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1997 ASHRAE Handbook Preface The Fundamentals Handbook covers basic principles and control. The effects of moisture on the building and its occupants includes data for the entire technology of the HVAC&R industry. are discussed in more detail. New recommendations and con- Although design data and information change little over time, struction details for moisture control in three types of climates research sponsored by ASHRAE and others continues to generate and in attics, roofs, and crawl spaces are included. new information for the ASHRAE Handbooks. In addition, the • Chapter 25, Ventilation and Infiltration, now has information on technical committees that prepare the chapters strive not only to nonresidential ventilation, infiltration degree-days, air change provide new information, but also to clarify existing information, effectiveness, and age of air. delete obsolete material, and reorganize chapters to make the infor- • Chapter 26, Climatic Design Information, has been substantially mation more understandable and easier to use. In this 1997 ASHRAE expanded. The chapter includes new heating, cooling, dehumidi- Handbook the following changes and additions are worth noting. fication, and wind design conditions for 1442 locations. • Chapter 1, Thermodynamics and Refrigeration Cycles, has an • Chapter 29, Fenestration, includes new models for calculating improved style of analysis and method of calculating thermody- heat transfer in glazing cavities. The solar heat gain section has namic properties. The chapter also discusses zeotropic refrigerant been rewritten. New sections on condensation resistance, com- mixtures and includes numerical examples to show how the sec- plex shading systems, annual energy performance, and durability ond law of thermodynamics can be applied to actual refrigeration have been added. cycles. The information on absorption refrigeration cycles has • Chapter 30, Energy Estimating and Modeling Methods, has been been clarified, and example analyses of various absorption cycles substantially rewritten. The chapter provides an overview of the are included. various methods available for estimating energy use. A sample • Chapter 6, Psychrometrics, now includes equations for calculat- heat balance calculation is included. ing standard pressure when elevation or temperature is known. • Chapter 32, Duct Design, has additional information on the ther- • Chapter 8, Thermal Comfort, includes more information on ther- mal gravity (stack) effect and on duct system leakage. moregulation to help in understanding the physiology underlying • Chapter 33, Pipe Sizing, includes a new section on steam conden- comfort and its relation to the thermal environment. New material sate systems. about the effects of clothing insulation and the perception of draft • Chapter 37, Fundamentals of Control, has been taken from discomfort is also included. Chapter 42 in the 1995 ASHRAE Handbook—Applications. This • Chapter 9, Indoor Environmental Health, has been substantially move divides the information on controls into two topic areas— rewritten. It now includes new information that describes the var- one covers fundamentals and the other covers the applications of ious health sciences, summarizes diseases associated with the controls. indoor environment, compares pertinent indoor air quality stan- • Chapter 39, Building Envelopes, is a new chapter that will be dards, and introduces the principles of industrial hygiene. moved to the 1999 ASHRAE Handbook—Applications. The • Chapter 14, Measurement and Instruments, includes new sections technical committee completed the chapter in 1996, and the on carbon dioxide measurement and data logging devices. Handbook Committee decided to place it temporarily in this • Chapter 15, Airflow Around Buildings, presents simplified meth- volume. ods for estimating the effect of changes in terrain on wind speed • Old Chapter 29, Cooling and Freezing Times of Foods, and Chap- profiles. A field-validated model has led to a new procedure for ter 30, Thermal Properties of Foods, are not included in this calculating rooftop exhaust stack height. The new model pro- Handbook. They will be included in the 1998 ASHRAE Hand- duces stack heights that are about two-thirds as high as the 1993 book—Refrigeration. ASHRAE Handbook requirement. • Chapter 16, Energy Resources, has been moved here from the Each Handbook is published in two editions. One edition con- 1995 ASHRAE Handbook—Applications. Basic energy data have tains inch-pound (I-P) units of measurement, and the other contains been updated. the International System of Units (SI). • Chapter 17, Combustion and Fuels, now includes information on Look for corrections to the 1994, 1995, and 1996 volumes of the NOx emissions from uncontrolled fuel-burning equipment. Meth- Handbook series that have been noted since March 1995 on the ods for reducing NOx are also discussed. Internet at http://www.ashrae.org. Any changes to this volume will • Chapter 19, Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants, now be reported in the 1998 ASHRAE Handbook and on the Internet. includes data for the zeotropic blends R-404A, R-404C, and If you have suggestions on improving a chapter or you would R-410A, and the azeotropic blend R-507A. Most of the CFC like more information on how you can help revise a chapter, e-mail refrigerants have been retained to assist in making comparisons. [email protected]; write to Handbook Editor, ASHRAE, 1791 Revised formulations have been used for most of the hydrocarbon Tullie Circle, Atlanta, GA 30329; or fax (404) 321-5478. refrigerants and the cryogenic fluids. • Chapters 22 and 23, Thermal and Moisture Control in Insulated Robert A. Parsons Assemblies, contain more information on moisture transport and ASHRAE Handbook Editor CHAPTER 1 THERMODYNAMICS AND REFRIGERATION CYCLES THERMODYNAMICS ............................................................... 