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Aspects of Gametophyte Development of Dicksonia sellowiana Hook (Dicksoniaceae): an Endangered Tree Fern Indigenous to South and Central America PDF

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Preview Aspects of Gametophyte Development of Dicksonia sellowiana Hook (Dicksoniaceae): an Endangered Tree Fern Indigenous to South and Central America

Aspects of Gametophyte Development of Dicksonia Hook sellowiana (Dicksoniaceae): an Endangered Tree Fern Indigenous South and to America Central Claudia Cristina L. Fiori, Maris a Santos, and Aurea M. Randi* Department of Botany, University of Santa Catarina, 88040-900, Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil The biome Atlantic Forest entirely occupies three Brazilian states: Espi'rito Santo, Rio de and 98% Janeiro Santa Catarina, of Parana and some areas of 11 other Fundagao states (IBGE, 2004; Biodiversitas, 2006). Ferns are an important plant group of the Brazilian According Tryon flora. to (1970, and Tryon and Tryon 1972) (1982), southeastern Brazil (from Minas Gerais to Rio Grande do Sul) contains about 600 Some fern species. of the Brazilian ferns used are ornamental and members as plants of the tree fern families Cyatheaceae, Dicksoniaceae and Cibotiaceae have been indiscriminately exploited through the commercialization and of pots substrate used in the production of ornamental plants (Windisch, For 2002). that reason, under- *Author correspondence for [email protected] - AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 99 3 (2009) standing aspects of fern biology necessary for the development of methods is may and management. conservation that assist in their In Brazil, Dicksonia sellowiana Hook. (Dicksoniaceae) considered an is endangered biome (IBAMA, species of the Atlantic Forest 1997]. occurs It preferentially in high humidity environments and on river banks, independent of soil conditions (Fundagao Biodiversitas, 2006). The stem usually massive, is m cm ranging from 12-20 decumbent, in diameter, arborescent, 10 basally tall, bearing dense trichomes and many which may occur from long, fibrous roots, the base almost the apex. occurs 1500-2500 m, sometimes up to at ca. to It 3500 m, or in Brazil lower elevations. occurs throughout Central America at It and in South America from Venezuela to Colombia, south of Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay and southeastern Brazil (Sehnem, 1978; Tryon 1970, 1972; Tryon and known Tryon, 1982). In Brazil, as 'xaxim' or 'xaxim bugio' and the trunks it is have been indiscriminately exploited through the commercialization of vases and (Sehnem, substrate 1978). The understanding of fern germination and establishment required for is their "ex situ" conservation. The germination of a great number of fern spores promoted by and water and mild temperatures light (Miller, 1968) nutrients, is are implicated in the growth and development of the prothallus and in sporophyte formation (Fernandez et al, 1996, 1999). Several aspects of the germination of D. sellowiana have been studied. Fillipini et (1999) al. 5% min commercial and sterilized spores in a solution of bleach 10 for 88% reported that the spores of this species reached around germination at 23 ± C 2 under continuous white light, seven days after sowing in liquid mineral medium. The same under authors reported that the spores stored refrigeration remained viable for more than two years and reached 81.75% germination 10 days after spore sowing, which did not differ from the germination of recently 50% 36% Under and collected spores (Fillipini et al, 1999). irradiance, the germination of D. sellowiana spores was delayed after 14 and 21 days, 20% 5% compared and Higher respectively, of culture to irradiance. mean percentages of germination (around 90%) and lower germination time 35% (34 days) were observed for spores of D. sellowiana sterilized in a solution 20% 5% of commercial bleach one hour, which germinated and sunlight; for at no were observed between two statistically significant differences the light Renner and To treatments (Fillipini et 1999; Randi, 2004). study the al., possibility of long-term spore storage of Dicksonia sellowiana for the establishment of a germplasm bank, Rogge et (2000) stored spores in liquid al. nitrogen and reported that spores remained viable after being immersed in months. Concerning gametophyte liquid nitrogen for three patterns of development, Nayar and Kaur (1969) described seven different types of development homosporous works was prothallial in the ferns. In previous it and reported that germination in D. sellowiana of Vittaria type prothallic is development Adiantum and of type (Perez-Garcia Fraille, 1986). is To obtain sporophytes of Dicksonia sellowiana cultivated from germinated "xaxim" spores, Borelli et (1990) cultivated D. sellowiana in the soil of [D. al. and months sellowiana) trunks observed sporophytes after six of spore sowing. ET GAMETOPHYTE FIORI DEVELOPMENT AL.: OF DICKSONIA SELLOWIANA 209 They commented that fungal contamination was very high in the all treatments. Suzuki et al. (2005] cultivated D. sellowiana from spores and observed sporophytes that had been emerged in sterilized typic hapludult soil (red with soil) the addition of termophilic organic compost; the first sporophyte was frond observed 84 days after transplantation. The aim of the present study was to observe gametophytes of Dicksonia sellowiana grown in different substrates in the laboratory examine to morphological aspects of gametophyte development using