1 ARTI: An Adaptive Radio Tomographic Imaging System Ossi Kaltiokallio, Riku Ja¨ntti Senior Member, IEEE and Neal Patwari Member, IEEE Abstract—Radio tomographic imaging systems use received multipath waves interact with the environment and the people signal strength measurements between static wireless sensors within it [2], [6], [7], [8], [4], [9]. to image the changes in the radio propagation environment There are two widely used approaches to model RSS and in the area of the sensors, which can be used to localize a to perform localization: fingerprinting [10], [11], [12], and person causing the change. To date, spatial models used for such systems are set a priori and do not change. Imaging and model-based approaches [13], [14], [15], [16]. Fingerprinting tracking performance suffers because of the mismatch between methods require a database of training data labelled with the model and the measurements. Collecting labelled training a person’s location, as the person moves to each possible data requires intensive effort, and the data degrades quickly location in the area. During runtime, the current set of RSS as the environment changes. This paper provides a means for measurements are compared to those in the database to esti- a radio tomographic imaging system to bootstrap to improve its spatial models using unlabelled data, iteratively improving mate the current location. Instead of location-labelled training itself over time. A collection of tracking filters are presented data,model-basedapproachesuseanapriorispatialstatistical to improve the accuracy of image and coordinate estimates. model for the changes in RSS with respect to the locations This paper presents an online method to use these estimates of the sensors and person. Localization is typically performed to instantaneously update spatial model parameters. Further, a via imaging [13], [14] or sequential Monte Carlo [16], [17] smoothing method is presented to fine-tune the model with a given finite latency. The development efforts are evaluated using methods. With sufficient labelled training data, fingerprinting simulationsandvalidatedwithreal-worldexperimentsconducted methods are able to achieve high accuracy, although perfor- in three different environments. With respect to another state- mance degrades exponentially as the environment is altered of-the-artradiotomographicimagingsystem,theresultssuggest [12]. Model-based approaches can be deployed quickly, but thatthepresentedsystemincreasesthemediantrackingaccuracy the mismatch between the a priori model and the actual RSS bytwofoldinthemostchallengingenvironmentandbythreefold when the model parameters are trained using the smoothing changesobservedasafunctionoflocationresultsindegraded method. performance. The paper focuses on model-based approaches and we refer to them as RF tomography systems. In this paper, we present Adaptive Radio Tomographic I. INTRODUCTION Imaging (ARTI), a model-based approach which bootstraps In received signal strength (RSS)-based device-free local- to improve its model over time. There is a chicken-and- ization (DFL) systems, a wireless network is deployed in an egg problem in adapting link RSS models: location estimates area to be monitored. Each device in the network broadcasts using generic a priori models are variable and inaccurate, packets and stores the RSS received from the other devices yet finding an accurate model for any particular link requires in the network. When people are located or move in the accuratelocationestimatesaslabelsforRSSdata.ARTIsolves environment, they modify the way radio signals propagate, this problem by applying a combination of 1) filtering for which is observed in the RSS measurements of the sensors in the RF tomographic imaging and tracking estimates, 2) RSS waysthatcanbeusedtolocateandmonitorthem[1].Since,in modeling, and 3) new online and batch-processing algorithms this type of system, the only source of information is the RSS toadjustmodelparameters.TheresultisthatARTIovercomes provided by the radio module of the nodes, the transceivers the need for location-labelled training data and is capable of are commonly referred to as sensors, and the network as a providing extremely accurate localization. radiofrequency(RF)sensornetwork[2].Asanexample,such ARTI operates as illustrated in Fig. 1. In short, the system systems have been exploited for residential monitoring [3], acquires RSS measurements ˜r from S sensors of the wireless ambientassistedliving[4],andmilitarypurposes[5].Accurate network and weights the measurements in the adaptive mea- localization is dependent on an accurate model for RSS surement unit. The weighted and mean-removed RSS mea- measurements. However, the way in which RSS is a function surements y are inputted to the RTI unit to form a discretized of the locations of people is highly variable, dependent on the propagation field image zi of the monitored area. Thereafter, environment, the frequency channel, and the way in which ziarefilteredandtheperson’spositionztisestimatedfromthe filteredimagesxi.AKalmanfilterisusedtotrackevolutionof Copyright (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. thetarget’sstatext whichisusedbytheonlineestimatorunit However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be torecursivelyestimatethereferenceRSSvalueµandexpected [email protected]. Ossi Kaltiokallio and Riku Ja¨ntti are with the Department of Communi- directionofRSSchangew.Thesmoothing/batch-trainingunit cations and Networking, Aalto University, School of Electrical Engineering, calculates smoothed estimates of xi and xt which are then Espoo,Finland(email:{name.surname}@aalto.fi). used by a batch-training algorithm to estimate parameters of Neal Patwari is with University of Utah, Department of Electrical and ComputerEngineering.email:[email protected] the system. 