sonst, oF mere aera, msrealy. belie that note ope divans on aseuslty would ebenet ci for evan 3 ats sr rst space etude itterear formu nmasy and eats i {rine attention. though reer, even Fan an sae, 212 hove een ering stout. Jvorunetey. nue what a ben ull ed an asexual hl ake escrito nd nis thot sin simpli ce a any misunderstand he fic tht you ray have, nadetion to 2ritng you wth mo inermaton somal sty 5 bsetlyinoencoie, sees hope to ever be ay ‘west nit espect andhave th seus sentation vee eg tinae aneny we'e exued ram nos sonveeatonsr seca criestation ed satity, wether they besa! inthe cere, This vaoranats hoceuse 2 arasult fur iwisly people are araware othe urs we face many ol whi HOT ONLY ASCRUALS fee, that are widespread arog prop ‘who do not/annat icin heros satin they eer! People mut tn assuming (2 ey often ao} that the ten eesosena car bess to eveyone ees must top bing weed atau” sem diterraseualtie, People ned ta grasp that sexuality my sample and tha thet 0 much ‘none thes eteoseaualy, temsextay, ane bienalty(oush 9 seas fe often msble too. hap tat more peoalew rome to besos are of seal, gay, sidcomsensiy the sori yates that we can fos are attenton on siinating eettpexsn ad eterna thet ermeatesec ety an thal spar tal as ope thet tough is ne, peopel gn eter undetstand asaya tt the werk wl Drom aeuple ta tne further on sues sch 3 nudity, gone es, roltioncip, the cummstionsto 3m ‘+4 mora resources! +44 4 i nt sent esc es as yur et e lon Neruare EN aslo ‘os Eplrsions sueisloocsen * i Acey east teoneaw cancun ‘Love fram the sexual Laderground ‘ {biog Davey founder of VEN enalundergun bosspatcom eco the ee of oe (sonsteninsn@emaiconp HotPincesftce ~calloboitive Youtube ch of teas ccruniy who scones hows MatPscmhcrsgnel sony anne eu a tee {Dertor Antler, based in MYC row Worl ane Romero 50m ealing dows rement.a documentary on asexuality mae i ! ! 23 eal ae to make ene of tsar cate tos you sh You may use ny materilin os ong rope eeetes spa reir nko the big thanks lsh contrat th onlre ase eo nun rar ane at forgoing oush 5 fst ana war entatng sa your exposing terest Srl predh ths. tices tel cneourageeryons owe Ut sa caress aun se Smaehpatiatchy, anyone? I \ ( 1 l fl ” can wy loves soso pede | consid yl ery chy hae eared about eal ela earyh ‘iyi nab he age of 18).Trouahour mest hig 00 ry Cprsit, comb sod wile evel an ae occurences of oman station Inne sofas endalensti. !neeer mine to nye he hsh Thad 3° & femcl erator twa ysteberauseit rade assy ao senso me eau hot snde-stnd oe ature of he stuation Le sews fata on romantic erctinn ut ose etn. emer ber ales saul asking [eval abut how thoy ek evar trie eands, thew srt, andthe Alilerenbetnee the an, de2eratly Roping fr some form ue aiction that fr tr netner ofthe deans Ieee. Applying he tan Tebion™ {omyself ny el er semen ih but rete iden.” anh the ould think. asl, one dy sree dec he term ase 62 trove yasinge cores ih packed tof im and nay And acai. Wes anfotnete that heres space for edcation about fering sexi esha tthe Fok 2nns. “hele nas room Ing notsehol lo “Uy an raul ar there tdscusson soot re ateacton Thi problem fr quee: youth everysrs I serait ne 90 or ieensental thaws crate these fe spares and ascussions and conn. conscious rang now tat there euler aes who hee ved mast theres in nui and he stil! Ana that er ae seals ALL OVEN T= WORLD (shod not Fave this f-ration. any with st the fture, howe al oe rote resoutes about rinorty Sexuaiies so that eary un, people