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Assembly Cookbook for the Apple II/IIe. part one PDF

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Preview Assembly Cookbook for the Apple II/IIe. part one

Assembly Cookbook for the AppleTM II/IIe ( part one ) by Don Lancaster SP SYNERGETICS PRESS 3860 West First Street, Thatcher, AZ 85552 USA (928) 428-4073 http://www.tinaja.com ISBN: 978-1-882193-16-5 Copyright c 1984, 2011 by Don Lancaster and Synergetics Press Thatcher, Arizona 95552 THIRD EDITION FIRST PRINTING2011 All rights reserved. Reproduction or use, without express permission of editorial or pictorial content, in any manner, is prohibited. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in the preperation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. International Standard Book Number: 978-1-882193-16-5 Contents zero WHY YouG onA LEARANs sEMBlLAYN GUAGE........................ 9 part I SomeT heory one WHATI sA NA ssEMBLER? 25 . . . • • • • • • • • • . . . • . • . • • . • . . . • • ••.• • • • . • . • • of Types Assemblers-AHsoswe mblWeorrsk -WhicAhs sembleTro?o-ls andR esourceiss-aDssemblers-aWnhA asts emblWeorn 'tD o two SouRCEC oDED ETAILS 57 • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••. • • • • • •• • • • . . • . • SourcCeo deF ilFeo rmats-MoornOe p erands-MoorneP seudo-Ops­ YourO wn Assembler three SouRcEC oDES TRUCTURE 93 • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . •• •• •• • . • • • • four WRITIANNGD E DITISNoGu RCCEo DE( THOEL D WAY) 123 • • • • . . • • • • . • • • . • • PrograSmt yle-Unstyle-W"rOiltdWi anyg" S ourcCeo de-AnE diting Hint-LAa beLli st five WRITIANNGD E DITISNoGu RcCEo DE( THNEE W WAY) 163 • • . . • . • • .• • • • • • • . SourcCeo deF ilSet ructure-NLuimnbee rsT-oT abo rN ott oT ab?- TryinIgt six AsEsMBLISNoGu RcCEo m INTOOB JECCoTD E 177 • . . . • • • • • . • • • . . • • • • • • . • AssemblCeorm mands-AssemLbilsyt ings-MEersrsoarsg- eDebugging­ SomethiOnlgd ,So methiNnegw ® WHY YOU GOTTA LEARN ASSEMBLYL ANGUAGE Checikn tSoo ftamlakg azinlei'sst oifnt gh e" totph irtpyr"o grafmosr yourA ppleI.Io rl iea,n dy ou'fliln tdh atth irotuyt o ft hirotfyt his month'wsi nneurssu alilnyv olmvaec: hinlea nguapgreo graomrss up­ pormto dulewsr,i ttbeyna uthowrhso usaes semblaenrdsw hom ake useo fa ssembly lapnrgougargae mmisnkgi ll�. And,l asmto nth'tso pt hirwteyr ea lssow epbty m achinlea nguage, thirttoyz ipA.n d nextm onth's listingsw ilpblre o tbhaesb almye . Somehowt,h irttoyz eros eemss tatistsiicganlilfyi Tchaenrte.g' ostt o bea messagteh ere. Yep. So,o n theb asiosfw hati sn ow happeniinngt her eawlo rldy,o u cane asicloyn clutdhea .t . . Theo nllyi ttthliewn rgo nwgi tBhA SIoCr Pasciastl h aitit sc ategoriimcpaolslsyi ble tow riatd ee ceAnptp lIeIo rl iper ogram witehi thoeftr h em! Naturatlhliyn,gg este venw orsiefy out rtyo w orki ns omes pecialty languagseu,c ha sF ORTH, PILOT, oLrOw GhOa,t evesri,n cyeo u now havaen e vens malluesre arn di nterbeasstea ndt huasn e ven morem iniscmualrek et. Whatw oulhda ppeinf t,h roufgahn cpya ckagihnega,v pyr omotion, 9 10 WhyY ouC ottLae arAns sembLlayn guage oro utrilgihetas B,A SIoCr a Pascparlo grasmo mehohwa ppenetdo blundienrt toh et opt hirstoym em onth? Oneo ft hreteh in.gs. . -maybe- 1.W ordw ilqlu ickgleyto uto vert heb ullebtoianr sdy steamnsd clugbr apevionveeshr o wg rosas r ipotffh ep rograimsa ,n dt he prograwmi lilg nominiobuosmlboy u to fs ight. -or- 2.A competiwtiolrrl e cogniaz gee