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Index of Technical and Symposium Papers Vol. 110, Part 1 Consumptive Water Use for U.S. Power Production, TITLES PAUL A. TORCELLINI, NICHOLAS LONG, RONALD D. JUDKOFF Convective Evaporation on Plain Tube and Low-Fin Tube A Banks Using R-123 and R-134a, LIANG-HAN CHIEN, Cooling of High Heat Density Rooms Today and in the Algorithm of Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry Future, LENNART K. STAHL for Full-Scale Room Airflow Studies, An, YIGANG SUN, YUANHUI ZHANG, LINGYING ZHAO, XINLEI my ks D Ammonia-Water Absorption Heat and Mass Transfer in Microchannel Absorbers with Visual Con- Decision Support Software for Sustainable Building firmation, J. MARK MEACHAM, — SRINIVAS Refurbishment, C.A. BALARAS, E. DASCALAKI, S. GARIMELLA 525 KONTOYIANNIDIS Analysis of the Impact of CO2-Based Demand-Controlled Development and Implementation of HVAC-KBCD: A Ventilation Strategies On Energy Consumption, Knowledge-Based Expert System for Conceptual MONCEF KRARTI, MOHSIN AL-ALAWI Design of HVAC&R Systems—Part 2: Application to Average Modified Stanton Number for Evaluating the Office Buildings, ITZHAK H. MAOR, CHANIN Ice-Melting Characteristics of Ice Harvested from PANJAPORNPON, T. AGAMI REDDY a Thermal Storage Tank, AKIYOSHI OHIRA, Development and Implementation of HVAC-KBCD: MICHIO YANADORI, YOSHITAKA SAKANO, MIYUK! A Knowledge-Based Expert System for Conceptual Design of HVAC&R Systems—Part 1: General Framework, ITZHAK H. MAOR, T. AGAMI Development and Testing of the Characteristic Curve Fan Model, JEFF STEIN, MARK M. HYDEMAN .... 347 Bin Method Energy Analysis for Ground-Coupled Heat Dynamic Modeling and Control of Multi-Evaporator Air- Pumps, A, STEPHEN P. KAVANAUGH, STEVEN E. Conditioning Systems, RAJAT SHAH, ANDREW G. LAMBERT .. 535 ALLEYNE, CLARK W. BULLARD E Efficient Thermal Management of Data Centers—Imme- Calorimetric Analysis of the Solar and Thermal diate and Long-Term Research Needs, CULLEN E. Performance of Windows with Interioir Louvered BASH, CHANDRAKANT D. PATEL, RATNESH K. Blinds, MICHAEL R. COLLINS, STEPHEN J. SHARMA HARRISON .. 474 Electricity Diversity Profiles for Energy Simulation of Comparative Study of the Airside Performance of Winglet Office Buildings, DAVID E. CLARIDGE, BASS Vortex Generator and Wavy Fin-and-Tube Heat ABUSHAKRA, JEFF S. HABERL, ATCH Exchangers, A, C.C. WANG, Y.J. CHANG, C.S. WEI, SRESHTHAPUTRA B.C. YANG 38 Energy-Saving Opportunities in Residential Air-Handler Comparative Study of Shell-Side Condensation on Inte- Efficiency, MARK A. KENDALL gral-Fin Tubes with R-114 and R-236ea, A, WADE W. Energy Savings Potential of Energy Recovery Ventilation HUEBSCH, M.B. PATE in an Animal Housing Facility, SEBASTIAN FREUND, Comparison of Diffusion Characteristics of Aerosol Parti- SANFORD A. KLEIN, DOUGLAS T. REINDL... 120 cles in Different Ventilated Rooms by Numerical Estimating the Solar Heat and Thermal Gain from a Win- Method, BIN ZHAO, ZHAO ZHANG, XIANTING LI, dow with an Interior Venetian Blind, MICHAEL R. DONGTAO HUANG COLLINS, STEPHEN J. HARRISON Considerations in the Design and Application of Solid Evolution of Data Center Environmental Guidelines, Oxide Fuel Cell Energy Systems in Residential Mar- ROGER R. SCHMIDT, CHRISTIAN BELADY, ALAN kets, ROBERT J. BRAUN, SANFORD A. KLEIN, CLASSEN, TOM DAVIDSON, MAGNUS HERRLIN, DOUGLAS T. REINDL SHLOMO NOVOTNY, REBECCA PERRY Exhaust Contamination of Hidden vs. Visible Air Intakes, RONALD L. PETERSEN, JOHN J. CARTER, JOHN W. LECOMPTE Measurement of Pore Size Variation and Its Effect on Experimental Study of Supercritical CO. Gas Cooling in Energy Wheel Performance, WE! SHANG, ROBERT a Microchannel Gas Cooler, YUAN ZHAO, MICHAEL W. BESANT M. OHADI