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Artificial intelligence ind esi'g9n1 edibtye d JS.. G ero UniveorfSs yidtnye y UTTERWORTH E I N E M A N N Butterworth-HeLitnde mann LinacHroeu sJeo,r daHni lOlx,f orOdX 28 DP .. PART OF REED INTERNATIONAL BOOKS OXFORD LONDON BOSTON MUNICH NEW DELHI SINGAPORE SYDNEY TOKYO TORONTO WELLINGTON Firpsutb lis1h99ed1 Butterworth-HeLitnde1 m9a9n1n © righrtess ervNeodp .a rotft hipsu blicamtaiyo n reproduicnea dn ym aterfioarlm( including All be photocopoyris ntgo riinnag n ym ediumb ye lectrmoenaincas n dw hethoerrn ott ransieonrt ly incidenttoas lolmye otuhseeor ft hipsu blicatwiiotnh)ot uhtew rittpeenr missoifto hnec opyright holdeexrc eipnta ccordawnicteth h ep rovisiooftn hseC opyrigDhets,i gannsd P atenAtcst1 988 oru ndetrh et ermosfa l icenicses ubeydt heC opyrigLhitc ensAignegn cLyt d9,0 T ottenham CourRto adL,o ndonE,n gland P 9HE.A pplicatfiootrnh sec opyrihgohltd ewrr'ist ten W 1 permisstioro enp roducaen yp arotft hipsu blicasthioounl da ddrestsoet dh ep ublishers. be BritLiisbhrary CataloguiinnP gu blicaDtaitao n catalorgeuceofo rrdt hiboso ki sa vailfarboltmeh Ber itLiisbhr ary. A Library ofC ongresCsa talogiuniP nugb licaDtiaotna catalorgeuceofo rrdt hiboso ki sa vailfarboltmeh Lei braorfCy o ngress. A ISBN 1818X 07 506 Printaenddb ounidnG reaBtr itain. Pref ace Desiginsbe cominagm ajorre searctho piince ngineearnidan rgc hiteIctit suo rneeo. ft hkee ys toe conomciocm petitivaenndet shfseu ndamepnrteaclu rtsomo arn ufacturHionwge.v eoru,r understaonfddi ensgi agsna p rocesasn do ura biltiotm yod eli ta rset ivlelr lyi mitOendeo. f them ajosrtr andsd eosfi regsne aricshc oncernweidt dhe veloping computational symbolic modelso fd esipgrocne sseTsh.e foundatimouncsho fto hfir se seacracnbh e tr acetdot hied eas expoundbeyHd e rberSti moinn 1 96i9nh iboso k ThSec ienocfte hAser tificial. Therei sa t wofolidn tereisndt e sirgens earTchhefi. r sitsc oncernweidt phr oducian g betteurn derstaondfdi ensgi gTnh.es econidsc oncernweidt phr oduciunsge ftuolo tlosa id humadn esignaenrdis ns omea reatsoa utomate variooufts h deae sspiegcnt sp rJoucsaetss s. inl inguiask tincosw ledogflea nguatghee odroye nso nte cessamraikleayw ritaeS rh akespeare buti se ssenfotirat lh per oductioofwn r itianigd sso,i nd esiagk nn owledogfde e sitghne ory doenso tn ecessamraikleay d esiganb eert tdeers igbnuetir s e ssenftoitrah lpe r oductoifo n design Tahiend ost.i tohnad te sicgonu lbder esearchdeadt beasc tko t hvee reya rdlayy osf t he nineteceenntthu Hroyw.e vetrh,de e velopmoeftn htce o mputatsiyomnbaoll piacr adiogvme r thel ast thirthya ss ypeuarrresd resetarcohp errodsu cien creasiunsgelfyu l maondde ls processwehsi chha vpeo tentaipapll icabiindl eistiyg n. The articoufla arttiiofinic nitaell liagsae s necpea raarteeoa fr eseaarncddh e velopment haso peneudpn ewi deafosrd esirgens earcShiemrisl.a drelsyi,cg ann b etr eateadsa h ighly complex intealcltiivgiewtnhyti chp rovidae rsi cdho maifonr artificiianlt