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As Good As it Gets / Лучше не бывает PDF

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Preview As Good As it Gets / Лучше не бывает

MOVIE FULL VOCA-BOOK FOR YOU ☺☺☺☺ AS GOOD AS IT GETS Release Year: 1997 Slogan: «A comedy from the heart that goes for the throat» Country: The USA Genres : Drama |Romance| Comedy Runtime: 139 min. Director: James L. Brooks Stars: Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt and Greg Kinnear About the film Translate into Russian. Explain the grammar in underlined sentenses: New York City. Melvin Udall, a cranky, bigoted, obsessive-compulsive writer, finds his life turned upside down when neighbor- ing gay artist Simon is hospitalized and his little dog Verdell is entrusted to Melvin. In addition, Carol, the only waitress who will tolerate him, must leave work to care for her sick son, making it impossible for Melvin even to eat his breakfast. He’s no longer able to sustain his usual life, and has to change. This way, single mother-waitress, a misanthropic author, and a gay art- ist form an unlikely friendship. Step by step, the wall of crankiness Melvin constructed around him is breaking down, and soon he realizes that, maybe, it’s just as good as it gets. Review Read it before watching. Answer whether you agree with it or not after watching: It's really an incredibly honest character study. The acting is as superb as I've ever seen. Nobody overplays their role. Nobody's playing to stereotypes, but they're not afraid to be who these characters are. Above all that brilliance, it's just funny...and sad. 1 It's just what you want it to be. There's nothing terribly unexpected, but the plot isn't predictable either. It's simply one of the best movie's I've ever seen - mostly because it knows exactly what it is. It isn't pretentious. It isn't afraid to be sappy, or funny or melodramatic or weird when it's called for. Every scene is just spot on. And somehow, you're left with a little smile on your face. When has an Oscar Nominee done THAT! Exercises and tasks Do these tasks after watching with a help of the «voca-book» you have the next page be- low: 1. Write a review of yours. That will improve your way of thinking in English. 2. Read the words using transcription and their translation from each part before watching. 3. Try to paraphrase those you find difficult to remember. 4. Read and translate contextual sentences after watching so you could make sure you’ve got all the words properly. 5. Ask your partner questions around each part, using new words and phrases. 6. Remember who said each phrase or word, in the situations you’ve just watched. 7. Retell each situation. Especially those that are important for better understanding of the plot. 8. Put as many questions as you can to each part so that your partner could find the answers and discuss them with you. 9. Discussion: Please state your ideas about what friendship and eccentricity really are. Define these words. 10. Description: Describe Melvin/Simon/Carol/Frank/Carol’s mother, appearance, character, habits, things they go for 11. Describe Melvin as if you were Simon/ Frank/ Verdell / readers of his books 12. Describe Carol as if you were Spencer/ Simon/ customers at the cafe 13. Would you like to have such a friend as Melvin/Carol/Simon? Why? 14. What do you think about Melvin’s behavior? What are the reasons of such a creepy character he has? Have you ever met such a person in the real life? 15. Split into groups: Your task is to have 2 columns on a sheet of paper and write some bad points about “being eccentric” in one column and good points about it in another one. The team that names more such things wins. 16. Express your ideas: about the film, about the idea of it, about the music and the script. 17. Name all the plot lines. What lessons have you taken out this film? Discuss them in your group.  Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда www.happyhope.ru 8(985) 782-43-42 № Word/phrase Context. Tasks. Active verbs A sentence or phrase that may be diffi- Active nouns cult for translation grammatically. Active adjectives Translate them. Active phrases A grammatically interesting Active Phrasal verbs phrase.Explain them and translate. Fixed or idiomatic phrases Preposition Grammatically interesting phrase preposition 1. Meet Melvin - I'm going to get some flowers, dear. I'll be back in 10 1. Go for a little ride Отправляйся в поездочку minutes. It's tulip season today, and I'm so happy. Come on, sweetie. Yes, come on now, sweetheart. Go for a lit- 2. Whiz all over the Мочиться по всему городу tle ride1, then you can whiz all over the city2. Go for a city ride. Come on, sweetie. Freeze! 