ARTIFICIALLI FEV II CopyrighMtaetde rial CompleAxd patiSvyes te(smesl ecttietdl es) JohnH .H ollda,nC hriosptheGr. L angtoann,dS tewaWrt. W ilsoand,v isors Adatpaotnii nN aturlaa ndA rtifiiaclS ystmes:A nI ntroduAcntaolryyis sw itAhp plicattioBo ionlso gyC.o ntrol, andA rtifiicaIln telligJeonhcnHe .H, o lland GeneticP rogramming: Ont hPer ogrammoifnC go mputebryMs e anosf N aturalS elecnt.Ji oohRn. K oza IntellgeintB ehaviionAr n imalsa ndR obot.s DavidM cFarlaannddT homaBso sser GenetPriocgr ammingII :A utomatciD iscovoefryR eusabPlreo graJmoshn. R .K oza TurtlTeesr.m itaensdT. r acffiJ amsE:x ploratiinMo ansss ivPealrya lMlieclr oworMlditshc.el R esnick Comparatiev pAproachesto CognitiveS cienecdei.t beydH erbLe.R rtoi btlata ndJ ean-ArcMaedyye r ArtifiCailL ifeA:n Ov erview. editbeydC hristoGp.hL earn gton AnI ntroducttoGi eonne tAilcg M itchell Catchgi Onursesli vnte hAec tS:i tuaAtcetdi vIintyt.e ractEimvereg enacned.H umanT houghHtor.s Hte ndriks Jansen ElemenotfAs r tificialN euralN etworKksi.s haMne hrotCrhai,l ukKu.rM io hana,n dS ajnayR anka GrOWinAgr tifiCiSaolc ietSioecsi:Sa cli enfrcome thBe ottoUmp .J oshuMa. E psteainndR obertA xtell AnI ntroducttoNi aotnu rCaolm putatDiaonnHa.. B allard AnI ntrodutcotF iuoznzyS etAsn:a lyasnidsD esgin. WitolPde drycazn dF ernandGoo mide FromA nimatlosA nima5t:sP roceedoifnt ghsFe ift hI nternationalC onfereonncS ei mulatoifAo dna tpive BehaVieodri.t beydR olPff eifBerurc,eB lumberJge,a n-ArcaMdeyy e,r andS tewaWr.tW ilson ArtificialL ifeV IP:r oceedionftg hseS itxh InternatiCoonfnearlne ceo nA rtificiaLlif ee.d itbeydC hristoph AdamiR,i chaKr.dB elewH,i roaKkiit anaon,dC harlEe.sT aylor TheS impleG enetci lAgorhimt:F oundatiaonndTs h eoryM.i chaDe.lV ose AdvanciensG enetPirco gramminVgo:l um3e.e ditbeydL eeS pectWoirl,l iBa.mL angdoUnn,a -MaOy' Reilly, andP eteJr.A ngeline Towarad S ciceeno fC onsciousnessII I:T heT hirTdu csoDni scussainodDn esb ateesdi.t beydS tuaRrt. HameroAtfl,fr eWd. K asniaakn,dD aviJd.C halmers Truthform TrasHho:w eLarningM akeSse nse. ChriTsh ornton FromA nimatlosA n imats6 :P roceediofnt ghsSe ix thI nternatiCoonnafle reonncS eim ulation ofA daptive Behavieodri.t beydJ ean-ArcMaedyye rA,l aiBne rthoDza,r iFol oreaHneor,b eRrto ibtlta,a ndS tewaWrt. Wilson Learninagn dS oftC omputinWgi:tS hu pportV ectMoarc hinNese.u rNaeltw orksa.n dF uzzyL ogiMco dels. VojislKaevc man ArtifiCiLaifle V II:P roceedignso ft hSee venItnht ernatiCoonnfaerle nceo nA rtifiiaCl Lifeed.i tbeydM arkA . BedauJ,o hnS .M cCaskiNlolrm,a nH .Pa ckaradn,dS teeRna smussen CopyrigMhatteedr ial ARTIFICIALLI FEV II Proecdeinogfst hSee venItnht earntiaoln ConfereonnAc rtei ficiLailf e editebdy M arkA .B edauJ,o hnS .M cCaskiNlolr,m anH .P ackard, andS teeRna smussen A BradfoBrodo k TheM ITP ress CambridMgaes,s achusetts LondonE,n gland CopyrighMtaetde rial © 200M0a ssachusIenttsst iotfuT teec hnology All rirgehsetrvseN do. p arto ft hibso ko may be reporducedi na nyfo rmb ya ny eecltrocn oir mechanimceaaln (si nclupdhiontgo copyreicnogr,d ionrg ,fi ornmatiosntr aogea ndr etriweitvohuatl ) permissiionwrin t ingfr omt he publisher. Thibso okw asp ritenda ndb ounidn t heU nitSetda tesA meorfi ca. LibraoryfC ongresCsa taloging-in-PuDbaltiac ation InternatiCoonnafle reonncArt ei ficiaLilf (e7 t:h2 000:P ortlanOdr,. ) ArtificiaLli fVeI :Ip roceedoifnt ghsse e venItnht ernatiCoonnafle reonncA ert ificiLaifleI e ditbeyd MarkB eda.u. .l eatl. J. p. cm.