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A la brasa Monday January 7, 2019 T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044 www.arubatoday.com Page 13 AArruubbaa’’ss OONNLLYY EEnngglliisshh nneewwssppaappeerr Trump says he needs to BRIDGE deal with Dem leaders to end shutdown OR By CATHERINE LUCEY and for staff meetings, Trump LISA MASCARO, Associ- showed no signs of budg- ated Press ing on his demand for $5.6 WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- billion for a wall along the WALL dent Donald Trump ac- U.S.-Mexico border. Under- knowledged Sunday that cutting the staff-level talks, weekend shutdown talks Trump declared that only led by his vice president he could make a deal with would not break an im- Democratic leaders — “in passe, as newly empow- 20 minutes, if they want to.” ered House Democrats Said Trump: “If they don’t planned to step up the want to, it’s going to go on pressure on Trump and Re- for a long time.” publican lawmakers to re- President Donald Trump speaks on the South Lawn of the White House as he walks to Marine One, open the government. Sunday, Jan. 6, 2019, in Washington. Heading to Camp David Continued on Page 3 Associated Press. A2 UP FRONT Monday 7 January 2019 Louisiana town reels from loss of 5 children in fiery crash By REBECCA SANTANA, As- girls and the pastor was not sociated Press immediately available. MARKSVILLE, La. (AP) — It Williams described her was supposed to be a fun, nephew as an “easygoing” post-Christmas trip to Dis- boy; Warren and Cloud ney World for 14-year-old were best friends, she said, Jeremiah Warren and his who lived across the street friends from a church in from each other; two of the this small Louisiana town girls who were killed lived — “clean fun” as Warren’s on either side of her neph- aunt described it. But then ew, she said. word came of a fiery crash Only about 5,500 people on a Florida highway that live in Marksville — the seat killed seven people, includ- of Avoyelles Parish — about ing five children from this 165 miles (265 kilometers) area traveling in a church north of New Orleans. The van. town’s small size brought a “We knew it had to be level of personal connec- them,” said Warren’s aunt, tion to the tragedy — many Jacqueline Williams, sitting people knew the victims’ in the living room of her families personally or know Marksville home. She’d just friends and family who returned from church Sun- knew them. day morning where she’d As news of the tragedy done the only thing she spread, people gathered could: prayed. for vigils, or prayer services “When they left you were Flames engulf vehicles after a fiery crash along Interstate 75, Thursday, Jan. 3, 2019, about a mile to remember the children looking for them to go have south of Alachua, near Gainesville, Fla. and pray for their families fun and enjoy themselves. Associated Press and the survivors. Dozens of No one expected anything dent. Officials said at least A fifth car, unable to avoid said church pastor Eric Des- people gathered Saturday like this to happen,” she eight others were injured, the chaos, sped through cant’s 50-year-old wife, for a rosary at a Roman said. The small town has some seriously. and hit people who were Karen, was injured and his Catholic church. On Sun- been reeling since news Two vehicles traveling north thrown from the van, the granddaughter killed. Cox day morning, black ribbons spread that a church van — a tractor-trailer and a car highway patrol said. said a total of nine children hung on the doors of the from the Avoyelles House — smashed into each other In a statement posted and three adults were in Avoyelles House of Mercy of Mercy traveling outside and then burst through a on the United Pentecos- the church van. where parishioners gath- of Gainesville, Florida, was metal guardrail, slamming tal Church International’s Authorities identified the ered. On Monday, a can- caught in a fiery crash in- into another semitrailer and Facebook page, Louisi- dead children as Joel dlelight memorial service volving two 18-wheelers the southbound van car- ana district superintendent Cloud and Warren, both is being held at the town’s Thursday. In addition to the rying the children. Diesel Kevin Cox said a pregnant 14; Cara Descant, 13; Brie- high school football field five children in the church fuel leaked, and the mass woman injured in the crash na Descant, 10; and Cierra where religious figures from van, the two truck drivers erupted into a fireball, the and her unborn child had Bordelan, 9. The relation- across the small community were also killed in the acci- Florida Highway Patrol said. been stabilized. Cox also ship between the Descant are expected to speak.q Suspects sought in California bowling alley triple homicide By Associated Press flowers was also set up at old son, Astin Edwards, TORRANCE, Calif. (AP) — the site. Officers respond- was one of those killed. His Police searched for sus- ing to panicked 911 calls nephew told him his son pects Sunday in a shoot- found seven people with was attempting to break ing that killed three men