elligence researchers. iAnrttieflilciiigandel en sciehg ansbe ena b urgeonairnefogar a d ecandoew T.h e papeirnst hivso lumaer freo mt hFei rIsntt ernatioCnoanlf ereonncA er tificIinatle lliigne nce Desighne lidn Ju1n9e9 i1nE dinburgh. Thefo rty-sepvaepne rwsh,i chha vbeee ne xtensirveefelrye eadr,eg roupuendd etrh e followihnega dings. Artificiianlt ellipgaernacdei agnmdsd esign Constraint-braesaesdo niindn egs ign Case-barseeads oniindn egs ign Interfeancvei ronmiennd tess ign Leamingi nd esign Desigrne presentation Nonmonotorneiacs oniindn egs ign Cognitiavsep ecotfs design Industriaaplp licaotfoA iIni snd esign Conceptdueasli gn Desigdnoc umentation ix ApplicatioofAn Isi nd esign Integrdaetseidg n-sysatnedtm oosl s Evena cursogryl anactet hilsi ssth owbost ht hed eptahn db readotfhr eseaarncdh applicaotifartio finc ialin telliigned necsei gTnh.i asc tivhiatsdy e finae dn epwa radiignm desitghne oarnydm ethodoloagnyda n ewr esearcfihe lTdh.e spea peprrse setnhstet ate-of-the­ art andt hlee adiendggo ef t hafite lTdh.e yp rovitdhebe a sfoirsa n advaunncdeedr staonfd ing artificiailn design. Alpla pewresre re viewebdyt hreree ferdereaswfro nm al arignet ernatipoannaelMl a.n y thantok st hefomr t hqeu aliotfty h aec cepptaepde dresp enodnst heeiffro rtTsh.e yare listed belowF.a yS udweekwso,r kienxgtr aordihnoaurryss h,a petdh ivso lumienh eri nimitable fashifroonm,t hmea tersiuablm itbtyet dh vea rioauust hoArssa .l wayssp,e ctihaaln akrsde u e toh er. JohSn.G ero UniversSiytdyn eyo f Apr1i9l 91 InternatPiaonneoalflR eferees AliAcgeo gino ErnesEdtm onds LauKrois kela MichRaoesle nman Shinsuke AkagiJ osEen carnacao Sridha Kota Chris Rowles Omer Akin BoFia ilings F.L-K.r ause GeorRgzee vski Varo!Akman PauFla zio BryaLna wson MarSka possnek RogeArl lwood SteFveen ves RayL evitt WarreSnee ring Farhad SusanF inger ShapeoiLin RonS harpe Arbab TomaAsrzc iszewskiG erhFaridsc her XilLaiu TiSm mithers BalBaa lachandranU lriFclhe mming BriLanogan JarosSloabwi eski P.B anerjee JohFnr azer KenM acClaulm WillSipaiml lers ClauBdeed ard RenaFtreu chter MarLyo uM aher DuvSriram RezaB eheshti JameGsar rett BerMtarik!s jo LarSrtyua ffer LaszlBoer ke JohGne ro AndrMaasr kus DavSitde ier PetBere mus HanGsr abowski KurMtar shek LouSitse inberg AarBtijl Don Grierson CindMyas on GeogreStiny BiBlilr imngham MarGkr oss Krishan MathurP etSetrru ss BoC-hriBsjtoerr k BarbarHaa yes-RothF arroMkihs tree KatSiyac ara JiBmo wen JacHkod ges Fumio MizogucKhair l-HTeemimnez AlaBnr idges David Hoeltzel PetMeru llarkey TetsTuoomi yama AndByr own TonHyo lden DundNeaev inchandIrraTi osm melein DaviBdr own SeJ unHeo ng ShimonNof ChrTiosn g Jon Cagan CraHiogw ard SetsOuhos uga BarrTyo pping PeCrh ristianssoMni keHuhns TarkkOok sala EnnTyugu HeldCeoerl ho Willlibabms RivOkxam an DaviUdl lman PhillCiopipeff et KosI shii PanoPsa palambros KarUll rich DiaCnooek YumIiw asaki GrahPaomw ell V.V enkaastubramanian Richard Coyne MarwaJna bri JamPeso well WillemViiesnse r RobertC oyne YehudaKalay KennePrtehi