microscopy light and scanning electron microscopy in order determine to suitable conditions growth and for their development. Material and Methods Sporophylls of Dicksonia sellowiana were collected from living plants in August 1999 Urupema, in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest biome, situated between 27 57'25"S and 49 53'33"W, Santa Catarina Sporophylls state, Brazil. were an oven air-dried in at 30°C for three days on paper filter in order to induce The dehiscence. spores were removed and separated from by debris fikering through lens paper, and then were stored under in glass jars ± refrigeration at 7 1=C. Spores were 20% surface-sterilized using a (v/v) solution of commercial bleach (2% which active chlorine), corresponds 0.1% to of active chlorine, for period min a of 30 before through filtering paper and washing sterile filter several times with mg About sterile distilled water. 20 of sterilized spores were sown each in of 32 conical flasks containing 20 ml of Mohr's nutrient solution as presented by Dyer with mg (1979) the addition of 25 L"^ Benomyl avoid to fungal contamination. The were flasks plugged with two layers of autoclaved transparent commercial polypropylene x cm) film (7 7 fixed with rubber bands. All the procedures were carried out in a laminar hood. The spores were incubated in a 16-hour photoperiod ^moles quanta m^ ± C (30 23 s^) at 2 in • • January 2002. In February 2002, the young gametophytes medium cultivated in liquid were transplanted to trays containing four types of substrates: commercial substrate rich in organic matter; commercial "coxim": produced substrate from the coconut used fiber as substitute for the soil made from the "xaxim" [D. sellowiana trunks); sterilized typic hapludult soil (distroferric red nitosoil) and sterilized typic hapludult with soil parts) addition of termophilic (3 organic compost part) as described in Suzuki (1 et al. (2005). The was soil analysis carried out in Soil Laboratory CIDASC (Company of for Agricultural Development of Santa Catarina) (Table The were trays covered 1). with transparent film avoid to excessive water evaporation and plant dehydration. Substrate was sterilization carried out in a high power microwave oven for 20 minutes. The organic compost was produced from and vegetable wastes fruit at the University of Santa Catarina. Sporophyte emergence was scored once a week. The mean and standard deviation each for day was of evaluation Windows calculated by Excel for (Microsoft). AMERICAN FERN J( (CIDASC-analysis Tiposition Typic haplu, Typic plus termc soil ^ Specimens were collected every 15 days from the mineral solution and from the trays containing sterilized typic hapludult soil and organic compost. For microscopy (LM) and scanning microscopy (SEM), gametophytes light electron M were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldeyde in 0.1 sodium phosphate buffer 7.2 pH. All samples were fixed in Eppendorf tubes for 3-hr, then were centrifuged for 3 min, dehydrated with an ethanol series and stored in ethanol. The samples LM, were photographed with Leika-MPS 30 microscope. For the a light samples were mounted on glass slides with ethanol. For SEM, the cordate 96% gametophytes were dehydrated with graded ethanol (80%, 90%, and 3 HMDS were (hexamethyl- times in 100%). Subsequently, they transferred to CO2 desilasane) to substitute the critical point, avoiding cell collapse (Bozzola and Russel, 1991). Dry samples were transferred to stubs and then were gold- nm coated with 20 of gold in a Baltec-CED 030. Examination was performed with a Philips-XL 30 scanning electron microscope. The and spores of Dicksonia sellowiana are tetrahedral, globose the trilete; 44-68^m and and measure Dicksonia surface densely granulated (Figs. 1 is 2). and sellowiana germination of the Vittaria type (Perez-Garcia Fraille, 1986). is During germination, the spores become swollen and the spore coat opens. The first division was parallel to the equatorial axis of the spores; small hemispheric cells were produced and gave rise to a hyaline rhizoid that does which not contain plastids; subsequently a spherical prothallial cell is rich in appeared chloroplasts 3-5). (Figs. Gametophytes of D. sellowiana were not able to develop in the soil rich in organic matter. In the coxim, only filamentous gametophytes were observed months hapludult the after 8 of cultivation. In sterilized typic soil, first months sporophytes were only observed after 6 of cultivation, but in sterilized typic hapludult with addition of termophilic organic compost, sporo- soil phytes were observed than months of cultivation. after less 3 FIORI ET GAMETOPHYTE DEVELOPMENT OF AL.: DICKSONIA SELLOWIANA AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 99 3 (2009) = = Figs. 9-12. 