Methods for Calculating the Effective Longwave Radia- Experimental Verification of an Absorption Chiller for tive Properties of a Venetian Blind Layer, DARRYL S. BCHP Applications, VIKAS PATNAIK YAHODA, JOHN L. WRIGHT Modified Model to Predict Air Infiltration into Refrigerated Ee Facilities through Doorways, A, DONALD J. CLE- LAND, PING CHEN, SIMON J. LOVATT, MARK R. Flow Distribution Issues in Parallel Flow Heat Exchang- ers, PEGA S. HRNJAK és)o0 GON Full-Scale Fire Tests for Cables in Plenums, G.D. LOUGHEED, C. MCCARTNEY, M. KANABUS- KAMINSKA Operational Performance of Ground-Coupled (Closed Loop) Ground-Source Heat Pump System Pumping Alternatives, STEVEN E. LAMBERT, STEPHEN P. KAVANAUGH Overview of Existing Literature on Diversity Factors and Heat-Activated Dual-Function Absorption Cycle, Schedules for Energy and Cooling Load Calcula- DONALD C. ERICKSON, G. ANAND, ICKSOO Heat Pump System Performance in Northern Climates, PAUL W. FRANCISCO, DAVID BAYLON, BOB DAVIS, LARRY PALMITER .. 442 Heat Transfer Analysis of a Between-Panes Renewable Energy for High-Performance Buildings in Venetian Blind Using Effective Longwave New Jersey: Discussion of PV, Wind Power, and Bio- Radiative Properties, DARRYL S. YAHODA, gas and New Jersey’s Incentive Programs, NICK JOHN L. WRIGHT Heat Transfer Augmentation by Segmented Tape Results of a Residential Proton Exchange Membrane Inserts During Condensation of R-22 Inside (PEM) Fuel Cell Demonstration at a Military Facility in a Horizontal Tube, KAILASH NATH AGRAWAL, New York, FRANKLIN H. HOLCOMB, BRIAN C. RAVI KUMAR, SACHIDA NAND LAL, HARI DAVENPORT, NICHOLAS M. JOSEFIK, MICHAEL J. KRISHNA VARMA BINDER How Much Energy Could Residentia! Furnace Air Handlers Save?, HARVEY M. SACHS, SANDY Sensitivity Study of Slab-on-Grade Transient Heat Trans- fer Model Parameters, BRIAN A. ROCK Shake Table Testing, JAMES A. CARLSON, WILLIAM STAEHLIN Impact of Modeling Accuracy on Predictive Optimal Control of Active and Passive Building Thermal Smoke Control and High-Rise Office Buildings with Oper- Storage Inventory, SIMENG LIU, GREGOR P. able Windows: Two Case Studies, JEFFREY A. MADDOX Smoke Control and the International Building Code, JOHN H. KLOTE, DOUGLAS H. EVANS Static Testing of Seismic Restraint Devices, PAUL Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Air-Handling Units with Study of Geothermal Heat Pump and Standing Column and without Air-to-Air Energy Exchangers, MIKKO Well Performance, A, SIMON J. REES, JEFFREY D. NYMAN, CAREY J. SIMONSON SPITLER, ZHENG DENG, CARL D. ORIO, CARL N. Local Energy Plans—A Way to Improve the Energy Bal- JOHNSON ance and the Environmental Impact of the Cities: Switched Reluctance Motor in a Variable-Speed Pump- Case Study of Barcelona, A. IVANCIC, J. LAO, J. ing Application, A, HORACIO G. VASQUEZ, JOEY K. SALOM, J. PASCUAL PARKER, TIMOTHY A. HASKEW T AUTHORS Tenability and Open Doors in Pressurized Stairwells, JOHN H. KLOTE Tests of Stairwell Pressurization Systems for Smoke A Control in a High-Rise Building, YANLING WANG, FUSHENG GAO ABUSHAKRA, BASS, DAVID E. CLARIDGE, JEFF S. Theoretical and Experimental Study of a New Absorption HABERL, ATCH SRESHTHAPUTRA, Electricity Diversity Profiles for Energy Simulation of Office Refrigeration Cycle, YONGFANG ZHONG, Buildings GUANGMING CHEN ABUSHAKRA, BASS, JEFF S. HABERL, DAVID E. Thermal Analysis of Solar-Powered Continuous Adsorp- CLARIDGE, Overview of Existing Literature on tion Air-Conditioning System, YONG LI, K. Diversity Factors and Schedules for Energy and SUMATHY, N.D. KAUSHIKA Cooling Load Calculations AGRAWAL, KAILASH NATH, RAVI KUMAR, SACHIDA Thermal Bus System for Cooling Electronic Components NAND LAL, HARI KRISHNA VARMA, Heat in High-Density Cabinets, A, MICHAEL