3 Leg down, leg down. 3. Freeze! Замри! Стоять! That's it. Come on now. No, you monkey-eared son of a 4. Monkey-eared son Сукин сын с обезьяньими ушами bitch4! You have pissed your last floor5. Bet6 you wish of a bitch you were7 a real dog. Oh, you dog-eared monkey. This is 5. Pissed your last Обмочил последний пол (в своей жиз- New York. If you can make it here, you can make it an- floor ни) ywhere, you ugly8, smelly9… 6. Bet Бъюсь об заклад; готов поспорить - Verdell! Where's my good doggie? Verdell? Come here, 7. You wish you were Хотел бы ты быть… sweetheart. Mr. Udall? Have you seen Verdell? 8. Ugly Уродливый - What does he look like? 9. Smelly Вонючий - My dog. You know, my dog with the little, adorable10 face. Don't you know what my dog looks like? 10. Adorable Милый, очаровательный - Oh, I got it. You were talking about your dog. I thought 11. Thick molasses Густая чёрная патока it was the name of that colored man I see in the hall. 12. Prison food Тюремная пища - Which color was that? 2 13. You've got to… Ты должен… - Like thick molasses11, with a broad nose… 14. Get dressed Одеться - Frank! 15. People are gonna (= Люди собираются (сделать что-л.) - …perfect for s melling trouble and prison food12. be going to) - Simon, you've got to13 get dressed14. 16. Keep your work От устойчивого выражения “zip up your - Frank Sachs, Melvin Udall. zipped up around lip” (застегни губы на молнию, замолчи) - How are you doin'? me – будете молчать о своей работе в моем - Frank shows my work, Mr. Udall. I think you know that. присутствии - People are gonna15 start coming. 17. I don't give a rat I don’t give a shit (я и дерьма не даю, - What I know is that as long as you keep your work crap мне глубоко наплевать), только усилен- zipped up around me16, I don't give a rat crap17 what or ное (rat crap – крысиное дерьмо) where you shove18 your show. Are we done being 18. Shove Толкать, пропихивать (игра слов – со- neighbors19 for now? звучно с show) - Let me talk to you… 19. Are we done being Мы покончили с соседской болтовней? - No! Not worth it. Definitely not worth it20. Verdell must neighbors (мы закончили бытие соседями) be in the apartment. 20. Definitely not Оно того не стоит, определенно - Okay. Hope you find him. Love that dog. worth it - You don't love anything, Mr. Udall. 2. Verdell is back - One, two, three, four, five. One, two, three, four, five. Okay. Hot. 1. Take it easy Расслабься (принимай это Hot, hot, hot. - Hi, Carl. - Frank, where is he? - Isn't he here? He lives легко) here. - Take it easy1. - He had a little thing with2 the dog. - It's not 2. He had a little thing У него была маленькая про- such a hot-looking dog3. He's adorable. Who buys more than me? with… блема с… He isn't the only one working. 3. Hot-looking dog Классно выглядящая собака - Good Lord. Where have you been? Oh, look at my boy. Look at him. - I found him, Mr. Bishop. 4. Basement garbage Подвальный мусорный бак - I know you did. We know you did. Where was my little baby? bin - In the basement garbage bin4 eating5 shit. 5. Diaper Пеленка, подгузник - Go ahead6, John. You earned your fun7. 6. Go ahead Продолжай - Sorry. It just struck me8. It's funny. 7. Earned your fun Заслужил свое веселье - Oh, wait. How did he get down in the basement, even if he got in 8. It just struck me Просто это поразило меня  Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда www.happyhope.ru 8(985) 782-43-42 9. Shoved him down Столкнул его вниз the elevator? 10. Garbage chute Мусоропровод - Maybe some nice neighbor shoved him down9 the garbage chute10? 3. Melvin gets abused - Somewhere in the dark she had confessed1, 1. Confessed Призналась and he had forgiven2. "This is what you live for," he said. "Two heads on a pillow3, where 2. Forgiven Простил all is approval4, and there is only the safety of 3. Pillow Подушка being with each other." How, she wondered5, 4. All is approval Все позволено (все есть одобрение) could she find such hope in the most shameful 5. Wondered Раздумывала, удивлялась part of her6? At last she was able to define 6. The most shameful part of В самой постыдной ее части love7. Love was… her - Mr. Udall, I'd like to speak to you, please. Let 7. She was able to define Она была способна дать определение me do this by myself8. love слову «любовь» - Love was… 8. By myself Самостоятельно - Are you in there? 9. Pansy-ass stool pusher Толкатель кала с бабской задницей - Son of a bitch! Pansy-ass stool pusher9. - Yes? 10. That's a load off Это просто камень (груз) с души прочь - Maybe this can wait. I found Verdell. 11. Realize Осознаешь, понимаешь - Well, that's a load off10. 