2 $&,$’, ( % % % SMOOTHING / BATCH-TRAINING ," ! ! $& Online % RF sensornetwork estimator # ," ! ! #"! Adaptive ! !" Image !" Estimate !" Target $!% measurement RTI KF position KF unit !"#$,%!"#$ #!"$%,&!"$% Fig. 1: System overview of ARTI TABLE I: Major notations amoredetailedspatialmodeltorelatetheRSSmeasurements toperson’skinematicstate,geometryandelectricalproperties. Parameter Description In this paper, we develop an image filter for RTI that is r˜l,c(k) RSSoflinklonchannelcattimek used to track evolution of the propagation field. In this way, µl,c andwl,c ReferenceRSSandweightofmeasurementsystem yk InputmeasurementvectortoRTIattimek informationhowthepersonalteredthepropagationfieldatthe zi andzt Imageandlocationmeasurement previoustimeinstantcanbeincludedtothetrackingalgorithm. k k xi andxt Estimateofimageandtargetstates Also, smoothing filters are presented so that the entire time k k φl,c andλl,c ParametersofRSSmodelforlinklandchannelc horizon can be taken into account when estimating unknown FandH Transitionandmeasurementmatrix states of the system. QandV Processandmeasurementnoise Imaging based approaches typically rely on a Kalman filter to track evolution of the target state, that is, coordinates and The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the velocity of the person [9], [18], [19], [20], [21]. In this paper, followingsection,therelatedworkisdiscussed.Thereafter,the a Kalman filter is also used to track the image state. This requiredbackgroundinformationisintroducedandmotivation improves the quality of noisy images, it enables to control the for the work is presented. In Section IV, the components of delayinimageestimatesandwellknownsmoothingfilterscan ARTI are presented. In Section V, the conducted experiments be used to enhance the images even further. Imaging systems are presented, experimental findings are discussed and the that use RSS variance [18], [21], kernel distance methods systemperformanceisevaluatedusingsimulations.InSection that use short- and long-term RSS histograms [19], [20], and VI,thedevelopmenteffortsarevalidatedusingdatafromthree channel diversity methods that average the RSS across the set different environments and thereafter, conclusions are drawn. of used channels [8], [9] all introduce a significant delay in In Table I, major notations of the paper are summarized. the images because the measurements are based on a window of RSS samples. Using RTI and the image filter, the system II. RELATEDWORK canbedesignedsothatthedelayintheimagesissmallerthan with the aforementioned methods. RF tomography systems commonly localize the person using an imaging approach referred to as radio tomographic The used spatial model relates RSS measurements to the imaging (RTI) [13], [14] or with a Bayesian inference ap- person’s location, geometry and electrical properties and it proachwhichistypicallysolvedusingsequentialMonteCarlo dictatestheperformanceofRFtomographysystems.RTIuses methods (SMC) [17], [7]. The benefit of RTI is that it is averysimplisticmodelthatonlyrequiresknowledgeaboutthe computationally efficient, it provides a global solution and size of the sensitivity region [13]. On the other hand, SMC the used spatial model only requires information regarding methods typically rely on more detailed empirical models the size of the elliptic region where the person influences the such as the exponential [17], magnitude [22] or exponential- RSS, which we call the sensitivity region. As a drawback, the Rayleigh [23] models. Theoretical models have also been temporal RSS changes are not accounted for in the tracking developed based on diffraction theory [15], [16] and single- algorithm and information can be lost in the two-step process bounce reflections [24]. If the model parameters are properly tofirstestimatetheimageandthenthelocation.Thebenefitof tunedandinline-of-sight(LoS)conditions,ithasbeenshown SMC is that the temporal evolution of the measurements are thatSMCmethodsoutperformRTI[17]andthemoredetailed directly related to the kinematic state of the person. However, the model is, the higher the tracking accuracy is [24], [23], SMCiscomputationallymoredemanding,itonlygivesalocal [16].However,manyoftheaforementionedmodelshavebeen solutionthatcanconvergetoawrongtrajectoryanditrequires derived and validated only in LoS conditions and exploiting 3 them in challenging environments is difficult. The reason The sensors communicate in TDMA fashion and the trans- being, as the person obstructs the imaginary line connecting missionsequenceisbasedonthesensors’built-inIDnumbers. the TX-RX pair, which we call the link line, the RSS can One TDMA cycle consists of S transmissions, one from each increaseorremainunchangedratherthandecrease[8],[4],[9]. sensor. After the cycle, the sensors switch synchronously to In addition, the sensitivity region is unique for different links the next frequency channel found in a list predefined by the [9]. These two empirical findings contradict with the models user and a new TDMA cycle is started. The TDMA cycles presented in literature because they commonly assume: i) a are sequential, and a transmission from each sensor on each decrease in RSS is observed when the link line is obstructed; channel forms a communication round consisting of S · C ii) the parameter that tunes size of the sensitivity region is transmissions. After the communication round, the sensors assumed constant. To overcome this limitation, we extend the switch to the first frequency channel on the list and a new exponential model in the context of RTI by estimating the communication round is started. magnitude and direction of RSS change online and use