1.1 Lorenz Refrigeration Cycle ....................................................... 1.9 First Law of Thermodynamics .................................................. 1.2 Theoretical Single-Stage Cycle Using Second Law of Thermodynamics .............................................. 1.2 Zeotropic Refrigerant Mixture ............................................ 1.10 Thermodynamic Analysis of Refrigeration Cycles .................... 1.3 Multistage Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycles ............ 1.10 Equations of State ..................................................................... 1.3 Actual Refrigeration Systems .................................................. 1.12 Calculating Thermodynamic Properties ................................... 1.4 ABSORPTION REFRIGERATION CYCLES .......................... 1.14 COMPRESSION REFRIGERATION CYCLES ......................... 1.6 Flow Description ..................................................................... 1.14 Carnot Cycle ............................................................................. 1.6 Characteristics of Refrigerant-Absorbent Pairs ..................... 1.15 Theoretical Single-Stage Cycle Using a Pure Refrigerant Example Absorption Cycle Calculations ................................ 1.16 or Azeotropic Mixture ........................................................... 1.8 Nomenclature .......................................................................... 1.19 T HERMODYNAMICS is the study of energy, its transforma- Chemical energy is energy possessed by the system caused by tions, and its relation to states of matter. This chapter covers the the arrangement of atoms composing the molecules. application of thermodynamics to refrigeration cycles. The first part Nuclear (atomic) energy is energy possessed by the system reviews the first and second laws of thermodynamics and presents from the cohesive forces holding protons and neutrons together as methods for calculating thermodynamic properties. The second and the atom’s nucleus. third parts address compression and absorption refrigeration cycles, the two most common methods of thermal energy transfer. Transient Energy Heat (Q) is the mechanism that transfers energy across the THERMODYNAMICS boundary of systems with differing temperatures, always toward the lower temperature. A thermodynamic system is a region in space or a quantity of Work is the mechanism that transfers energy across the bound- matter bounded by a closed surface. The surroundings include ary of systems with differing pressures (or force of any kind), everything external to the system, and the system is separated from always toward the lower pressure. If the total effect produced in the the surroundings by the system boundaries. These boundaries can system can be reduced to the raising of a weight, then nothing but be movable or fixed, real or imaginary. work has crossed the boundary. The concepts that operate in any thermodynamic system are Mechanical or shaft work (W) is the energy delivered or entropy and energy. Entropy measures the molecular disorder of a absorbed by a mechanism, such as a turbine, air compressor, or system. The more mixed a system, the greater its entropy; con- internal combustion engine. versely, an orderly or unmixed configuration is one of low entropy. Flow work is energy carried into or transmitted across the sys- Energy has the capacity for producing an effect and can be catego- tem boundary because a pumping process occurs somewhere out- rized into either stored or transient forms as described in the follow- side the system, causing fluid to enter the system. It can be more ing sections. easily understood as the work done by the fluid just outside the sys- tem on the adjacent fluid entering the system to force or push it into Stored Energy the system. Flow work also occurs as fluid leaves the system. Thermal (internal) energy is the energy possessed by a system caused by the motion of the molecules and/or intermolecular forces. Flow Work (per unit mass) = pv (3) Potential energy is the energy possessed by a system caused by the attractive forces existing between molecules, or the elevation of where p is the pressure and v is the specific volume, or the volume the system. displaced per unit mass. A property of a system is any observable characteristic of the PE = mgz (1) system. The state of a system is defined by listing its properties. The most common thermodynamic properties are temperature T, pres- where