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Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects: 6th International Conference, AMDO 2010, Port d’Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, July 7-9, 2010. Proceedings PDF

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Preview Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects: 6th International Conference, AMDO 2010, Port d’Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, July 7-9, 2010. Proceedings

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6169 CommencedPublicationin1973 FoundingandFormerSeriesEditors: GerhardGoos,JurisHartmanis,andJanvanLeeuwen EditorialBoard DavidHutchison LancasterUniversity,UK TakeoKanade CarnegieMellonUniversity,Pittsburgh,PA,USA JosefKittler UniversityofSurrey,Guildford,UK JonM.Kleinberg CornellUniversity,Ithaca,NY,USA AlfredKobsa UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine,CA,USA FriedemannMattern ETHZurich,Switzerland JohnC.Mitchell StanfordUniversity,CA,USA MoniNaor WeizmannInstituteofScience,Rehovot,Israel OscarNierstrasz UniversityofBern,Switzerland C.PanduRangan IndianInstituteofTechnology,Madras,India BernhardSteffen TUDortmundUniversity,Germany MadhuSudan MicrosoftResearch,Cambridge,MA,USA DemetriTerzopoulos UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles,CA,USA DougTygar UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley,CA,USA GerhardWeikum Max-PlanckInstituteofComputerScience,Saarbruecken,Germany Francisco J. Perales Robert B. Fisher (Eds.) Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects 6th International Conference, AMDO 2010 Port d’Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, July 7-9, 2010 Proceedings 1 3 VolumeEditors FranciscoJ.Perales UIB,DepartmentofComputerScienceandMathematics ComputerGraphicsandVisionandArtificialIntelligenceGroup C/ValldemossaKm.7.5,PC07122PalmadeMallorca,Baleares,Spain E-mail:[email protected] RobertB.Fisher UniversityofEdinburgh,SchoolofInformatics,1.26InformaticsForum 10CrichtonSt,EdinburghEH89AB,UK E-mail:[email protected] LibraryofCongressControlNumber:Appliedfor CRSubjectClassification(1998):I.4,I.5,I.2.10,H.5,I.3,I.2 LNCSSublibrary:SL6–ImageProcessing,ComputerVision,PatternRecognition, andGraphics ISSN 0302-9743 ISBN-10 3-642-14060-2SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork ISBN-13 978-3-642-14060-0SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,re-useofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965, initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsareliable toprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. springer.com ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2010 PrintedinGermany Typesetting:Camera-readybyauthor,dataconversionbyScientificPublishingServices,Chennai,India Printedonacid-freepaper 06/3180 Preface The AMDO 2010 conference took place at the Hotel Mon Port,Portd’Andratx (Mallorca),duringJuly7–9,2010,institutionallysponsoredbyMICINN(Minis- teriodeCienciaeInnovaci´on,SpanishGovernment),theConselleriad’Economia, Hisenda i Innovacio´ (Balearic Islands Government), the Consell de Mallorca, the AERFAI (Spanish Association in Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelli- gence),theEG(EurographicsAssociation)andtheMathematicsandComputer Science Department of the UIB. In addition important commercial sponsors collaborated with practical demonstrations, and the main contributors were: VICOM Tech, ANDROME Iberica, Robot S.A, DAT S.L, Aquateknica S.L. The subject of the conference is the ongoing research in articulated motion on a sequence of images and sophisticated models for deformable objects. The goals of these areas are the understanding and interpretation of the motion of complex objects that can be found in sequences of images in the real world. The main topics considered as priority are: geometric and physical deformable models, motion analysis, articulated models and animation, modelling and vi- sualization of deformable models, deformable model applications, motion anal- ysis applications, single or multiple human motion analysis and synthesis, face modelling, tracking, recovering and recognition models, virtual and augmented reality, haptics devices, and biometrics techniques. The conference topics were groupedintothesetracks:Track 1:ComputerGraphics(HumanModellingand Animation), Track 2: Human Motion (Analysis, Tracking, 3D Reconstruction and Recognition),Track 3: Multimodal User Interaction(VR and AR, Speech, Biometrics)andTrack 4:Affective Interfaces(recognitionandinterpretationof