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Artificial intelligence in real-time control 1992 : selected papers from the IFAC/IFIP/IMACS symposium, Delft, the Netherlands, 16-18 June 1992 PDF

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Preview Artificial intelligence in real-time control 1992 : selected papers from the IFAC/IFIP/IMACS symposium, Delft, the Netherlands, 16-18 June 1992

IFAC SYMPOSIA SERIES JanoGser tlerE,d itor-inG-eCohrMigasonef,e UniversSictyh,oo ofInl f tioTne chnolando gEnyg ineering, orma FairfVaxA,2 20344044-,U SA DHURJATIS TEPHANOPOULOnO-Sl:ine F aulDte tectionS uanpervdi siionthen Chemical Process In&d ustri1e99s3N ,o .l) ( BALCHEN eta lDynami:c s andC ontroofCl h emicRaelac torDsi,s tillCatoilonand Batch umns Processes (1993,No.2) OLLEROC AMACHO:In telliCgoemntponen ts andIn strumenftsor C ontrAoppll ications (1993&, No3) ZAREMBA: Infonnation CProobnltroelmin s M anufacturinTgec hnol(o1g9yN9 o3.,4 ) STA SSEN:An alysiDess,i gannd E valuaotifM oann- MachiSnyes tems(1 99N3o,.5 ) VERBRUGGERNO DDArtifi:c ialIn telliginenc Ree al-CToimnetr (o1 l99 3N,o .6) FUESS:N onl&i Cnoenartro Sly steDesmisg n(1 993N,o .7) DUGARDM,' SAADL ANDAU: Adaptivei nCS oynstrteanomdlSs i gnProcale ssin(1g 99 3N,o .8) XUYAN : Mode& lliCngo ntroolfN atioEconnoalm ies (1 99N3o,. 9) TU CHEN ZHENG:Land argSec alSey stemTheorys : andA pplicati(1o 99ns3 N,o .JO) GLIU,U Y AN C&H ENZ HEN-YAUu:to mationM ininMgi,n eranald M etal Processi(ng1 9N9o3.,1J ) DEBRA &G OITZEIN: AutomCatoinctr iinonA l ero space (199N3o,. 12) KOPA&C EKA LBERTOSLo:w CosAtu tomati(o1 n9 9N3o,. 13) HARVEY&E MSAPK :A utomateSdy stBemassed o nH Ski(landl I ntellig(1en 9c9eN3)o,. 14) & uman BARKERC:o mpuAteirded D esiing Cno ntroSly stem(s1 9N92o,. J) KHEIeRta lA:d vanceisnC ontroEld ucat(i1 o99nN2 o,. 2) BANYA SZ KEVICZKYI:dentifi cation. an$dy stemP arameterE stima(1t 9i9oN2no, 3 ) LEVISS &T EPHANODUi:s tributed"IntellSiygseriteJrisc.(e1 99N2o,. 4) & KRAUSD:e siMgne thodso fC ontroSly stem(1s 9 9N2o,.5 ) . FRISANKEE RM&AN N FREYERMUTFHa:uD letectti on,S upervisianodnS afeftyoT re chnicProalc esses (1992&, No.6) TROCH eta lR:o boCto ntro1l992 ,N o.7) ( NAJIM DUFOUR:A dvancedC ontroofCheml i calPro cesses( 1 992N,o .8) WELF&O NDELRA,U STEREWREB ER:C ontroolfPo werP lants Panodw eSry stem(1s 99 2N,o .9) & STEPHANOPOUMI.DoSd:e landi nCgo ntroofBl i otechnProiccesals es( 1 992N,o .JO) KARIMF R&E YS:a feotfCy o mpuCteorn troSly stem1s9 92 NOTICE TO READERS youlri branryoa tl readays tanding/contiordneurca utisontom eorrs ubsctriobe rs erimeasyw, e recom m end Ifth ayto pluac eais s tanding/continuatioonr subscrip tion order immediuaponthist peulbliyca tion nevwo lumes. Shouylofidun thda tthe sveo lumleonsg seerrve y ounreeto dreceiysveou rord er aatn tiymal ewl ithounto tice. no can be cancellecl Copies of previoupusblliys hveodl uamreea sv ailable.A fu lldye scripticavteal oguweil l gladbel y on requesL all sent AUTOMATICanAd CONTROELN GINEERIPNRAGC TICE The ediotorfths e I FAjCo urnals Automatandic aC ontroElng ineering Parlawcatwyicesel compeaper s publicMataniusocnri.p rteq uiremwenitsbe l lfo unidnthe journalsM.an uscrisphotsu lbed s ent for to: Automatica ContrEonlg ineerinPgr actice ProfessoHrA K wakemaak ProfessMo rGR odd Deputy Editor-in-Chief Editor-inC-ECPh ief, AUTOMATICA InstifoturteIn dustrial Departmento fA pplied InformatTiecohnn olLotgyd Mathematics InnovatioCne ntre UniverosfiT tyw ente SingletonP ark P Box21 77,5 00 Swansea SA28 PP Th0e NetherlandsAE Enschede UK Foar frseeamp le copyo fe itjhoeiunarl p leasew rittoe: PergamoPrnes s PergamPorne Isnsc Ltd HeadingHtoinHl all l WhiteP laRionads 660 OxfoOrXd3 O BW,U K Tarrytown, 10591-5153, USA NY Fulltislo IfAF C p ubliapcpaetaiarottsnh e seno dtf hi vso lume ARTIFICIIANLT ELLIGENICNE REAL-TIMCEO NTROL1 992 SelecPtaepde frrso mt hIeF ACllFIP/ISMyAmCpSo sium, DelftT,h