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Artificial Life: An Overview PDF

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ArtificiLailf e Complex Adaptive Systems JohnH .H ollanCluids,t opheLarn gton,a ndS tewart W.Wi lsona,d visors Adaptationi nN aturala ndA rtificSiayslt ems: AnI ntroducAtnoarylysis with Applicatitoons · BioloCogyn,t ro�a ndArtifu:iaIInteOigence John H.H olland Toward aPra cticoefA utonomSoysust ems: Proceedingso ftFbiers Etu ropean Conferencoen ArtificLiaifle editbeydF rancisJc.Vo a relaan d:P auBlo urgine GeneticPro grammingOn: tbProeg rammingo fC omputersM eabyns ofN aturaSle lection JohnR .K oza FromA nimatlso Ani2:m Proactseed ingso ftSecboen dI nternational ConferenocneS imulatoifo n AdaptiBvee bavior editbeydJ ean-ArcaMdeyy erH,e rbertL .R oitbalnadtS ,t ewaWrt. W ilson IntelligBenetb aviionrA nimaalsn dR obots DaviMdc farlaannddTh omas BOsser Advancesi nG enetProigcr amming editbeydK enneEt.hK innearJ,r . Genetic Programmingn: AutomaDistciocvery ofR eusablePro grams JohnR .K oza Turtles,T ermitesa,n dT rafficJ ams: Explorations inM assively ParallelM icroworlds MitchReels nick From AnimatlsoA nima3ts:Proce edi ngosf tbThei rdI nternationCaoln ferencoen S imulatoiofn AdaptiBvee bavior editbeydD aveC liffP,h ilHiups banJdse,a n-ArcadyM eyera,n dS tewaWrt. W ilson ArtificLiifaeIV:l Proceedings oft bFeo urtIbn ternationWaolrks bopo nth eS yntbesisa ndS imula­ tioonfL iviSnysgt ems editbeydR odneAy. B rooksa ndP attMiaee s ComparatApiproave cbest oC ognitiSvec ience editbeydH erbeLrt.R oitbalnadJt e an-ArcadyM eyer ArtificLiaifle A:n Overvi ew editbeydClui stopheGr. La ngton ArtificiLailf e AnO verview editbeydC hristoGp.hLa enrg ton A BradfoBrodo k The MIT Press CambridgeM,a ssachusetts LondonE,n gland Seconpdri ntin1g99,6 (0 1995M assachusIentsttsi toufTt eec hnology Allr ighrtess erveNdo. p arto ft hiboso k may ber eproducinea dn yf onn bya nye lectroonri c mechanimceala ns( includpihnogt ocopyriencgo,r dionrgi ,n fonnatisotno raagned r etrieval) withopuetnn issiionnw ritifnrgo mt hep ublisher. Printeda ndb oundi nt heU niteSdt atoefsA merica. Libraryo fC ongreCsast aloging-in-PDuabtlai cation Artificial Lifaen:o vervie/we ditebdy C hristopheGr. La ngton. p. cm.4Complexa daptivsey stems) "AB radfordBo ok." Includbeisb liographreifcaelr enc(eps.) a ndi ndex. ISBN0 -262-91-211 8 1.B iologiscayls ms-t--Coe mputesri mulat2i.Bo ino.l ogsiycastems-Sli mulation methods. 3. Artificial IntelligIe.Lan ncgtoen., ChristopGh.en r. Se ries. QH324.724. A1995 574''.1031-<1 c20 94-46217 CIP Contents Foreword vii EditoIrn'tsr oduction ix ArtificialL ifaesa T ool( oBri ological CharleTsa ylaonrd D aviJde fferson 1 Inquiry Cooperatioann dC onununitSyt ructurein KristianUn dgrena ndM at,5G . 