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Artificial intelligence in the 21st century : a living introduction PDF

679 Pages·2016·33.76 MB·English
by  Kopec
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A i rtificiAl ntelligence 21st c in the entury A Living Introduction s e econd dition Stephen Lucci Danny Kopec The City College of New York, CUNY Brooklyn College, CUNY Mercury leArning And inforMAtion Dulles, Virginia Boston, Massachusetts New Delhi Copyright ©2016 by Mercury Learning and Information. All rights reserved. This publication, portions of it, or any accompanying software may not be reproduced in any way, stored in a retrieval system of any type, or transmitted by any means, media, electronic display or mechanical display, including, but not limited to, photocopy, recording, Internet postings, or scanning, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Publisher: David Pallai Mercury Learning and Information 22841 Quicksilver Drive Dulles, VA 20166 [email protected] www.merclearning.com (800) 232-0223 Stephen Lucci and Danny Kopec. ArtificiAl intelligence in the 21ST century: A Living Introduction 2/E ISBN: 978-1-942270-00-3 The publisher recognizes and respects all marks used by companies, manufacturers, and developers as a means to distinguish their products. All brand names and product names mentioned in this book are trademarks or service marks of their respective companies. Any omission or misuse (of any kind) of service marks or trademarks, etc. is not an attempt to infringe on the property of others. Library of Congress Control Number: 2015934535 151617321 Printed in the United States of America This book is printed on acid-free paper. Our titles are available for adoption, license, or bulk purchase by institutions, corporations, etc. For additional information, please contact the Customer Service Dept. at 800-232-0223 (toll free). Digital versions of our titles are available at: www.authorcloudware.com and other e-vendors. All companion files are available by writing to the publisher at [email protected]. The sole obligation of mercury Learning and Inform to the purchaser is to replace the book and/or disc, based on defective materials or faulty workmanship, but not based on the operation or functionality of the product. To the memory of my parents, Magdalena and Vladimir Kopec, Who set the stage for me. Danny Kopec To the memory of my parents, Louis and Connie Lucci, Both of whom always encouraged my education. Stephen Lucci LICENSE, DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY, AND LIMITED WARRANTY By purchasing or using this book (the “Work”), you agree that this license grants per- mission to use the contents contained herein, but does not give you the right of ownership to any of the textual content in the book or ownership to any of the information or products A i rtificiAl ntelligence contained in it. This license does not permit uploading of the Work onto the Internet or on a network (of any kind) without the written consent of the Publisher. Duplication or dissemi- 21st c nation of any text, code, simulations, images, etc. contained herein is limited to and subjeicnt the entury to licensing terms for the respective products, and permission must be obtained from the Publisher or the owner of the content, etc., in order to reproduce or network any portion of the textual material (in any media) that is contained in the Work. Mercury Learning And Information LLC (“MLI” or “the Publisher”) and anyone in- volved in the creation, writing, or production of the companion disc, accompanying algo- rithms, code, or computer programs (“the software”), and any accompanying Web site or software of the Work, cannot and do not warrant the performance or results that might be obtained by using the contents of the Work. The author, developers, and the Publisher have used their best efforts to insure the accuracy and functionality of the textual material and/or programs contained in this package; we, however, make no warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the performance of these contents or programs. The Work is sold “as is” without warranty (except for defective materials used in manufacturing the book or due to faulty workmanship). The author, developers, and the publisher of any accompanying content, and anyone involved in the composition, production, and manufacturing of this work will not be liable for damages of any kind arising out of the use of (or the inability to use) the algorithms, source code, computer programs, or textual material contained in this publication. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of revenue or profit, or other incidental, physical, or consequential damages arising out of the use of this Work. The sole remedy in the event of a claim of any kind is expressly limited to replacement of the book, and only at the discretion of the Publisher. The use of “implied warranty” and certain “exclusions” vary from state to state, and might not apply to the purchaser of this product. Mercury leArning And inforMAtion Dulles, Virginia Boston, Massachusetts New Delhi Preface In 2006 Professor James Moor of the Philosophy Department at Dartmouth College asked me to organize a computer games exhibit and competition at AI @ 50, a conference that celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Dartmouth Summer Conference where John McCarthy coined the term “Artificial Intelligence.” A number of the original attendees of that Dartmouth Conference were able to attend AI @ 50 including the late John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, the late Oliver Selfridge, and Ray Solomonoff. Professor Lucci also attended AI @ 50 and shortly thereafter we agreed to collaborate on an AI text. Perspective and Needs Our view is that AI is comprised of PEOPLE, IDEAS, METHODS, MACHINES, and OUTCOMES. First, it is people who make up AI. People have ideas and these ideas become methods. Those ideas can be represented by algorithms, heuristics, procedures or systems that are the backbone of computation; and finally we have the production of those machines (programs) which we can call “outcomes.” Every outcome can be measured for its value, effectiveness, efficiency, etc. We have found that existing AI books are often lacking in one or more of these areas. Without people there is no AI. Hence we have decided that it is important to “showcase” the people who have made AI successful through the human interest boxes which are sprinkled throughout the text. From people come the ideas and the development of the methods that we present over the seventeen chapters of this book. AI and computer science are relatively young fields, compared to other sciences such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. Yet, AI is a discipline that is truly interdisciplinary, combining elements of many other fields. Machines/computers are the tools of AI researchers allowing them to experiment, learn, and improve methods for problem-solving that can be applied in many interesting domains that can be beneficial to humankind. And finally, not in the least, there are the outcomes, measurable as the results of applying AI to various problems and disciplines that remind us that AI must also be accountable. In a number of places in our text you will find discussions of the distinction between “performance” and “competence.” Both are needed, as the field of AI matures and advances. To date, as faculty members who have taught from and observed the development of AI texts, we have found that most of the available texts sometimes fall short in one or more of the areas described above. The names and vast contributions of Turing, McCarthy, Minsky, Michie, xviii ■ Preface McLelland, Feigenbaum, Shortliffe, Lenat, Newell and Simon, Brooks, and many others should be familiar to students. Yet, this is not a history book! We believe, however, that the discipline, as interesting and widespread as it is, with its infinite potential, should justifiably be colored with the fascinating ideas and work of the people who comprise it. Furthermore, students need hands on experience with problem solving, i.e., students need to get their hands “dirty” with the fundamentals of search techniques fully explained in Chapters 2 through 4, the methods of logic in Chapter 5, and the role of knowledge representation in AI (Chapter 6). Chapter 7 sets the stage for learning about fuzzy logic (Chapter 8) and expert systems (Chapter 9). Advanced methods such as neural networks and genetic algorithms are thoroughly presented in Chapters 11 and 12. And finally, advanced topics such as natural language processing, planning, robotics and advanced computer games are covered in Chapters 13, 14, 15 and 16 respectively. Chapter 17, Reprise, summarizes where you’ve been on your journey with us through AI, with a view to the future. The presentation is enhanced with several hundred fully worked examples, as well as over 300 figures and images, many in color. Students will also benefit from the significant number of solutions to exercises that have been provided. How to Use This Book This text contains more material than can comfortably be covered in a one semester (45 contact hours) course. The authors have taught the following courses using material that has led to the development of AI in the 21st Century. Note that at CUNY, graduate courses often meet for three hours per week for 15 weeks. As a first course in AI (graduate or undergraduate): I A Brief History of AI: Uses and limitations of the subject. Application areas. Chapter 1 6 contact hours II Search Methodologies: State Space. Graphs. Generate and Test. Backtracking, Greedy Search. Blind Search Methods – depth first search breadth first search and depth-first iterative deepening. Chapter 2 3 hours III Informed Search: Heuristics, Hill Climbing, Beam Search, Best First Search, Branch and Bound based Search and A* Search; And/Or Trees. Chapter 3 (Section 3.7.3 – Bidirectional Search is optional) 3 hours IV Search Using Games: Game Trees and Minimax Evaluation. Elementary two-person games: tic-tac-toe and nim. Minimax with Alpha-Beta Pruning. C hapter 4 (Section 4.5 – Game Theory and The Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma is optional). 