batch- training to fine-tune parameters of the model. This approach B. Radio Tomographic Imaging is shown to be extremely effective, enabling high accuracy The objective of RTI is to estimate changes in the prop- tracking in very difficult environments. agation field of the monitored area and to locate the person In order for RF sensor networks to function, they require causing the change. This objective is fulfilled by monitoring accesstocalibrationdata,i.e.,RSSmeasurementsthatarenot thechangesinRSSandformingadiscretizedpropagationfield altered by the presence of a person. Typically, measurements image using a projection matrix. aregatheredduringavacantperiodandmeanofthecalibration Themean-removedRSSmeasurementsforlinklonchannel data is used as the reference RSS value during operation1. c can be expressed as However, it is not always possible to collect such calibration data, and the reference value can also change over time rl,c(k)=r˜l,c(k)−µl,c(k). (1) [3], [4], [25], [19]. In related literature, an exponentially where r˜ (k) is the measured RSS and µ (k) the reference l,c l,c weighted moving average (EWMA) has been used to update RSS value. In the discretized RTI model, it is assumed that the reference value and to make the system adaptive [3], [7], r (k) is a linear combination of the changes in each voxel l,c [19]. The drawback of using EWMA is that if the person plus noise [14] remains stationary for a long time period, the EWMA will N slowlyconvergetothecurrentvalueandthepersonwillblend (cid:88) r (k)= [a ·b (k)]+η (k), (2) in to the noise of the estimated images making localization l,c l,n n,c l,c n=1 impossible [3], [19]. This issue has been addressed by only where b is the RSS change in voxel n on channel c, a updatingthereferenceRSSforlinksthatarefarawayfromthe n,c l,n the weight of voxel n for link l, N the number of voxels person [4] or by identifying the links that are not altered by and η (k) the measurement noise. The weighting how each theperson[7],[25].Weexpandtheworkin[4]bydeveloping l,c voxel n impacts the RSS change of each link l is described a logic that makes the decision about parameter update. If by a geometrical ellipse model the conditions are satisfied, the reference RSS is estimated online using EWMA and only links that are far away from al,n =d−l 1/2·e−∆l,n/λ, (3) the estimated position are updated. On the other hand, when the person is close to the link line, the magnitude of RSS where dl = (cid:107)ptlx −prlx(cid:107) is the link length and (cid:107)·(cid:107) denotes changeisestimatedusingEWMAandbasedonthevalue,the the Euclidean norm, ∆l,n =(cid:107)ptlx−pn(cid:107)+(cid:107)prlx−pn(cid:107)−dl is used measurement model is updated. excess path length of voxel n with respect to link l and λ is decay rate of the model defining sensitivity region of the link. Variousweightingmodelshavebeenproposedintheliterature III. BACKGROUND and the readers are referred to [26], [27] and the references A. Preliminaries therein for details about other weighting options. RTI systems that exploit channel diversity weight the chan- We consider scenarios where S wireless sensors are de- nel measurements using ployed in the monitored area. Each sensor broadcasts and receivespacketsfromothersensorofthenetwork.Thesensors yl,c(k)=wl,c(k)·rl,c(k), (4) formLuniquelinksthatareprogrammedtocommunicateover where w (k) is a scalar weight2. When all links of the RF l,c C channels. A link is represented with a 2-tuple (l,c) where l sensornetworkareconsidered,thechangesinthepropagation is the link and c the channel identifier. The monitored area is field can be modeled as discretizedusingagridofN voxels.Thepositionofvoxelnis denoted as pn =[xn yn]T where xn and yn are coordinates yc(k)=Abc(k)+ηc(k), (5) of the voxel. Correspondingly, the coordinates of TX and RX where y ∈ RL×1 and η ∈ RL×1 are the weighted of link l are denoted as ptlx and prlx in corresponding order. measuremcents and noise of tche L links, b ∈ RN×1 is the c 1The reference value is not always the mean. For example, [7] uses a 2Typically, RTI systems reduce a link’s multi-channel RSS measurements Gaussian distribution and [19] uses a long-term RSS histogram to describe toascalarvaluebyweightingandaveraging,i.e.,yl(k)= C1 (cid:80)Cc=1wl,c(k)· thereferenceRSSmeasurements. rl,c(k)[8],[3],[4]. 4 4 15 3 ] 10 m [ 2 ∆ 5 1 ] B 0 d [ 0 S 8 S R B] 4 -5 r (∆),c=17 d l,c [ 0 g (∆),c=17 S l,c S -4 -10 rl,c(∆),c=22 R -8 gl,c(∆),c=22 -15 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 sample [k] ∆ [m] (a)RSSvs.time (b)RSSvs.∆ Fig. 2: r (k) and g (k;θ ) as a function of time in (a) and as a function of ∆ in (b) l,c l,c l,c radio tomographic image to be estimated, and A ∈ RL×N where θ = (cid:2)φ λ (cid:3) are parameters of the model for l,c l,c l,c is the weight matrix where each column represents a single whichφ definesthemagnitudeanddirectionofRSSchange l,c voxel of the image and each row the weight of each voxel for when the person is on the link line and λ is a parameter l,c that particular link. Estimating the image vector b given y that controls the decay rate with respect to excess path length c c isanill-posedinverseproblemandaregularizedleast-squares ∆ (k). As an example, r and g for two different channels l l,c l,c estimator is given by [28] of the same link are illustrated as a function of time in zi(k)=Πy (k), Fig. 2a and as a function of ∆ in Fig. 2b. For channel c (6) 17, φ = −4.106 and λ = 0.068 whereas for channel 22, Π=(cid:0)ATA+γC−1(cid:1)−1AT, φ = 8.147 and λ = 0.035. Since the model parameters where γ is a regularization parameter which can be tuned differbetweenlinksandchannels,usingfixedvaluesforthem to emphasize either the prior on the image covariance or limits the achievable accuracy of RF tomography