sure p, and specific volume v or density r . Additional thermody- m = mass namic properties include entropy, stored forms of energy, and g = local acceleration of gravity enthalpy. z = elevation above horizontal reference plane Frequently, thermodynamic properties combine to form other properties. Enthalpy (h), a result of combining properties, is Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a system caused by defined as the velocity of the molecules and is expressed as h” u+pv (4) KE = mV2⁄2 (2) where u is internal energy per unit mass. where V is the velocity of a fluid stream crossing the system Each property in a given state has only one definite value, and boundary. any property always has the same value for a given state, regardless of how the substance arrived at that state. The preparation of the first and second parts of this chapter is assigned to A process is a change in state that can be defined as any change TC 1.1, Thermodynamics and Psychrometrics. The third part is assigned to in the properties of a system. A process is described by specifying TC 8.3, Absorption and Heat Operated Machines. the initial and final equilibrium states, the path (if identifiable), and 1.2 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook (SI) the interactions that take place across system boundaries during the process. A cycle is a process or a series of processes wherein the initial and final states of the system are identical. Therefore, at the conclu- sion of a cycle, all the properties have the same value they had at the beginning. A pure substance has a homogeneous and invariable chemical composition. It can exist in more than one phase, but the chemical composition is the same in all phases. If a substance exists as liquid at the saturation temperature and pressure, it is called saturated liquid. If the temperature of the liq- uid is lower than the saturation temperature for the existing pres- sure, it is called either a subcooled liquid (the temperature is lower Fig. 1 Energy Flows in General Thermodynamic System than the saturation temperature for the given pressure) or a com- pressed liquid (the pressure is greater than the saturation pressure where h = u + pv as described in Equation (4). for the given temperature). A second common application is the closed stationary system for When a substance exists as part liquid and part vapor at the sat- which the first law equation reduces to uration temperature, its quality is defined as the ratio of the mass of vapor to the total mass. Quality has meaning only when the substance Q–W = [m(u –u)] (7) f i system is in a saturated state; i.e., at saturation pressure and temperature. If a substance exists as vapor at the saturation temperature, it is SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS called saturated vapor. (Sometimes the term dry saturated vapor is used to emphasize that the quality is 100%.) When the vapor is at The second law of thermodynamics differentiates and quantifies a temperature greater than the saturation temperature, it is super- processes that only proceed in a certain direction (irreversible) from heated vapor. The pressure and temperature of superheated vapor those that are reversible. The second law may be described in sev- are independent properties, since the temperature can increase while eral ways. One method uses the concept of entropy flow in an open the pressure remains constant. Gases are highly superheated vapors. system and the irreversibility associated with the process. The con- cept of irreversibility provides added insight into the operation of FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS cycles. For example, the larger the irreversibility in a refrigeration cycle operating with a given refrigeration load between two fixed The first law of thermodynamics is often called the law of the temperature levels, the larger the amount of work required to oper- conservation of energy. The following form of the first law equa- ate the cycle. Irreversibilities include pressure drops in lines and tion is valid only in the absence of a nuclear or chemical reaction. heat exchangers, heat transfer between fluids of different tempera- Based on the first law or the law of conservation of energy for ture, and mechanical friction. Reducing total irreversibility in a any system, open or closed, there is an energy balance as cycle improves the cycle performance. In an open system, the second law of thermodynamics can be Net Amount of Energy = Net Increase in Stored described in terms of entropy as Added to System Energy of System d Q or dS = -------+d ms –d m s +dI (8) system T i i e e Energy In – Energy Out = Increase in Energy in System where Figure 1 illustrates energy flows into and out of a thermody- dS = total change within system in time dt during process namic system. For the general case of multiple mass flows in and system d ms = entropy increase caused by mass entering out of the system, the energy balance can be written i i d ms = entropy decrease caused by mass leaving ee d Q/T = entropy change caused by reversible heat transfer between sys- (cid:229) minŁ(cid:230) u+pv+-V-2----2+gł(cid:246)z in dI = teenmtr oapnyd csruerartoeudn cdainugsesd by irreversibilities (always positive) –(cid:229) moutŁ(cid:230) u+pv+-V-2----2+gł(cid:246)z out+Q–W (5) Eraqnugaetdio, nth (i8s )e aqcucaotiuonnt sb feocro malle sentropy changes in the system. Rear- (cid:230) V2 (cid:246) (cid:230) V2 (cid:246) d Q = T[(d m s –d ms)+dS –dI] (9) = mfŁ u+--2----+głz f–miŁ u+--2----+głz i system e e i i sys In integrated form, if inlet and outlet properties, mass flow, and The steady-flow process is important in engineering applica- interactions with the surroundings do not vary with time, the general tions. Steady flow signifies that all quantities associated with the equation for the second law is system do not vary with time. Consequently, (S –S) = (cid:242) d----Q---+(cid:229) (ms) –(cid:229) (ms) +I (10) (cid:229) m·Ł(cid:230) h+-V-----2+gł(cid:246)z f i system rev T in out 2 all streams In many applications the process can be considered to be operat- leaving ing steadily with no change in time. The change in entropy of the – (cid:229) m·Ł(cid:230) h+-V-----2+gł(cid:246)z +Q· –W· = 0 (6) system is therefore zero. The irreversibility rate, which is the rate of 2 entropy production caused by irreversibilities in the process can be all streams entering determined by rearranging Equation (10) Thermodynamics and Refrigeration Cycles 1.3 · I· = (cid:229) (m·s)out–(cid:229) (m·s)in–(cid:242) -----Q------- (11) Aib lme ecaysculere i so fg itvheen d ebpya trhtue rree ofrf itgheer aactitnuagl ecfyfcicleie fnrcoym: an ideal revers- T surr COP Equation (6) can be used to replace the heat transfer quantity. h R = -(--C----O----P----)-------- (17) Note that the absolute temperature of the surroundings with which rev the system is exchanging heat is used in the last term. If the temper- The Carnot cycle usually serves as the ideal reversible refriger- ature of the surroundings is equal to the temperature of the system, ation cycle. For multistage cycles, each stage is described by a the heat is transferred reversibly and Equation (11) becomes equal reversible cycle. to zero. Equation (11) is commonly applied to a system with one mass EQUATIONS OF STATE flow in, the same mass flow out, no work, and negligible kinetic or potential energy flows. Combining Equations (6) and (11) yields The equation of state of a pure substance is a mathematical rela- tion between pressure, specific volume, and temperature. When the I· = m· (s –s )–h----o--u---t---–-----h---i-n-- (12) system is in thermodynamic equilibrium out in T surr f(p,v,T) = 0 (18) In a cycle, the reduction of work produced by a power cycle or The principles of statistical mechanics are used to (1) explore the the increase in work required by a refrigeration cycle is equal to the fundamental properties of matter, (2) predict an equation of state absolute ambient temperature multiplied by the sum of the irrevers- based on the statistical nature of a particulate system, or (3) propose ibilities in all the processes in the cycle. Thus the difference in the a functional form for an equation of state with unknown parameters reversible work and the actual work for any refrigeration cycle, the- that are determined by measuring thermodynamic properties of a oretical or real, operating under the same conditions becomes substance. A fundamental equation with this basis is the virial · · · equation. The virial equation is expressed as an expansion in pres- (cid:229) Wactual = Wreversible+T0 I (13) sure p or in reciprocal values of volume per unit mass v as THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF -p----v-- = 1+B¢p+C¢p2+D¢p3+… (19) REFRIGERATION CYCLES RT Refrigeration cycles transfer thermal energy from a region of low temperature T to one of higher temperature. Usually the higher -p----v-- = 1+(B⁄v)+(C⁄v2)+(D⁄v3)+… (20) R RT temperature heat sink is the ambient air or cooling water. This tem- perature is designated as T0, the temperature of the surroundings. where coefficients B’, C’, D’, etc., and B, C, D, etc., are the virial The first and second laws of thermodynamics can be applied to coefficients. B’ and B are second virial coefficients; C’ and C are individual components to determine mass and energy balances and third virial coefficients, etc. The virial coefficients are functions of the irreversibility of the components. This procedure is illustrated in temperature only, and values of the respective coefficients in Equa- later sections in this chapter. tions (19) and (20) are related. For example, B’ = B/RT and C’ = (C Performance of a refrigeration cycle is usually described by a – B2)/(RT)2. coefficient of performance. COP is defined as the benefit of the The ideal gas constant R is defined as cycle (amount of heat removed) divided by the required energy input to operate the cycle, or (pv) R = lim ------------T- (21) COP” --------------------U-----s--e---f--u---l- --r--e--f--r--i--g---e---r--a--t--i--n---g--- -e---f--f--e---c--t-------------------- (14) pfi 0 Ttp Net energy supplied from external sources where (pv) is the product of the pressure and the volume along an T For a mechanical vapor compression system, the net energy sup- isotherm, and T is the defined temperature of the triple point of tp plied is usually in the form of work, mechanical or electrical, and water, which is 273.16 K. The current