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ARTICLE 90 -- INTRODUCTION 1- I - (Articles 90, 100, 110): Reject SUBMITTER PDF

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Preview ARTICLE 90 -- INTRODUCTION 1- I - (Articles 90, 100, 110): Reject SUBMITTER

ELCITRA 09 NO-I- TCUDORTNI .A A large rebmun of other APFN stnemucod recognize this melborp of "ex post facto" designation dna have modified their 1- I - (Articles ,09 100, 110): Reject sepocs dna application os that these stnemucod will apply to WEN :RETTIMBUS .C J. Hart, rebmeM of PMC 1 construction or WEN installations only. Such stnemucod include, ~-~lf--:~M---MOC LASOPORP NO.: 1-I sa ,selpmas the wen APFN 3891-011 (Section 1-3), which states, :NOITADNL~IU~LR egnahC the definition of "Approved" to, "This tnemucod is intended to apply to wen installations of "Acceptable to the latnemnrevog authority having jurisdiction." ycnegreme rewop supply systems..." dna APFN 7791-A67 (Section :NOITAITNATSBUS I od not believe that the Panel Action sa 1-5) which states, "this standard shall eb applied to wen desserpxe in the Panel tnemmoC is responsive to this proposal. construction . . ." ehT LIFE YTEFAS ,EDOC APFN 101-1981, also sah ehT submitter's substantiation is not derewsna in the lenaP completely separate sections for WEN dna GNITSIXE installations. .tnemmoC ehT intent of this proposal could eb dehsilpmocca yb .B ehT implication of TON including this revised application is gnignahc the definition of "Approved" to, "Acceptable to the that the Technical eettimmoC srebmem appear to eb serving the latnemnrevog authority having jurisdiction." interests of manufacturers dna contractors rather than safety in LENAP :NOITCA Reject. construction dna installations. ehT Panel tnemmoC in the RCT LENAP :TNEMMOC emoS authorities having jurisdiction od not krow (Proposal 1-5) does TON provide a rational response to this for a latnemnrevog entity. A case in point is the weN York draoB noissimbus dna nac lead to speculation sa to the sesoprup for not of Fire Underwriters dna the Middle tnemtrapeD Inspection .ycnegA accepting this modification. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. LENAP :NOITCA Reject. LENAP :TNEMMOC Most Jurisdictions require wen installations dna modifications to existing installations to eb installed in ecnadrocca with the edition of the edoC detpoda yb the goL # 3732 jurisdiction~ ehT degree to which the existing installations tsum 1- 2 - (Articles ,09 100, 110): Accept eb modified to teem the current edition of the edoC is na :RETTIMBUS Bernard ,E Auerbach, Allied ebuT & Conduit Corporation administrative matter for the authority exercising legal NO~f-NE-----~C- LASOPORP NO.: I-I jurisdiction. :NOITADNEMMOCER This tnemmoc is in support of the Panel Action to ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. reject the proposal. ehT present word "approved" should eb retained sa used in Articles ,09 001 dna .011 :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT desoporp deletion of the word "approved" in Articles ,09 001 dna 011 would inhibit the ability of the goL # 8390 electrical inspector to the address special conditions not i- 6 - (90-2(a)(4)-(New)): Reject anticipated yb the ~CEN While the submitter's concern about :RETTIMBUS semaJ .F ,naheeM weN ,nevaH TC potential esuba is not without emos merit, years of experience sah NO-T~-'ERR-O'L LASOPORP NO.: 6-1 nwohs that the metsys seod work tsom of the time. ehT lenaP :NOITADNEMMOCER This proposal should eb rejected. Action is to eb dednemmoc dna supported. :NOITAITNATSBUS In ym opinion this proposal should eb rejected LENAP :NOITCA Accept. :esuaceb ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. 1. Optical Fiber Cable sa presented to PMC 61 sah dah on fact finding report sa dah neeb required for other materials for esu within the jurisdiction of PMC .61 2. Since the Proposal 16-65 (Article 077 (New)) allows for the goL # 5042 installation of "Optical Fiber Cables" along with light, power, or I- 3 - (Articles ,09 100, 110): Reject ssalC I circuits operating at 006 volts or less, sah there neeb :RETTIMBUS Patricia .B Horton, Allied ebuT & Conduit Corporation yna request for stnemmoc from other Panels that era denrecnoc with ~ N LASOPORP NO.: 1-I the intermixing of Optical Fiber Cable dna other wiring? :NOITADNEMMOCER I agree with the Panel Action in refusing to 3. Since Optical Fiber Cables era being fostered yb enohpeleT delete the word "approved," but offer na tnemdnema to the Utilities, this Article should have neeb placed in Chapter 8. yB defintion of "approved" in Article .001 the reading of Section 90-3, retpahC 8 covers noitacinummoc "Approved: Acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction FO smetsys dna is tnednepedni of the other chapters except erehw they E HTTNEMECROFNE FO EHT ",.EDOC era specifically referenced therein. :NOITAITNATSBUS .rM mherkcinK smees to eb under the noisserpmi 4. Since Article 09 is within the jurisdiction of PMC I, I that the authority having jurisdiction is the renwo or owner's believe that if the wen Article 077 were to eb placed within representative. If this intrepretation is ,nommoc this gnidrow retpahC 8, there would eb less concern about its use. nosaeR is dluow clarify. that under retpahC 8 could eb desu sa a point wherein the LENAP :NOITCA Reject, requirements of the rest of the edoC would not necessarily have to LENAP :TNEMMOC There were on proposals to revise the definition eb met. With the wen Article in retpahC 7 then the stnemeriuqer of "approved" dna this tnemmoc does not improve the application of of Conduit fil for heat dissipation, Conduit fill for lacinahcem the present definition. ,egamad etc. should eb considered. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. esehT emas stnemmoc era being sent to PMC 61 with reference not only to Proposal i-6-90-2(a)(4) but also Proposal 16-66 (Article-770-(New)) dna Proposal 16-65 (Article 770-(New)). It would also eb a nightmare for the inspection author!ty. 1- 4 - (Articles ,09 100, 110): Accept I therefore dnemmocer that this Proposal 1-6-90-2(a)(4) eb :RETTIMBUS CEN Correlating eettimmoC rejected. N~-~I-N~EF~M--O-'~ LASOPORP NO.: 1-2 LENAP :NOITCA Reject. :NOITADNEMMOCER Reject the proposal LENAP :TNEMMOC It is desirable to develop appropriate :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT Correlating eettimmoC feels that this requirements using edoC procedures sa such installations era being lasoporp is editorial in nature dna that it is yrassecennu to edam in conjunction with traditional electrical wiring .smetsys repeat information already in the .edoC ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. LENAP :NOITCA Accept. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. goL # 11 i- 7 - (90-2(a)(4)-(New)): Accept goL # 404 :RETTIMBUS Frank .D ,eseeR United States Independent enohpeleT 1- 5 - (90-2(a)(4)-(New)): Reject Association - Engineering eettimmoC :RETTIMBUS yH .A Bershad, ehT Staten Island Hospital TNEMMOC NO LASOPORP NO.: I-6 NO--IN'EBI~IO't LASOPORP :.ON 5-1 :NOITADNEMMOCER ehT ATISU Engineering eettimmoC sdnemmoc the :NOITADNEMMOCER ddA a wen Section 90-2(a)(4) sa follows: !enaP for its ecnatpecca of Proposal 1-6. "(4) weN installations, sa specified above. Existing :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT tnednepedni telephone seinapmoc represented installations shall eb covered yb the edition of the LANOITAN yb ATISU era installing increasing quantities of optical fiber LACIRTCELE EDOC in effect at the date of installation except erehw cable. There era presently on uniform guidelines covering the nonconformity presents a distinct hazard to life." safe installation of this material. ehT resulting void leads to :NOITAITNATSBUS Modifications to wen editions of the CEN confusion ,dna in emos cases, to unsafe .pihsnamkrow eetnaraug that facilities, once in ecnailpmoc with former editions LENAP :NOITCA Accept. of APFN ,07 will on longer comply with this continually revised ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. .tnemucod A reasonable hcaorppa for yna wen edition is to ekam that edition apply YLNO to installation performed after the effective date of that edition. Other reasons for including this wen paragraph follows: goL # 5291 It wold eb in the best interest of eht naciremA public dna the 1- 8 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further Study enim workers if CEN would accept its dA coH s'eettimmoC :REF-IIMBUS semaJ .M Daly, ehT Okonite .oC noitadnemmocer dna lend APFN expertise to EEEI in gnitelpmoc N~('-rC'EI~;~R~7 LASOPORP NO.: I-9 sdradnatS 197 dna .497 :NOITADNEH~VOCER This proposal should-be .detpecca LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further .ydutS :NOITAITNATSBUS I served no the dA coH eettimmocbuS no gniniM LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC i-8. detaleR Subjects dna strongly urge that this proposal eb .detpecca ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. rednU the present wording, for ,elpmaxe ~la tnempiuqe evoba dnuorg at the pot of na elevator shaft tsum ylpmoc with the CEN while all installations in the shaft dna tnempiuqe located at the mottob of the shaft era tpmexe from eht .CEN goL # 6212 A similar situation dluow occur with na inclined or horizontal I- 01 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further ydutS royevnoc .metsys :RETTIMBUS J. .D Hunt, .C.P-xessE Division This proposal should eb detpecca for the following :snosaer ~ N LASOPORP NO.: 9-1 I. ycnetsisnoC - exclude the entire installation, ton just a :NOITADNEMMOCER That delegates to the APFN support lasoporP 1-9. portion. :NOITAITNATSBUS eW od not deen erom regulation dna noisufnoc .2 AHSM is responsible for mining safety, not .AHSO hcihw dluow certainly result from CEN .tnemevlovni 3. EEEI sdradnatS 197 dna 794, which era being depoleved with CIM sah spent considerable time dna effort in gnissavnac eht AHSM dna directly sserdda dnuorgrednu mining installations dluow pihsrebmem dna working in eettimmoC to arrive at a logical eb eht erom appropriate .sdradnats .noitadnemmocer It is, therefore, this writers opinion that the LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further .ydutS three Proposals (1-9, 1-12 dna 1-15) eb ylsuominanu detroppus yb LENAP :TNEMMOC ehT information available to the lenaP no this those attending .APFN lasoporp is in conflict. It is ton possible at this time to ekam LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. a dnuos judgement. More study is required dna lenaP 1 sdnemmocer LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. the Correlating eettimmoC appoint another technical eettimmocbus ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. including representatives from .AHSM In a letter of enuJ 8, 9791 to eht namriahc of the CEN Correlating ,eettimmoC asking for technical seettimmocbus no dnuorgrednu coal mines, surface mining, dna preparation plants, goL # 9312 the namriahc of PMC 32 won( PMC )21 stated "Panel srebmem of PMC I- 11 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further ydutS ,32 interests within the EEEI organization, dna individual :RETTIMBUS hpesoJ Kaszycki, Pittsburg, AP