12. I wasn't aware Я не был осведомлен - Did you do something to him? 13. Do you like to be inter- Тебе нравится, когда тебя прерывают - Do you realize11 that I work at home? rupted (быть прерванным) - I wasn't aware12. 14. Nancing around Занимаешься «голубизной» - Do you like to be interrupted13 when you're 15. Turn the ringer off on my Выключаю звонок на своем телефоне nancing around14 in your garden? phone - No. I actually will turn the ringer off on my 16. Put cardboard Вешаю табличку phone15 and put cardboard16… 17. Sound of a thud Звук глухого удара - Well, I work all the time so never, never inter- 3 rupt me, okay? Not if there's a fire. Not even if 18. Decaying human body Разлагающееся человеческое тело you hear the sound of a thud17 from my home 19. Hold a hanky (handker- Держать платочек у лица and one week later there's a smell coming chief) to your face from there that can only be a decaying human 20. Stench is so thick Зловоние настолько плотное body18 and you have to hold a hanky to your 21. Faint Упасть в обморок face19 because the stench is so thick20 you think 22. Election night Ночь после выборов президента you're gonna faint21. Even then, don't come 23. Excited Взволнован, возбужден knocking. Or if it's election night22 and you're excited23 and you want to celebrate24 because 24. Celebrate Праздновать some fudge packer you date25 has been elected 25. Fudge packer you date Мошенник, с которым ты встречаешься the first queer president26 of the United States 26. First queer president Первый гомосексуальный президент and he's going to have you down to Camp Da- 27. Кэмп-дэвид, загородная резиденция пре- vid27 and you want someone to share the mo- Camp David зидентов сша ment with. Even then don't knock, not on this 28. Do you get me? Ты меня понимаешь? door, not for any reason. Do you get me28, 29. It's not a subtle point Это вовсе не тонкий намек sweetheart? - Yes. It's not a subtle point29 that you're making. 30. Confrontations Конфронтация; противостояние - Okay then. 31. Подумай дважды, прежде чем нарывать- Think twice before mess- - So the theory of confrontations30 says: "Think ся на меня ing with me twice before messing with me31." 4. Melvin at the restaurant You have feelings for her? - Well, yes. 1. That's it Ну, всё! - How much more you got to eat? Appetites aren't as big as your noses, huh? - What? 2. I don't care Мне безразлично; мне пофигу 1 2 - That's it . - Forget it. - Let me talk to him. - I don't care 3. Here I go Ну, я пошла (вот я иду) how many books he sells. - Give him one more chance. 4. Barred for life Запрещено (появляться здесь) Here I go3. - Barred for life4. пожизненно - They left. 5. Act like this Вести себя подобным образом - Yeah. What do you know? Bryan says he doesn't care 5 6. I'm gonna miss the Мне будет не хватать этих пере- how long you've been coming. You ever act like this excitement живаний again, you're barred for life. I'm gonna miss the excite- 6 7 ment , but I'll handle it . 7. I'll handle it Я это переживу (я справлюсь с  Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда www.happyhope.ru 8(985) 782-43-42 этим) - Three eggs over easy,8 two sausage9, six strips of ba- 10 11 8. Eggs over easy Яичница-глазунья, с почти сырым con with fries . желтком - Fries today. - A short stack12, coffee with cream and sweetener13. 9. Sausage Сосиска - You're gonna die soon with that diet. 10. Strips of bacon Полоски бекона - We're all gonna die soon. I will, you will. It sure sounds 11. Fries Картофель фри 14 like your son will. 12. Short stack Маленькая упаковка (картофеля - If you ever mention15 my son again you will never be фри) able to eat here again, understand? Give me some 16 13. Sweetener Сахарозаменитель sign you understand, or leave now. Do you under- 17 14. It sure sounds like… Звучит так, будто в самом деле… stand me, you crazy fuck ? Do you? - Yes. 15. If you ever mention… Если ты еще когда либо… - Yeah? 16. Give me some sign Подай мне какой-нибудь знак - Yes. 17. Crazy fuck Ненормальный урод - I'll get your order18. 18. I'll get your order Я приму твой заказ - Wear my earrings19 tonight. 19. Earrings Серьги 5. The date - It's just so interesting what you said at dinner. You said it like it was 1 1. Like it was nothing Словно это пустяк nothing . (ничто) - Where's the bedroom? - This is sort of it2. I sort of3 sleep in here. 2. This is sort of it Это, как бы, она и - Don't worry about it. есть - What? I don't know. Grandma. 3. Sort of Типа, как бы - Maybe you'd better check4. 4. You'd better check Лучше бы тебе про- - What did you think I was gonna do? верить - Oh, I'm sorry. 