15 ArtificEicaols ystems Nordahl ExtendeMdo lecular EvolutionaryP .BS icohluosgtye:r 39 Artificial LiBfrei dgintgh eG apB etween Chemisatnryd B iology VisuaMlod elso fM orphogenesis przemyslParuws inkiewicz 61 The ArtificialL ifeR oots ofA rtificial LucS teels 75 Intelligence TowarSdy nthesiArtifizciinagl N eural MichaGe.lD yer 111 Networktsh aEtx hibCiootp erative IntelliBgeehnatv iSoorm:eO penI ssuine s ArtificialL ife ModelinAgd aptiAvuet onomous AgentsP attiMea es 135 Chaoass a S ourcoefC omplexaintdy KunihiKkaon eko 163 Diversiint Eyv olution An EvolutioAnpapryr oatcohS ynthetic Thomas S.Ra y 179 BioloZgye:n a ndt heArt ofC reatLiinfge BeyonDdi giNtaaltu ralism WalteFro ntanGau,n tWearg nera,n d 211 LeoW. Buss LearningA bouLtif e MitchReels nick 229 Bookosn Art ificiaLifle andR elatTeodp ics DaviGd. S tork 243 ComputVeirru seassArt ificiaLlif e EugenHe. S pafford 249 Contents GenetAligco rithms andArt ificiLailf e MelanMiiet chaenldl 267 Stephanie Forrest ArtificialL ifaesP hilosophy DaniDeeln nett 291 Levelso fF unctional EqiuinRv eavleersnec eS tevHaanm ad 293 Bioengineering Why DoW e NeedArt ificiaLlif e? EriWc. Bonabeaanud G uyTh eraulaz 303 Index 327 vi Foreword ChristoGp.hLa enrg ton Editor-in-Chief SantFae I nstitute Thisb ooki si ntendaesad h igh-lienvdeeltx o t heA rtificiLailfe en terprIitps reo.v ides a poinotfe ntrtyot hefi elfdo bro tht hen ewcomearn dt hes easoned resaelairkceh.e r The essaiynst hibso oki ntrodtuhceme a nys ubdiscipolfArti infiecsi aLli faen do rganize a largbeo dyo fc itatitootn hsel iteraitntu hreefi eld. Iw oulrde commentdh ibso oka sa ne xcellteenxftto arg raduasteem inoanrArt ificial Lifaec,c ompanbieyrd e adindgrsa wnf romt hec itatitoanisl otroet dh ep rofessoorr 's thes tudenitn'tse rests. AsA rtificLiiaflie sa h ighilnyt erdiscifipelliddn,ra arwyi rnegs earcfhreoramsc rotshse academaincd s cientsipfiecc trutmh,e a uthohrasv em adea ne xtreaf fotrtom aket heir essacyosm prehenstiobr leea defrrso mo utsitdhee iorw np articudliasrc iplTihneeys . haved efinetde chnitcearlm wsh ernee edeadn dp rovidbeadc kgroumnodt ivatfioorn techniqaunedsa pproacthheasmt i ghott herwirseeq uiirne- depktnho wledogfes ome highslpye cialbiozdeyod f t heorThyu.s ,t hibso oks houlpdr ovaec cessitboal ney one witha moderabtaec kgrouinntd h es ciences. Ih avem adea specieaflf otrto i nclundoeto nlsyc ientainfidec n gineerpianpge rs, buta lsroe vieowfss omeo ft hep hilosopahnidcs aolc iiasls ueassi, ti sj usatsi mportant tou ndersthaonwda fielfidt isn ttoh ew ebo fs cienacneds ocieatsiy ti st ou nderstand thei nterdneatla iolft sh efi eld. ChristoGph.Le arn gton EditoIrn'tsr oduction ChristoGp.hLa enrgt on Editor-in-Chief SantFae I nstitute Artificial Life. Thibsoo k consiosftst hefi rstth reies suoefs Thesei nitiisaslu ceosn tain a specisaelot f o vervieawr ticcloenst ribbuytm eedm berosf t hee ditobroiaarlo df t he journal.I nt hesaert icleeasc,he dithoars a ttemptteord e viehwi so rh ero wnt hread ofs peciinatle rewsitt hitnh eb roaadn dd ivertsaep esotfryr esearecffho rtst hahta ve comet ob ea ssociawtietClthh e term" ArtificialL if"e I.ng enereaalc,h a rticcloenta ins a biotf h istoornya particruelsaera rtcohp iac r,e vieowfs omeo ft hem orei mportant problemas d,e scripotfith oen m ostp romisitnegc hniqaunedms e thods foard dressing thesper oblemasn,da viewt owartdh efu turew,i ths uggestiooftn hse i mpactth at ArtificialL iftee chniqwuielhsla veo no uru nderstandionfgt heb iologpihceanlo mena undesrtu dy. Thep rimapryu rposoeft hiisn itsieatol f o vervieawrt icliests o " primet hep ump" fofurt urree searicnth h efi elodf Artifi cial Lifteh,e resbtyi mulafuttuinrge c ontributions tot hej ournailt seTlhfe.y a rea lsion