eN etherla1n6 ds-1,8 Jun1e992 by Edited H.B. VERBRUGGEN DepartmeonfEt l ectrEincgailn eering, DelfUtn iverosfTi etyc hnology, ThNee therlands and M.G.RODD DepartmoefEn lte ctriancdaE ll ectrEonngiicn eering, Univeros/iWtya lSewsa,n sUeKa , Publisfohredth e INTERNATIONFAELD ERATIOOFNA UTOMATIC CONTROL by PERGAMONP RESS OXFORD YORK SEOUL TOKYO • NEW • • UK Pergaman PresLtsd H,eading ton HalOxflo,rd OX3O BWEn,g land Hill USA PergamanP resInsc,. ,W hiPtelai nRso aTdar,ryto wn,N ewY odt lOS91-SlS3, USA 6tiO KOREA Pergaman PresKso rea, Box 31S, 110-K60orea3 , KPO Seoul JAPAN PergamanP resJsa paTns,u nashima Bui3l-d2i0Yn-ug1s 2h iBmunak,y o-Tkokuyo,1 1,J3 apm Annex, Copyrigh1t9@9 I3F AC AlRli gRhue serveNdo.pa rto ft hpisu blicatmaioyn b er 11prodlu:eds,t oinr erade tr8]Sktvaelm o r transmittine adnf yo rmo rby any electerloencict,r maosgta11tt11icic,t ap11,c lltmm1ic1al, fM0113: photocopying,r ecordoinrg othewrwiisteh,peo rutmis siinon writinfrgo mt hec opyrighoklltk rs. Firseditti on1 993 Libraoryf C ongreCssa talogIinPn ugb licaDtaitao n Artificiintelaligl encei nreal -time 1992s:elected papen IFACJIFIPJIMACS control from the symposium,Th eN etherland1s6,-J 1un8e1 992/editcbyd H.BV.e rbruggeann d Rodd. - Delft, -(IFACs ymposisae ri1e99s3;n, o 6.)' 'IFSAyCm posionu Amrtifi ciMIna.tellGlig .en ce hted . cmp.. in Real-TiCmonetro l1 992"v-eTn.op . Incluidnedse x. Artificiiatclnlli gence-Can2gR.re esals-eTCansit.mro el -CangresVseesrbru.gg enH,. B. I.R odd, InternationaFle deraotifAon u tomaCtianct roL InLte rnatioFendaelra tian Il. MG. m IV. foInrf onnatiProcone ssinVg.In. te matianalA ssocifoartM iaonth emaatniCdcooi sp uteinnS imulation. IFACS ymposionum ArtificiInalt elligienRn ecea l-Tim(e4 th1:9 92: Netherlands) VI. Control Delft, Series. QVIL 334.A17979623 629.8-dc20 93-33125 BritisLhi braCrayt aloguIinPn ugb licaDtaitoan Aca talogrecuoerdf orth is iasv ailableth eB ritisLibraryh book from ISB0N- 08-041898-8 Thesper oceediwngesrr ee producedby m1a1nsof thpeho to-oprffsoectu11S sing thema n11Scriptss11p plkd by thaeut hoorfts he d ifefrepanpte rTsh.mae n 11Scripthosv eb eetynpe d11S ingdi ffertyepnte writerasnd typefaTcheel say.- out,FaigndUTta eblsa of paperdsidno ta grceompel etweitlhty he SOmll standard reqllirm1e1nts:c onseqwtnthlyre e productdoione sn otd isplayc ompletunief ormity. Toe M11Terap id publicattihdisoniscr epancy couldn obtec hanged: could thEneg lisbhec heckecompdl etely. nor Thereftohrreee ,a dearrsase ked toac 11Se anckyfic knckosft hpisu blicawthioicmanhy be"- tot he abovm1e1 ntio1111rde asons. TheEdi tors PrinitneG dr eaBtr itbayiB nP CCW heatoLntsdE, x eter IFASCY MPOSIUOMN A RTIFICIINATLE LLIGEINNC E REAL-TIMCEO N1ROL1 992 Sponsobrye d InternatioFneald eraotfiA ount omaCtoinct ro(lIF AC) TechniCcoalm mittoene s -Comput(eCrsO MPUT) -ManufacturiTnegc hnol(oMgAyN .TECH) -Applica(tAiPoCnOsM ) -SociEalff ectosfA utomati(oSnO C.EFF) Co-sponsboyr ed InternatioFneald eratfioolrnn fonnatiPorocens sin(gIFIP ) InternatioAnsaslo ciafotriM oanth ematicansd Computeirns Simul(aItMiAoCnS ) Organibzye d RoyaInls tituotfiE onng ineienthrs e N etherlands InternaPtiroongarla mmCeo mmittee M.G.R od(dU K)( Chairman) H.TL.i (P RC) K.JA.s trO(mS ) I.MM.a cLeod( SA) L.Boullart(B) Motus( ESTONIA) L. P.B ome(F) S.N arit(aJ ) H.JE.f stah(iUoKu) Y.JP.ao (USA) S.F ranze(nS ) (F) L. Pun A.H alme( SF) A.GS.c hmid(t D) C.CH.an g( SGP) S.OS.u ( PRC) C.JH.a rri(sU K) G.JS.u s(kiU SA) G.J ohanns(enD ) S.GT.z afestas (GR) I.GK.al aik(oBvG ) T.V amo(sH) V.Kre bs (D) H.BV.e rbrugg(eNLn ) R. (D) E.AW.o ods(N) Lauber NationaOlr ganiCzoimmnigt tee H.BV.e rbrugge(nC hainnan) J.Mv.an deKram p L.B oullart P.MB.ru ijn R.B.MJ.a spers A.JK.ri jgsman ..Kri stel Th PREFACE ThisS ymposiiumas contin uationo fa seri eso f succeswsofurlk shiopnts h is (198S8w ansea, U19.8K9. , three field ShenyanPgR,C 1,9 9R1 ohnPearkr,tC