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ASAIO TRANSACTIONS-VOLUME 37 Subject Index Editors’ Note: This index encompasses only the material presented in ASAIO TRANSACTIONS Volume 37, Numbers 1, 2, and 4. Please consult the July-September issue (Vol. 37, No. 3) for an index of the contents of that body of work. A Chloramine contaminated dialysate, illness in hemodialysis patients after exposure to, 588 Anion gap, in hemodialysis patients, serum sulfate concen- Circulation tration and, 92 assisted, pulmonary and systemic flow during, direct mea- Artificial organs, 44 surement of, 112 cost of artificial hearts and, 540 extracorporeal, with normal bleeding times, using surface experimental studies on artificial trachea of collagen- heparinized circuit, in sheep, 584 coated poly(L-lactic acid) mesh or unwoven cloth Circulatory support, investigational, cost and reimburse- combined with a periosteal graft, 24 ment rates for, 549 mediastinal constraints for total artificial heart and, intraop- Circulatory system, pumping capabilities of latissimus dorsi erative determination of, 76 and rectus abdominus muscles wrapped around three-dimensional interface geometry of human heart valved pouch in, 615 with artificial heart and, 608 Clinical trials, randomized, 41 in vitro evaluation of artificial heart and, 27 Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, blind patients Assisted circulation on, enhanced outlet port clamp using UVXD de- investigational circulatory support and, cost and reim- vice for, 110 bursement rates for, 549 Cyclosporine, renal allograft outcome and, intermediate pulmonary and systemic flow during, direct measurement term failure and long-term survival and, 623 of, 112 D Diabetes, hand gangrene in patients on chronic dialysis and, Balloon counterpulsation, intra-aortic 638 leaks and, causes of, 668 Dialysis in newborn lambs infected with Group B streptococcus, anion gap in hemodialysis patients and, serum sulfate con- 35 centration and, 92 Biofilms, formation on peritoneal catheters, infection and, chronic, hand gangrene in diabetic patients on, 638 626 diseases associated with, surveillance in United States Biomaterials science, 44 during 1989, 97 Blind patients, on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, illness in hemodialysis patients after exposure to chlora- enhanced outlet port clamp using UVXD device mine contaminated dialysate and, 588 for, 110 influence of treatment modality on decline of remaining Blood renal function and, 598 flow/pressure relationships and, in vascular access de- muscle cramps associated with hemodialysis and, compar- vices, standardized system for describing, 4 ison of 50% dextrose water, 25% mannitol, and power capability of skeletal muscle to pump, 19 23,5% saline for treatment of, 649 Blood flow, pulmonary and systemic, during assisted circula- peritoneal tion, direct measurement of, 112 continuous ambulatory, blind patients on, enhanced Blood suspensions, near wall concentration profiles of 1.0 outlet port clamp using UVXD device for, 110 and 2.5 um beads during flow of, 9 mass transport models in, comparative analysis of, 65 Bradykinin, effect of nafamostat mesilate on generation of, reuse of “highly permeable” dialyzers with peroxyacetic during low-density lipoprotein apheresis using dex- acid as sole cleansing and disinfecting agent and, tran-sulfate cellulose