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ASSAY OF PROTEIN A ND POLYPEPTIDE HORMONES BY H. VAN CAUWENBERGE and P. FRANCHIMONT WITH THE COLLABORATION OF B. BERDE, G. CESSION, G. HENNEN, P. LEFEBVRE, J. J. LEGROS, J. C. LIBON, A. LUYCKX, G. MILHAUD, J. P. NAETS and R. WINAND Institute of Medicine, University of Liege PERGAMON PRESS Oxford · New York - Toronto Sydney · Braunschweig Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523 Pergamon of Canada Ltd., 207 Queen's Quay West, Toronto 1 Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty., Ltd., 19a Boundary Street, Rushcutters Bay, N.S.W. 2011, Australia Vieweg & Son GmbH, Burgplatz 1, Braunschweig Copyright © Pergamon Press Ltd. 1970 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Pergamon Press Ltd. First edition 1970 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 76-108930 PRINTED IN GREAT BRTrAIN BY A. WHEATON & CO., EXETER 08 015685 1 Introduction Η. VAN CAUWENBERGE FOR many years, protein and polypeptide hormones were assayed in­ directly in blood and urine by means of biological tests. Even after the evaluation of gonadal and adrenal steroids in urine and, later, in blood had become routine and the assay of catecholamines had become possible, the direct and specific determination of protein or polypeptide hormone concentrations in biological fluids still seemed illusory. The problem, however, was crucial since its solution would pave the way for a better understanding of insulin, glucagon, parathormone, and the various hypo­ physeal stimuUns. From a physiological as well as a clinical and physio- pathological standpoint, it was essential to examine and verify a whole series of concepts which had originally been based on anatomical and surgical observations, autopsy data, and changes in certain biological constants in blood and urine. Bioassay techniques provided valuable information but were often lacking in specificity, sensitivity, and precision. The introduction of immunological methods created a new field of investigation for biologist and clinician alike. Nevertheless, even though these methods had the advantage of being based on the excellent specificity of the antigen-antibody reaction, the techniques used to demonstrate this reaction were often insensitive and imprecise. This deficiency was remedied by the introduction of radioimmunological techniques which provided a system that was far more sensitive and at the same time more resistant to the various serum factors capable of altering visualization of the immunological reaction. The distinction of introducing this method for the assay of insulin belongs to Berson and Yalow. Since then, the majority of protein and polypeptide hormones have been assayed by their technique or by ana­ logous procedures, with the help of the labeling method developed by Hunter and Greenwood. 4 ASSAY OF PROTEIN HORMONES After several years of biological and clinical research in this field, it is possible today to stand back and view its current status. The purpose of this book, among others, will be to survey the progress that has been made. One fact, however, merits our attention. Although the assay of hor­ mones in biological fluids is unquestionably an important advance, it is not sufficient to perform these determinations under basal conditions. New methods have made it possible to determine the response of endocrine glands during various dynamic tests. Other equally important problems to be resolved include the metabolism of urinary excretion and the peripheral and visceral clearance of protein and polypeptide hormones. CHAPTER 1 Biological Methods H. VAN CAUWENBERGE, P. LEFEBVRE and P. FRANCHIMONT THE impossibility of evaluating the protein and polypeptide hormone content of biological fluids by means of purely chemical or physico- chemical techniques led to the introduction of biological methods for assaying these factors. Immunological and radioimmunological assays have recently been developed for several hormones but, as we shall see, they have not resolved all the diflBculties. A feature common to all biological tests is that they attempt to repro­ duce one or more of the characteristic physiological or biochemical actions of the hormone while determining the quantitative relationship between the observed efiect and the amount of the substance present in the assay sample. The effects observed with the unknown sample are then compared with the results that can be obtained with a series of increasing or decreas­ ing doses of the maximally purified hormone used as a standard. The type of response depends on the particular test employed: death of the experimental animal, weight or height changes, changes in the ap­ pearance or weight of certain organs, changes in certain chemical com­ ponents of the blood, metabolic changes in various tissues or organs studied in vivo or in vitro, etc. I. Essential Conditions for Bioassay These conditions are discussed in