systems. the measurement. The elements of covariance matrix C are To overcome this limitation, we develop an online estimator calculated using an exponential spatial decay [28] for φl,c in this paper and update the weigthing in Eq. (4) correspondingly. Moreover, batch-training is used to fine-tune {C} =e−(cid:107)pm−pn(cid:107)/δ, (7) m,n the estimates of φ and λ which can then be used in the l,c l,c where δ is the correlation distance, and m and n denote the future. voxel indexes. Alternative regularization methods are possible [29] and improved linear estimators can be developed when IV. METHODOLOGY better noise models are available [21]. From the estimated image zi(k)∈RN×1, a person can be A. Linear State Space Models localized by finding voxel n with highest intensity Todefinetheproblemoftracking,considerevolutionofthe state sequence given by zt(k)=[x y ]T, where n=argmax zi(k). (8) n n x =Fx +q , (10) In this paper, we only consider localizing a single person. k k−1 k−1 Multiple target tracking is not within the scope of this paper, where x is state of the system at time step k, F the k and the readers are referred to [30], [31] and the references transition matrix describing dynamics of the system and therein for further details. However, we wish to point out that q ∼ N (0,Q ) the process noise. The objective of k−1 k−1 ARTI enhances the accuracy of the images and it would also tracking it to recursively estimate x from measurements k increase the performance of RTI systems that are capable of localizing more than one person. zk =Hxk+vk, (11) where H is the measurement model matrix and v ∼ C. Motivation k N (0,V ) the measurement noise. In related literature, the mean-removed RSS measurements k In this paper, we track both the state of the voxels and are commonly modeled using an exponential model [17] target. The voxel state is composed of voxel intensity and gl,c(k;θl,c)=E[rl,c(k)] its derivative. The target state is composed of the person’s (9) gl,c(k;θl,c)(cid:44)φl,c·e−∆l(k)/λl,c, location and velocity. Such systems can be modeled using a 5 Algorithm1:ARTIalgorithm fork=1:K Attimeinstantk zik=Πyk, whereyk=wc◦[˜rc(k)−µc] Formmeas.andcomputeimageusing(6) [xi, Pi]=kalmanfilter(xi , Pi , zi) Estimateimagestatewith(17)and (18) k k k−1 k−1 k ztk=[xn yn]T, wheren=argmax Hixik Estimatepositionfromfilteredimage [xt, Pt]=kalmanfilter(xt , Pt , zt) Estimatetargetstatewith(17)and (18) k k k−1 k−1 k if(cid:107)ztk−HtFtxtk−1(cid:107)<Tn and(cid:107)[x˙tk y˙kt](cid:107)>Ts Conditionmeas.residualandspeedonthresholds [φc, µc, wc]=estimator(φc, µc, [xtk ykt]T) UpdatereferenceRSSandweightusedin(1)and(4) end end Algorithm2:[φc, µc, wc]=estimator(φc, µc, pk) forl=1:L Forlinkl ∆ =(cid:107)ptx−p (cid:107)+(cid:107)prx−p (cid:107)−(cid:107)ptx−prx(cid:107) Computeexcesspathlength l l k l k l l if∆l≤2λ, φl,c=αφl,c+(1−α)(r˜l,c(k)−µl,c),end Personisclosetolinkline,updateφl,c if∆l>2λ, µl,c=αµl,c+(1−α)r˜l,c(k),end Personisfarawayfromlinkline,updateµl,c wl,c=sgn{φl,c} end ◦denoteselement-wisevectorproduct,(cid:107)·(cid:107)theEuclideannorm,(·)T thetransposeandsgn{·}thesignfunction discrete white noise acceleration (DWNA) model where the Thereafter, the state and covariance are updated when mea- first derivative of the system is perturbed with a zero-mean surement z becomes available using the following recursion k white acceleration sequence. The transition matrix, process S =HP−HT +V noise and measurement model of a single dimension DWNA k k K =P−HTS−1 model are [32, Ch. 6] k k k (18) (cid:20)1 dt(cid:21) (cid:20)1dt3 1dt2(cid:21) (cid:20)1(cid:21)T xk =x−k +Kk(zk−Hx−k) F = 0 1 Q= 132dt2 2dt H= 0 (12) Pk =P−k −KkSkKTk. where dt is the sampling interval. The equations to compute covariance Pk and Kalman The image state can be expressed as gain Kk are independent of the measurements implying that (cid:20)xi xi ... xi (cid:21) the sequence could be calculated beforehand and that they xi = 1 2 N , (13) convergetoaconstant,i.e.,P →PandK →K.Thus,the x˙i x˙i ... x˙i k k 1 2 N N voxels can share the same covariance matrix while having where xi denotes intensity and x˙i intensity change rate of independent states. This allows us to compute the prediction j j voxel j. The transition matrix, measurement model, and noise and update stages using matrix multiplies and additions, and processes of the imaging system are the inversion in Eq. (18) is calculated only once. This reduces Fi =F, Qi =qiQ, Hi =H, Vi =vi. (14) the computational overhead notably with respect to a solution with N independent filters running in parallel. Respectively, the target state can be expressed as In the experiments, the image filter is initialized using xt =[xt x˙t yt y˙t]T, (15) the first created image and the change rate is set to zero, i.e., xi = (cid:2)zi 0N×1(cid:3)T. The covariance is initialized as where xt and yt denote position and x˙t and y˙t velocity of Pi =1I2×2, w1here I is a unit matrix. Correspondingly, the 1 the target in the Cartesian coordinate system. The transition target state is initialized using the position estimate of the matrix, measurement model, and noise processes of the target first image given by Eq. (8) and velocity is set to zero, i.e., system are xt =(cid:2)x 0 y 0(cid:3)T with covariance Pt =I4×4. (cid:20) F 02×2(cid:21) (cid:20) Q 02×2(cid:21) 1 j j 1 Ft = Qt =qt 02×2 F 02×2 Q C. Online Estimator (16) (cid:20) H 01×2(cid:21) (cid:20)vt 0(cid:21) Itiswellknownthatthesteady-statechannelcharacteristics Ht = Vt = . change in time if the surrounding environment is altered 01×2 H 0 vt [1], [7], [25]. In long-term deployments and in domestic environments this is inevitable as doors and windows can B. Kalman Filter be opened or closed, daily commodities are consumed and In case F and H are linear, time-invariant