A,U SA)I.tto o kp lacienthe Department ofE lectriEcnalineg ering the on Campuso fth eDe lftU niversoiftT ye chnologyev.e nwtas selectesdpo nsobyr ethdeU niverass iotyne o f This and itlsu struacmt iviitnhi oenosuro ft hUen ivers1i5ty0'anthsn iversary. Fromn earl100y extended abstractansd paperss ubmi5t7tw eerdea, c ceptedr eviebwyth eIn ternational draft after ProgrammCeo mmitteTew.e lcvoel lewagerueei sn vitote odr ganiisen vipteadpe sres sioannsd,th eiern thusiasm reputatiloned m anyau thorst os ubmiatp aper.F ina4l8lr ye,g uplapearr san d6 5i nviptapeedr sw eracece pted. and In adidtiothne,o rganiwsereerh sa ppy tos chedu5lp el enaryp aper sessiThoinssb .r intghste o tnalum bero f contributitoo1ns 12 o,f w hic1h0 w3e rea cmaprlelsented.y Iti rs egretthtaa9t pb alpeer cso unlodbet presented discusass edth,ea uthorcso unlodct om et oD elftH.o wevthere,9 2%o fth ep apersp resenwtased a re latively and goods core. In spiotfeth ec urenrtluyn favouercaobnloecm oindci tiontsh evee r-growniunmgbe ro fs ymposia and and workshoipnths i fise landd r elated thea ttendancea tth eS ymposicuanmbe veryg oodw ith1 81 areas, cons idered participants countries. from 25 The preprinotsfth eS ymposicounmt a1i1nc2 o ntributpriionnteisdno nveo luomf7e 5 p0a ges. The Symposiiunmt endtoe:d investthiesg tataete -ofi-nthth eea -ppartl icaotfari toinfi icnital elltiecghneinqceiu nesre al-tciomnetr ol, bring tocognetrtheosrly stems pecialartiisfitcsii,nal t ellspeicgienalcieans dtsen d-users. The maithne meosfthe Symposiwuemr e: Them ethodology ofA rtificIinatell lencTee chniqIunec so ntreonlg ineering ig NeuraNle Cto ntrol • KnowledgeC-onBtroasle d FuzzyC ontrol QualitaRtievasonineg FauDlett ectiFoanuD lita gnosis and GeneAtligco riantdhLe marninsg Thea pplicaotfiA ornt lftcIlnatJe lliTgeecnhcnei qIuned si ffereanrte aosfc ontrol ProcesCso ntrol • Biotechnology • Robotics PoweSry stems Hardwaraen dso ftwarer equirements • TemporRaelaso ning • NewP aradifgomRrse al-CToinmtreo l Real-Entivmier onmenfotsrI ntellCiognentrto l Durithnegp lensaerys siwoensl,l -knsocwni entst hiigshlightteodp iocfthis s fastd eveloarpeiain ngco ntrol engineeri ngan darti ficiianlte lligence. Ofthe plenarpya perpsr esenthteedfo ,l lowitwnog p aperhsa vbeee np ublisihne d ControEln giMerPirnacgt ice, Volum1e,N u mber2 ( PergamPorne ss). Autonomcoonutrso llers Astrom K.J(.S ) Toward intellciognentrtoo flm echanicparloc esses Iseranmn R.( D) In volumthee fo llowitnwgop lenarpyape rsh avbeeen inserted: this Knowledge-bcasoedn trosle:l ectthireni gg thoto folr th ej ob LeitcRh. ( UK) The functionaln-elaptip nrko achth el earninogfr eal-otpitmiem coanltr ol to PaoY .H(.U SA) The proamgmre inclu24de tdec hnicsaels siwointhst, h rseees sitoaknisn pgl acienp arallTehle.fo llowirnegg ular invitesde ssiwoensr sec heduled: and NeurNaelt woSrckh emes FauDlett ectianodn F auDlita gnoIs is Knowledge Eliancdi tAactqiuoins ition NeurNaelt ansd SimulaftoiCroo nn trol ApplicaotfiF ounzszC yo ntrol QualitaRteiavseo ning Temporal Reasoning ApplicaitniC oonnstr oanld Measurement Analysanids D esiogfnIn telligCeonnttr ollers ApplicaitniB oinost echnology II ApplicaotfiN oenursal N ets ApplicaitniP ornosc eCsosn trIo l ProcesMso nitoranidn Sgu pervision FauDlett ectianodn F auDlita gnosIiIs FuzzyC ontrol GenetAilcg orithmansd Learning Learning Control Schemes Real-TEinmvei ronmfoernIn ttse lliCgoenntrto l Direancdt S upervisoKryn owledge-Cboasnetrdo l FauDlett ectianodn F auDlita gnosis ID NewP aradigfmosRr e al-TiCmoen trol ApplicaitniP ornosc eCsosn trol II ApplicaitniB oinost echnIo logy DevelopmoefRn eta l-TAli-mSey stems Thirtepena persw eres electfeodVr o lumeN umber 2o f 1, Control flEl!negriinPgr actice. A selectofith oenr emainipnagp edrusl pyr esenatetthd e meetiwnags m ade byth e editfoorri sn clusiintho en Pro ceedings. About3 5%o fth ep aperspr esenterdepo