gunshot wounds. Three up a fight when a gunman and injured four during a men were pronounced “just started unloading.” brawl at a popular Los An- dead at the scene and “I’m thinking this is a dream geles-area bowling alley two were taken to a hos- and I’ll wake up,” Edwards and karaoke bar. pital, Harris said. Two other told the Orange County Cell phone video aired men were struck by gun- Register. “He was a good by KNBC-TV showed fire but “opted to seek kid. I don’t understand it.” groups of people throwing their own medical atten- A grieving mother told punches as a crowd gath- tion.” KABC-7 her 28-year-old ered late Friday at Gable Authorities have not identi- son, Robert Meekins, died House Bowl in the coastal Investigators look for evidence around a shopping center ad- fied the victims or suspects while trying to break up city of Torrance. Gunshots jacent to the Gable House Bowl following a shooting in Tor- or released details about the fight. She said Meekins suddenly rang out and on- rance, Calif., on Saturday, Jan. 5, 2019. what led to the shooting. and Astin Edwards were lookers screamed and ran Associated Press. Witnesses said it stemmed close. “They were friends, for their lives. one suspect. bers of the victims held a from a fight between two so I know he probably There were no arrests. Po- “We just don’t know at candlelight vigil Saturday large groups. jumped in and helped As- lice Sgt. Ronald Harris said this point,” he said. “That’s night in the parking lot of Dwayne Edwards, 60, of tin and whoever he was Sunday that investigators one of the many questions the bowling alley in south- Los Angeles, said he re- with ... but I don’t think my are trying to determine if detectives are looking at.” ern Los Angeles County. A ceived a call from his son deserves to die,” Ang- there may be more than Friends and family mem- memorial with photos and nephew that his 28-year- lean Hubbard said. q U.S. NEWS A3 Monday 7 January 2019 Trump says he needs to deal with Dem leaders to end shutdown Continued from Front While insisting he wanted to pressure would only mount said on NBC’s “Meet the has been used to build mili- make a deal, he also de- amid the shutdown, which Press” that if the shutdown tary facilities in Iraq and Af- With the partial shutdown clared he would not give he said is disrupting Trans- continues into Tuesday, ghanistan but would likely in its third week, House an inch in his fight for fund- portation Security Admin- “then payroll will not go out be “wide open” to a court Speaker Nancy Pelosi said ing for a border barrier, say- istration operations, home as originally planned on Fri- challenge for a border she intends to begin pass- ing: “There’s not going to loans and farmers in his day night.” wall. Speaking on CNN’s ing individual bills to re- be any bend right here.” state. Trump reaffirmed that he “State of the Union,” Intel- open agencies in the com- Speaking to reporters later “Democrats and now a would consider declaring ligence Committee Chair- ing days, starting with the in the day, Trump said he growing number of Repub- a national emergency to man Adam Schiff called Treasury Department to en- had told aides to say that licans are coming together circumvent Congress and the idea a “nonstarter.” sure people receive their they wanted a steel barrier, and saying let’s open up spend money as he saw fit. “Look, if Harry Truman tax refunds. rather than the concrete the government and de- Such a move would seem couldn’t nationalize the That effort is designed to wall he promised during bate border security sepa- certain to draw legal chal- steel industry during war- squeeze Senate Republi- the campaign. Trump said rately,” Schumer told re- lenges. time, this president doesn’t cans, some of whom are Democrats “don’t like con- porters in New York. Incoming House Armed have the power to declare growing increasingly anx- crete, so we’ll give them Adding to concerns, fed- Services Committee Chair- an emergency and build ious about the extended steel.” eral workers might miss this man Adam Smith, D-Wash., a multibillion-dollar wall on shutdown. The president has already week’s paychecks. Acting said on ABC’s “This Week” the border,” said Schiff, D- The seemingly intractable suggested his definition of chief of staff Mick Mulvaney that the executive power Calif.q budget showdown marks the wall is flexible, but Dem- the first clash for Trump ocrats have made clear and Democrats, who now they see a wall as immoral control the House. It pits and ineffective and prefer Trump’s unpredictable ne- other types of border se- gotiating stylings against a curity funded at already largely united Democratic agreed upon levels. front, as many Republicans Among the Republicans watch nervously from the expressing concerns was sidelines and hundreds of Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, thousands of federal work- who said Senate Majority ers go without pay. Leader Mitch McConnell After another round of talks should take up bills from led by Vice President Mike the Democratic-led House. Pence with senior con- “Let’s