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Asian Geographic - May 2022 PDF

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SINGAPORE h o G OCEAN WEEK c ri ADEX o: E ot h P IT’S BLUER, BIGGER & THE BEST! 2 0 2 2 DEDICATED TO THE CREATED BY www.adex.asia THE BIGGEST ANIMAL IN THE WORLD TEK TALK + DIVE ASIA BAZAAR SEPTEMBER 16-18 ADEX SANDS EXPO AND SUSTAINABLE OCEAN AMBASSADOR CONVENTION CENTRE SINGAPORE CCEELLEEBBRRAATTIINNGG TTHHEE HHEEAARRTT OOFF AASSIIAA www.asiangeo.com/ioa BE A PART OF OUR COMMUNITY! Asian Geographic Images of Asia (Asia Without Borders) asiangeographic PHOTO/VIDEO COMPETITION 2022/2023 SSUUBBMMIISSSSIIOONN CCLLOOSSEESS 11//0099//22002222 LLIIVVEE JJUUDDGGIINNGG 1177//0099//22002222 SSAANNDDSS EEXXPPOO AANNDD CCOONNVVEENNTTIIOONN CCEENNTTRREE SSIINNGGAAPPOORREE SHORT FILM SSTTRREEEETT//PPEEOOPPLLEE LLAANNDDSSCCAAPPEE PHOTO JOURNALISM OOCCEEAANN WWIILLDDLLIIFFEE MMOOBBIILLEE BLACK+WHITE FFOOOODD + YYOOUUTTHH LLIIVVEE JJUUDDGGIINNGG IN CONJUNCTION WITH PHILIPPINES FRANCE MALAYSIA SINGAPORE AUSTRIA / PHILIPPINES Manuel José Eric Aaron Dr Klaus Libres Jeuland Goh Wong M. Stiefel Librodo Jr. and more judges to come... WIN 4-DAY-3-NIGHT TRIP TO BOHOL OR CORON IN THE PHILIPPINES sponsored by TPB Philippines Official Adventure Destination Partner Images of Asia Monthly winners and finalists are featured on the Asian Geographic website, www.asiangeo.com Photos from past IOA winners and finalists: Grace Ho (Malaysia), Nicholas Ng (Malaysia), Sirsendu Gayen (India), Ho Sinsee (Malaysia), Chen Chit Chuang (Malaysia), Yoshi Shimizu (Japan), Donell Gumiran (Philippines) THE FAITHS OF ASIA Religion Decoded Delving into the prominent world religions – Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism – this issue follows the birth and spread of these faiths, and their diverse beliefs and customs that have withstood the test of time. As you traverse the rich history of these religions, journey to every corner of Asia where sacred sites, from mosques to mountains, await the footsteps of curious adventurers. From the powerful symbolism of snakes to the practice of worshipping young girls as incarnations of divine female energy, explore intriguing aspects of the region’s different belief systems, and discover why religious faith remains a living, breathing force in Asia. CONTENTS • The Roots and Branches of Buddhism (Page 4) • Crosses Across Asia (Page 24) • One Religion, Many Gods (Page 40) • A Tumultuous History (Page 54) • The World’s Largest Community Kitchen (Pag 66) • A Persian Religion (Page 74) • The Worshipped Child (Page 86) • Power in Venom (Page 96) • Faith for Earth (Page 106) PASSPORT • Sacred Sites in the Philippines (Page 115) ASIA FESTIVAL GUIDE (2022–23) (Page 124) ▶ Religious adherents from all corners of Asia express their devotion through prayer Images: Shutterstock NO SMALL TREE Roots The Branches and Buddhism of Text Sienna Lakin Buddhism, one of the longest-standing and widest-spread religions, has – since its origins in northeast India – moved across Asia and the entire world, branching out and taking on divergent forms along the way. k c o st er A monk meditating utt in front of a statue Sh of the Buddha 5 feature | The Roots and Branches of Buddhism Buddhism emerged in northeastern India between the 6th century and the early 4th century BCE – a time that witnessed a myriad of religions rising, clashing, and spreading. k c o st er utt h S ▴ ▾ Mural paintings The Triratna represents the “three tell the story jewels” of Buddhism: Buddha, the Buddhism developed from the teachings of the about Buddha dharma, and the sangha Buddha (“The Awakened One” in Sanskrit), a teacher who lived in northern India. Like many of the sects that developed in northeastern India at the time, Buddhism was constituted by the teachings of the Triratna, the “Three Jewels” of Buddhism – Buddha (the teacher), dharma (the teaching), and sangha (the community). The dates of his birth and death are disputed. Whilst many scholars believe that the Buddha lived from around 563 to 483 BCE, others argue it was nearly 100 years later, from around 448 to 368 BCE. Northeastern India – which was less influenced by Vedic tradition – became the new ground for Buddhism and its sects. Buddhism then spread from India to China, Korea, and Japan, as well as to Southeast Asia via Sri Lanka. Buddhism played Buddhism played a central role in the a central role in the spiritual, cultural, and social spiritual, cultural, and social spheres of spheres of Asia, and began to spread to the West Asia, and began to spread to the West from the 20th century onwards. from the 20th century onwards 6 Two fundamental sects that arose at the time have reached enlightenment but returned to the of the Buddha were the Ajivikas and the Jains. human company to teach. Diverging from other Buddhist denominations, As Buddhism spread, it encountered new both the Ajivikas and the Jains believed in the reinterpretations of thought. In some Mahayana permanence of the elements that constitute the communities, strict practices were mediated. For universe and the existence of the soul. example, the law of karma – a notion explaining Over time, two major branches of Buddhism that virtuous actions resulted in pleasure and emerged, Mahayana (“Great Vehicle”) and non-virtuous actions led to punishment in the Theravada (“School of the Elders”), while a third, future – adopted a gentler approach with a new Vajrayana (“Diamond Vehicle”), is considered by emphasis on ritual and devotional practices scholars to be an aspect of Mahayana Buddhism to achieve the same effects. This bolstered or an entirely separate branch. its spread and number of followers due to its The origins of these movements and others heightened obtainability. are complex and poorly understood. In simple The Vajrayana tradition, also known as terms, Theravada, which is considered the more Tantric Buddhism, developed in India in the conservative tradition, established itself in Sri latter half of the 1st millennium CE. Its practices Lanka around the 3rd century BCE. It teaches make use of mantras, chants, poses, mandalas, a monastic lifestyle that emphasises meditation as and the visualisation of deities and Buddhas. a means of achieving enlightment. This movement was influenced by magical and Mahayana Buddhism, the more liberal school, spiritual notions of the time, and gave those who developed in India from around the 1st century followed it an easier, simpler, and speedier means BCE and is practised in East and South Asian to obtain the desired spiritual liberation, purity, countries such as China, India, Japan, Korea, and enlightenment. Mongolia, and Tibet. The main teachings follow ▾ the role models of bodhisattvas – beings who Situated in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, Abhayagiri Vihara was a major monastery site of Mahayana, Theravada and Vajrayana Buddhism k c o st er utt h S 7 feature | The Roots and Branches of Buddhism ◀ The Sukothai Historical Park, Thailand, a UNESCO World Heritage Site ▾ The 71-metre-tall Leshan Giant Buddha, in China’s Sichuan ck province, was carved o st out of the mountain in er utt the 8th century CE h S k c o st er utt h S 8

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