4 5. I put these on Я надела вот это - Mama! 6. To give you privacy Чтобы позволить вам - I was hearing everything that you were doing so I put these on5 to give 6 побыть наедине you privacy . So how was dinner? 7. Scooch over Подвинься - Hey, pal. 8. One more spit Еще одно сплевыва- - How's your friend? - Are you okay? ние - Not bad. 9. She has me Она обо мне позабо- - You got a temperature? Scooch over7. тится (она имеет ме- - Where did your friend take you to eat? ня) - A nice place. I have him. 10. Give me a hug Обними меня - One more spit8? I said I have him. He's waiting. Go. 11. Curtains Занавески - She has me9. 12. He can't take smoke Он не выносит дыма - Okay, pal. Give me a hug10. 13. I don't even notice it Я даже не замечаю - Carol. этого - Give me a big hug. Carol, I have him. 14. You don't have to get Тебе не нужно так - I'm okay, Mom. She has me. Go. Close the curtains11. that embarrassed смущаться - No, you can't smoke! He can't take smoke12! - Magic. 15. It's a little bit of throw Это лишь немного - Oh, God. Well, that'll teach you. I don't even notice it13 anymore. All up рвоты 14 right. Come here. You don't have to get that embarrassed . It's a lit- 16. To get home Добраться до дома 15 tle bit of throw up . - Little bit of throw up. - Well, what shall we do? Want me to write which trains you take to 16 get home , or you wanna lay down… - No, no. I'll take a cab. It's just a little too much reality for a Friday night.  Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда www.happyhope.ru 8(985) 782-43-42 6. Looking for a model I just can't. I promised1 Simon I'd find him a model. 1. I promised Я обещал Carl, take me off the speaker2… Did I tell you3 these are house seats4? You could use a break5. Hello, 2. Take me off the speak- Выключи громкую связь Carl? You there? Okay. I just found a model. - Hey, er boys! - I know this guy. He bought6 me dinner. Carl, 3. Did I tell you Разве я тебе не говорил, что… right? Hey, what's going on? 7 - Remember? - I only 4. House seats Лучшие места в на представлении, need one8. You picked me up maybe a few weeks, I билеты на которые распределяются don't know, some time ago. This is for a portrait. I администрацией need a pretty face. Portrait? I'll give you the address. 5. You could use a break Ты мог бы устроить себе перерыв It's for tomorrow morning. Brad Pitt. It's the shit. - I 6. Buy (bought, Bought) Купил don't get it9. - Do you read? 10 7. What's going on? Что происходит? 8. I only need one Мне нужен только один 9. I don't get it Я не врубаюсь (я не понимаю это) 10. Do you read? Ты читать умеешь? (ты читаешь?) 7. Posing - Who is it, baby? Who is that, Verdell? I'm 1. Sure have great things У тебя явно есть классные вещи (о sorry. I told you today. I was in the studio do- ing work, and I just… It's out here. музыке) - Sure have great things1. 2. Make a big deal about Устраиваю целое событие из… - Gershwin is great, isn't he? I usually make a 3. Thorough Дотошный 2 big deal about picking models, but Carl is so 4. He drove you nuts Он довел тебя ло безумия 3 4 thorough . I bet he drove you nuts checking 5. Nude Обнаженная натура your resume, huh? This is not a nude5. 6. Just kidding around Просто дурачусь - Just kidding around6. So much for love7. Yet 8 another pose . 7. So much for love Чего не сделаешь ради любви - Exactly what is your previous experience? 9 8. Yet another pose И все же, другая поза 5 - How about that? I'm running out of ideas10 9. What is your previous experi- Какой у тебя был предыдущий опыт 11 here. Then give me some direction . ence? работы? - Nothing. I just watch until something strikes 10. I'm running out of ideas У меня кончаются идеи me12. I mean, do anything that you think of. 11. Give me some direction Направь меня; дай мне какие- Wait for me to say13 "hold that pose14," then нибудь указания try to comfortably hold it. No direction. Okay. 12. Until something strikes me До тех пор, пока меня не осенит не- What I do is watch. You ever watch some- body who doesn't know you're watching что them? An old woman sitting on a bus or kids 13. Wait for me to say Жди, когда я скажу going to school or somebody just waiting. 14. Hold that pose Удерживай эту позу 15 And you see this flash come over them and 15. Flash Проблеск, вспышка you know immediately16 that it has nothing 17 18 16. Immediately Немедленно to do with anything external because that hasn't changed. And when you see it, they're 17. It has nothing to do with Не имеет ничего общего с..., не sort of realer and they're more alive. If you имеет отношения к… look at somebody long enough, you discover 18. Anything external Чему-нибудь внешнему 19 their humanity . 