get those reopened gressional aides, Trump while the negotiations tweeted that the session continue,” Collins said on had been “productive.” NBC’s “Meet the Press.” But two Democrats famil- Democrats criticized Mc- iar with the meeting gave Connell for waiting on a different take, saying the Trump’s support, but Collins White House had not pro- said she was sympathetic vided the budget details to McConnell’s opposition they had requested and to moving legislation with- again declined to re-open out agreement from the government. One of the president. officials — neither was au- Several Republicans thorized to speak publicly pushed the Interior Depart- — said no additional meet- ment to find money to re- ings were scheduled. staff national parks amid Trump said earlier in the growing concerns over day that he was hoping upkeep and public safety. for “some very serious talks And Senate Minority Lead- come Monday, Tuesday, er Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., Wednesday.” suggested Sunday that A4 U.S. NEWS Monday 7 January 2019 Park Service to tap into entrance fees to keep operating By Associated Press Democrats want the parks WASHINGTON (AP) — The fully opened. National Park Service says But Rep. Betty McCollum of it is taking the extraordinary Minnesota, the incoming step of dipping into en- chair of the subcommittee trance fees to pay for staff- overseeing Interior appro- ing at its highly visited parks priations, said Sunday that in the wake of the partial dipping into user fees was government shutdown. “not acceptable” in this P. Daniel Smith, deputy di- situation, and likely violates rector of the service, said the law. Parks supporters in a statement Sunday that called the administration’s the money would be used move misguided. to bring in staff to maintain “Instead of working to re- restrooms, clean up trash open the federal govern- and patrol the parks. ment, the administration is He acknowledged that robbing money collected the Trump administration’s from entrance fees to op- decision to keep the parks erate our national parks A sign is posted on a gate blocking a parking lot to Land’s End in San Francisco, Thursday, Jan. open during the weekslong during this shutdown,” said 3, 2019. budget impasse was no Associated Press. Theresa Pierno, president longer workable and so on outside help for security parks are protected, and Republican Sen. Steve and CEO for the National more extreme measures and upkeep. that visitors can continue Daines of Montana warned Parks Conservation Associ- were warranted. “We are taking this extraor- to access parks with limited Interior Secretary David ation. “For those parks that Parks have been relying dinary step to ensure that basic services,” Smith said. Bernhardt on Saturday of don’t collect fees, they will “significant risk to property now be in the position of and public health” without competing for the same in- funding. Three Utah Repub- adequate pot of money to lican congressmen also protect their resources and asked Bernhardt to restart visitors. Draining accounts regular operations. dry is not the answer.”q Disneyland raising prices, cheapest daily ticket over $100 By Associated Press and nearby California Ad- LOS ANGELES (AP) — Dis- venture Park. neyland Resort is raising A one-day, one-park tick- prices ahead of the sched- et is now $104 for low-de- uled opening of a Star mand days, such as May Wars-themed expansion, weekdays. Tickets for reg- with the cheapest daily ular- and peak-demand ticket costing more than days are more. $100. More visitors are expected Less than a year ago, for this summer’s open- prices were raised by up ing of “Star Wars: Galaxy’s to 18 percent. The prices Edge.” that took effect Sunday for Spokeswoman Liz Jaeger tickets, annual passes and says the resort offers a va- parking represent increases riety of tickets while help- of up to 25 percent. ing manage demand and The Los Angeles Times re- spread visitation. ports price increases in re- The least expensive one- cent years haven’t thinned day ticket to Disney World the throngs at Disneyland in Florida is $109.q U.S. NEWS A5 Monday 7 January 2019 Man charged with murder in Houston girl’s death After the shooting, a The girl’s killing prompted fered for information lead- composite sketch of a an outpouring of support ing to an arrest. Houston white man in a dark hood for her family from celebri- Mayor Sylvester Turner said was widely circulated. ties and ordinary people the support Jazmine’s fam- Jazmine’s family and activ- across the country. On Sat- ily received provided law ists had said the shooting urday, hundreds gathered enforcement “with a sense was similar to an unsolved at a rally near where the of urgency and made incident in the area in 2017 shooting happened, hold- Jazmine’s loved ones know in which a gunman de- ing balloons, stuffed ani- they weren’t alone in their scribed as white shot into mals and signs that read, time of grief.” “We share a vehicle carrying at least “Justice for Jazmine.” A their deep sense of loss and two black people. $100,000 reward was