WILSON, Transfer Augmentation by Segmented Tape JONATHAN WATTELET, KEVIN WERT Inserts During Condensation of R-22 Inside Thermal Mixing of Outdoor and Return Airflows in Typical a Horizontal Tube Air-Handling Units, MILIND MAINKAR, FATHI AL-ALAWI, MOHSIN, MONCEF KRARTI, Analysis of the FINAISH, HARRY J. SAUER, JR., ROBERT VAN Impact of CO-Based Demand-Controlled Ventila- EES 66.0 bec crak eneiesweee enan es 194 tion Strategies On Energy Consumption ALLEYNE, ANDREW G., RAJAT SHAH, CLARK W. Thermodynamic Modeling and Experimental Validation BULLARD, Dynamic Modeling and Control of Multi- of Screw. Liquid Chillers, TZONG-SHING Evaporator Air-Conditioning Systems ANAND, G., DONALD C. ERICKSON, ICKSOO Total Energy Consumption Model of Fan KYUNG, Heat-Activated Dual-Function Absorption Subsystem Suitable for Continuous Com- ASIEDU, YAW, ROBERT W. BESANT, CAREY J. missioning, FULIN WANG, HARUNORI YOSHIDA, SIMONSON, Wheel Selection for Heat and Energy MASATO MIYATA Recovery in Simple HVAC Ventilation Design Two-Phase Refrigerant Distribution in Round Tube Mani- Problems folds, SIVERT VIST BALARAS, C.A., E. DASCALAKI, S. KONTOYIANNIDIS, Uncertainty-Based Quantitative Model for Assessing Decision Support Software for Sustainable Building Refurbishment Risks in Existing Buildings, T. AGAMI REDDY, BASH, CULLEN E., CHANDRAKANT D. PATEL, JASON FIERKO RATNESH K. SHARMA, _ Efficient Thermal Management of Data Centers—immediate and Long-Term Research Needs BASSETT, MARK R., DONALD J. CLELAND, PING CHEN, SIMON J. LOVATT, A Modified Model to Predict Air Vibration Isolation: Harmonic and Seismic Forcing Using Infiltration into Refrigerated Facilities through Door- the Wilson Theta Method, JAMES A. CARLSON, JOSEPH TURNER BAYLON, DAVID, PAUL W. FRANCISCO, BOB DAVIS, LARRY PALMITER, Heat Pump System Perfor- mance in Northern Climates BELADY, CHRISTIAN, ROGER R. SCHMIDT, ALAN CLASSEN, TOM DAVIDSON, MAGNUS HERRLIN, Water Chemistry Issues In Geothermal Heat Pump Sys- SHLOMO NOVOTNY, REBECCA PERRY, Evolution tems, KEVIN D. RAFFERTY of Data Cente Environmental Guidelines BESANT, ROBERT W., WEI SHANG, Measurement of Wheel Selection for Heat and Energy Recovery in Pore Size Variation and Its Effect on Energy Wheel Simple HVAC Ventilation Design Problems, YAW Performance ASIEDU, ROBERT W. BESANT, CAREY J. BESANT. ROBERT W., YAW ASIEDU, CAREY J. SIMONSON SIMONSON, Wheel Selection for Heat and Energy Recovery in Simple HVAC Ventilation Design COLLINS, MICHAEL R., STEPHEN J. HARRISON, Esti- Problems mating the Solar Heat and Thermal Gain from a BINDER, MICHAEL J., FRANKLIN H. HOLCOMB, BRIAN Window with an Interior Venetian Blind C. DAVENPORT, NICHOLAS M. JOSEFIK, Results of a Residential Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) D Fuel Cell Demonstration at a Military Facility in New BRAUN, ROBERT J., SANFORD A. KLEIN, DOUGLAS T. DASCALAKI, E., C.A. BALARAS, S. KONTOYIANNIDIS, REINDL, Considerations in the Design and Applica- Decision Support Software for Sustainable Building tion of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Energy Systems in Res- Refurbishment idential Markets DAVENPORT, BRIAN C., FRANKLIN H. HOLCOMB, BULLARD, CLARK W., RAJAT SHAH, ANDREW G. NICHOLAS M. JOSEFIK, MICHAEL J. BINDER, ALLEYNE, Dynamic Modeling and Control of Multi- Results of a Residential Proton Exchange Membrane Evaporator Air-Conditioning Systems (PEM) Fuel Cell Demonstration at a Military Facility in New York DAVIDSON, TOM, ROGER R. SCHMIDT, CHRISTIAN Cc BELADY, ALAN CLASSEN, MAGNUS HERRLIN, SHLOMO NOVOTNY, REBECCA PERRY, Evolution CARLSON, JAMES A., JOSEPH TURNER, Vibration Iso- of Data Center Environmental Guidelines lation: Harmonic and Seismic Forcing Using the DAVIS, BOB, PAUL W. FRANCISCO, DAVID