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A1 Court rejects appeal over DC gay marriage law Wednesday, January 19, 2011 WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from opponents of same-sex marriage who want to overturn the District of Columbia’s gay marriage law. The court did not comment Tuesday in turning away a challenge from a Maryland pastor and others who are trying to get a measure on the ballot to allow Washingtonians to vote on a measure that defines marriage as between a man and a woman. Bishop Harry Jackson led a lawsuit against the district’s Board of Elections and Ethics after it refused to put that initiative on the ballot. The board ruled that the ballot question would in effect authorize discrimination. Last year, Washington began issuing marriage licenses for same-sex couples and in 2009, it began recognizing gay marriages performed elsewhere. On Top Of The News Email: [email protected] Website:www.arubatoday.com Tel:582-7800 Wednesday, January 19, 2011 1st Peace Corps head Sargent Shriver dies at 95 EX-DICTATOR DETAINED In this Aug. 27, 2009 file photo, R. Sargent Shriver, left, is escorted by an unidentified man to a car at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port, Mass. Shriver, the exuberant Haiti moves toward corruption trial for Duvalier public servant and Kennedy in-law whose singular career included directing the Peace Corps, fighting the “War on Poverty” and, less successfully, running for office, died Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011. He was 95. Associated Press JESSICA GRESKO Haiti’s ex-dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier known as “Baby Doc,” center, is taken out of his hotel by police in Port-au- Assoicated Press Prince, Haiti, Tuesday Jan. 18, 2011. Haitian police took Duvalier out of his hotel Tuesday to a waiting SUV without BETHESDA, Maryland (AP) saying whether he was being detained for crimes committed under his brutal regime. — R. Sargent Shriver, the Associated Press Kennedy in-law whose career PAGE 13 included directing the Peace Corps, fighting the War on Poverty and, less successfully, Cheney to consider running for office, died Tuesday. He was 95. Shriver, who announced in 2003 that he had Alzheimer’s heart transplant disease, had been hospitalized for several days. Continued on Next Page Read Page A3 A2 UP FRONT Wednesday, January 19, 2011 helped persuade Humphrey to on Poverty. change his mind. Shriver’s efforts demonstrated When Shriver finally became both the reach and frustrations a candidate, the results were of government programs: disastrous: He was George Head Start remains respected McGovern’s running mate for offering early education in the 1972 election, but the for poor children, and Legal Democrats lost in a landslide Services gave the poor to President Richard M. an opportunity for better Nixon. representation in court. Four years later, Shriver’s But other Shriver initiatives presidential campaign ended suffered from bureaucracy, quickly, overrun by a then- feuds with local officials and a little-known Georgia governor struggle for funds as Johnson named Jimmy Carter. devoted more and more Although known for his money to the Vietnam War. Kennedy connections, In early 1968, with Shriver Shriver, born in 1915, rumored to be on the verge of came from a prominent old quitting, Johnson offered him Maryland family. His father the ambassadorship to France. In this Aug. 29, 2009 file photo, R. Sargent Shriver, left, is escorted to his seat in the church by his son was a stockbroker, but he lost He accepted it even though Anthony Kennedy Shriver before funeral services for U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy at the Basilica of most of his money in the crash some family members wanted Our Lady of Perpetual Help Basilica in Boston. Shriver, the exuberant public servant and Kennedy of 1929. Shriver to support Sen. Robert in-law whose singular career included directing the Peace Corps, fighting the “War on Poverty” and, Shriver went on a scholarship Kennedy’s presidential less successfully, running for office, died Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011. He was 95. to Yale, then went on to Yale candidacy instead. Associated Press Law School. He served in the In Paris, Shriver won many SHRIVER about her.” He attended in a idea of public service,” Navy in the Pacific during French fans, but he left the Continued from Front Page wheelchair. Obama said in a statement. World War II. post for a job in private The family said he died The handsome Shriver was Within the family, Shriver Returning home, he became an business not long after Nixon surrounded by those he loved. often known first as an in- was sometimes relied upon assistant editor at Newsweek took office in 1969. His death came less than two law — brother-in-law of for the hardest tasks. When magazine. About this time, He campaigned for years after his wife, Special President John F. Kennedy Jacqueline Kennedy needed too, he met Eunice Kennedy congressional Democrats in Olympics founder Eunice and, late in life, father-in-law the funeral arranged for her and was immediately taken 1970, and two years later Kennedy Shriver, who died of California Gov. Arnold assassinated husband, she by her. They married in 1953 McGovern drafted him to Aug. 11, 2009, at age 88. The Schwarzenegger. asked her brother-in-law. in New York’s St. Patrick’s replace Sen. Thomas Eagleton Kennedy family suffered a But his achievements were “He was a man of giant love, Cathedral. of Missouri as his running- second blow that same month historic in their own right and energy, enthusiasm, and Her father, Joseph P. Kennedy, mate. Eagleton dropped out when Sen. Edward Kennedy changed millions of lives: the commitment,” the Shriver hired him to manage the because of questions about his died. Peace Corps’ first director family said in a statement. Kennedy-owned Merchandise medical history. Speaking outside Suburban and the leader of President “He lived to make the world Mart in Chicago. He was a Shriver was good humored Hospital in Maryland, Lyndon Johnson’s “War on a more joyful, faithful, and big success on the job and in that he had been McGovern’s Anthony Kennedy Shriver, Poverty,” out of which came compassionate place. He Chicago in general — and seventh pick for the job — said his father was “with my such programs as Head Start centered everything on his even was elected head of the after brother-in-law Ted mom now,” and called his and Legal Services. faith and his family. He school board in 1955. Kennedy, among others. He parents’ marriage a great love President Barack Obama worked on stages both large Shriver had fought for named his campaign plane story. called Shriver “one of the and small but in the end, he integration in Chicago and “Lucky 7.” At Eunice Shriver’s memorial brightest lights of the greatest will be best known for his helped persuade John F. In September 1975, Shriver service, their daughter Maria generation.” love of others. “ Kennedy to make a crucial joined an already crowded Shriver said her father let her “Over the course of his long In public, Shriver spoke decision in the 1960 campaign race for the 1976 Democratic mother “rip and he let her and distinguished career, warmly of his famous in-laws, despite other staffers’ fears nomination. But he dropped roar, and he loved everything Sarge came to embody the but the private relationship of a white backlash: When out in March 1976 after poor was often tense. As noted in the Rev. Martin Luther King showings in the early primaries Scott Stossel’s “Sarge,” an Jr. was jailed in Georgia that and never again sought office. authorized 2004 biography, he fall, Kennedy phoned King’s He instead worked with was a faithful man amid a clan wife and offered support. Special Olympics and other of womanizers, a sometimes His gesture was deeply causes. giddy idealist labeled “the appreciated by King’s family In 1994, Shriver received house Communist” by the and brought the candidate the Presidential Medal of family. His willingness to crucial support. Freedom, the nation’s highest work for Johnson was seen Soon after taking office, civilian honor, from President as betrayal by some family Kennedy named Shriver to Bill Clinton. members. fulfill a campaign promise Meanwhile, daughter Maria The Kennedys granted him to start the Peace Corps. Shriver gained fame as an power, but also withheld it. Although it was belittled by NBC newswoman and, since He had considered running some as a “kiddie corps,” 2003, first lady of California. for governor of Illinois in Shriver quickly built the The Shrivers also had four 1960, only to be told the agency into an international sons — Robert, Timothy, family needed his help for institution. Mark and Paul Anthony. Mark John Kennedy’s presidential After Kennedy’s assassination, Shriver was elected to the campaign. Hubert Humphrey in 1963, Johnson called upon Maryland House of Delegates considered him for running Shriver to run another program in 1995 and ran unsuccessfully mate in the 1968 election, but which then existed only as a for Congress in 2002. They resistance from the Kennedys high-minded concept: the War also had 19 grandchildren.q U.S. NEWS A3 Wednesday, January 19, 2011 Cheney to consider heart transplant “at some point” WASHINGTON – Former Vice President Dick balloon angioplasty. He also had a defibrillator Cheney said in an interview aired on Tuesday implanted to monitor his heart and shock it that he will have decide whether to undergo a back into a normal rhythm if abnormal beating heart transplant to replace the heart pump that occurred. That