-{Complaedxa ptsiyvset ems) "AB radfobrodo k." Inclubdiebsl iograprheifcearle anncdei sn dex. ISBN0 -262-522(9p0b-kXa. l:kp .a per) I.B iologsiycsatle ms--Compustiemru ln-a-Ctioongresse2s.B. i ologsiycsatle ms-Simautlion methos--Cd ongressIe.Ts i.t lArtei:fi cialilfs ee venI.IT .i tlArtei:fi cilailf7 e.I IBIe.d auM,a rk. IV.T itVl.Se e.r i.e s QH324.2.1525060 0 570I:1 3-dc21 00-033942 CIP CopyrighMtaetde rial Contents Preafce xi MarkA .B edau IO rigionfL ifSee,l f-OrganiaznadtS ieolnf,- Retpiloinc a A Sel-RfeplaiticngU nivesraTlu rinMga chineF:r omv onN eumann'Dsr eamt oN ew Embryonic Circuits 3 HectoFra biRoe streDpaon,i Mealn geM,o shSei pper Creatian Pgh ysically-Vbiarstelud-a,M etabolwiiths mSo liCde llulAaurt omata 13 AlanD orin Sel-Rfeplciating WormsTh at IncreaSstreu ctuCroamlp lexithtryo ughG ene Transmission 21 HiraSkaiy ama Self-OrganiisnMa itciroon- ConfigHuarradbwlaer e 31 UweTangen ReactiMoenc hanismins the0 0C hemistry 39 HugueBse rsini A LesAsb stracAtr tificial Chemistry 49 PietSrpoe rodniFi e nizio ChemicEavlo lutiaomnon gA rtifiPcrioalt o-cells 54 YasuhiSruoz ukHii,r osThain aka A Searcfho Mrul tipleA utocatalSyettiisnc A rtifCihceimiaslt rbiaesse odn B oolean Networks 64 Harald Hiining Searchinfgo rRh ythmsin AsynchronoRuasn domB ooleaNne tworks 73 EzequAi.eD li P aolo LevelosfC ompartmenitzaaltiino Anl ife 81 S.Ka zadiD,. L eeR.,M odiJ,. WS.yL u,e ExplorinGga iaT heorAyr:t ifiLciifaoeln a lPanetray Scale 90 KeithD owning IID evelopmeanntdD ifferentiation CompleOxr ganizatiinMo unl ticellualsaa Nreicteys siitnEy v olution 103 ChikarFau rusawKau,n ihiKaknoe ko CopyrighMtaetde rial vi SympatrSipce ciatfiroonmI nteriaocnt-incdeudP heontypeD iffenrtieation 113 KunihiKaknoe koT,e tsuYyoam o EvolutioofGn e netCiocd et hrouIgsho logDoiuvse rsifiocfaC teilolnu Sltaart es 122 HiroaTkaika giK,u nihiKaknoe ko 132 EvolutioofDn i fferentiinaM tuilotni threaDdiegdi tOarlg anisms ThomaSs.R ayJ,o seFp.hH art 141 Desigbny M orphogenesis Cefn HoilRei,c haTradt eson EvolutioNneaurrya Tlo piarGyr:o winagn dS culptinAg rtificNieaulr ontsoO rder 146 AlistGa.iR ru stR,o dA damsH,a miBdo louri IIIE volutryi aonndAa daptDiyvnea mics ConnectiavnidtC ya tastrophe-ToawG aerndesr Tahle oryE voofl ution 153 DaviGd. G reeDna,v iNde wthM,i chaGe.lK irley NeutraSle arcShp acefso Arr tificEivaoll utioAn L:e ssofnr omL ife 162 RobS hipmaMna,r kS hackleMtaorncE, b neRri,c haWradt son MutualisPma,r asitiasnmd,E volutionAardya ptation 170 RichaAr.dW atsoTno,r stReeni Jlo,r dBa.nP ollack CoevolviMnugt ualiGsuitdse S imulatEevdo lution 179 MichaeLl. B est EvolutioonfC ooperatini Soonc iDaill emma-DynamicSayls temGsa me Approach 186 EizAok iyamKau,n ihiKakon eko Interactbieotnwse eLne arninagn dE volutiThoen O:u tstandSitnrga tegy Generatbeydt heB aldwinE ffect 196 TakayAari tRae,i Sjuiz uki