ss AllWearnd TomD ietterich S.M .K annapan TerPruyr cell RichWaerldc h Jack Dixon R.L .K ashyap TonRya dford Westerberg Art AleDxu ffy Randy Katz J..RRao RobW oodbury CliDvyem FumihKiikmou ra WillRiaasmd orf Michael Wozny ChucEasktm an TedK itzmiller DanRehak JaWeoo Yang ErnstEd er TosrtKejenl lberg JamResi nderle JZih ou KhaldZorueni k x Representthieen ngg ineedreisnigpg rno cess: two hypotheses R.B aiiares-Alaintara Department ofCh emiEncalg ineering UniversoifEdtyi nburgh EdinburgEHh 9 3JLS cotland AbstraAc rte.pr esentaotfit ohned esignp rocesiss p roposbeasde do n the exploratimoond elo fS mitheertsa l.A lthouigthw as developareodu ndt he characteroifts hteic chse micpalla ndte siagnr eaw,e b elietvhea itt i sa pplicable toa nyo thearr easa lonasg itd oesn oti nvolsvpea tiraelaso ningI.t s upports thee xploraotfit ohned iffereanltt ernagteinveesr abtyet dh eu seo fa ggregation andr efinement opetrhaect oonrssi,d eroaftd iioffne reonpte ratvailnuges ,a nda ll thec ombinatoifot nhsea boveA.s idfreo m beinagb lteo e xploar nee tworokf alternaatnidve exsp anadn yn odea ta nyp oinitnt imea, d esignecra np ropagate changteso t hed esigni na nyse lectedidr ectiTohne.r epresentationo nd epends twoh ypotheses(:a )t hed ecompositoifoi nn formatihoynp otheasnids( ;b )T he identiocbajleh cytp othesBiost.hh avbee euns epdr eviouforsd liyff erpeunrtp oses, andt her esultpsr esentheedr ien dicatthea tt heyar e soundA. CommonLisp object-orsiyesntteeimdsu sefodr ther epresentaotfti hoeno bjetcotb ed esigned (ac hemicpalla ntA)n. A TMS (Assumption-BTrasuetdh M aintenance Siyss tem) used rteoc orthde d ependenocfit ehsee quipmeanndt a lternaptliavneta sn,dt o suppotrhte e xploraotfit ohned esisgnp ace. 1 INTRODUCTION Au sewfautylo t i hnakb otuehtd eveloopfAm le-snbetdad e ssiygsnt iepsmr so ­ posbeydS mietr(hs91 89I)n.t a htr epohreit d,e nttihfirmeeasei anc teisv iti relattotee hpd r ocoefds ess ign: Develoopfmm oedneftlo tsrh dee spirgonc ietssse lf. (a) (bD)e veloopftm eecnhtn tiorq eupersea snreden asto n daebsokiungton w ledge. •onl eavfreo mt heF acultdaeQd u lmicUaN,A M.M exico. 3 (cC)o nstroufic nttieognsr yasttaeerdmct heictruerqeusbi yrd eeds ign support systems. Thipsa paedrd retshsseee csio ntdea mb otvaek,ti hndege spirgonc meosdse l propboysS emdie trehsat l (.91 8,9a )npdr opaod sieffse rreepnrte setnetcaht­ion niqfuoer dtehsepi rgonc Ietsc sli.as i tmheatdth is repirasen sa epnptraO.:t ion prioantfeeo t rh dee soifcg hne mpilcaainlnpt asr tisciunilcwtaea r ds,e veloped aruontdh per oblaenmcdsh arascttidecerssi criintb hecedh m eiceanlg ineering desliigtne rIastth uorbueelu.d s u elnf,e verstsfoh,rae nltyey poefd eswihgenr e theirasev ery nluamrbogefper o ssailbtleer natives, • theiraser elieavubaalltefo otrrh ael ternaantdi ves, • theev uaaltoofar l ternieasxt pievnetssoui svseeow, e c anneoxtpt eoct be • abtleoa ppilttyo e vearlyt ernative. Thnee xste cteixoanm isnoemoseft hceo mpliascsaotciiowanitstme hod d ­ elltihndege spirgonc ients