detail by Borth (1952, 1957), Marrian (1955), Loraine (1958), Emmens (1962), Loraine and Bell (1966). The bioassay of protein hormones must satisfy the following essential criteria: A. Accuracy This criterion is defined as being the smallest existing deviation between 7 8 ASSAY OF PROTEIN HORMONES the measured value and the true value. It is generally estimated by means of recovery experiments. B. Precision This factor is assessed by reproducibility experiments, where the same measurement is repeated a certain number of times and the standard deviation with respect to the arithmetic mean is calculated. Precision may also be tested by the method of Snedecor (1956). C. Specificity According to this criterion the effect observed must be attributable to the hormone under study and to it alone. This very important considera­ tion is often ignored in bioassays of protein and polypeptide hormones. D. Sensitivity This factor has been defined by Borth (1957) as "the smallest single result which, with some assurance, can be distinguished from zero, or, in statistical terms, as the smallest single result whose fiducial limits for, say, ρ = 0.05, do not include zero". For many polypeptide hormones, current biological methods are not sensitive enough to permit determination of the very small quantities of these substances which are present in biological fluids such as blood or plasma. These four criteria are fundamental. However, in order for a large number of samples to be handled in practice, it is also necessary that the techniques be neither too time-consuming nor too costly and that they be feasible in laboratories which are well equipped without being highly specialized. II. Basic Factors in Bioassay A. Experimental Animals Biological assays require the use of pure strains of animals raised in standardized conditions. It is also necessary to ensure that the animals receive an unvarying diet and that they display no seasonal variations in reactivity. Even under these conditions, laboratories may obtain divergent results because of differences in the strains of animals used. BIOLOGICAL METHODS 9 It is equally essential to standardize the conditions under which samples are drawn and, where appropriate, the manner in which the animals are sacrificed. B. Standard Preparation The results of assays performed with unknown samples must be com­ pared with those obtained with the use of standard preparations. The ideal solution is to employ internationally estabHshed standards such as those supplied by the NIH in the United States and by the NMRC in Mill-Hill, England. Similar standards are in the process of being prepared in France. When international standard preparations are not available, each laboratory must rigorously define the standard it utilizes. Even with well- defined standards, of course, it can happen that animals of the same strain, raised in identical conditions, will give difiering responses. C. Evaluation Techniques Used in Bioassays 1. In the great majority of cases, a quantitative effect is sought. Several groups of animals are tested, each at a different dose level. As Emmens (1962) has pointed out, it is best to select experimental conditions such that the results can be plotted in a linear segment of the logarithmic scale, even if the usable segment of the curve happens to be relatively short. An example of this technique is the insulin bioassay method which utilizes epidydimal adipose tissue from the rat (Renold et al, 1960). 2. In certain instances, one is looking for a qualitative response ("quantal effect" or "all or none effect" of Gaddum, 1933). This is the case, for example, in the bioassay of insulin which is based on the test for convulsions in the mouse. D. Experimental Design The reader is referred to the classic article of Gaddum (1953) for a fuller discussion of this subject. Three types of experimental design are in routine use: 1. Three-point assays Three groups of animals are used; two receive the standard preparation and the third receives the unknown sample. 10 ASSAY OF PROTEIN HORMONES 2. Four-point assays Four groups of animals are used. The first two receive the standard, the other two receive the unknown sample. This method makes it possible to test the parallehsm of the dose-response curves of the standard and the unknown sample. If no parallehsm can be demonstrated, the assay is not valid. 3. Six-point assays Six groups of animals are utilized. Three receive different doses of the standard while the other three receive the unknown sample at varying dose levels. The parallehsm of the curves may thus be determined with more certainty. E. Statistical Analysis of Results A detailed review of statistical analysis was published by Emmens in 1962. The two most widely used methods are based on the determination of fiducial limits and the index of precision. 