and the noise moved, and furniture might be relocated or replaced [3], [4], sequencesq andv Gaussian,theKalmanfilteryieldsthe k−1 k [12]. Under such conditions, it is mandatory to estimate the optimal solution to the tracking problem in the least squares reference RSS µ online. We have also identified that if sense. The recursion of the filter can be divided into the l,c φ used in Eq (9) is known for each channel and link, prediction stage [32, Ch. 5.2] l,c it significantly improves the system performance. Since the x−k =Fxk−1 (17) model defined in Eq. (3) only requires knowledge about size P− =FP FT +Q. of the sensitivity region, we do not need to know the exact k k−1 6 value of φ , it is sufficient to know the expected direction recursion [34]. The prediction step of the information filter is l,c of RSS change when the person obstructs the link line. Thus, given by we estimate φl,c online and set the weight used in Eq. (4) Kbk =Mbk+1(cid:0)Mbk+1+Q−1(cid:1)−1 as wl,c (cid:44) sgn{φl,c}, where sgn{·} denotes the sign function. m− =FT (cid:0)I−Kb(cid:1)mb (20) The pseudocode of ARTI is presented in Algorithm 1 and the k k k+1 M− =FT (cid:0)I−Kb(cid:1)Mb F, online estimator for µl,c and φl,c in Algorithm 2. k k k+1 The logic to update µl,c and φl,c is straightforward. First, whereIistheidentitymatrix.Theinformationvectormb and we compute the measurement residual (cid:107)ztk−HtFtxtk−1(cid:107) and information matrix Mbk are updated using k onlyupdatetheparametersifthecurrentpositionmeasurement mb =m−+HTR−1z is inline with the kinematic model estimate. Small residual k k k (21) values indicate that the state estimate can be trusted. Second, Mb =M−+HTR−1H. k k the parameters are updated only when the target is moving. The smoothed state estimate x˜ and covariance P˜ is a If the person is stationary, the current location estimate can k k combination of the forward and backward filter outputs be inaccurate which would lead to incorrect estimates of µ l,c and φl,c. In this case, the future location estimates would also G =P M−(cid:0)I+P M−(cid:1)−1 k k k k k contain this error. If the two conditions hold, µ is updated l,c P˜ =(cid:0)(P )−1−M−(cid:1)−1 (22) when the person is far away from the link line (∆l > 2λ). k k k Otherwise,φ isupdatedtocapturetheexpecteddirectionof x˜ =(I−G )x +P˜ m−, l,c k k k k k RSS change when the person is near the link line (∆ ≤2λ). l wherex andP aretheKalmanfilterestimatesforthemean In the experiments, the reference RSS is initialized using k k µ (0) = 1 (cid:80)0 r˜ (k), where r˜ (k) are gathered andcovarianceandm−k andM−k arethepredictedinformation l,c T+1 k=−T l,c l,c vector and information matrix. As in RTSS, recursion starts during an initial training period when the monitored area is fromthelasttimestepK withinitialestimatesx˜ =x and vacant. In Section VI-D, we discuss the scenario where µl,c P˜ =P . K K is initialized without a training period. The weight used in K K In this paper, three different algorithms for smoothing the Eq. (4) is initialized as w (0)=sgn{φ } and φ =−1e−3. l,c 0 0 state estimates are considered and they are presented in the The initial value of φ is selected negative because it is more 0 following. The algorithms output smoothed estimates of the likely that attenuation is measured when the person obstructs target state x˜t and covariance P˜t. the link line (see Section V-B and Table III) and a value close k k 1) RTSS-target(RTSS-T): Thestateestimatesofthetracked to zero is used so that the estimate changes its sign rapidly if target are smoothed using RTSS. The state space models φ >0. l,c are given in Eqs. (15) and (16) and the state estimate and covariance used in Eq. (19) are x =xt and P =Pt. k k k k D. Smoothing Filters 2) RTSS-image and target (RTSS-IT): The estimated im- ages are smoothed using RTSS. The state space models Sometimes, it is of interest to estimate states of the system are given in Eqs. (13) and (14) and the state estimate and for each time instant k conditioned on all the measurements covariance used in Eq. (19) are x =xi and P =Pi. After up to time step K, where K > k. This problem can be k k k k smoothing the images, new position estimates are calculated solved with Bayesian smoothing, which in general, improves from the smoothed images and a Kalman filter is used to thestateestimatesanddecreasesthecovariance.OneBayesian track the target state xt and covariance Pt. Thereafter, the smoother is the discrete-time Kalman smoother, also known k k target state and covariance are smoothed with RTSS as in the as the Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother (RTSS) and it can be previous algorithm to obtain x˜t and P˜t. used for computing smoothed estimates of the model given in k k Eq. (10). The smoothed state estimate x˜ and covariance P˜ 3) TFS-image and target (TFS-IT): The algorithm is the k k same as presented in Algorithm 1 with three differences. can be calculated with the following recursion [33, Ch. 8] First, the recursion runs backward in time starting from time P− =FP FT +Q sample K. Second, the image Kalman filter is replaced by k+1 k G =P FT(P− )−1 the information filter given in Eqs. (20) and (21) and by the k k k+1 (19) TFSgiveninEq.