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Preview ARTHUR YOUNG'S TRAVELS IN FRANCE - Online Library of Liberty

ARTHUR YOUNG'S TRAVELS IN FRANCE DURING THE YEARS I787, I788, I789 LONDON: GEORGE BEI.I. AND SONS PORTUGAL ST. LINCOLN'S INN_ W.C. CAMBRIDGE: DEIGHTON_ BELL _. CO. NEW YORK: THE MACMILLAN C(_ BOMBAY : A. H. WIIEELER _ CO. t ix ARTHUR YOUNG'S • TRAVELS IN FRANCE ;- DURING THE YEARS -: 1787, 1788, _789 EDITED, WITH INTRODUCTION, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH AND NOTES, BY . MISS BETHAM-_DWARDS OFFICIER DE LJlNSTRbCTION P_BLIQtIE DE FRANCK AUTHOR OF _THE ROOF OF FRANCE lw ETC. ETC. _2 LONDON GEORGE BELL AND SONS i,:_) C.L. HARDYLIBRARY : ATLANTICCHRISTIACNOLLEGE WILSONN,ORTHCAROLINA That wise and honest tr_vel|er." JoH_ MOiLEr. EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. T is with peculiar appropriateness that these famous travels are once more given to the world. Just a hundred years ago the Suffolk squire accomplished his last journey, under cir- cumstances without parallel in history. He had quitted Paris towards the end of June, 1789, having come to the conclusion that, with the constitution of the National Assembly "the whole business now seemed over and the revolution complete." With true British coolness he pursued his a_oricultural inquiries, this time taking an easterly direction. On the ever memorable four- teenth of July we find him at Metz, leisurely as any modern tourist inspecting "what was worth viewing " in the city. A few days later, on reaching Strasburg, he learns the great news : The Bastille has fallen ! The whole kingdom is now in a blaze. He sees famished mobs clamouring for bread ; he hears of seigneurs fleeing from burning chateaux ; heis roughly compelled to don the tricolour ; his liberty, even life, are menaced; yet the imperturbable Englishman goes on. The wind carries his first cockade into the river; he pur- chases a second, taking care to have it securely fastened, and although naively confessing the discomforts of travel "in such an unquiet and fermenting moment," the thought of turning back does not occur to him. Alone, unarmed, ignorant of the various patois--sole medium of intercourse in rural districts--our inquisitive and dauntless traveller visits one out-of-the-way region after another, appa- rently unconscious, whilst narrating these unique experiences, that his conduct was little _hort_-heroic. The fittest introduction to the centennial edition of such a work is surely a survey of France in the l_resent daymnot made 41257 INTRODUCTION. in the Rotunda of the British Museum or bythe library fire- bide, but after Arthur ¥oung's own fashion--the frui_ of inves- tigations as laboriously and lovingly pursued as those of my great predecessor. Ihave now followed in his footsteps for up- wards of fifteen years, visiting and revisiting various parts of the country described by him so graphically on the eve of the Revolution. Let us glance at the contrasted picture of France under the ancien r_gime and under the Third Repubhe. His earliest journey takes him in asouth-westerly direction, through the Orlcannais and the Ben'i, where for the first time hemeets with mgtayageq" amiserable system," he writes, "that perpetuates poverty and excludes instnletion ;" and he goes on to describe the fields a_"scenes ofpitiable management, and the houses, ofmiselT." Throughout the entire work wefind m_tayage, or farming on half profits, condemned in the strongest terms, yet nothing has done more to improve the condition of the peasant and of hus- bandry within the last fifty years. _ M_'.tayage,indeed, which is but another name for co-operative agriculture, forms the stepping-stone from the status of hired labourer to that of capitalist ; and whilst the m_tayer raises himself in the social scale, extensive wastes are by his agency brought under cultiva- tion. Sopopular is "la culture _mi-fruits," that, according to the census of 1872, 11,182,000 hectares were in the hands of m_tayers, and 9,360,000 in those ofpeasant owners. In 1880 a diminution is seen--18 per cent. of m_tayage to set against 21 per cent. ofproprietorship. Some parts of France are far more favourable to agricultural partnerships than others. We find 27,484 m_tairies in the department of the Landes, 24,893 in the Dordogne, 11,632 in the Allier, 11,568in the Gironde, whilst in the Haute Savoie and the Loz_re they may be counted by the hundred, the last-named numbering 325 only. In most cases, be it remembered, the m_tayer owns a bit of land. Two condi- tions are necessary to success : in the first place, the fermier- ggngral, or falzn bailiff, must be dispensed with ; in the second, a good understanding is necessary between the two contracting See,for full information,the contribution of M.H. Baudrillart of the Iustitut to the "Revue des Dem_Mondes," 1st Oct., 1885,"Le ]_I6tayageenl_'ranceet sonavenir." INTRODUCTION. _ii parties--the one supplying