1. Determination of fiducial limits For a normal distribution, the fiducial limits may be determined by classical procedures: calculation of the variance, the standard deviation, the standard error of the mean. Student's parameter i, and by finding the probabihty in the t tables. 2. Index of precision This term was originally proposed by Gaddum (1933). The index of precision is calculated by dividing the standard deviation by the slope of the curve relating the observed response to the log of the utilized dose. The most precise bioassays have an index of precision less than or equal to 0.3. III. Current Status of Biological Assays When immunological and especially radioimmunological methods for assaying protein hormones were first introduced, there was some specu­ lation that biological assay techniques would no longer have any place in BIOLOGICAL METHODS 11 physiology or pathology. However, as the later chapters of this book will demonstrate, this has not occurred. Biological methods have in fact proved indispensable for developing and ensuring the specificity of various radioimmunological techniques. This has been the case for somatotropin (STH), the gonadotropins, para­ thormone, and thyrocalcitonin. The similarity of the results obtained with biological and radioimmunological methods argues for the validity of radioimmunological techniques in assaying these hormones. In certain fields, bioassay methods have even sharpened and broadened our perspectives, for example in the assay of insuHn. While the significance and value of radioimmunological techniques for assaying insuUn are indis­ putable, bioassay techniques have shown that circulating blood also contains an "Insuhn-Uke Activity" (ILA) which is not suppressible by antibodies (NS-ILA) and which might have considerable biological importance (Power, 1967). Similarly, Sokal and Ezdinli (1967) were able to demonstrate, by means of a bioassay technique, that excessively high glucagon levels had been obtained for peripheral plasma with radioimmunological methods. An analysis of the discordant results revealed that the overestimation of the original value was due to an artefact of technique: a fraction of the P^^-labeled glucagon was destroyed or damaged during incubation with plasma and was therefore unable to react with the corresponding antibodies. References BORTH, R. T. Ciba Found, Coli Endoer., 1952, 2, 45. BORTH, R. Τ. Vitamins Hormones, 1957,15, 259. EMMENS, C. W. In: Methods in Hormone Research (R.I. Dorfman, Ed.), Vol. I, p. 3. Academic Press, New York, 1962. GADDUM, J. H. Spec. Rep. Ser. Med. Research Coun. No. 183. London, 1933. GADDUM, J. H. Pharmacol. Rev., 1953, 5, 87. LORAINE, J. A. The Clinical Application of Hormone Assay. Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1958. LORAINE, J. A. and BELL, E. T. Hormone Assays and their Clinical Application. Living­ stone, Edinburgh, 1966. MARRIAN, G. F. In: Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Biochemistry, Brussels, 1955, p. 205. POWER, L. Lancet, 1967, 1, 1138. RENOLD, A. E., MARTIN, D. B., DAGENAIS, Y. M., STEINKE, J., NICKERSON, R. J. and SHEPS, M. C. /. Clin. Invest., 1960, 39, 1487. SNEDECOR, G. W. Statistical Methods, 5th ed. State University Press, Iowa, 1956. SoKAL, J. E. and EZDINLI, E. Z. /. Clin. Invest., 1967, 46, 778. CHAPTER 2 Immunological Methods Η. VAN CAUWENBERGE, P. FRANCHIMONT and A. LUYCKX THE introduction of immunological techniques into the field of endo­ crinology constituted a considerable advance. With these techniques, it became possible to assay in vivo SL series of protein hormones which are intimately involved in regulating the body's metaboUc processes. These methods are all based on the same fundamental principle: the reaction between a specific antigen, i.e. the hormone to be assayed, and its corresponding antibodies. Certain criteria must be satisfied in order to perform a valid immunoassay; these will be discussed in the first part of this chapter. It is also essential to make use of sensitive techniques for visualizing the immunochemical reaction between antigen and antibody. These techniques will be taken up in Part II. Among the immunological methods currently available, radioimmunoassay is considered the method of choice. Lastly, we will examine the reasons for the superiority of this technique as well as the conditions essential for its use. I. Essential Conditions for Immunoassay A. Antigenicity of the Hormone The injection of a protein hormone obtained from one species of animal readily induces the formation of antibody in an animal of another species (usually the rabbit or guinea pig), provided the hormone has a molecular weight of more than 10,000. This condition is satisfied by the anterior hypophyseal hormones, chorionic gonadotropin, and placental lactogenic hormone. The chemical structure of these hormones presents a species- specificity which is very helpful in the production of antibodies; the precise degree of species-specificity varies with the hormone considered. 12

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