BAYLON, Wilson Theta Method LARRY PALMITER, Heat Pump System Perfor- CARLSON, JAMES A., WILLIAM STAEHLIN, Shake Table mance in Northern Climates Testing DENG, ZHENG, SIMON J. REES, JEFFREY D. SPITLER, CARTER, JOHN J., RONALD L. PETERSEN, JOHN W. CARL D. ORIO, CARL N. JOHNSON, A Study of LECOMPTE, Exhaust Contamination of Hidden vs. Geothermal Heat Pump and Standing Column Well Visible Air Intakes Performance CHANG, Y.J., C.C. WANG, C.S. WEI, B.C. YANG, A Com- parative Study of the Airside Performance of Winglet Vortex Generator and Wavy Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangers CHEN, GUANGMING, YONGFANG ZHONG, Theoretical ERICKSON, DONALD C., G. ANAND, ICKSOO and Experimental Study of a New Absorption KYUNG, Heat-Activated Dual-Function Absorption Refrigerating Cycle CHEN, PING, DONALD J. CLELAND, SIMON J. LOVATT, EVANS, DOUGLAS H., JOHN H. KLOTE, Smoke Control MARK R. BASSETT, A Modified Model to Predict Air and the International Building Code Infiltration into Refrigerated Facilities through Door- gE CHIEN, LIANG-HAN, J.-S. WU, Convective Evaporation on Plain Tube and Low-Fin Tube Banks Using R-123 and R-134a FIERKO, JASON, T. AGAMI REDDY, Uncertainty-Based CLARIDGE, DAVID E., BASS ABUSHAKRA, JEFF S. Quantitative Model for Assessing Risks in Existing HABERL, ATCH SRESHTHAPUTRA, Electricity Buildings Diversity Profiles for Energy Simulation of Office FINAISH, FATHI, MILIND MAINKAR, HARRY J. SAUER, Buildings JR., ROBERT VAN BECELAERE, Thermal Mixing of CLARIDGE, DAVID E., BASS ABUSHAKRA, JEFF S. Outdoor and Return Airflows In Typical Air-Handling HABERL, Overview of Existing Literature on Diversity Factors and Schedules for Energy and FRANCISCO, PAUL W., DAVID BAYLON, BOB DAVIS, Cooling Load Calculations LARRY PALMITER, Heat Pump System Perfor- CLASSEN, ALAN, ROGER R. SCHMIDT, CHRISTIAN mance in Northern Climates BELADY, TOM DAVIDSON, MAGNUS HERRLIN, FREUND, SEBASTIAN, SANFORD A. KLEIN, DOUGLAS SHLOMO NOVOTNY, REBECCA PERRY, Evolution T. REINDL, Energy Savings Potential of Energy of Data Center Environmental Guidelines .... 559 Recovery Ventilation in an Animal Housing CLELAND, DONALD J., PING CHEN, SIMON J. LOVATT, Facility MARK R. BASSETT, A Modified Model to Predict Air Infiltration into Refrigerated Facilities through Door- COLLINS, MICHAEL R., STEPHEN J. HARRISON, Cal- orimetric Analysis of the Solar and Thermal Per- GAO, FUSHENG, YANLING WANG, Tests of Stairwell formance of Windows with Interioir Louvered Pressurization Systems for Smoke Control in a Blinds High-Rise Building GARIMELLA, SRINIVAS, J. MARK MEACHAM, Ammo- J nia-Water Absorption Heat and Mass Transfer in Microchannel Absorbers with Visual Confir- mation JOHNSON, CARL N., SIMON J. REES, JEFFREY D. SPITLER, ZHENG DENG, CARL D. ORIO, A Study of Geothermal Heat Pump and Standing Column Well Performance JOSEFIK, NICHOLAS M., FRANKLIN H. HOLCOMB, BRIAN C. DAVENPORT, MICHAEL J. BINDER, HABERL, JEFF S., BASS ABUSHAKRA, DAVID E. Results of a Residential Proton Exchange Mem- CLARIDGE, Overview of Existing Literature on brane (PEM) Fuel Cell Demonstration at a Military Diversity Factors and Schedules for Energy and Facility in New York Cooling Load Calculations JUDKOFF, RONALD D., PAUL A. TORCELLINI, HABERL, JEFF S., DAVID E. CLARIDGE, BASS NICHOLAS LONG, Consumptive Water Use for U.S. ABUSHAKRA, ATCH SRESHTHAPUTRA, Electricity Power Production Diversity Profiles for Energy Simulation of Office Buildings HARRISON, STEPHEN J., MICHAEL R. COLLINS, Cal- orimetric Analysis of the Solar and Thermal Per- formance of Windows with Interioir Louvered KANABUS-KAMINSKA, M., G.D. LOUGHEED, C. Blinds MCCARTNEY, Full-Scale Fire Tests for Cables in HARRISON, STEPHEN J., MICHAEL R. COLLINS, Esti- Plenums mating the Solar Heat and Thermal Gain from a KAUSHIKA, N.D., YONG LI, K. SUMATHY, Thermal Anal- Window with an Interior Venetian Blind ...... 