3 hours. V Logic in AI: Propositional Logic and Predicate Logic (FOPL); Unification and Resolution in FOPL. Converting a Predicate Expression to Clause Form. Chapter 5 (Section 5.4 – Other Logics is optional) 6 hours VI Knowledge Representation: Choices of representation; Semantic Nets, Frames, and Scripts. Inheritance and Object-Oriented Programming.Production Systems; Agent Methods. C hapter 6 (Sections 6.10, 6.11 – Association and More Recent Approaches are optional) 3 hours. Preface ■ xix VII Production Systems: Architecture and Examples, Resolution Strategies. Conflict Resolution Strategies. State Space Search – Data Driven and Goal Driven Approaches, Cellular Automata (CA). One-dimensional CA (Wolfram) and Two-Dimensional CA and The Game of Life (Conway). C hapter 7 (Section 7.6 Stochastic Processes and Markov Chains are optional) 3 hours VIII Expert Systems (ES): An Introduction: Why ES? Characteristics and Architectures for ES; Knowledge Engineering, Knowledge Acquisition and Classic Expert Systems; Newer Systems Case-based Approaches. Chapter 9 (Sections 9.6, 9.7 and 9.8 are optional). 3 hours IX Introduction to Neural Computing: Rudiments of Artificial Neural Networks and and The Perceptron Learning Rule. Chapter 11 Sections 1.0, 11.1 and 11.3 only 3 hours X Introduction to Evolutionary Computing - Genetic Algorithms: Chapter 12 Sections 12.0 and 12.2 (only) 2 hours XI Automated Planning: The Problem, Planning as Search; Means Ends Analysis (GPS)STRIPS; Various planning algorithms and methods. More Modern Systems: Nonlin, Graphplan, etc. Chapter 14 Sections 14.0, 14.1, 14.3.1, 14.3.12, 14.4.1 2 hours XII Epilog: Accomplishments of the First 50 years of AI. Prospects for the Future -Where are we going? Chapter 17 2 hours Midterm Exam 3 hours Final Exam 3 hours Two-Three Programming Assignments (one in Prolog) One Term Paper As a second course in AI (AI-2, usually at the graduate level). Originally it was taught as a course in Neural Computing. Artificial neural networks (ANN) are often used for learning—e.g., in the distinction between pattern classes; it therefore seemed natural to incorporate genetic algorithms (GA) into the curriculum. AI systems are often required to justify their reasoning, especially characteristic of expert systems. ANN’s are not especially proficient in this capacity. Fuzzy logic was added to ANN’s and fuzzy ANN’s are often used in conjunction to remedy this deficiency. Emergence, ant colony optimization, fractals, artificial life and evolutionary computation (beyond GA) found their way into this course as all of these perspectives are useful in solving difficult problems. Many refer to such a rubric as “natural computing” because Mother Nature provides inspiration for these approaches. A proposed syllabus for AI-2: I Preliminaries: Elementary Concepts: Natural Computing, AI, A-Life, emergence, feedback, agent top-down vs. bottom-up development. Supplementary material may be used here. 3 hours II Search inspired by Mother Nature: Search and State Space Graphs. Hill Climbing and its drawbacks. Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming. Tabu Search. Ant Colony Optimization. xx ■ Preface Chapter 2 Sections 2.0, 2.1, and 2.1.1. Chapter 3 Sections 3.0, 3.1, and 3.2 Chapter 12 (10 – 15 hours) III Neural Networks: Artificial neurons vs. their biological counterparts. McCulloch-Pitts Neurons. The Perceptron Learning Rule and its limitations. The Delta Rule. Backpropagation, Analyzing patterns and some guidelines for training. Discrete Hopfield Networks. Application Areas. Introduction to Machine Learning Chapter 10 Chapter 11 18 Hours IV Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Crisp Sets vs. Fuzzy Sets. Membership functions. Fuzzy logic and fuzzy inference systems. Chapter 8 Sections 8.0 – 8.3 3 Hours V Optional Topics: Selected from: • Unsupervised Learning in ANN. • Artificial Life including Cellular Automata • Fractals and Complexity • Immunocomputing • Quantum Computing 2+ Hours A 3-hour midterm and a 3-hour final are given. There are 5–6 programming assignments and a term paper. Some alternative courses could easily be designed from the 17 Chapters we’ve developed. A first course could, for example include: Chapter 1 (Introduction/Overview) Chapter 2 (Uninformed Search), Chapter 3 (Intelligent Search), Chapter 4 (Search Using Games), Chapter 5 (Logic), Chapter 6 (Knowledge Representation) Chapter 7 (Production Systems), and Chapter 9 (Expert Systems). A second course could consist of: Chapter 8 (Fuzzy Logic) Chapter 10 (Machine Learning: Part 1) Chapter 11 (Neural Networks), Chapter 12 (Search Inspired by Mother Nature) and then one or two of the special topics chapters from Chapter 13 (Natural Language Processing), Chapter 14 (Planning), Chapter 15 (Robotics), and Chapter 16 (Advanced Computer Games). A Special Topics Course on Expert Systems might run: Chapter 1 (Introduction), Chapter 7 (Production Systems), Chapter 9 (Expert Systems) “spiced-up” with Chapter 12 (Search Inspired by Mother Nature) and some supplemental papers / readings. Stephen Lucci’s vast classroom experience teaching AI courses at City College, Brooklyn College, and other CUNY schools, has often been lauded by