EvolvabiAlniatlyy sDiiss:tr ibutioofHn y perbloinb asV ariable-LPernogtthe in Genotype Space 206 HideaSkuiz uki InfluenocfeC hancHei,s toarnyd A daptatoinoE nv olutiinoD ni gitalia 216 Daniel WagCehnraiAasdr a,m i Ecolyo agndE xtinicotn-MacroevolutiEoxntainrcyt iDoynn amisci na S imulated Ecosystem 221 StevJaanAy n astofafs Quantifciatioonf M icroospciEcv entins hteP roceosfsL ong-TeErvmo lutionary Dynamics 231 ShinicYhoisrhEoii ii,Mc ihyia motYou,k inKaokariz u CopyrighMtaetde rial vii An EcolPaerbs pectiveo nth e BedaEuv oluotinary Statistics 238 RusseKl.Sl tandish MateC hoicSei:m ploerC omplex? 243 PatriLceiroe na A Discussion ofth eU seo fA rtifiLciifMaeol d eltsoE valuaGtouel d'Hsyp othesis abouPtr ogreisnEs v olution 248 PauDlo mjan ShoulSde edFsl yo rN ot? 253 Tatsuo Unemi IV Robotasn dA utonomoAugse nts Connectign BraitnsoR oboTthse:D e velopmoefna t H ybriSdy stefmo trh eS tudy ofL earnign inN euralT issues 263 BernaDr.dR egeKarr,e nM .F leminVgi,t toSrainog uinSeitmio,An l fordF,e rdinaAn.d a Mussa-Ivaldi A 'FitneLsasn dscapinCgo'm parisoofEn v olvReodb oCto ntroSly stems 273 SteJvaaynn aAs atsoff EvolviPnhgy sicCarelat ures 282 HoLdi psonB,.P oJlolarcdka n EvolviInngs ect LocoUmsonitgi Noonn -unifCoerlml uAluatro mata 288 EdgaEr.V a llejo, Ferdando Ramos FromDi recttoOe pde n-Ended Evolution in aC ompleSxi mulatMioodne l 293 MacieKjo mosiAndsakmRi o,t aVraur-ga ArtifiNceiuarla Dle velopmefnoPtru lseNdeu raNle tworDke sign- GeneratPilnagc Ree cognitiCoinr cuoiftAns i mats 300 MasayAatssuu mi EmeregntS MA-NeRto boCto ntrboylC oupleOds cillSaytsotre m 310 YuicShait oT,a kashNia gaHii,r osYhoik oTia,k afumiM izunYou,k inoKakarziu V CommunicatiCoono,p eratanido nC,o llecBtehiavvei or DevelopnmteaIln sigihnttsEo v olviSnygs temRso:l eosfD ievrsity, Non-Selteicon, Self-Organizyamtbiioons,i sS 317 Normna L.J ohnson ReduciCnogl lectBievhea viouCroamlp lextihtyr oghu Hetreogeneity 327 JoCs.hB o ngard StudyingA ttentiDoynn amicosf a P redationar P re-yPerdatoSr ytsem 337 ShiInN .i shimura CopyrighMtaetde rial viii On theE mergenocfeP ossessNioornm si nA genSto cieties 343 FelFilxe nDtagnei,Pe olnl iaT,h omUatsh amnn InvestigattinhgeM echanisUmnsd erlyCionogp eratiinVo ins coPuosp ulation 348 Multi-AgeSnyts tems JamAe.sR .M arshall,E .RJ oownea than AintAz :S tudoyf E mergePnrto pertiienas M odelo fA ntF oraging 353 LarsK roKlrli stensen A Co-evoluMtioodne lo fS coraensd S trategiineI sP DG amesT:o wartdh e Understanodiftn hgeE mergenocfte h eS ociMaolr als 362 YoshYiakmia guTcshuit,oM maur uyaTmsau,t oHmous hino On theEf feocft" StoAclke rtisna" n A gent-BaMsoedde lo fa F inancMiaarlk et 367 NorbeEritNjaai w aKa,t sunSohrii moOhsaarKamatu,a i SemiotSicch ematSae:l ectUinointf so rL inguiCsutlitcu rEavlo lution 372 FredKaeprliacn TheC ulturaElv olutioonfS yntactCiocn straiinnP thso nology 382 LuSct eels,Y vPeOisude eyrerre - VI MethodoloagnidTc eaclh noloAgpipclailc ations Modelinthge Roloef N eutraanld S electMiuvtea tioinn Csa ncer 395 C.C .M aleyS,F. o rrest FromI ndividtuoaPl osp ulatiAopnpsr,o achteots h eS tudoyf B iological EmergePnhte nomena 405 Anthony Liekens TowardasC