of- anger,” Turner said.q This undated image provided the Harris County Sheriff’s Office shows Eric Black Jr. Prosecutors said Sunday, Jan. 6, 2019, that the shooting death of a 7-year-old black girl as she rode in her family’s vehicle stemmed from a case of mistaken identity. Associated Press By JUAN A. LOZANO three sisters were on their Associated Press way to the grocery store. HOUSTON (AP) — A black At a court hearing early man was arrested and Sunday, prosecutors said charged with murder in the a confidential source had killing of a 7-year-old black contacted the sheriff by girl in a drive-by shooting email and told him the kill- that authorities said Sunday ers had “shot the car by appeared to be a case of mistake,” thinking the ve- mistaken identity, not a ra- hicle was someone else’s cially motivated attack, as that they had seen ear- her family feared. lier that night. Prosecutors Jazmine Barnes’ family had did not say why the killers described the gunman in opened fire. The sheriff said the Dec. 30 slaying as a there was, in fact, a red white man driving a red truck at a stoplight just be- pickup and believed race fore the shooting, but the played a role in the shoot- driver did not appear to ing. But acting on a tip have been involved. Gon- received by a civil rights zalez said it was dark, the activist, the sheriff’s depart- shooting happened quick- ment zeroed in instead on ly, and truck was probably Eric Black Jr., a 20-year-old the last thing seen by the black man who admit- Jazmine family. ted he was driving a dark- Authorities want to talk to colored SUV from which a the person in the red pick- passenger opened fire, au- up to get his account of thorities said. Harris County the crime, Gonzalez said. Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said Black, who was arrested authorities have identified Saturday night during a the second suspect, who traffic stop, was charged is also black, but would not with capital murder and say whether the person jailed without bail. Court was in custody. Gonzalez records did not list an at- cautioned that authori- torney for him. Prosecutors ties were still investigating, said the 9 mm handgun but said: “At this point, it believed used in the shoot- does not appear it was re- ing had been recovered lated to race.” Chris Sevilla, from Black’s home. Jazmine’s father, said in a During Sunday’s hearing, brief telephone interview prosecutors said Jazmine’s that he was feeling “a bit mother, LaPorsha Washing- of relief right now” after the ton, had tried to drive to a arrest. The shooting took hospital after the shooting, place at a stoplight while but one of her front tires Jazmine, her mother and had been shot out. A6 U.S. NEWS Monday 7 January 2019 Drugmakers seek sanctions over ‘60 Minutes’ comments Associated Press Cleveland.com reports CLEVELAND (AP) — Several that Moore declined to drug manufacturers target- comment Friday because ed in lawsuits over the opi- he hadn’t seen the motion oid epidemic have asked a and that LeBlanc didn’t federal judge in Cleveland immediately respond to to sanction the man who a voicemail. Phone and is Ohio’s attorney general email messages seeking and governor-elect, along comment were left for both with two other lawyers, for attorneys Sunday by The statements they made in Associated Press. recent television interviews. The motion comes amid Friday’s motion said state- preparations for a Septem- ments by Republican At- ber trial over claims against torney General and Gov.- drug companies by the cit- elect Mike DeWine and ies of Cleveland and Akron the others on an episode and their respective coun- of CBS’ “60 Minutes” were ties, Cuyahoga and Sum- calculated to taint poten- mit. The cases are among tial jury pools, Cleveland. scores from around the com reported . country being heard by U.S. DeWine and attorneys Mike District Judge Dan Polster. Moore and Burton LeBlanc A group represented by were part of a Dec. 16 seg- DeWine filed its own law- In this Nov. 13, 2018, file photo Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine speaks during a news ment on the news maga- conference in Waverly, Ohio. suits over fallout from the zine show about litigation Associated Press opioid epidemic. A second, over the role of big phar- The motion was filed by governments “to taint po- as attorneys practicing be- larger group has joined a maceutical companies attorneys for several drug tential jury pools . through fore this Court and threat- multistate investigation of in the deadly opioid epi- manufacturers and dis- misleading, inflammatory, ens defendants’ rights to the industry. demic. Correspondent Bill tributors, including Cardi- and improper public state- a fair adjudication of the The suits accuse pharma- Whitaker explored topics nal Health, Endo, Ameri- ments.” The motion asks claims asserted against ceutical companies of including the value of po- sourceBergen and Purdue the judge to impose a gag them.” Attorney General’s downplaying the addictive tential damages and data Pharma. It alleges DeW- order and other sanctions. Office spokesman