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Asking for Needs and Seeking Protection - Ahadith, www.hubeali.com Asking for Needs and Seeking Protection Ahadith Page 1 of 37 Asking for Needs and Seeking Protection - Ahadith, www.hubeali.com Table of Contents Asking for Needs and Seeking Protection - Ahadith ................................................... 1 Introduction: ............................................................................................................... 5 For Paying Debts: ...................................................................................................... 5 The Merits of ‘La a la Ha Illa Allah’: ............................................................................ 5 For Ease and Ease in Giving Birth ............................................................................. 7 Cure of Those Who do not Get Pregnant. .................................................................. 8 The Signs of Hypocrisy and its Cure: ......................................................................... 8 Supplication for Forgetfulness: ................................................................................... 9 Finding a Lost Item: .................................................................................................. 10 Find a Lost Person or Lost Property: ........................................................................ 10 For Calming Down New Born: .................................................................................. 11 Asking for Children: .................................................................................................. 11 For Wining Hearts and Reconciliation ...................................................................... 11 Supplications for Fulfilment of Needs ....................................................................... 12 Success in Business, Harvest and Trading: ............................................................. 13 For Growing Seeds: ................................................................................................. 13 For Rizk (Sustenance): ............................................................................................ 14 For a Son: ................................................................................................................ 14 Supplication for a Son: ............................................................................................. 15 For Success and Successful with People: ............................................................... 16 For Wining the Hearts and Getting Married: ............................................................. 17 Prayers for Marriage: ............................................................................................... 17 Hadith For Getting Daughters and Sisters Married: ................................................. 19 Invocation for Protection:.......................................................................................... 20 Page 2 of 37 Asking for Needs and Seeking Protection - Ahadith, www.hubeali.com Rizk and Protection against Poverty: ....................................................................... 20 For Health, Danger and Rizk: ................................................................................... 21 For Paying Debts Off: ............................................................................................... 21 Supplication when fearing harm from food ............................................................... 