hrsee waolr Alfdt.e r rtehvseit eawtiern egsp praec­e sentaatnhidoo winh t a bse en tuors eepdr etshpeern otco efds ess iSgenc,t3 i on compatrherasel et ervniaetowiftsv h deee spirgonc aenstdsh b,ee sontce h osen to tbhbeea soeft hper oproesperdae tsie(onScntet i4o)In.no rdteoir m plement thper oporseepdra etsieaonnnAt ,s sumptiTorunt-MhBa asiendt eSnyasntceem (ATMSu)s eTidhs.le a tshtr ee sectioenxsa modpfeal aneil m pwlietmhe na­n tatdieovne ltootp eeosduti r d eaasd ,i scuosfts hcieuo rnr setnaottft e hs ey stem andde sifruetddue rvee lospa,mn tedhn ceto ncloufts hiwioosnr sk . 2 THEN ATUROEF T HEE NGINEERDIENSGI GPNR OCESS Ith abse euns utaosl i mptlhimefo yd oeflt hper ocoefds ess iagnnasd,s ume awatyh e exissotmoeefin tcpser oopfeO rntoeift e hsoe.b jeecsot fti hcveu rrent reseiastr oct ha kien atcoc osuuncctho mplicianot ridtoenohrs a ,va ec loser modoefalr ewaolr dleds pirgonc ess. Thper opetrhtawietie nst teont adk iena tcoc oaurnet: ( Desiagsa nno pportaucntiisvtiitcy . ) a Desiingson pt e rformaefi dx esudeso tifo n pge raatpoprlisina e nod r dered way,i ta ismi psl imeodse tni gni neteerxitnbgDo eoskiisg.sanp rocess whebroet thh,te o p-adnobdw ont -tuoapmp prhoeaascr,ue s ebdyt hdee ­ siginnae nro pportmuanninsIettiri o.scn lrye latrievcleeytln hytat th is habse eanc knowl(.eegd"g.. e .td.h o er doefcr o ncgeeepnrta tiisno ont top-d(oWewsnt"e rebatel 1r.9g,8 9). (bD)e saigsn i annc remaecnttiavli ty. Desiignen n ginieesev roilnugrt yCi.ho annaagrepesr optoost ehcdeu rrent desiignon r dteomr o vteoa "betdteesri("gi nn mseoitmcr.e) T hese 4 chancgaebnses ease ni mproovre mreenfitsnsI.e ng me ennettrhcaehl a,n ges arsem awlilt h rteots htpeoe tacamtlo uonfit n formhaetilintdoh nce u rrent design. () D esiagsa nne xploarcattiivoint y. c Smitehetar l(s.91 89pr)o paones xep loratmioodnoe-fdlb e asseiddge n­, scritbhidene gsp irgonc ase skasn owledgeex-pblaostreasadtkD i.eo sni gn icsl assiasfi eexdp lorraattihoenrs, e tahrbacenhc ,ak unsoew laebdoguet thsep aocfpe o sssiobllueht asit oon osbb et abienfoegrdoe a clasbn e w ell formulaTtyepdi.ct ahlieln yid,te isaclr oiftp htseio olnu itisin ocno mplete an/odra mbigauno/oduris n con.s istent (dC)o mploefxt ihdteey s pirgonc ess. Complaerxiifstreyots mh g ee neroafatl iaorsngp eao cfpe o sssioblluet ions, thiastf ,r otmhv ee rlya rnguem boefar l teronfia nttiveersm edfiinaatle and designs. ( Consisotfte hdneec syi gn process. ) e Problweimtcsho nsicsatne ndacurytei ot s wedo i ffearnecdno tm pounding fcators: Desiggenn erlaalsoltvyse lro npage riotdi mmeoa,fk iinptgo ssible • tor evesrosmoeeft hper evdieocuisms aidobenyt s h dee siegintehre r because -thopsree vaicotuihsoa nvbsee efonr gotten, -thdee signer ahn aesfw a locertpa rronceeoddr u re, -thdee sicghnaenrhg iemsdi nadb osuotm per evdieocuiss ion. Desicgabnne u nderassta os oodcp iraolc aep srso,cw ehsestr hee • resiumslo tr teh atnhs eu omf i tpsa rti'cisin ptaenrtprTehtea tion. compdleestiiensg o nit nt hpeo sseosfs iiaonnndy i vnioidrtsu h aelr e au niqduees crpiopstsi(ioWbnel set eertabl 1e.r99,g8) . 