device was replaced in 2007 is now keeping him alive. because of a low battery. “I’ll have to make a decision at some point The former vice president, who served under whether or not I want to go for a transplant,” President George W. Bush, told NBC that he told NBC News. “But we haven’t addressed he has adapted to the heart pump and its that yet.” accessories, which include a vest that holds the Cheney, who turns 70 later this month, has had pump control, two batteries and a power cord five heart attacks, the latest in February 2010. that runs to the mechanism inside his chest. He opted for a heart pump in July after “The technology’s getting better and better, and experiencing increasing congestive heart we’ve got more and more experience of people failure, a chronic condition that develops as living with this technology,” he said. the heart loses its ability to pump properly and “Initially, obviously, it’s kind of awkward gradually enlarges. to walk around with all this gear on. But Cheney, a former smoker, has already had you quickly get to the point of where you’ve bypass surgery and other procedures including adapted, where it’s second nature to you.”q Bill Clinton comes to Chicago to campaign for Rahm Emanuel CHICAGO - Former President Bill Clinton campaigned in Chicago on Tuesday for his former adviser Rahm Emanuel, who seeks to become the city’s mayor. Appearing before a cheering crowd of about 400, Clinton said Chicago is “critical to America’s future.” “You need a big person for this job,” said Clinton. “Now, Rahm’s not even six feet tall. He’s probably 150 pounds dripping wet. But in all things that matter, he’s a really big with you.” Americans by supporting person.” Former U.S. Senator Carol Emanuel, according to local Clinton joked about Emanuel’s Moseley Braun, who is media reports. reputation for intensity, and also running for mayor, has But Tori Collins, 34, of his occasional salty way of criticized Clinton’s support Chicago, a worker for expressing himself. for Emanuel. Emanuel, said he benefits “He was always fearlessly She told reporters last month among black voters by having honest in meetings with that Emanuel is an “outsider” been the chief of staff to the me,” Clinton said. “He never who needs to bring in nation’s first black president. shirked to say, sometimes in outsiders to help him. Braun, “It makes a big difference. extremely colorful language, who is black, also warned They know he shares the when he thought I was wrong. that Clinton could risk his president’s values,” Collins He will be fearlessly honest relationship with African- saidq A4 U.S. NEWS Wednesday, January 19, 2011 Northeasterners slip and slide in snow, sleet half to three-quarters of an AccuWeather.com. by Wednesday morning from inch of ice accretion in some “As the storm along the East West Virginia north through areas, which may lead to Coast makes for a rough drive Pittsburgh, Cleveland and power issues. Localized urban home tonight for those souls Buffalo, New York. In street flooding also may pose out and about in New England Missouri, western Tennessee a problem, as storm drains and eastern New York state, and Kentucky north through were clogged with snow, he a system over the Midwest is Illinois, Wisconsin and said. The Weather Service heading eastward,” he wrote Michigan, wet areas could noted that another storm may on the AccuWeather.com freeze up in the evening, bring several inches of snow website. potentially creating a black ice to New England on Friday. “As this feature pushes into the hazard, he said. The morning commute was central Appalachians tonight The South was likely to treacherous in Pittsburgh, with colder air in its wake, see more rain on Tuesday, where a thin layer of ice coated some surfaces will become icy the heaviest in Tennessee, many roads and sidewalks. in time for the morning drive northern Mississippi, Alabama NEW YORK – Snow, sleet International Airport, John F. “I fell in my driveway,” said Wednesday,” he wrote. and Georgia, forecasters and freezing rain created Kennedy International Airport Pittsburgh resident Barry He predicted an inch of snow said.q dangerously slick and slushy and LaGuardia Airport as Merenstein. “I was going to conditions in the Northeast on well. Departures were delayed try to drive, and then I gave Husband willing to meet Tuesday, slowing commuter out of Newark due to dense up on that. So I tried to walk, traffic and delaying flights fog. and I fell twice.” Giffords suspect’s parents across the region. A mix of snow, sleet and Around Philadelphia, in TUCSON, Ariz. – The husband of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords The National Weather rain was falling across Wilmington, Delaware and says he would be willing to meet with the parents of the Service issued winter weather southern New England, in