rmo rt woo fa nu ndeveloped ideian t hep rgorama ndc omeu pw itah winninmga chinlea n­ guagree placemtehnadtto esm uchm orem uchf astaenrdm uch bettetrh,ur su nnianwga yw itahl tlh em arbles. -or,h opefully- 3.T hep rograamu thowri lsle et heb latasnttu pidoift yhw iasy sa nd wilrle wortkh ep rograimn tao decenuts,e fualn,d popular machinlea nguavgeer sion. Them arketplhaacsse p okeann,d i tmse ssagieso verwhelm.i ng Ify ouw antto w riatb ee st-soerl ling money-mapkrionggr faomtr h Aep plIIe orl iteh,pe r ogrmaumst r uni nm achine language. OK,s oi t'osb vioutsh aatl tlh ew inninAgp plIeI p rograrmusn i n machine langBuuatwg,he y.i st hisso ?W hatm akemsa chinlea nguage so greatH?o w doesm achinlea nguadgieff efrr omt hes o-called "hgiherl evella"n guagWehsa?ti sm achinlea nguaagleal b out? Herea rea fewo ft hem oreo bviouasd vantaogfem sa chinlea n­ guag.e . . MACHINEL ANGUAGIES - Fast Compact Innovative Economical Flexible Secure UseFrr iendly Challenging Profitable Thata' psr etltoyn lgi asntd a lootf h eavcyl aimLse.t l'oso akt a few oft heb iga dvantaogfem sa chinlea nguaogneeb yo ne. . . AssembCloyo kboofko trh eA pplJeJ /11/1e Speed Itt akefsr omt wot os imxi llionotfah sse conodr,m icrosecotnod s, storseo mev aluues inAgp ple'6s5 02m achinlea nguagSew.i tctho interprIentteedg BeArS IoCr A pplesoafntds, i miltaars ktsa kaes m uch ast wot os ixt housandotfha s s econdo,rm illisecTonhdiisss. s lower bya factoofro net housand. Ther easofno rt he1 000:s1p eedd ifferenbceet weeinn terpreted "highl evell"a nguagaensd machinlea nguagiest hatt heraer e buncheosf h ousekeepainndgo verhead inviondl evceidd ing which taskhsa vet ob ed onei nw hato rdera,n di nk eeping tahsip nrgos­ grammefrr ienadslp yo ssible. Now,a tf irgslta ncsep,e eddo esns'ete ml ikteo ob iga dealB.u t speeidsc ruciianml a nyp rogramLse.t l'oso akt t hreeex amples. Fori nstanac ew,o rdp rocessporro gratmh ati nserts characters slowetrh ayno uc ant ypies a totdails astfeoror,n eo rm orec haracters cang etd roppeEdv.e ni fi td oesnd'rto pc haractae wrosr,d p rocessor thagte tbse hinddi splaysitnugof nft hes creegne ttso b ev eriyn furiat­ inga nda nnoyinSgo.,w ordp rocessiisno gn ea reaw herem achine languapgreo gramasr ea n absolumtues tb,e causoef t hen eeded speed. Businessosr tasn ds earchaersea nothearr eaw heret hes peedo f machinlea nguamgaek esa dramatdiicf fereSnecvee.r tahlo usand itemsso rtiendi nterprBeAtSeIduC s inag b ubblseo rmti ghtta kae f ew hoursG.o toa quicksuonrdte mra chinlea nguagaen,dt hes amej ob takeas f ews econdastm ostT.h usa,n yb usinepsrso gratmh aitn volves sortasn ds earchoefsa nyt ypies a primcea ndidaftoerm achinlea n­ guage. Finaltlhye,ri esa nyp rogratmh auts easn imatiIonnt.e rprBeAtSeIdC isw ayt oos lowa ndf atro oc lumstyod oa nythiunsge fiunlt hew ayo f screemno tiogna,m er esponsveisd,e o art, and stuff al/i/k e this. Thus, challengoirni gn teresgtaimnegs nemeadc hinlea nguatgoek eep them twhaayt. Buty,o um aya skw,h ata boucto mpileArrse?n 'tth erae b uncho f vereyx pensipvreo graamvsa ilatbhlaet cwoimlpli lBeA SIC listings into fast-runmnaicnhgi nlea nguapgreo grams? Surteh eraer e. Mostc ompilceodd eu sualrluyn fsa sttehra ni nterprceotdeedB. u t, wheny ouf intdh er eal-wosrplede duypo ug eta ndc ompariett ot he samep rogradmo nei nm achinlea nguabgyea skillaeudt hoirti, ss till noc onte.s.t. Mosptr ogrcaommsp iflreodam " higher levella"n guwaiglrelu fna srl owaenrd, wilple rfoframmro rpeo ortlhya,tn h e