emotions, ECAs - Embodied ConversationalAgents in HCI). The AMDO 2010 conference was the natural evolution of previous editions and has been consolidedas an Europeanreference for symposiums in the topics mentioned above. The new goal of this conference was to promote interaction and collaboration among researchers working directly in the areas covered by the main tracks. New perceptual user interfaces and the emerging technologies increase the relation between areas involved with human–computer interaction. ThenewperspectiveoftheAMDO2010conferencewasthestrengtheningofthe relationship between the areas that share as key point the study of the human bodyusingcomputertechnologiesasthemaintool.Theresponsetothe Callfor Papersfor this conference was very satisfactory.From 45 full papers submitted, 29wereacceptedfororalpresentation.Thereviewprocesswascarriedoutbythe Program Committee, each paper being assessed by at least two reviewers. The conferenceincludedseveralsessionsoforallypresentedpapersandtwotutorials. Also, the conference benefited from the collaboration of the invited speakers treating various aspects of the main topics. VI Preface These invited speakers were: Elisabeth Andr´e, Lehrstuhl fu¨r Multimedia-Konzepte und Anwendungen, Institut fu¨r Informatik Universita¨t Augsburg, Germany. Taku Komura, Institute for Perception, Action and Behaviour School of Informatics University of Edinburgh, UK. Enrique Vidal, Multimodal Interaction: Approaches and Applications PRHLT/ITIUPV, Spain. July 2010 F.J. Perales R. Fisher Organization AMDO 2010 was organized by the Computer Graphics, Vision and Artificial Intelligence team of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) in cooperation with AERFAI (Spanish Association for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis) and EG (Eurograhics Association). Executive Committee General Conference Co-chairs F.J. Perales,Mathematics and Computer Science Department, UIB (Spain) R. Fisher, University of Edinburgh (UK) Organizing Chairs M.J. Aba´solo, D. Arellano, J.M. Buades, A. Delgado, G. Fiol, M. Gonza´lez, A. Jaume, A.Igelmo,C.Manresa,R.Mas,M.Mascaro´P., M. Miro´, G. Nicolau, P. Palmer, X. Varona Dep. Math. and Computer Science (UIB, Spain) Tutorial Chairs: M. Gonza´lez, J. Varona, F.J. Perales UIB (Spain) Program Committee Aba´solo, M.J. DMI-UIB, Spain Aloimonos, Y. University of Maryland, USA Bagdanov,A.D. CVC-UAB, Spain Baldasarri,S. University of Zaragoza,Spain Bartoli, A. CNRS - LASMEA, France Baumela, L. Technical University of Madrid, Spain Boulic, R. EPFL, Switzerland Bowden, R. University of Surrey, UK Brunet, P. UPC, Spain Campilho, A. University of Porto, Portugal Cerezo, E. University of Zaragoza,Spain Coll, T. DMI-UIB, Spain Courty, N. Universit´e de Bretagne-Sud, France Davis, L. S. University of Maryland, USA Del Bimbo, A. University of Florence, Italy Dogan, S. I-Lab/centre CCSR, University of Surrey, UK VIII Organization Dugelay, J.L. EURECOM, France Fernandez-Caballero,A. University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain Fiol-Roig, G. DMI-UIB, Spain Flerackers,E. Hasselt University, Belgium Flores, J. Mar-USC, Spain Go¨bel, M. FleXilution, Germany Gonz`alez, J. CVC-UAB, Spain Gonz´alez-Hidalgo,M. DMI-UIB, Spain Hilton, A. University of Surrey, UK Igelmo, A. DMI-UIB, Spain In˜esta, J.M. University of Alicante, Spain Kakadiaris,I.A. University of Houston, USA Komura, T. IPAB, University of Edinburgh, UK Marcialis, G.L. University of Cagliary, Italy Mas, R. DMI-UIB, Spain Matey, L. CEIT, Spain Medioni, G. University of Southern California, USA P´erez de la Blanca, N. University of Granada, Spain Pla, F. University Jaume I, Spain Qin, H. Stony Brook University, New York, USA Radeva, P. CVC-UAB, Spain Roca, X. CVC-UAB, Spain Sanfeliu, A. IRI, CSIC-UPC, Spain Sero´n, F. University of Zaragoza,Spain Skala, V. University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic Susin, A. University Polytechnic Catalunya, Spain Tavares, J.M. University of Porto, Portugal Terzopoulos, D. New York University, USA Thalmann, D. EPFL, Switzerland Torrensen, J. University of Oslo, Norway Van Reeth, F. LUC/EDM, Belgium Sponsoring Institutions AERFAI (Spanish Association for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis) EG (Eurograhics Association) IEEE Spain Section Board MICINN (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci´on, Spanish Government) Conselleria d’Economia, Hisenda i Innovacio´ (Balearic Islands Government) Consell de Mallorca Maths.andComputerScienceDepartment,UniversitatdelesIllesBalears(UIB) Ajuntament d’Andratx. Sol de Ponent Ajuntament de Palma Sa Nostra. Caixa de Balears Organization IX Commercial Sponsoring Enterprises VICOM-Tech S.A., www.vicomtech.es ANDROME Iberica S.A, www.androme.es Robot, www.robotmallorca.com Aquateknica, http://www.aquateknica.com DAT (Development Advanced Technology), www.dat-inf.com/home.html Table of Contents Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects AMDO 2010 Compatible Particles for Part-BasedTracking ....................... 