column, 644 653 urea monitoring during, 49 Cc withdrawal of, 1 Cardiopulmonary bypass monitoring of Factor XII activity and granulocyte elastase E release during, 569 platelet preservation during, with lloprost and Duraflo-ll Electronic pacing, of incapacitated head and neck struc- heparin-coated surfaces, 620 tures, 553 Catheters Extracorporeal blood bypass, long-term, at low flows with- extracorporeal perfusion, evaluation using standardized out systemic heparinization, in dogs, 577 measurement technique, 60 Extracorporeal circulation, with normal bleeding times, us- peritoneal, biofilm formation on, infection and, 626 ing surface heparinized circuit, in sheep, 584 672 SUBJECT INDEX Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, for neonates out systemic heparinization in dogs and, heparin- centrifugal and roller pump systems for, comparison of coated versus uncoated circuits and, 577 pressure-volume-flow relationships in, 572 platelet preservation during cardiopulmonary bypass with high risk, as means of stabilizing and transporting patients, lloprost and Duraflo-I| heparin-coated surfaces 564 and, 620 pharmacokinetics of gentamicin in neonates supported with, 16 premature, mortality and, 54 use of umbilical vessels for cannulation and, 545 Infection, biofilm formation on peritoneal catheters and, 626 Extracorporeal perfusion catheters, evaluation using stan- Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation dardized measurement technique, 60 leaks and, causes of, 668 Extracorporeal respiratory gas exchange, 4 in newborn lambs infected with Group B streptococcus, 33 F L Factor XII activity, monitoring of, during cardiopulmonary bypass, 569 Latissimus dorsi muscle, wrapped around valved pouch in Flow/pressure relationships mock circulatory system, pumping capabilities of, comparison of pressure-volume-flow relationships and, in 615 centrifugal and roller pump extracorporeal mem- Low-density lipoprotein apheresis, using dextran-sulfate cel- brane oxygenation systems for neonates, 572 lulose column, effect of nafamostat mesilate on in vascular access devices, standardized system for de- bradykinin generation during, 644 scribing, 4 M G Mass transport models, in peritoneal dialysis, comparative analysis of, 65 Gangrene, of hand, in diabetic patients on chronic dialysis, Medical devices, 44 638 Muscle Gentamicin, pharmacokinetics of, in neonatal patients sup- muscle cramps associated with hemodialysis and, compar- ported with extracorporeal membrane oxygena- ison of 50% dextrose water, 25% mannitol, and tion, 16 23,5% saline for treatment of, 649 Granulocyte elastase release, monitoring of, during cardio- pumping capabilities of latissimus dorsi and rectus abdo- pulmonary bypass, 569 minus muscles wrapped around valved pouch in Group B streptococcus, intra-aortic balloon counterpulsa- circulatory system and, 615 tion in newborn lambs infected with, 33 skeletal, power capability to pump blood, 19 Muscle cramps, hemodialysis-associated, comparison of H 50% dextrose water, 25% mannitol, and 23,5% sa- line for treatment of, 649 HCO, monitoring, during hemodiafiltration, without blood Myocardial mechanics and energetics, 537 sampling, 572 Head and neck structures, incapacitated, electronic pacing N of, 533 Heart Nafamostat mesilate, effect on bradykinin generation, dur- artificial ing low-density lipoprotein apheresis using