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Preview Aspects of Spore Dispersal in Selaginella

American Fern Journal 87(3):g Aspects of Spore Dispersal Selaginella in memory Tadeus Dedicated to the of Prof Dr. Reichstein . Agata Giorgi Filippini-De ETHZ, Geobotanisches Institut Ziirichbergstr. 38, CH-8044 Switzerland Zurich, Rolf Holderegger^ and Johann Jakob Schneller Systematische Botanik, Universitat Zurich, Zollikerstr. 107, Institut fiir Assuming Abstract.—The evolution of heterospory changed the conditions for spore dispersal. wind the dispersal agent, microspores will be dispersed to greater distances than megaspores. as We under calm con- investigated aspects of spore size and sculpture as well as spore dispersal We ditions and under the effect of artificial wind of some Selaginella species. found that differ- ences between the species existed that were correlated with active or passive release of micro- and megaspores. The dispersal efficacy changed drastically under the effect of wind, showing between There was no support the hypothesis of synaptospory species. for 3 and Evidence suggests that active spore dispersal active dispersal. ig may outbreeding. More detailed investigations reveal species specific corre- 3 gametophytes evolved independently in different Heterospory and dioecy of and male megaspores The female separation of clades of the pteridophytes. wind homosporous, microspores changed the conditions of spore dispersal. In much distance being transported a certain is dispersed ferns the probability of wind pteridophytes Assuming heterosporous the same each spore. that in for and microspores are likely to dominant, the smaller lighter dispersal is still megaspores (Tryon and heavier be dispersed longer distances than the larger to male and female gameto- and The distances of Lugardon, dispersal 1991). Because production of spores. the phytes thus Heterospory also affects differ. number megaspores per individual of of higher energetic investments, the and number microspores (Tryon of plant reduced comparison to the in is heterosporous pte- ecology of As consequence, the dispersal Tryon, 1982). a homosporous (Cousens, 1988). ferns from of ridophytes that likely to differ is and widespread contains Beauv. The heterosporous genus Selaginella is P. spore dispersal numerous The efficacy of their active 1990). species (Jermy, He showed mega- the that by Goebel mechanisms was (1901). investigated first manner from the micro- quite different megaspores sporangium the in a ejects He gave a microsporangium (Goebel, 1901). mechanism spore release of the was recently mechanism megaspore release that of detailed description of the mechanism was megaspore discharge The rediscovered by Page active (1989). by Studies Straka (Page, 1989). termed "compression and slingshot ejection" Author correspondence. for ' VOLUME NUMBER FERN JOURNAL: 87 3 (1997) Somers and Koller and Scheckler (1986) revealed that variations (1962), (1982), mechanisms microspores Passive spore release as well as in release of exist. active spore release were found. Both types can occur under conditions of movements due sudden micro calm or wind. Active spore release to of the is sporangium walls caused by changes of the cell turgor during desiccation. A namely syn possible function of spore sculpture in respect to dispersal, was emphasized by Kramer Primary synaptospory means aptospory, (1977). ' away that diaspores are dispersed together straight from the source ] whereas secondary synaptospory describes the sticking together of diaspores may after the dispersal of single spores. Spore sculptures enhance synaptos A may pory. special type of synaptospory be found in heterosporous ferns, i.e. and the dispersal of units consisting of micro- megaspores. The ecological consequences of the different above-mentioned spore release and dispersal mechanisms have not yet been studied. In the present investi We we compare gation the spore dispersal of five species of Selaginella. ad dress the following questions: Are there morphological characteristics of the 1) and micro- megasporangia and/or the micro- and megaspores support that dis mechanisms? Do modes? persal 2) the species differ with respect to release 3) Do different release mechanisms of micro- and megaspores result in differ- How ences in dispersal distances? do these distances change under the 4) wind? effect of Does primary synaptospory between micro- and megaspores 5) Methods and Materials The Species.—The following species cultivated in the Botanical Garden of the University Zurich were of investigated: Selaginella anceps (C. Presl) C. Presl, kraussiana S. A. Braun, lepidophylla and S. Spring, martensii Spring, S. S. pallescens The (C. Presl) Spring. species were identified using Vareschi (1968) and Alston et (1981). al. Morphological Traits of Sporangia and Spores.