1 Brais Martinez, Marc Vivet, and Xavier Binefa Combining Edge Detection and Region Segmentation for Lip Contour Extraction ...................................................... 11 Usman Saeed and Jean-Luc Dugelay Retrieving Articulated 3D Objects Using Normalized Distance Function........................................................ 21 Waleed Mohamed and A. Ben Hamza Finding Optimal Parameter Configuration for a Dynamic Triangle Mesh Compressor ................................................ 31 Oldˇrich Petˇr´ık and Libor V´aˇsa Silhouette Area Based Similarity Measure for Template Matching in Constant Time .................................................. 43 Daniel Mohr and Gabriel Zachmann Analysing the Influence of Vertex Clustering on PCA-Based Dynamic Mesh Compression ............................................... 55 Jan Rus and Libor V´aˇsa Estimating 3D Pose via Stochastic Search and Expectation Maximization.................................................... 67 Ben Daubney and Xianghua Xie A Proposalfor Local and Global Human Activities Identification....... 78 Antonio Fern´andez-Caballero, Jos´e Carlos Castillo, and Jos´e Mar´ıa Rodr´ıguez-Sa´nchez Skeleton and Shape Adjustment and Tracking in Multicamera Environments ................................................... 88 Marcel Alcoverro, Josep Ramon Casas, and Montse Parda`s Learning Generic Human Body Models ............................. 98 Thomas Walther and Rolf P. Wu¨rtz High-Realistic and Flexible Virtual Presenters ....................... 108 David Oyarzun, Andoni Mujika, Aitor A´lvarez, Aritz Legarretaetxeberria, Aitor Arrieta, and Mar´ıa del Puy Carretero XII Table of Contents Model-Based Hand Gesture Tracking in ToF Image Sequences ......... 118 Sigurjo´n A´rni Guðmundsson, Jo´hannes R. Sveinsson, Montse Pard`as, Henrik Aanæs, and Rasmus Larsen An Evaluation of Wavelet Kernels for Palmprint Based Recognition .... 128 Atif Bin Mansoor, Hassan Masood, Mustafa Mumtaz, Sameem Shabbir, and Shoab A. Khan Real-Time Motion Transition by Example........................... 138 Cameron Egbert, Parris K. Egbert, and Bryan S. Morse Novel Representations, Techniques and Error Evaluation for 3D Reconstruction .................................................. 148 Sidharth R. Varier, Amey Vaidya, and K.S. Venkatesh Inelastic Deformation InvariantModal Representationfor Non-rigid3D Object Recognition............................................... 162 Dirk Smeets, Thomas Fabry, Jeroen Hermans, Dirk Vandermeulen, and Paul Suetens CyclicandNon-cyclicGesture Spotting andClassificationinReal-Time Applications..................................................... 172 Luis Unzueta and Jon Goenetxea Automatic Motion Segmentation for Human Motion Synthesis ......... 182 Sebastian Schulz and Annika Woerner Multiple-Activity Human Body Tracking in Unconstrained Environments ................................................... 192 Loren Arthur Schwarz, Diana Mateus, and Nassir Navab Identity Recognition-BasedCorrection Mechanism for Face Tracking ... 203 L(cid:2) ukasz A. Stasiak and Raul Vicente-Garcia Analytical Simulation of Non-planar B-Spline Surfaces Deformation .... 213 Manuel Gonza´lez-Hidalgo, Antoni Jaume-i-Capo´, Arnau Mir, and Gabriel Nicolau-Bestard 3D Head Pose Estimation and Tracking Using Particle Filtering and ICP Algorithm .................................................. 224 Mahdi Ben Ghorbel, Malek Baklouti, and Serge Couvet Faking Dynamics of Cloth Animation for Animated Films............. 238 Fabian Di Fiore, Bram Gerits, and Frank Van Reeth Data-Driven On-Line Generation of Interactive Gait Motion........... 250 Liang Zhang, Stephan Rusdorf, and Guido Brunnett Automatic 3D Facial Model and Texture Reconstruction from Range Scans........................................................... 260 Guofu Xiang, Xiangyang Ju, and Patrik O’B. Holt

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, held in Port d'Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, in July 2010.
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