southern New Jersey, the 22-year-old man accused in a massacre that critically injured advisories through midday for with parts of northern and morning ice gave way to the Arizona congresswoman, killed six people and wounded northern New Jersey, southern western Massachusetts and melting snow that posed its 12 others. Connecticut, Rhode Island and southwestern New Hampshire own danger, the Weather “I don’t think it’s their fault. It’s not the parents’ fault,” southeastern Massachusetts. getting some 5 inches of snow Service said. Mark Kelly told ABC’s Diane Sawyer in an interview to air “A winter weather advisory on the ground, said Alan “The melting of any remaining Tuesday. “You know, I’d like to think I’m a person that’s, means that periods of snow, Dunham, meteorologist with snow, sleet, and ice, in you know, somewhat forgiving. And, I mean, they’ve got to sleet or freezing rain will the National Weather Service combination with any rainfall be hurting in this situation as much as anybody.” cause travel difficulties,” the in Taunton, Massachusetts. that is occurring or will occur The suspect, Jared Loughner, remained in federal custody Weather Service said. “Travel Boston would get afternoon through the rest of the day will in Phoenix. Investigators have described him as a mentally will remain treacherous into sleet and rain, he said. lead to standing water in low- unstable man who was kicked out a community college last this afternoon.” The wintry mix, particularly lying areas as well as ponding year and became increasingly erratic in recent months. Due to snow and ice, some the ice, was making roads on roadways,” it said. He apparently became obsessed with inflicting violence on arriving flights were delayed treacherous. More wintry weather Giffords since attending one of her campaign events in 2007. an average of nearly four “Right now, traveling is very moving in from the Midwest His parents have remained in seclusion since the shooting at hours into Boston’s Logan difficult,” said Peter Judge of was likely to hit the East a Safeway supermarket on Jan. 8, only releasing a statement Airport, authorities said. the Massachusetts Emergency Coast through Wednesday, that said they, too, were grieving for those dead and injured. Flights were delayed into Management Agency. said Alex Sosnowski, Kelly’s comments were perhaps a sign of the nation’s shock the New York area’s Newark Judge said he expected one- senior meteorologist for and outrage abating as the southern Arizona city buried the dead and Giffords made impressive strides toward recovery. Giffords had given her husband, an astronaut who has kept a near-constant vigil by her bedside at a Tucson hospital, a neck rub and even smiled, he told ABC. “She’s in the ICU. You know, gone through this traumatic injury. And she spent 10 minutes giving me a neck massage,” Giffords’ husband, Mark Kelly, told ABC’s Diane Sawyer in an interview to air Tuesday. “It’s so typical of her, that no matter how bad the situation might be for her, you know, she’s looking out for other people.” The interactions with Kelly were the latest signs of Giffords’ progress after being critically wounded in the attempted assassination 10 days ago. Giffords still cannot speak, because of a tube in her throat that is helping her breathe. The movements indicate higher levels of functioning, implying that “she’s recognizing him and interacting, perhaps in an old familiar way with him,” said Dr. Michael Lemole. Dr. Randall Friese said Kelly also told doctors Giffords had smiled. Friese said sometimes, people see what they want to see, but that “if he says she’s smiling, I buy it.” Kelly’s updates, along with his encouragement, have helped Giffords’ staff through the tragedy, said Mark Kimble, a Tucson staff member who stood only a few feet from Giffords when she was shot.q U.S. NEWS A5 Wednesday, January 19, 2011 Student tracking finds limited learning in college NEW YORK- You are told on the actual learning issue,” schools, meant to be a that to make it in life, you said David Paris, president of representative sample, that must go to college. You work the New Leadership Alliance provided Collegiate Learning hard to get there. You or your for Student Learning and Assessment data on students parents drain savings or take Accountability, which is who took the standardized out huge loans to pay for it all. pressing the cause in higher test in their first semester And you end up learning ... education. “What kind of in fall 2005 and at the end not much. intellectual growth are we of their sophomore years in A study of more than 2,300 seeing in college?” spring 2007. The schools took undergraduates found 45 The study, an unusually large- part on the condition that their percent of students show no scale effort to track student institutions not be