22 For Protection Before going to Bed at Night ............................................................. 22 Protection of Valuable: ............................................................................................. 23 Supplication (Duwa) For Release from Prison ......................................................... 24 Seeing the Holy Prophet in the Dream: .................................................................... 26 For the Ziyarah of Masomeenasws ............................................................................. 27 Memorising the Holy Quran: ..................................................................................... 28 Prayers before Going to a Journey: ......................................................................... 29 Protection for Children: ............................................................................................ 29 Protection from Enemies: ......................................................................................... 30 Protection from Jins and Evil Eye: ............................................................................ 30 Protection from Poverty and Punishment of Grave: ................................................. 31 Safety from Bad Dreams: ......................................................................................... 31 Protection from Wet-Dreams: ................................................................................... 32 Protection in Sleep, from Jins and Disease .............................................................. 32 Safety from the Jins ................................................................................................. 33 Safety from Thieves and Hypocrisy: ......................................................................... 34 Safety from the Jins during the Childbirth: ............................................................... 34 For Good Life and Peaceful Death: .......................................................................... 35 Travel time and Days: .............................................................................................. 35 Supplication for Travel: ............................................................................................ 35 Ziyarah of Holy Kabah: ............................................................................................. 35 Page 3 of 37 Asking for Needs and Seeking Protection - Ahadith, www.hubeali.com For Cure from Holy Verses: ...................................................................................... 36 Supplications for a Divorced Woman: ...................................................................... 36 Victory over Enemies: .............................................................................................. 36 When Fearing an Authority:...................................................................................... 37 Page 4 of 37 Asking for Needs and Seeking Protection - Ahadith, www.hubeali.com .اميلست ملسو ،نيرهاطلا هلآو دمحم انديس ىلع الله ىلصو ،نيملاعلا بر لله دمحلا ميحرلا نمحرلا الله مسب In the Name of Allahazwj the Beneficent, the Merciful. The Praise is for Allahazwj Lordazwj of the Worlds, and Blessing be upon our Chief Muhammadsawwand hissaww Purified Progenyasws, and greetings with abundant greetings. يِْعَجْْ َا مْ هُ َئادَعَْأ نْ عَْلاوَ مْ هُجَرَ َف لْ جِّ عَوَّ دٍ مََّمُُ لِآوَّ دٍ مََّمُُ ىلعَ لِّ صَ مَّ هَُّللَا Introduction: Ahadith of Masomeenasws on ‘asking for needs’ are presented in this short article. For Paying Debts: نكسي ناشطعلا و ،هعوج نكسي عئاجلل اهتءارق و ،فوخلا نم نمأ فئاخلل اهأرق نم« :)ملاسلا هيلع( قداصلا لاق و .»