19. Discover their humanity Раскрыть их человеческую природу - Wow. I know exactly what you mean20. 20. Exactly Совершенно, полностью - Oh, my God. Hold it. 21. What you mean Что ты имеешь в виду  Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда www.happyhope.ru 8(985) 782-43-42 8. Melvin at the restaurant again - Hey, look out! 1 - Excuse me. - Sorry. 1. Look out! Осторожно! Смотри по сторонам! - I got on the third line2 of dialogue, I blanked3. I 4 had no clue as to what the next line was. - Ig- 2. The third line Третья строчка nores me. - He said to me, "Last chance." - Last 3. I blanked Я онемела, лишилась дара речи 5 chance. - Oh, God. I came back in . - Here she 4. I had no clue Понятия не имела (не имела заце- comes to ignore me again. - I messed up on the пок) exact same line6. - Guess what7. - What? He cast 5. I came back in Я вернулась обратно (на сцену) me! 8 6. I messed up on the exact Допустила ошибку на той же са- - Just what the world needs9, another actress. same line мой строчке - Okay, okay. Can't live without me? I'm finally 10 gonna ask. What's with the plastic picnic ware ? 7. Guess what Угадай, что дальше? 11 Why don't you try ours? You're afraid it isn't 8. He cast me! Он назначил меня на роль! clean? - You okay? 9. Just what the world needs Как раз то, чего не хватает миру - I see the help. It's a judgment call. 10. Plastic picnic ware Пластиковая утварь для пикника - So give yourself a little pep talk12. Must try other 13 11. Why don't you Почему бы тебе не… people's clean silverware as part of fun of din- 14 12. Give yourself a little pep talk Наберись храбрости (скажи себе ing out . - What's wrong with15 your son? ободряющую речь) - Yeah. What do you care? 16 He's got to fight to 13. Silverware Столовое серебро 17 18 breathe . His asthma can shoot off the charts . 14. Fun of dining out Веселье, радость похода в ресто- 19 He's allergic to dust . This is New York, so his ран 20 immune system bails on him whenever there's 15. What's wrong with Что не так с… trouble. So an ear infection… Is this bothering 21 22 16. What do you care? С чего бы тебе интересоваться? you? An ear infection, whatever , sends us to 23 2425 17. He's got to fight to breathe Ему приходится бороться, чтобы the emergency room six times a month where I get whatever nine-year-old they just дышать made a doctor. Nice chatting with you. 18. Shoot off the charts Выйти из-под контроля - His name? 6 19. Dust Пыль - Spencer. 20. His immune system bails on Иммунная система подводит его - Okay. him - Spence. 21. Is this bothering you? Это тебе докучает? 22. Whatever Что бы, как бы, какой бы там ни было 23. Sends us to the emergency Отправляет нас в неотложку room 24. Six times a month Шесть раз за месяц 25. Nice chatting with you Неплохо поболтали  Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда www.happyhope.ru 8(985) 782-43-42 1 2 9. The robbery It's okay. Go on . Come on . It's okay. Go on. Come on. You can put on 3 1. Go on Вперед; продолжай anything you want now. I might be sort of done here. For two weeks all we've done is work. Let's play! 2. Come on Ну же; давай же (побуж- Vincent! дение к действию) So you're practically finished? 3. Put on anything Надеть все, что захочешь 4 Yeah. There is one more stage . you want Where you going? 4. One more stage Еще один этап 5 No place. I was just gonna sneak a peek . 5. Sneak a peek Взглянуть украдкой You want some chocolate? 6 6. He's not al- Ему не позволено; ему No, he's not allowed . 7 lowed нельзя Wait. I gotta take off . You want to say good-bye or anything? He's just gotta go. One second. 7. I gotta take off Мне нужно уйти No, wait. I'm gonna look at the painting. 8. What is the Что с тобой такое? (в чем Where are you going, sweetheart? You want some water? What is the matter with дело с тобой?) 8 matter with you? You want some water? Simon, wait! you? Why are you doing this? 9. Are you cruising Вы его что, выгуливаете? 9 No. No, wait. See. That painting in there… What, are you cruising him? him? Excuse me. - Help me! - We gotta go. - Let's go. - Come on, come on! 10. The interrogation - So you call 911 and don't leave your name? 1. Dumb geezer Тупой старикан - That's right. 2. Know Emergency Знать номер службы спа- - Even a dumb geezer1 should know Emergency automatically2. automatically сения на автомате - No one got killed3. Oh, is he dead? - Ask him. What's wrong with you? 3. No one got killed Никого не убили (никто не - Don't bark4 at me. I didn't name ya. стал убитым) - We will. If we can't, we'll come back and ask you again and again. 4. Bark Лаять, гавкать - What, you're trying to intimidate me with that attitude? I come 5. Go shake down Пойди потряси… from hell. My grandmother's got more attitude than you. Go shake 7 6. 