industrial seinapmoc operating mining facilities believe the ~ N LASOPORP NO.: I-9 results gnimoc from successful examination of these areas yb the :NOITADNEMMOCER Mining Industry ,eettimmoC at launnA ecnerefnoC CEN dna ultimate CEN inclusion, dluow greatly diminish the oF~AS, held in naS Francisco, rebotcO 4-7, ,2891 resolved: noisufnoc won prevalent dna place the regulatory function in na "That the EEEI delegate to the APFN support Proposal 1-9. area erehw effective susnecnoc safety rules could best eb :NOITAITNATSBUS With 04 years in yvaeh construction field sa .detaglumorp Individual efforts, hcus sa those won being enod yb ,smad locks, harbors, bridges, tunnels, enim ,tnempoleved with the Mining Safety sdradnatS eettimmoC of EEEI with AHSM (Mining emos mining (approximately 03 percent in later owt fields), ym Safety dna Health Administration of the tnemtrapeD of Labor) could ecneirepxe is that electrical plants in mining, while gnilbmeser eb correlated dna integrated with the CEN .rovaedne yna other plant NO- -REPAP sah unique smelborp that OD TON .rM Burr, the Chief Electrical reenignE of the eeL gnireenignE elbmeser plants in other deman structures-neither installation ron Division of Consolidation Coal evag the following nosaer for his .egasu In the GNINIM ,DLEIF I evah tem dna dealt with highly negative vote no the three motions desoporp yb eht technical motivated, intelligent, expert Electrical Engineers, with a neek eettimmocbus ym" reason for voting 'No' no all three snoitom is appreciation sa to solving their problems. Therefore, I ma that eht CEN is currently a part of the federal mining regulations certain the work dna tnemegduJ of the dA coH ,eettimmocbuS to this for both dnuorgrednu dna surface mines..." esehT motions will ton field, saw expertly ,enod in ecnailpmoc with AHSM ,SNOITALUGER dna evomer the references to the CEN from eht existing federal gninim the intent of CEN Section 90-I(a). I support the proposal. regulations. LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. eeS the submitter's substantiation no tnemmoC 1-42. LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. goL # 3811 goL # 1812 1- 9 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further ydutS 1- 21 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further ydutS :RETTIMBUS Terry L. Fletcher, eeGcM-rreK raelcuN Corporation :RETTIMBUS Anthony .C Lordi, ydneB gnireenignE .oC TNEM-MO-C'o N OLASOPORP NO.: 9-1 TNE~tOC N OLASOPORP NO.: 9-1 :NOITADNEMMOCER ehT CEN dA coH eettimmoC noitadnemmocer I-9 :NOITADNEMMOCER emaS sa lasoporP i-9. dluohs eb detpoda in total dna eht lenaP 1 rejection deleted. :NOITAITNATSBUS dA coH eettimmoC of CEN submitted proposal. eW :NOITAITNATSBUS In their ,modsiw past APFN slenaP evah dezingocer tropuus the proposal for the reasons submitted yb the dA coH euqinu electrical installations sa seen in Article 90-2, Section .eettimmoC 6-1, 3, 4 dna YLLACIFICEPS 5. LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further .ydutS In rejecting the dA coH s'eettimmoC noitadnemmocer I-9, lenaP 1 LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. saw remiss in its responsibility to enim workers. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. ehT lenaP sah failed to recognize that surface facilities desu exclusively to support the mining activity era sa important to the rekrow sa those facilities that supply electrical rewop to the operating moor or fire-fighting facilites. goL # 0712 In mining, ruo tnemnorivne is totally tnedneped no electrical I- 31 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further ydutS power. Surface facilities provide the negyxo ew deen to breath. :RETTIMBUS Charles .E ,yoCcM Jr., Erie, AP yehT control critical environmental elements, hcus sa nobrac L'~T-ON LASOPORP NO.: 9-1 dioxide, nobrac ,edixonom ,enahtem nitrous oxides, ,ammag beta dna :NOITADNEMMOCER I dluow like to advise PV Richard .E snevetS of nodar .srethguad In emos facilities, temperature control is the APFN that I support the EEEI dA coH eettimmoC slasoporP i-9, yrassecen either to heat ro cool ruo environment. rewoP is vital 1-12, dna 1-15. in controlling vast stnuoma of water. :NOITAITNATSBUS I disagree with the rejection yb lenaP 1 of the Mobility is limited yb confined access. This secudorp euqinu subject EEEI proposals. ehT expertise available through the EEEI smelborp in controling air, water, fire, ekoms dna .epacse gniniM eettimmoC dluow eb best suited for determining the required ehT APFN dluow eb remiss in not realizing ruo lives dneped no lufgninaem dednemmocer electrical standards for .senim ruo surface facilities. Hoists, ,srosserpmoc heaters, coolers, LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. ventilation fans, substations dna distribution facilities require LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC I-8. special expertise dna treatment sa they era sa diverse dna ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. specialized sa era the sderdnuh of unique types of mining in this country. eW tsum recognize that ssecca to these facilities is greatly controlled dna ecnanetniam is highly specialized. hcuM of the goL # 8471 tnempiuqe is eno of a kind dna specially built for mining dna I- 41 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further ydutS special conditions. :RETTIMBUS miT ,ragaW Boise, Idaho It dluow eb a latnemunom task for APFN to elbmessa the "mining" NO-TR'EI~-'L LASOPORP NO.: 9-1 expertise that dluow eb required to write ETa ARAPES edoc to cover :NOITADNEMMOCER I, miT ragaW support Proposal 1-15, to dda these unique areas. Since hcus a group already exists within EEEI Section 90-?{b)7. dna sah ynam years of working experience, it dluow mees unrealistic to try to duplicate this expertise. Also, inspection is presently hcum erom decneirepxe dna active through AHSM than could eb detcepxe from local CEN personnel. :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT present gnidrow of the edoC excludes only :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT present LANOITAN LACIRTCELE EDOC )CEN( installations dnuorgrednu in mines; ton the tnempiuqe located gnidrow applies only to installations dnuorgrednu in .senlm evoba ground. evobA dnuorg tnempiuqe in dnuorgrednu facilities ,revewoH there era surface installations of dnuorgrednu gninim evah unique features dna ,sdnamed hcus sa hoists dna the gnildnah operations which also evah unique electrical tnempiuqe sonamed or processing .tnempiuqe oT bring the edoC in line with the that era ton derevoc in the .CEN ehT Mining tnemecrofnE dna gninim industries sdeen dluow require revising the edoC line yb Health Administration ,)AHSM( a federal ycnega of the tnemtrapeD line dna gnidnapxe eht edoC to teem those needs. ehT eniM Safety of Labor, along with various state seicnega evah existing dna Health Administration )AHSM{ sah inspection dna regulatory electrical regulations pertaining to the mining industry, dna era responsibilities for all mining operations. Section 90-1(a) dluow responsible for their enforcement. esehT federal dna state eb satisfied rednu AHSM regulations. regulations already satisfy the esoprup of the hcihw'CEN is the LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. "practical safeguardin~ of snosrep dna property from sdrazah LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. arising from the esu of electricity" CEN( 90-I(a)). Thus, to ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. eliminate conflicting regulations neewteb these tnemnrevog seicnega dna the ,CEN the CEN should eb degnahc to exclude all surface dna dnuorgrednu installations dna tnempiuqe desu exclusively in dnuorgrednu minin~ operations. goL # 3522 LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. 1- 51 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further ydutS LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC i-8. :RETTIMBUS Lloyd .A Morley, University Park, AP ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. ~ N LASOPORP NO.: I-9 :NOITADNEMMUCER ehT APFN should reverse the action yb lenaP 1 no lasoporP 9-1 dna accept it sa dednemmocer yb the CEN Correlating eettimmoC dA coH eettimmocbuS no Mining Related Subjects. goL # 3690 :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT CEN Correlating eettimmoC demrof the dA coH 1- 81 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further ydutS eettimmocbuS no Mining Related Subject early in ,1891 dna hcum :RETTIMBUS Fred .R Leffler, Colorado loohcS of seniM effort saw successfully dednepxe to elbmessa a susnecnoc group of NI-TNE~IO~'L LASOPORP NO.: 9-1 experts no enim electrical applications. ehT final eettimmocbus :NOITADNEMMOCER I support the Proposal 1-9, which saw rejected yb dah 7 2sre~Wnem from users (mine operators), manufacturers, PMC .1 latnemnrevog regulatory agencies, unions, consultants, ,scimedaca :NOITAITNATSBUS Having neeb involved in electrical smetsys in the untilities, dna laboratories. ehT dA coH eettimmocbuS dekrow gninim industry for emos years, it is apparent to em that diligently for several shtnom deliberating no its ,stnemngissa eno tnempiuqe dna installations for mining-related activities era of hcihw saw to determine the deen for gnidnapxe the epocs of the unlike yna deretnuocne elsewhere. Therefore, the LANOITAN CEN relative to dnuorgrednu mines. ehT susnecnoc result of this LACIRTCELE EDOC cannot epoh to include all provisions for the very effort saw Proposal 1-9, dna the CEN Correlating eettimmoC degduj euqinu condition involved. This is recognized in edoC Section that eht dA coH eettimmocbuS deilpmoc with the APFN stnemeriuqer 90-2(b)(2) dna amplified yb Proposal 1-9. ehT United States in the formation of this proposal. tnemnrevoG discovered this early dna won the Mining Safety dna ehT niam reasoning dniheb Proposal 9-1 is that mining operations Health Administration )AHSM( is responsible for the formulation of regardless of their location, evoba or below ground, evah special the edoC of Federal Regulations )RFC( Title 03 which includes features dna .sdnamed owT dissimilarities from other industrial parts ,55 ,65 ,75 57 dna 77 for mining-related activities dna applications era the location dna nature of most mining loads. strapbus specifically for electrical tnempiuqe dna installations. gniniM tnempiuqe era mobile dna self propelled. esehT senihcam AHSA is also required to inspect this tnempiuqe dna installation dna tsom rewop ,tnempiuqe which distribute rewop to the ,yrenihcam dna enforce RFC .03 Only applicable Articles of eht LANOITAN era modles stationary. roF safety, the electrical rewop metsys LACIRTCELE EDOC era incorporated into RFC 03 yb reference. In tsum carry gnidnuorg from the tnempiuqe semarf kcab to the light of the ,evoba I urge reconsideration of the proposal dna its electrical source dna earth. ehT electrical loads created yb this .ecnatpecca This will result in safer electrical installations, yrenihcam era cyclic dna extremely dynamic. esehT differences dna responsibility dna tnemecrofne of regulations vested in "one" others create euqinu electrical smelborp ton derevoc yb eht .edoC authority .)AHSM( In fact, very serious situations evah neeb deretnuocne yb the LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further .ydutS gninim industry nehw trying to apply various articles of the CEN LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. to their .smetsys ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. ehT existing edoC already excludes installations in dnuorgrednu ,senim recognizing the differences in these from other industrial applications. It seod ton exclude installations located ~voba dnuorg that era essential for the mining operation. ,revewoH at goL # 4490 ynam senim evoba dna below dnuorg electrical installations are 1- 91 - (90-2(b){2)): Hold for Further ydutS only portions of eht emas electrical system. rehtehW the emas :RETTIMBUS David ,nosnuM Consolidation Coal .oC nretsewdiM noigeR metsys ro not, dnuorgrednu dna surface electrical installations N3lTqlET~lO't LASOPORP NO.: 9-1 follow similar design, installation, dna .ecnanetniam It is :NOITADNEMMOCER Exclude all installations of mining operations. illogical to exclude eno portion of enim electrical smetsys dna :NOITAITNATSBUS Mining operations era presently erom than include another, nehw various articles in the CEN applies to yletauqeda derevoc yb federal dna state regulations which era neither. decrofne yb na ymra of inspectors. Although the CEN is not I strongly urge that the APFN reconsider lenaP 1's action no dednetni to eb a regulation, it sah emoceb hcus yb reference. euD lasoporP I-9 dna accept the advise offered yb the group of experts to the diversity dna complexity of eht CEN it is often that their CEN Correlating eettimmoC demrof no this matter. ehT dootsrednusim dna applied yb both the tnemecrofne dna gninim ecnatpecca of Proposal 9-1 will solve ynam interpretation smelborp personnel. ehT existance of multiple sedoc dna regulations that eht mining industry sah .deretnuocne dehsilbup yb various organizations ekam it very difficult for the LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. hcum dedeen regulatory reform dna unification to take place. I LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC I-8. nac think of on doog reason yhw the CEN should cover the gninim ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. industry. LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further .ydutS LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. goL # 2822 1- 61 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further ydutS :RETTIMBUS Charles .R Crothers, Evansville, NI TNEMMOC N OLASOPORP NO.: 9-1 goL # 6390 :NOITADNEMMOCER emaS sa dA coH eettimmoC no Mining detaleR 1- 02 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further ydutS subject. :RETTIMBUS Dennis .E Bibbee, Consolidation Coal .oC :NOITAITNATSBUS emaS sa dA coH eettimmoc no Mining detaleR NO-F~I'EPQ~IO~ LASOPORP NO.: I-9 subject. :NOITADNEMMOCER I dnemmocer that the APFN accept Proposal i-9 sa LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. written. LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT CEN seod ton directly sserdda yna tnempiuqe ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. desu in na dnuorgrednu mining operation or the tnempiuqe desu no the surface directly for the mining operation. Therefore nehw the CEN is desu to egduJ hcus installations it is simply yb .sseug roF elpmaxe trying to apply Article 016 senarC" dna Hoists" to the goL # 4141 installation of a production hoist at na dnuorgrednu coal .enim 1- 71 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further ydutS ehT CEN should either state it seod ton cover these facilities or :RETTIMBUS David J. Vaglia, Eastern Associated Coal .proC it should poleved a complete accurate article for this .tnempiuqe N~I-F'q~E~R~7 LASOPORP NO.: 9-1 LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further .ydutS :NOITADNEMMOCER Revise Section 90-2(b)(2) to read: LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. (2} Installations dnuorgrednu in senim dna enim associated ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. installations dna tnempiuqe evoba dnuorg that era desu only in conjunction with the operation of those mines, dna era supervised, operated, dna maintained only yb qualified personnel. 8 goL # 5201 LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. 1- 12 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further Study LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. :RETTIMBUS Robert L. Jones, Climax munedbyloM )XAMA(ynapmoC ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. LASOPORP NO.: I-9 :NOITADNEMMOCER ehT lenaP 1 reconsider their rejection of the dA coH eettimmoC Proposal 1-9. :NOITAITNATSBUS It is apparent that the Panel does not ssessop goL # 0290 familiarity dna expertise with enim surface operations dna I- 52 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further Study facilities. ehT CEN sa presently constituted seod not cover the :RE-IIMBUS Merritt .D Redick, Utah International Inc. area properly dna would have to ogrednu a major rewrite to NO-r~'~IQlO~ LASOPORP NO.: I-9 properly cover this mining area. This smees like a major waste of :NOITADNEMMOCER Installations dnuorgrednu in senim dna tnempiuqe effort since AHSM already sah regulations covering it dna era dna installations located evoba ground that era desu exclusively currently revising .meht in conjunction with the mining operation, that era under the LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. exclusive control of the mine, dna erehw the conditions of LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC I-8. ecnanetniam dna supervision assure that only qualified snosrep ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. will operate dna service the installation. :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT emarfdaeh dna associated tnempiuqe dna tracks dna trolleys that yam emoc out of na addit era selpmaxe of items that should not emoc under different rules Just esuaceb they emoc goL # 0201 evoba the surface of the ground (the dnuorgrednu portions of the I- 22 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further Study emas installations era already .)detpmexe :RETTIMBUS Elmer .R Shields, Mining Industry eettimmoC LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. TNEMMOC NO LASOPORP NO.: I-9 LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. :NOITADNEMMOCER ehT proposal dednemmocer yb the dA Hoc, CEN ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. eettimmocbuS of the APFN eettimmoC no Mining Facilities should eb .detpoda :NOITAITNATSBUS .1 dnuorgrednU mines, surface senim dna tcudorp-enim beneficiation plants esu considerably different goL # 7880 tnempiuqe dna sdohtem than that desu yb residential, laciremmoc or 1- 62 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further Study other industry establishments. selpmaxE erehw interpretation of :RETTIMBUS William .K Stees, Consolidation Coal ynapmoC the edoC semoceb difficult ro impossible era listed below. ND-FTI'L~L LASOPORP NO.: I-9 retpahC 3 - It is difficult to identify, within this chapter, :NOITADNEMMOCER APFN should support the dA coH eettimmocbuS no sdohtem of wiring acceptable for a large portion of the smetsys of mining related subjects Proposal 1-9. a mine, including those associated with mobile .tnempiuqe :NOITAITNATSBUS This proposal sah neeb offered yb a susnecnoc 98-034 - Electric locomotives would eb .detpmexe group of mining industry electrical experts dna sesserpxe exactly 13-034 - ,stpmexE in ynam instances, those in-mine or surface ym opinion of these installations dna .tnempiuqe sA a registered installations such sa ventilation, hoisting, dewatering, professional electrical engineer with ten years of experience in noitacinummoc smetsys (hoist signals) dna circuit stnenopmoc no( the mining field, I propose that this proposal eb .detpecca ro of.f-site) no the surface. LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. 2-09 - ehT original exemption saw "mining." ehT egnahc to LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC I-8. dnuorgrednu" in mines" seod little for esae of interpretation nehw ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. consideration must eb given to unique mobile ,tnempiuqe hoisting, ventilation, haulage dna dewatering .smelborp 2. ehT edoC is necessarily fully integrated within its chapters dna articles dna gnivomer a relative wef portions dna gnitpmexe goL # 9821 ynam others secudorp detrimental .secneuqesnoc 1- 72 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further Study 3. ehT federal regulatory body )AHSM( covering mining DNA LLA :RETTIMBUS samohT .E ,nagorG Consolidation ecnanetniaM/laoC enim operations faces smelborp similar to those AHSO faced nehw gnlreenlgn"!l attempting to enforce a edoC that seod not YLTCERID relate to TNEMMOC NO LASOPORP NO.: 9-1 eeyolpme safety dna that is ever .gnignahc :NOITADNEMMOCER That lenaP I reconsider its rejection of ehT ,egnahc along with Section 90-2(b)(6) dna Section lasoporP 9-1 dna instead accept this proposal sa stated. 90-2(b)(7), dednemmocer only clarifies the snoitpmexe os that :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT coal industry is presently confronted with interpretation would, without doubt, TON tpmexe certain buildings conflicting regulations neewteb State dna Federal Agencies. ehT associated with mining that should eb covered. addition of a third set of guidelines will only further complicate LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. matters. A panel of electrical experts working sa na dA coH LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC i-8. eettimmocbuS for the CEN for a period of 01 shtnom arrived at the ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. emas conclusion. I od not believe lenaP 1 sah the expertise no mining related matters to ekam this decision. LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC I-8. goL # 2090 ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. 1- 32 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further Study :RETTIMBUS Kent Billhartz, amgaM reppoC naS-ynapmoC leunaM TNEMMOC NO LASOPORP NO.: 9-1 goL # 1721 :NOITADNEMMOCER eW support the dA coH s'eettimmoC proposal. 1- 82 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further Study :NOITAITNATSBUS Mining operations dna their associated ,sessecorp :RETTIMBUS Frank .W Peak, Evansville, NI regardless of location, place unique requirements dna sdnamed no NO-TR'~RL LASOPORP NO.:' 9-1 na electrical system. ehT CEN seod not adequately sserdda the :NOITADNEMMOCER Revise this section to read: emaS sa dA coH sseneuqinu of these installations. eettimmoC no Mining Related subjects - goL 409# .)RCT-CEN( eW support the proposal dna disagree with the Panel's :NOITAITNATSBUS emaS sa dA coH .eettimmoC rejections. eW feel the expertise to ekam decisions no enim LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. related electrical smetsys lies only in those technically oriented LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmpC 1-8. people within dna associated with the mining industry. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. goL # 6201 1- 92 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further Study :RETTIMBUS Russel .C .W ,morC morC Engineering/IMC. goL # 1190 N~-~T'EIQ~(T~ LASOPORP NO.: 9-1 I- 42 - (90-2(b)(2)): Hold for Further Study :NOITADNEMMOCER ehT dA coH eettimmoC no Mining Related Subjects :RETTIMBUS J.A. Barstad, regoR-snraetS Engineering Corporation sah submitted proposal listed evoba related to application of the TNEMMOC NO LASOPORP NO.: 9-1 CEN in surface dna dnuorgrednu senim dna related surface :NOITADNEMMOCER I wish to submit ym objection to the future installations. Please support this proposal in the RCT for the noisnapxe of the CEN in mining-related activities; dna to voice ym 3891 Annual Meeting. support of the dA coH s'eettimmoC desoporp revision to Section :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT rejection of the work of experts no the dA 90-2(b)(2). coH eettimmoC no mining related subjects by edoC lenaP I is :NOITAITNATSBUS sA eno ohw sah neeb involved in the design dna .gnikcohs If work of the eettimmoc is to eb rejcted, it would eb installation of electrical smetsys for dnuorgrednu dna evoba better to retreat to the present wording in the 1891 edoC than it dnuorg mining operations for the past thirty-two (32) years, I ma dluow eb to accept emos of alternative proposals which era being quite familiar with the special features dna electrical metsys considered. ehT 1981 edoC disclaims jurisdiction in dnuorgrednu stnemeriuqer that era not derevoc in the .edoC I believe AHSM mines. This wording should eb extended to tpmexe surface senim regulations satisfy Section 90-1(a)'of the edoC dna support a dna related surface installations from the .CEN esehT areas era separate ,tnemucod apart from the ,edoC sa the logical yaw to already covered yb AHSM esohw inspectors have authority to ekovne satisfy the mining industry requirements. the edoC nehw it is applicable. LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. .rM Smith further sekam na excellent point nehw eh indicates LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. that divorcing utility-type smetsys from the CEN would permit ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. concentration no those smetsys for which the CEN is best suited. .rM egroeG .H Gingher (see tnemmoC 1-35) points out that utility-type tnempiuqe is built to EEEI standards, dna not necessarily in ecnadrocca with the intent expressed in 90-6. goL # 5532 esehT observations reaffirm ym feeling that safety would eb better I- 03 - (90-2(b)): Hold for Further Study served if apples were inspected sa apples, dna not rep criteria :RETTIMBUS eeD L. Dibble, International Minerals & lacimehC depoleved for inspecting .segnaro Corpo~on .rM Gingher further indicates that in testimony delivered at TNEMMOC NO LASOPORP NO.: 1-9, 1-12, 1-15 AHSO hearings, a representative of the International Association :NOITADNEMMOCER nehW uoy write your Technical eettimmoC Report of Electrical Inspectors stated eW" esu both 1C-ISNA dna ISNA C-2, for the 3891 launnA Meeting, please support the doog work of the hcihw is the LANOITAN LACIRTCELE EDOC dna National Electrical experts ohw served no the dA coH .eettimmoC Safety edoC (for inspections)." erehW is the line nward at hcihw :NOITAITNATSBUS Detailed stnemmoc era dedrocer in the dA coH the inspector lays aside the CEN dna semussa inspection rep the s'eettimmoC Report dna will not eb repeated here. ehT references ?CSEN are: Proposals 1-9, 1-12, dna 1-15. In the Panel's discussion of this ,tnemmoc the questions erew kroW yb the dA coH eettimmoC no Mining Related Subjects sah neeb deksa yhW" the arbitrary values of 5 AVm dna over ?Vk51 yhW not brought to ruo attention. ehT LANOITAN LACIRTCELE EDOC serves emos other arbitrary values?" ,revewoH sa egroeG St, egnO points general industry dna laicremmoc installations very well dna CMI out (see tnemmoC 1-36), nehw rules od not recognize the will continue to support the edoC in the areas for which it is differences neewteb system types, arbitrary requirements era set. intended. However, emos snosrep continue to try to ekam the edoC oT table this proposal for further study invites indefinite into gnihtemos that it is not. ehT evom to extend the edoC to deferral of the resolution of this important issue. ehT cover mining is unfortunate. ehT sdeen of the industry era suggestion of 5 AVm for generating tnempiuqe dna over 51 Vk different that those of other industries. nA additional edoC is (nominal) for distribution smetsys is, admittedly, arbitrary. It not dedeen esuaceb the mining industry is already regulated yb the is not, however, unreasonable, dna seod provide a starting point. various States dna .AHSM It would, in yna event, define the owt types of smetsys In better LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. fashion than the arbitrary criterion oPf IHSRENWO that is won LENAP :F~NEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. applied. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. ehT noitpmexe won granted to utilities is far broader than that requested yb the submitter of this proposal, in that the utility noitpmexe includes LLA NOITARENEG TROPPUS TNEMPIUQE in generating stations -- motors, auxiliary transformers dna other distribution 1- 13 - (go-2(b)(5)): Hold for Further Study ,tnempiuqe etc. The'exemption also extends to residential :RETTIMBUS .E Palko, rebmeM of PMC i distribution smetsys of .v042/021 TNEMMOC NO LASOPORP NO.: 1-10 ehT submitter of the proposal, no the other hand, sah indicated :NOITADNEMMOCER This proposal should eb detpoda in principle yb that eh would consider the proposal to eb detpecca in principle if defining those types of smetsys that era .tpmexe only generating tnempiuqe of 5 AVm dna larger, dna rewop :NOITAITNATSBUS Utility-type smetsys should eb covered yb the distribution smetsys operating above Vk51 (nominal) were tpmexe National Electrical Safety edoC ISNA( C2)--and not the from the .CEN rehtehw--CEN they era denwo yb a public utility ynapmoc or not. gnitpmexE utility-owned "utility-type" smetsys from the CEN is justified yb the fact that such smetsys era "different." Different is different--and this fact seod not egnahc sa a goL # 2801 function of .pihsrenwo 1- 23 - (90-2(b)(5)): Hold for Further Study stnemugrA have neeb presented to the effect that adoption of :RETTIMBUS .H .K Glenn, Pacific tsaoC Electrical Association this proposal would nepo the door to everyone claiming the NO-FTI'~IBI~Tt LASOPORP NO.: 1-10 noitpmexe (even 120/240 volt utility distribution smetsys era :NOITADNEMMOCER eW concur with the Panel noitadnemmoceR that a tpmexe from the .)CEN These objections nac eb disposed of yb joint eettimmoc with ANSI, 2-C eb appointed to investigate dna prescribing muminim conditions that tsum eb tem to qualify for the settle the jurisdictional .melborp .noitpmexe :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT overlap melborp neewteb the CEN dna CSEN is This proposal should eb detpoda in principle yb defining those noI 9 standing dna should eb settled. types of smetsys that era .tpmexe I suggest sa possibilities for LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. the Panel to consider rewop distrubition smetsys operating at erom LENAP :TNEMI~OC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-31. than 51 Vk (nominal), dna generating installations of 5 avm ETOV NO CENAP :NOITCA capacity or larger. :EVITAMRIFFA 6 hcuS limits would keep typical industrial dna laicremmoc :EVITAGEN Moser, Palko. distribution dna--smetsys standby dna ycnegreme rewop NOITANALPXE FO :ETOV generators--within the ,CEN while exempting utility-type :RESOM Submitter's assertion that the overlap neewteb the distribution smetsys dna large, base-loaded generators that era National Electrical Safety edoC ISNA( )2C dna the CEN is of long operated in the emas rennam sa utility ynapmoc generating standing, is certainly true sa the historical record indicates. .tnempiuqe Adoption yb the CEN of na arbitrary definition of utility-type LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. smetsys which era tpmexe will eb a significant step toward the LENAP :TNEMMOC PMC I fecognizes the differences dna smelborp resolution of the differences neewteb the CEN dna ISNA .2C desserpxe in all of the stnemmoc dna will hold all of meht for :OKLAP I agree with the submitter that the overlap melborp further study esuaceb they cannot eb resolved in the time neewteb CEN dna the CSEN is long standin~ dna should eb settled. available dna sdnemmocer that a joint eettimmoc eb established I od not agree, however, that this dne will eb furthered yb with the National Electrical Safety edoC eettimmoC to resolve the tabling the proposal for further study. I rather feel that differences neewteb the sepocs of the CEN dna CSEN dna to appoint resolution will eb expedited if reasonable albeit arbitrary -- na CEN dA coH eettimmoC to ekam snoitadnemmocer to resolve yna limits delineating the owt types of smetsys era detpoda at this other smelborp that might remain ro eb dedeen sa a result of the time. snoitadnemmocer of the Joint .eettimmoc ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA :EVITAMRIFFA 6 :EVITAGEN Moser, Palko. goL # 2651 NOITANALPXE FO :ETOV 1- 33 - (90-2(b)(5)): Hold for Further Study :RLSUM I agree with Palko's .tnemmoc Proposal 1-10 should evah :RETTIMBUS Wilbur .R Smith, Exxon ,ynapmoC ,ASU nwotyaB Refinery neeb adopted in principle yb arbitrarily defining those smetsys NO-FTIERMJ~I LASOPORP NO.: 1-10 hcihw era exempt. ehT only difference neewteb a "utility "metsys :NOITADNEMI~OCER This proposal should eb adopted in principle sa dna a "utility type "metsys is eno of ownership. ehT tnempiuqe dednemmocer in .rM Palko's negative vote. ehT Panel dna the desu in both smetsys is of the emas type dna the emas rules should Correlating eettimmoC should determine dna then initiate the apply to each. Palko's suggestion to exclude only distribution yrassecen steps for the study of the 2C-ISNA APFN/ISNA 07 smetsys operating at erom than Vk51 (nominal) dna generating relationship. Certain smetsys should eb excluded from the epocS stations of 5 avm capacity ro larger from the CEN is a elbanosaer of the LANOITAN LACIRTCELE .EDOC .rM Palko's suggestion of evoba solution to the melborp dna would also eb a step forward in 51 Vk dna generation 5 AVM dna larger provides a starting point. resolving the conflict neewteb the epocs of the CEN dna that of :NOITAITNATSBUS APFN/ISNA 07 requirements in ynam sesac od not the LANOITAN LACIRTCELE YTEFAS EDOC ISNA( C2). adequately cover industrial generating, transmission, dna :OKLAP I reaffirm yb reference ym tnemmoc sa it deraeppa in the distribution smetsys which have capacity, voltage level, dna reprint, dna dda eh following... complexity characteristics similar to public utility .smetsys Wilbur .R Smith (see tnemmoC 1-33) indicates that the nwotyaB 2C-ISNA epocS recognizes that electric.supply dna associated Refinery of noxxE generates 551 AVm dna transmits dna distributes tnempiuqe under control of qualified persons in emos industrial 043 AVm of rewop at voltages of pu to 831 Vk over a 5,000 acre sexelpmoc era similar to public utility smets~s dna that 2C-ISNA area. This utility type operation sdeecxe those of ynam rules cover such .smetsys municipally