ىلاعت الله نذإب هنيد هنع الله ىدأ نويدملا اهتءارق نمدأ و اهأرق اذإف ،هشطع And Al-Sadiqasws said: ‘The one who recites it (Chapter 100 - Sura تايداعلا)1 for the fear would be safe from the fear, and if recited for the hunger it would abate his hunger, and for the thirst, it would abate the thirst. If it is recited and habitually recited for the debts, it would get his debts to be paid off, by the Permission of Allahazwj the High’.2 ىالع ااهأرق نام و ،هاتدرب نااهجرلا ىالع ااهأرق نام و ،هتنكاس نيراملا ىالع ااهأرق نام« :)ملااسلا هايلع( قدااصلا لاق و الله نذإاب ءي اش قابي مال راييك نايد هيلع ناك نم اهتءارق يف نمدأ نإ و ،همونت نارهسلا ىلع اهأرق نم و ،هقيهت عورصملا .»ىلاعت And Al-Sadiqasws said: ‘The one who recites (Chapter 66 - Sura ميرحتلا) upon a patient, it would settle him. And the one who recites it upon the trembling, it would cool it down. And the one who recites it upon the epileptic, it would wake him up. And the one who recites it upon the restlessness, it would put him to sleep. And the habitual recitation of it by the one who is heavily in debt, nothing of it would remain, by the Permission of Allahazwj the High’.3 The Merits of ‘La a la Ha Illa Allah’: VERSE 19 }19{ مْ كُ اوَيْمَ وَ مْ كُ بََّلقَتَمُ مُ َلعْ يَ ُاللهَّ وَ ۗ تِ انَمِ ؤْمُ لْاوَ نَ ينِمِ ؤْمُ لِْلوَ كَ بِنْذَِل رْ هِغْ تَسْ اوَ ُاللهَّ لََِّإ هَ َلَِٰإ لََ هُ نََّأ مْ َلعْ افَ [47:19] So know that there is no Allah but Allah, and, ask Forgiveness for your sin and for the Believing men and the Believing women; and Allah knows the place of your returning and the place of your abiding. 1 تايداعلا 2 Tafseer Al Burhan – H 11839 (.»طوطخم« 15 :نآرقلا صاوخ) 3 (»طوطخم« 11 :نآرقلا صاوخ) Page 5 of 37 Asking for Needs and Seeking Protection - Ahadith, www.hubeali.com ،هاعفر ،يفااصولا دايلولا ن ب الله ديبع نع ،الله ديبع نب قاحسإ نع ،باهولا دبع نب ليضهلا نع هدانسإب :بوقعي نب دمحم ااهتبن ،ءارامح ناتوقاي نام نانجلا ياف رجاش هل تسرغ ،الله لَإ هلإ لَ لاق نم« :)هلآ و هيلع الله ىلص( الله لوسر لاق :لاق ناع قالهت ،رااكبفا ،داي لاايمأ ااهيف ،كاسملا نام ااحير بايطأ و ،،ليالا نم اضايب دشأ و ،لسعلا نم ىلحأ نيبأ كسم يف .»نلح نيعبس Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, by his chain from Al-Fazeyl Bin Abdul Wahab, from Is’haq Bin Ubeydullah, from Ubeydullah Bin Al-Waleed Al-Wasafy, with an unbroken chain, said, ‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘The one who says ‘There is no Allah except for Allahazwj, a tree of red rubies is planted for him in the Paradise, in (ground of) musk whiter and sweeter than honey, and more intensely white than the snow, and more fragrant than the musk. In it are similar to the bosom of the virgins, would be visible from behind seventy veils’. الله لوق كلذ و ،راهغتسلَا دابعلا ريخ« :لاق و »الله لَإ هلإ لَ لوق دابعلا ريخ« :)هلآ و هيلع الله ىلص( الله لوسر لاق و .» كَ بِنْذَِل رْ هِغْ تَسْ ا وَ ُاللهَّ لََِّإ هَ لِإ لَ هُ نََّأ مْ َلعْ افَ :هباتك يف لج و زع And Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘The best of worship is to say ‘There is no Allah except for Allahazwj’. The best worship is the Repentance, and these are the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic in Hisazwj Book [47:19] So know that there is no Allah but Allah, and, ask Forgiveness for your sin’.4 الله دابع يابأ ناع ،دايز ناب نيسحلا نع ،ىيحي نب ناوهص نع ،رابجلا دبع نب دمحم نع ،،رعشفا يلع يبأ نع :هنع و زايزعلا الله لااق ، دابعلا ريخ ،الله لَإ هلإ لَ :لوق و راهغتسلَا :)هلآ و هيلع الله ىلص( الله لوسر لاق« :لاق ،)ملاسلا هيلع( ك َ بِنْذَِل رْ هِغْ تَسْ ا وَ ُاللهَّ لََِّإ هَ لِإ لَ هُ نََّأ مْ َلعْ افَ :رابجلا And from him, from Abu Ali Al-Ashary, from Muhammad Bin Abdul Jabbar, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Al-Husayn Bin Zayd, ‘Abu Abdullahasws has narrated that Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘The repentance, and the saying that there is no Allah except for Allahazwj, are the best of the worship. Allahazwj the Mighty, the Compeller Said [47:19] So know that there is no Allah but Allah, and, ask Forgiveness for your sin’.5 الله انبُسْ حَ [ :هلوق ىلإ عزهي لَ فيك فاخ نمَ ِل تُ بجع :عٍ برأ ىلإ عزهي لَ فيك عٍ برأ نمِ عزف نمِل تُ بجع ملاسلا هيلع قداصلا لاق :هلوق ىلإ عزهي لَ فيك مّ تغا نمَ ِل تُ بجعو ءٌ وسُ مْهُ سْ سَ مْ يَ مَْل لٍ ضْ فَوَ الله نَ مِ نٍ مَ عِْنِب اوبَُلقَنْاف :اهبقعب لوقي الله تُ عمس ينّإف ]ليكِ وَلا مَ عِْنوَ نَ ينـمِ ؤْمُ لْا يـجِ ـنْـنُ كَ ـِلذـكَ و مِّ ـغَ ـلْا نَ مِ ُهاــنـيْجَّ ـنَوَ :اـهبقعب لوقـي الله تُ ـعمس ينّإـف ]نيمِلاظلْا نَ مِ تُ نْكُ ينّإ كَ نَاحَ بْسُ تَ نْأ ّلَإ هَ لإ لَ[ الله ُهاقوَفَ :اهبقعب لوقي الله تُ عمس ينِّإف ]دابعِ لْاِب رٌ يصِ بَ الله نَّ إ الله ىَ َلإ ،رمْ َأ نُ وِّفَُأوَ[ :هلوق ىلإ عزهي لَ فيك هب ركم نمَ ِل تُ بجعو يلاعت و هناحبس الله تُ عمس ينَّإف ]للهاِب َّلَإ َوَُّق لَ الله ءَ اش ام[ ىلإ عزهي لَ فيك اهتنيزو ايندلا دارأ نمَ ِل تُ بجعو [اورُ كَ مَ ام تِ ائيِّسَ نٌ بجوم كَ ِتنَّجَ نْ مِ ًاريْخَ ينيَِتؤْيُ نْ َأ يبِّرَ ىسَ عَ فَ * ًادَلوَوَ ًلَام كَ نْمِ لُّ قََأ انََأ نِ رَ تَ نْ إ :اهبقعب لوقي Imam Sadiqasws said: "Iasws wonder why those who fear the following four things do not seek refuge in the following four things. Why doesn't the one who fears take refuge in Allahazwj's statement: "For us Allah sufficient, and He is the best disposer of affairs." [The Holy Quran: Ali-i-Imran 3:173], since I heard that Allahazwj added: "And they returned with Grace and Bounty from Allah; no harm ever touched them." [The Holy Quran: Al-i-Imran 3:174] I wonder why does not the one who is sad take refuge in Allahazwj's statement: "There is no Allah but 4 Al Kafi – H 3246 5 6 /366 :2 يفاكلا Page 6 of 37 Asking for Needs and Seeking Protection - Ahadith, www.hubeali.com Thou: Glory to Thee: I was indeed wrong!" [The Holy Quran: Anbiyaa 21:87], since Iasws heard that Allahazwj added: "So We listened to him: and delivered him from distress: and thus do We deliver those who have faith." [The Holy Quran: Anbiyaa 21:88]. Iasws wonder why doesn't one who has been cheated take refuge in Allahazwj's statement: "My (own) affair I commit to Allah: For Allah (ever) watches over His servants" [The Holy Quran: Mu-min 40:44], since I heard that Allah added: "Then Allah saved him from (every) ill that they plotted (against him)." [The Holy Quran: Mu-min 40:45] And Iasws wonder why the one who wants this world and its ornaments doesn’t seek refuge in Allahazwj's statement: "Allah's Will (be done)! There is no power but with Allah! [The Holy Quran: Kahaf 18:39], since Iasws heard that Allahazwj added: "If thou dost see me less than thee in wealth and sons, it may be that my Lord will give me something better than thy garden." [The Holy Quran: Kahaf 18:39- 40].6 For Ease and Ease in Giving Birth و ،اريسي اباسح الله هبساح روسلا هذه أرق نم« :لاق هنأ )هلآ و هيلع الله ىلص( يبنلا نع ،ور :)نآرقلا صاوخ( نم و عضري لاهط اهؤام يقس و تلسغ و تبتك نإ و ،ىلاعت الله نذإب اهنطب يف ام ظهح لماح ، أرما ىلع اهقلع و اهبتك نم .»