rteodn pr acticapapll icat3io0%ns d,e awlitth th eoretaiscpaecltan sd 35% had am ixecodn tento fa pplication-anodr thieeonrteetdsi ucbajle cts. Many ofthe professienognialn eerwso rkiinnig n dushtrayv thee f eelithnagt th eg apbe tweenth eoranyd practice in applyicnogn troanld systethmeso riysw idenirnagt htheanr narrowindge spsitome an y yearss pento nd eveloping controlal gorithmsM.u cho fth isth eoriysh eaviblasye do nl inesary stetmhse oanryd one xtensimvaeth ematical models. In practhoiwceev,e rm,an y systemarse p artlunkyn own and highnloyn linanedar an, increansuimnbegro fpe ople, confronted witrhe al-plriofeb lefmeset,lh athte e leganrto apda vebdy l inesary stethmeso riysl eadinagn umber of applicatiinotnaos de ad end. ofa mathematical deans carliternapttiivoecn o,u lbed abe havioural Instead describpasteidoo nnqu alitaetxipvree ssanido onnsth ee xperieonfcth eo sea ctuallwyo rkiwnigth th ep rocess. Symposiums howecdl earlthya tth erear e alternapotsisvieb ilfoirtc ioenst rboasle do na rtifiicnitaell ligence This techniquesi,nm any ways Symposiumh as proviadel dar ge-scbarleea kthroufgohra rtifiincteilalli gence and this techniqinu ecso ntroeln gineering. In generalan,d dintog thes tatemeonfmts an y participtanhtsi,Ss y mposiucman be considereda very accor succesesvfuelnw th icshh owethde i mportance ofth isn ewde,v elopiarnegafo rc ontroeln gineering. Then exetv enotnth et opoifcAl inr eal-cotnitrmoeil s p anlnedfo rV alenicni1 a99 4. Prof.HI.rB.V. e rbruggen ProfM.. G.R odd Copyri©g hItFAArtiCf iIcinatle llRiegaeln-cTei me PLENAPRAYP ERS ControlTh,e ND eethlreflntad,1s 9,9 2in KNOWLEDGE BASEDC ONTROL: SELECTINTGH E RIGHTT OOLF ORT HE JOB R.Le itch IntgeelnAltuit omatLaiboonr atDoerpya,r tomefEn lte ctarndiE claelc tErnoignniece ring, HeriotU-nWiavltelyEdr ,is nibgurhEHJ2 HT,U K Wep ropoasc el assifiocfsa ytsitmoeonmd eilnts e romfst hekinro wlecdlgaesa sneds Absract. charactaenrrdie slttaihtceests ,oee x isatpipnrgo atcoth heuess o ef A Im ethoidnCs o ntroSlu.c h anc lassifiicsaan teicoensp sraercyu trods eovre loapm ientgh odoloagpipcraotlaoi c dhe ntifying thmeo satp proptreicahtn(eit qooufoler)a g ivgeenn ecrliaocsf as p plic(ajtoibo)n.s KeywordSsy.s teMmosd ellQiunagl,i tMaotdievlelE ixnpegrC,to ntroMlo,d eBla seCdo ntrol. SpecificMaettihoond ology. INTRODUCTION APPROPRIAMTOED ELLING: thatth'sese cret - Approacthoe tsh eu tilisoaft Airotni ficial Intell(iAglme)en tcheofo dres x tentdhirena gn ge Thesdea ytsh ew ord' modeilsa' heavily ofa utomactoinotni tnoue exsp aantda ne ver overkweodtr ermI.ni tmso sgte neforraml ciatn increapsaicneEg.a cht echnrieqsuueil nat s beu setdo m eaann yd escriopfta ineo nnt ity. numboefrn ewp otenstoilault iTohners e.s iusl t Howevwehra itsc ruciista olc leaurnldye rstand thatthp er actCiosnitnrgo l iEsnb geiwnieledre rtehdre o loeft hmeo deWli.t hin engineering, models byt hsee emienngdllype rsocse sosfito enc hniquheasv leo nbege nu sedt op redtihcett e mporal eacohff erisnogmpe r ospoefcs tosl vai gnigv en evoluotfit ohnae t tribuat pehsy sioscfya slt em, automaptrioobnl eBmu.th owd oesh ec hoose oftneonw c alltehdbee h avioouftr h sey stem. whatbe'sst ?D oehse g ofo rt hlea tAedsvta ncedH owevreerc,e nmtaliyns,lt ye mmfrionmgt he AI Contmreotlh boads oende vermsoorpeh isticcaotmemdu nmiodteyl,l itnecgh niqfourer se asoning mathemaotrii shc ess educbeytd h per omiosfe aboutth teo pologpircoapelro trsi paetsi poasli tion IntellSiygsetnetum ssi ng sqiumaplliet atoifvo eb jeacntdsm ethofodrs r epreseanntdi ng methtoodp sr odfluecxei abnledeff ectsiyvsete ms.r easoanbiontught fe un ctiqofsn y stheamvsae l so Ord oehsen eebdo th! beend evelopedA.l thoutghhe slea tter developamreienn ttse retshtehiyan vgne o ty et Atp restehCneot ntcroomlm uniisnt oaytd dressiinmgp acotneC do ntrEonlg ineerWien wgi.l l, thicsr ucpiraolb loefmd etermitnhiemn ogs t thererfoersetr,ti