dna cooperatively-owned utility seinapmoc that operate rednu ISNA ,2C dna which era tpmexe from the .CEN seluR should recognize the difference neewteb metsys types. I ma also not sure which emac first . . . the chicken or the nehW they fail to od ,os arbitrary requirements era set which od ?gge ereW utilities detpmexe from inspection rep CEN only after not recognize detpecca practice hcihw is etauqeda dna safe dna in utility snoissimmoc were all conducting widespread, hguoroht so~ sesac necessary for operation of particular metsys designs. inspection of utility ynapmoc facilities? rO dah the utility nA elpmaxe is the desoporp Article 705, "Interconnected Electric noitpmexe neeb long standing despite the fact that there saw on rewoP Production Sources" (Proposal 15-84). sA stated in stnemmoc inspection authority having Jurisdiction? no that proposal, the desoporp requirements no connection point, I also od not agree with the submitter's assertion that yb their metsys grounding, dna automatic nwodtuhs od ton recognize public erusopxe utilities (alone) have control dna standards for acceptable ,dna in emos cases, necessary practice desu in safety placed nopu meht by utility ,snoissimmoc industrial industrial .smetsys accident boards dna other denrecnoc for safety yb those serving It is very difficult to write etauqeda requirements which era the public. suitable for the 05 ro even 005 Wk metsys dna for the 05 or 001 WM htiW the exception of regulation yb utility ,snoissimmoc metsys hcihw yam eb part desahcrup rewop dna part in-plant industrials era subject to all of the controls dna standards for generation. Recognition of limits for CEN coverage would permit safety yb those serving the public. Conversey, utilities era not concentration no the smetsys for which the CEN is best suited. subject to inspection yb local tnemecrofne agencles---as era oT illustrate the complexity of ruo individual rewop metsys dna industrials. dnA I reiterate that I ma not convinced that there the difficulty in attempting to extend a ,edoC which saw depoleved is that hcum NOITCEPSNI FO YTILITU SEITILICAF being demrofrep yb primarily to cover user installations at 006 volts or less, 'the the utility noissimmoc "policeman." following simplified description is submitted: I also od not agree that by their public erusopxe utilities era ehT nwotyaB Refinery petro-chemical xelpmoc rewop metsys erom denrecnoc dna erawa of their public egami dna safety (than distributes 043 AVM of rewop over a 5,000 acre area of which 551 era others). I rather feel that noxxE (which supports this AVM is generated in-plant yb 11 generators (seven sag turbine proposal; ees stnemmoC 1-33 dna 1-36) sah sa hcum public erusopxe driven dna four maets turbine driven) at owt locations. enO -- dna sa hcum of a public egami melborp sa does, for ,elpmaxe the derdnuh eighty-five AFM is desahcrup at 831 .Vk rewoP is denwo-yllapicinum rewop ynapmoc of aL Junta, .OC transmitted at 831 ,Vk 96 ,Vk dna 13.8 Vk dna distributed at 4.8 I further od not agree with the submitter's assertion that AHSO ,Vk 4.2 ,Vk 084 volts dna 042 volts through na interconnected saw necessary for the safety of the public dna seeyolpme in the metsys consisting of eno 831 Vk to 96 Vk desahcrup rewop public sector esuaceb restraints dna skcehc era not applied to substation, four 96 Vk to 13.8 Vk subtransmission substations, industrial complexes. Industrial co~lexes were subject to thrity-eight 13.8 Vk to 4.8 ro 4.2 Vk distribution substations, inspection rep CEN long before the advent of .AHSO dna 052 4.2 Vk or 4.8 Vk to 480/240 load centers. If restraints dna skcehc were not being applied, the emalb tsum esehT smetsys have neeb designed, built, dna era operated in lie with the authorities responsible for enforcing the CEN in ecnadrocca with recognized, safe, detpecca practices under the industrial complexes. This situation would not eb devorpmi yb control of qualified persons, but which will conflict with continuing to charge these emas tnemecrofne officials with provisions of the CEN if na attempt is edam to apply edoc inspecting 2C-ISNA type installations rep .CEN provisions to these .smetsys :elpmaxE metsyS distribution circuits era 0001 ,MCM 5 Vk no 13.8 Vk no munimula C/1 cables, hcae esahp in three-inch nonmetallic conduit. This conflicts with Section 300-5(i) if goL # 8971 Section 300-5(i) is applied to these high-capacity rewop 1- 53 - (90-2(b)(5)): Hold for Further Study distribution .smetsys :RETTIMBUS egroeG .C Gingher, Association of Iron dna Steel LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. sreenlg-6~E LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-31. TNE4IV~OC NO LASOPORP NO.: 1-10 ETOV ~ LENAP :NOITCA :NOITADNEMMOCER Insert after the 7th line dna before the 8th line :EVITAMRIFFA 6 of the text of Proposal 1-10: "designed to dna covered under the :EVITAGEN Moser, Palko. stnemeriuqer of 2C-ISNA .... " NOITANALPXE FO :ETOV :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT Panel tnemmoC in the RCT does not reflect the :RESOM emaS sa tnemmoC 1-31. Panel's discussion concerning Proposal 1-10; °no" suggestion saw :OKLAP emaS sa tnemmoC 1-31. evident that utility-type smetsys should eb covered yb the .CEN ehT reason for rejection given yb the lenaP is deficient in that TI SI ON ,NOSAER dna thus seod not teem APFN regulation 10-13. oN reason, hcum less a technical one, is presented to indicate "why" goL # 5651 hcus smetsys should eb covered yb the .CEN hcumsanI sa the 1- 43 - (90-2(b)(5)): Hold for Further Study resoporp requests that such smetsys eb tpmexe from the ,CEN the :REF-IIMBUS Artie .O Barker, State of Idaho, Electrical uaeruB lenaP tnemmoC is a nonsequitur dna stnuoma to arbitrary rejection. ~ N LASOPORP NO.: 1-10 Utility-type electrical supply ,smetsys whether under industry :NOITADNEMMOCER Panel should continue to reject this proposal. ro public-utility pihsrenwo era "not" the technical equivalent of :NOITAITNATSBUS In .rM Palko's statement eh is putting the term derevoc-CEN utilization systems. Generation levels era in "different" out of its proper context. ehT difference is not in ttawagem ranges, transmission voltages in the dim to upper VK the wiring type or dohtem but in the control dna skcehc for safety levels, dna tnempiuqe is built dna tested to EEEI standards, not in the installation. With very wef exceptions, utilities yb their CEN requirements. ehT International Association of Electrical public stature have control dna standards for safety placed nopu Inspectors testified that they era indeed mutually exclusive meht yb utilities ,snoissimmoc industrial accident boards dna yb during the AHSO Public hearings no revisions to 0191RFCg2 trapbuS others denrecnoc for public safety by those serving the public. S in May, 1980, to wit: eW" esu both 1C-ISNA dna ,2C-ISNA hcihw yB their public exposure they of sevlesmeht era erom denrecnoc dna is the LANOITAN LACIRTCELE EDOC dna National Electrical Safety erawa of their public egami dna safety to the public that they era edoC (for inspections). a" Further, the Panel sah failed to permitted to retain their utility status. Such restraints dna egdelwonkca that AHSO itself sah also edam such determination, b skcehc era not applied to the private industrial sexelpmoc hcihw ehT tnemmoc of Panel rebmem Palko clearly indicates woh is well established yb the fact that Federal involvement in the differentiation nac eb edam neewteb utility-type smetsys dna those form of AHSO saw necessary for the safety of the public dna that should eb covered yb the .CEN ehT proposer would consider seeyolpme in the private sector. With the hazards ew retnuocne the Panel's ecnatpecca of his suggestion for distinguishing dna the segnahc required to have emos of these installations neewteb the owt types of smetsys to eb ecnatpecca of the lasoporP provide safety to the public dna ,seeyolpme these smetsys should in Principle. not eb tpmexe from the .CEN ehT fear that industry is attempting to tpmexe itself from LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. regulation is unfounded; such could only eb true if there erew on LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-31. engineering standards for safety; but sa nwohs above, that is not ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA true. Jurisdictions have always dah the right to adopt revetahw :EVITAMRIFFA 6 sedoc dna standards era appropriate, the CEN or whatever, dna :EVITAGEN Moser, Palko. neither this Proposal ron the Panel's Action nac egnahc that. ehT NOITANALPXE FO :ETOV lenaP could Accept the lasoporP in Principle dna develop the exact :RESOM I cannot agree with submitter's assertions that egaugnal for broad acceptability dna not reject the Proposal sa utilities have erom safety controls dna skcehc placed no them, dna rep their previous actions. that they era erom denrecnoc about their public egami dna safety atestimony of Arel .R Sessions, Transcript .pp 423-431, AHSO than era industrials. I also cannot agree with submitter's tekcoD .oN $108-1. gninosaer regarding .AHSO AHSO is there. Citing AHSO-erp Uletter, April 2, 1981, enrohT .G Auchter to nhoJ .H ,kramnetS conditions sa a justification for present decisions is not logical. attached. :OKLAP I od not agree with the submitter's statement that there (Note: Contact rotnemmoc for copy of attachment.) is on difference in wiring type or sdohtem neewteb the owt LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. .smetsys If this erew the case, what justification nac eb edam LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-31. for the present exclusion of utilities rep Section 90-2(b)(5). ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA Exclusion yb privilege of ?pihsrenwo :EVITAMRIFFA 6 I ma not sure that there is all that hcum ,NOITCEPSNI rep ,es of :EVITAGEN Moser, Palko. utility facilities being performed yb utility .snoissimmoc NOITANALPXE FO :ETOV ,deednI in six years spent in na engineering capacity in a utility :RESOM emaS sa tnemmoC 1-31. generating plant, I experienced TON ENO facilities inspection yb :OKLAP emaS sa tnemmoC 1-31. the utility .noissimmoc B goL # 065 goL # 6291 1- 63 - (90-2(b)(5)): Hold for Further Study 1- 83 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further Study :RETTIMBUS .G .H St. ,egnO Exxon hcraeseR & Engineering .oC :RETTIMBUS semaJ .M Daly, ehT Okonite .oC N)~-F~N~L@~-)~ LASOPORP NO.: 1-10 ~ O N LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 :NOITADNEMMOCER This proposal should eb adopted in principle sa :NOITADNEMMOCER I~S proposal should eb .detpecca dednemmocer in .rM Palko's negative vote (See Explanation of :NOITAITNATSBUS I served no the dA coH Subcon~ittee no Mining Vote). ehT Panel dna the Correlating eettimmoC should enimreted Related Subjects dna strongly urge that this proposal eb .detpecca dna then initiate the necessary steps for the study of the 2C-ISNA ehT electrical installations s~ecifically desu for the surface APFN/ISNA 07 relationship. Certain smetsys should eb excluded mining operation era unique dna era not derevoc in the .CEN from the epocs of the LANOITAN LACIRTCELE .EDOC .rM Palko's Certainly the ,CEN in its present form, does not cover electrical suggestion of above Vk51 dna generation 5 AVM dna larger provides installations inside a strip mining shovel, portable substations, a starting point. or even the portable trailing rewop cable. :NOITAITNATSBUS APFN/ISNA 07 requirements in ynam cases od not roF example, on provision exists in the CEN for a portable rewop adequately cover industrial generating, transmission, dna cable operarting at 5, ,51 ,52 or 35kV. ehT only portable cables distribution smetsys which have capacity, voltage level, dna era covered in Article 004 dna provides only for 600-Volt cables complexity characteristics similar to public utility .smetsys pu to 2# .GWA ehT insulation thicknesses dna the physical 2C-ISNA epocs recognizes that electric supply dna associated requirements, which era defined by AECI dna accepted-by AHSM era tnempiuqe under control of qualified persons in emos industrial hcum heavier than would eb permitted for epyT VM cables sa defined sexelpmoc era similar to public utility smetsys dna that 2C-ISNA in Article 623 dna Table 310-34. ' rules cover such .smetsys If uoy reject this proposal uoy era saying that the CEN is seluR should recognize the difference neewteb metsys types. applicable even though it does not cover the requirements ron seod nehW they fail to od ,os arbitrary requirements era set which od it teem AHSM requirements. uoY era telling the surface mining ton recognize accepted practice hcihw is etauqeda dna safe dna in industry to follow the CEN dna then they must ignore the CEN emos cases necessary for operation of particular system designs. esuaceb it seod not cover the installation requirements or neve nA elpmaxe is the desoporp Article 705, "Interconnected Electric define the muminim standards required yb .AHSM rewoP Production Sources" (Proposal 15-84). sA stated in stnemmoc LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. no that proposal, the desoporp requirement no connection point, LENAP :TNEI~IOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. metsys grounding, dna automatic nwodtuhs od not recognize ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. acceptable ,dna in emos cases, necessary practice used in industrial .smetsys It is very difficult to write etauqeda requirements which era suitable for the 05 or even 005 Wk metsys dna for the 05 or 001 WM goL # 2811 metsys which yam eb part desahcrup rewop dna part in-plant I- 93 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further Study generation. Recognition of limits for CEN coverage would permit :RETTIMBUS Terry L. Fletcher, eeGcM-rreK Nuclear Corporation concentration no the smetsys for which the CEN is best suited. NI-F'~-EM~L LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. :NOITADNEMMOCER ehT CEN dA coH eettimmoC noitadnemmoceR 9-1 LENAP :TNE4CVOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-31. should eb adopted in total dna the lenaP i rejection deleted. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA :NOITAITNATSBUS yM stnemmoc no Proposal 1-12 would eb very :EVITAMRIFFA 6 similar to those for Proposal I-9. I feel the dA coH s'eettimmoC :EVITAGEN Moser, Palko. noitadnemmocer should eb accepted. Surface mining requres unique NOITANALPXE FO :ETOV se~q)t of equipment. Access dna ecnanetniam is highly controlled. :RESOM emaS sa tnemmoC 1-31. tnemecrofnE dna inspection is already in place through .AHSM :OKLAP emaS sa tnemmoC 1-31. ehT public good dna worker safety could best eb served yb s'APFN support of EEEI Standard 597 already in progress. LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. LLNAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. goL # 675 ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. 1- 73 - (90-2(b)(5)): Hold for Further Study :RETTIMBUS .F .D Cochran, sasnaK City rewoP & Light .oC LASOPORP NO.: 1-10 :NOITADNEMMOCER PMC i saw correct in rejecting Proposal 1-10 dna goL # 0921 other similar proposals. i- 04 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further Study :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT CEN semoceb a edoC dna is legally enforceable :RETTIMBUS samohT .E ,nagorG Consolidation ecnanetniaM/laoC nehw proper lyadopted yb Municipalities, Counties, or other E'h~neerlng latnemnrevog bodies. ehT CSEN is normally enforced only yb TNEMMOC NO LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 Federal dna State utility .snoissimmoc These snoissimmoc evah :NUIIADNIIm~UCER lhat lenaP I reconsider its rejection of lasoporP control over privately-owned utilities, but not over steel 1-12 dna instead accept this proposal sa stated. ,seinapmoc mining ,seinapmoc etc. nA exemption from the CEN :NOITAITNATSBUS emaS sa tnemmoC 1-27. regulations, then, would leave hcus seinapmoc in a position of LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. being under ON .edoC LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-31. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA :EVITAMRIFFA 6 :EVITAGEN Moser, Palko. goL # 6212 NOITANALPXE FO :ETOV 1- 14 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further Study :RESOM ynA edoC semoceb legally enforceable nehw adopted yb a :RETTIMBUS J. .D Hunt, Essex-P.C. Division latnemnrevog body, dna the National Electrical Safety edoC ISNA( N~I-'~'E~IOT~ LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 )2C nac eb adopted just sa the CEN is adopted. :NOITADNEMMOCER That delegates to the APFN support Proposal 1-12. :OKLAP Submitter states "The CEN semoceb a edoC dna is legally :NOITAITNATSBUS emaS sa tnemmoC 1-10. enforceable nehw properly adopted yb Municipalities, Counties, or LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. other latnemnrevog bodies. ehT CSEN is YLLAMRON sisahpme( )dedda LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC I-8. enforced only yb Federal dna State utility ".snoissimmoc ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. Submitter further states nA" exemption from the CEN regulations, then would leave such (industrial) seinapmoc in a position of being under ON ".EDOC This statement is in error. All industries era subject to regulations desopmi dna enforced yb the U.S. goL # 4432 tnemtrapeD of robaL - ,AHSO ,ASHM etc. 1- 24 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further Study In testimony delivered at AHSO hearings, a representative of the :RETTIMBUS .H naeD Jacot/Richard .A Adsero, ehT Falkirk Mining International Association of Electrical Inspectors stated eW" esu ynap~-~C- both 1C-ISNA dna ,2C-ISNA hcihw is the LANOITAN LACIRTCELE EDOC TNEM~OC NO LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 dna the National Electrical Safety edoC (for inspections);" refer :NOITADNEMMOCER ehT dA coH eettimmoC no Mining Related Subjects' to tnemmoC 1-35. noitadnemmocer to revise Section 90-2(b)(6) should eb .detpecca erehT is also on reason yhw municipal, county, dna state :NOITAITNATSBUS Responsibility for the health dna safety of stnemnrevog cannot adopt the CSEN in the emas rennam sa they won srenim is delegated yb wal to the Mine Safety dna Health adopt the .CEN detsegguS wording might :eb Administration )AHSM( of the tnemtrapeD of Labor. AHSM recognizes All electrical installations other than utility-type smetsys the unique requirements of enim electrical smetsys dna sah shall conform to the .CEN Utility-ty!~e smetsys sa( defined in the formulated regulations which etadommocca these requirements. ehT )CEN shall conform to the .CSEN LANOITAN LACIRTCELE EDOC is incorporated yb reference into AHSM This simple solution to the proclaimed problem of tnemcrofne regulations, edoC of Federal Regulations, Title 30,77.516 Electric ,dluoW of course, eb tnedneped no defining in the CEN tahw Wiring dna ;tnempiuqE Installation dna .ecnanetniaM "In addition constitutes a utility-type system in emos rennam sa detseggus in to the requirements of 77.503 dna 77.506, all wiring dna tnemmoC 1-31. electrical tnempiuqe installed after June ,03 1971, shall teem the requirements of the LANOITAN LACIRTCELE EDOC in effect at the time of installation." ehT edoC in its present form cannot eb directly applied to all sesahp of surface mining. It should, therefore, eb left to the authority with jurisdiction, ,AHSM to continue to esu the edoC sa it applies dna only erehw it applies. 7 LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further .ydutS goL # 2721 LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. I- 74 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further ydutS ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. :RETTIMBUS Frank .W Peak, Evansville, NI ~ N LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 :NOITADNEMMOCER ddA this wen section to read: emaS sa dA coH eettimmecbuS no Mining Related Subject, goL 309# .)RCT-CEN( goL # 7012 :NOITAITNATSBUS emaS sa dA coH .eettimmoC I- 34 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further ydutS LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further .ydutS :RETTIMBUS .H naeD Jacot/Charles .C Landis, ehT uaetoC Properties LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. ynapm-6-)l ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU AFfirmative. TNEMMOC N OLASOPORP NO.: 1-12 :NOITADNEMMOCER ehT dA coH eettimmoC no Mining Related Subjects' noitadnemmocer to revise Section 90-2(b)(6) should eb .detpecca :NOITAITNATSBUS Mine Safety dna Health Administration )AHSM( of goL # 3141 the tnemtrapeD of robaL sah specific regulatory dna inspection I- 84 - (go-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further ydutS responsibilities detadnam yb eht United States congress. ehT :RETTIMBUS David J. Vaglia, Eastern Associated Coal .proC support facilities, sa well sa the research dna testing expertise, LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 sah long oga neeb established dna functional under the uaeruB £o :NOITADNEMMOCER ddA Section go-2(b)(6) sa follows: seniM dna .AHSM (6) tnempiuqE dna installations of surface mines, strip ,senim It is eht belief of ehT uaetoC Properties ynapmoC that the or nepo pit mines, that era desu only in conjunction with the expertise is ton available to the CEN to ylbaegdelwonk write operation of those mines, dna era supervised, operated, dna regulations ron enforce hcus regulations. ehT electrics of gninim deniatniam only yb qualified personnel. operations era specific dna unique to those mines. ynaM specific :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT present LANOITAN LACIRTCELE EDOC )CEN( regulations already exist that far deecxe yna CEN sections. applies to surface mining operations. ,revewoH these senim evah ynA further additions to the CEN to cover mining operations euqinu electrical tnempiuqe sdnamed that era not covered yb the dluow eb tnadnuder dna .yrassecennu Considering the regulations .CEN ehT Mining tnemecrofnE dna Health Administration ,)AHSM( a won in force nopu mining industry dna lack of expertise of the laredeF ,ycnega along with various state seicnega evah existing ,CEN yna further action dluow eb sselgninaem dna impossible to electrical regulations pertaining to surface mining dna era enforce. responsible for their enforcement. esehT federal dna state ehT LANOITAN LACIRTCELE EDOC is incorporated yb reference into regulations already satisfy the esoprup of the CEN which is "the AHSM regulations, edoC of Federal Regulations, Title ,03 ,615.77 practical safeguarding of snosrep dna property from sdrazah Electrical Wiring dna ;tnempiuqE Installation dna .ecnanetniaM arising from the esu of electricity" CEN( gO-l(a)). Thus, to "In addition to the stnemeriuqer of 305.77 dna 77.506, all wiring eliminate yna conflicting regulations neewteb the tnemnrevog dna electrical tnempiuqe shall eb installed after enuJ ,03 ,1791 seicnega dna the ,CEN the CEN should eb degnahc to exclude all shall teem the requirements of the LANOITAN LACIRTCELE EDOC in installations dna tnempiuqe desu exclusively in surface gninim effect of that time of installation." ehT edoC in its present operations. form cannot eb directly applied to all sesahp of mining. It LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further .ydutS should, therefore, eb left to the authorities with Jurisdiction, LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC i-8. ,AHSM to continue the esu of the edoC sa it applies dna only erehw ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. it applies. LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further .ydutS LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC I-8. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. goL # 9880 1- 94 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further ydutS :RETTIMBUS William .K Stees, Consolidation Coal ynapmoC ~ N LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 goL # 8312 :NOITADNEM~iOCER APFN should support the dA cOH eettimmocbuS no i- 44 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further ydutS gniniM Related Subjects Proposal 1-12. :RETTIMBUS hpesoJ Kaszycki, Pittsburgh, AP :NOITAITNATSBUS emaS sa tnemmoC 1-26. TNEMMOC N OLASOPORP NO.: 1-12 LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. :NOITADNEMMOCER That the EEEI delegate to the APFN troppus LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. lasoporP 1-12. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. :NOITAITNATSBUS Forty years in yvaeh construction field-as ,smad locks, harbors, bridges, tunnels, enim tnempoleved dna gninim sdael em to yas that enim tnempoleved dna mining evah euqinu smelborp with stallation dna operation unlike those of other deman goL # 2190 structures, neve hguoht the electrical plant looks like yna other I- 05 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further ydutS plant NO- !REPAP ehT Electrical sreenignE in this field era highly :REF-1IMBUS J. .A Barstad, regoR-snraetS gnireenignE Corporation trained, tnetepmoc people, dna the dA coH ,eettimmocbuS for this NO-TIIEIRMO'~I LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 field, era highly dedrager experts, decneirepxe to stnemeriuqer of :NOITADNEMMOCER I wish to submit ym objection to the deunitnoc ,AHSM dna certainly evah a neek appreciation of intent of that egarevoc yb CEN of evoba dnuorg mining operations dna esoppo yna laredeF ydoB sa well sa CEN Section 90-1(a). A nommoc observation future noisnapxe of the CEN in mining-related activities. "I also sa to variance neewteb surface mining dna lamron eIectrical plant troppus the dA coH s'eettimmoC desoporp wen Section 90-2(b)(6). TNis ENAMREP" yam eb a period of spahrep 3 ,shtnom spahrep 81 :NOITAITNATSBUS sA eno ohw sah neeb involved in the design dna ".shtnom installation of electrical smetsys for surface, strip, or nepo pit I support eht proposal. gninim operations for the past thirty-two (32) years, I ma LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. familiar with the special features dna electrical metsys LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. stnemeriuqer that era not derevoc in the .edoC I believe AHSM ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. regulations satisfy Section 90-1(a) of the edoC dna strongly troppus a separate ,tnemucod apart from the ,edoC sa the logical yaw to satisfy eht mining industry requirements. LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further .ydutS goL # 2812 LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC i-8. 1- 54 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further ydutS ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. :RETTIMBUS Anthony .C Lordi, ydneB gnireenignE .oC TNEMMOC N OLASOPORP NO.: 1-12 :NUITADNEMMOCER emaS sa Proposal 1-9. :NOITAITNATSBUS emaS sa tnemmoC 1-12. goL # 4090 LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. 1- 15 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further ydutS LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. :RETTIMBUS Kent Billhartz, amgaM reppoC naS-ynapmoC leunaM ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. TNEMMOC N OLASOPORP NO.: 1-12 :NOITADNEMMOCER emaS sa tnemmoC 1-23. :NOITAITNATSBUS emaS sa tnemmoC 1-23. goL # 0712 LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. I- 64 - (go-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further ydutS LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. :RETTIMBUS Charles .E ,yoCcM Erie, AP ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. N}~-TN~EF~F~O~I LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 :NOITADNEMMOCER emaS sa tnemmoC 1-13. :NOITAITNATSBUS emaS sa tnemmoC 1-13. LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further .ydutS LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC I-8. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. 8 goL # 4201 :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT CEN Correlating eettimmoC demrof the dA coH I- 25 - (O0-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further ydutS eettimmocbuS no Mining Related Subjects early in ,1891 dna hcum :RETTIMBUS Robert .L Jones, Climax munedbyloM ynapmoC )XAMA( effort saw successfully dednepxe to elbmessa a susnecnoc puorg of ~ O N LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 experts no enim electrical applications. ehT final eettimmocbus :NOIIADNLMMU~LK lllat lenaP 1 re-evaluate the dA coH s'eettimmoC dah 72 srebmem from users (mine operators), manufacturers, lasoporP 1-12 dna evorppa it. latnemnrevog regulatory agencies, unions, consultants, ,scimedaca :NOITAITNATSBUS emaS sa tnemmoC 1-21. utilities, dna laboratories. ehT dA coH eettimmocbuS dekrow LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. diligently for several shtnom deliberating no its ,stnemngissa eno LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. of which saw to prepare desoporp requirements for surface gninim ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. within the esoprup of the CEN (Section 90-1). ehT susnecnoc result of this effort saw Proposal 1-12, dna the CEN Correlating eettimmoC degduj that the dA coH eettimmocbuS deilpmoc with the APFN requirements in eht formation of this proposal. goL # 7301 ehT niam reasoning behind Proposal 1-12 is that gninim I- 35 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further ydutS operations regardless of their location, evoba or below ,dnuorq :RETTIMBUS Merritt .D Redick, Utah International Inc. evah special features dna .sdnamed owT dissimilarities mor~ other NO"F~IRFG)~LI LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 industrial applications era the location dna nature of most gninim :NOITADNEMMOCER :)NOITIDDA( loads. Mining tnempiuqe era mobile dna self-propelled. esehT tnempiuqE dna installations rednu the exclusive control of a senihcam dna tsom rewop ,tnempiuqe which distribute rewop to the gninim ynapmoc which era desu exclusively for the esoprup of ,yrenihcam era modles stationary. roF safety, eht electrical surface mining, strip mining, or nepo pit mining, dna erehw the rewop metsys tsum carry grounding from the tnempiuqe semarF back. conditions of ecnanetniam dna supervision assure that only to eht electrical source dna earth. ehT electrical loads createa qualified snosrep will operate dna service the tnempiuqe dna yb this yrenihcam era cyclic dna extremely dynamic. roF instance, installation. large surface excavators, that nac evah 00003 detcennoc rewopesroh :NOITAITNATSBUS It saw not the intent of eht CEN to cover the or more, nac create loading that varys from 002 percent motoring types of senihcam dna the conditions that prevail in nepo cut to 001 percent generating every 05 to 06 seconds. esehT mining. While it is deerga that ynam of the guidelines of CEN differences dna others create unique electrical smelborp ton will apply to all mining ,senihcam there era ynam sections that derevoc yb the .edoC In fact, very serious situations evah neeb will not apply dna ynam special conditions tsum eb written hcus( deretnuocne yb eht mining industry nehw trying to apply various sa proper gnidnuorg of a portable enihcam with a 7.2 VK deeF articles of the CEN to their .smetsys system).to fully cover the mining situation. Since nepo cut ehT existing edoC already excludes installations in ~nqoraredqu gninim is ton detpmexe from CEN at the present time, emos ,senim recognizing the differences in these morT other Inau~trlal authorities, hcus sa ,AHSM have deerced that CEN will apply. ehT aRplications. It seod ton exclude installations located surface result is a continuous expensive disruption to the industry ,senlm strip mines, or open-pit senim that era essential to the without increasing personnel safety. gninim operation. ,revewoH mine electrical systems, eb they for LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. na dnuorgrednu or a surface mine, follow similar If ton identical LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. goals, design, installation, dna .ecnanetniam It is elbanosaernu ETOV NO .lENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. to include eno enim electrical metsys dna exclude another Just esuaceb of the mine's geographical or geological location nehw the electric smetsys are os similar yb necessity. I strongly urge that eht APFN reconsider lenaP 1's action no goL # 9101 lasoporP 1-12 dna accept eht advise offered yb eht group of I- 45 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further ydutS experts that their CEN Correlating eettimmoC demrof no this :RETTIMBUS Elmer .R Shields, Mining Industry eettimmoC matter. ehT ecnatpecca of Proposal 1-12 will solve ynam ~ N LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 interpretation smelborp that the mining industry sah .deretnuocne :NOITADNEMMOCER ehT proposal dednemmocer yb eht dA Hoc, CEN It is ym opinion, sa well sa ynam others in the mining industry, ettimmocbuS of the APFN ettimmoC no Mining Facilities should eb that the original intent of the LANOITAN LACIRTCELE EDOC saw to .detpoda edulcxe all mining. ,revewoH surface senim were not in :NOITAITNATSBUS 1- dnuorgrednU mines, surface senim dna substantial existance at the time of original edoC formulation dna tcudorp-enim beneficiation plants esu considerably different thus were ton .dedulcxe tnempiuqe dna sdohtem nah~ that desu yb residential, laicremmoc or LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. other industry establishments. selpmaxE erehw interpretation of LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. the edoC semoceb difficult or impossible era listed .woleb ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. retpahC 3 - It is difficult to identify, within this chapter, sdohtem of wiring acceptable for a large portion of the smetsys of a mine, including those associated with mobile .tnempiuqe Section 98-034 - Electric locomotive dluow eb .detpmexe goL # 6471 Section 13-034 ° ,stpmexE in ynam instances, those in-mine ro 1- 65 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further ydutS surface installations hcus sa ventilation, hoisting, dewatering, :RETTIMBUS miT ,ragaW Boise, DI noitacinummoc smetsys (hoist signals) dna circuit stnenopmoc no( ~ N LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 or off-site) no the surface. :NOITADNEMMOCER I, miT ragaW support Proposal 1-9, to revise Section 2-09 - ehT original noitpmexe saw "mining". ehT egnahc Sectlon ~g-Z(b)(2). to dnuorgrednu" in mines" does little for ease of interpretation :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT existing ,edoC yb inference, applies to nehw consideration tsum eb given to unique mobile ,tnempiuqe surface mining operations. cimanyD loading, portability, rewop hoisting, ventilation, haulage dna dewatering .smelborp metsys mobility, dna the remote location of loads era emos of the 2 - ehT edoC is necessarily fully integrated within its chapters special features that'surface mining sah that differ from lareneg dna articles dna gnivomer a relative wef portions dna gnitpmexe industry. esehT era unique situations that the present edoC seod ynam others secudorp detrimental .secneuqesnoc not .sserdda oT bring the edoC in line with the mining industries 3 - ehT federal regulatory ydob )AHSM( covering mining DNA LLA sdeen dluow require revising the edoC line yb line dna gnidnapxe enim operations faces smelborp similar to those AHSO faced nehw the edoC to teem those needs. ehT eniM Safety dna Health attempting to enforce a edoC that seod not directly relate to Administration )AHSM( sah inspection dna regulatory eeyolpme safety dna that is ever .gnignahc responsibilities for all mining operations. Section 90-1(a) dluow T eh ,egnahc alon 9 with Sections go-2(b)(2) dna 90-2(b)(7), eb satisfied rednu AHSM regulations. dednemmocer only clarifies the snoitpmexe os that interpretation LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. would, without doubt, TON tpmexe certain buildings associated with LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. gninim that should eb covered. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. goL # 3822 1- 75 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further ydutS :RETTIMBUS Charles .R Crothers, Evansville, NI goL # 4522 TNE~C N~ LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 I- 55 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further ydutS :NOITADNEMMOCER emaS sa dA coH eettimmoC no Mining detaleR :RETTIMBUS Lloyd .A Morley, University Park, AP Subjects. LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 :NOITAITNATSBUS emaS sa dA coH eettimmoC no Mining detaleR :NOITADNEMMOCER ehT APFN should reverse the action yb lenaP 1 no Subjects. lasoporP 1-12 dna accept it sa dednemmocer yb the CEN Correlating LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further .ydutS eettimmoC dA coH eettimmocbuS no Mining Related Subjects. LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. goL # 686 :NOITAITNATSBUS Having neeb involved in electrical smetsys in the 1- 85 -'(90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further Study mining industry for emos years, it is apparent to em that :RETTIMBUS eoJ .G Ivy, Marion rewoP Shovel Division of resserD tnempiuqe dna installations for mining-related activities era ~ s , Inc. unlike yna deretnuocne elsewhere. Therefore, the National TNEMMOC NO LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 Electrical edoC cannot epoh to include all provisions for the very :NOITADNEMMOCER ddA wen Section 90-2(b)(6) to read: unique condition involved. ehT United States tnemnrevoG "(6) tnempiuqE dna installations under the exclusive control of discovered this early dna won the Mining Safety & Health a mining ynapmoc which era desu exclusively for the esoprup of Administration )AHSM( is responsible for the formulation of the surface mining, strip mining, ro nepo pit mining, dna erehw the edoC of Federal Regulation )RFC( Title 03 which includes parts ,55 conditions of ecnanetniam dna supervision assure that only 56, ,75 57 dna 77 for mining-related activities dna subparts qualified snosrep will operate dna service the tnempiuqe dna specifically for electrical tnempiuqe dna installations. AHSM is installation." also required to inspect this tnempiuqe dna installation dna .NPF" It is the intent that this edoC cover installations in enforce. Only applicable Articles of the National Electrical edoC buildings desu yb the mine for sesoprup other than the mining era incorporated into RFC 03 yb reference. In light of the ,evoba operation, such sa office buildings, ,esuoheraw garages, enihcam I urge reconsideration of the proposal dna its acceptance. This ,spohs dining facilities, visitor centers, dna recreational will result in safer electrical installations, responsibility dna buildings." tnemecrofne of regulations vested in "one" authority .)AHSM( :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT electrical design of excavators generally LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. follows the safety principles of the .CEN However, conditions no LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. draob a conducting, all metal, fabricated, mobile enihcam differ ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. materially from the typical stationary architectural structure envisioned yb .CEN gniylpmoC with LLA the edoC rules, under the conditions prevailing no board ruo ,enihcam raises their cost significantly with little tnemevorpmi in real safety. This goL # 6081 secuder cimonoce productivity dna raises the cost to society of 1- 36 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Reject the mineral being .denim :RETTIMBUS .R .T Borona, esuohgnitseW Electric .proC LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. N~(-~IN-E~i~'L LASOPORP NO.: 1-14 LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. :NOITADNEMMOCER Accept 9O-2(b)(6)-(New). :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. :NOITAITNATSBUS .rM Christofersen attempts to sserdda a real melborp utilities, contractors, dna inspectors era facing today. ehT realm of utility emoh load control bridges the pag neewteb strictly utility wiring dna emoh wiring for load control devices. goL # 6201 eeS stnen~lfoc under RCT-CEN 4-47. I- 95 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further Study LENAP :NOITCA Reject. :RETTIMBUS Russell .C .W ,morC morC Engineering. .CMI LENAP :TNEMMOC .rM Borona's stnemmoc od not sserdda Proposal 1-14 TNEMMOC NO LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 submitted yb .rM .anoroB :NOITADNEMMOCER emaS sa tnemmoC 1-29. PMC 4 sah rejected Proposal 4-47 which saw a proposal that :NOITAITNATSBUS emaS sa tnemmoC 1-29. intended to permit load tnemeganam conductors with overcurrent LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. protection in the emas yawecar with service-entrance conductors. LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC I-8. lasoporP 1-14 did not sserdda service-entrance conductor ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. syawecar sa the proposal saw directed toward sealed cabinets. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. goL # 5490 1- 06 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further Study goL # 6201 :RETTIMBUS Dennis .E Bibbee, Consolidation Coal .oC 1- 46 - (90-2(b)(7)-(New)): Hold roF Further Study TNEMMOC NO LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 :RETTIMBUS Russell .C .W ,morC morC Engineering/IMC. :NOITADNEMMOCER I dnemmocer that the APFN accept Proposal 1-12 as ~ N LASOPORP NO.: 1-15 wrltten. :NOITADNEMMOCER emaS sa tnemmoC 1-29. :NOITAITNATSBUS ehT LANOITAN LACIRTCELE EDOC seod not directly :NOITAITNATSBUS emaS sa tnemmoC 1-29. sserdda the electrical distribution tnempiuqe or the mining LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. tnempiuqe used in a strip mine. Therefore the edoC is applied to LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC I-8. installations dna practices at a strip enim yb applying articles ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. that really od ton cover these installations. :elpmaxE Article C-OO4 Portable selbaC Over 006 Volts: 13-004 Construction (c) gnidnuorG Conductors: This section states that the goL # 7432 gnidnuorg conductor will ton eb less than the size of the I- 56 - (90-2(b)(7)-(New)): Hold for Further Study rotcudnoc nwohs in Table 250-95. This would in~)ly that na 8 Vk :RETTIMBUS Charles .R Crothers, Evansville, NI CG-DHS GWA .oN 2 cable desu with na instantaneous trip of 0021 NS~-r~'ETM-O-'L LASOPORP NO.: 1-15 serepma would require a 3/0 copper wire or yb using Exception .oN :NOITADNEMMOCER emaS sa dA coH eettimmoC no Mining Related 2 would have to eb the emas size sa the circuit conductor. GWA Subjects. .oN 2. Federal waL Part 77.804 only requires that the conductor :NOITAITNATSBUS emaS sa the dA coH eettimmoC no Mining Related eb 2/1 the cross sectional area. Subject. LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC i-8. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. goL # 349 goL # 7291 1- 16 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further Study • I- 66 - (90-2(b)(7)-(New)): Hold for Further Study :RET-1IMBUS David ,nosnuM Consolidation Coal .oC nretsewdiM noigeR :RETTIMBUS semaJ .M Daly, ehT Okonite .oC LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 NO--r~I'ERIQII(T~ LASOPORP NO.: 1-15 :NOITADNEM~IOCER Exclude all installations of mining operations. :NOITADNEMMOCER This proposal should eb rejected. :NOITAITNATSBUS emaS sa tnemmoC 1-19. :NOITAITNATSBUS I served no the dA coH eettimmocbuS no Mining LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. detaleR Subjects dna concur with the Panel Action to reject this LENAP :TNEM~IOC emaS sa tnemmoC 1-8. proposal. While I dnemmocer ecnatpecca of Proposals 9-1 dna 1-12 ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. for dnuorgrednu dna surface ,senim I od not believe that this proposal should eb accepted. ehT electrical installation stnemeriuqer that exist in mining-related tipples, mills, concentrators, dna preparation plants era not significantly goL # 269 different morF than those that exist in a refinery, lacimehc 1- 26 - (90-2(b)(6)-(New)): Hold for Further Study plant, coal gasification plant, coal handling facility, etc. :RETTIMBUS Fred .R Leffler, Colorado School of seniM LENAP :NOITCA Hold for Further Study. TNEMMOC NO LASOPORP NO.: 1-12 LENAP :TNEMMOC emaS sa tnemmoC I-8. :NOITADNEM~IOCER I support the Proposal 1-12 which saw rejected yb ETOV NO LENAP :NOITCA ylsuominanU Affirmative. PMC i. I0

many mines above and below ground electrical installations are only portions of .. Wilbur R. Smith (see Comment 1-33) indicates that the Baytown.
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