—The diame- size (largest and ter) the surface sculpture of the outer spore wall of micro- and megaspores were determined using a microscope and SEM. light Sizes of both spore types were measured roughly; a measurement was statistically relevant spore of sizes not intended. The arrangement of micro- and megasporangia on morphological units of plants below) was (see determined using microscope. a dissecting Sporangial arrangement of each was species assigned to the four types given by Horner and Arnott Type (1963). basal megasporangiate zone and superior I: microsporangiate zone; Type two rows megasporangia and two rows of of II: microsporangia within each Type strobilus; with two rows mi- IP: strobili of crosporangia and two rows containing both mega- and Type microsporangia; wholly megasporangiate III: strobili. Spore Release.—The opening of sporangia and manner and the of active pas- sive spore were release observed visually in all five species under a dissecting FILIPPINI-DE GIORGI ET DISPERSAL SELAGINELLA AL.: IN — we Spore Dispersal. Because of the branching morphology of Selaginella, used morphological These were units of plants as spore sources. vertically cm oriented, frond-like parts of shoots about 40 long in anceps, fertile S. S. and The were martensii, pallescens. units short, horizontally oriented S. shoots of lepidophylla and short, horizontal parts of shoots with some erect S. As were strobili in S. kraussiana. a consequence, the spores not released at even heights in experiments. This experimental design was chosen in order all under to get an impression of the pattern of spore dispersal distances natural conditions. We arranged two types of experiments, one in calm and one with moderate Room wind. Both experiments were carried out in a calm room. temperature was constant 20°C, which allowed slow desiccation of the morphological at The room was units, a basic requirement for spore dispersal. floor of the cov- ered with black paper. Morphological units bearing ripe micro- and megasporangia of S. anceps, S. an martensii, and pallescens were placed erectly with the strobili at ap- S. cm cm proximate 30 above Eight rows, each of 59 length, of height of surface. were microscope covered with double-sided clear sticky tape laid at slides angles of 45° around the spore source. The experiments were conducted for microspores twelve hours. Then, the diaspores (single microspores, tetrads of were counted each centimeter of each row on an area or single megaspores) in of 16 mm^ under a light microscope. The numbers of diaspores were extrap- cm and mean per distance from the spore source of the olated cm^, the to 1 rows was For kraussiana and S. lepidophylla, a similar eight calculated. S. much morphological smaller experiment was performed, but because of the cm 3-4 above the surface), they a height of units of these plants (strobili at and rows around the spore source were boxes, the 8 carried out in large plastic had a length of 14 cm. and We kraussiana, spore dispersal of anceps, S. S. also investigated the S. morphological units of these wind. Again, martensii under the influence of with dou- rows microscope slides species were placed in a calm room. Five of cm 45° were angles of in a each 119 long, laid at ble-sided clear sticky tape, On small the other side, a electric semicircle on one side of the spore source. = cm) was propeller 19 propeller (Konig AG, Ziirich, type 316; diameter of the wind placed m. This propeller did not produce a linear flow, a distance of 1 at which we be more representative believe to but an with turbulence, current air wind The wind speed was measured at the position of for natural conditions. Grant Ltd., Britain). In all the strobili using a digital data logger (Squirrel, The m/s was mean wind speed of 1.16 adjusted. ex- experiments moderate a was Data analysis carried twelve hours. periments again were conducted for out in the manner described above. checked eventual synap- were for Synaptospory.— experiments careftilly All tospory between micro- and megaspores. VOLUME NUMBER AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: 87 3 (1997) 96 Table Morphological characteristics of microspores, megaspores, and strobili of Selaginella anceps, 1 . Arrangement and pallescens used dispersal experiments. S. kraussiana. S. lepidophylla, S. martensii, 5. in of sporangia within strobili according to Homer and Amott (1963; for explanations see text). Surface of micro- obtuse cones ely prickly papillate spores ~300^tm (with flange) Surface of mega- with large equa- spores flange torial spores passive spores Arrangement of spo- type I Results Characterization of Micro- and Megaspores.