identified. significant improvement in learning over time, comes The Collegiate Learning the key measures of critical as the federal government, Assessment has its share thinking, complex reasoning reformers and others argue of critics who say it years. majored in traditional arts and and writing by the end of their that the U.S. must produce doesn’t capture learning in Among the findings outlined sciences majors posted greater sophomore years. more college graduates to specialized majors or isn’t a in the book and report, which learning gains. Not much is asked of students, remain competitive globally. reliable measure of college tracked students through four Social engagement generally either. Half did not take a But if students aren’t learning performance because so years of college: does not help student single course requiring 20 much, that calls into question many factors are beyond their Overall, the picture doesn’t performance. Students who pages of writing during their whether boosting graduation control. brighten much over four years. spent more time studying with prior semester, and one-third rates will provide that edge. The research found an After four years, 36 percent of peers showed diminishing did not take a single course average-scoring student in fall students did not demonstrate growth and students who requiring even 40 pages of “It’s not the case that giving 2005 scored seven percentage significant improvement, spent more time in the Greek reading per week. out more credentials is points higher in spring of 2007 compared to 45 percent after system had decreased rates The findings are in a new going to make the U.S. more on the assessment. In other two. of learning, while activities book, “Academically Adrift: economically competitive,” words, those who entered such as working off campus, Limited Learning on College Arum said in an interview. college in the 50th percentile Students who studied alone, participating in campus clubs Campuses,” by sociologists “It requires academic rigor ... would rise to the equivalent of read and wrote more, attended and volunteering did not Richard Arum of New You can’t just get it through the 57th after their sophomore more selective schools and impact learning. York University and Josipa osmosis at these institutions.” Roksa of the University of The findings also will likely Virginia. An accompanying spark a debate over what report argues against federal helps and hurts students learn. mandates holding schools To sum up, it’s good to lead accountable, a prospect long a monk’s existence: Students feared in American higher who study alone and have education. heavier reading and writing “The great thing if you can loads do well. call it that is that it’s going The book is based on to spark a dialogue and focus information from 24 A6 U.S. NEWS Wednesday, January 19, 2011 2 charged with stealing iPad users’ information NEWARK, N.J. – Two hackers Fayetteville, Ark., face charges the recipients might be more who were engaged in game of of fraud and conspiracy to likely to open. “malicious one-upsmanship” access a computer without The criminal complaint against stole the e-mail addresses authorization. Both men were Spitler and Auernheimer of more than 100,000 Apple scheduled to appear in federal details online conversations iPad users, including those court Tuesday afternoon, in which the duo’s peers of politicians and famous Spitler in Newark and discuss selling the addresses to media personalities, federal Auernheimer in Fayetteville. spammers. prosecutors said Tuesday in Fishman characterized the men “you could put them in a announcing criminal charges and their cohorts as engaging in database for spamming for against the men. “malicious one-upsmanship” example sell them to spammers AT&T revealed the security as they sought to impress ...” a user named Nstyr wrote to vulnerability months ago, and each other and others in the Spitler, the complaint alleges. U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman online community. “We don’t “tru ipad focused spam,” Jersey because about 16,000 affected only iPad users who said there was no evidence tolerate committing crimes Spitler responds. victims live in the state, signed up for AT&T’s “3G” that the two men used the for street cred,” Fishman said. The complaint quotes an Fishman said. wireless Internet service and information they acquired for “Computer hacking is not a article published on Gawker. AT&T spokesman Mark Siegel that it had fixed the problem. It criminal purposes. Authorities competitive sport, and security com that contended the e-mail said, “We take our customers’ involved an insecure way that cautioned, however, that the breaches are not a game.” addresses of film mogul privacy very seriously.” He AT&T’s website would prompt information could have