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SSOOLLAARR // GGRREEEENN BBUUIILLDDIINNGGSS :: MMIINNIISSTTRRYY’’SS PPRROOGGRRAAMMMMEESS Dr. ArunK Tripathi Director Ministry of New and Renewable Energy NEW DELHI [email protected] PPeerrssppeeccttiivvee (cid:1) Construction activity forms a major part of any development activity (cid:1) Total construction activity (public and private investment) accounts for about 50% of the total outlay of 5 –yr plan (cid:1) 50 % of this goes in buildings (cid:1) About 50% of this is housing which is about 12.5 % of five year plan outlay (cid:1) Buildings are major consumers of energy in their construction, operation and maintenance (cid:1) Globally, about 40% of energy consumption is estimated to in buildings. (cid:1) In India, energy demand is increasing rapidly, due to increased urbanization and with more affordability of the people 1 Energy Consumption in Commercial and Residential Sectors Commercial sector Electricity consumption in Residential sector Commercial sector is increasing Energy Conscious Architecture It includes the following (cid:1) Use of solar passive concepts including daylight features in building design and operation (cid:1) Use of eco-friendly and less energy intensive building materials (cid:1) Integration of renewable energy technologies (cid:1) Use of energy efficient appliances (cid:1) Conservation of water/ waste water recycling/rain water harvesting Pioneering work has been done in India. However, we need to adopt it on a widespread level to make impact which is noticeable. 2 Solar/ Green Buildings • Designed to provide internal comfort with much less consumption of conventional fuel; results in savings of recurring and capital costs. • Design depends on direction & intensity of sun & wind, ambient temperature, humidity etc. Different designs for different climatic zones. • Key features: Orientation, double glazed windows, window overhangs, thermal storage walls/ roof, roof painting, ventilation, evaporation, day lighting, use of appropriate construction materials having desired U-values and less embodied energy. • Integration of solar water heating systems and solar photovoltaic systems. • Additional cost could be 5% to 10% with annual savings of energy up to 30 to 40%. Payback periods could be 3-4 years. CClliimmaattiicc ZZoonneess Climate Mean monthly Relative humidity temp (oC) (%) Hot and dry > 30 < 55 Warm and humid > 30 > 55 Moderate 25 - 30 < 75 Cold and cloudy < 25 > 55 Cold and sunny < 25 < 55 Composite When six months or more do not fall within any of the above categories As per criteria of National Building Code, ‘Cold and cloudy’ and ‘Cold and sunny’ have been grouped together. 3 CClliimmaattiicc ZZoonneess iinn IInnddiiaa ((aass ppeerr NNBBCC 22000055)) PPrrooggrraammmmeess ooff tthhee MMiinniissttrryy (cid:2) The Ministry has been promoting solar passive buildings for more than two decades through ◦ Research and development ◦ Demonstration ◦ Developing technical literature and supporting workshops, training programmes, etc. 4 PPrrooggrraammmmeess ooff tthhee MMiinniissttrryy Co- operati ve Him-Urja Bank Building Shimla Shimla (cid:2)Total floor area: 610 m2(Basement, (cid:2) Total floor area: 1500 m2(Basement, 1, 2 & 3 floors & Attic). 1-& 2-Floors, Attic) (cid:2)South window area : 162m2. (cid:2) Southwindowarea:67m2 (cid:2)Solarium, sun-spaces, TAP (cid:2) Doubleglazedwindows collectors and thermal insulation (cid:2) Solarair-heatingsysteminstalled on north wall & roof used. (cid:2) SunspacesandTrombewall used. DDeevveellooppmmeennttss uunnddeerr MMiinniissttrryy’’ss PPrrooggrraammmmeess (cid:1) Development of tools for architecture design and simulation (TADSIM) for solar passive buildings (IIT Bombay). (cid:1) A study on Energy Efficient Buildings in India (TERI) (cid:1) A manual of Solar Passive Architecture (SEC and IIT Bombay) (cid:1) Development of the course material on Solar Passive Architecture for inclusion in the curricula of Bachelor of Architecture (Council of Architects and IIT Delhi) (cid:1) Production of a set of two CDs entitled “Knowledge Bank for Sustainable Buildings” and “Energy Efficient Buildings in India” (TERI) 5 DDeevveellooppmmeennttss uunnddeerr MMiinniissttrryy’’ss PPrrooggrraammmmeess (cid:1) Handbook on Energy Conscious Buildings (SEC and IIT Bombay) (cid:1) Establishment of solar calorimeter has been sanctioned to CEPT University, Ahmedabad for characterization of window glazings. (cid:1) Development of byelaws on energy efficient buildings and guidebook for architects and designers to facilitate amendment of model byelaws of MOUD. PPrrooggrraammmmeess ooff tthhee MMiinniissttrryy (cid:2) Ministry has been providing support for preparation of DPRs and construction of solar passive buildings (cid:2) Presently, the Ministry has an R&D Programmeto support developmental activities in this area (cid:2) GRIHA is incentivized (cid:2) Capacity building and awareness generation programmesare supported. (cid:2) Awareness generation through development of web-based tools, e- learning modules is also planned. 