ann Digitized by the Internet Archive 2016 with funding from in Boston Public Library 3 20 Class of 1 Thanks to my friends for being there for me. Without all ofyou I wouldn't have made it through high school. Go Hornets! Varsity Basketball 2012-2013 Toby Alves Christopher Bailey My decisions may be regrettable but my life is anything but forgettable! Cheerleading'09'12; NHS;SkillsUSA; Forever friends SL&VR;10.23.10MG<3;I.T family; Class of2013! Jasmine Bobbitt Timothy Brames Today is the first day ofthe rest ofour lives. Make it happen class of2013. ALL DAY, EVERYDAY 8-18-12 9-3- 0<3 1 Hannah Brazeau 3 Highschool was an adventure, embrace it. you will miss it when it is over. 1 know 1 will. Thank you Ms. Avery. Mr. Tinney, Dad and Chris. Without you guys my experience would be nothing like it was! Today is the first day ofthe rest ofyour life, own it! Class of2013<3 Michelle Briggs Blue Sky Hunter Brockway "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson Marinna Burzimati Be a simple kind ofman be something you'll love and understand. L Skynard Cameron Justin 4 Who am I now check it I dare you! Am I someone or am I dead? IfI am alive, what do I look like? Did I ever get thejob I wanted? And by the way for all ofyou who were wondering, the answer isTobi Zachary Charbonneau 'Ifyoucan imagine it, you can achieve t; ifyoucan dream it, youcan become t"... Thank youmami, I do this for /ou and thankyou formy sis and mother forthe right guidance I needed, fe amomucho and dios te bendiga! Evelyn Colon "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." Cats. Cook Erin Success is never final, failure is never fatal, it's courage that counts. You live and you learn 16-22 Justin Cote Captain Varsity Wrestling 131bs 1 "Don't wait until everything isjust right it will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less than perfect conditions. So what, get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more selfconfident and more and more successful." Allison Crews Why prepare for the future when life is so fragile. Prepare for tomorrow because we don't know how many tomorrows are left. Only the good die young! Kyle Crosier