omprehensive Alifoefth- em Eovdoellu tioofnt heN ervouSsy stem andA daptive Behavior 410 JanAolsb ert Market-BaCsaelRdlo utinign T elecommunicatNieotnwso rUkssi nAgd aptive PricianngdR eaBli dding 420 M.A .G ibnNe.yR ,.J enniNn.fg .Vs r,i end EvolviSnogl utioonfst heD ensiCtlya ssifiTcaastikin o1 nD C elluAluatro mata, Guidebdy P arametTehrasEt s timate Their BDeynhaavmiiocu r 428 GinMa.B .O livePierdPar.,oB .D eO liveNiirzaaO,mm ar CelluAluatro matMao delo fE mergeCnotl lectBiiv-eD irectPieodneaslt rian Dynamics 437 V.f .B luJeL.,. A dler UsinFgl octkosD rivae G eographiAcnaall ysEinsg ine 446 JamMeasgic ll CopyrighMtaetde rial ix EmergentD esignA:r tificiLailff eo Ar rchitecture Design 454 Una-MOa'yR eiIlalRnyo ,sP se,t Teers ta VIITh e BroadCeorn text John vonN eumann andt heEv olutionGarroyw tho fC ompletxiy:L ooking Backarwds,L ooking Forwdasr 467 BarMrcyM ullin What CanW e Learfnr omth e FirEsvto lutionSairmyu latMioodne l? 477 SetBhu llock ReaAlr tificLiiaflWhe e:r eW e MayB e 487 DavHi.dA ckley SimulatiMoond elassO paqueTh oughtE xperiments 497 EzeqAu.iD eiPl a oJlaos,No onb lSee,tB hu llock 507 ArtificLiiafales a B ridbgeet weeSnc ienacned P hilosophy AlvaMroor eno Artificial Justice 513 JM. cKenziAel exander EngineerEinmge,r geEnntgi neering,an d Artificial ULnisfuer:p rUinsseu,r prising Surpriasned,S urprisiSnurpg rise 523 EdmunMd.A .R onaMlods,hS ei pper Artan d Ar tificialL ife-CAo evolutioAnpaprryo ach 529 GarRy.G reenfield SynthetciH armonies:A pAnp roactoh M usicSeamli osbiysM eanos fC elullar Automata 537 EleonBoirlaoP titeaPt,ar not aVnaol,eT railoa rico ModelinEgm ergenceo fC omplexity:T heA ppliaticono fC ompelxS ystem and Originof L ifTeh eortyoI netractiveA rto nt heIn tertn e 547 ChriSsotmam erLearu,rM eingnto nneau ArtificiEalv olutiCorena:tiv itya ndt heP ossible 555 ArantEztaxe berria AuthorIn dex 563 CopyrighMtaetde rial Preface Artificliiafiles a ni ntrediscipyl riensaerarecnthe rrpies investgiatign the fundamentaplro pertieso f livinsgy stembsy m eanso ft hes imulation ands yntheosfil si fe-plriokcee esssi na rticfiiamle dia. Althoughi solatsepde cialiinsd tisf fedrisecinplitne sh adw orkeidn th isa refao rm anyd ecades, perhapst hef irasttt emtpotc ollectthi sd isparwaotrek a nde ncouragei tcsro ss-pollniatoin wast he confereonnc" eE volunt,iG oames,a ndL earniMnogd:e lfsor A daptatoin inM achniesa nd Natur"e organizbeydD oyneF armeArl,an Lapedes, NormanP ackaradn,d B urtoWne ndrfofi n1 958a tL os AlamosTh.i s confenrceew as fololwed by another two yearlsa tethr,i so ne organizebdy ChristopherL angton andb aptiezd" ArtifiLciifaelS. i"n cteh ent,h ena meh ass tucakn dt heb iennli a conferenhcaevsec ontinu,em dovintgh rouSgahn tFae ,B ostoNna,ra ,a ndL osAn geles,to Portland. Theg rothw ofthi s collectvie researecnht erproivseert hep astd ecadaen da halfs,p awninag numberof p rofessoinalj ournaalnsds pecialcioznefde resnerciees in Europe andA sia,i sn othing shorto fa stounding. The artificilailfc eo mmunitiyss tisltrilki nglyin terdisciplThiinsa rcyo.n feretnchese,e venith n thes erieisn,c ludaeust horisn b ioglyo,p hysiccsh,e mistcroym,p uter