropathy in Inpatient Care: Fasting Blood Glucose, HbA1c, Electroneuromyography and Diabetes Risk Factors 125 Male female Total in both sexes, with a minimum du- ropathy, we find equal proportion in N 11 7 18 ration of diabetes up to 12 months. both sexes, as well as in study con- Insulin % 42.3 29.2 36.0 Overview of applied diabetes therapy ducted by Morkrid and associates (11). oral N 9 13 22 in patients with diabetic polyneu- Analysis of age in patients with di- antidiabetics % 34.6 54.2 44.0 ropathy shows that men more com- abetic polyneuropathy showed that Combined N 6 4 10 monly used insulin (n=11; 42.3%) men were slightly older (58.3±12.5) therapy % 23.1 16.7 20.0 while women used oral anti-diabetics than women (48.4±15.6). Similar re- N 26 24 50 Total (n=13; 54.2%) (Table 3). Statistical sults reached Morkrid and associ- % 52.0 48.0 100.0 analysis shows that there are statis- ates in 2010, where women were Chi-square =11.939 p<0.05 tically significant differences in ap- also significantly younger than men Table 3. The treatment of patients with polyneuropathy plied treatment of diabetes by gender (48.7±10.7:53.1±9.9) (11). In our sample, (chi-square=11.939, the fasting blood glucose values were Standard Standard Mean Range p<0.05). significantly higher in patients with deviation error mean Review of the diabetic polyneuropathy than in pa- Insulin 33.7 12.5 3.2 21.2-46.2 presence of risk fac- tients without polyneuropathy. Sim- Male oral antidiabetics 35.2 11.6 2.6 23.6-46.8 tors (one respon- ilar results were presented by a group Combined therapy 32.5 9.52 2.3 23-42 Insulin 36.4 12.4 3.4 24-48.8 dent could have of Turkish researchers (Ovayolu et al, female oral antidiabetics 35.5 11.3 2.8 24.2-46.8 had more than 2008) (12). Combined therapy 36.8 9.6 2.1 27.2-46.4 one risk factor), In our sample, mean HbA1c values shows that hyper- were significantly higher in patients Table 4. Mean conduction velocity of n. peroneus in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy in relation to the administered therapy. t-insulin=6.254, p<0.05, t-per tension is more fre- with diabetic polyneuropathy than os=0.524, p>0.05, t-comb.=3.478, p<0.05 quent in women in patients without polyneuropathy, (79.2%:69.2%), hy- which corresponds to the study of to patients without diabetic polyneu- perlipidemia equally in ropathy (6.9±2.6%). Statistical anal- both sexes (50%:50%), ysis using the Student t-test shows obesity is more prevalent that there are statistically significant among women (25%:7.7%), differences (p<0.05). Analysis of pre- whereas alcohol use and dominant symptoms shows that smoking are more frequent normal findings are often seen in among men (7.7%:0% for women (n=3; 12.5%) than men (n=1; alcohol use; 34.6%:8.3% Image 1. Electroneuromyography in assesment of diabetic polyneuropathy (36,9m/s) 3.9%). Almost all symptoms were for smoking). Statistical more present in men, except spasms analysis shows that there that was more dominant in female are statistically significant patients (16.7%:3.9%) (Table 1). Statis- differences in the preva- tical analysis using the chi-square test lence of risk factors by shows that there are statistically signif- gender (chi-square=10.013, icant differences in the prevalence of p<0.05). Analysis of motor symptoms by gender (p<0.05). Motor nerve conduction velocity nerve conduction velocity of n. per- of n. peroneus between Image 2. Electroneuromyography in assesment of diabetic oneus was somewhat lower in men sexes and according to ap- polyneuropathy (37,0 m/s) (12.5±34.273 m/s) compared to women plied treatment of diabetes, (35.875±15.2 m/s). Statistical analysis showed that women had higher av- Booy et al. (2005) where mean values using the Student t-test showed that erage velocity (Table 4). of HbA1c in patients with DPNP there were no statistically significant was 8.2±2.5 and in patients without 5. discussion differences (p>0.05). DPNP 7.4±2.7 (13). In our study, the Analysis of diabetes duration be- In our sample, the incidence of predominant symptom in both sexes tween patients with and without diabetic polyneuropathy was 35.5%, were paresthesia followed by hypo- DPNP shows no statistically signifi- which is at the level of findings by aesthesia, and higher incidence of al- cant difference (chi-square=3.858, F. Liu and associates, who found most all symptoms was recorded in p>0.05) (Table 2). In both groups, DPNP in 32% of patients with diag- men, except for spasms that was more most patients were with diabetes du- nosed diabetes mellitus (10). In the frequent in women. Although essen- ration of more than 10 years, with a study by Morkrid and associates in tially there are no significant differ- minimum duration of diabetes up to 2010, DPNP prevalence was 19.7%, ences in the duration of diabetes in 12 months. which was significantly lower than in patients with and without DPNP in Analysis of diabetes duration by the other European studies, but the our study, more patients with dis- gender shows no statistically signifi- authors suggest the possibility that ease duration of 6-10 years are in the cant difference (chi-square=3.360, it was a case of different criteria (11). group with DPNP (compared to the p>0.05) and diabetes duration of When analyzing the gender structure group without DPNP). This leads us more than 10 years was more present in patients with diabetic polyneu- to the conclusion that the duration of aCTa inFOrM MeD. 2013 Jun; 21(2): 123-126 / Original paper 126 Assessment of Diabetic Polyneuropathy in Inpatient Care: Fasting Blood Glucose, HbA1c, Electroneuromyography and Diabetes Risk Factors illness is an important factor for the with an average age of 48.4 (SD 15.6). teins in human diabetics. Oxford: development of diabetic polyneurop- DPNP frequency was higher in Institute of Molecular Medicine, athy. Similar results reached Morkrid patients with longer duration of dis- 1995: 62-68. et al (2010) which showed a mean du- ease, but without significant gender 5. Boulton AJ, Malik RA.  