(22).Theinitialestimatesoftheinformation x˜ =x +G (x˜ −Fx ) k k k k+1 k filter are mb = 02×N and Mb = 02×2 [34]. Third, the K K P˜k =Pk+Gk(P˜k+1−P−k+1)GTk, targetKalmanfilterusesthepositionestimatescalculatedfrom the smoothed images. At the end of the recursion, the state wherex andP aretheKalmanfilterestimatesforthemean k k estimates of the tracked target are smoothed using RTSS to and covariance, and G is the smoother gain at time step k. k obtain x˜t and P˜t. This algorithm differs notably from the ThedifferencebetweentheKalmanfilterandRTSSisthatthe k k other two since µ and φ are re-estimated in the backward recursion in the filter moves forward whereas in the smoother l,c l,c recursion. backwards.Inthesmoother,recursionstartsfromthelasttime step K with initial estimates x˜ =x and P˜ =P . K K K K E. Training Anotherpossibilityforsmoothingistouseatwofilterbased smoother(TFS)inwhichaKalmanfilterisusedintheforward Training parameters of the exponential model requires the recursion and an information filter is used in the backward mean-removed RSS measurements r (k) and excess path l,c 7 (a)Openenvironment(Ex.1) (b)Apartmentdeployment(Ex.2and3) (c)Through-wallscenario(Ex.4) Fig.3:Thethreeexperimentenvironments.Experimentallayoutoftheapartmentandthrough-wallenvironmentsareillustrated in Fig. 9 TABLE II: Experimental Parameters length ∆ (k) of the person with respect to link l. Using the l smoothed target state estimates x˜t, ∆ (k) with respect to k l Parameter Value Description location of the person p =Htx˜t is calculated as k k p 0.1524 Voxelwidth[m] γ 500 Regularizationparameter ∆l(k)=(cid:107)ptlx−pk(cid:107)+(cid:107)prlx−pk(cid:107)−(cid:107)ptlx−prlx(cid:107). (23) RTI δ 2 Correlationdistance[m] (cid:2) (cid:3) λ 0.05 Excesspathlength[m] Given r (k) and ∆ (k), parameters θ = φ λ of l,c l l,c l,c l,c R α 0.90 SmoothingfactorofEWMA O the exponential model can be estimated by minimizing the MAT Tr 1.0 Residualthreshold[m] cost function ESTI Tv 0.2 Velocitythreshold[m/s] qi 1.0 Processnoiseofimagefilter[dB/s2] K J(θl,c)=(cid:88)[rl,c(k)−gl,c(k;θl,c)]2, (24) LTERS vqti 02..003 PMroeacse.ssnoniosieseofofimtaarggeetfifiltletrer[d[mB]/s2] k=1 FI vt 0.5 Meas.noiseoftargetfilter[m] whereg (k;θ )istheexponentialmodeldefinedinEq.(9). l,c l,c In this paper, we use a Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm [35] to find the minimum of J(θ ). channelsasexplainedinSectionIII-A.Ineachpacket,thesen- l,c The trained parameters are used when re-initializing the sors include their ID and the most recent RSS measurements system.Inotherwords,φ isusedastheinitialestimateinthe of the packets received from other sensors of the network. If l,c online estimator, i.e., φ = φ and w (0) = sgn{φ }. On a packet is dropped, the next sensor in the schedule transmits 0 l,c l,c 0 the other hand, λ is substituted with λ in Eq. (3) to update after a backoff time, thus increasing the network’s tolerance l,c the weighting for each link, channel and voxel. Thereafter, Π to packet drops. The communication protocol is explained in is calculated using Eq. (6) and the projection matrix becomes further detail in [4]. unique for each frequency channel. As an example, r and In experiment 1, shown in Fig. 3a, 30 sensors are deployed l,c g with the trained model parameters is illustrated in Fig. 2. on the perimeter of an open area (70 m2). The sensors are l,c For channel 17, φ = −4.106 and λ = 0.068 and these placed on podiums at a height of one meter. The sensors are l,c l,c values are used for this channel and link when re-initializing programmed to communicate on channels 11, 17, 22, and 26 the system. so as to cover the entire span of available frequencies. During the test, a person walks at constant speed along a rectangular V. EXPERIMENTS path and the trajectory is covered twice. Markers are placed inside the monitored area for the test person to follow, while In this section, the experimental setting and conducted a metronome is used to set a predefined walking pace. In this testsareintroduced.Thereafter,empiricalfindingshowmodel way, each collected RSS measurement can be associated to parameters φ and λ differ between links and environments is the true location of the person. presented. At the end of the section, the presented system is In experiments 2 and 3, shown in Fig. 3b, 33 sensors are numerically evaluated using simulations. deployedinasingle-floor,single-bedroomapartment(58 m2). Mostofthesensorsareattachedonthewallsoftheapartment, A. Experiment Description while a few of them are placed elsewhere, e.g., on the edge The used wireless sensors are Texas Instruments CC2531 of a marble counter in the kitchen or on the side of the USB dongles, operating at the maximum transmit power refrigerator. The antennas of the sensors are detached from (+4.5 dBm) [36]. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard [37] specifies the walls by a few centimeters to enhance the localization 16 channels (c∈[11,...,26]) within the 2.4 GHz ISM band accuracy [3]. In experiment 2, the sensors are programmed and they are 5 MHz apart, having a 2 MHz bandwidth. The to communicate on channels 15, 20, 25, and 26 in order to sensorscommunicateinTDMAfashiononmultiplefrequency avoid the interference generated by several coexisting Wi-Fi 8 Open env. 1 1 y y t t bili0.8 bili0.8 a a b b Apartment o o pr0.6 pr0.6 Through-wall e e ativ0.4 Apartment Through-wall ativ0.4 ul ul m Open env. m u u C0.2 C0.2 0 0 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 φ λ (a)CDFofφ (b)CDFofλ Fig. 4: Empirical CDFs of φ and λ in the three environments illustrated with markers and dashed lines. In the figures, fitted models are illustrated with solid color lines. TABLE III: Distribution parameters networks found in the neighboring apartments, which would increasethefloornoiselevel[38].Inexperiment3,thesensors µ σ ν a b φ φ φ λ λ areprogrammedtocommunicateonall16frequencychannels. Open -1.5537 3.5885 10.0298 0.0772 0.7951 In both experiments, a person is either standing still at a Apartment -2.2998 4.9506 8.7467 0.0891 0.7076 predefinedlocationorwalksfromonelocationtoanotherwith Through-wall -0.2644 2.1330 3.9600 0.1158 0.6112 constant speed. The trajectory is covered once. Experiment 4 differs from the other experiments since it is a through-wall experiment as shown in Fig. 3c. In