3RD MEETING OF THE ASIAN SOCIETY OF CARD!OTHORACIC ANAESTHESIA ABSTRACTS WEDNESDAY ASCA~l Update on paediatric cardiac anaesthesia CL Lake Intraoperative assessment of congenital heart I A Russell ASCA-3 Anaesthetic management of arterial switch operation T C Menor 2 ASCA~4 Assessment of coagulation during cardiopulmonary bypass M H Ereth 3 ASCA-5 Biocompatibility of cardiopulmonary bypass Y Nimmi 4 ASCA-6 Cardiac assist devices R G Walsh 4 ASCA~7 Post bypass organ dysfunction I Mustafa 5 ASCA~8 Anaesthesia for minimally invasive surgery CL Lake 5 ASCA~9 Postoperative management after the fontan procedure R Flick 6 FR.EE PAPERS - ASCA FP Programmed cell death (apoptosis) after cardiopulmonary bypass R Wagner 6 Stunned myocardium after noncardiac surgery affects females predominantly? H Kato 7 Effects of milrinone on the sistemic and pulmonary haemodynamics in patients with pulmonary hypertension undergoing open heart operations YWHong 8 FP-4 Modified ultrafiltration in neonatal open heart surgery Y Horimoto 9 fP~5 Survey on the use of intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography at the national heart institute, Kuala Lumpur N Thirukumar 9 fP~6 The effects of retrograde cardioplegia on right venticular function in patients undergoing cononary artery bypass graft surgery YW Hong 70 ASCA POSTERS 13-1 The comparative effect of fentanyl versus isoflurane on splanchnic hypoperfusion induced by hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass H 5 Jin 71 P-2 Development of colloids for use in trauma M G Beez 77 P-3 Plugging capillary leak M G Beez 72 P-4 High thoracic epidural anaesthesia (TEA) for cardiac valvular surgery E Nygard 73 p-s An increase in macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) release in patients with cardiopulmonary bypass surgery 5 Gando 74 P-6 Central venous catheterisation performed with an insertion needle with a built-in ultrasound probe J Hasegawa 75 P-7 Convenient cannulas for intravenous catheterisation evaluated by the pattern of changes of penetration force (comparation by penetration speed) T Suzuki 76 11th ASEAN """",,,.,..,, OF ANAESTHESIOlOGISTS Anaesthesiology in the next millennium: perspectives from a journal editor R 0 Miller 17 ii ----- --- ----------------------------~~~-----~ ANAESTHESIA fOR AMBULATORY SURGERY 1 51-1 Challenges in anaesthesia for ambulatory surgery B K Philip 17 Local and regional anaesthesia in ambulatory surgery M Wong 78 Understanding the pharmacology of sedation M Wood 78 Anaesthesia for the medically complicated patient undergoing ambulatory surgery o 79 Tampubolon 5 2 AIRWAY MANAGEMENT m Assessment and management of the difficult airway in the parturient 5 P Gaff 79 52-2 Airway adjuncts and alternative techniques for tracheal intubation SS Dhara 20 52-3 The laryngeal mask airway: an expanding concept in airway safety A I J Brain 21 S2-4 Achieving effective ventilation in the difficult airway P Somprakit 27 Anaesthetic strategies for the patient with heart disease AS Um 22 S3-2 Assessment of operative risk in patients with advanced lung disease G 5 Teoh 23 53-3 Null per Os (NPO) status and risk of aspiration B Yokubol 23 What preoperative investigations are necessary? L L Tai 24 5-4 CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE - POTPOURRI 54-1 Cardiopulmonary interactions of mechanical ventilation M B PAmato 24 iii 54-2 Polyneuropathy in critically ill patients P Vorrakitpokathorn 25 54-3 Pharmaconutrition for the critically ill G 5 YOng 25 54-4 Application of ultrasonography in the critically ill patient KJaalam 26 5-5 ANAESTHESIA FOR AMBULATORY SURGERY [2/2J 55-1 