ArtificIinatle lligence: TheV ery Idea CopyrigMhatteedri al db BradfoBrodo ks MindD esignJ,o hnH augelan1d9,8 1 TheM odularoiftM yi ndJ,e rryA .F odor1,9 83 TheS ciencoeft heM indO,w enJ .F lanagaJnr,.1 ,9 84 Mattearn dC onsciousnePsasu,lM . Churchla1n9d8, 4 ComputatiaonndC ognition, Zenon 1Py9l8y4s hyn, CopyrigMhatteedri al ArtificIinatle lligence: TheV ery Idea JohnH auge/and A BradfoBrodo k TheM ITP ress CambridgMea,s sachusetts LondonE,n gland CopyrigMhatteedri al FirMsItTP respsa perbeadcikt i1o9n8.9 © 1985by TheM assachusetItnss titouft e Technology Allr ightrse serveNdo. p arto fT hibso okm ay be re produceidn a nyf ormb y anye lectroonrim ce chanical means( including photocopyingo.r i rnefcoorrding. matiosnt oragaen dr eTrievWail)T houpTe rmissiionn wriTifnrgo mT hep ublisher. Thisb ookw as seti nP alaTiannod U ntverbsy The MIT PresCs ompuTergraphDiecpsa rtmenatn dp rinted andb oundi nT heU niteSdt aTeosf A merica. LibraorfyC ongresCsa TalogiinnPg u blicatDiaotna HaugelanJdo.h n,1 945- Artifiicnitaell ligence. "A Bradforbdo ok." Bibliograpp.h y: Includiensd ex. 1.A rtifiicnitaell ligeIn.Tc ler.l e. ISB0N- 262-0815(3h-a9r dcover) 0-262-58095(-p0a perback) 10 CopyrigMhatteedri al Dedicatteodm y mother andt hem emoryo fm y father Caroaln dJ ohnH augeland CopyriegdMha tterial Contents Acknowledgmentisx Introduction 1 TheS agao ft heM odern Mind 15 2 AutomatiFco rmaSly stems4 7 3 Semantic8s 7 4 ComputeArr chitectu1r2e5 5 RealM achines1 67 6 RealP eople2 1 3 Notes 255 Bibliograp2h6y7 Index2 77 CopyrigMhatteedri al Acknowledgments Foro fferinnugm eroucso mmentasn ds uggestioonn tsh ee ntire manuscriIap mt, e speciailndleyb tteoDd a nD ennetBte,rD tr eyfus, DrewM cDermotatn,dA lN ewelFlo.r f urthheerl opf m any kinds, Ia m alsgor atetfouP le drAom aralJ,o eB aimB,o bB randomR,o b CumminsP,a tH ayesP,e teKri ngW,e ndyL ehnerBto,b M oore, ZenonP ylyshyann,d B ettyan d HarryS tantoAnn.y onew ho knowsa ltlh ese peooprel vee,n v ermya nyo ft hemk,n owst hat Ic oulndo th avea ccepteevde rrye commendattihoenmy a des;t ill, theb ooki sm uchb etttehra ni tw ouldh aveb eenw ithoutth eir combineads sistaFnicnea.l flyo,dr e voticnog untlhoeusrsas n d latnei ght(sm orei,n de,et dhana nyonbeu tm e),I w ouldt hank my tireleesvse,rf aithfnuelv,e cro mplaining, handmade com pute-rbutI s olidt . Theraer ea numbero ft opiIcw so uldl ikteo h avet reatbeudt didnt',n otablbye havioripsamr,a lplrecole ssinngo,n monotonic reasonianngd,t he" backgrouonfde "v erydparya ctiIca em; n ot sorrhyo,w evetro,h aven eglecfltiepd- flompasc,h inceo deG,o del incompleteEnleiszspa,h, e nomenoloogryt ,h ef itfhg eneration. Pittsburgh March1 985 CopyrigMhatteedri al ArtificIinatle lligence: TheV ery Idea CopyrigMhatteedri al Clockwifsreo mu ppelre ftth.ip sa geN:i colaCuosp ernicTuhso.m asH obbesR.e ne DescartGeasl.i lGeaol ilfeaic;i pnqgg eD:a viHdu me.A lanT urinJgo.h nv on NeumanJno.hM n cCarthAyl.l aNne welClh.a rlBeasb bag(ec enter). CopyrigMhatteedri al Introduction CopyrighMtaetde rial