486 ysis of Solar-Powered Continuous Adsorption Air- HASKEW, TIMOTHY A., HORACIO G. VASQUEZ, JOEY Conditioning System K. PARKER, A Switched Reluctance Motor in a Vari- KAVANAUGH, STEPHEN P., STEVEN E. LAMBERT, able-Speed Pumping Application Seve G2 Operational Performance of Ground-Coupled HENZE, GREGOR P., SIMENG LIU, Impact of (Closed Loop) Ground-Source Heat Pump System Modeling Accuracy on Predictive Optimal Control Pumping Alternatives of Active and Passive Building Thermal Storage KAVANAUGH, STEPHEN P., STEVEN E. LAMBERT, A Inventory Bin Method Energy Analysis for Ground-Coupled HERRLIN, MAGNUS, ROGER R. SCHMIDT, CHRISTIAN Heat Pumps BELADY, ALAN CLASSEN, TOM DAVIDSON, KENDALL, MARK A., Energy-Saving Opportunities in SHLOMO NOVOTNY, REBECCA PERRY, Evolution Residential Air-Handler Efficiency of Data Center Environmental Guidelines .... 559 KLEIN, SANFORD A., ROBERT J. BRAUN, DOUGLAS T. HOLCOMB, FRANKLIN H., BRIAN C. DAVENPORT, REINDL, Considerations in the Design and Applica- NICHOLAS M. JOSEFIK, MICHAEL J. BINDER, tion of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Energy Systems in Res- Results of a Residential Proton Exchange Membrane idential Markets (PEM) Fuel Cell Demonstration at a Military Facility in KLEIN, SANFORD A., SEBASTIAN FREUND, DOUGLAS New York T. REINDL, Energy Savings Potential of Energy HRNJAK, PEGA S., Flow Distribution Issues in Parallel Recovery Ventilation in an Animal Housing Flow Heat Exchangers Facility HUANG, DONGTAO, BIN ZHAO, ZHAO ZHANG, KLOTE, JOHN H., DOUGLAS H. EVANS, Smoke Control XIANTING LI, Comparison of Diffusion and the International Building Code ......... 638 Characteristics of Aerosol Particles in Different KLOTE, JOHN H., Tenability and Open Doors in Pressur- Ventilated Rooms by Numerical Method ized Stairwells HUEBSCH, WADE W., M.B. PATE, A Comparative Study KONTOYIANNIDIS, S., C.A. BALARAS, E. DASCALAKI, of Shell-Side Condensation on Integral-Fin Tubes Decision Support Software for Sustainable Building with R-114 and R-236ea Refurbishment HYDEMAN, MARK M., JEFF STEIN, Development KRARTI, MONCEF, MOHSIN AL-ALAWI, Analysis of the and Testing of the Characteristic Curve Fan Impact of CO>-Based Demand-Controlled Ventila- tion Strategies on Energy Consumption KUMAR, RAVI, KAILASH NATH AGRAWAL, SACHIDA NAND LAL, HARI KRISHNA VARMA, Heat Transfer Augmentation by Segmented Tape Inserts During Condensation of R-22 Inside IVANCIC, A., J. LAO, J. SALOM, J. PASCUAL, Local Ener- a Horizontal Tube gy Plans—A Way to Improve the Energy Balance KYUNG, ICKSOO, DONALD C. ERICKSON, G. and the Environmental Impact of the Cities: Case ANAND, Heat-Activated Dual-Function Absorption Study of Barcelona L tem for Conceptual Design of HVAC&R Systems— Part 2: Application to Office Buildings MAOR, ITZHAK H., T. AGAMI REDDY, Development LAL, SACHIDA NAND, KAILASH NATH AGRAWAL, and Implementation of HVAC-KBCD: A RAVI KUMAR, HARI KRISHNA VARMA, Heat Trans- Knowledge-Based Expert System for Conceptual fer Augmentation by Segmented Tape Inserts Design of HVAC&R Systems—Part 1: General During Condensation of R-22 Inside a Horizontal Framework MCCARTNEY, C., G.D. LOUGHEED, M. KANABUS- LAMBERT, STEVEN E., STEPHEN P. KAVANAUGH, A KAMINSKA, Full-Scale Fire Tests for Cables in Ple- Bin Method Energy Analysis for Ground-Coupled Heat Pumps MEACHAM, J. MARK, SRINIVAS GARIMELLA, Ammo- LAMBERT, STEVEN E., STEPHEN P. KAVANAUGH, nia-Water Absorption Heat and Mass Transfer Operational Performance of Ground-Coupled in Microchannel Absorbers with Visual Con- (Closed Loop) Ground-Source Heat Pump System firmation Pumping Alternatives MEISEL, PAUL