science, matheamtics, psychology, economicrso,b oticinsf,o rmations ciencpeh,y sioloangdy , phiolsophy. The interdisciplniantuarreoy f a rtifilciifcaerel a tess pecicahla llenIgtei ssh. a rd tok eepa breaosft relevannte w workw heni tu sesd ifefrnet specialivzoecda bularanide sm ethodologies andi s publihsed ind isparvaetneu easn,d i ti sh ardt oe stablainsdh fo llow highs tandarodfss cientific rgiorth atd ifferdeinstipc lines withu nique historainedsi ntelleccotnvueanlto ins wilela ch find acceptaTbhleec .o incideonfthic es y earc'os nferwiethn ctheeb irothf a enw millennium proivdesa naturoaplp ortun ity toa ddretshse sceh allenges. Artfiicilailfw ei lrlem ain av italr esercah activity only ifw e periodiclaololbyka ckwaanrdd r eassoeusrws o rks,ow ec anc ontinuaalulgym enat foundatioonfs oliadc hievemenWtes .m usta slo epriodicalyl lookf orwaradn di dentitfhyem ost importaonpte nq uestiosnots h atw e canp romotfer uitrfuesle arch activiatinedse valuathteeri progreosvse tri meL.oo kign backwaradn df orwaridnt hiwsa ye nabluesst or enew andr edefine ouri nterdiscipcleinntaoerfrgy ra vitya ndt or eshape the diretiocn off uture researHcehn.c et,h e themeo ft hisy earc'osn fereLncoeo: king lboaocfkkoiwrnawgar rdd,. Overa hundredp apers weres ubmittde tot hec onferenancde a,b ouhta loff t heswei llb e presented ast alThikss .v olume contaianllos f t hepa pers tob ep resentaestd al ks, asw elals s ome oft hep apertsob ep resentaespd o steArlslo. f th ep aperwse rer evieewdb y atl aestth repee oploen the progracmo mmittfeoer q ualiotfys cinece, qualiotfyp resentatainodn re,le vance tot he conferenTchee.p a persf aliln tsoev enb roatdo piacr ea(s1:t )h eo riogifln i fsee,l- forganaitzioan,n d self-repliicnacutdliiongn a,s trobiolaorgtyi,fi ccihaemlis try,m oleculsaerl f-asbsleyam,n dm olecular informatpiroonc essi(n2dg)e; v elopmenta ndd ifferentiinacltudiiongn ,m ulticellduelvealorp ment, gene-regunl aentitwoorks,a ndm orphogeensis;( 3e)v olutionarya nda daptidvyen ami,ci nscluding modeso fs elect(inoantu ranle,u tralk,i ne,t ce.vo)lv,ab iitly, andc ultuervaotlli uon;r ob(os4t a)n d autonomouasg entsin,c luidngb io-piinrsedr obost,a utonomous and adaptivea gentsa,n d evolutoinary robot(i5cc)so ;m municaticoono,p eratainodn c,o llectbievhea ovri,in cludign the evolutioonf socialli,ng uistiecco,no mic, and techniacl systems(;6 )m ethodological and technologilca applictaoins,r anging cformomme rce andi dnustyr to medicine;( 7an)d thebr oader contexitn,cl uding discuosns oift heh istoroircigainls ofa rtifciiall ifpeh,io lsophailca naylsiosf articfiiall ifed'iss tinceti mvethodologieasnd, connectiboentsw eeanr tciaiflil ifaen d artsitic creativity. Creating thisc onfreenech ascr ucilayl dependd eonm any co-goarnizse.Ir a me speciallyin detbedt o my co-eidtorasn dP rogram Committee Co-ChairsJ:o hnM cCaskiNlolr,m an Packar,da ndS teen e xcellsecneitni tfijcud gment oucplde with theri hardw orka nd generousp irsit made thep roecsso fs hapnig thes cientcihfairca cotfeth ri sc onfreenceesp ecially rewarding and inpsirinTgh.e b liazrzdo fa ctivt()bi pjlT1g'fJ�tW7��fFctr olmue hasd epended on theg ood