Cladistics16,155–203 (2000) doi:10.1006/clad.1999.0125,availableonlineathttp://www.idealibrary.comon Arthropod Cladistics: Combined Analysis of Histone H3 and U2 snRNA Sequences and Morphology Gregory D. Edgecombe, George D. F. Wilson, Donald J. Colgan, Michael R. Gray, and Gerasimos Cassis CentreforEvolutionaryResearch,AustralianMuseum,6CollegeStreet,Sydney,NewSouthWales2010,Australia AcceptedNovember15,1999 Morphological,developmental,ultrastructural,andgene INTRODUCTION ordercharactersarecataloguedforthesamesetofarthro- pod terminals as we have scored in a recent study of histone H3 and U2 snRNA sequences (D. J. Colgan et Despite a flurry of research activity in recent years, al., 1998, Aust. J. Zool. 46, 419–437). We examine the the interrelationships between and within the major implications of separate and simultaneous analyses of clades of arthropods remain a contentious issue. The sequenceandnon-sequencedata forarthropodrelation- monophyletic status of the Arthropoda is one of the ships. The most parsimonious trees based on 211 non- few points of widespread consensus, although a few sequence characters (273 apomorphic states) support workers (e.g., Fryer, 1996) still endorse the view (An- derson,1973;Manton,1977)thatarthropodsareapoly- traditionalhighertaxaasclades,includingMandibulata, phyleticgroup.Reviewsofmajorcompetinghypothe- Crustacea,Atelocerata,Myriapoda,andHexapoda.Com- ses for the relationships between chelicerates, bined analysis of morphology with histone H3 and U2 crustaceans, myriapods, and hexapods, as well as the sequenceswithequalcharacterweightsdiffersfromthe status of Onychophora and Tardigrada relative to the morphologicalresultsaloneinsupportingProgoneata1 euarthropods, have been outlined by Wheeler et al. Hexapoda (5 Labiophora) in favor of a monophyletic (1993),Willsetal.(1995,1998),RegierandShultz(1997), Myriapoda, resolves the entognathous hexapods as a andZrzavy´ etal.(1997),amongothers.Tobrieflysum- grade, and supports pycnogonids as sister group to marizetheseissues,ongoingcontroversyconcernsthe Euchelicerata(ratherthanasbasaleuarthropods).Mono- status of phylyofChelicerata(includingpycnogonids),Mandibu- x a clade composed of Crustacea, Myriapoda, and lata, Crustacea, Progoneata, Chilopoda, and Hexapoda Hexapoda (the Mandibulata hypothesis) or crusta- is maintained under a range of transition/transversion ceansalternativelygroupingwiththeChelicerata(the andthirdcodonweights,whereasAtelocerataandMyria- TCC or Schizoramia hypothesis); poda/Labiophora do not withstand all sensitivity analy- x Crustaceaasamonophyleticgroup,aparaphyletic ses. q2000TheWilliHennigSociety grade to other mandibulates, or a paraphyletic grade to hexapods (the Pancrustacea hypothesis; Zrzavy´ et al., 1997); 0748-3007/00$35.00 155 Copyrightq2000byTheWilliHennigSociety Allrightsofreproductioninanyformreserved 156 Edgecombeetal. x Myriapodaaseitheramonophyleticoraparaphy- etal.,1993),elongationfactor-1a,andRNApolymerase letic group; II(RegierandShultz,1997,1998)havealsobeenconsid- x myriapodsasasisterorbasalparaphylumtoHexa- ered. In a forthcoming study in collaboration with W. poda(theTracheataorAteloceratahypothesis),asister C. Wheeler and G. Giribet, we will integrate histone grouptoChelicerata,orabasalgroupofeuarthropods; H3 and U2 sequence data with other available se- x pycnogonids as either sister group to Chelicerata quencesandincludefossilsformorphologicalcodings. or basal within the Euarthropoda; and Thepresentsynthesislimitsthedatapooltomorpho- x OnychophoraorTardigradaasmostcloselyrelated logicalcharactersandextanttaxainordertominimize to other arthropods. theeffectsofmissingdata(morphologybeingtheonly data set for which all of the terminals sequenced for Ambiguityordisagreementisalsofoundwhencon- H3andU2arecurrentlyscored).Forsomecharacters, sidering recent ideas concerning relationships within alternative interpretations based on fossils are noted. the major groups. Crustacean phylogeny has proven especiallyrecalcitrant,withsignificantdiscordancebe- tween recent cladograms (Spears and Abele, 1997; MATERIALS AND METHODS Wills, 1997;Schram and Hof,1998). In additionto the pycnogonid problem, chelicerate phylogeny is most complicatedbycompetingschemesofrelationshipbe- Taxonomic Sampling tweenthearachnidorders(WeygoldtandPaulus,1979, versus Shultz, 1989, 1990; see Wheeler and Hayashi, Thedeficienciesoftaxonomicsamplinginearlymo- 1998;Weygoldt,1998).Amajorcontroversyinhexapod lecularanalyseswerewellsummarizedbyWheeleret phylogeny is the mono-, para-, or polyphyly of the al. (1993), and some of these flaws have persisted in Entognatha, i.e., whether the Diplura, if themselves a subsequent work. The essential problem is that too clade,aremorecloselyrelatedtoCollembolaandPro- fewexemplarshavebeenexaminedinmoststudiesto