hcest u bseqduiesnctu ssion to aprpporiaaptpero adcehp enudpeontnth n ea tuorfe modefolrst hpeu rposoe fp redicbteihnagv iour, thaeu tomattakisa onntd h ceh aractoefrt ihset iscosm eticmaelsl beehda vioumroadle ls and systtehma its t ob e automatSeudc.ha descriptions. methogdioclaaoplp roiasec shs enitfei ffaelc tive usoef b otAhI -bassyesdt aenmds' conventioFnuarlt'hw eemr u,s atl scoo nsitdheperu rpo(soer contrmoelt hoidsts ob ee stablAi schoerdo.l latrayk)s fo rw hitchhme o deilsb eidnegv eloFpoerd . tot hiisst hawte n eetdo s tolpook ingfo r a exampilthe a,ls o nbege nr ecogntihsametod d els univerbseaslatlp yp roaancdhp ,u mtu chm ore for open-laoonpd f eedkb accontrol require efforitn tuon dersttahneda isnsgu mptainodn sd ifferent oafdm eotuatniotal sc hiae vsei milar theretfohlreie mitaotfti hovena sr itoeucsh niqupeesr.fo rmanNcoew., with EnCgoinntereorli ng Onliynt hwiasyc awne s eltehcreti gthootlfo rt he expanidtihsno gr iztooin nsc loutdhete arss ,ek .g. job. fauldti agnosis, procepslsa nmnoinnigt,o ring, traineitncgw.,e, m uscta refcuolnlsyi tdheer 1 relatiboentswhetiaekpsna nmdo derle quiremegnitvse.n p urpose,t asks,pe cificatainodn Thewriebel ln oo nmeo dtelhi asbet s ts uittoea dl l characteorfti hsaetv iacieslk naobwlledge. takss.T hi'sn boe smto deilsf' u ndametnot al EnginewehreirniegnaS, sc iewnhceetr,he t eak so f APPROACHTEOSM ODELLING modelliisan lgm oesxtc lusainvaellyyt toi c - descrtihbeep hysiwcoarlla ds a ccuraatse lyT hep receesdeicntagir ognut ehdat htae p proaches possi-btlhene o tioofben s tm odemla ybe valid.to develompodienlghs a esx panded rapidly over InE ngineceornicnegwrn,ie tdsh y nthaesws eilasls thlea fste wy earUsn.fo trunatmeolsoytf,t hese analysis: techniqhuaevbesee nd evelionpeid s olaatnido n, partial oigfon tohareparpn rcoe,aa cnhsdeo vs e ry am odiescl o rrifei ctstsa tiistpfisuep rso se. little unodrte arxsotnakonnmdoiiwnclg eo dftg hee variaopupsr oaecxhiesTsth sis.se ctmiakoensa n Also, syinsut shueaselixlspy r easssa e sde t ofa ttetmocp lta stshieefx yi sting abeshsiunmdp tions performasnpeccei ficafotirot nhses y stem. tShove,a riaopupsr oascoth hesaw te c anbe gitno eveanbe sto ro ptimal mbodeed li fficcuaalnnt d, understtharene dl atibeotnwsehetinhp e mW.e sometiimmpeoss stioob blteaW iena .r neo rmallfiyr sctl asmsodieflyis n tmood elc lasasnemdsod el facedw itah tradeb-eotffw eseonm eo ft he tpyeasn tdh en iadn eunmtbioeffdry i mensfoiro ns specificatiFoonrse .x amplaec,c uraocfy eacThh.efo rmeirsu setdoc lastshiiefm ypo rtant predicatnidog nesn eraolfit thyem odecla n assumptthiraoetnl sta ott hepe u rposoeft hmeod el, sometibmece osn flicrteiqnugi remFeunrttsh.er w,h eretahlsea, t rteelrat tote hsce h aractoefr istics AIb aseadp proaecmhpehsa stihsene e efodr thaev ailknaobwllee dge. 'understaonrpd eaprbisicluioitfmty oy'd ealssa n imporstpeacnitfi craetqiuoinr eImnfae cntmt,a. n y Model Classes oft heex istAiIan pgp roaacnhdte hso usned er developemxepnlti,ca idtdlryet shsii ss suoef Thicsl aosfsm odelrse flevcetsr fuyn damental enhan'cpeirnsgp iscoumiettyi'am,tte hsne o tionaals sumptaiboountts h em odelt haatr ec losely expensoefa ccursaoct yh,at th sey stceamnbe relattote hdpe u rposoef t hmeod elW.e i dentify moreea simloyd ifioered x tendTehde.r efoirne ,t hrecel asdsi mensioknnosw:l edsgoeu rce, develoapm iondgew leh avteoc onsitdhreeor l e knowleldegveae nldk n owleodrgiee ntaItni on. (behaviporuerdailc ttihoetn a)ks, (controfalc,t c,o mbinaotfit ohnesds iem enslieoantdso diagnotsriasi,ne itncga.,n) d t hep erformanccoem pledtieffleyr aepnptr oaacnhder se search specifica(tiaocncsu rfalceyx,i bgielnietrya,l ittoyp,i cs. verifipearbsipliic-tauyni,hdt o yn esty). By knowledge wseo umrecaenw herteh e HonesWthya!t h ash onesgtoytt od ow ith knowletdhgaietsu setdob uitlhdme o declo mes modelliWnegl?l w,h ath asb eenu nder from.T