students. Danny Kopec has considerable research experience in Computer Chess (University of Edinburgh, Machine Intelligence Research Unit), Intelligent Tutoring Systems (University of Maine, 1988–1992) and Computer Science Education / Software Engineering / Medical Errors, Technological Mishaps and Problem Solving (Brooklyn College from 1991 – present). The text represents a strong collaboration of our efforts. You will occasionally hear two voices sharing their ideas and experience. The writing process itself has often been joint, listening and adjusting to each other for knowledge, opinion, and style. A Shared Vision Writing this book has not been an overnight process. We also believe that our approaches, to writing and development of material, while different in many respects are complementary. Preface ■ xxi We believe that the composite work should provide a strong foundation for anyone interested in AI with sufficient opportunity to accrue knowledge, experience, and competence in the methods that define the field. We are fortunate that both the authors and the publisher, David Pallai, president and founder of Mercury Learning and Information, have shared the same goals and vision for this book. Fundamental to this effort has been the agreement that the book should be balanced with theory and applications, accurate, pedagogically sound, and reasonably priced. The process has required several years, but we are particularly appreciative to Mr. Pallai for seeing the potential in our book and bringing it to fruition. We hope that you will enjoy and learn from our efforts. Preface to the Second Edition Much time has passed since the publication of our first edition. Artificial Intelligence concepts, methods, and systems are becoming more integrated into everyday activities. For example, at the time when our first edition was being developed, many automobiles were built with the capability to parallel park themselves; it has now become commonplace to build cars with collision avoidance systems. Technologies that were the fantasies of sci-fi enthusiasts, e.g. drones and robots, are now a reality; increasingly, they are becoming a part of our everyday existence. Phone apps, GPS systems, and social networks, which were just surfacing in the first decade of 21st Century, are now pervasive. They include, optimal traffic routing, health advising, and personal attendants for diverse aspects of our lives, each typically using some form of AI. Advances in Natural Language Processing and Speech have dramatically changed how we interact with machines. The Second Edition has a new Chapter 10 (Machine Learning: Part I) with presentation and discussion of Decision Trees for machine learning. Hence Chapter 10, combined with Chapters 11 (Neural Approaches) and Chapter 12 (an introduction to genetic approaches) together provide a foundation for further study. Chapter 13 (Natural Understanding) has a new Section (13.10) which presents the theory, methods, and applications of speech understanding. A new section on Metaphor in NLP is also included. Chapter 15 offers an overview of the field of Robotics, including recent applications. The end of this chapter, in conjunction with Chapter 17 (Reprise) provides a glimpse of what the future may hold for us. New exercises have been added to many of the original chapters. Instructor Resource Files (Available Upon Adoption) The instructor files contain the complete set of PowerPoint slides, solutions, sample exams, high resolution color figures, and an instructor’s guide with teaching suggestions. Online Resources Digital versions of the text and all of the instructor and student materials are available at www.authorcloudware.com, Vital Source, and many other e-vendors. Electronic review and desk copies are also available. Stephen Lucci Danny Kopec The City College of New York Brooklyn College (The City University of New York) NY, NY November, 2015 Contents Preface xvii Acknowledgments xxiii Credits xxvii Part 1: Introduction 1 Chapter 1 Overview of Artificial Intelligence 3 1.0 Introduction 1.0.1 What is Artificial Intelligence? 4 1.0.2 What is Thinking? What is intelligence? 5 1.1 The Turing Test 7 1.1.1 Definition of the Turing Test 7 1.1.2 Controversies and Criticisms of the Turing Test 9 1.2 Strong AI Versus Weak AI 10 1.3 Heuristics 12 1.3.1 The Diagonal of a Rectangular Solid: Solving a Simpler, But Related Problem 12 1.3.2 The Water Jug Problem: Working Backward 13 1.4 Identifying Problems Suitable for AI 14 1.5 Applications and Methods 16 1.5.1 Search Algorithms and Puzzles 17 1.5.2 Two-Person Games 19 1.5.3 Automated Reasoning 19 1.5.4 Production Rules and Expert Systems 20 1.5.5 Cellular Automata 21 1.5.6 Neural Computation 22 1.5.7 Genetic Algorithms 23 1.5.8 Knowledge Representation 23 1.5.9 Uncertainty Reasoning 25

This new edition provides a comprehensive, colorful, up to date, and accessible presentation of AI without sacrificing theoretical foundations. It includes numerous examples, applications, full color images, and human interest boxes to enhance student interest. New chapters on robotics and machine l
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