W., Static Testing of Seismic Restraint LAO, J., A. IVANCIC, J. SALOM, J. PASCUAL, Local Ener- Devices gy Plans—A Way to Improve the Energy Balance MIKI, MIYUKI, AKIYOSHI OHIRA, MICHIO YANADORI, and the Environmental Impact of the Cities: Case YOSHITAKA SAKANO, Average Modified Stanton Study of Barcelona Number for Evaluating the Ice-Melting Character- LECOMPTE, JOHN W., RONALD L. PETERSEN, JOHN J. istics of Ice Harvested from a Thermal Storage CARTER, Exhaust Contamination of Hidden vs. Vis- ible Air Intakes MIYATA, MASATO, FULIN WANG, HARUNORI LEE, TZONG-SHING, Thermodynamic Modeling YOSHIDA, Total Energy Consumption Model of and Experimental Validation of Screw Liquid Fan Subsystem Suitable for Continuous Chillers Commissioning LI, XIANTING, BIN ZHAO, ZHAO ZHANG, DONGTAO HUANG, Comparison of Diffusion Characteristics of Aerosol Particles in Different Ventilated Rooms by Numerical Method LI, YONG, K. SUMATHY, N.D. KAUSHIKA, Thermal Anal- ysis of Solar-Powered Continuous Adsorption Air- NOVOTNY, SHLOMO, ROGER R. SCHMIDT, CHRISTIAN Conditioning System BELADY, ALAN CLASSEN, TOM DAVIDSON, LIU, SIMENG, GREGOR P. HENZE, Impact of MAGNUS HERRLIN, REBECCA PERRY, Evolution of Data Center Environmental Guidelines Modeling Accuracy on Predictive Optimal Control of Active and Passive Building Thermal Storage NYMAN, MIKKO, CAREY J. SIMONSON, Life-Cycle Inventory ON Assessment (LCA) of Air-Handling Units with and LONG, NICHOLAS, PAUL A. TORCELLINI, RONALD D. without Air-to-Air Energy Exchangers JUDKOFF, Consumptive Water Use for U.S. Power Production O LOUGHEED, G.D., C. MCCARTNEY, M. KANABUS- KAMINSKA, Full-Scale Fire Tests for Cables in Ple- OHADI, MICHAEL M., YUAN ZHAO, Experimental Study LOVATT, SIMON J., DONALD J. CLELAND, PING CHEN, of Supercritical CO2 Gas Cooling in a Microchannel MARK R. BASSETT, A Modified Model to Predict Air Gas Cooler Infiltration into Refrigerated Facilities through Door- OHIRA, AKIYOSHI, MICHIO YANADORI, YOSHITAKA SAKANO, MIYUKI MIKI, Average Modified Stanton Number for Evaluating the Ice-Melting Character- istics of Ice Harvested from a Thermal Storage , CARL D., SIMON J. REES, JEFFREY D. SPITLER, MADDOX, JEFFREY A., Smoke Control and High-Rise ZHENG DENG, CARL N. JOHNSON, A Study of Office Buildings with Operable Windows: Two Case Geothermal Heat Pump and Standing Column Well Studies Performance MAINKAR, MILIND, FATHI FINAISH, HARRY J. SAUER, JR., ROBERT VAN BECELAERE, Thermal Mixing of Outdoor and Return Airflows in Typical Air-Handling MAOR, ITZHAK H., CHANIN PANJAPORNPON, T. PALMITER, LARRY, PAUL W. FRANCISCO, DAVID AGAMI REDDY, Development and Implementation BAYLON, BOB DAVIS, Heat Pump System of HVAC-KBCD: A Knowledge-Based Expert Sys- Performance in Northern Climates PANJAPORNPON, CHANIN, ITZHAK H. MAOR, T. Energy Recovery Ventilation in an Animal Housing AGAMI REDDY, Development and Implementation Facility of HVAC-KBCD: A Knowledge-Based Expert Sys- ROCK, BRIAN A.,_ Sensitivity Study of Slab- tem for Conceptual Design of HVAC&R Systems— on-Grade Transient Heat Transfer Model Param- Part 2: Application to Office Buildings PARKER, JOEY K., HORACIO G. VASQUEZ, TIMOTHY A. HASKEW, A Switched Reluctance Motor in a Vari- able-Speed Pumping Application 67 PASCUAL, J., A. IVANCIC, J. LAO, J. SALOM, Local Ener- gy Plans—A Way to Improve the Energy Balance SACHS, HARVEY M., SANDY SMITH, How Much and the Environmental Impact of the Cities: Case Energy Could Residential Furnace Air Handlers Study of Barcelona SMa eile d Bhs a pire Oe a ea ig oa ee 431 PATE, M.B., WADE W. HUEBSCH, A Comparative Study SAKANO, YOSHITAKA, AKIYOSHI OHIRA, MICHIO of Shell-Side Condensation on Integral-Fin Tubes YANADORI, MIYUKI MIKI, Average Modified Stan- with R-114 and R-236ea ton Number