on tindrsiand that trey ant alone, ar ha ore rapa, nothings wrons sits them leben unable ttc the abe: eternal” ning the voices sense a pie wh ray tient fy th he Iebo, at wh have chose bee 3 te of sueual este want youth thevoces oft won many ol aur Peeronormat ve sot on rmsd 2e often ttoneed aed okeaon asinio.Fo1somersaso9 today not nvr se ely ress people aut. ASEXUAL a} -a person that doesnot experience xual tation salts NOT choc (therefore ts NOT! bey though ce ales an be nee advice versa) ‘the lek of asex drive ithaugs there arc asexual the dt have ee {esr of lauonshps or nly‘ arta tan then rare epulsiono! se ntartunatly and de lak eat the topic these are some of many msconception 20au aseusity. Oem hes, people eauateasenushty With aromanticsm (detnieton pg I matice the often whi acing aout sual 2 inarng the experiences of hes ingot omy cd Irena: merc es onine, requests that aera dM fn romanterelatonsias and tat ey wah/ntend ta ames bine sinanve, any, not ras, neni ar oman hing that they do cepress terest inoxing intimate saree eetonshis, ost af het th sual pl (oscause aftr al, they do moe un 99% ofthe poplin, Ths rlations 95 ef sours ler wealth reect to occurance of exalt dependng ft the ature andor agreement oF the people tee ‘he asetuays nat cris, Ide not nc ude tis para nfornetion wth he ineaton ta lat mit 2 orl tain, Een Tascnal yor anger rnrtatios, or hat ater were aie, sla be rgpeced and ally acknowlested. tank ta lar te efon,peone we theline, “aut we dn choose this" to rake argurrons shout authentiy Irthe long un, this rhe hurts seanewnoco ntidantfyasheterosenin secause toni ets thet scoaptone” and oer.” Aalst aes to transmits erinol open to france nto feanng ang thts ni the noe | emer once wate" a ex documenta and tet eng eso viscussrsexand what heya Iremnmer thinking you want a Cee hs ‘wy dat you peta men? Ta leven san now wry sey don theve sek ‘th men Idautt nt have learn about ary ofthat tha teen for my ‘oun cosfsed dant Psiteresta oa ining te any eetcned sh ducated mye bernie Ist finda ace er ‘nen Iwan’ ee for me" dont acest san x sammy, Lom 9a of many, tus ie atone the eontinacigvestions oi aound rout Toad Hear g about areal baal ea the ens bon Thos boon [ thinking msde of fo solong.purt snd ita lin hy pees lst eame outta one ot my rend a6 son a | ecovared the en ad sk isuiteaee perfectly Hertel reaction was tht mucha thing rl othe ai tbe hamosenus sw hole nati 0 topped the cert rons ter sete esto malt cor out ecrmplery never want ae0phe ‘then i lie to akswhent'm pang ta have hide alloe to ‘estos. f exalt the how they understand note ak. thoes ‘months ng end at dene ome esearn on asexual an wan mach more vwiea ng andhappy io esos me Mir mother oso was st doubt touch 2 thing but tng we never tak abou tthe fate ha amps aout me pogo ore cavity jn to go tox mec op means she esis Smething tears alo 9004 even she dows net ‘snus marae me undertand the ward aun we latter though Inte doesnt affect ny fe ay tu doy sseaptwth mba ning ta aa bss har gen me: norris, urdetanding,ncnunty eel Dar ofan acenawlegaren that wht fe ky eS ees Asexaiyin' bad thing. though wether + astometcl good es | c2Tee how can tat wanting exo of oles be conser ot er Hocking fle Socom non, every does t's compte we Rave Soran | teva Lateran not th oe? LWescch imagine our utres eve, our deal tue ies tds nated | Sthadoptes, ete. itsimposibe rus na! want ew some tg, bh re Jongerunerstand sale wh dort urcestandthat we alent | ide tno ike