—The investigated species of Selaginella had megaspores were 6-16 times diameter than the that larger in dispersal units of the microspores, single microspores or microspore tet- i.e., The rads (Table megaspores were found kraussiana 620 largest in 1). S. (ca. ixm in diameter). In anceps, lepidophylla, and martensii microspores S. S. S. were dispersed as tetrads (Table Selaginella kraussiana dispersed single 1). microspores, whereas in S. pallescens both single microspores and tetrads oc- noteworthy curred. It is that the single microspores of S. kraussiana approxi- mately reached the size of the microspore tetrads of the other species. The surfaces of both types of spores showed distinct characterizations (Table 1, Fig. 1). In S. anceps, the megaspores were characterized by a large equatorial The flange. microspores of S. kraussiana were extremely spiny. In lepido- S. phylla, the surfaces of the microspore tetrads had burlike structures the at seemed edges be complementary that to to the feltlike surfaces of the mega- A was spores. similar case found in martensii, but here the microspore S. were two tetrads finely prickly. In of the investigated species, surface struc- tures of the spores were documented, which principally allowed synaptospory between and micro- megaspores, whereas the surface structures of spe- five all allowed synaptospory cies of microspores. In the dispersal experiments (see GIORGI ET DISPERSAL SELAGINELLA 97 FILIPPINI-DE AL.: IN we below), sometimes observed groups of microspore tetrads dispersed as one We Arrangement and Megaspqres Within the Strobili.— found of Micro- by Horner and three of the four types of sporangial arrangement described occured Arnott Type with megasporangia at the base of the strobilus, (1963). I, and Type with anceps. entirely vertical kraussiana, martensii, in S. S. S. II, was documented rows of either micro- or megasporangia, in S. lepidophylla, was and with but intermingled rows of both sporangial types, type vertical, IV, found in pallescens. S. morphological The usually were oriented within the plane of the strobili the shoot (Table Depending on the architecture of the species, the unit, 1). i.e., observed sporangia were oriented vertically or horizontally, the latter strictly with kraussiana, tower-like in strobili. S. Spore Release.—The height above surface at which the spores were released The changed among the species and clearly affected the dispersal distances. cm above were only kraussiana and lepidophylla at heights of 3 strobili of S. S. surface (Table 1). passively dispersed (Table In S. Microspores were either actively or 1). preformed dehiscence microsporangium opened along a line, kraussiana, the and described in Koller and microspores were passively dispersed (as the opened during desic- wall The two valves of the sporangial Scheckler, 1986). were exposed The microspores to remained open. Subsequently, they cation. on the inner surface of the secretion the and, as a consequence, the tapetal air by wind. Some and some were dispersed spores out valves dried. fell spores actively The microsporangia of the other four species dispersed their end and continued open The sporangium started to at the distal (Table 1). microsporan- The two valves of the opening along a preformed dehiscent line. When between the the angle backwards. spread and borders bent gia their dispers- sporangium suddenly closed, actively valves reached about 150°, the ing the microspores. sporangmm and open megaspores passively out of the In anceps, the fell S. m an- mechanism Therefore, S. (Table were by slingshot 1). not dispersed a were dispersed. microspores actively ceps, only the megasporangium the Selaginella, species of In the other four investigated the valves During desiccation, by Page opened manner described (1989). in the were then The megaspores 150° was reached. spread an angle of about until lymg ones the the at megaspores, The two outer i.e., from each separate other. corresponding hollows of the were both located in borders of the valves, boat-shaped basal part of the The two megaspores were in the inner valves. sprang back into their orig- movement, the valves With sudden sporangium. a megaspores (Table the 1). ejecting inal position, actively spread sporophylls megasporangia the and During the opening of the micro- spore 90° even more, leaving space for dis- approximately or an angle of to 45°. an angle of they closed again to After spore release persal. VOLUME NUMBER AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: 87 (1997) 3 GIORGI ET DISPERSAL SELAGINELLA FILIPPINI-DE IN AL.: — Spore most megaspores were only dispersed into Dispersal. In anceps, S. wind experiments without the close vicinity of the spore source in the (Fig. mechanism a result that in accordance to the passive spore release of 2), is cm^ were found this