wom ajsooru rocfse usc knho wlehdagvee developwmietnhtAi In b aseadp proaacrhee s beeni dent(iLfieeidt cha,s1e 9m8p9i)r aincda l techntihqaualetls to hwme o deltlore erp retsheen tt heoreEtmipciarlki.nc oawll erdeglea ttote hsa t availknaobwllee idnag me o dealtt hdee groefe whicihs o btaidnierde cfrtolmy fi rshta nd preciasnicdoe nr tatihnaittscy o nfideknnotwl-ny experieIntac tet.e mtpoct asp tkunroew letdhgaet nol easnsnd o m oreT.h aitsi ,ft hken owleidsg e hasbe eni nducfreodmd ireocbts ervatai on of unceratnapdie nr,h eavpesin n compwlees theo,u ldp artiscyusltaerAm s.s uciht c anbe highly provirdeep reseanntdra etaisoonmn eicnhga nismesff ectbiuivtsle i miitnie tdgs e neraElmiptiyr.i cal toe xpliscuiptplsoyur ctkh n owledagnedn, o t knowlehdagset raditiboeneoanml iltytfr eodm requtihrmeeo deltlome akre ' guesosree sst'i matesc ontrol systems desiginn, sometimes resulting thhaetm ayn obte liienfov ret hmeo detlob ecome reducpeerdf ormanacnedh, e ncree quiring tractTahbillsae is.nt s iigsph atr ticiumlpaorrltya nstu bseqeumepnitr itcuanli ngH.o wevetrh,e anhda rse suilnta ened n ormionutse irnue ssitn g developomfEe xnpetr Sty stetmecsh niqhuaess AIt echniqtuode esv eallotpe mativeo(rq uablriotuagtshiutvc ehk n owledtgoe t hefo rea nd non-nummeordiecl)al pipnrgo atcoch oepswe i th emphasiitsisem dpo rtancmeo rarene dc,e nittlsy , sucihs su(Wees1l d9,8D 9a;v 1i9s9,L0 e;i t1c9h9,0 ) limitatOino ntsh.eo thehra ndt,h eoretical aw holpel ethooftr eac hnibqauseoesnda w ide knowledtgheai,tsk nowleodfsg cei enltaiwfisc ranogfea s sumpatnindoo nrsm adlelvye lfoorp ed andp rincihpals esl,o ntgh beba esoeifncs o ntrol spectiafikssc. I ti si mportthaawntetn owt rtyo systdeems ignH.o wevetrh,eu seo fs uch understthraeen lda tiboentswhiespeusncm h o dels knowlehdagsue,n tfaiilr rleyc enbteleaynl, m ost andm osctr uciiadlelnyta i mfeyt hooldogfoyr exclusivelyt onr uemsetrridicecastlce rdi ptions selectthiemn ogs atp proprtieacthen foirq au e usuailnlt yh foer mo fd iffereonrdt iifafle rence 2 equatiAonndsa,.s d iscuisnst ehmdeo tivatiodno,m aien.sg,d. i agnoWsei st.e rtmh icsl ass ofttehne droees n oetx iasdte quknaotwel etdog e dimentshikeon nwo lgeed-level. makeu soef t hpoew erful methods associated with real-vdailffueerde ntialT heeAq rutaitfiiocniAsa .fl u rtdhiesrt inhcattsio beo mna dea,n dt haits Intellciogmemnucnehi atshy,o wevdeerv,e lopedw hethtehrek n owledrgeep reseannte sx plicit technitquheaastl ltohwe orekntoiwclaeltd obeg e modelo ft hpeh ysiwcoartlld obe reasoanboeudt represqeunatleidt aatniduv seeltdyo g eneratoer w hethietrr epresoeunrpt rsoc eduforre s qualitdaetsicvreio pftt ihsoeyn sst ebemh'asv iourc ontrololrdi inagg notshwieon gr lIdn.t h lea tter (We,l1d98L9ec;ih t9l90)T.h eorekntoiwclaeld gec astehm eod elw oulbed t ermiempdl icEixtp.l icit iso,fc ourgseen,e aranlid s tr ansfefrroambo lnee modelrse lsaytset ienmp tutoos u tpuitnts h saem e applictaoat niootnah nedir,n fa ctr,e movmeusc h waya st hree sayl stTehme.cy a nt,h erehfoarvee, oft hken owleadcgqeu ispirtoibolanes ms ociateadc ausailn terpr(eItwakaits1,ia9 o8n6a )s sociated witehm pirkniocwalle dHgoew.e viectra ,an l bes o witht hes tructuoref ther epresentation. inefficainiedtn vste ,rg ye nermaalymi etaytn h iatt Conversiemlpyl,im codietl se ffectirveellayt e isle esffse ctCilveea.tr hleyo,r aentedim cpailr icaolu tputs (isnyt mhpceta osomefs d iagnotsoi s) knowleadrgceeo mplemetnhtbeeas rtsy o;l uitsi oni npauntadsr ien heraecnatulsayl . obtaibnyae s dy mbicootmibci noaftt ihotenw o. Howe,v ersuccohm binaatriebo ynn se cessity specitfoia cg ivaepnp lic(aLteii1ot9nc8 h9a,)n d carhea tso b et kaent oe nsutrheape tr formiasn ce indeiemdp roved. Thes ecocnldad sism ension tdhesetu ebrjmeicnte s oft hken olwe dgIenC. o ntErnogli neteerrimnsg wec ahna vtew oo ptioWnes c.a rne pretsheen t knowleodfgt ehp er oceistss ie.lmefo.,d