Anaesthesia for paediatric ambulatory surgery 5 M Walker 26 55-2 Morbidity following ambulatory surgery TJ Gan 27 55-3 Patient recovery and discharge following ambulatory surgery CYWang 27 55-4 Balancing cost and quality in ambulatory anaesthesia B K Philip 28 5-6 PAIN MANAGEMENT 56-1 Early management of acute pain: its role in the prevention of chronic pain MS Cardosa 28 56-2 Achieving optimal pain relief in infants and children E Sumner 29 56-3 Clinician's expectations versus patient's experience F R Nuevo 29 56-4 Acupuncture and pain management T LLee 30 5-7 PHYSIOLOGY !k j tI 57-1 Lessons learnt from cardiovascular research J P Abenstein 37 57-2 lung function during anaesthesia: solved and unsolved issues PS K Tan 32 iv 57 3 Cerebral circulatory physiology: an update m AM Lam 33 57-4 Malignant hyperthermia: ASEAN perspective L Chan 34 5-8 ADMINISTRATION 58-1 Academic anaesthetists: an endangered species MD Vickers 34 58·2 How to manage a happy department 5 H Ng 35 58<3 Management of personal and professional stresses in anaesthesia pratice YWChan 36 58-4 Help! Avenues to assist the anaesthetist in distress KPNg 36 5-9 PAIN MANAGEMENT 59-1 Complex regional pain syndromes: diagnosis and management 5 M Walker 37 59·2 Mechanisms of pain in spinal cord injury R Vijayan 37 59·3 Management of chronic pain: the role invasive procedures P Chaudasekshetrin 38 59-4 Managing the child with chronic pain 5 M Walker 39 5-10 ANAESTHESIA FOR CARDIAC SURGERY 510-1 Perioperative alterations in coagulation and haemostasis M Ereth 40 510-2 Monitoring in cardiac anaesthesia o Kemmotsu 41 510m3 Drugs and techniques for fast-tracking in cardiac anaesthesia G N C Kenny 41 v 510-4- Nitric oxide and the treatment of pulmonary hypertension I A Russell 42 FRIDAY PI.-2 New technologies, critical care and economic realities M R Pin sky 43 5-11 PAEDIATRIC ANAESTHESIA 511-1 Perioperative fluid management in children R Leelanukrom 44 511-2 Neonatal emergencies E Sumner 44 511-3 Practical overview of regional blocks in children F Taib 45 511-4 Complications in paediatric anaesthesia ANg 45 5-12 OBSTETRIC ANAE5THESaA 512-1 Challenges and outcome in labour analgesia 5 P Gatt 45 512-2 Towards a safe general anaesthetic for caesarean section. C Y Lee 46 512-3 The role of opioids in obstetric anasthesia WO Ngan Kee 46 512-4 Anaesthesia for prepartum and postpartum surgery J L Chong 47 5-13 PHARMACOLOGY 513-1 Inhalational anaesthetic agents B K Philip 47 513-2 New narcotics for anaesthetic practice G N C Kenny 48 513-3 Are the new muscle relaxants cost effective and of benefit to patients? R 0 Miller 48 vi 513-4 Drug interactions in anaesthesia Margaret Wood 48 S-14 CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE ~ SEPSIS S14~1 Goals of resuscitation M R Pinsky 49 514-2 Immunomodulation in sepsis KS Ng 50 Systemic consequences of hypercapnia M B PAmato 57 514-4 Results of the First Asia-Pacific consensus conference in critical care medicine: "Resuscitation of the patient in septic shock" I Mustafa 51 FREE PAPERS BEST FREE PAPER FP1-1 Esmolol improves the recovery of ischaemic myocardium after cardio-pulmonary bypass YW Kuo 52 High concentration inhalation anaesthesia combined with post-operative epidural analgesia in cardiac surgery B K Leu 53 Role of colloids in management of critically ill patients M G Beez 54 FPl-4 Attenuation of haemodynamic responses following extubation with varying doses of esmolol Z Khadiiah 55 FPl-5 Attenuation of haemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation in healthy patients with different doses of esmolol B 5 Nordin 55 FPl-6 Changes of finger blood flow after