Dan Tier- nature of opioids and pre- on pill distribution in states ine, Moore and LeBlanc The defendants claim the ney told The Associated scription painkillers largely and cities collected by the were part of a “concerted men’s statements repre- Press in an email Saturday blamed for one of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Ad- campaign” by lawyers rep- sented “a flagrant violation night that Dewine “respect- deadliest drug crises in U.S. ministration. resenting state and local of their ethical obligations fully declines comment.” history.q U.S. NEWS A7 Monday 7 January 2019 Huge trash-collecting boom in Pacific Ocean breaks apart LOS ANGELES (AP) — A trash collection device deployed to corral plastic litter floating in the Pacific Ocean between Califor- nia and Hawaii has broken apart and will be hauled back to dry land for repairs. Boyan Slat, who launched the Pacific Ocean cleanup project, told NBC News last week that the 2,000-foot (600-meter) long floating boom will be towed 800 miles (1,300 kilometers) to Hawaii. In this May 11, 2017, file photo, Dutch innovator Boyan Slat poses If it can’t be repaired there, for a portrait next to a pile of plastic garbage prior to a press it will be loaded on a barge conference in Utrecht, Netherlands. barrier in September from trapping some of the 1.8 and returned to its home Associated Press. San Francisco to the Great trillion pieces of plastic that port of Alameda, Califor- possible. to take it back and forth Pacific Garbage Patch — scientists estimate are swirl- nia. “This is an entirely new cat- a few times. So it’s really an island of trash twice the ing in the patch while al- The boom broke apart egory of machine that is not a significant departure size of Texas. It had been in lowing marine life to safely under constant wind and out there in extremely chal- from the original plan.” place since the end of Oc- swim beneath it. waves in the Pacific. lenging conditions,” the Previously Slat said the tober. Slat has said he hopes one Slat said he’s disappointed, 24-year-old Dutch inventor boom was moving slower The plastic barrier with a ta- day to deploy 60 of the but not discouraged and said. than the plastic, allowing pered 10-foot-deep (3-me- devices to skim plastic de- pledged that operations “We always took into ac- the trash to float away. ter-deep) screen is intend- bris off the surface of the would resume as soon as count that we might have A ship towed the U-shaped ed to act like a coastline, ocean.q California highway closed by mudslides, more rain coming By Associated Press night. LOS ANGELES (AP) — A To the north, wind and rain powerful winter storm un- forced delays or cancel- leashed mudslides in South- ations of flights out of San ern California wildfire burn Francisco International Air- areas and trapped motor- port for a second day. A ists on a major highway, wind advisory was in place and the northern part of until 10 p.m. Sunday. the state braced for more The San Francisco Bay Area wet weather Sunday. could get up to 1 ½ inches Saturday’s deluge loos- (3.8 centimeters) of rain, ened hillsides where a ma- with the heaviest down- jor blaze burned last year pours coming after sunset. in and around Malibu, Saturday’s storm brought clogging the Pacific Coast about a foot (30 centime- Highway with mud and de- ters) of snow to the Sierra bris. A stretch of the sce- Nevada and twice that nic route northwest of Los amount was expected Angeles was expected to Sunday. A winter storm remain closed in both di- warning was in effect until rections until Monday while 4 a.m. Monday. crews tow away stuck ve- Avalanche warnings were hicles and clear lanes. No posted in parts of Califor- injuries were reported. nia, Nevada and Utah. In this Nov. 29, 2018, file photo, workers shovel snow off a staircase at Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe near The rapper Soulja Boy was Reno, Nev. Avalanche warnings have been posted in parts of California, Nevada and Utah after a The Sierra Avalanche Cen- among those whose cars winter storm dumped heavy snow on the region. ter issued a backcountry were mired in the muck that Associated Press. avalanche warning for the was up to 4 feet (1.2 me- ica Mountains showed al and valley areas, while in November, destroyed Lake Tahoe area stretching ters) deep in some areas. nearly three-quarters of mountain communities got about 1,600 structures and south into the Sierra along The 28-year-old retweeted an inch (nearly 2 centime- heavy snow. claimed three lives. the California-Nevada line a photo of the mudslide ters) of rainfall in one hour, Flash-flood watches and The sun emerged in Los An- from noon Sunday until 7 and posted: “My car got said the National Weather warnings were eventu- geles on Sunday and the a.m. Monday. stuck too almost went into Service. “These are heavy ally lifted for areas burned red carpet for the evenings The National Weather Ser- the ocean,” along with a rates,” the weather service by the fires that scorched Golden Globe awards vice says blizzard condi- prayer emoji. tweeted. more than 155 square miles were expected to remain tions with gale-force winds An automated rain gauge Up to 1 ½ inches (3.8 centi- (404 square kilometers) of dry. Scattered showers could trigger widespread in the western Santa Mon- meters) of rain fell in coast- brush and timber acres were possible later in the avalanche activity. q A8 WORLD NEWS Monday 7 January 2019 With US leaving, rival powers seek to move into Syria’s east By SARAH EL DEEB armed and equipped by Turkey is equally concerned Associated Press the U.S.-led coalition, is over the prospect of Syr- BEIRUT (AP) — The planned unlikely to disappear. In- ian government control U.S. troop withdrawal opens stead, it is seeking an ar- over the east. In the past, up a void in the north and rangement with Assad to Damascus has used the east of Syria, and the con- continue operating as the Kurdish militia as leverage flicts and rivalries among all government extends con- against Ankara and could the powers in the Middle trol over the territory. do so again. For nearly East are converging to fill it. Syrian officials boast that 20 years, Syria hosted the The American decision to the withdrawal is a defeat main Kurdish leader until he pull out its 2,000 troops has to America. Controlling was captured in 1998, now forced a reassessment of the east would help seal imprisoned in Turkey. old alliances and partner- Assad’s victory in the civil ___ ships. The Syrian govern- war. The American move IRAN and ISRAEL ment, the Kurds, Russia, also accelerates a trend A Syrian government move Iran, Israel and Turkey have by Arab states to normalize east means the spread of all had a hand in the coun- relations with Assad, whom Iran as well. It will dramati- In this file photo taken on Wednesday, March 28, 2018, a try’s nearly eight-year war they shunned for years. cally widen the land cor- member of the Kurdish internal security forces holds his weapon — each in a way, fighting during a patrol in Manbij, north Syria. The United Arab Emirates, ridor where Iran enjoys its own war for its own rea- Associated Press a close U.S. and Saudi ally, free rein for its allied fight- sons within Syria. Now all of around a third of Syria, sought goal of autonomy. recently reopened its em- ers, weapons and supplies those conflicts play out in forming a rough triangle. To For the U.S., the troop pres- bassy in Damascus. across Iraq and Syria to the territory being aban- the north is the border with ence ensured American ___ Lebanon. Already, Iranian- doned by the Americans, Turkey, to the east the bor- influence. Turkey sees Kurd- TURKEY vs. KURDS, RUSSIA backed militias have ex- creating new tensions, po- der with Iraq, and the third ish autonomy on its border and ASSAD panded control over areas tential chaos and blood- side is the Euphrates River. as an existential threat and Turkey’s military, along with near Syria’s border with shed. This was the heart of the has vowed to prevent this, some 15,000 allied Syrian Iraq and freely cross back To reassure jittery allies, Islamic State group’s foot- accusing the U.S. of em- rebel fighters, is poised to and forth. Washington sent national hold in Syria until the United powering the militia Ankara launch an offensive in the That has alarmed Israel. The security adviser John Bolton States partnered with a says is linked to Kurdish in- east to break Kurdish con- likely result will be increased to Israel on Sunday, where Kurdish militia, creating a surgents in Turkey. trol over the border. Israeli airstrikes against sus- he said U.S. troops will not force of some 60,000 fight- ___ But an offensive risks creat- pected Iranian-linked tar- leave northeastern Syria ers —including some Syrian ASSAD and RUSSIA ing friction with Russia. In gets in Syria. until IS militants are defeat- Arabs and Christian Assyr- Without the Americans, the particular, it could wreck ___ ed and American-allied ians — that wrested it away door opens for Assad and a cease-fire agreement THE U.S., TURKEY and the IS- Kurdish fighters are pro- from the militants. his Russian backers to move the two reached over Idlib, LAMIC STATE GROUP tected. The comments put The territory is strategically in. the northwestern province President Donald Trump dis- the brakes on a withdrawal important. For the Syrian “The only obstacle pre- held by rebels and Islamic missed the idea that the U.S. abruptly announced last government of President venting Assad from gain- militants where Turkey has needs influence in the con- month and initially expect- Bashar Assad and its allies ing control of the east was influence — enabling a Syr- flict, saying Syria was noth- ed to be completed within Russia and Iran, regaining it the U.S. presence and the ian government assault on ing but “sand and death.” weeks. The announcement means re-establishing sov- cover that it provided to the province. Russian and He claims the U.S. mission upset regional allies and ereignty. The territory was the (Kurdish militia). With Turkish officials have been there — to fight IS — has Pentagon officials who once the source of Syria’s that gone ... there is sim- holding talks, trying to avert largely been completed. disagreed with the assess- wheat and barley, its dams ply no real challenge that tensions. But IS still holds pockets and ment that IS was defeated. generated electricity and would prevent the regime “A massive Turkish opera- U.S.