el-based approaocroh fets h,ce o ntarloglo riwett hemr,m thiosb jectk-nloewvleeldA glet.e rnatwiev ely, mayc hoosteo r epreksneonwtl eadboguet the contdreosli mgent hosdost hatth ecya n be modifioend- linWee. t erm mtehtias- level knowledagsie t,r eflekcntosw leadbgoeu tth e knowledugsee tdo c ontrroalt htehra tnh e modellkinnogw leidtgseeB lofta.hp proaacrhee s activbeeilnygd evelobpoetdwh,i tAhI -based object techniaqnud'e tsr adictoinotmnreaotllh' o Fodrs . exampleex,p erotr intelligent contrFoilg ureM!ode.l Classes (Astrom,c1a9nb8 e6d )e scraisba e mde ta-level approuascuha,wl ilteyhm pirkincoawll eadttg hee Int hfoer mecra seex,p lmiocdietal rsce u rrently meta-leavnedl a conventinounmaelr icabeli ngu tiliasset dh eb asifosr model-based controalttl heoerb (jsel)ec vte Ilnc. o ntrFausztz,y reasoniinpn agr,t ifocrud liaarg nbousctio sn,tr ol LogCiocn tro(lMlaemrdsa nic,a1bn9e r7 e6g)a rdeadn dt raianrieenq gu ailmlpoyr ttaaknsst.E xplicit as object-level empi(rwiictahl modkenloaswr leue sdugaefrl olmya theorestoiucracle , uncertaSiinmtiyli)ant.r h lceya ,so efc onventiohnoawle vtehren,ye endo bet. I nfa ctm,u cohfc ausal contrtoelc hnieqxuaems,p loefso bject-lemvoedle l(lCionngs olek,e1si9 tk8ns9o )wtlaefrdogme contarroecl l asstihcratelee r cmo ntroolrl eresm pirsiocuarlc Iemsp.l imcodietl s aclasbeno indeaendL QGd erisvteadfet eed bka ccontrolo btaifrnoemd both sourcoefs kn owledge. systeAmd.a ptciovnets ryoslt eamrasec , o mmon Conventcioonntraaolllg oriatrdheem rsi frvoemd formo fm eta-lceovnetalrst o hlpe e rforomfa ncteh eoremtoidceualslsi snogm dee sipgrnoc edure, thsey stiesmm o nitoorne-dl uisnuea,i lnlt yh e whereFausz zLyo giCco ntrolulteirlisim spel icit formo fs ompee rformianndceaexn ,du setdo modeblass oende mpirkniocwalle adttg heoe b ject moditfhy(e d esoifgt nho)eb jelcetvc eoln trollleerv.eF lr.o Fmi guIr,we e c ans eet havta rious Thicsl esaerp araotfmi eotnaa n do bjelcetv el approatcohc eosn trol be ciadne nedt ibfiy knowleadlgleod wisff erteencth ni(qmuoedset los ) appropcroimabtien aotfti hoaenbo sv dei mensions. beu seadte aclhe vtehle,r eby egxrpeaantdliynW ge b elitehvateth ecslea sism-ednspiroonvsai nd e threa nogfae p plicoaftb hicelo inttytr eoclh niques. importiannsti ignhtttoh ree latiobentswheiepns Thisd istinicstf iuonnd ameinntc aoln trol applichaotwieovniestir, sa, l svoa lwiidt hoitnh er 3 manyo ft hef undametnecthanli qcuuerrse ntliyn formaatboiuoctna usatlhiamttuy s;bt eo btained unddeerv elopment. froma notshoeurr (cLee itch,T1h9il8sak7 c o)f Characteristics directimoankeaslt ihteyr epresenvteartyi on Model generablu tc ana lsmoak e ther easonoirn g Whilmsotd ecll aissds e termbiytn hepedu rpose inferenmceec haniinsemf ficiCeonntv.e risfe ly, andt asokf t hem odetlh,ep ropertoifte hse thaev ailknaobwllee cdognet aas itrnosne gl ement availkanbolwel eudsgeetd o m odelt hper ocess ofd irectiobentawleiettnhy e v ariatbhleeans detertmhicenh eaa crteroifts htmeiod ceslt hcaat n procedulraaln guwaiglebel moree ffective. beu tiliTsheedcs.he a ractearriuess tetidofoc rsm Howevtehrde,i rectionbea vleirstypy ec imtfaoiy c dimensailoonnsg mwodheilccsha ben classifiae gdi veanp plicoarts iiotnu aatnidoh ne,n ce andh encues etdoi dentthimefo ys atp propriaptreoc edurreaplr esentteanttdio obe n sh ighly modeIlit. si nt hairse tah AatIi sh avitnhmgeo st specialiTshedet. r enhda sbe en tom ake signifiimcpaancIttn fa. c tt,h ies suheesra er e representmaotrieao nndms o red eclartoa tive exacttlhyo steh atu nderpkinno wledgei ncregaesene raanltdio tc yo pew itthh ree sultant represeinstsawutieitsoh Anil an,n adr eth,e reforel,o sse fficiebnycm yo rceo mputaptoiwoenra.l in intrinfusnidcaamleltnyot ali tseFlifg.u 2r e AI illustthreac theasr actdeirmiesntsiicWo en s. Thet hircdh aractedriimsetnisccio onnc erns identfiivfeyd imensitohnarste present whtehteth hesery stiescm o