cola ries asexual Assad des it | sthhow view the word mie ol he we its wth sean | sscoveringsuth an deat hen asec eeuatiora Yow et intyodued to one inary ad sure eacugh seth pops up and ate and wht yo eae | sbeuthumansexpands days tint people atts how toe and oknow about as alty one must kyaw about seal dene ed venous ator | hurranfotirasandine odbatin to sucha rncept wane neste tome, Wes something ncune eae ut sumeandy potted kau lave fan nocece ofthe great thnks he worlds the bus ast pve oat tne aad | 2erwarasi anata grates Not nly da uncerstand oat het. bon ‘oer rounds | 4e ‘RoManic ATTRACTION For the mastpar ti soasl :orimunity eengnines beth usu venation an not oat tact to ANYONE OFA Rede its whe deine sealer eerencevemantic stain to worsen, me aur einai panos, are commer use t describe these ata, Ira 24 pl to acknowledge tat ost semua cool expetiemateast. "wards apes. nturn, fer sea, may a cul tn magne aerate sevacton sie exalaracton course tnerese slenaromenticesonals AZoM the lacks orate atraction a, some atthe les fa dese nee Ware Fomanitrecton ata samesting further, sh as relat onshi. ‘The oe aromatic canbe applied ta both ase rene thought se ar ure fen arn the gray /aeexsay enemy ' Anche ar exert comaiate yet they ays seemed wy oo maleated or few up obicwirg me ars Hr rot ies Lomo Capt’ fae plastered ny wa From dete wos Ban Banderas tne bs chovolatr-an ey nether Dave “ae, era Maron, rad Pt pow tewett eat cad ater al an MGregar Ty Roth, and presenti avert Downy Ok eve athe aie character Vegeta thera: th filter cushestheve was way! ween than 3 the athe i gre to wih! On wy wat the only ne without 3 DayFond? Bete yey wo theey anh fk no aretionwuer the at ase? with altro "el cor ht tot neat sens street to them? woul ate scover thetmy parepicn cf ysis station Nae ct haw nena aevacron fact tanever bos seul ted a anate peso ny ne if stg ey, Hereed mse ntothe ig word owe the endo oyfondto ss me and ge tnwugh the modes relationship, serail ‘nov gin exalts Oigy. 125. weir tink Na’ the Bek ma Aodiourbe t Tere ore we fn oment but bores peeing Dey bunands ring shoulders to wate aol nhl he we to werk eure ve me tat something was no totaly eee oral. fer he ist Felsonshind ase nc ane mr gets eve) worse ess th 3 verb “Gratemnotonai shir boyriens. out hese experiences went ose thy uly ea t22d met wears far others ke me Idee marine thet hese nse anyone ou tere who fat ut dd enjoy se. br otters ssnully arate es ways een confining for mabe Fev sys fet sew sac owardmazes tng, 29 te frown thoughts yethe en of ergs wrth erathes person esl | tne etingof uneasy ono and damterst Could people seta yon yu a things Me sharing Ut rakes me thik het yOu ave ad aerahy and youre tying hie Ry pretending to be posted out 1 fis and sesced—wall, wat on etatinal twelve yao dnt toncmber stacy wht Paid net, out tas 0 the ffeet of that’ not Ue ty a goss ut and dor’ sat fo have shes ar 2095" was acting (Retluamane, but | was paca the Hea tha my meter én belie iy mother ve nee radening suptior sre and sal (5 | remeber ety Matis he ath potent 120 mur” | ait say anything afer that. cou wink of ert to sy, Because the only thing waa tw care mith stein. | overeating? robs tthe face vin that et tan # wen people thnk Pa ying bos my Mica eentfat-seson Pringta ir and 1 posable to met wart rx 18 ‘ne ofthe hardest things st ing seen pple not belleving you ore asl. Welt least hat forme a frst by pose te in things soowt me thet ater hue, eepecaiy i als