turaortotheInsecta(Kukalova´-Peck,1991;Sˇtysetal., adequatelysampletheenormoustaxonomicdiversity 1993; Kristensen, 1997; Bitsch and Bitsch, 1998). oftheArthropoda.Anempiricaldemonstrationofthe The objectiveof thisstudy is toevaluate competing need for rigorous sampling is shown by work on 18S hypotheses of arthropod relationships based upon rDNA,themostexhaustivelysampledgeneforarthro- morphological and molecular evidence. We employ a pods. Previous indications of a chelicerate–myriapod broadertaxonomicsamplethanhasbeenusedinmost grouping(FriedrichandTautz,1995;Giribetetal.,1996; prior molecular work and consider genes that have SpearsandAbele,1997)arerejectedinfavorofChelic- notpreviouslybeenexaminedinrelationtoarthropod erata as sister to Mandibulata with the inclusion of phylogeny.SequencedataarederivedfromhistoneH3 additionaltaxa,suchaspycnogonidsandmoreeuchel- andthesmallnuclearRNAU2(Colganetal.,1998).In icerates (Giribet and Ribera, 1998). order to subject these sequence data to simultaneous Wherepossible,wehaveavoidedassumingancestral analysis withmorphological evidence, thesame taxo- (groundplan)characterstatesforthetaxathatwehave nomicsampleisscoredforanatomical,developmental, scored,usingamoreexplicitexemplarmethod(Yeates, ultrastructural,andgeneordercharacters.Thisserves 1995).Wehaveselectedseveralrepresentativeswithin tocompilemuchoftheclassicalevidenceandputsthis each putative major clade of the Arthropoda-and in evidence in a form by which it can be evaluated for particularfocusedongroupsthathavebeenregarded its most parsimonious cladograms. as nearly basal in previous investigations. Such taxa PreviousDNAsequencingstudiesofarthropodphy- aremostlikelytoprovideanestimateofplesiomorphic logeny have concentrated on ribosomal RNA cis- characterswithintheclade.Somesuchexemplarsmay, trons—particularly 12S (Ballard et al., 1992), 18S infact,behighlyautapomorphic,butsamplingseveral (Wheeleretal.,1993;FriedrichandTautz,1995;Giribet putatively basally derived taxa within each clade etal.,1996;SpearsandAbele,1997;GiribetandRibera, wouldbeexpectedtocounterthisproblem.Sampling 1998), and 28S (Friedrich and Tautz, 1995; Wheeler, has been notably deficient for myriapods, a situation 1998), although the nuclear genes ubiquitin (Wheeler we attempt to address by including all five extant Copyrightq2000byTheWilliHennigSociety Allrightsofreproductioninanyformreserved ArthropodCladistics 157 chilopod orders, diplopod representatives from the that can be more generally applied (presence or ab- twomostbasallyderivedlineages(fideEnghoff,1984), sence of limb on the eight metamere). Segmental ho- a pauropod and a symphylan. mologies for euarthropods as outlined by Schram (1978,Table2),basedontheneuralinnervationscheme of Bullock and Horridge (1965), are followed in this workwiththeexceptionofTrilobita(which,whilenot Coding coded as a terminal, figure in some character discus- sions).Thetrilobiteantennaisregardedashomologous For gross anatomical characters codings are based with the (deutocerebral) antennule of crustaceans on the particular species that was sequenced in the (Mu¨ller and Walossek, 1986), the first biramous limb molecularanalyses.Werethesameprocedureapplied pair of trilobites with the antenna, the second pair to most of the developmental, histological, and ultra- withthemandible,andsoon.Analternativehomology structural (e.g., sperm) characters, very few of these schemeforchelicerateshasbeenadvancedbyDamen couldbescoredandalargeamountofpreviouswork et al. (1998) and Telford and Thomas (1998) based on would go unused in this analysis. To use a broader expressiondomainsofHoxgenes.Theseworkerscon- range of developmental and histological characters, siderthechelicerahomologouswiththeantennule(see someassumptionsofmonophylyhavebeenmade.For Wheeleretal.,2000,forcommentaryonthisreinterpre- example, embryological data available for any tation). chilopod species have been coded for the representa- Homologies of appendage podomere characters tiveofthesameorder(Scutigeromorpha,Lithobiomor- across the arthropods are an ongoing problem. Al- pha, Scolopendromorpha, Geophilomorpha) used in thoughmany authorshave attemptedto demonstrate our analysis. The same practice has been applied pan-arthropodan podomere homologies (e.g., Sharov, withinthefollowinggroups:Peripatidae,Peripatopsi- 1996; Brusca and Brusca, 1990), these attempts have dae, Pauropoda, Symphyla, Penicillata and Penta- beenflawedbecauseinappropriatetaxawereusedfor zonia.DevelopmentalandspermcharactersforTricho- comparison. The fundamental crustacean limb bears lepidion have been scored based on other Zygentoma. scantresemblancetothatofatelocerates.Thispointis Some characters (e.g., those dealing with gene ex- clearlyshownbytheallegedstem-lineagecrustaceans pression and mitochondrial gene arrangements) have (WalossekandMu¨ller,1990)—orstem-lineagemandib- been examined in few arthropod taxa. We have in- ulates (Lauterbach, 1988; Wa¨gele, 1993; Moura and cluded these characters because they have featured Christoferssen, 1996)—in which the paucisegmented prominentlyinrecentdebates,suchasthecrustacean– endopod defies podomere homologies with atelocer- hexapod (5 Pancrustacea) hypothesis, and should ates or chelicerates. In characters for which some ho- therefore be used in the analysis if these hypotheses mologies are dubious, we have scored states only for aretoappraisedviacharactercongruence.Thesechar- those taxa in which we are confident of homologies acters must be scored as missing data for most termi- (e.g.,withintheAtelocerataorChelicerata).An“uncer- nals. Some minimal assumptions of monophyly were tain” coding has been used for other taxa. made to code at least a three-taxon statement (e.g., Except where indicated or where larval or embryo- codingthesolepterygote,anephemeropteran,fordata logical characters are specifically involved, we have fromotherpterygotes;codingthehoplocaridKempina restricted decisions of homology to adults. For exam- for data involving eumalacostracans; and coding Epi- ple, although the nauplii of the branchiopods scored cyliosoma for chilognathan millipedes). inthisanalysis(BranchinellaandTriops)havebiramous Character definition obviously requires strict appli- antennae,theadultsdonot;therefore,wehavescored cationofahomologyschemebetweenmetameresthat this character state as absent for these taxa. transcends differences in tagmosis between major groups.Whereacharactermaybeinformativewithin Outgroups aparticulargroup(e.g.,presenceorabsenceofalimb on the first opisthosomal somite in Chelicerata) we The selection of outgroups for rooting arthropod havemadeattemptstopresentanalternativedefinition trees highlights ongoing controversies in protostome Copyrightq2000byTheWilliHennigSociety Allrightsofreproductioninanyformreserved 158 Edgecombeetal. phylogeny. The classical hypothesis that Annelida is ignored. Tree-space searches (cf. Swofford, 1993:104, the closest relative of Arthropoda (the Articulata hy- as in Reid, 1996) were performed using 100 random pothesis)hasfoundsupportinsomecladisticanalyses addition sequencereplicates with threetrees sampled basedonmorphologicalanddevelopmentalcharacters per iteration (nchuck 5 3, chuckscore 5 1). All trees (Rouse and Fauchald, 1995; Nielsen et al., 1996). An found by this procedure were then branch-swapped alternative to this is the Eutrochozoa hypothesis, in using tree bisection–reconnection to check for shorter which annelids are allied with molluscs and arthro- resolutions and to fill out tree space. Bremer support podsaremorecloselyrelatedtokinorhynchsandnem- (Bremer,1994)wascalculatedusingMacCladetestver- atodes(Eernisse etal. 1992).Thelatter grouping,with sion4.0b7(MaddisonandMaddison,1999)toautomat- the addition of the priapulids and nematomorphs, icallygeneratethePAUP*commandfilewithnegative findssupportin18SrDNAsequencedataandhasbeen constraints.Theauthorsholddifferingopinionsonthe namedEcdysozoa (Aguinaldoet al.,1997; Giribetand merits of bootstrapping as a measure of support; we Ribera,1998).Asourprincipalgoalisexaminingrela- providebootstrapvaluesforcomparisonwithBremer tionships within the Euarthropoda,we have included support.Bootstrappingused100randomized(withre- several onychophorans (including representatives of placement) character samples, with each bootstrap bothfamilies,thePeripatidaeandthePeripatopsidae) sample using the heuristic search options addseq 5 and a tardigrade. All recent work identifies these random, nreps 5 10, nchuck 5 10, chuckscore 5 1. groupsasappropriateoutgroupsfortheeuarthropods. Eachbootstrapsamplecouldcontainnomorethan100 We have also coded annelids, which accommodates trees, thus reducing iteration bias. theArticulatahypothesis,butcautionthattheinterpre- LaboratoryandanalyticaltechniquesforhistoneH3 tationofsomecharactersinonychophoransandtardi- and snRNA U2 sequences are described elsewhere gradeswilldifferfromtreesinwhichaschelminthEc- (Colganetal.,1998).Inthepresentstudy,wesubjected dysozoa were used as outgroups. Given that 18S these data to a range of weighting schemes to assess phylogenies agree with results obtained here with re- theeffectsoftheseparametersoncongruencebetween spect to tardigrades and onychophorans as parts of data sets as well as cladogram sensitivity (Wheeler, the first and second outgroup branches, respectively, 1995; Wheeler and Hayashi, 1998). Congruence be- to the Euarthropoda (Fig. 1 in Giribet and Ribera, tween data partitions is measured by incongruence 1998), resolution and character interpretations within length difference (ILD; Mickevich and Farris, 1981), Euarthropoda should be unaffected by