for Evaluating the Ice-Melting Charac- PATEL, CHANDRAKANT D., CULLEN E. BASH, teristics of Ice Harvested from a Thermal Storage RATNESH K. SHARMA, Efficient Thermal Management of Data Centers—Immediate and SALOM, J., A. IVANCIC, J. LAO, J. PASCUAL, Local Ener- Long-Term Research Needs gy Plans—A Way to Improve the Energy Balance PATNAIK, VIKAS, Experimental Verification of an Absorp- and the Environmental Impact of the Cities: Study tion Chiller for BCHP Applications Case of Barcelona PERRY, REBECCA, ROGER R. SCHMIDT, CHRISTIAN SAUER, JR., HARRY J., MILIND MAINKAR, FATHI BELADY, ALAN CLASSEN, TOM DAVIDSON, FINAISH, ROBERT VAN BECELAERE, Thermal Mix- MAGNUS HERRLIN, SHLOMO NOVOTNY, ing of Outdoor and Return Airflows in Typical Air- Evolution of Data Center Environmental Handling Units Guidelines . 559 SCHMIDT, ROGER R., CHRISTIAN BELADY, ALAN PETERSEN, RONALD L., JOHN J. CARTER, JOHN W. CLASSEN, TOM DAVIDSON, MAGNUS HERRLIN, LECOMPTE, Exhaust Contamination of Hidden vs SHLOMO NOVOTNY, REBECCA PERRY, Evolution Visible Air Intakes of Data Center Environmental Guidelines SHAH, RAJAT, ANDREW G. ALLEYNE, CLARK W. BULLARD, Dynamic Modeling and Control of Multi- Evaporator Air-Conditioning Systems SHANG, WEI, ROBERT W. BESANT, Measurement of RAFFERTY, KEVIN D., Water Chemistry Issues in Geo- Pore Size Variation and Its Effect on Energy Wheel thermal Heat Pump Systems Performance REDDY, T. AGAMI, JASON FIERKO, Uncertainty-Based SHARMA, RATNESH K., CULLEN’ E._ BASH, Quantitative Model for Assessing Risks in Existing CHANDRAKANT D. PATEL, Efficient Thermal Buildings eee Management of Data Centers—Immediate and REDDY, T. AGAMI, ITZHAK H. MAOR, CHANIN Long-Term Research Needs PANJAPORNPON, Development and SIMONSON, CAREY J., YAW ASIEDU, ROBERT W. Implementation of HVAC-KBCD: A Knowledge- BESANT, Wheel Selection for Heat and Energy Based Expert System for Conceptual Design of Recovery in Simple HVAC Ventilation Design Prob- HVAC&R Systems—Part 2: Application to Office Buildings SIMONSON, CAREY J., MIKKO NYMAN, Life-Cycle REDDY, T. AGAMI, ITZHAK H. MAOR, Development Assessment (LCA) of Air-Handling Units with and and Implementation of HVAC-KBCD: A Knowl- without Air-to-Air Energy Exchangers edge-Based Expert System for Conceptual SMITH, SANDY, HARVEY M. SACHS, How Much Design of HVAC&R Systems—Part 1: General Energy Could Residential Furnace Air Handlers Framework . 232 See ai tee aly a ctakoe at aara aaa aierr ee 431 REES, SIMON J., JEFFREY D. SPITLER, ZHENG DENG, SPITLER, JEFFREY D., SIMON J. REES, ZHENG DENG, CARL D. ORIO, CARL N. JOHNSON, A Study of CARL D. ORIO, CARL N. JOHNSON, A Study of Geothermal Heat Pump and Standing Column Well Geothermal Heat Pump and Standing Column Well Performance 3 Performance REINDL, DOUGLAS T., ROBERT J. BRAUN, SANFORD SRESHTHAPUTRA, ATCH, DAVID E. CLARIDGE, A. KLEIN, Considerations in the Design and Appli- BASS ABUSHAKRA, JEFF S. HABERL, Electricity cation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Energy Systems in ‘Diversity Profiles for Energy Simulation of Office Residential Markets Buildings REINDL, DOUGLAS T., SEBASTIAN FREUND, STAEHLIN, WILLIAM, JAMES A. CARLSON, Shake Table SANFORD A. KLEIN, Energy Savings Potential of Testing ; STAHL, LENNART K., Cooling of High Heat Density WANG, YANLING, FUSHENG GAO, Tests of Stairwell Rooms Today and in the Future Pressurization Systems for Smoke Control in a STECKY, NICK, Renewable Energy for High-Perfor- High-Rise Building mance Buildings in New Jersey: Discussion of PV, WATTELET, JONATHAN, MICHAEL WILSON, KEVIN Wind Power, and Biogas and New Jersey’s Incen- WERT, A Thermal Bus System for Cooling Electron- tive Programs ic Components in High-Density Cabinets STEIN, JEFF, MARK M. HYDEMAN, Development