syethingsbott my bene heater ad} thees 90 pretty ae wrong stare 9 case pincance who doe ew maul, ese el ita tat. But ee ly fist insiders ol nor Being behead ive ame to ny sennty happened remember siting st te tchan able tat t9 my thes, asin sventh fra, ar maybe Sich. We were Aiton rile choo! fomence: Ibe as sorpainng soo%t now ote a my tends nas so ny ear and so ea aifected by acters ad erations of nar shes Is probably epee ences aout coig the same thing yale once tee hving ssh dt want oe sept ul ry eet. hed my eee frmy onthe gas Myths ‘er tring 63) reassure me tht 4 Be ees tot nauk my lve ere wed then ns) ys, would Nave oe interests and son il beowed tht point that | outs weet develop a tush, bit he concept ing vated to ne of he unhglen, sesssesed males ny gre was tet fersgn tome. Tus. otal the boys new were uiypenie and tek kessed at all he idea igusting. Su ding te eonveraton wth my mothe, mi ‘nought wes wel ajar sit had 29 fora: hiewst boys Tete Me semen “When Io stare eng baye-sn ring sms hope t dot ac {taty about thers ary end Al” Wel, dort renee the second ha of that atement xacy. but remember sang “shuddeing ewe where" ‘sos Sound made o bepress gun. fod my rather tephe Ithasten set two mats sine ome a a Gey A age Act ‘the mos base terms fama eromuntic hetereseucl ef ens roy A ect Nh, bul vit els quts tenn ni? Ye haces that no anes hao aie everyones abe for one's ll. What does ti moun sry? ows Sane, eealong fine wth ny 019 te privat, fee nui vest eve Nang riding seal ptr again hic lend eto afc lf Fenstantquesten fgand pple tani to me Vat teres someting won, hee tthe orientation a seni with sos ang sem airation From hove we moe int darnseaua gra}, ‘unc onal aseual atonal, ir ray mere levels of seuaiy. have found ta: some people is pee Dot dsc the abel Human beings ware sexual tobe so Back and vine, but rene never be, Hamre aetng'cul mi ano bodes, Vt work oe Perse des nl away for rater OF cour snes env se, Prope practically ave to wea! a aie thet ules apetsun's sentation thinset eamst suave, though. thee are 2cop\ oct thete wha are st ‘igh sil ing wos has enough and as we move ino 3 weld of change, we ‘must now abel wr seni Gvnpetan ne Ms ell how mich sx 9 heathy amount’ and everyone must now be heteresewa,nemsexu Uisexuel cr ane en! Wn oe he, thers am qroy bat fearthe bombardment of quesions and accusations thet wl ow I aa a ustyng ts igure ou hin eran you rs, dn wory abot whit Solty tel you. tamenter, people wil avays rink ey ke yu sere thon YO na yourself No rater wat you oe, you W Ibe met wh posible contusion, ohn . Straugh, 6 canada / c) ’ \ Sometine dont keto art nko 1a. Ve a ape tl he Ganitohur ders taithetre fee etn at foatigsng So the day got hit by lihtnne wes good one Iflcan Fda denitan that makes enact me, why nt et You ay tat ous pant me rns ating ol eget ao rappin ale eee {axveaehat do. herp hearng nat over and over ain fo you. the doctor, oul it he ter ombrace the moment -aher nan ther dated or he steps wing oF hea eke gsi? Fors mnie haope an ta mee vebody wna Fifa imlove th and wa ta sles wth hn pe bse taet me or hat ta heppen? Should ese mat ashow | enor atts morrent) cae af oe apy? Ann fine ith thr ection ye ul tse, sunt too dk wth various shedes umn gay fh starting pont. Ths sey statiapont Yeu ayyou don't wat me tar. thee's enough ta hurt me nth pet Sethoutalinginne eo orton to heap in abn Fe been one for toollong or various ressons ee never bata Ws box names ow petty atone ace thinner that