more distant based on individual partition and combined analyses outgroups. runusingtheheuristicparametersaddseq5random, nreps5100,nchuck53,chuckscore51.Significance Analytical Methods ofpartitionincongruence(Farrisetal.,1994)wastested Themorphologicaldatasetconsistsof211characters with the partition homogeneity test as implemented with273apomorphicstatesintotal,withoneconstant inPAUP*;homparheuristicoptionsusedwerenbest5 character.Thelatter(character33,crustaceancardioac- 3, allswap 5 yes, addseq 5 asis. tive peptide) was included in our data because it has ForH3,thearthropodshave151variablesitesin327 beenaccordedsomesignificanceinotherstudies(Wa¨- aligned bases, of which 139 are informative. Thirty- gele,1993),despitebeinguninformativeatthelevelof oneof109first-basepositionsarevariable,with4that oursampling.Twocharactersinvolvingmitochondrial are uninformative. The third-base positions have 106 gene order were included. Multistate characters were variable sites (105 informative). Only 14 second-base treatedasunorderedexceptforcharacters5,17,25,54, positionsarevariableandonly7oftheseareinforma- 87, 108, 144, and 155. In each of these, evidence for tive.Therefore,mostoftheinformativesitesareinthe homology of state 1 and state 2 is compelling, and a H3 third position, although these sites may be satu- transformationseries(0–1–2)canbeposited.Thedata rated (Colgan et al., 1998). The aligned U2 data, 133 wereanalyzedwithPortablePAUPforWindows,ver- bases total, have 53 informative characters, with 64 sion 4.0b2 (Swofford, 1999). Heuristic multiple parsi- constantand16variablecharactersthatareuninforma- monysearchesemployed10iterationsofrandomstep- tive. Taxa for which only one of the two sequences wise addition of the taxa, uninformative characters wereobtainedareasfollows:Lithobius,Mecistocephalus, Copyrightq2000byTheWilliHennigSociety Allrightsofreproductioninanyformreserved ArthropodCladistics 159 Campodea, Petrobiinae, Hutchinsoniella (histone H3 se- appropriate starting point for simultaneous analysis. quenceonly;U2missing),Derocheilocaris,Limulus,and To examine the sensitivity of the combined results to Macrobiotus(U2sequenceonly;H3missing).Colganet differentanalyticalparametersforthemolecularchar- al. (1998) tested sensitivity to alternative methods of acters,wevariedtheweightsoftransitionsandofthe data combination, analyzing with all terminals for third-codon position in the H3 sequences. Higher ho- which either sequence was available as well as with moplasy rates for third codon positions in protein only those taxa with both sequences (“spliced” and genes and for transitions are well known (Philippe et “merged”analysesofNixonandCarpenter,1996).The al., 1996; Yoder et al., 1996). Many systematists have former approach, of more inclusive taxonomic sam- advocated the downweighting or elimination of the pling, yielded much more explicit results (Fig. 1) and third codon to decrease putatively negative effects of is employed in the present study. this homoplasy (see citations in Wenzel and Siddall, As argued by Allard and Carpenter (1996), equal 1999).Fractionalweightings,implementedbyPAUP*, weighting (one morphological state change equal to wereusedtovarytheH3third-codonweightingsand onebasechange,transitionsequaltotransversions,all thetransitionsintransversion/transitionstepmatrices. codon positionsequally weighted)is theobvious and Tranversionsthereforealwayshadaweightof1,while transitionsand theH3 thirdcodonhad weightsvary- ingbetween1and0.Thisprocedureallowedthemor- phological characters and putatively less homoplastic DNAcharacterstoretainequalweightsinalltests.We didnotexploredifferentpartitionweights.Noreason exists to suspect “swamping” of one partition by an- other.ThemorphologyandDNAdatasetswerenearly equalintheirstrength, morphologyhaving210parsi- monyinformativecharacterswhileH3andU2together have 192 informative sites. MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS 1. Non-migratorygastrulation:0,absent;1,present. Anderson (1973) described the unique pattern of gas- trulation in onychophorans, and this character has been accepted as an autapomorphy for Onychophora (Monge-Na´jera, 1995). 2. Engrailed expressed in mesoderm patterning: 0, absent; 1, present. Zrzavy´ and Sˇtys (1995) surveyed “compartment-likepatterning”inthemesodermofan- nelidsandarthropods,asmarkedbyengrailedexpres- sion.Limiteddataareavailabletoindicatetheabsence of such mesodermal patterning in some insects and crustaceans versus its presence in at least some chilopods, onychophorans, and annelids. Despite the preponderance of missing data, this character is in- cluded as a target for future investigation. 