tendteodh eldpe finea ndd elinetahtefie e lodf Artificial Life moret horougthhlayhn a sbe en doneu ntniolw . Thet erArtifimc ial Liflei teramlleya ns" limfaed eb yh umanrsa thtehra bny n ature." As youw ilsle ei nt hesaer ticArtifilceisa,l Lifiesm anyt hintgosm anyp eoplaen,d I wilnlo ta ttemtpotg ivae c oncidseefi nitoifoi nth ereI.n f acArtifitc,i al Lifise n oty et readtyob ec onstrainbeydq uicakn ds hortd efinitionsfi-tehleid ss tiilntl h ep roceosfs definiintg sealfsi, s p ropefro arn yn ewd isciplTihneae rt.i cline tsh ivso lumcea refully stakoeu tc laimtso c ertaianr eaosfs tudbyu,tt heriesf amro rei ntelletcetrurailot uotr y therwea ititnogb ed iscovearneddl aicdl aimt o. Among allo ft het hintghsa Artifitc ialL ifei so rw ilclo met ob e,h oweveirti, sp robably safteo s ayt hatth efi elads a wholree preseannta st temtpoti ncreavsaes ttlhyer ole ofs yntheisnti hse s tudoyfb iologpihceanlo menSay.n thehsaisps l ayead v itraoll ien theg roundionfmg a nys cientdifiics ciplbienceasu,is tee xtentdhsee mpiridcaatla base uponw hicthh et heooryf t hed iscipilsib nueilb te yontdh eo ftenh ighlayc cidensteatl ofe ntittiheansta tuhraep penetdol eavaer ounfdo ur st os tudy. Taket hefi elodf c hemistarys a ne xamplIen:t hee arlisetsatg oefsr esearicnhtt oh e constitouftmi aotnt epre,o plteo oskt ocokft hek indso fc hemiccaolm poundtsh anta ­ turhea dp rovidtehde mw ithc,a talogaunedcd l assitfiheedm a,n alyztehde mb yt aking thema parintt ot heciorn stitpuieenctea sn,dt heann alyztehdep ieceTsh.i wsa sfi nea s faars i tw entb,u tt herwea sa greadte aolf a ccideanntdh istorical procesisn involved thed eterminaotfti hoenk indosf c hemiccaolm poundtsh anta turhea ppenetdol eave arounfdo sr tudayn,d i tw oulhda veb eenv eryd iffictuolo tb servteh el aw-regularities int heh ighilryr egualnadur n iqusee to fc ompoundtsh aeta rlrye searchhaeprpse ned toh avea vailafbolrse t udyIt.w aso nltyhr ougthh ep roceosfss ynthesis-putthtei ng constitpuieenctoe fsm attteorg ethinen re wa ndd ifferweanyts-t hatr esearcwheerres ablteo e xtentdh es eotf c hemiccaolm poundasv ailabfloesr t udfya bre yontdh ei rreg­ ulasre ptr ovidteotd h emb yn aturIetw. a so nlwyi thtihne c onteoxftt himsu chl arger seto f" possibclhee"m iccaolm poundtsh arte searcwheerresa blteo s eeb eyontdh e accidentalo fnt ahte"u nraetu ral" chemical acnodmg ploiumnptdshseer, e gulariint ies ChrsitophGe.rLa ngton EditoIrn'tsr oduction thec onstitouftm iaotnt eTro.h avea theooryf t hea ctuailti, sn ecesstaoryu nderstand thep ossible. Thes ituatiismo unc ht hes amei nb iologTyh.e s etof b iologeinctailt pireosv ided tou sb yn aturber,o aadn dd iverassei ti si,s d ominatebdy a ccideanntdh istorical contingenWcey tru.s t implictihtalttyh erwee rel awful regularaittw ioerski nt he determinaotfti hoins bsuetit it, su nliktehlaywt e w ildli scomvaenry o ft hesree gularities byr estriocutrisnegl ovnelsty o t hes eotf b iologeinctailt tiheansta tuarcet uaplrloyv ided usw ithR.a thesru,c hr egularwiitliblee fs o unodn lbyy e xplortihnemg uchl argesre t ofp ossibblieo logeinctailt ies. Manyb iologhiasvtess p eculawtiesdtfu llayb ou"tr ewindtihnetg a peo"fe volution, startitnhgep roceosvse arg aifnr oms lighdtilffye reinnti tcioanld itioWnhsa.tw ould