species. Densities of 1300 microspore tetrads (Fig. lb) per cm The microspores landed within 20 from the source majority of the (Fig. 2). known here, leading the well leptocurtic curve of spore dispersal (Fig. 2). to However, a minority was dispersed to distances up to 59 cm. Microspores were sometimes up 100 This clumped forming groups of to tetrads. often together, seemed to be due mainly to a tapetal secretion on the surfaces of the spores. Under moderate wind of 1.16 m/s, an almost uniform dis- the influence of a The abun- persal curve was observed, exhibiting no obvious peaks (Fig. 2). experiment decreased only slight- dance microspores within the range of the of The megaspores reached also ly with increasing distance from the source. wind— cm experiment with possibly assisted greater distances—up to 69 in the by their large equatorial flange (Fig. la). experiments Similar results were obtained for the microspore tetrads in the we counted about 920 mi- with Near the spore source, martensii S. (Fig. 2). released marked anceps, the actively crospore tetrads per cm^. In contrast to S. and calm conditions distances in megaspores martensii reached similar of S. Under cm under wind up 59 from the spore source. to the of effect (Fig. 2), i.e., the results of calm experiment with pallescens (Fig. conditions in the S. 2), found mar- curves in micro- and megaspores corresponded to the dispersal S. above from the de- and kraussiana differed Selaginella lepidophylla S. view proximal Selagmella species, SEM and megaspores of a) micrographs of microspores 1 . . equatona anceps; microspore tetrads of S. c) megaspore anceps with equatorial flange; b) of S. 1 proximal kraussiana; w spiny microspore of S. e) of a megaspore of kraussiana; d) single, S. proximal view w lepidophylla; of a megaspore of lepidophylla; microspore tetrad of S. g) S. f) martensn; equatorial of microspore tetrad S. i) megaspore prickly of martensii; h) finely i S. w microspore of pallescens. Scale bars: a. c. e, g, S. of a megaspore of pallescens; k) single S. = 100 lO^m. k |xm; b, d, h, f, VOLUME NUMBER AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: 87 3 (1997) I UmJiua Ji n lllsiiilil UL | calm calm kraussiana S.pallescens/calm S. lepidophylla / S. / L__ "Ili^ :Ljli1 [cm] Distance from source (cm] ; cm Fig. 2. Dispersal distances in of the percentages of microspores and megaspores of Selaginella anceps (mean percentages of three replicates], S. kraussiana (mean percentages of four replicates], S. lepidophylla (mean percentages of three replicates], pallescens, and martensii in calm or S. S. wind with Note (1.16 m/s]. different scales of the x-axis. scribed species in the height of strobiU above ground, which was only about cm 3-4 The (Table actively dispersed megaspores of both species reached 1). cm distances of at least 14 under calm conditions, but most of the microspore tetrads in S. lepidophylla (Fig. and most of the spiny single spores in S. 2), GIORGI ET DISPERSAL SELAGINELLA FILIPPINI-DE AL.: IN 101 kraussiana were found close to the spore source (up to 2 cm; Fig. In an 2). experiment with wind, only a few micro- and megaspores were found in S. kraussiana and the results are therefore not shown. Because there were ripe sporangia of both types on the morphological units and because these sporan- gia were obviously empty after the experiment, one had to conclude that the cm much spiny microspores were dispersed greater distances than the 119 for experimental of the setup. Synaptospory.— experiments In investigations as well as in the dispersal all no primary synaptospory between micro- and megaspores was de- case of DlSCUSSION homosporous viable spore theoretically sufficient to In ferns a single is new new due intragame- and found population, achieve sporophyte a to a to tophytic (Schneller and Holderegger, 1996). In any heterosporous spe- selfing cies a microspore and a megaspore must be placed in close proximity to gen- new The heavy megaspores, formation of sporophyte (Kramer, 1977). erate a compared with microspores, clearly reduces the effectiveness of small, light As con- wind and thus the potential for long distance dispersal. a dispersal, primary heterosporous pteridophytes differ in sequence, the dispersal units of be dispersed long microspores have the ability to for dispersal distances: the whereas megaspores are dispersed only locally. distances, the two types of sporangia. of Heterospory ultimately led to the differentiation Somers, 1982; Koller 1902; Earlier investigations (Goebel, 1901; Steinbrinck, and morphological, anatomical, & revealed the Scheckler, 1986; Page, 1989) genus Selag- and megasporangia in the between micro- functional differences present study also The investigated in the Selaginella species of inella. five Schneller (1995) marked