3. Early cleavage: 0, spiral; 1, total cleavage with FIG.1. Strictconsensusof14shortestcladogramsbasedonhistone radiallyorientedpositionofcleavageproducts;2,intra- H3 and U2 sequences (Colgan et al., 1998). Length 1376 steps, CI 0.27,RI0.40.Bremersupportisshownatnodes. lecithalcleavage.Awiderangeofeuarthropodsshare Copyrightq2000byTheWilliHennigSociety Allrightsofreproductioninanyformreserved 160 Edgecombeetal. early total cleavage without oblique spindles, which of the tardigrade brain indicate that “head lobes” Scholtz (1997) suggested is an autapomorphy of Eu- would form during neurogenesis (R. Dewel, pers. arthropoda.Wehavecodedforthemostcloselyrelated comm., 1998). proxy in groups identified by Scholtz as possessing 9. Fatbody:0,absent;1,fatbodycellsdevelopfrom this derived cleavage pattern. vitellophages in yolk; 2, fat body cells develop from 4. Annelidcrosscleavagepattern:0,absent;1,pres- walls of mesodermal somites. The presence of a ce- ent. Annelida and Echiura share a distinctive blasto- phalicstorage organ,the fatbody,has beenidentified merepattern, witha crossformed byblastomere cells as an atelocerate synapomorphy (Boudreaux, 1979). 1a112–1d112 (Rouse and Fauchald, 1995). Anderson (1973) made a distinction between vitello- 5. Blastokinesis:0,absent;1,amnioticcavityopen;2, phagalfatbodycells(Symphyla1Pauropoda1Diplo- amnioticcavityclosed.Insectembryologyisuniquely poda) and an origin of the fat body in the mesoderm characterized by the division of the dorsal extra-em- (Chilopoda 1 Hexapoda). Dohle (1980) upheld this bryonicectodermintoanamnionandaserosa,termed distinctionandemployedtheformerconditionasevi- blastokinesis (Anderson, 1973). We follow Whiting et denceformonophylyoftheprogoneatemyriapods.A al. (1997) in regarding the closed amniotic cavity of partial uncertainty coding (states 1 or 2, but not 0) is Dicondyliaasamodificationoftheopen(Larink,1983) employedforseveraltaxainwhichafatbodyispresent amniotic cavity of Archaeognatha (i.e., the character but its embryological origin is unknown. is ordered). 10. Fate map ordering of embryonic tissues: 0, pre- 6. Blastodermcuticle:0,absent;1,present.Anderson sumptivemesodermposteriortopresumptivemidgut; (1973) identified a thin, highly resistant blastoderm 1,presumptivemesodermanteriortomidgut;2,meso- cuticle beneath the chorion as shared by Progoneata derm midventral, cells sink and proliferate, midgut and lacking in Chilopoda. Blastoderm cuticle is also internalizes during cleavage; 3, mesoderm diffuse present in Collembola, Diplura, Archaeognatha, and through the ectoderm; 4, midgut develops from ante- Zygentoma(Anderson,1973:180),sothecharacterisa riorandposteriorrudimentsateachendofmidventral potential synapomorphy for Labiophora, though dis- mesoderm band. Fate map patterns follow Anderson tinctionfromblastodermcuticleinXiphosura(Ander- (1973,1979).Availabledataforpycnogonidsincludea son, 1973:370) would be required. diversity of patterns (Schram, 1978) but some species 7. Ectoteloblasts: 0, absent; 1, present, arranged in conform most closely to the chelicerate pattern and ring.Ectoteloblastsarespecializedstemcellsthatgive have been coded as such. rise to the ectoderm of most postnaupliar segments 11. Epimorphic development: 0, absent; 1, present. in Cirripedia and in Malacostraca (Gerberding, 1997). Severalarthropodgroupshavebeendiagnosedbyepi- They are absent in branchiopods (Gerberding, 1997) morphosis,hatchingwiththecompletecomplementof andarelackingonlyinAmphipodaamongtheMalac- segments(e.g.,EpimorphawithinChilopoda;Diplura ostraca (Dohle and Scholtz, 1988; present in Leptos- 1 Insecta fide Kraus, 1997). This character exhibits traca and Stomatopoda coded here fide Weygoldt, considerablehomoplasywithinArthropodabutserves 1994). Malacostracan ectoteloblasts are characterized as a synapomorphy for several clades. by their circular or semi-circular arrangement at the 12. Naupliuslarvaoreggnauplius:0,absent;1,pres- anterior border of the blastopore (Weygoldt, 1994). ent. The nauplius is a “short head” (Walossek and 8. Head lobes (paired semicircular lobes that give Mu¨ller,1997)swimminglarvathathasonlythreepairs risetothelateraleyesandlateralpartsoftheprotocere- oflimbs(antennule,antenna,mandible),eachofwhich brum): 0, absent; 1, present. Scholtz (1997) regarded has a generalized morphology. The naupliar antenna headlobesasasynapomorphyofonychophoransand has a proximal enditic process (“naupliar process”) euarthropods, with no corresponding structure in an- that acts as a food-pushing device in the absence of a nelids. Although Scholtz (1997) did not address this gnathal lobe on the mandible. Some authors (e.g., characterintardigrades,totalcleavageandthelackof Fryer, 1992, 1996) have suggested that the nauplius is agermbandstageintardigradesmeanthatstructures the primordial crustacean form, although even Cam- comparable to the head lobes of germ band embryos brian fossils well known to be crustaceans (Walossek, are absent, although the prominent dorsolateral lobes 1993)showclearlythatthenaupliusisonlyatransient Copyrightq2000byTheWilliHennigSociety Allrightsofreproductioninanyformreserved ArthropodCladistics 161 larvalstage.Absenceofanaupliuscannotbemeaning- excludes annelids. Ecdysone-like steroidal hormones fully interpreted for terrestrial arthropods, and we induceandcontrolmoltinginnon-arthropodEcdyso- have opted for an inapplicable coding (cf. Wa¨gele, zoa (see nematode citations in Schmidt-Rhaesa et al., 1993:278). 