samtea sdko niena m achilnaen guage progrwarmi tbtyea nk nowianugt hor. Somes pecifIifcy so.ur une xacttlhyew orst-cbaesnec hmaprrko ­ gramo no neo ft odayh'isg hplryo moted compiler yporugo egtar ams, blindisnpge eduopf8 percencto,m paretdoj usuts inpgl aionl di nter­ preteBdA SICW.h ichm eanst haat t astkh atto otkw oh ourasn df ifty­ fivmei nutecsa nn ow bew hippetdh rouignha meret woh ourasn d forty-tmwion utienss tead. 12 WhyY ouC ottLae arAns sembLlayn guage Gollgye eM,r .S cience. Actualmloys,tc ompilaevrasi latboldeaw yi lilnf acstp eeudp i nter­ pretepdr ograbmysa factoofrt wot of ivTeh.i iss c ertaian nloyt ice­ abldei ffereanncdei sc ertaianv leyru ys efsuple eduBpu.ti ti sn othing comparetdo w hate xperienmcaecdh inlea nguaaguet hocrasn d o whent heayt tatchkes amet ask. A compilperro grahma st om akec ertaaisns umptisootn hsa ittc an workw itha lplo ssibtlyep eosf p rograimn puMta.c hinlea nguage authoornst ,h eo thehra nda,r ef reteo o ptimitzhee oinre p rogratmo do whatevhears t ob ed onea,s f asats,c onvenienatnlday s,c om­ pactalsyp ossibTlhei.is s t her easownh yy ouc ana lwaybse acto m­ pilecdo dei fy oua rea ta liln tmoa chinlea nguage. Anothseerv elriem itaotfiA opnp lescoofmtp iliestr hsa tth esyt ielnld upu sinAgp plessouftb routiTnheesss.eu broutmianyeb se j usptl ain wrong( sucahs R ND),o re lsmea yb ee xcruciatsilnogw(l syu cahs HPLOT)H.a sslleiskt eh esaer ee asigloyt taerno unbdy p rogramming direcitnml ayc hinlea nguage. Somem achinlea nguapgreo graamrse f asttehra no therMso.s t ofteny,o ue ndu pt radionffgs peeadg aincsotd el engtphr,o gramming timea,n dp erformafnecaet ures. Onew ayt om aximiszpee eodf a machinlea nguapgreo graimst o useb rute-fcoordcien ign,w hicehv eriyn strucdtoieoisnt t sh inignt he minimupmo ssitbilmee u,s intgh ef astpeossts iabdlder essmiondge s. Anothesrp eetdr iciksc allteadb lleo okuwph,e rey oul ooku p an answeirn a table, rtahtahnce arl culaittiO.nn ge p lacweh ere table lookudpr amaticsapleleyd s tuhpii nsig nst heA pplIeIH IREgSr aphics routiwnheesr yeo ua ret ryitnofg i ntdh ea ddreosfas d ispllaiynS ei.m ­ ilatra blleo okuvpesr myu chq uickternic ga lculatmiuolntsi,p lications, ands tulffi kteh is. So,o urf irbsitga dvantaogfme a chinlea nguaigste h aitti sr idicu­ lousflays ttehra ann i nterprheitgelhde vella nguaagned,m uchf aster thaanc ompilheidg lhe vlealn guage. Sizt• A controlplreorg rafmo ra dumbt raffliicg hcta nb e writtienn machinlea nguaugsei nogn lay fewd ozenb yteosfc odeT.h es ame thindgo new itBhA SIsCt atemetnatksea s f ewh undrebdy teosfc ode, notc ountitnhgef ewt housabnydt eosf c oden eedefdo rt heB ASIC interprSeot,me arc.h ine lanpgruoaggrea omfst ecna nt akuep f alre ss memorsyp acteh aBnA SIpCr ogradmos. Now,s avianf ge wb yteosfc odeo uto fa 64Ko r1 28Ka ddresspsa ce mays eeml ikneo b igd ealA.n d,i ti so ftenv erpyo oprr acttiocs ep end lotosft imteo s avae fewb yteosfc odep,a rticuilfta hrelc yo deg ets sneakoyrh artdo u nderstiannt dh ep rocess. Buts,a vae f ewd ozebny teasn,d y ouc ana ddf ancsyo untdo y our prograSma.v ea fewt housabnydt emso rea,n dy ouc ana ddH IRES graphiocres v ens peecAhn.y t imey ouc ans hortceond ey,o uc an maker oomf omro rep erformaanncdme o ref eaturbeyus s,i nugp the news pacyeo uc reatSeadv.eb uncheosfc odea,n dy ouc ann owd o stuofnfa m icrtoh atth ed inpoe oplweo ulsdw eawra si mpossible. Threoef t hew aysm achinlea nguapgreo gracmasn s hortceond e incluudsei nlgo optsh auts et hes amec odeo