6 GGRRIIHHAA RRaattiinngg SSyysstteemm (cid:1) Buildings to be star rated based on evaluation during pre-construction, building design and construction, and building O&M stages. Points scored Rating 50–60 One star 61-70 Two star 71-80 Three star 81-90 Four star 91-100 Five star FFiinnaanncciiaall SSuuppppoorrtt ffrroomm MMNNRREE (cid:2) Seed funding for GRIHASecretariat (cid:2) 90% of the fee for projects rated 3-star having built up area up to 5000 sq. m. and for projects rated 4 star having built up area above 5000 sq. m. to be reimbursed by MNRE (cid:2) RPerogjiescttr abtuioiltn u-cpu amre-arating feFeeies as follows: <= 5000 sq. m. Rs. 3,14,000 (Rs. 2,50,000 for registration + Rs 64,000 for evaluation) > 5000 sq. m. Rs. 3,14,000 (Fixed cost for projects upto 5000 sq. m.)+ Rs. 3.75 per sq. m. over and above 5000 sq. m. built area 7 FFiinnaanncciiaall SSuuppppoorrtt ffrroomm MMNNRREE (cid:2) Incentives to architects/ design consultants @Rs.2.50lakhforprojectsupto5000sq.m.withminimum3star rating @Rs.5lakhforprojects>5000sq.m.withminimum4starrating (cid:2) For organizing workshops and seminars for engineers, planners, builders, architects, consultants, housing financing organizations and potential users (cid:2) For compilation/documentation of case studies and other related information about green buildings (cid:1) Promotional activities – upto Rs. 2 lakh (cid:1) Incentives to Urban Local Bodies /Awards (cid:1) Financial support is also available for integration of solar water heating systems, roof top SPV systems, and other renewableenergy systems. Impact Potential (cid:2) The average energy use (lighting and HVAC) for typical commercial building is 200 kWh/sq. meter/year. (cid:2) Mandatory enforcement of ECBC may reduce energy use by 30-40%, which means to 120-160 kWh/sq.meter/year. (cid:2) Further improvements by better envelop designing and integration of solar energy devices/ systems would bring down energy use up to 80 kWh/sq. meter/year. 8 Capacity Building and Awareness Generation (cid:2) Programmes Conducted so far ◦ 6 Programme by TERI for CPWD (Delhi-2, Bangalore-1, Hyderabad-1, Kolkata-1, Mumbai-1) ◦ Training programme by TERI for trainers and evaluators (Delhi, September) ◦ 5 Training programme by SEEM (Tripura, Hyderabad, Chhattisgarh, Ahmedabad, Coimbatore) ◦ One programme by IIA at Delhi. Capacity Building and Awareness Generation (cid:2) Programmes Planned ◦ Programme for various government construction agencies (Delhi 11 Dec) ◦ 1 programme by IIA(Chandigarh –16 January) ◦ Training programme for trainers and evaluators by TERI (Delhi 5-6 Jan ) ◦ Training programme for Energy Simulation by IIIT Hyderabad, CEPT, and MNIT, Jaipur(Jaipur-30-31 Jan, Ahmedabd 12-13 Feb, Hyderabad 6-7 March) ◦ Proposal from UP is received for four workshops at Ghaziabad, Agra, Varanasi and Lucknow) (NEDA has discussions with TERI) 9 Capacity Building and Awareness Generation (cid:2) Preparation of Material ◦ Report on byelaws and guidelines finalized and sent to M/o UD. ◦ Manual for GRIHA is under preparation by TERI ◦ Awareness generation web-link is under development and will be ready shortly ◦ IIIT Hyderabad has shown interest in developing web-based 3D-building simulation tool. Some information already available at www.vibyor.com RReecceenntt IInniittiiaattiivveess (cid:2) Launch of Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission, which unveils an enabling policy framework for deployment of 20,000 MW of grid connected solar power by2022, and installation of 100 MW of smaller plants and 200 MW capacity equivalent of off-grid solar systems for variousapplications. (cid:2) To exempt first 100 Government / public sector buildings from paying the registration-cum-rating feein advance at the time of registration under GRIHA and to release 100%feefor such cases toGRIHASectt.as follows: (cid:2) Government decision to make all new buildings of Central Govt/PSUs compliant with requirements of at least 3-star rating, however, efforts to be made for higher rating. 10

Dr. Arun K Tripathi. Director. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. NEW DELHI [email protected]. Perspective. ▫ Construction activity forms a major
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