wound The stolen e-mail addresses Harvey Weinstein, White said the company was not under iPad users when they tried to up in the hands of spammers are unlikely to be the basis for House chief of staff Rahm investigation for the breach. In log into their AT&T accounts and scammers. identity theft, but a spammer Emanuel, New York Mayor June, AT&T Inc. acknowledged through the devices. The site Daniel Spitler, 26, of San armed with the addresses could Michael Bloomberg and a security weak spot on a would supply users’ e-mail Francisco, and Andrew send e-mail pretending to be Diane Sawyer of ABC News website that exposed the e-mail addresses, to make log-ins Auernheimer, 25, of from Apple or AT&T, which were among those lifted from addresses of apparently more easier, based on unique codes AT&T’s servers. than 100,000 iPad users. The contained in the SIM cards The case was brought in New company said the vulnerability inside their iPads. q Pennsylvania woman gets 16 years in FBI killing case open it. Christina Korbe fired one shot with a .38 caliber revolver down a dark stairwell from the second floor, hitting Hicks. Christina Korbe pleaded guilty on Tuesday to voluntary manslaughter and committing a crime of violence with a firearm in a plea deal with federal prosecutors, according to a statement issued by her attorney, Caroline Roberto. PITTSBURGH -- A woman and other law enforcement A judge sentenced Korbe to 70 accused of killing an FBI agent officials had entered Korbe’s months for manslaughter and in southwestern Pennsylvania family’s house with a warrant 120 months for the firearm in 2008 was sentenced on for the arrest of her husband, offense. She was given credit Tuesday to nearly 16 years in Robert Korbe, on drug for time already served. prison, her attorney said. charges, according to court Robert Korbe was sentenced Christina Marie Korbe documents. to 25 years in prison in pleaded guilty to charges Police arrived at the Indiana September after pleading related to the shooting death Township residence around 6 guilty to drug trafficking and of FBI agent Sam Hicks on a.m. and broke down the door other charges.q November 19, 2008. Hicks after Robert Korbe refused to LOCAL A7 Wednesday, January 19, 2011 Jamaica calls Food & Wine Festival at cozy for reduction of passenger Arawak Garden on January 22 duty tax Prime Minister of Jamaica Bruce PALM BEACH - Saturday Golding says the Caribbean region faces many of the same January 22 should be on challenges requiring united your `things to do’ list! It is action, one of which has to do the date of the monthly Food with the decision of the United & Wine Festival, held at Kingdom to impose the Aviation the Arawak Garden across Passenger Duty (APD) tax. He said the region was united from the high rise hotels. in its position that this tax is The cozy courtyard will manifestly unjust to the countries be filled with the sounds of the Caribbean region. of live music and there are Mr. Golding was speaking at wine tastings and more. the opening ceremony of the two-day Caribbean Marketplace All the restaurants of the and awards presentation at Arawak Garden have come the new convention Centre in up with enticing specials, Montego Bay this evening so come and enjoy! (Jan 16). Varying APD rates are Popular Salt & Pepper dictated by the classification of worldwide destinations by offers a Tapas Platter the UK government - with for Two with a pitcher passengers taking trips to the of Sangria; there is a Caribbean being particularly choice of six tapas. Tango badly hit. Restaurant, where one can Mr. Golding said several leaders from the region have impressed find the best meat on the upon the British government that island, is serving a Mixed the tax is not fair and that it needs Grill Skewer with a glass of to be reviewed. He noted that representation has been made, the Sangria, while Burger King is belting out requests. A late Prime Minister of Barbados, lures everyone with a free live cigar roller will be David Thompson, Jamaica ’s dessert with the purchase of entertaining you as well. own Tourism Minister Ed Bartlett any Value Meal. Entrance to the Food & Wine and the Caribbean Tourism But this is not all: Fishes & Festival at cozy Arawak Organisation and himself to the British Government about the More is going all-out with Garden (across from the negative impact of this new tax a three-course menu; Casa Occidental Resort) is free on travel to the region. Tua follows suit with a of charge; the festival starts Mr. Golding said that in Seafood Risotto. Piano Bar at 5 pm; it is sponsored by handing over the chairmanship Sopranos, the hippest place Pepia Est, Romar Trading, of Caricom to Grenada ’s Prime Minister Tillman Thomas, he for drinks, is featuring a Compra and Aruba Wine provided a full brief on all the fantastic piano