Diabetic ration of diabetes in patients with differences; fasting blood glucose and neuropathy. Oxford, Oxford Diabe- DPNP of 12±8 years (11). HbA1c was significantly higher in the tes Library, 1998: 909-929. In our sample of patients with patients with DPNP compared to pa- 6. Henry M, Kronenberg MD. Text- DPNP, the largest number of male tients without DPNP (p<0.05). book of endocrinology., 11th ed. patients used insulin therapy, while Dominant symptoms of DPNP London, Saunders, 2007: 1417. women were mostly using oral an- were paresthesia (44%) and hypo- 7. Harrison TR. Principi interne medi- tidiabetics. The smallest number esthesia (28%), with significantly cine. Placebo, Split, 1997: 1738. of patients in both sexes is of those higher percentage of normal find- 8. Jušic A. Klinicka elektromioneuro- using combined therapy. The study of ings in women compared to men grafija i neuromuskularne bolesti. Morkrid et al. (2010), as in our study, (12.5%:3.9%). Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 1981: found that hypertension and hy- Among variable risk factors, the 131-133. perlipidemia are important risk fac- most common are hypertension (two 9. Young MJ, Boulton AJ, MacLeod tors for diabetic polyneuropathy (11). thirds of the respondents), hyperlip- AF, Williams DR, Sonksen PH. A However, they are not identified as idemia (half of the respondents) and multicentre study of the prevalence statistically significant risk factors, as without statistical significant differ- of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in is the case of a study by Bor et al from ence in gender distribution, while the United Kingdom hospital clinic 2004 (14). In our study, the mean smoking was significantly more population. London: Diabetologia. motor nerve conduction velocity of common in males compared to fe- 1993: 150-154. n. peroneus in patients with DPNP males (34.6%:8.3%) and alcoholism 10. Liu F. et al. Screening and preva- was somewhat lower in men (not sig- recorded only in males (15.4%). lence of peripheral neuropathy in nificant). The same results was found Diabetic polyneuropathy was type 2 diabetic patiens: a random- by Kiziltan et al in 2008 (15). There present in 43.2% of men who use in- ized multicentre survey in 12 city are slightly lower motor conduc- sulin therapy, while 54.2% of women hospitals of China. Shangai Diabe- tion velocities of n. peroneus among with DPNP used oral therapy. The tes Institute, 2010. men in our study and this is prob- lowest frequency of diabetic poly- 11. Morkrid K, Ali L, Hussain A. Risk ably caused by the fact that men were neuropathy was recorded in patients factors and prevalence of diabetic significantly older than women, al- treated with combined therapy. peripheral neuropathy: A study of though the duration of diabetes was Mean values of motor nerve con- type 2 diabetic patients in Bangla- equal in both sexes. Analysis of mean duction velocities of n. peroneus were desh. Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries. 2010; motor nerve conduction velocity of significantly lower in men on insulin 30(1): 11-17. n. peroneus in relation to the type of therapy and/or combined therapy 12. Ovayolu N, Akarsu E, Madenci E, therapy shows that the average value (p <0.05), whereas in patients on Torun S, Ucan O, Yilmaz M. Clin- was higher in women than in men, oral therapy there are no significant ical characteristics of patients with which is also found in the study by gender differences. Women with type diabetic polyneuropathy: the role of Kiziltan et al. from 2008 (15). 2 diabetes mellitus have higher mean clinical and electromyographic eval- Our data suggest that the occur- values o f motor nerve conduction ve- uation and the effect of the various rence of diabetic polyneuropathy in- locity of n. peroneus. types on the quality of life. Int J Clin creases in case of poor disease treat- Timely DM type 2 diagnosis with Pract. 2008 Jul; 62(7): 1019-1025. ment, or poor blood glucose level proper treatment and electromyo- 13. Booya F. et al. Potential risk factors control, as well as in terms of longer neurographic monitoring (especially for diabetic neuropathy: a case con- duration of diabetes. in older men) can prevent onset of trol study. BMC Neurology. 2005; diabetic polyneuropathy and con- 5-24. 6. conclusion tribute to its successful treatment. 14. Boru UT. et al. Prevalence of periph- On the basis of this retrospective eral neuropathy in type 2 diabetic references study (period from June 1 2009 to patients attending a diabetes center June 1 2010) conducted at the Neu- 1. Vrhovac B. et al. Interna medici- in Turkey. Endocr J. 2007; 51: 563- rology clinic, Clinical Center of Sa- na: Šecerna bolest., 2nd ed. Zagreb: 567. rajevo University, we came to the fol- Naprijed, 1997: 1365-1390. 15. Kiziltan M, Gunduz A. Peripheral lowing conclusions: 2. International Diabetes Federation. neuropathy in patiens with diabetic Diabetic polyneuropathy in hos- Diabetes Atlas., 3rd ed. Brussels. In- foot ulcers. Journal of the Neurolog- pitalized patients with type 2 dia- ternational Diabetes Federation, ical Sciences. 2009; 1: 75-79. betes mellitus was present in 35.5% 2006: 332. of patients, with equal representation 3. Heljic B. et al. Diabetes mellitus. Sa- in both sexes, but men were signifi- rajevo, Jež, 2002: 16-256. cantly older with an average age of 4. Ryle C, Donaghy M. Non-enzymat- 58.3 (SD 12.5) compared to women ic glycation of peripheral nerve pro- Original paper / aCTa inFOrM MeD. 2013 Jun; 21(2): 123-126

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