3 THREVEI EWOSF T HEE NGINEERDIENSGI GPNR OCESS Thper ocoefds ess iisagp nr oblema-cstoilavvniiasdtn sygu, c cha,bn e r epre­ sentuesdia ns gt astpeaw chee,er aec sht ate cotroar p eosspsodinebdslsie g n. Eacohft hpeo ssdiebslieg bnesc ocnasnia ds eorleudt eiioitnnh teerr moerd iate ( fina,al ntdh erewfoecr aean,l rseof teoir ast sao lustpiaoocraned essipganc e. ) Thutsh,pe r ocoefds ess ciagbnnes ease nn aa vigfartoaimnio nni sttia-attleh e specifiocfta htpeir oonb tloeafi m n,a slt a-ttehp er opossoelduas t sieoeinnn, Fig1ur.e Thearreae tl eatshtrd eieff ewraeytnsuot s e itnhfeoi romgnae tnerdautreidn g thdee spirgonc Tehssese .l eocfet iitohne dre toenrehm oiwwn eetlshl se y stem wiclolp wei tthhc eo mpliocfad teisolinigssni t nSe edc t2i,ao nned a cchh oice prodduecsesispg anwc ietsh dtioffpeorleNonagtmi ieensag.c ht hpoeof s sibilities accortdoti hfneog r omft hediers ignw esh pa:av eces 5 DesignS pace Fig1urS:et astpear cereep sentoafdt eisoing n. (aL)i ndeeaslsi pgantc oep ology. (bT)r edee ssipgantc oep ology. (cN)e twdoersksi pgantc oep ology. 3.1L inedaels isgpna tcoep oyl og Int hsei mpclaesnseoht, i stooftr hiyen termsetdaiogafdet eses i iksge np t. Every timame o dificiapstr ioopnot sote hcdeu rrdeenstit ghmneo, d ificiamsta idoen antdh per eviouissl osstta.t eE ach ihnattseh remreeodfnioloarynte ee state succeasnstdoh dree, s pirgonc ieassl sio nfne o dweistt hhi en istpieacli fication ast hfier nsotd aen tdh per opfionsaesldo lutaisot nhfi en anlo dFei gure A1 SA ( 2)T.h eu sehran so m echatnoig sobm a cakn edx plaonar let erinnaa t ive Fig2u:rL ei ndeeaslsi pgantc oepg oyl.o prevnioodusesi nichtea s lboe.seW tnh itlheri esp raetsiewonontu bledt he ( ) simptloie msptl eimietins nt a,d easq uiatfta leist op rovaim deecn hiastmo explaolrtee rnatives. 3.2Tr eed esisgpna tcoep oyl og Thiissa m orgee necrasaeol ft hlei ndeeaslsi pgantc oep olIotfgh yce.u rrent desiissga nv iemnde moprryit oor bmeoidnigfit ehddee, s icgananeta r n pyo int examainni en termdeedsiaiangtpdner opodsieff emaro ednitfi cEaatciihon n­. termesdtiaacttaeent ,h uhsa,vm eo rteh an suocncee esascroher p riensage nt ( 6 diffearletnetir vneoa)rt,i giant arteiens-gtl riukceti unFr ieg u3as.rA ec tually thset ruicastu unried irgercatipiwfhoe t n aaiklne at coc otuhcneast oe fi dentical starteeasc bhyde idff eerxepnlto praattbhiusoat,nu nidirgercatcpiahobn ne a l expreass tsaer de e. N(oasit nteh petr heavctias eo)uads, e ciosfti hodene signer Fig3u:rT eer ed essiapgcnte o pgoyl.o hast hpeo telon fta ifftaeiconngl dye ssitgandt oewsn storfe saiamn dgelsei gn pat(.hi. ea chtaoanc guer rdeenstci agonnn lpyr opatgoia tstsue c cressF)so.or exampnleemw,o dai ficra2tto Ai 2oc nao nn layffe cdte siognpn astC 1h-+ Sc when atrhceer ye a,bt uectda nnaoffte ctd etshioegnp n astA h3 SAI.tf h e uswearn tteoed x plore thoefb oatophpp elriaoctnato thrsiesu-+o cnc eosfts hoer s currneond(tei p.reo.p arg2ta htreo puagtAhh3 -+S