WEI, C.S., C.C. WANG, Y.J. CHANG, B.C. YANG, A Com- and Testing of the Characteristic Curve Fan parative Study of the Airside Performance of Winglet Vortex Generator and Wavy Fin-and-Tube SUMATHY, K., YONG LI, N.D. KAUSHIKA, Thermal Anal- Heat Exchangers ysis of Solar-Powered Continuous Adsorption Air- WERT, KEVIN, MICHAEL WILSON, JONATHAN Conditioning System WATTELET, A’ Thermal Bus System for SUN, YIGANG, YUANHU!I ZHANG, LINGYING ZHAO, Cooling Electronic Components in High-Density XINLEI WANG, An Algorithm of Stereoscopic Parti- Cabinets cle Image Velocimetry for Full-Scale Room Airflow WILSON, MICHAEL, JONATHAN WATTELET, KEVIN SRUNAHSS 55 cssnnst races avo Sista es earssore es a eh 1° WERT, A Thermal Bus System for Cooling Electron- ic Components in High-Density Cabinets 567 T WRIGHT, JOHN L., DARRYL S. YAHODA, Heat Transfer Analysis of a Between-Panes Venetian Blind Using Effective Longwave Radiative Properties TORCELLINI, PAUL A., NICHOLAS LONG, RON D. WRIGHT, JOHN L., DARRYL S. YAHODA, Methods for JUDKOFF, Consumptive Water Use for U.S. Power Calculating the Effective Longwave Radiative Prop- Production erties of a Venetian Blind Layer TURNER, JOSEPH, JAMES A. CARLSON, Vibration Iso- WU, J.-S., LIANG-HAN CHIEN, Convective Evaporation lation: Harmonic and Seismic Forcing Using the on Plain Tube and Low-Fin Tube Banks Using Wilson Theta Method R-123 and R-134a VAN BECELAERE, ROBERT, MILIND MAINKAR, FATHI YAHODA, DARRYL S., JOHN L. WRIGHT, Heat Transfer FINAISH, HARRY J. SAUER, JR., Thermal Mixing of Analysis of a Between-Panes Venetian Blind Using Outdoor and Return Airflows in Typical Air-Handling Effective Longwave Radiative Properties YAHODA, DARRYL S., JOHN L. WRIGHT, Methods for VARMA, HARI KRISHNA, KAILASH NATH AGRAWAL, Calculating the Effective Longwave Radiative Prop- RAVI KUMAR, SACHIDA NAND LAL, Heat erties of a Venetian Blind Layer Transfer Augmentation by Segmented Tape Inserts During Condensation of R-22 Inside YANADORI, MICHIO, AKIYOSHI OHIRA, YOSHITAKA a Horizontal Tube SAKANO, MIYUKI MIKI, Average Modified Stanton VASQUEZ, HORACIO G., JOEY K. PARKER, TIMOTHY A Number for Evaluating the Ice-Melting Character- HASKEW, A Switched Reluctance Motor in a Vari- istics of Ice Harvested from a Thermal Storage able-Speed Pumping Application VIST, SIVERT, Two-Phase Refrigerant Distribution in YANG, B.C., C.C. WANG, Y.J. CHANG, C.S. WEI, A Com- Round Tube Manifolds parative Study of the Airside Performance of Winglet Vortex Generator and Wavy Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangers Ww YOSHIDA, HARUNORI, FULIN WANG, MASATO MIYATA, Total Energy Consumption Model of WANG, C.C., Y.J. CHANG, C.S. WEI, B.C. YANG, A Com- Fan Subsystem Suitable for Continuous parative Study of the Airside Performance of Commissioning Winglet Vortex Generator and Wavy Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangers WANG, FULIN, HARUNORI YOSHIDA, MASATO MIYATA, Total Energy Consumption Model of Fan Subsystem Suitable for Continuous ZHANG, YUANHUI, YIGANG SUN, LINGYING ZHAO, Commissioning XINLEI WANG, An Algorithm of Stereoscopic Parti- WANG, XINLEI, YIGANG SUN, YUANHUI ZHANG, cle Image Velocimetry for Full-Scale Room Airflow LINGYING ZHAO, An Algorithm of Stereoscopic Studies Particle Image Velocimetry for Full-Scale Room Air- ZHANG, ZHAO, BIN ZHAO, XIANTING LI, DONGTAO flow Studies HUANG, Comparison of Diffusion Characteristics of Aerosol Particles in Different Ventilated Rooms by cle Image Velocimetry for Full-Scale Room Airflow Numerical Method aa Studies ZHAO, BIN, ZHAO ZHANG, XIANTING LI, DONGTAO ZHAO, YUAN, MICHAEL M. OHADI, Experimental! Study HUANG, Comparison of Diffusion Characteristics of of Supercritical CO. 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