9. Laminur pliaso (idvs) Bur 50 |im. 10. Gametophyte spatulated (45 days). Bar = 100 Cordate gametophyte Bar 200 Meristematic region with |im. 11. (75 days). \im. 12. = archegonia (90 days). Bar 100 urn. ac- obconic cell amr - apical meristematic region,- ar- , - archegonium, expansion, le - lateral r rhizoid. the development of the wings was observed 45 days spore sowing and 15 after days after gametophyte transplantation to the sterilized typic hapludult soil with addition of termophilic organic compost. After 75 days of spore sowing, gametophytes presented the heart shape 9-11) and 90 days spore (Figs. after sowing archegonia were present 12 and The archegonia grew from (Figs. 13). surface cells of the apical meristem, were bottle-shaped, and presented four rows 4-5 exposed neck and neck of cells the canal inside (Figs. 13-16). SEM Antheridia were not observed in this prepared material. The gameto- phytes did not bear trichomes. The surface of Dicksonia sellowiana spores are granulated or reticulate with somewhat strands of fused spheres surrounding depressed areoles as observed by Try on and Tryon The pattern of spore germination found (1982). for was and Kaur which was Dicksonia sellowiana the Vittaria type (Nayar 1971), by and The development described Perez-Garcia Fraille (1986). prothallial of Dicksonia sellowiana of the Adiantuin type, described by Nayar and Kaur is FIORIET GAMETOPHYTE DEVELOPMENT AL.: OF DICKSONIA SELLOWIANA : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and (1969) Perez-Garcia and Fraille (1986). In this type of gametophyte development, spore germination results in a uniseriate, slender germ filament which generally 3-7 The is cells long. terminal and one two cell or cells behind divide longitudinally form it to a prothallial The plate. division of the terminal by cell often the formation is of a wall oblique to the long axis of the filamentous gametophyte, and soon second a oblique wall delimits a central obconical meristematic By the cell. activity of the obconical cell, a spatulated prothallial without plate, trichomes, formed which is in the apex gradually becomes notched. Examples of species from the Dicksoniaceae show that Adiantum the type development protallial are Lophosoria quadripinnata Gmel) F. C. Chr. (Perez-Garcia and et al, 1995) Lophosoria (J. quadripinnata var.contracta (Mendoza et 1997). al., The laminar phase was observed after 30 days of cultivation Dicksonia for sellowiana and the heart shaped gametophytes presented archegonia 90 days after spore sowing, but they did not present antheridia. Conversely, Perez- Garcia and Fraille observed (1986) gametophytes of D. sellowiana bearing antheridia only after 170 days cultivation, but they did not observe gametophytes bearing archegonia. The same authors analyzed gametophyte development only under light microscopy and did not analyze time to VOLUME NUMBER AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: 99 3 (2009) sporophyte formation and percentage of sporophyte formation in different were amorphous gametophytes not They found filamentous that soils. The gametophyte Lophosoria quadripinnata observed in the present work. of was spatulate 156 days of culture; antheridia were observed after 72 days, after 270-285 but archegonia were seen only after days (Perez-Garcfa et al, 1995). how show Additional analyses are necessary to sexual expression of D. sellowiana affected by spore density in laboratory conditions. is predominance of clay In Santa Catarina State (Brazil) there is a soils, experimental conditions cambisoils, and nitosoils (IBGE, 2005). In the laterites hapluduh red nitosoil) carried out in this study, the typic soil (distroferric compost was most with the addition of termophilic organic the suitable for Dicksonia sellowiana development, and the sporophytes in this substrate first poor were observed 84 days spore sowing. Atlantic Forest soils are in after one nutrients and the accumulation of chemical elements in cells is of the Fundagao ways low-nutrient (IBGE 2004; tropical species tolerate soil component fundamental of nutrient cycling, Biodiversitas, 2006). Litterfall a is and the main means of transferring organic matter and mineral elements it is The Moraes back the surface (De Franga et ah, 2007; et al, 1999). to soil termophilic organic compost was added in order to simulate the litter in this K pH and This substrate has a low and high levels of N, P, Ca. In substrate. when gametophytes Dicksonia al cuhivated of contrast, Borelli et (1990) were made "xaxim" sporophytes sellowiana in the soil of trunks, the first 100% observed only months of cultivation and the authors observed after six 75% produced and around gametophytes contamination cultures of in their percentage of sporophytes. Therefore, the time to sporophyte formation, the were improved sporophyte formation, and the prevention of contamination in the present work. Edaphic parameters were analyzed for several fern species to requirements and the majority of elucidate their habitats including nutritional and Graves them does sellowiana (Carlson, 1979; prefer acidic soils, as D. The sporophyte Monk, Whitter and Moyroud, 1993; Ranal, 1995). time to 1982; among Lophosoria quadripinnata emergence quite variable fern species; is months formed sporophytes 36 cultivation (Perez-Garci'a et al, 1995). after employed The hapludult with added termophilic organic compost in typic soil work was also useful for sporophyte emergence, which was observed less than this work three months after cultivation as observed in previous (Suzuki et al., 2005). Information provided in this paper certainly will be useful for D. sellowiana management in green houses as part of conservation strategies. Plantlets of presented Dicksonia sellowiana can be easily obtained following the protocol germplasm banks This methodology can be used for the establishment of here. and gardens with the purpose of preserving the species in botanical to maintain genetic variability. its Claudia Cristina Leite Fiori thanks CAPES {Council of Improvement of University Education Staff - Brazil) for her grant. We thank Dr. Paulo Emi'lio Lovato (UFSC) for suggestions and for ET GAMETOPHYTE FIORI DEVELOPMENT AL.: OF DICKSONIA SELLOWIANA VOLUME NUMBER AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: 99 (2009) 216 3

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