best value of R is 8314.41 may include work to the compressor and fans or pumps. Thus J/(kg mole·K). The quantity pv/RT is also called the compressibility factor, i.e. Q Z = pv/RT or COP = --------i--- (15) W net Z = 1+(B⁄v)+(C⁄v2)+(D⁄v3)+… (22) In an absorption refrigeration cycle, the net energy supplied is usually in the form of heat into the generator and work into the An advantage of the virial form is that statistical mechanics can pumps and fans, or be used to predict the lower order coefficients and provide physical significance to the virial coefficients. For example, in Equation Q (22), the term B/v is a function of interactions between two mole- COP = -----------------i------------- (16) cules, C/v2 between three molecules, etc. Since the lower order Q +W gen net interactions are common, the contributions of the higher order terms are successively less. Thermodynamicists use the partition or distri- In many cases the work supplied to an absorption system is very bution function to determine virial coefficients; however, experi- small compared to the amount of heat supplied to the generator so mental values of the second and third coefficients are preferred. For the work term is often neglected. dense fluids, many higher order terms are necessary that can neither Application of the second law to an entire refrigeration cycle be satisfactorily predicted from theory nor determined from exper- shows that a completely reversible cycle operating under the same imental measurements. In general, a truncated virial expansion of conditions has the maximum possible Coefficient of Performance. four terms is valid for densities of less than one-half the value at the 1.4 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook (SI) critical point. For higher densities, additional terms can be used and relates properties of similar substances by suitable reducing factors, determined empirically. i.e., the p-v-T surfaces of similar fluids in a given region are Digital computers allow the use of very complex equations of assumed to be of similar shape. The critical point can be used to state in calculating p-v-T values, even to high densities. The Bene- define reducing parameters to scale the surface of one fluid to the dict-Webb-Rubin (B-W-R) equation of state (Benedict et al. 1940) dimensions of another. Modifications of this principle, as suggested and the Martin-Hou equation (1955) have had considerable use, but by Kamerlingh Onnes, a Dutch cryogenic researcher, have been should generally be limited to densities less than the critical value. used to improve correspondence at low pressures. The principle of Strobridge (1962) suggested a modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin corresponding states provides useful approximations, and numer- relation that gives excellent results at higher densities and can be ous modifications have been reported. More complex treatments for used for a p-v-T surface that extends into the liquid phase. predicting property values, which recognize similarity of fluid prop- The B-W-R equation has been used extensively for hydrocar- erties, are by generalized equations of state. These equations ordi- bons (Cooper and Goldfrank 1967): narily allow for adjustment of the p-v-T surface by introduction of parameters. One example (Hirschfelder et al. 1958) allows for P = (RT⁄v)+(B RT–A –C ⁄T2)⁄v2+(bRT–a)⁄v3 departures from the principle of corresponding states by adding two o o o (23) correlating parameters. + (aa )⁄v6+[c(1+g ⁄v2)e(–g ⁄v2)]⁄v3T2 CALCULATING THERMODYNAMIC where the constant coefficients are A , B , C , a, b, c, a , g . o o o PROPERTIES The Martin-Hou equation, developed for fluorinated hydro- carbon properties, has been used to calculate the thermodynamic While equations of state provide p-v-T relations, a thermody- property tables in Chapter 19 and in ASHRAE Thermodynamic namic analysis usually requires values for internal energy, enthalpy, Properties of Refrigerants (Stewart et al. 1986). The Martin-Hou and entropy. These properties have been tabulated for many sub- equation is as follows: stances, including refrigerants (See Chapters 6, 19, and 36) and can be extracted from such tables by interpolating manually or with a (–kT⁄T) p = ---R----T----+-A---2----+-----B----2---T-----+----C-----2--e-------------------c-- scualictaublaleti oconms apnudte rf oprr oreglraatmiv.e lTyh sisim applper ocaocmh pius taepr pmroopdreilast;e hfoowr hevanerd, v–b (v–b)2 for many computer simulations, the overhead in memory or input (–kT⁄T) and output required to use tabulated data can make this approach A +B T+C e c A +B T +----3-------------3-----------------3-----------------------+----4-------------4----- unacceptable. For large thermal system simulations or complex (v–b)3 (v–b)4 analyses, it may be more efficient to determine internal energy, enthalpy, and entropy using fundamental thermodynamic relations (–kT⁄T) A +B T+C e c or curves fit to experimental data. Some of these relations are dis- +----5-------------5---(--v----–-----b---5)--5---------------------+(A6+B6T)eav (24) cussed in the following sections. Also, the thermodynamic relations discussed in those sections are the basis for constructing tables of thermodynamic property