اظفاح ايكذ جرخ ،هماطف لامك لبق نبللا And from Khawas Al-Quran – It has been reported from the Prophetsaww having said: ‘The one who recites this Chapter (69) would be Accounted for by Allahazwj with an easy Accounting. And the one who writes it and attaches it (Amulet) to a pregnant woman, it would Protect what is inside her by the Permission of Allahazwj. And if written, or washed with, or drunk by the breastfed child, it would complete his weaning, and he would be intelligent, and with a good memory’.7 الله هملس و هاكذ دلولا اهنم يقس اذإ و ،نينجلا تظهح لماح ىلع تقلع و تبتك اذإ« :)ملاسلا هيلع( قداصلا لاق و .»ىلاعت الله نذإب ءوشن نسحأ أشن و ،ىلاعت And Al-Sadiqasws said: ‘If it (Chapter 69) is written and attached (Amulet) to a pregnant woman, it would Protect the unborn. And if the child is quenched from it (its water), it would be intelligent and would submit to Allahazwj and would grow with a good growth’.8 نئارهلا يف اهتءارق نإف ،نقاحلا ءارق نم اوريكأ« :لاق ،)ملاسلا هيلع( الله دبع يبأ نع ،رباج نع ،هدانسإب :هيوباب نبا هنيد اهئراق بلسي مل و ،نيواعم و )ملاسلا هيلع( نينمؤملا ريمأ يف تلزن امنإ اهنف ،هلوسر و للهاب ناميلإا نم لفاونلا و .»لج و زع الله ىقلي ىتح Ibn Babuwayh, by his chain, from Jabir, has narrated: نيظعاولا نضور,٢١٨ ١ لاصخلا ,٦ قودصلل يلامفا, ١٨٤ ٩٠ راونفا راحب ,٣٩٩ ٥ لئاسولا كردتسم ,٣٩٢ ٤ هيقهلا هرضحي لَ نم6 ١٩٥ يمعهكلل حابصملا ,١١٩ راونفا اكشم ,٢ 7 Tafseer Al Burhan – H 10995 8 Tafseer Al Burhan – H 10997 (»طوطخم« 11 :نآرقلا صاوخ) Page 7 of 37 Asking for Needs and Seeking Protection - Ahadith, www.hubeali.com ‘Abu Abdullahasws has said: ‘Frequently recite Surah Al-Haaqat (69), for its recitation in the obligatory (Prayers) or optional (Prayers) is from the faith in Allahazwj and Hisazwj Rasoolsaww, because it was Revealed regarding (the praise of) Amir-ul- Momineenasws and (in the condemnation of) Muawiya. And the Religion of the one who recites it would not be taken away (by Allahazwj) until he meets Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic’.9 Cure of Those Who do not Get Pregnant. نإ و ،منهج رح نم انامأ فرح لكب الله هاطعأ روسلا هذه أرق نم« :لاق هنأ ،)هلآ و هيلع الله ىلص( يبنلا نع ،ور و ،هقرو وأ هرمي يمري رجش وأ لخن ىلع تقلع نإ و ،ىلاعت الله نذإب تلمح ،لمحت مل أرما ىلع تقلع و نارهعزب تبتك .»ىلاعت الله نذإب كسمأ And it has been reported from the Prophetsaww having said: ‘The one who recites this Chapter (Aal-e-Imraanas), would be Given by Allahazwj, for every letter, security from the heat of Hell. And if it is written by Saffron and attached (Amulet) upon a woman who does not get pregnant, will do so by the Permission of Allahazwj. And if it is attached upon a palm tree, or a tree which sheds its fruits or leaves, it would hold these by the Permission of Allahazwj’.10 اهقلع نإ و ،ىلاعت الله نذإب تلمح ،لمحلا ديرت أرما ىلع تقلع و نارهعزب تبتك نإ« :لاق ،)ملاسلا هيلع( قداصلا نع .»ىلاعت الله هقزر و ،هرمأ الله رسي ،رسعم From Al-Sadiqasws having said: ‘If it is written by Saffron, and attached upon a woman intending to get pregnant, would do so by the Permission of Allahazwj the High. And if one with difficult matters wears it (Amulet), Allahazwj would Ease his matters, and would get sustenance from Allahazwj the High’.11 The Signs of Hypocrisy and its Cure: ص اللهَِّ لُ وسُ رَ لَ ا قَ لَ اقَ ع اللهَِّ دِبْعَ يبَِأ نْ عَ نٍ انَسِ نِ بْ اللهَِّ دِ بْعَ نْ عَ هِ ِباحَ صْ َأ نِ عْ بَ نْ عَ دٍ ايَزِ نِ بْ لِ هْ سَ نْ عَ انَبِا حَ صْ َأ نْ مِ ٌ دَّعِ نَّ ِإ فَ َلخْ َأ دَعَ وَ اذَِإ وَ بَ ذَكَ ثَ دَّحَ اذَِإ وَ نَ اخَ نَ مِ تُئْا اذَِإ نْ مَ مٌ ِلسْ مُ هُ نََّأ مَ عَ زَ وَ ىَّلصَ وَ مَ اصَ نْ ِإ وَ ً اقفِ انَمُ نَ اكَ هِ يفِ نَّ كُ نْ مَ ثٌ لاَ يَ وَ لَّ جَ وَ زَّ عَ هِ ِلوْقَ يفِ وَ نَ يبِذِاكلْا نَ مِ نَ اك نْ ِإ هِ يَْلعَ اللهَِّ تَ نَعْ َل نَّ َأ لَ اقَ وَ نَ ينِئِاخلْا بُّ حِ يُ لَ َاللهَّ نَّ ِإ هِ بِاتَكِ يفِ لَ اقَ لَّ جَ وَ زَّ عَ َاللهَّ ايًّبِنَ لًَوسُ رَ نَ اك وَ دِعْ وَلْا قَ دِاص نَ اك هُ نَِّإ لَ يعِ امسْ ِإ بِ اتكِ لْا يفِ رْ كُ ذْا A number of our people have narrated from Sahl ibn Ziiyad, who from certain individual of his people from Abd Alah ibn Sinan who Says: (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullahasws having said: ‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘There are three (characteristics) even if one being found in a person, he would be a hypocrite even though he may Fast and Pray and claims to be a Muslim – One who, when is entrusted, he betrays it, and when he narrates, he lies, and when he promises, he goes against it. Allahazwj has Said in Hisazwj Book: Allah Does not Love the treacherous ones (8:58), also in Hisazwj Words: let Allah’s Condemnation be upon him if he lies (24:7), and in the Words of Allahazwj, Mention in the Book, the 9 Tafseer Al Burhan – H 10994 (.119 :لامعفا باوي) 10 »هنم نعطق« 693 :2 نايبلا عمجم 11 1 :نآرقلا صاوخ Page 8 of 37 Asking for Needs and Seeking Protection - Ahadith, www.hubeali.com story of Ishmael; he was true to his promise, a Messenger and a Prophet. (19: 54).12 قاهن هلخدي مل رهش لك يف لاهنفا و ءارب روس أرق نم« :لوقي هتعمس :لاق ،الله دبع يبأ نع ،ريصب يبأ نع :يشايعلا نم سانلا غرهي ىتح هتعيش عم ننجلا دئاوم نم نمايقلا موي لكأ و ،اقح )ملاسلا هيلع( نينمؤملا ريمأ نعيش نم ناك و ،ادبأ .»باسحلا Al Ayyashi, from Abu Baseer, reports: ‘I heard Abu Abdullahasws saying: ‘The one who recites Surah Bara’at (Chapter 9), and (Surah) Al-Anfaal (Chapter 8) during every month, hypocrisy would never enter into him, ever, and he would be from the true Shias of Amir-ul-Momineenasws, and would eat on the Day of Judgement from the table of the Paradise along with hisasws Shias until the people are free from the Accounting’.13 نب لهس نع ،يفوكلا الله دبع يبأ نب دمحم انيدح :لاق ،)هنع الله يضر( دمحم نب دمحأ نب يلع انيدح :لاق ،هيوباب نبا نمؤملا نوكي لَ« :لاق ،)ملاسلا هيلع( ىسوم نب يلع اضرلا نع ،)ملاسلا هيلع( اضرلا ىلوم كرابم نع ،يمدلآا دايز .هيلو نم ننس و ،هيبن نم ننس و ،هبر نم ننس :لاصخ ثلاي هيف نوكي ىتح انمؤم Ibn Babuwayh said, ‘Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Sahl Bin Ziyad Al Adamy, from Mubarak, A (devout) slave of Al-Rezaasws (reports) from Al-Reza Aliasws Bin Musaasws having said: ‘A Believer cannot become a Believer until there are three characteristics in him (that he adheres to) – A Sunnah from his Lordazwj, and a Sunnah from his Prophetsaww, and a Sunnah from his Guardianasws. و ، لٍ وسُ رَ نْ مِ ىضتَرْ ا نِ مَ لََِّإ ًادحَ َأ هِ بِيْغَ ىلعَ رُ هِ ظْ يُ لافَ بِ يْغَ لْا مُ ِلاع :لج و زع الله لاق ،رسلا نامتكف ه بر نم ننسلا امأف رْ مُ أْ وَ وَهْعَ لْا ذِخُ :لاقف ،سانلا ارادمب )هلآ و هيلع الله ىلص( هيبن رمأ لج و زع الله نإف ،سانلا ارادمف هيبن نم ننسلا امأ نَ يرِ بِاصَّ لا وَ :لج و زع الله لوقي ،ءارضلا و ءاسأبلا ىلع ربصلاف هيلو نم ننسلا امأ و ،نَ يِلهِ اجلْا نِ عَ نْ رِ عْ َأ وَ فِ رْ عُ لْابِ .» نَ وُقتَّمُ لْا مُ هُ كَ ئِلوُأ وَ اوُقدَصَ نَ يذَِّلا كَ ئِلوُأ سِ ْأبَلْا نَ يحِ وَ ءِ ارَّ ضَّ لا وَ ءِ اسْأبَلْا يفِ As for the Sunnah from his Lordazwj, so it is the concealment of the secret. Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic [72:26] The Knower of the unseen! So He does not Reveal His secrets to any, [72:27] Except to him whom He chooses from the Rasool. And as for the Sunnah from his Prophetsaww, so it is the concealment from the people, for Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Commanded Hisazwj Prophetsaww for concealment from the people, so Heazwj Said [7:199] Take to Forgiveness and enjoin good and turn aside from the ignorant. And as for the Sunnah from his Guardianasws, so it is the patience upon the evil and adversities. Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Says [2:177] and the patient in tribulation and adversity. Such are the people of truth, the pious’.14 Supplication for Forgetfulness: لق و كتهبج ىلع كدي عضف ائيش ناطيشلا كاسنأ اذإ لاق ع الله دبع يبأ نع ينوكسلا نع يلفونلا نع 12 291 : ص 2 : ج يفاكلا, H. 8. 13 .1 /46 :2 يشايّعلا ريسهت 14 9 /256 :1 )ملاسّ لا هيلع( اضرّ لا رابخأ نويع ،1 /184 :رابخفا يناعم Page 9 of 37 Asking for Needs and Seeking Protection - Ahadith, www.hubeali.com Al-Nafaly has narrated from Al-Sakuni who has said the following: Abu Abdillahasws said If the shaitan makes you forget, you should put your hands on your forehead and say:- ميجرلا ناطيشلا هيناسنأ ام ينركذت و دمحم لآ و دمحم ىلع يلصت نأ هب رملآا و هلعاف و ريخلا ركذم اي كلأسأ ينإ مهللا Our Allahazwj I ask Youazwj O Reminder of the ‘ريخلا’ (The good, Masomeenasws), it’s Implementor and the Commander, I pray to You for the sake of Mohammed and his Holy Progeny Protect me from the forgetfulness (induced) by the accursed Satan. 15 Finding a Lost Item: نب غبصلَا نع دوراجلا ىبا نع ركب نب دمحم نع ىرايسلا نع رهعج نب الله دبع نع ىيحي نب دمحم يفاكلا لوصا يف ئش نم ام هتيب لها مركاو قحلاب هلاو هيلع الله ىلص ادمحم ثعب ىذلاو :لاق هنا ملاسلا هيلع نينمؤملا ريمأ نع نتابن دارا نمف ،نآرقلا يف وهو لَا قبآ وأ نلاض وأ اهبحاص نم نباد تلافا وأ قرس وأ قرغ وأ قرح نم ،زرح نم هنوبلطي اي :لقو نيتعكر يف سي ءرقا :لاقف ؟ نلاضلا نع ينربخأ نينمؤملا ريمأ اي :لاقف لجر هيلإ ماقف :لاق ،هنع ينلأسيلف كلذ .هتلاض هيلع الله درف لعهف ،يتلاض ىلع در نلاضلا ىداه In Usool Al-Kafi, Muhammad Bin Yahya from Abdullah Bin Ja’far from Al-Sayari from Muhammad Bin Bakr from Abu Al-Jaroud fro Al-Asbagh Bin Nabata, ‘Amir-ul-Momineenasws having said: ‘By the One Whoazwj Sent Muhammadsaww with the Truth and Honoured the Peopleas of hissaww Household, there is none from Amulets for safety from burning, or drowning or theft, or animals straying away from their owners, or losing something, or keeping it, except that it is in the Quran. One who intends that should ask measws about it.’ Asbagh said that a man stood up saying,’ O Amr-ul- Momineenasws, can you inform me about the lost property?’ Heasws: ‘Recite Yaseen in two Cycles (of Prayer) and say “O Guide to the lost, return to me that which I have lost”. He did that. Allahazwj Returned his lost property back to him’.16 Find a Lost Person or Lost Property: دمحم نعاهش هل تبجو ، روسلا هذه أرق نم« :لاق هنأ ،)هلآ و هيلع الله ىلص( يبنلا نع ،ور :)نآرقلا صاوخ( نم و بئاغ مسا ىلع اهبتك نإ و ،تارم رشع ميتي و لئاس لك ددعب تانسحلا نم هل بتك و ،نمايقلا موي )هلآ و هيلع الله ىلص( .»هذخأي نأ ىلإ الله هظهح ،اهأرق و هركذ مي ائيش عضوم يف يسن نم و ،املاس هباحصأ ىلإ عجر لاض And from Khawas Al-Quran: It has been reported from the Prophetsaww having said: ‘The one who recites this Chapter (93), the intercession of Muhammadsaww on the Day of Judgement would be obligated for him, and there will be written for him from the Rewards of the number of every beggar and orphan, ten times over. And if it is written upon the name of an absentee (missing person), he would return to his companions safely. And the one 15 357 : ص قلاخفام راكم 16 Noor Al Thaqalayn – CH 36 H 7 Page 10 of 37

14. معاني افخبار: 184. /. 1. ، عيون أخبار الرّضا )عليه السّالم( .. the sustenance of a son who would delight his eyes, and he would be happy with him'.31.
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