-led coalition officials “We’re going to be remov- it holds some of Syria’s rich- from re-establishing control tion is not in Russia’s inter- warn it could surge again. ing our troops. I never said est oil resources. Without it, over those areas,” said Ay- est. It destabilizes the situa- Bolton told reporters in Je- we’re doing it that quick- Assad will have a harder ham Kamel, of the Eurasia tion, risks undermining Idlib rusalem that the conditions ly,” Trump told reporters in time with reconstruction group. agreements and talks on for a U.S. troop withdrawal Washington Sunday. and operating long term. Abandoned by the U.S., the reconstruction. Plus, if Tur- include the defeat of rem- Here is a look at what’s at For the same reasons, it’s Kurdish fighters are forced key decides to capture all nants of IS in Syria, and pro- stake. been a source of income to move toward Russia of the Kurdish areas it will tections for Kurdish militias ___ for the Kurdish militia. and Assad for protection inevitably clash with Russia who have fought along- THE TERRITORY For the Kurds, their hold against their more feared and Iran,” said Yury Barmin, side U.S. troops against the The area up for grabs is gave weight to their long- enemy, Turkey. Their force, a Russia analyst. extremist group.q WORLD NEWS A9 Monday 7 January 2019 Egypt el-Sissi inaugurates cathedral, mosque in new capital recorded video messages of support from the region’s top Christian clerics as well as Pope Francis. Speaking in Italian, Pope Francis said: “With joy I greet all of you on the joy- ful occasion of the dedica- tion of the new Cathedral of the Nativity, built in the new administrative capital. May the prince of peace give to Egypt, the Middle East and the whole world the gift of peace and pros- perity.” The heightened security followed a spate of attacks claimed by the Islamic State group which has tar- geted churches and buses carrying pilgrims to remote desert monasteries, killing The Cross of the “Great St. Antony Church”, right, and the dome of the Great mosque, left, are il- more than 100 Christians luminated in Cairo, Egypt, Sunday, Jan. 6, 2019. over the past two years.q Associated Press By HAMZA HENDAWI anism, however, has done Associated Press little to protect Christians CAIRO (AP) — Egypt’s pres- in rural Egypt, where Mus- ident on Sunday inaugurat- lim extremists frequently ed a new cathedral for the attack their homes and Coptic Orthodox Church businesses or force them to and one of the region’s leave their homes after vio- largest mosques in a highly lent disputes. symbolic gesture at a time Critics and activists say dis- when Islamic militants are crimination against Chris- increasingly targeting the tians there is often toler- country’s minority Chris- ated by local authorities tians. and branches of the se- Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, a gen- curity agencies. Christians eral-turned-president, has also complain of stringent made sectarian harmony restrictions on the construc- a cornerstone of his rule, tion of churches. fighting Islamic militancy But Sunday’s opening cer- while advocating equality emony in Egypt’s New Ad- between the overwhelm- ministrative Capital, el-Sis- ing Muslim majority and si’s brainchild that is locat- Christians, who account for ed in the desert east of Cai- 10 percent of Egypt’s 100 ro, stressed what the pro- million people. government media like to “This is a historic and impor- call the “unbreakable na- tant moment,” said el-Sissi tional fabric” of Christians inside the cathedral. “But and Muslims. Entertainers we still have to protect the and chorus lines took to tree of love we planted the stage to sing about the here together today be- two faiths living peacefully cause seditions never end.” side by side. Short films on The Grand Sheikh of Al- the same topic were also Azhar, the world’s primary screened. seat of learning for Sunni The ceremony’s presenters Muslims, echoed el-Sissi’s portrayed the construc- sentiments in comments tion of the cathedral and also made at the cathe- the mosque, which took 18 dral. months to complete, as a The two places of worship, message to humanity. “It he said, stand as a symbol is a message to the whole in the face of “attempts to world that Egypt is a nation undermine the country’s for all,” said one presenter. stability and sectarian sedi- The ceremony, attended tions.” by Palestinian leader Mah- El-Sissi’s widely publicized moud Abbas and a host of policy to staunch sectari- Arab dignitaries, included A10 WORLD NEWS Monday 7 January 2019 Brother questions why American man being held by Russia By JIM HEINTZ only as an American. His there, he does go and vis- BRIDGET VIRGO concurrent Canadian, Brit- it,” David Whelan said. Associated Press ish and Irish citizenships