7-eleven Севен-илевен ("с семи до down5 a 7-Eleven6 for a day-old7 wiener8. It's just a matter of time9, 10 одиннадцати") сеть продо- sir. There's a painting of one of the guys. Get some tape on it . вольственных магазинов - I've been praying11 for him since I heard12. шагового доступа - So, anyway, I'm on my way to13 the hospital. If you could just watch 14 the dog tonight. 7. Day-old Позавчерашний, просро- - I'm sorry. No. ченный (о скоропортящих- - Okay. Thanks. Old bitch. Damn dog. You're taking him. Yes, you are! ся продуктах) 15 Get the hell out of the way! You're taking him. This will even the 8. Wiener Венские колбаски 16 books . One night. 9. It's just a matter Это всего лишь вопрос - Wait, wait. of time времени - Do you want to say no to me? 10. Get some tape on Обнесите его полицейской - I don't want to say nothing to you. it лентой - Because I've never felt as crazy as I do right now. I almost want you 11. Praying Молилась to say no. Thanks for looking after him. 12. Since I heard С тех пор, как услышала - Hey! Where are you going? You can't do this. - You don't wanna mess with me today! 13. I'm on my way to Я еду в… (я на пути в…) - I can't take a dog. Nobody's ever17 been in here before. Hey, Frank. 14. Watch the dog Присмотреть за псом You're dead. We don't have no dog food here. We don't want no 15. Get the hell out Убирайся с дороги, черт, dog food here. You'll eat what we got, what we eat. All right. Don't of the way! побери! do anything. Where's the trust? 18 Never a break19. Dogs. 16. This will even the Это подведет баланс (вы- - Always look at the bright side of your life. books ровняет долги) - Always look at the lighter side of your life. 17. Ever Когда-либо - God. 18. Where's the Ну, и где доверие? trust? 19. Never a break Ни минуты покоя (никогда нет перерыва)  Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда www.happyhope.ru 8(985) 782-43-42 11. Simon at the hospital - We're not going to sell anything if they find out1 we're halfway 2 1. Find out Выяснить through a show and we haven't sold a single painting. We can't 3 4 5 reduce the price at this stage . What I'm in a free fall here. 2. Halfway through a На полпути к завершению Yes? show шоу (через шоу) - We can see him. 3. Reduce the price Снизить цены - Okay. I'll meet you in there. I will meet you in there! Okay? One 4. At this stage На этом этапе minute. Thank you. No, I'm here. 5. I'm in a free fall Я в свободном падении - How are you doing, great one6? 6. Great one Великий - I haven't looked at myself yet. I figured7 I could tell from your 7. Figured Полагал; ожидал reaction. - Oh, God. 8. You're gonna be your Ты будешь старым добрым - That bad, huh? old self собой - I talked to the doctor, and… Oh! Okay. It's not that bad. The doc- 9. In a couple of weeks Через пару недель 8 9 tors say you're gonna be your old self in a couple of weeks . The 10. Scars Шрамы scars10 might take… Oh, shit! 11. Hand me a mirror Передай мне зеркало - Jackie. Can you hand me a mirror11, please? 12. Taking care of him Заботится о нем, пригля- - Wait. I have a smaller one. дывает за ним - So how are things anyway? How's Verdell? 13. He'll hurt him Он причинит ему боль - Your neighbor, Mr. Udall. Taking care of him12. - How could you do that? 14. I own this guy Я завладел этим парнем - No, Simon. 15. Besides Кроме того, … - He'll hurt him13. 16. You have no idea Ты понятия не имеешь - I promise. Not a chance. I own this guy14. Besides15, there was 17. Waiting gives the Ожидание мне чертовски nobody else. I'm always on the move. Trust me. devil time трудно дается (дает дья- - You are very certain my dog is okay, because you have no волское время) idea16… - Your dog is fine, Simon. - Okay. Waiting gives the devil time17. Oh, my. Where did I go? 8 12. Melvin at the restaurant with Verdell - Look how friendly he is1. 1. Look how friendly he is Ты только посмотри, какой он друже- - That's your dog? What are you doing with a dog? любный - Suckered in2, set up3, pushed around4. 2. Suckered in Обманут, надут - You're not worried someone might take it? - No, not until now, for Christ's sake5. 3. Set up Подставлен - Sorry. 4. Pushed around Взят под контроль - I'm gonna sit here. 5. For Christ's sake Ради всего святого; черт возьми! - Hey, puppy6. He's cute7. I love his little face. It's 6. Puppy Щенок 8 so cute. I wonder what breed he is. He's a little 7. He's cute Он милый dog. 8. Breed Порода - Next time, if Bryan's not here, you can bring him 9 9. Bring him in Завести его внутрь in . 