the manner of spore release. exhibited differences in homosporous between occur showed spore release also that differences in ferns. synaptospory well as sec- As Kramer primary (as by hypothesized (1977), mechanism assure fertilization ondary) mega- and microspores could be a to of within genetic variation the the case, in heterosporous pteridophytes. this is If due intergametophytic self- the progeny would consequently be restricted to evidence some morphological in gave Kramer and Dahlen (1990) ing. (1977) and megaspores often micro- The structures of favor of hypothesis. surface this we also our investigations, seem and key manner. In lock to together in a fit sug- spore surfaces that of the detected some morphological characteristics megaspores. on would then "ride" ejected Microspores gested synaptospory. and megaspores between micro- synaptospory However, hypothesis of this were and microspores Mega- could not be confirmed in our investigations. dispersed separately. a c ^ SelagineUa on spore dispersal of i To our knowledge, no investigations exist distances (Mitchell, on dispersal under Published data natural conditions. VOLUME NUMBER AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: 87 102 3 (1997] based on laboratory observations under 1910; Ingold, 1939; Page, 1989) are we showed calm our experiments using wind, that the conditions. In artificial more microspores transported and well spread over distances of than are easily m mean Compared from the spore source. to the size of the spores of ho- 1 mosporous ferns (Kramer 1995), the microspores of Selaginella species et al., Wind are smaller and thus more effectively wind dispersed. also seems to have on megaspore dispersal especially in the case of the passively effects (Fig. 2), which by dispersed megaspores of anceps, are characterized a large equa- S. would than microspores disperse greater distances torial flange. In nature, far megaspores under the influence of wind, turbulence, and squalls. Long dis- tance dispersal of microspores thus increases the probability for outbreeding. wind Active mechanical dispersal and dispersal are not mutually exclusive. The wind by former can additionally faciliate dispersal. Active spore release megasporangium would enhance the further the possibility of cross fertiliza- when tion, especially in calm, the majority of microspores are deposited ad- and megaspores jacent to the source (leptocurtic dispersal curve; Fig. the 2) dispersed This megaspore mech- are greater distances. effective active release may new anism also increase the probability for the establishment of sporo- due among ph5^es decreased competition to siblings. may Secondary synaptospory after spore dispersal be relevant in promoting The complementary and mega- fertilization. spore surface sculptures of micro- A spores possibly play a role in the effectiveness of secondary synaptospory. group of fertile microspores or a group of microspore tetrads in the vicinity of may a megaprothallium enhance significantly the probability of fertilization, because of higher number spermatozoids Water and of its that are released. may electrostatic effects also play a role in secondary synaptospory. We know much do not about the breeding systems of Selaginella species, especially in natural populations. Simple breeding experiments showed that martensii formed S. frequently viable sporophytes through intergametophytic selfing (Filippini-De Giorgi, unpubl. data). In an electrophoretic study of some populations of S. helvetica in Switzerland, considerable genetic variation within and among was populations found (Holderegger and unpubl. Schneller, We data). believe that dispersal an important but unfortunately neglected is part of the life cycle in studies of population biology of pteridophytes. Our preliminary study on the dispersal biology of heterosporous Selaginella spe- many cies reveals possible correlations between morphology, sculpture surface of the outer spore wall, ecological determinants drought wind, breeding like or and system, population genetics. Further, thorough studies should include the determination of the terminal settling velocities of either spore type (see Nik- las, 1992) or experimental designs allow an that investigation of lateral dis- from persal out a real point-source The a single data gathered (i.e., strobilus). in our experiments had low statistical power. Therefore, large sample size ex- periments of spore dispersal under strictly controlled conditions, perhaps in wind a tunnel, are needed. Investigations of additional species using different may methods whether reveal inbreeding and outbreeding occur natural pop- in whether ulations, differences in the breeding system between species exist.

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