dex- cost of, 540 tran-sulfate cellulose column, 644 three-dimensional interface geometry of human heart Neonates, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and with, 608 centrifugal and roller pump systems for, comparison of in vitro evaluation of, 27 pressure-volume-flow relationships in, 572 myocardial mechanics and energetics and, 537 as means of stabilizing and transporting high risk neonates, Hemodiafiltration, continuous pH and HCO, monitoring 564 during, without blood sampling, 605 pharmacokinetics of gentamicin in patients supported Hemodialysis with, 16 anion gap and, serum sulfate concentration and, 92 premature infants and, mortality and, 54 illness after exposure to chloramine contaminated dialy- use of umbilical vessels for cannulation for, 545 sate and, 588 muscle cramps associated with, comparison of 50% dex- O trose water, 25% mannitol, and 23,5% saline for treatment of, 649 Outlet port clamp, using UVXD device, for blind patients on Heparin continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, 110 effect on whole blood activated clotting tests and throm- bin time, 88 P extracorporeal circulation with normal bleeding times us- ing surface heparinized circuit and, in sheep, 584 Pacing, electronic, of incapacitated head and neck struc- long-term extracorporeal blood bypass at low flows with- tures, 553 SUBJECT INDEX Peritoneal dialysis Skeletal muscle, power capability to pump blood, 19 enhanced outlet port clamp using UVXD device and, for Skeletal surveys, in renal osteodystrophy, 635 blind patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal Streptococcus, Group B, intra-aortic balloon counterpulsa- dialysis, 110 tion in newborn lambs infected with, 33 mass transport models in, comparative analysis of, 65 Sulfate, serum concentration of, anion gap in hemodialysis Peroxyacetic acid, as sole cleansing and disinfecting agent, patients and, 92 reuse of ‘‘highly permeable’’ dialyzers and, 653 Systemic flow, during assisted circulation, direct measure- pH monitoring, during hemodiafiltration, without blood ment of, 112 sampling, 605 Platelet preservation, during cardiopulmonary bypass, with lloprost and Duraflo-Il heparin-coated surfaces, T 620 Tenckhoff catheter placement, Seldinger technique for, 13 Postcardiogenic shock, management of, with pulsatile ven- Thrombin time, effect of heparin on, 88 tricular assist device, 559 Total artificial heart, mediastinal constraints for, intraopera- Premature infants, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation tive determination of, 76 in, mortality and, 54 Trachea, artificial, of collagen-coated poly(L-lactic acid) Pressure-volume-flow relationships, comparison of, in cen- mesh or unwoven cloth combined with a periosteal trifugal and roller pump extracorporeal membrane graft, experimental studies on, 24 oxygenation systems for neonates, 572 Pulmonary flow, during assisted circulation, direct measure- ment of, 112 U Pump, with high inherent sensitivity to venous return, in vi- Umbilical vessels, use for cannulation, extracorporeal mem- tro flow characteristics of, 592 brane oxygenation systems for neonates and, 545 Urea monitoring of, during dialysis, 49 in uremia, removal of, potential of microencapsulated ure- Randomized clinical trials, 41 ase-zeolite oral sorbent for, 80 Rectus abdominis muscle, wrapped around valved pouch in Uremia, removal of urea