10. If I guessed by your eyes Судя по глазам (Если бы я угадывал - How old are you? If I guessed by your eyes10, I'd по глазам) say you were 50. - If I went by your eyes, I'd say you were kind. So 11. So much for eyes Ну, довольно о глазах 11 much for eyes . How old are you? You brought 12. You brought it up Ты поднял эту тему 12 13 it up . No, I'm curious . 13. I'm curious Мне любопытно - Not that you're ugly14. 14. Not that you're ugly Не то, чтобы ты уродина - Easy, pal15. I can take the compliment. But my 15. Easy, pal Полегче, приятель knees knock16 when you turn on the charm full 16. My knees knock У меня коленки трясутся blast17. 17. Turn on the charm full Выкручиваешь очарование на полную - But I mean, what's with the dark? 18 blast - Dawn patrol. Major dawn patrol19. My son had a 20 18. What's with the dark? В чем дело с темнотой под глазами? full-blown attack . This time, for extra fun, they 19. Major dawn patrol Крупное ночное бдение (рассветный gave us the wrong antibiotics. So I get him home… патруль) - No, no! The dog. The bacon's for the dog. Last 20. Full-blown attack Полномасштабный приступ week I was playing the piano for him, and he 21. Decided Решил  Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда www.happyhope.ru 8(985) 782-43-42 21 22. You're all set here Тут для вас все готово likes it. So I decided I'm gonna make a joke. - So you're all set here22. 13. Melvin walks Verdell I think it's a beautiful day for our walk today. Very 1. Come on, buddy Ну же, приятель nice. Look at that. Look at him. I gotta give you some- thing. I gotta give you something real good too. I'm 2. Don't you be like me Не вздумай быть похожим на меня gonna show it to you. Come on, buddy1. Don't you be 3. Stay just the way you Оставайся именно таким, какой ты like me2. You stay just the way you are3, because you are есть are a perfect man and I'm gonna take you home and 4. I'd like to be treated Хотела бы я, чтоб со мной так обра- get you something to eat. - What you love. Hear me? like that щались I'd like to be treated like that4. I'm gonna take you 5. And what a girl И какую девушку! home right now and get you something. Yes. Let's go 6. You'd better make it Лучше бы тебе возместить, компен- home and do some writing. He had made the girl hap- up to me сировать мне это py and what a girl5. "You saved my life," she said. "You'd better make it up to me6." Done7. Yes, I hate 7. Done Готово; сделано the doggie. 62 books. Done. 14. Simon is back home - We have to1 cut back expenses2 every place 3 1. We have to Мы должны, вынуждены we can . 2. Cut back expenses Урезать расходы - He has no medical insurance4? - No. These are the food receipts5 here, the 3. Every place we can Повсюду, где только можем 6 household expenses . Here's one for the dog 4. Medical insurance Медицинское страхование again. 5. Food receipts Счета за еду - I can read it. I got it. 6. Household expenses Затраты на содержание домашнего хозяй- - There you go. All the laundry and cleaners7. ства - Okay, good. 7. Laundry and cleaners Прачечная и химчистка Boy, look at that, huh? Oh, he likes it at Chez 8. At chez melvin Дома у мэлвина (from old french chiese - at Melvin8, hmm? What are you coming over 9 the home of (used in imitation of french, often here9 for? I told you to sit here. I can't cook humorously)) with a dog near me. Okay, just sit. Good. We don't want any company. I'll read you some 9. Coming over here Подходишь сюда Ralph Waldo Emerson. Okay, have it your 10. Have it your way Поступай как занешь way10. 15. Simon takes Verdell back - How's Verdell doing? 1 1. How's Verdell doing? Как там дела у Верделла? - You know, he's a pain in the ass2. 2. He's a pain in the ass Он еще та заноза в заднице - Well. Simon's home. I was hoping you can keep the dog3 until he's had a chance to think and 3. Keep the dog Оставить собаку у себя adjust4. 4. Adjust Приспособиться, привыкнуть - Oh, it's been weeks and weeks. A few more 5. A few more won't matter Еще чуть-чуть не сыграет большой won't matter5. роли (не будет иметь значения) - No, he definitely6 wants him back right away7. 6. Definitely Определенно; явно He'll be by8 tomorrow. 7. Right away Прямо сейчас; сей момент - Okay. Okay by me9. Hungry. I'll be right with you, pooch10. One, two, three, four, five. I'm 8. He'll be by tomorrow Он будет завтра okay. 9. Okay by me Как по мне, так пускай - Mr. Udall. 10. Pooch Дворняжка - Some face they left hanging on you11. You look 11. Some face they left hang- Вот это лицо они тебе оставили like… ing on you - Could you take it just a little easy12, Mr. Udall? 12. Could you take it just a Не мог бы ты обращать на это по- Thank you. Come here, my beautiful boy. Come little easy меньше внимания here, boy. Let's go home and get well13. 