be- Paul Whelan established MOSCOW (AP) — The broth- came known on Friday. an account on VKontakte, er of an American man U.S. Ambassador Jon a social media service simi- being held in Moscow on Huntsman Jr. visited Whel- lar to Facebook that is pop- suspicion of spying is raising an on Wednesday in Mos- ular among Russians, which the possibility that his sibling cow’s Lefortovo Prison, a showed he had scores of is being used as a pawn in 130-year-old facility noted contacts in Russia. Many a potential exchange for for strict conditions. Britain, attended universities affili- a Russian woman behind Canada and Ireland have ated with the military, civil bars in the U.S. applied for consular ac- aviation or technical stud- Paul Whelan’s brother told cess to him. ies. Many share his interest The Associated Press that Whelan, 48, was dis- in sports and firearms. he can’t help but question charged from the Marines Also Saturday, the Foreign This undated file photo provided by the Whelan family shows if the events are connect- for bad conduct. He works Ministry said it was seeking Paul Whelan in Iceland. ed. Associated Press as the global security direc- information about a Rus- “You look at what’s going zenship, was detained in changes of one sort of an- tor for a U.S. automobile sian who was arrested Dec. on and you wonder if this is Moscow in late December. other, it’s impossible and parts manufacturer and 29 in Saipan in the North- just a large game of piec- His arrest has led to specu- incorrect to consider the lives in Michigan. His family ern Mariana Islands, a U.S. es being moved around,” lation that Russia could be question now when an of- has said he was in Moscow commonwealth in the Pa- David Whelan told the AP using him to bargain for a ficial charge hasn’t even to attend a wedding. cific. The ministry said Ser- via Skype from Newmar- Russian woman who has been presented,” Ryabkov His brother, David, told the gei Makarenko was sent to ket, Ontario. “You start to pleaded guilty to acting as was quoted as saying by AP that Whelan loves to Florida after his arrest and wonder if all of these things a foreign agent in the U.S. state news agency RIA- travel and likes to “inter- it wants consular access to are connected. But at the But Russian Deputy Foreign Novosti. act with the people in the him. same time, they could just Minister Sergei Ryabkov “Charges will be presented places that he goes,” but The Saipan Tribune report- be arbitrary events.” said Saturday that discuss- in the near future,” he said, that Whelan would be too ed that Makarenko was in- Asked about the matter ing a possible swap involv- according to the Interfax “conspicuous” to be se- dicted in 2017 in Florida for by reporters at the White ing Whelan and Maria Bu- agency. lected as a spy. the alleged illegal shipment House on Sunday, Presi- tina would be premature Some Russian news reports David Whelan said his fam- of military goods to Russia. dent Donald Trump said: because Whelan hasn’t earlier cited unnamed ily had had no direct con- Konstantin Kosachev, head “We’re looking into that.” been formally charged, sources as saying Whelan tact with Paul and had re- of the international affairs Paul Whelan, a former U.S. according to Russian news had been indicted on espi- ceived no details about the committee of the upper Marine who also holds Ca- agencies. onage charges that carry alleged espionage charg- house of the Russian par- nadian, British and Irish citi- “As to the possibility of ex- a possible prison sentence es from either the Russian liament, said Makarenko’s of 20 years. or U.S. governments. arrest was “the latest at- Russian officials haven’t “He likes to go places and tack on a citizen of Russia given details of Whelan’s Russia happens to be a outside the framework of suspected activities and place where he knows international law,” Interfax he was initially identified people and when he’s reported.q Poland shuts down 13 escape game sites due to safety flaws Players in escape room games are locked inside a room or building and must solve puzzles and find clues that lead them to the key that will unlock the door. Regarded as an intellec- tual challenge, the games are highly popular among teenagers in Poland. Fire chief Leszek Suski said the escape room at a pri- vate house in the city of Ko- Forensic and other police experts examine the site of a fire in an szalin, where the 15-year- Escape Room, in Koszalin, northern Poland, on Saturday, Jan. 5, old girls died Friday locked 2019. inside a room celebrating a Associated Press birthday, had no emergen- By MONIKA SCISLOWSKA flaws and the prime minis- cy evacuation route. They Associated Press ter asked people Sunday were the first known deaths WARSAW, Poland (AP) — to report such lapses to in an escape room, a form Polish officials have shut firefighters and police af- of entertainment that has down 13 escape room en- ter five teenage girls were been growing in Poland tertainment sites for safety killed in a fire. over the past five years. q

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