in, potential of microencapsulated mock circulatory system, pumping capabilities of, urease-zeolite oral sorbent for, 80 615 Renal allograft, cyclosporine and, intermediate term failure and long-term survival and, 623 Vv Renal function, influence of dialysis treatment modality on decline of, 598 Vascular access devices, flow/pressure relationships in, stan- Renal osteodystrophy, skeletal surveys in, 635 dardized system for describing, 4 Respiratory gas exchange, extracorporeal, 4 Vascular grafts, small, coming generation of, 43 Ventricular assist device, pulsatile, management of postcar- diogenic shock with, 559 S Seldinger technique, for Tenckhoff catheter placement, 13 WwW Shock, postcardiogenic, management of, with pulsatile ven- tricular assist device, 559 Whole blood activated clotting tests, effect of heparin on, 88 Author Index A Favero, Martin S., 37:97, 37:588 K Federman, Daniel G., 37:92 Adkins, Mark S., 37:38 Kaan, Gilles L., 37:559 Fernandez, Javier, 37:38 Akutsu, Tetsuzo, 37:608 Kaiser, Gerard A., 37:620 Ferrante, Marco, 37:112 Allison, Marjory E., 37:49 Kanig, Steven P., 37:638 Frangos, John A., 37:27 Alter, Miriam J., 37:97 Kapadvanjwala, Mansoor, 37:620 Friedman, Eli A., 37:623 Amari, Bruno, 37:112 Keen, Marcia, 37:598 Arduino, Matthew J., 37:588 Keim, Roberto, 37:584 Arisz, Lambertus, 37:662 G Kimura, Genjiro, 37:644 Avasthi, Pratap S., 37:638 Klopper, Pieter J., 37:577 Garcia-Maldonado, Maurilio, Kojima, Shunichi, 37:644 37:110 Koleski, Jerome F., 37:9 Garred, L. J., 37:653 Kolobow, Theodor, 37:2 Badylak, S. F., 37:19, 37:615 Gattinoni, Luciano, 37:584 Koomen, Gerardus C. M., 37:662 Baier, R. E., 37:43 Geddes, L. A., 37:19, 37:615 Krediet, Raymond T., 37:662 Bailey, Bridget M., 37:38 Geihseder, Gerald, 37:658 Kresh, J. Yasha, 37:537 Baird, Jo, 37:49 Gerstmann, Dale R., 37:564 Kriesmer, Pamela, 37:572 Bartlett, R. H., 37:60 Gervasio, R., 37:605 Kriesmer, Pamela J., 37:88 Bartlett, Robert H., 37:4, 37:54 Ghezzi, P. M., 37:605 Kuramochi, Morio, 37:644 Bennett, Thomas, 37:549 Giuffrida, Angela, 37:584 Bland, Lee A., 37:97, 37:588 Goldman, Richard S., 37:638 Botella, J., 37:605 Gotch, Frank, 37:598 L Broniatowski, Michael, 37:553 Green, Thomas P., 37:572 LaClair, Paul, 37:54 Bui, Kim Chi, 37:54 Griindeman, Paul F., 37:577 Lacquet, Leon K., 37:559 Burkart, John M., 37:649 Grundfest-Broniatowski, Sharon, Laub, Glenn W., 37:38 37:553 Lindholm, Bengt, 37:65, 37:598 Gutierrez, Rodolfo, 37:92 Cc Lindsay, Robert M., 37:49 Liska, Jan, 37:592 Canaud, B., 37:653 H Lohmann, Douglas, 37:549 Canzanello, Vincent J., 37:649 Losert, Udo, 37:658 Carter, Jan M., 37:564 Harada-Shiba, Mariko, 37:644 Lowe, Gordon D. O., 37:569 Cattaneo, Maurizio V., 37:80 Harford, Antonia M., 37:638 Lundbiick, Stig, 37:592 Cattani, Carlo, 37:112 Hatcher, M. D., 37:60 Lysaght, Michael J., 37:598 Chang, Thomas M. S., 37:80 Heidenheim, A. Paul, 37:49 Cipolle, Robert J., 37:88 Heimbiirgher, Olof, 37:65 Closkey, Gregory M., 37:13 Hitomi, Shigeki, 37:24 M Cornish, J. Devn, 37:545, 37:564 Holmes, C., 37:626 Marcolin, Roberto, 37:584 Courtney, James M., 37:569 Hong, Joon H., 37:623 Massoud, Neil, 37:16 Cugno, Massimo, 37:584 Hsu, Lee-Chien, 37:620 McBride, Lawrence R., 37:549 Hylander-Rossner, Britta, 37:649 McCarthy, Mary Ann, 37:588 D McGrath, Lynn B., 37:38 Meda, Federico, 37:537 Daskalakis, Paula, 37:623 Merli, Mario, 37:112 Davies, Charles R., 37:553 Ibels, Lloyd, 