data. Further information on the topic may where the constant coefficients are A, B, C, k, b, and a . i i i be found in references covering system modeling and thermo- Strobridge (1962) suggested an equation of state that was devel- dynamics (Stoecker 1989, Howell and Buckius 1992). oped for nitrogen properties and used for most cryogenic fluids. This equation combines the B-W-R equation of state with an equa- At least two intensive properties must be known to determine the tion for high density nitrogen suggested by Benedict (1937). These remaining properties. If two known properties are either p, v, or T equations have been used successfully for liquid and vapor phases, (these are relatively easy to measure and are commonly used in sim- extending in the liquid phase to the triple-point temperature and the ulations), the third can be determined throughout the range of inter- freezing line, and in the vapor phase from 10 to 1000K, with pres- est using an equation of state. Furthermore, if the specific heats at sures to 1 GPa. The equation suggested by Strobridge is accurate zero pressure are known, specific heat can be accurately determined within the uncertainty of the measured p-v-T data. This equation, as from spectroscopic measurements using statistical mechanics originally reported by Strobridge, is (NASA 1971). Entropy may be considered a function of T and p, and from calculus an infinitesimal change in entropy can be written as follows: n n n p = RTr + Rn T+n +----3-+----4-+----5- r 2 1 2 T T2 T4 (cid:230) ¶ s(cid:246) (cid:230) ¶ s(cid:246) +(Rn T+n )r 3+n Tr 4 ds = Ł ¶----T-ł- pdT+Ł ¶----p-ł- Tdp (26) 6 7 8 n n n +r 3 ----9-+----1--0-+----1--1- exp(–n r 2) Likewise, a change in enthalpy can be written as T2 T3 T4 16 (cid:230) ¶ h(cid:246) (cid:230) ¶ h(cid:246) +r 5 n----1--2-+n----1--3-+-n---1--4- exp(–n r 2)+n r 6 (25) dh = Ł ¶----T-ł- pdT+Ł ¶----pł-- Tdp (27) T2 T3 T4 16 15 Using the relation Tds = dh - vdp and the definition of specific The 15 coefficients of this equation’s linear terms are determined heat at constant pressure, c ” (¶ h/¶ T) , Equation (27) can be rear- p p by a least-square fit to experimental data. Hust and Stewart (1966) ranged to yield and Hust and McCarty (1967) give further information on methods and techniques for determining equations of state. corIrne stphoen adbisnegn cseta otef se xcpaenr ipmreendtiaclt dfalutaid, Vparno pdeerrt Wiesa.a lTs’h ipsr ipnrciinpcleip olef ds = -cT--p--dT+ Ł(cid:230) ¶¶ hpł(cid:246) T–v d--T--p-- (28) Thermodynamics and Refrigeration Cycles 1.5 Equations (26) and (28) combine to yield (¶ s/¶ T) = c /T. Then, equations are restricted to situations where the equation of state is p p using the Maxwell relation (¶ s/¶ p) = - (¶ v/¶ T) , Equation (26) may valid and the properties vary continuously. These restrictions are T p be rewritten as violated by a change of phase such as evaporation and condensa- tion, which are essential processes in air-conditioning and refriger- ds = c-T--p--dT–Ł(cid:230) ¶¶ vTł(cid:246) pdp (29) avtailnuge ;d feovri ecvesa.p oTrhaetiroenfo orer ,c tohned eCnlsaapteioynro int geiqvuesation is of particular This is an expression for an exact derivative, so it follows that Ł(cid:230) dpł(cid:246) = -s--f--g- = --h---f--g--- (37) dT sat vfg Tvfg Ł(cid:230) ¶¶ cpł(cid:246)p T = –TŁ(cid:231)(cid:230) ¶¶ T2v2ł(cid:247)(cid:246) p (30) whersefg= entropy of vaporization h = enthalpy of vaporization fg Integrating this expression at a fixed temperature yields vfg= specific volume difference between vapor and liquid phases If vapor pressure and liquid (or vapor) density data are known at (cid:242)p (cid:230) ¶ 2v(cid:246) sthaetunr achtiaonng, easn idn ethnethsea lparye a rnedl aetnivtreolyp ye caasny bme ecaaslucruelmateedn tus stion go Ebqtauian-, c = c – T(cid:231) (cid:247) dp (31) p po Ł ¶ T2ł T tion (37). 0 Phase Equilibria for Multicomponent Systems where cp0 is the known zero pressure specific heat, and dpT is used To understand phase equilibria, consider a container full of a liq- to indicate that the integration is performed at a fixed temperature. uid made of two components; the more volatile component is des- The second partial derivative of specific volume with respect to ignated i and the less volatile component j (Figure 2A). This mixture temperature can be determined from the equation of state. Thus, is all liquid because the temperature is low—but not so low that a Equation (31) can be used to determine the specific heat at any pres- solid appears. Heat added at a constant pressure raises the tempera- sure. ture of the mixture, and a sufficient increase causes vapor to form, Using Tds = dh - vdp, Equation (29) can be written as as shown in Figure 2B. If heat at constant pressure continues to be added, eventually the temperature will become so high that only (cid:230) ¶ v(cid:246) vapor remains in the container (Figure 2C). A temperature-concen- dh = cpdT+ v–TŁ ¶ Tł p dp (32) tration (T-x) diagram is useful for exploring details of this situation. Figure 3 is a typical T-x diagram valid at a fixed pressure. The Equations (28) and (32) may be integrated at constant pressure to case shown in Figure 2A, a container full of liquid mixture with obtain mole fraction xi,0 at temperature