emerge?W hatw ouldb e thes ame?W hatw ouldb ed iffereWnet s?e nsteh atth e evolutionary ttrhaajdtei cdit nfo aryc t oocnce uarr tihsj usotn eo uto fa v asetn sembolfe possiebvleo lutiotnraarjye cs-eatorcihel eaditnoag biolotghya cto ulhda veh appened inp rincibpulted ,i dni'ntf acsto lefloyrr easoonfsa ccidecnotm binewdi tcho mmon genetdiecs cenWte.. s ensteh atth er egulariwtei seese wko ulbde r evealteoud s i fw e couljdu sgte ta glimposfet hastp acoef p ossibblieo logies. Jusats c hemisdtirdny o tb ecomlea wfuuln ttihles eotf c ompounudnsd esrt udwya s extendbeedy ontdh es eotr iginparlolvyi dbeydn atures,o i ti sl iketlhya bti olowgiyl l notb ecomel awfulu ntitlh es eto fb iologiecntailt uinedse srtu dyi sv astelxyt ended beyontdh es eotr iginparlolvyi dteodu sb yn atureT.h iiss t her oloef s yntheasnids , thiisst hep rimamroyt ivatfiootrnh efi elodf Art ificiaLli fteo:g ivues a glimposfet hat widesrp acoef p ossibblieo logies. Noto nlyd idt hes ynthemteitch oidn c hemistryl eatdo a mores olitdh eoretical groundionfgt hefi eldi tsebluftt, h ev ernya turoefs ynthelseidts o n oveclh emical compoundwsi tmha nyp ractiicnadlu starnidae ln gineeraipnpgl icatsiuocnhas s,s yn­ thetirucb berp,l astmiecdsi,c icnoamlp oundasn,ds of ortLhi.k ewiasm ea,j omro tivation fort hefi elodf Artifi cial Lifbee,s idtehsed esifroera firmetrh eoretgircoauln difnogr biologiyst, h ep romisieth oldfso rt hes yntheosfib si ologipchaeln omenianf orms thawti lble o fg reaptr actiucsaeil n o uri ndustarnidae ln gineereinndge avoNrast.u re hasd iscoveirnegde nisooulsu titoomn asn yh aredn gineerpirnogb lempsr,o bletmhsa t we haven otb eena blteo s olvbey o urt raditieonngailn eermientgh odTsh.e s ynthetic proceosfsa ttempttiorn egc retahtees bei ologsioclault iionon tsh emra teriwaillbsle o f great praucsteFi.uc ratlh ermwoer mea,y e venb orrotwh ee ngineermientgh od nature usedt oc omeu pw itthh esien genisooulsu tiiontn hsefi rsptl acteh:ep rocess of evolu­ tionB.ys ynthesitzhimene gc hanisumnsd erlytihneeg v olutiopnraorcyei sncs o mputers andi no the"rn onbiolomgeidciaalw,"e c and iscovseorl utitooen nsg ineerpirnogb lems thahta vel onrge sisotuertd r aditiaopnparlo aches. Howevears,w ast hec aswei tshy nthecthiecm istwrey n,e edn otr estrict otuor selves attemptmienrge ly to rbeicorleoagtpiehc eanlo mentah aotr iginoaclcluyr rneadt urally. We haveth e entisrpea coef p ossibblieo logisctarlu ctuarnedsp rocestsoee sx plore, includtihnogst eh ante vedri de volhveer oen e arthT.h usArt,i ficiLailf nee edn otm erely attemtport ecrenaattuer aes i ti sb,u ti sf reteoe xplonraet uarsei tc oulhda vbee en-as itc oulsdt ibleli fw e realiazrtifieC ialwlhya td idn oto ccunra turalOlfyc .o urswee, mustc onstanbteal wya roef w hicohf o ure ndeavoarrser elevtaonb ti oloagnyd,w hich breagkr ountdh aitsu ltimaotuetlsyi odfte h ed omaionf b iologrieclaelv anHcoyw.e ver, mucho fth e lattweirlb le o fi nteroensi tt osw nr ighrte,g ardloefws hse theorrn oti t teachuessa nythianbgo ubti oloagsyi ti su ndersttooodda yArtifi.c ial Lifwei ltle ach gy usm ucha boubti olo-mucht hawte c oulndo th avel earnbeyds tudyitnhgen atural producotsfb ioloaglyo ne-bArtifiucti al Lifwei lull timarteealcybh e yonbdi oloignyt,o a realtmh awte