vearn do vearg aiuns,i ng subrouttihnaeltse tth es amec odeb er eachferdo dmi fferpelnatc iens AssembCloyo kboofko trh eA ppllei ll1ie3 a programa,n du sinrge entracnotd et hacta llist sealsfo fteans neededW.h ilteh esceo des horteniidnegaa sr ea lsuos ablienB ASIC, thes pace sarveisnugla trseo ftemnu chm orei mpresswihveen d one inm achinlea nguage. Machinlea nguapgreo gramasl sloe ty oup uty ourf ilaensd a ny othedra ttah agto w itth hep rograimn tiot mso stc ompacfto rm. For instanecieg,hd ti fferefnlta cgasn b es tuffiendta o s ingcloed ew ordi n machinlea nguagweh,i lBeA SICn ormalwloyu ldn eeds everbaylt es for eiancdhi vidfulaagl. Whichb rinugsst oa nothnears thya bicto mpilhearvse . Compilearlsm osatl waymsa ke an interpreBtAeSdI Cp rogram longesrot hatth es upposed"lfya stceorm"p ilceodd et akeusp even morer oomi nm emoryt han tihnet erprveetresdi doind . rTehaes on fort hiisst hatth ec ompilmeurs tt akeea chB ASIC stataetmf eancte valuweh,e na nda si tc omesu p.T hec ompiltehre nm uste xactfloyl ­ lowt hef orma nds tructoufrt eh eo rigiinnatle rpreBtAeSIdC c ode. Thusw,h ats tarotusta su nnecessalroinligyn terprceotdeegd e tesv en longwehre ny ouc ompiilte. Nott om entiotnh ea dditioinnatle rprectodieva en dr unt impea ck­ aget haitsa lsuos ualnleye ded. A machinlea nguapgreo grammoenrt ,h eo thehra ndd,o esn oth ave tot akeea cha nde verByA SIsCt atemeansit tc omesu p.I nstehaed , will war ittoet alnleyw machinlea nguapgreo gratmh atg,i vetnh e samei nputs, prtohvesi admeeos r b ettoeurt putthsa tnh eB ASIpCr o­ gramd idT.h iissd oneb ym akintgh en ewm achine lanpgruoaggrea m havet hes amef unctitohnat th eB ASIoCn ed idb,u tc ompletieglnyo r­ ingt hed umbs tructtuhraest e emtso c omew itthh eB ASItCe rritory. Then etr esuolfta ltlh iisst haat c reatimvaec hinlea nguapgreo ­ grammecra no ftetna kmeo stB ASIC progarnadmr se writthee ms o theya rea ctually sAhsoa r ttyepri.c al example,y oucros mop-asroe adventure wirni BtAtSeInC a gaintshte m indb lowerwsr ittienn machinWeh.e n itc omest ol ongf ileesl,a borraetsep onsaensd,b ig datba asesth,e riesn ow ayt hat BAcSaIncC o mpetwei tah machine languapgreo graemi,t hfeorsr i zoer s peed. Letc'hse cikn taon othfeirl e-shoretxeanmipnlgte o,s eeo thewra ys thamta chinlea nguacgaens hortceond eT.h eu suawla ya h ighleerv el languahgaen dlewsor ds amneds sagiessi nA SCIcIo deB.u ts tudies have shown that AiSsCo InIl y2 5cpo eder ceenffti cieinnst t oring mostE nglitsehx t. Which meyaonusc atnh,ia ntt heorsyt,u fffo ur timeass m any worodrss tatemeinnttso your aAsyp oplute h ought you couldA SwCiItIh. Youd ot hibsy u sinsgo met excto mpactisocnh emteh auts enso n­ standacrodd em anipulabtye mda chinlea nguaignes tructions. For instanicneZ ,o rkt,h reAeS CIcIh aractaerress t uffeidn ttow ob yteosf codeT.h igsi veyso ua ne xtr5a0 p erceonftr oomo ny oudri sketotre s iny ourA ppleI.nt heC ollosCsaivaela dventuvreer siboynA dventure Internatiuonniaqlu,e codairnesg esta sidfeo rp airosfl ettegrisv,i ng youu pt o1 00p ercemnotr et exitn t hes ames paceT.h imse anst hta thiesn ticrlea ssaidcv entutreex nto w fitisn sitdhee A pplew,i thout needianngy r epeatdeidsa kc cess. Dictionparroyg ramuss es imilcaorm pactisotnu nttsom inimize codel engtIhf.t hew ordsa rei na lphabetoircdaelry ,o uc anp lay anothecro mpactigoanm eb ys tartwiintgha numbert hatte lylosu how manyo ft heb eginnilnegt tesrtsa tyh es ame,a ndb yu sing

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