player, who and Dine.q activities of Caricom including a detailed update on the efforts that have been made to adjust this increase and he is confident that Caricom will continue to make representation to the British government. ‘Going to London and pleading are not the only options we have’, Mr. Golding noted. He said he had consulted widely and there are other options that the Caribbean may have to consider in tackling something that ‘is not just unfair and unjust but is in conflict with established global rules of tourism’.q A8 LOCAL Wednesday, January 19, 2011 Aruba Timeshare Association celebrates the New Year get-together at Barefoot Restaurant in order to toast to past accomplishments as well as to look forward to new plans in 2011. ATSA members enjoyed an excellent dinner accompanied by cocktails, as well as attentive service for his past collaborations eloquent words, ATSA by Luc, while they renewed and welcomed new Director President Jan van Nes thanked friendships under the stars at Susan Ruiter, who will be ATSA trainee Gildou Kramer, Nikky Beach. at the helm of this popular who has been working very The re-elected Board tourism magazine with Piet’s diligently during the past consisting of Jan van Nes assistance. ATSA Treasurer six (6) months in generating (President), Andy Osbourne Andy Osbourne noted that valuable benchmarking data Aruba Timeshare Resorts, Managers of resorts affiliated (Treasurer) and Aisa van ATSA has high expectations for the Association. in general, can all look back with the Aruba Timeshare der Biezen (Secretary) also for 2011 with plans for OPC Aruba boasts approximately at a very successful 2010 Association (ATSA), as well hosted the outgoing and certification courses as well as 4,000 timeshare units that with strong occupancies as the General Manager of incoming Directors of Aruba the evidence of an enhanced serve to guarantee year-round as a result of their loyal fellow ATSA member De Experience magazine, which, Product Aruba, with the launch high occupancies in addition members and guests. General Palm Tours, attended a recent for several years, have been of various projects that are the to significant financial working with the Timeshare result of ATSA’s collaboration contributions to Aruba’s Resorts in the publication with the Government economy. ATSA members of personalized in-house through the Tourism Product agree that prospects continue magazines. Treasurer Andy Enhancement Fund. In to look very positive for Osbourne thanked Piet Jansen addition to Mr. Osbourne’s 2011.q LOCAL A9 Wednesday, January 19, 2011 HYATT REGENCY ARUBA AND HYATT REGENCY CURAÇAO BID “BON BINI”, OR “WELCOME”, TO GUESTS AND CELEBRATE BEING THE LEADING RESORTS ON ISLAND Hyatt Regency Curaçao, which welcomed its first guests on April 20, 2010, was designed to immerse travelers in Curaçao’s rich culture and heritage. The variety of activities highlighting the island’s distinctive local flavor and the resort’s remarkable standard of quality has not O R A N J E S T A D / influenced Caribbean island. gone unnoticed. Being open WILLEMSTAD – Hyatt Twenty years ago, Hyatt for less than a year, Hyatt Regency Aruba Resort broke ground at Palm Beach Regency Curaçao places &Casino and Hyatt Regency – Aruba’s most scenic second on TripAdvisor Curaçao Golf Resort, Spa beachfront location – with with excellent reviews from and Marina complete an the desire to become the most satisfied guests. Stillwater Spa or dine at one also provides the perfect exemplary 2010 with a authentic and chic property on of the six tempting restaurants, combination of service and milestone anniversary in island. Authentic Island Chic at Hyatt including its signature elegant style offering the exclusive Aruba and a grand opening on Today, the 357-room Hyatt Regency Aruba restaurant Ruinas del Mar, Regency Club Floor Level to the beaches of Curaçao. Hyatt Regency Aruba, which After arriving at the open-air the Japaneseinspired Café Camp Hyatt Watapana, the Regency Aruba celebrated its recently completed a $24 lobby, HyattRegency Aruba Japengo, Northern-Italian kids program available for 20th anniversary of being the million renovation, is not only guests can relax beachside Café Piccolo, the casual Palms guests 12 and younger. The premier resort destination on a leading Aruban destination, under a palapa (or “hut”); restaurant, poolside Balashi 9,300 square feet of flexible the island of Aruba and Hyatt but also repeatedly ranks swim at the tri-level pool Bar and Grill, and Footprints meeting space accommodates Regency Curaçao introduced number one for guest complex complete with a Beach Grille where dining private boardroom meetings a new level of luxury satisfaction among all Hyatt’s water slide; try their luck at barefoot is recommended. to elegant weddings in the and service to the