don oty eth avea namef orb,u tw hicmhu sti nclucduel tuarnedo ur technolionga yne xtendevdi ewo fn ature. x ChristoGp.hL earn gton EditoIrn'tsro duction Id on'wta ntm ereltyop ainat r ospyi ctuorfte h efu turoef Artifi cial lifIet.w ilnlo t solvaelo lf o urp roblemIsn.d eeidtm, a yw elald dt ot hemTh.e potenttihaaArtifiltc ial lifheo ldfso urn locktihnegs ecreotsfl ifiesg reabtu,ti nu nlocktihnogs see crewtesru n ther isokfu nlockaiP nagn dorab'osx As. hasb eenth ec aswei tho urm asteoryf a nyn ew technoliontg hye p astth,e m asteoryf t het echnoloofgl yi fheo ldtsr emendous potential fobre neficuisaelb, u ti ta lshoo ldtsr emendopuost entfioaarlb usew,h ethaecrc idental ori ntentiPoenrahla.tp hse s implewsatyt oe mphasitzheip so initsb ym erelpyo inting outt haMta ry Shellepyr'osp hesttiocro yfD r.F rankensctaenni onl ongbeerc onsidered tob em erelsyc ienficcet ioWne. a reo nt hev ergoefd uplicaDtri.Fn rga nkenstefiena'ts andt,h erefoofrd eu,p licatthienc go nsequentcheaslt e atdo h isu ltimarutien .M ary Shellegye'nsi uwsa st op aintth es cientist Fraanstk heern esatmleo inns toefrt hes tory, byh isr efusatloa cceprte sponsifboirtl hietp yo tential consoefqh uiespn ucressuo ift knowledfgoeri tosw ns akeT.h eries a lesshone rfeo ra lslc ienncoet,j usArtti ficial lifbeu,t i ti se speciaploliyg nawnhte no nec onsidwehrast i ti st haArtifitc ial lifies attemptitnoag c complish. Artificiall ifwei lhla vea tremendoiumsp acotn t hefu turoef l ifoene arth asw elals ono urv iewo fo urselvaensd t he" roloef"h umanb eingisnt heg reatoevre raslclh eme oft heu niverIsnea .d dittioosn c ientifiacn dt echniicsaslu Arteifisc,i allif e raisemsa ny questimoonrsea ppropritarteealtybe ytd h ed isciploifpn heisl osoapnhdye thicWsh.a t ist heo ntologsitactaulos f a rtifiCialclreya t"eldi vienngt"i tiWehsa?t ridgoh tthse y haveW?h ati st hen aturoeft her elationbsehtwiepe no urselavsec sr eataonrdso ur artifaacstl si vicnrge atioHnosw? w ilArtifilc ial Lifiem pacsto cieHtoyw?, i fa ta llc,a n we guarantee peaceful cwoiethxa iutsotneonmcoeu esvloyl visnygn theltifiefc o rms sharionugrp hysiecnalv ironmeWnhta?ti st hefu turoef l ifnea,t uraanlda rtificial? Obvioustlhyed, o maionfd iscoucrosnec ernArtifiicniga lL ifiesp otentivaelryll ayrg e, involvviinrtuga llaylo lf t hea cademdiics cipliThisn esi.sq uitae d iverasree fao ra singfileel dt oc oveir,n cludriensge aricnwh e twareh,a rdwarseo,ftw area,n dm ore. Itis expecttehda tth e" breaadn db uttero"f t hefi eldw ilclo nsiisntc omputational approac'hteoosp enp robleimnsb iologtihceaolrya ndi nt hea pplicaotfib oino logical principtloee nsg ineerdionmga insH.o weverw,e cannoitg norteh ei mpactth aotu r studiweisl hla veo n lifiet seolnf u,s a sl ivitnhgi ngosr,o n ouru nderstanodfi ng ourselavnedso urp lacient heu niverse. Thivso lumseh oulsde rvea sa ni nitoiraile ntattioto hne d ivertseer riotfoArtifi ryc ial Lifree searbcuhti, t i so nlay crudem app iecetdo gethtehrr outghhe e ffortosft hese earleyx ploreThresr.ei sm uchm oret ob ed iscovearneddt ,h eriesm uchm oret ob e learneevde na boutth et erritroerviieesw heedr eM.y hopei st hatth iesa rlmya pw ill inspiorteh etrosfu rtheerx plorations. xi

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