T0, is point 0 on the T-x diagram. When heat is added, the temperature of the mixture increases. The point at which vapor begins to form is the bubble point. Starting at s(T ,p ) = s(T ,p )+T(cid:242) 1-c--p--dT (33) ppooiinntt 01, othne t hfiers dt ibaugbrabmle. wTihlle floorcmu sa to tfe bmupbebrlaet uproei nTt1s, dise sthigen batuebdb blye 1 0 0 0 T p point curve, which provides bubble points for various liquid mole T 0 fractions x. i When the first bubble begins to form, the vapor in the bubble may not have the i mole fraction found in the liquid mixture. T 1 (cid:242) Rather, the mole fraction of the more volatile species is higher in and h(T ,p ) = h(T ,p )+ c dT (34) 1 0 0 0 p the vapor than in the liquid. Boiling prefers the more volatile spe- T0 cies, and the T-x diagram shows this behavior. At Tl, the vapor forming bubbles have an i mole fraction of y . If heat continues to i,l Integrating the Maxwell relation (¶ s/¶ p) = - (¶ v/¶ T) gives an be added, this preferential boiling will deplete the liquid of species T p i and the temperature required to continue the process will increase. equation for entropy changes at a constant temperature as Again, the T-x diagram reflects this fact; at point 2 the i mole frac- tion in the liquid is reduced to x and the vapor has a mole fraction i,2 p1 of y . The temperature required to boil the mixture is increased to (cid:242) (cid:230) ¶ v(cid:246) i,2 s(T0,p1) = s(T0,p0)– Ł ¶ Tł pdpT (35) p 0 Likewise, integrating Equation (32) along an isotherm yields the following equation for enthalpy changes at a constant temperature p 1 (cid:242) (cid:230) ¶ v(cid:246) h(T0,p1) = h(T0,p0)+ v–TŁ ¶ Tł p dp (36) p 0 Internal energy can be calculated from u = h - pv. Combinations (or variations) of Equations (33) through (36) can be incorporated directly into computer subroutines to calculate Fig. 2 Mixture of i and j Components in properties with improved accuracy and efficiency. However, these Constant Pressure Container 1.6 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook (SI) T . Position 2 on the T-x diagram could correspond to the physical diagram of Figure 4. If a container of liquid with a mole fraction x 2 a situation shown in Figure 2B. were boiled, vapor would be formed with an identical mole fraction If the constant-pressure heating continues, all the liquid eventually y . The addition of heat at constant pressure would continue with no a becomes vapor at temperature T . At this point the i mole fraction in shift in composition and no temperature glide. 3 the vapor y equals the starting mole fraction in the all liquid mixture Perfect azeotropic behavior is uncommon, while near azeotropic i,3 x . This equality is required for mass and species conservation. Fur- behavior is fairly common. The azeotropic composition is pressure i,1 ther addition of heat simply raises the vapor temperature. The final dependent, so operating pressures should be considered for their position 4 corresponds to the physical situation shown in Figure 2C. impact on mixture behavior. Azeotropic and near-azeotropic refrig- Starting at position 4 in Figure 3, the removal of heat leads to 3, erant mixtures find wide application. The properties of an azeo- and further heat removal would cause droplets rich in the less vola- tropic mixture are such that they may be conveniently treated as tile species to form. This point is called the dew point, and the locus pure substance properties. Zeotropic mixtures, however, require of dew points is called the dew-point curve. The removal of heat special treatment, using an equation-of-state approach with appro- will cause the mixture to reverse through points 3, 2, 1, and to start- priate mixing rules or using the fugacities with the standard state ing point 0. Because the composition shifts, the temperature method (Tassios 1993). Refrigerant and lubricant blends are a zeo- required to boil (or condense) this mixture changes as the process tropic mixture and can be treated by these methods (see Thome proceeds. This mixture is therefore called zeotropic. 1995 and Martz et al. 1996a, b). Most mixtures have T-x diagrams that behave as previously described, but some have a markedly different feature. If the dew COMPRESSION REFRIGERATION point and bubble point curves intersect at any point other than at CYCLES their ends, the mixture exhibits what is called azeotropic behavior at that composition. This case is shown as position a in the T-x CARNOT CYCLE The Carnot cycle, which is completely reversible, is a perfect model for a refrigeration cycle operating between two fixed temper- atures, or between two fluids at different temperatures and each with infinite heat capacity. Reversible cycles have two important proper- ties: (1) no refrigerating cycle may have a coefficient of perfor- mance higher than that for a reversible cycle operated between the same temperature limits, and (2) all reversible cycles, when oper- ated between the same temperature limits, have the same coefficient of performance. Proof of both statements may be found in almost any text book on elementary engineering thermodynamics. Figure 5 shows the Carnot cycle on temperature-entropy coordi- nates. Heat is withdrawn at the constant temperature T