the word dferentin many bape the roots of chidhaod? Becainesverone doar nat and) meet bes ho Then there ae those who atest "Bat surely, yeacnjy thinking wort Ra) natn ea wana Toth sabia ese ‘talent ceerrinont pines ere veaptings eee, Derr terete oy ac, Trey copay eae -mystifles and compels me. Certain celebrities (whose massive popularity despite 4 the ah flr nee fat ame cae 1 ‘semenese tons ey cgegeavorsaeng | stay ae ery nce teen Something! ove sbcul nga ex postveaenual asthe resgonestion | stat bike et ane were pet lato tht ee Sr Contre! ing coninnesubminer cane th sts prac tree ‘acl ofeynbing abl oak rat cbt thet ar see You mos eral "ands slave pe. They want skew anys per anc yt sexi aresturnt sexu peaplean ie nngs yt os 3 th tlt of te mens but sexi ff these poste rary wander | Sythe bet and ves everthing suk ssi altos Scone Aras atest itofarthe unt oftye owe spectnam star the mosepaeits | toting re a lng counter tees aonuia tere oe 1 Snooth woamlcar be ason poate mals Ad afcourse, we det minder ato you bite abust haw sanoying sex, other 16 Sou ic gret Fan body: Not any tf, ig ary, ars elon, edu srs, lowers rol Ree tar, posate cance and endo resttrne thermal sora hates partes peuple tree bowing eae athe’ they's hae os tio bw arate phe Love, Na ‘oranda. thot! ove sex. More 3eople shoulda ley we fotnelesto amin thei, tu that deosn't mean donk arya ie ‘eho want fa soul's here arse worse supe oe dn wth Yeo, ane a tues soon eal, ch some take ta mtn a “nohes se ut a alos Lin Ll pe for Song aoa Oit Seong sono eat rat. rr aca thnks se ‘with the ats 055 gloss, yess and want 1 ey, se or out mae {Those people make re feck Eat find ex nesting ntl ecualy o fen sens hate we gin the moder wold wl beater he etainngoeseen Ps everyurea, so eter ne serehing shea ntesting. or esign yourself to bela song puma many, ‘eu ound ses fascnetin the seat dd interest me Rat sc erY ‘ein apenas, weve: ade sex oven ore Interrarg because seme sh srg nce sn any peopl xen thowghit ress es ng char eats comesanves. Ryn ont tat it powers intent asntinga ethe evens urea ‘shoo ~OR Dose dl, ! Vea aybe haven net rst person ye. ute posable. Le lang yb ro tau young to decide le ah alte possible aut woul yout rethsiticamecutto you 956997) aybe jst dense, that's ure kt nti 9. veryane has a 5 Insahieh hey lea anaes sig Naybe re gy ratty utero, But Tm open tothe es of flingn sw with whomever aye turin abut ternative estes, (Beeaue find them easiene annecf bea se tra mesiags of how fm suppes tat wee Fn ‘nip der aire Besa haep loti atthe word argued ens ad tent gravitate to things thatare conn to wat 'm ooking er The dase get, he bette efels Ut ra ine sane that ck he chat ae someth want nce, ‘Sst.acorerin my pins. Thee" nao fit oes el eto 0 Sa maybe pet iting sina yt He eda wen was een en siting omy budrau ac mith back agaist Ie bed aig at Uookon Gavia yout deine ean rete rng ally researc what So nave vac urersoncing oldie tke Was trae "Es that rust be ay That wouldnt have warked at thoug. Hal tw ween ‘nly ars resco of, nna he ara f possible als axelable Toe piers ever sem tn weg thougn ket turning them over andoves hoping that one day tweuld al mace sense, ety iting gl ce aun tenn in he gessary that made Trott iting Sroke dour ad hd to ld sel up again. Forma {estoy al my a being not yours or aryane eles nese 0 Hine omc teen topther,beesve forme frst sumatsng sed Lh Sonow tient 25 sew you ARE HOT SeKUNGY AMPmTED > PeorLe Gust like 1% of the adulk populahon