1998) as well as in Arthropoda. 13. Pupoid stage: 0, direct hatching; 1, motionless 20. Ecdysialsuturepattern:0,transverserupturebe- stageafterhatching,pupoidremainsencasedinembry- tween headand trunk; 1, dorsallongitudinal ecdysial oniccuticle.Anderson(1973)summarizedevidencefor suture;2,marginalecdysialsuture;3,ruptureatstylus a pupoid stage in Chilopoda, Diplopoda, and Pauro- apparatus.States0–2wereusedbyZrzavy´ etal.(1997). poda.Dohle(1997),however,identifiedapupoidstage Boudreaux(1979) regardedecdysis atthe head–trunk asconfinedtodiplopodsandpauropods.Werecognize contact (state 0) to be diagnostic of Myriapoda and the peripatoid and fetoid stages of Epimorpha dorsal longitudinal ecdysis (state 1) to be diagnostic (Chilopoda) as character 181. for Hexapoda. Snodgrass (1952:269) specified that the 14. Sclerotization of cuticle into hard, articulated latterpertainedtoInsectainparticular,whereasColle- exoskeleton: 0, absent; 1, present. mbola and Protura have a head–trunk ecdysial split 15. Cuticlecontaininga-chitinandprotein:0,absent; (Kaufman,1967:16).R.Dewel(pers.comm.,1998)indi- 1, present (Weygoldt, 1986). The composition of the cates that tardigrades molt at the stylus apparatus. chitinintardigradecuticleisnotknownwithcertainty 21. Resilin protein: 0, absent; 1, present. Weygoldt (DewelandDewel,1997).a-chitinis,however,shared (1986)indicatedthatthespiralproteinresilinisknown by euarthropods (but not pentastomids), onychopho- only from euarthropods and onychophorans. Nielsen rans, and non-arthropod Ecdysozoa (Priapulida; see (1995),however, mappedresilin ontothe treeas aeu- Schmidt-Rhaesa et al., 1998, for citations). arthropodsynapomorphy,indicatingitsabsenceintar- 16. Exocuticular cones: 0, absent or moderately de- digrades and onychophorans. veloped; 1, extensively developed in cuticle of head. 22. Molting gland: 0, absent; 1, present. Wa¨gele Manton (1965) identified cuticular specializations for (1993)citedamoltingglandasadiagnosticcharacterof flexibilityandstrengthassynapomorphiesoftheGeo- Mandibulata.Thiswasbasedonaproposedhomology philomorpha, linking these to the burrowing habits between the Y-organ of Malacostraca and the protho- of the clade. Exocuticular cones are especially well- racicglandofinsects.Wa¨gelenotedthatsuchmolting developedintheheadandmaxilliped.Theyareabsent glandsininsectsandcrustaceansarehypodermalderi- in“anamorphic”chilopodsandmuchlessextensively vationsofthesecondmaxillaandareabsentinchelic- developed in scolopendromorphs than in geophilo- erates. An alleged ecdysial gland in some chilopods morphs (Manton, 1965). (Lithobiomorpha, Seifert and Rosenberg, 1974; 17. Ectodermal cilia: 0, present in many tissues; 1, glandulacapitisinScutigeromorpha,Seifert,1979)may present in photoreceptors and sperm; 2, present in be homologous. Evidence for an ecdysial gland has spermonly.WefollowWheeleretal.(1993,theircharac- not been found in other myriapods (Tombes, 1979) ter65)inscoringthisasanorderedmultistatecharacter. except for polyxenid millipedes (glandula perioeso- 18. Tendoncellswithtonofilamentspenetratingepi- phagealis,Seifert,1979).TherestrictionoftheY-organ dermis: 0, absent; 1, present. Boudreaux (1979) and to Malacostraca within the Crustacea (Fingerman, Wa¨gele (1993) acknowledged tonofilaments as a eu- 1987)isproblematicforthehomologyoftheseglands. arthropod synapomorphy, and Dewel and Dewel Studies of branchiopods have not discovered similar (1997) confirmed their absence in onychophorans moltingglandsalthoughmoltinghormonesappearto and tardigrades. be present (Martin, 1992). 19. Molting with ecdysone: 0, absent; 1, present. 