Dutch- worldwide. the casino; rejuvenate at the Hyatt Regency Aruba Regency Ballroom. Wild Cash Wednesday! • TOMORROW • Don’t miss Bonus BINGO Thursday! $1,000 in CASH PRIZES & Progressive Bingo! Win your share of $300 in CASH PRIZES! Earn one FREE entry ticket for every 50 points earned today from 10am to 10pm. Open daily 6pm to 2am Happy Hour from 6 to 8pm Cash Prize raffles from 10:30pm to 11:30pm! •SPORTS BOOK• Bet on all your favorite sports! Where Aruba goes to play! Open daily 10am to 4am • J.E. Irausquin Blvd #47 • 583.5000 • www.casinoalhambra.com Must be an Alhambra Advantage member. All programs and promotions are subject to change or cancellation without prior notice. A10 LOCAL Wednesday, January 19, 2011 Andrew is on the look-out for friends and family members on biting the fence. He donate money or who buy takes a good bite into the something in the store. wood and inhales deeply. They help keep the shelter It is a strange habit, which afloat that way. sometimes occurs when horses or donkeys are bored. The volunteers of the But Andrew is not bored at shelter are now looking for all; he is interacting with people who wish to adopt the other donkeys and has Andrew. He will stay at the a whale of a time. So now shelter, of course; the only and then we just replace the thing that is needed is that wood of the fence and that AWG. 30,-- per month is is that. paid for his keep. In this Andrew has a chip, just like way you help support this the other donkeys. This way wonderful donkey as well he can be recognized and as the shelter. You will all his medical information receive a nice document is on it. The donkeys at the and a super T-shirt. And if shelter are well-cared for: you like, your name and they get their food and drink photo will be posted on our and when they are sick the website. vet is called. Yes, they are Please call the shelter at 595- expensive customers. The 2933 and become Andrew’s volunteers try to cover the new family member; you cost through organizing all can also register as an We would like to introduce son of mother Sasha. A but that name is too long. kinds of activities and by adoptive parent via our Andrew to you, one of name giving contest was Andrew really listens to selling nice souvenirs in website www.arubadonkey. the donkeys living at the held and Andrew was that name. He is a nice and the store. Fortunately there org or deposit a donation Aruban Donkey Sanctuary. chosen; actually his full quiet donkey; the only bad are visitors who adopt a on our Aruba Bank account Andrew is the 1-year old name is Andrew Pikabu, habit he has is that he keeps donkey now and then, who 40.03.025. Please help!q Dinner is always a Genuine Spanish Experience Casa Tua Barcelona hosts Special Show on Wednesday and Friday Italian cuisine, all served in a friendly, casual setting. On the menu, a wide variety of Spanish Tapas, appetizers starting at $2.95, and plentiful Paellas, made daily, filled with mussels, clams, shrimp, pork loin and chicken. The menu also boats famous Pata Negra ham, Chorizo, and other specialty dry-cured pork sausage. Naturally, the restaurant’s whole Grilled Red Snapper, fresh fish fillets and beef tenderloins are all cooked “A la a native of Spain, a golden starting at $8.95 p/p. “Plancha,” with just a sprinkle recording artist, will perform Birthday parties? Wedding of olive oil, representing a all Wednesdays and Fridays Rehearsal Dinners? Family healthy Mediterranean life- from 8pm with her daughter Reunions, we love those, style. Patrons also favor the and Spanish-Aruban guitar and always take very good restaurant irresistible thin- talents. care of our guests! crust pizza, baked according You really don’t want to miss to a secret family recipe, such an enchanting voice and Open from 11:00 am to ORANJESTAD - What Atelier, under a small country topped with Casa Tua infused spectacular show. 10:00 pm Monday to a surprise!!! This old hut, covered with old hand- spicy olive oil, a signature From the dramatic Spanish Saturday warehouse transformed made roof tiles. condiment for Casa Tua ballads to the catchy warm 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm into a typical Spanish or Opened downtown restaurants on the Island. Flamenco music of the Gypsy Sunday Italian town’s square, with Oranjestad two years ago, the To complete this Spanish Kings, Angela delivers a night Located downtown first its gurgling fountain, French restaurant dishes reflect this experience and make it of fun and emotion…. floor Aventura Mall behind The Renaissance Resort lamp-post and lime-washed inter-cultural relationship truly unforgettable, Angela Special food combos are Telephone: 588-5695 walls features an open Pizza of Spanish, French and Croes, the local Song-Diva, available for lunch weekdays,

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