nsidteober ceodn tinuous princaispsaulm pfotrim oondse lalnirdne ga soninogrd istcionnuoIunst .h ec ontincuaosutesh, e abotuhtpe h ysiwcoarlli dno; t hdeorm aiontsh er systceamno nleyv oltvher ouagdhj acsetnatt es charactmearybi es tmiiocmrspoe r tant. whereiants h dei scontciansuaeon yus st actaen folloawp revioonuees,. gfi.n isttea mtaec hine. A fundamcehnotiaiclswe h etthoer re pretsheen tT hilse atdosd ifferent tfoergc ehnneirqauteisn g dynameivco luotfit ohnse y stoermn otU.n til thbeeh aviooftu hrs ey steCmo.n tiniusci lteya rly fairlrye cenmtolsytA I-basreedp resentaatnii omnpo rtaansts umpitnid oynn amsiycs tems. schewmeersbe a soends tamtoidceo lfts h sey stem Howevdeirs contdiynnuaomsuiyscs tceamansl so assumteobd ei ne quilibSruicmuhom d.e clasn , be important. indebeedu ,s efeuslp eciinas ltleya dyfa-usltta te diagnoHsoiwse.vi en(r m,o del-cboansteardno)dl areoafi nteancstei vniotwcy o,n cernboitnhg An ind iagnofasuildntugsr itnhtger ansbeiheanvti ourC ontrEonlg ineearnidnA gI researicsh ers ofa systedmy,n ammiocd elasr ee ssentiaQlu.a litMaodteilvlei( nWge ld,L1e9i8t91c,9h 9 0). Dynammiocd erlesq utihrreee preseonfst taattieo Anl thotuhgwihis l nlob te s pecifdiicsacluilsnys ed andm emortyor efltehceetn ersgtyo raagned, thpiaspe ri,tfo rmosn oef t hmea icnh aracteristic hencdee latyh,aoc tc urisnt hpeh ysiwcoarll d.d imensoifmo ondse lTsh.id si mencsoinocne ar ns Thiisso ftceonn fuastle eda,is nAt I c ircwlietsh, spectruomf representfraotmi pounrse ly temporreaals otnhiarnteg a saobnostu htoe r derinqgu antimtaotdievalets o nee nda ndv erwye ka ofe venitnts i meS.t atmiocd eclasns tihlalv e qualitraetpirvees eanttt ahtoeit ohneI rn.fa ct, time-depveanrdieanabtnl dee vse,tn i me-varyienxgp lonroivnegrl e presetnecthatniioqenu. egs., paramewtietrhsbo,eu itdn ygn amHiecn.c mea ny order-of-maangdfn uiztzsuyed tehssa sb eean temporreaals oanpipnlgi caartbeia osnoesnds tatic majoprr e-occupoaftq iuoanl itraetaisvoen ing modelTsh.ec hoiocfse t aotrid cy nammiocd els resea(rSchhe n,19T9h2ega o)ai.ls t ou tilai se fundameenftfaeltclhtryese preselnatnagtuiaogner .e presetnht'aahtto inoecnsa tpltuyrt'eh asev ailable Int hefo rmearl,g eberqauiact wiiolnslsu fficek nowledwghei lssatt isftyhiepn egr formance whereiants h lea tdtieffre repnrtiimailta irvee ss pecifications. required. Finaltlhyef, i fcthha ractdeirmiesntsiiicso n Oneo ft heea rilnys itgohs ttsefr mo mA Iw okri s whetthhekern owleodftg heme o delu nicse rotra in thdei stibnecttwideoeencn l araantpdri ovcee dureaxla cNto.t t obe confusweidt qhu alitaa tive; representaDteicolnasr.ar teipvree sentamtoidoenclsa nb eq ualitaantdei xvaeca tn,de ven descrrieblea tiobnesthwiepvesan r iabolre s honesHto!w evieftr h,ke n oewdlgiesu ncertain attribtuhtpeeh sy sowifocr allTd h.ed yon oitm ply thetnhr ee presentaitnicolnsu odsmewhe ao you fl d ad irectiiontn harele iltayt ioonnlstyhh iaapst ,e t represtehnitTsiw.no mg a ifonr mosf uncertainty ofv ariaabrrleee lsa btyte hdde e scripprtoivoind edh.a vbeee nr ecogniTsheedf .i rpsrotb,a bility For exampOlhem,'l sa ws tattehsat th ceu rrentt heorcyo,n certnhses ituawthieonne xact throuagnhvd o ltaacgreao r sess icsatbeno rre lated( determiknnoiwslteiidcgs)ne o ta vailaanbdl e by an empiriccoanls t(agnitv reena l-valeusetdi mbaatseoesdn t hfree queonfcoc yc urrence, descriopftt ihocenu sr raenndtt h veo ltage, represbeyna pt redo babdielnisfutinytc yt iaorne, see latcearl)tl herede sistIadtnoe csne o.ct o ntaainny used. It is essentihailsltyo riocra lly 4

The symposium had two main aims, to investigate the state-of-the-art in the application of artificial intelligence techniques in real-time control, and to bring together control system specialists, artificial intelligence specialists and end-users. Many professional engineers working in industry fee
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