23. BismuthstainingofGolgicomplexbeads:0,not Molting is frequently evoked as a synapomorphy of staining; 1, staining. Locke and Huie (1977) observed Panarthropoda (e.g., Weygoldt, 1986), although it has GolgibeadstostainwithBismuthinvariouseuarthro- alternativelybeensuggestedtobeaplesiomorphyfor podsandtardigrades,butnotinOnychophora,Anne- abroadergroupthatalsoincludesnematodes,nemato- lida,Mollusca,Nematoda,orPlatyhelminthes.Dueto morphs, priapulids, kinorhynchs, and loriciferans thedepauperatetaxonomicsamplingforthischaracter, (Aguinaldoetal.,1997;Schmidt-Rhaesaetal.,1998)but we have coded with the following proxies examined Copyrightq2000byTheWilliHennigSociety Allrightsofreproductioninanyformreserved 162 Edgecombeetal. by Locke and Huie (1977): undetermined isopod and with To¨mo¨sva´ry organs, whereas Tuxen (1959) re- OrconectesforKempina,undeterminedpolydesmoidfor gardedthemasantennalvestigesonthebasisofmus- Epicyliosoma, and representatives of four pterygote culation. The postantennal organs of Collembola may orders for Atalophlebia. alsobehomologous(Haupt,1979).Wehavescoredthe 24. Metanephridiawithsacculuswithpodocytes:0, temporalorgansofEllipuraashomologouswiththose absent; 1, present. While metanephridia are probably ofMyriapoda,followingHaupt(1979)andBitschand plesiomorphic for arthropods (Fauchald and Rouse, Bitsch(1998).ThehomologueoftheTo¨mo¨sva´ryorgan 1997),thesacculusandpodocytesarenovelnephridial in Craterostigmus is a ringed organ set on a triangular structuresforonychophoransandeuarthropods,lack- sclerite lateral to the clypeus (Fig. 50 in Shear and ingintardigrades(Nielsen,1997;Schmidt-Rhaesaetal., Bonamo, 1988; Fig. 2 in Dohle, 1990). The form and 1998). Absence of nephridia in pycnogonids is coded positioningofthisorganarecomparabletotheTo¨mo¨s- following King (1973) and Clarke (1979). va´ry organ in Lithobiomorpha (Henicopidae). 25. Distribution of segmental glands: 0, on many 27. Salivary gland reservoir: 0, absent; 1, present. segments;1,inatmostthelastfourcephalicsegments Monge-Na´jera(1995)identifiedasalivaryglandreser- andfirsttwopost-cephalicsegments;2,onsecondan- voir as an onychophoran autapomorphy. tennal and maxillary segments only. Definition of the 28. Malpighian tubules formed as endodermal ex- basic euarthropod distribution of segmental glands, a tensions of the midgut: 0, absent, 1, present. Shultz reductionfromthatinOnychophora,followsWeygoldt (1990) claimed that endodermal Malpighian tubules (1986). We have not attempted to define all variants areuniquetoArachnida and,despitetheirabsencein ofsegmentalglanddistributionwithinEuarthropoda, someingrouptaxa(suchasOpiliones),resolvedthem and state 1 above is an artificial grouping. A more asanarachnidautapomorphy.AtelocerateMalpighian advanced reductionin Crustacea,restricted tothe an- tubules, in contrast, are extensions of the ectodermal tennal and maxillary segments, has been regarded as hindgut(seecharacter29).Thenon-homologyofthese a crustacean synapomorphy (Lauterbach, 1983, 1986). structuresisgenerallyrecognized,andwehaveaccord- WalossekandMu¨ller(1990:410)consideredremipedes ingly coded them as separate characters. (Schram and Lewis, 1989) and anostracans to deviate 29. Malpighiantubulesformedasectodermalexten- from this state in possessing additional cephalic seg- sions of the hindgut: 0, absent; 1, single pair of Mal- mental glands, but Wa¨gele (1993) dismissed these as pighian tubulesat junctureof midgut andhindgut; 2, integumental glands and embryonic mesodermal multiple pairs of tubules at anterior end of hindgut. cells, respectively. The presence of Malpighian tubules in Collembola is 26. To¨mo¨sva´ry organ (“temporal organs” at side of dubious (Clarke, 1979; Bitsch and Bitsch, 1998), while headbehindinsertionofantennule):0,absent;1,pres- Proturahaveseveralpairsofpapillaebehindthemid- ent. Homology of To¨mo¨sva´ry organs (Fig. 2A) across gut–hindgutjunction(seecharacter30).Distinctcondi- the Myriapoda has been widely accepted (Snodgrass, tionscanberecognizedwithinthemyriapodsandthe 1952), but relationships to similarly positioned struc- ectognathhexapodsandserveasthebasisforstates1 turesinhexapodsarecontentious.Franc¸ois(1969),for and 2 above. The origin of insect Malpighian tubules example, homologized the pseudocellus of Protura (whether ectodermal or entodermal) is controversial FIG. 2. (A–C)Hanseniella n.sp. (Symphyla), Mt.Colah, NSW,Australia. (A)Lateral view ofhead, showingmandibular base plate(Md), To¨mo¨sva´ryorgan(TO),andspiracle (SP).(B)Ventralviewoftrunk,showingstyli(St) andeversiblevesicles/coxalsacs(Vs).(C)Pretarsal claws.(D)Schizoribautian.sp.(Chilopoda,Geophilomorpha),Sydney,NSW,Australia.Lateralviewoftrunk,showingventralconfluenceof procoxa (PrCx) and metacoxa (MtCx) and elaboration of pleurites, including scutellum (Sc), stigmatopleurite (StPL), and small pleurites (SmPL)betweentergite(Tg)andsternite(St).(E)Allomachilisfroggatti(Archaeognatha),Kiama,NSW,Australia.Ventrolateralviewofhead, showingdivisionoflabialglossae(GL)andparaglossae(Pg).