from the R region to be refrigerated. Heat is rejected at the constant ambient temperature T . The cycle is completed by an isentropic expansion 0 and an isentropic compression. The energy transfers are given by Q = T (S –S ) 0 0 2 3 Q = T (S –S ) = T (S –S ) i R 1 4 R 2 3 W = Q –Q net o i Fig. 3 Temperature-Concentration (T-x) Diagram for Thus, by Equation (15), Zeotropic Mixture T COP = ----------R-------- (38) T –T 0 R Fig. 4 Azeotropic Behavior Shown on T-x Diagram Fig. 5 Carnot Refrigeration Cycle Thermodynamics and Refrigeration Cycles 1.7 Fig. 6 Temperature-Entropy Diagram for Carnot Refrigeration Cycle of Example 1 Example 1. Determine entropy change, work, and coefficient of perfor- mance for the cycle shown in Figure 6. Temperature of the refrigerated space T is 250 K and that of the atmosphere T is 300 K. Refrigeration R 0 load is 125 kJ. Solution: D S = S –S = Q ⁄T = 125⁄250 = 0.5 kJ⁄K 1 4 i R W = D S(T –T ) = 0.5(300–250) = 25 kJ 0 R COP = Q ⁄(Q –Q) = Q ⁄W = 125⁄25 = 5 i o i i Flow of energy and its area representation in Figure 6 is: Energy kJ Area Q 125 b i Q 150 a + b o W 25 a Fig. 7 Carnot Vapor Compression Cycle The net change of entropy of any refrigerant in any cycle is always zero. In Example 1 the change in entropy of the refrigerated space is D S R = - 125/250 = - 0.5 kJ/K and that of the atmosphere is D S = 125/250 = 0.5 kJ/K. The net change in entropy of the isolated system ios D Stotal = D SR 3Wd = m(h3–hd) + D S = 0. o W = m(h –h ) The Carnot cycle in Figure 7 shows a process in which heat is 1 b b 1 added and rejected at constant pressure in a two-phase region of a refrigerant. Saturated liquid at state 3 expands isentropically to the W = T (S –S )–m(h –h ) b c 0 b c b c low temperature and pressure of the cycle at state d. Heat is added isothermally and isobarically by evaporating the liquid phase Q = m(h –h ) = Area def1d refrigerant from state d to state 1. The cold saturated vapor at state d 1 1 d 1 is compressed isentropically to the high temperature in the cycle The net work for the cycle is at state b. However the pressure at state b is below the saturation pressure corresponding to the high temperature in the cycle. The W = W + W – W = Area d1bc3d compression process is completed by an isothermal compression net 1 b b c 3 d process from state b to state c. The cycle is completed by an iso- thermal and isobaric heat rejection or condensing process from and state c to state 3. Q T Applying the energy equation for a mass of refrigerant m yields COP = --d-------1-- = ----------R-------- (all work and heat transfer are positive) W T –T net 0 R 1.8 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook (SI) THEORETICAL SINGLE-STAGE CYCLE valve throttles the refrigerant from high pressure to low pressure. USING A PURE REFRIGERANT OR Figure 8 shows the theoretical single-stage cycle used as a model for AZEOTROPIC MIXTURE actual systems. Applying the energy equation for a mass of refrigerant m yields A system designed to approach the ideal model shown in Figure 7 is desirable. A pure refrigerant or an azeotropic mixture can be Q = m(h –h ) used to maintain constant temperature during the phase changes by 4 1 1 4 maintaining a constant pressure. Because of such concerns as high W = m(h –h ) 1 2 2 1 initial cost and increased maintenance requirements a practical (39) Q = m(h –h ) machine has one compressor instead of two and the expander 2 3 2 3 (engine or turbine) is replaced by a simple expansion valve. The h = h 3 4 The constant enthalpy throttling process assumes no heat transfer or change in potential or kinetic energy through the expansion valve. The coefficient of performance is Q h –h COP = -4------1-- = ----1-----------4-- (40) W h –h 1 2 2 1 The theoretical compressor displacement CD (at 100% volumet- ric efficiency), is · CD = mv (41) 3 which is a measure of the physical size or speed of the compressor required to handle the prescribed refrigeration load. Example 2. A theoretical single-stage cycle using R134a as the refrigerant operates with a condensing temperature of 30°C and an evaporating temperature of - 20°C. The system produces 50 kW of refrigeration. Determine (a) the thermodynamic property values at the four main state points of the cycle, (b) the coefficient of performance of the cycle, (c) the cycle refrigerating efficiency, and (d) rate of refrigerant flow. Solution: (a) Figure 9 shows a schematic p-h diagram for the problem with numerical property data. Saturated vapor and saturated liquid proper- ties for states 1 and 3 are obtained from the saturation table for R134a in Chapter 19. Properties for superheated vapor at state 2 are obtained by linear interpolation of the superheat tables for R134a in Chapter 19. Specific volume and specific entropy values for state 4 are obtained by determining the quality of the liquid-vapor mixture from the enthalpy. x = -h---4----–----h---f = -2---4---1--.--6---5----–-----1---7---3---.-8----2-- = 0.3187 4 h –h 386.66–173.82 g f v = v +x (v –v) = 0.0007374+0.3187(0.14744–0.0007374) 4 f 4 g f = 0.04749 m3/kg Fig. 8 Theoretical Single-Stage Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle Fig. 9 Schematic p-h Diagram for Example 2

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