the parameterbλ.Theempiricalandfitteddistributionsareshown experiment, 33 sensors are deployed around a lounge room, in Fig. 4 and distribution parameters are given in Table III. outsidethewallsoftheroom,coveringanareaof86 m2.The The results are inline with our understanding how the sensors are set on podiums at a height of one meter and they signal strength behaves in various environments. In open areprogrammedtocommunicateonall16frequencychannels. environments and when the distance between the transceivers In the experiment, a person walks along a predefined path at is small, it is expected that the RSS measurements attenuate constant speed. The path is covered six times. as the person obstructs the LoS. In the open and apartment Onaverage,thetimeintervalbetweentwoconsecutivetrans- environments, µφ is much smaller than it is in the through- missions is dt =t −t =2.9 ms. If S =30 and C =4 wall experiment. This indicates that it is much more likely k k k−1 as in Ex. 1, one TDMA cycle lasts dt = 30·dt = 87 ms that attenuation will be measured in the open and apartment c k and one communication round dt = 4·dt = 348 ms. The environments when the person is in between the transceivers. r c image and target filters use dt = dt . Parameters used in the In addition, it is more likely in these environments that the c experiments are given in Table II. person has a larger effect on the link and therefore, σφ is larger. In the through-wall environment, it is likely that a link isnotaffectedbythepersonorthatthechangeinRSSissmall B. Experimental Findings whenthepersonisclosetothelinklineyieldingasmallshape Togetan understanding howparametersφ and λ oftheex- parameter σφ. To note, the sensor distances are on average ponentialmodeldefinedinEq.(9)varybetweendifferentlinks smaller in the apartment experiment (d¯=4.43 m) than in the andenvironments,g (k;θ )isfittedtor (k)usingknown openenvironment(d¯=6.28 m)andtherearemanylinksthat l,c l,c l,c location of the person. Links that were not intersected by the have LoS communication. Thus, it is understandable why µφ personduringtheexperimentareomittedfromtheevaluation. is smaller and σφ is larger in the apartment environment. Thereafter,well-knownprobabilitydistributionarefittedtothe Size of the spatial region where the person influences the empirical distributions to find the best match. The empirical RSS is defined by λ. In the open environment, multipath distribution of φ closely follows a non-standardized Student’s propagation is not as severe as in the other two environments t-distribution φ ∼ T(µ ,σ ,ν ) with location parameter µ , andthepersonmainlyeffectstheLoSsignal.Thus,λissmall φ φ φ φ scale parameter σ and shape parameter ν . Correspondingly, and it does not vary much between the different links. In φ φ the empirical distribution of λ closely follows a Weibull cluttered environments, multipath propagation is common and distributionλ∼W(a ,b )withscaleparametera andshape the person can also alter the RSS by affecting the multipath λ λ λ 9 TABLE IV: Median (and 95th percentile) localization errors in centimeters Ex.1 Ex.2 Ex.3 Ex.4 CDRTI 31.99(100.19) 18.79(56.84) 15.74(69.83) 181.15(628.35) E LIN ARTIw/oonlineest. 31.26(128.92) 18.47(64.42) 17.59(68.05) 200.59(488.49) N O ARTI 19.82(47.75) 10.30(25.40) 10.41(27.52) 72.91(378.49) CDRTI,RTSS-T 22.94(66.13) 15.79(45.72) 14.78(62.93) 151.62(463.70) D HE ARTI,RTSS-T 14.33(36.10) 8.07(19.30) 6.96(18.67) 66.02(256.74) OOT ARTI,RTSS-IT 10.09(31.64) 8.40(19.26) 6.81(16.06) 27.69(279.62) M S ARTI,TFS-IT 7.81(25.62) 7.82(17.30) 6.14(13.18) 13.93(38.75) componentsimpingingonthereceiverantenna.Thisincreases 50 size of the spatial region where the person influences the link and therefore, λ is larger and deviates more in the apartment 40 and through-wall environments. ] 30 % [ w 20 Ex.1,open ǫ Ex.2,apt. (C=4) C. Numerical Evaluation 10 Ex.3,apt. (C=16) In this subsection, the presented system is numerically Ex.4,through-wall 0 evaluated using the same sensor positions and trajectories as 100 101 102 103 in the experiments. In the simulations, the RSS measurements Sample [k] are generated using the exponential model given in Eq. (9) Fig. 5: Error of estimating w . and the measurements are corrupted by i.i.d. Gaussian noise, l,c i.e., η (k) ∼ N(0,σ2) where σ = 2. Parameters of the l,c η η exponential model are drawn from φ ∼ T(µ ,σ ,ν ) and φ φ φ where w˜ = sgn{φ } and φ ∼ T(µ ,σ ,ν ). Now, the λ ∼ W(a ,b ) using the distribution parameters given in m m m φ φ φ λ λ percentage error of wˆ can be calculated using TableIIIandtheyareassumedi.i.d.foreachlinkandchannel. Since no temporal statistical model is known for the changes M (cid:40) inRSSovertimeduetochangesintheenvironmentotherthan (cid:15)w = 10M0% · (cid:88) 1m, 1m = 01 oifthw˜emrw(cid:54)=isewˆm (25) people,thereferenceRSSvalueisassumedtobeconstantand m=1 known (µl,c = −45 dB) and it is not updated by Algorithm and it is illustrated in Fig. 5 as a function of time for the 2 during simulations. The presented system is evaluated with differentexperiments.Intheopenandapartmentexperiments, respect to channel diversity RTI (CDRTI) which averages the the initial estimates is incorrect for approximately 33% of measurements across the entire set of used channels, i.e., the links whereas in the through-wall experiment for 45% yl(k)=−C1 (cid:80)Cc=1r˜l,c(k)−µl,c(k). indicating that the through-wall environment is significantly The simulation results are given in Table IV where the more challenging than the others. The figure also reveals median and 95th percentile localization errors are reported in that higher sampling rate of the channel increases the con- centimeters for the different experiments. On average, CDRTI vergence rate of wˆ which is visible by comparing (cid:15) of w achieves comparative accuracy as the presented system w/o the apartment experiments. The sampling rate is four times online estimation. This is understandable, since the Kalman higher in Ex. 2 w.r.t. Ex. 3. In the experiments, the average filter used for enhancing the images essentially acts as a low- numberofsamplestheonlineestimatorhastoestimatew is l,c (cid:2) (cid:3) pass filter, i.e., averaging the RSS measurements on the dif- 14.03 17.76 5.49 10.95 for Ex. 1−4 in corresponding ferent channels (CDRTI) is equivalent to forming the images order. Thus, using channel diversity is a tradeoff between individually for each channel and then averaging the images sampling rate and available information. A large number of together.Inthisrespect,processnoisevalueoftheimagefilter channels is beneficial for localization purposes because the qi can be viewed as a smoothing parameter. Using a small probability increases that at least one of the channels follows value (qi (cid:28) 1) corresponds to averaging a large number of themodel.However,thecostofdoingsoisthelowersampling successive images together whereas for large values (qi >1), rate for each channel which inevitably effects performance of only the most recent images are taken into account. the online estimator. With online training enabled, ARTI outperforms CDRTI in Accuracyofthedifferentsmoothingfiltersarealsogivenin every experiment because w is recursively estimated. For Table IV. In general, smoothing increases the accuracy of the l,c CDRTI,anincreaseinRSSisanindicationthatapersonisnot state estimates because the entire time horizon is taken into in between the transceivers which is incorrect if φ >0. For account. RTSS-T improves the localization accuracy mainly l,c ARTI, the same increase can be informative and indicate the because the effect of outliers is reduced and lag induced by person’s location correctly if w ≡ sgn{φ }. Let us group the target tracking Kalman filter is compensated for. RTSS- l,c l,c w of links that were intersected during the experiment into IT decreases the error even more because the images, from l,c a column vector wˆ of size M×1, where M is the number of which the positions are estimated, are enhanced. In addition, crossed links. For these links, we define the true weight as w˜, RTSS-IT removes lag of the image filter which is significant 10 d ure Meas d Filtere d he ot mo S k=91 k=92 k=93 k=94 Fig. 6: The measured zi, filtered xi and smoothed x˜i propagation field images in Ex. 1. In the figures, the true position of k k k the person is illustrated with a circle and the position estimate zt using a cross k if the person is moving. Removing delay of the image filter fade level RTI (FLRTI). FLRTI weights the different chan- is clearly visible in the open and through-wall experiments nels based on their fade level and averages the measure- where the person is continuously in motion. TFS-IT results ments across the entire set of used channels, i.e., y (k) = l to the best accuracy. The algorithm not only removes the −1 (cid:80)C wˆ (r˜ (k)−µ (k)),wherewˆ isthefadelevel C c=1 l,c l,c l,c l,c lag in image and position estimates, but it also improves the based weight [4]. estimates of w and µ in the backward recursion yielding In Ex. 3−4, qi = 0.1 because in these experiments the l,c l,c better measurements y from which the images are created. number of used channels is four times greater than in Ex. k This is especially important in challenging environments and 1−2. Using a lower qi value implies that the confidence in when the experiment duration is relatively short as is the case the model is increased and reactiveness to new measurements in the through-wall experiment. isdecreasedwhichisdesirablewhenall16frequencychannels It can be concluded that in ideal environments (φ (cid:28)0), are used. l,c channel diversity, the presented image filter and adaptive estimatordonotimprovethesystemperformancesignificantly. A. Quantitative evaluation The real benefits start to be visible as µ → 0 and there are φ The presented system comprises of three significant ad- linksforwhichφ >0.Inclutteredandchallengingenviron- l,c vancementstoincreasetheaccuracyandperformanceofstate- ments,suchasthethrough-wallexperiment,theimportanceof of-the-art RTI systems. First, the images are filtered using a channeldiversityincreasesandthesystemperformancecanbe Kalmanfilter.Thisisbeneficialbecausenowthepreviousstate significantly improved by using the presented image filter and of the propagation field xi is taken into account. In past online estimator. Furthermore, the state estimates can always k−1 works,itisnotconsideredhowthepersonalteredthepropaga- be improved using the presented smoothing filters. tionfieldattheprevioustimeinstantandvaluableinformation islost.Thesecondbenefitoftheimagefilteristhattheimages VI. EXPERIMENTALVALIDATION canbeenhancedusingwellknownsmoothingfilters.Thethird In this section, the development efforts are first quan- advantage is that the system can be designed so that the delay titatively evaluated after which performance of the system in xi is significantly lower than in systems that combine the k is presented. Thereafter, model parameters φ and λ for RSS measurements on different channels by weighting and l,c l,c the different links and channels are estimated using data averaging [4], [8]. Averaging the channel measurements over from the experiments. After the model parameters are es- the set of used channels inevitably introduces a delay in zi k timated using batch-training, the system performance is re- which also effects zt. Length of this delay is determined by k evaluated. In this section, ARTI is evaluated with respect to parameters of the system such as transmission interval of the