(F)Pauropodinae,3kmNofWeldborough,Tasmania,Australia.Ventralview ofposteriorpartofhead,collumsegment,andanteriorpartoffirstleg-bearingtrunksegment,showingcollumorgans(CO)variablyinterpreted asvesicles(Tiegs,1947)orappendagevestiges(KrausandKraus,1994).Scalebars:AandE,200m;BandD,100m;F,20m;C,10m. Copyrightq2000byTheWilliHennigSociety Allrightsofreproductioninanyformreserved ArthropodCladistics 163 Copyrightq2000byTheWilliHennigSociety Allrightsofreproductioninanyformreserved 164 Edgecombeetal. (Dohle, 1997). One or a small pair of supernumerary derivedcharacterofonychophorans,tardigrades,and Malpighian tubules is present in some chilopods euarthropods (Weygoldt, 1986). (PrunescuandPrunescu,1996).Theso-calledMalpigh- 36. Dorsalheartwithsegmentalostiaandpericardial ian tubules of eutardigrades are not in contact with sinus:0,absent;1,present.Thedorsal,ostiateheartand cuticleand assuchdonot appeartobe ectodermalin pericardialsinus/septumaresharedbyOnychophora origin (Møbjerg and Dahl, 1996). andEuarthropoda,butabsentintardigradesandpaur- 30. FormofectodermalMalpighiantubules:0,elon- opods. We have not coded with the assumption that gate;1,papillate.TheMalpighiantubulesareelongate these absences are due to miniaturization. in myriapods and most hexapods, Bitsch and Bitsch 37. Arterialbloodsupplytolimbs:0,absent;1,limbs (1998, theircharacter 14) interpreting thisas the basal receive blood from a supraneural artery; 2, limbs re- stateforAtelocerata.BitschandBitschcodedthevery ceivebloodfromasubneuralartery.Mostatelocerates similarpapillaeofProturaandCampodeinaashomol- lackanarterialbloodsupplytothelegs.Clarke(1979) ogous, a procedure adopted here. identified different patterns of arterial branching in malacostracan crustaceans and in many chelicerates. 31. Neck organ: 0, absent; 1, present. Martin and 38. Slitsensilla:0,absent;1,present.Slitsensillaare Laverack (1992) have reviewed the so-called dorsal small clefts or slits in the cuticle, used in detecting organ or neck organ (Walossek, 1993) of crustaceans. compressionalforcesactingontheexoskeleton(Shultz, The term “neck organ” is preferred for this structure 1990).Theyhavebeenrecognizedasasynapomorphy so as to avoid confusion with the region of extra-em- for Arachnida, but are (doubtfully) present in the ex- bryonic ectoderm that is commonly called a “dorsal tinct Eurypterida (Dunlop and Braddy, 1997). organ” in many groups of arthropods (Fioroni, 1980). 39. Neuroblasts: 0, absent; 1, present. The identity 32. Hemocyanin: 0, absent; 1, present. Codings for and relative positions of cell types in the central ner- the presence of hemocyanin follow Gupta (1979). In vous system exhibit impressive similarities between pycnogonids, hemocyanin is only found dissolved in insectsandsomemalacostracancrustaceans(forwhich theplasma(ArnaudandBamber,1987),withoutcyano- Kempina is coded as a proxy). Certain chilopods have cytessensuGupta.Someremipedeshavelargehemocy- differentpatternsofsegmentalneurons(Whitingtonet anincrystalsscatteredthroughouttheheadandswim- al., 1993), and neuroblasts, the precursor cells of the ming appendage tissue (J. Yager, pers. comm., 1998). embryonic ganglia, are variably described as lacking WithinChilopoda,Scutigeromorphahavehemocyanin (Osorio and Bacon, 1994; Zrzavy´ and Sˇtys, 1994) or astheoxygentransportmolecule(Mangumetal.,1985) present(Scutigera:Knoll,1974).Sincerecenttreatments versusgaseousexchangebetweenthetracheaeandthe (e.g., Gerberding, 1997) consider myriapod ganglia to tissuesinPleurostigmophora(Hilken,1997).Hemocy- developwithoutneuroblasts,wearereluctanttoaccept anin is lacking in hexapods (Beintema et al., 1994). Knoll’s(1974) interpretationof Scutigera.Scutigera ap- 33. Crustacean cardioactive peptide in neurosecre- pearstohavesomelargercellsintheneurogenicarea torycellsofnervoussystem:0,absent;1,present.Wa¨- but the asymmetric division that characterizes neuro- gele(1993)documentedthesimilarityinthesequence blasts is not shown (G. Scholtz, pers. comm., 1999). of this nonapeptide in insects and eumalacostracans Dohle(1997)indicatedthatonychophoranandchelic- and proposed it as a mandibulate synapomorphy, al- erateganglionformationresemblesthatofcentipedes though no evidence was presented to confirm its ab- and millipedes.Weygoldt (1998:68)likewise observed senceincheliceratesoritspresenceinmyriapods.Miss- thatthenervoussystemincheliceratesandmyriapods ingdatarenderthischaracterentirelyambiguous,but arises by invagination. We have coded Euperipatoides we include it to encourage further investigation. and Epicyliosoma as proxies because details of neuro- 34. Subcutaneous hemal channels in body wall: 0, genesis are unknown for most taxa considered in this absent;1,present.PresenceisuniquetoOnychophora analysis. Gerberding (1997) showed that Cladocera (Brusca and Brusca, 1990; Monge-Na´jera, 1995). have cells with the characteristics of neuroblasts and 35. Hemocoel: 0, absent; 1, present. Disintegration that their morphology is identical to that in Malacos- of the coelomic cavities, resulting in the body cavity traca;branchiopodsinthepresentstudyarethuscoded being used as a hemocoel or mixocoele, is a shared ashavingneuroblasts.Neuroblastshavebeenreported Copyrightq2000byTheWilliHennigSociety Allrightsofreproductioninanyformreserved