cardiopulmonary bypass T Totedo 56 Adverse haemodynamic effects of aprotinin in cardiac surgical patients H Jahizah 56 vii FP2 FP2-1 A comparison of induction and emergence characteristics of sevoflurane and halothane in children CL Chiu 57 FP2-2 Comparison of maintenance and recovery characteristics of sevoflurance and desflurane in paediatric ambulatory patients SM Choo 58 FP2-3 Effects of spinal anaesthesia with pethidine as sole agent in children I Acalovschi 58 FP2-4 Premedication for paediatric patients: Is ketamine the right choice? SSharma 59 FP2-5 Monocyte HLA-DR expression in critically ill children with systemic in flammatory response syndrome GHTan 60 FP3 FP3-1 Metaraminol dosage during spinal anaesthesia LA H Critchley 60 FP3-2 Satisfaction of patients with spinal anaesthesia NM Lim 67 FP3-3 Intrathecal ropivacaine for caesarean section K 5 Khaw 67 FP3-4 Comparison between spinal, epidural and combined spinal epidural anaesthesia for caesarean section KPNg 62 FP3-5 Comparison of 0.125% with 0.2% ropivacaine for parturient-controlled labour analgesia AT H Sia 63 FP3-6 The effect of adding fentanyl on parturient-controlled epidural analgesia with ropivacane 0.125% for labour pain relief P Ruban 64 FP3-7 Combined spinal-epidural anaesthesia with bupivacaine and different morphinics Q TCong viii FP3-8 Regional analgesia for labour in KK Hospital: 2 year audit of 3954 patients W J( Lo 65 Optimal dose of lignocaine for preventing pain on injection of propofol M Rohisham 66 The effectiveness of patient-controlled analgesia versus on demand intramuscular injections: A meta analysis E Yip 67 Comparison of piroxicam, naproxen and meloxicam for pre-emptive analgesia: implications of COX-l /COX-2 ratio IT Mana/ese 67 Continuous subcutaneous administration morphine versus intravenous patient controlled analgesia morphine for postoperative pain management in spinal surgery A Yoshino 68 Pre-emptive effect of butorphunol on postoperative pain in hysterectomy 10 Lee 69 FP4-6 Comparison of patient-controlled epidural analgesia with and without a background infusion after lower abdominal gynaecological surgery K H Wong 70 f1P4-7 Effectiveness of EMLA cream and 2% lignocaine for intravenous canulation Y Noor Hassan 71 Anaesthesiology in the undergraduate medical curriculum o Ariff 71 Obstetric admissions to the intensive care unit Y Zolkepli 72 FP5-3 Evaluation of the Part 1 (Basic Medical Sciences) Intensive Course M Marzida 72 Nursing care of central venous catheters -a quality assurance study 5 KNg 73 ix __ ----_. .- Setting up an obstetric epidural service -the Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia experience C Y Lee 74 &=P5-6 Day case surgery: 24-hour post-operative follow-up LL Oh 74 Implementing clinical information system into the intensive care unit U L Ungku Fatimah 75 Clinical features and intensive care management of Nipah Encephalitis among pig farmers PSKTan 76 BEST FREE PAPER BFP-l The role of the NMDA receptor in stress-induced analgesia (SIA) I~~a ~ BFP-2 Changes in creatinine clearance and free-water clearance during cardiopulmonary bypass Q K Nguyen 78 BFP-3 Determination of dose-response of epidural ropivacaine for labour analgesia BB~ ~ A non-occluding bag design to enhance closed scavenging for the T-piece breathing circuit H L Pua 79 BFP-5 Transient radicular irritation after spinal block with lidocaine Y Punjasawadwong 80 Concentration dependent propofol pharmacokinetics D P Crankshaw 87 5-15 Developments in pharmacology for the paediatric patient M Wood 87 515-2 Sedation and analgesia for the child in and outside the operating room IT Camagay 82 x