13. Get well Поправляться - You can't blame him for14 being weird15. Have a look at yourself in the mirror. 14. You can't blame him for Ты не можешь обвинять в том, что… - Thank you. Come on, sweetheart. Come here, 15. Weird Странный, чудной boy. I know what you want. Where's my boy? 16. Don't force him Не принуждай его Don't force him16. 17. Over a dog (плакать) над собакой; о собаке - Over a dog17. Over an ugly dog.  Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда www.happyhope.ru 8(985) 782-43-42 16. Melvin at his psychiatrist’s - Worst sidewalk1 in New York. Look where they put 1. Worst sidewalk Наихудший тротуар it. Help! - If you want to see me, you will make an appoint- 2. Make an appointment Назначить прием, встречу ment2. 3. Obsessive-compulsive Обсессивно-компульсивное рас- - Dr. Green, how can you diagnose someone as an disorder стройство психики (склонность к obsessive-compulsive disorder3 and then act as повторяющимся действиям) though I had some choice4 about barging in5? 4. As though I had some Как будто бы у меня был выбор - There's not going to be a debate6. You must leave. choice - You said you could help me. What was that, a 5. About barging in Насчет того, чтобы врываться к вам tease7? 6. Debate Дискуссия, дебаты - I can help you if you take responsibility8 - to keep 7. Tease Попытка раздразнить, поддразни- regular appointments. вание - You changed the room around. 8. Take responsibility Взять на себя ответственность - Two years ago. I also regrew my beard9. But you're not interested in changes in me. 9. Regrew my beard Снова отрастил бороду - I don't have this mountain of time10. I have to get to 10. Mountain of time Куча, гора времени my restaurant. Do you know how hard it was for me 11. I changed just one pat- Я сменил только одну модель пове- to come here? tern дения - Yes. 12. As good as it gets Настолько хорошо, насколько тре- - Thank you. буется; лучше не бывает; самое - No, we're not doing this now. лучшее, что можно найти - I changed just one pattern11, as you always said I should. What if this is as good as it gets12? 17. Melvin gets barred from the restaurant - What the heck are those for? 1 1. What the heck are those За каким чёртом здесь вот это? - No. Get Carol2. for? - I'm filling in3. We don't know if she's coming back. 10 2. Get Carol Приведи Кэрол She might be getting a job closer to home. Why plastic? 3. I'm filling in Я замещаю её - What are you trying to do to me? 4. Have her do my one meal Сделай так, чтобы она приготовила - What the heck do you mean? мне еду - Look, elephant girl, just go get Carol or something. 5. I'll pay whatever you want Я заплачу, сколько захочешь Just have her do my one meal4 here. I'll pay what- 6. Code blue Код «псих» ever you want5. I'll wait. Do it! 7. Shut up and get out! Заткнись и проваливай! - Bryan, code blue6. What happened? 8. Prick Придурок, хрен - Out! Just shut up and get out! 7 Do it! - I'll be quiet. just let me stay here. No problem. Go 9. I'm not judging Я не осуждаю тебя get Carol. Get her here. I'm not a prick8. You are. 10. Disaster Катастрофа I'm not judging9. I'm a great customer. This day has 11. I'm not sure if I can handle Я не уверен, смогу ли справиться с been a disaster10. I'm not sure if I can handle this11 this этим too. 12. There's gonna be trouble Здесь начнутся неприятности - Get out. Get out immediately or there's gonna be 13. I mean it Я это всерьез (я это подразуме- trouble12. Man, I mean it13. ваю) - Okay. See ya. Good-bye. It's about time! 14 14. It's about time! Давно пора! - Carol's last name. Connelly. Thank you. 18. Melvin pays a visit to Carol Hey, Dad, I'm over here! - Does he visit often? - Not really. Not 1. Ruined my whole day Погубила весь мой день anymore. What can you do? Can I get some ice cream, Grandpa? Why not? You're a good girl. 2. This is not a sexist Это не связано с вопросом - Hello. Christ. I'm hungry. You've ruined my whole day1. I thing пола (это не сексистская фиг- haven't eaten. ня) - What are you doing here? 3. Are you totally gone? Ты совсем с ума сошел? - This is not a sexist thing2. If you were a waiter… 4. Keep emotion out of Не давать волю эмоциям - Are you totally gone? 3 This is my private home. this (держать эмоции в стороне от - I'm trying to keep emotion out of this4 even though5 it's an этого) important issue6 to me and I have very strong feelings on 5. Even though Даже хотя… the subject7. 6. Important issue Важная проблема - What subject? That I wasn't there to take crap from you  Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда www.happyhope.ru 8(985) 782-43-42

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