Ah)ew, o uhladvt eo (aC)r eaan tee(w t hpiartwdhh) e ren etsxhtue c cietssh speor ro douafc ptp lying botohp erastiomrnusel otuaasnladyp ,p tlhyre e stth oeop fe raotfto hres olpda tthoi to,r (bH)a vaed emonf-allciiiwktheyi ccohu vlides aicothft hneo dients h oel d path anadp ptlhyne e owp eroantt ohreB mu.t thent,hd ee sshiAog3u-+nl sd SAb em odibfiyer dt2 oA ;-+ S�( antdho er igfoirnogatltseO nrs) h?o uld a npeawtc ho nsiosfdt eisniAgg; n Ss �b ec rea(treedd utcoti hneg case abo)v?e -+ This otfsy tpreai tuses geiydnm osotft hceu rrdeenstsi ugpnp soyrstt aenmds , whiilcsel ebaerlttyth eatrnh fi er st ionsno eflt,e xiietbn loeut gofh u lsluyp port exptloiroan. 3.3N etwodreks ign tsoppaocloeg y Thiisnt, u rinasm, o rgee necrasatelh atnht er deees sipgantc oep olIontg hyi.s casee,a cohno eft hset aitksee spi tnm emoarnyd bceda ynn amiaccaclelsys ed at paoniyd nutr itnhdgee spirgonc Neosts .c oananln yo dhea vmeo rteh an onseu ccebsusto rnf,or dodemis ff ebrreanntcc ahbnee ls i ntkherdo rueglha tions deterbmyit nhueesd e Arl.sa od ,e ciisnain oyn parntoidhceastu hlpeao rt ential toaff eictstsu ccepsrseodresco,ers s isbol(riasng gacsio nnt,r boytl hldeee ds igner) 7 ancdr enaetawel ter.nT ahtdeie vsesispganc et htfoear kmoe fas bidirectional gra(pFhi g4u)rT.eh isst raitsce hgoysa estn h beas iosft hdee spirgonc ess Fig4u:rNe et wodreks ignt osppoalcoeg y. represepnrteasteiinntot hnnee ed x ste ction. 4 PROPOSERDE PRESEANTITON Wen eeadr epresetnhtacatact noi powenih tt hree quirleiemsdeit nnSt esc tion 2,a ntdh aitsa l asbol teor epretshgeeen nte rreilca ftoiuoinnneds n gineering design: ()A ggregoarCt oimopno sition. a Eacohn oeft he propoisbseu di fldrteoc mso imgpnosn Weenr tesla.a te deswiigtenha cohno efi tcso mponuesniatngsgg regraetliaotni ons. (bS)p eciaolriR esnfiaetmieonnt . Twop ropdoesseidag rrnees l abtyae s dp eciaolrri esfianteirmoeenln att ion itfh see codnedsdi egsnc trhiseba emoseb jaetacm to rdee talielvteehdla n thfier dsets ign. AlternoarVt erisvieosn s. () c Aletrnaotfiap v reosp doessedi gbne moafcy l tawsos es: iS.t rucatlutrearln atives Whereea cahl terdniafftfeirrvostem h oer igitnhacelo mipno nents presoertn htwe a yt heayrc eo nne.Ic ntge edne,er aacolhn oeft he alterniaasst pievceisa olrri esfianteiomoften hn peta rneondte . Operaatlitnegr natives 11.T heal ternaartteoi pvoelso egqiuciavlbalulyste o nmtoe,ft hveai r­ abltehsad te tertmhiefniuern chtaivdoein ff evraeelnsut. Asn ottehde,ira sen o verbleatpwt eherene finermeelnatat nitdoh naesl ternative relatAitdo inffse.pr oeindntut rsit nhdgee spirgonc tehsuess ,em ray w antto thiinntk e romfos n oeft hem. 8

Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. Linacre House researchers. Artificial intelligence in design has been a burgeoning area for a decade now This is a more general case of the lineal design space topology. grammar (Stiny G., 1980), have been carried out to identify the specific architectural features
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