land, stock, and implements, the' other, manual labour, all produce being equally shared. From fifty to a hunch'ed and fifty acres is found to be the most favom'- able size of a m_tailie. We will now consider the present state of things in the Berri, a region about which Arthur Yomig has nothing to say, except that the husbandry was poor and the people miserable. As all readers of Georges Sand know well, it is a land of heaths and wastes, but the extent of uncultivated tracts is being reduced year by year. So rapid is the pro_'ess that the great novelist herself would hardly recognize certain portions of the country she has described so inimitably. "_¥hat, then, must be the changes wrought in a hundred years ? The transformation is partly realized by inspecting a pre-llevolutionary hovel. Here and there may be seen one of these bare, windowless cabins, now used as an out-house, and, in juxtaposition, the neat, airy, solid dwellings the peasant owners have built for themselves. Four years ago I was the guest of a country gentleman near Chtteauroux, chef-lieu of the department of the Indre, formed from the ancient Berri. Formerly owner of an entire commune, my host had gradually reduced his estate by selling small parcels of land to his day-labourers. He informed me that, whilst partly actuated by philanthropic motives, he was commercially a gainer. The expense of cultivating such large occupations was very great, and he could not hope for anything like the returns of the small freeholder. We visited many of these newly-made farms, with their spick-and-span buildings, the whole having the appearance of a little settlement in the Far West. The holdings varied in extent from six to thirty acres, their owners being capitalists to the amount of from two orthree hundred to a thousand pounds. In each case the purchaser had built him- self a small but commodious dwelling, and suitable out-houses. The land was well stocked and cultivated, the people were neatly and appropriately dressed, and the signs of general con- tentment and well-being delightful to contemplate. We next visited a m_tairie of nearly four hundred acres, and here the farmstead was on a large scale ; the m4tayer employed severs! labourers who were boarded in the house, as was formerly the custom in certain parts of England, besides two or three dairy. maids. INTRODUCTION. Artificial manures and machinery had here come into use; and if the culture could hardly bedescribed ashigh farming, the land was clean and veryproductive. The cordial relations of "bailleur" and " preneur," or owner and m_tayer, testified to the satisfactoriness ofthe arrangement. Not to be outdone by their rustic neighbours, the axtizans of the Berrichon capital have, with few exceptions, become free. holders also. Suburban Ch_tcauroux has, indeed, been appro- priated bythis class: the brand-new cottages and semi-detached villas onthe outskirts of the town representing the thrift ofthe mechan/c--an instance ofself-help and sobriety hardly equalled throughout France. The houses were not only built for,but by their owners, in spare moments--another fact illustrating the innate economy ofthe French working man. In purely agricultural districts of the Indre, land has quad- rupled in value within the last forty or fifty years; near the towns, of course, the rise has been much higher Poitou is described by Arthur Young as "an unimproved, poor, and ugly country. It seems to want communication, de- mand and activity of all kinds." The ancient province of Poitou comprises La Yend@e; but if we turn to the three care- fully drawn maps appended to the original edition of the French Travels, we find the very name, so conspicuous a few years later, omitted altogether. Such a blank need not astonish us. "Who had somuch asheard of La Vendee before 1793 ?" asks a French historian ofthe Vendean war. "Was it aprovince, a river, a mountain ? Was it in Anjou, Brittany, or Poitou? " Nobody knew, and, till the outbreak of the insurrection, nobody cared to inquire. Only one roadtraversed the entire country-- that from Nantes to La l_oehelle--and on the creation of ade- partment, it was found absolutely necessary to build a town as chef-lieu, none of sufficient importance existing. Waste, brush- wood, heath and morass, with here and there patches of rye and buckwheat, occupied the place of the fertile fields and rich pastures that now rejoice the eye of the traveller in Bas Poitou. The transformation of recent years is startling enough. On the occasion of my first visit to this province fifteen years ago, many towns of the Yendean plain and Bocage were only accessible by diligence ; since that period, railways have inter- _ecLed the country in all direetion_---even the out of.the-way

Poitou is described by Arthur Young as "an unimproved, poor, and jealous foster-parent .. 2 ,, Burke," by John Morley (" English Men of Letters "), p. 162.
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