37:598 Merz, S. |., 37:60 DeBakey, Michael E., 37:76 Ikada, Yoshito, 37:24 Merz, Scott |., 37:4 Delaney, Vera, 37:623 Ike, Osamu, 37:24 Messana, J., 37:626 Dewanjee, Mrinal K., 37:620 Irmiter, Richard J., 37:572 Meyer, Christopher L., 37:572 Dudell, Golde G., 37:545 Dumler, Francis, 37:635 Irvine, Linda, 37:569 Mion, C., 37:653 Mohini, Ravinder, 37:635 Montoya, J. P., 37:60 E Montoya, J. Patrick, 37:4 Eckstein, Eugene C., 37:9 Jacobs, Gordon B., 37:553 Morgan, Timothy M., 37:649 Eisenberg, Brian, 37:638 Janas, W., 37:615 Morris, Alan H., 37:41 Evans, Marva L., 37:545 Jarvis, Peter, 37:27 Moulijn, Adrian C., 37:577 Jarvis, William R., 37:588 Moulton, Steven L., 37:545 F Jeremejev, Boris V., 37:658 Moyer, Linda A., 37:97 Jikuya, Tomoaki, 37:76 Miller, Michael R., 37:658 Fabrizik, Irene, 37:584 Jordan, Jean, 37:649 Munzenberger, Paul J., 37:16 Farrell, Peter C., 37:598 Joyce, Douglas H., 37:38, 37:669 Murata, Glen H., 37:638 AUTHOR INDEX N S Tipple, Margaret A., 37:588 Tsushima, Motoo, 37:644 Saddler, Mark C., 37:638 Nguyen, Q. V., 37:653 Tucker, Harvey M., 37:553 Sands, R. Evan, 37:649 Nicolle, R., 37:653 Tzamaloukas, Antonios H., 37:638 Schima, Heinrich, 37:658 Nolph, Karl D., 37:598 Schlessinger, Fabiola B., 37:92 Nomura, Shuichi, 37:644 Schlusche, Christoph, 37:658 U Noon, George P., 37:76 Schoen, Frederick J., 37:44 Nosé, Yukihiko, 37:76, 37:553 Uden, Donald L., 37:88 Schor, Igor, 37:658 Novak, Stana, 37:620 Underwood, John, 37:110 Seay, Russell E., 37:88 Noyez, Luc, 37:559 Uyama, Chikao, 37:608 Sekela, Michael E., 37:76 Null, Donald M., Jr., 37:564 Uziel, Lili, 37:584 Semb, Bjarne K. H., 37:592 Sena, Peter, 37:638 Oo Sfakianakis, George N., 37:620 Vv Shaddy, Robert E., 37:33 Okada, Toshiyuki, 37:24 Shah, Aamir S., 37:76 Vaamonde, Carlos A., 37:92 van der Hulst, Victor P. M., 37:577 Omae, Teruo, 37:644 Shimizu, Yasuhiko, 37:24 Vanderkerhove, Janet, 37:54 Oster, James R., 37:92 Shiono, Motomi, 37:76 van de Wal, Henri, 37:559 Shusterman, Neil, 37:588 Vincent, Josef G., 37:559 Simon, Denise, 37:638 P Vitale, Giovanni, 37:584 Simpson, Keith, 37:49 Vonesh, Edward F., 37:598 Paino, Roberto, 37:112 Sinard, J. M., 37:60 Palatianos, George M., 37:620 Skotnicki, Stephan H., 37:559 Payne, Nathaniel R., 37:88, 37:572 Smith, Willie, 37:620 Ww Pennington, D. Glenn, 37:549 Smith, Z. Marie, 37:110 Waniewski, Jacek, 37:65 Perez, Guido O., 37:92 Sommer, Bruce G., 37:623 Werynski, Andrzej, 37:65 Perras, Susan T., 37:13 Spanner, Evelyn, 37:49 Wessale, J. L., 37:615 Pesenti, Antonio, 37:584 Steinhorn, Robin H., 37:572 Wheatley, David J., 37:569 Poirier, Victor L., 37:540 Struijk, Dirk G., 37:662 Williams, J., 37:626 Pollock, Carol A., 37:598 Sumrani, Nabil, 37:623 Wolvek, S., 37:668 Pollock, Samuel B., 37:38 Sundaram, Sumuk, 37:569 Wood, Barbara, 37:638 Pribble, Charles G., 37:33 Sutter, Francis P., 37:38 Prowant, Barbara, 37:598 Swartz, Marc T., 37:549 Swartz, R., 37:626 Y Sweet, Lawrence D., 37:545 Yamamoto, Akira, 37:644 Young, James B., 37:76 T Rao, D. Sudhaker, 37:635 Reedy, Jane E., 37:549 Tacker, W. A., 37:615 Z Reid, Marie H., 37:588 Taggart, David P., 37:569 Rubin, Jack, 37:1 Takatani, Setsuo, 37:76 Zager, Phillip G., 37:638 Rutten, Peter J. J. M., 37:577 Tarbell, John M., 37:27 Zappacosta, Anthony R., 37:13 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (Act of August 12, 1970: Section 3685. 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