More Praise for The Art of the Strategist ‘‘A comprehensive treatise on the subject of strategy—clear, well orga- nized,simplyput,andstraighttalking.Dr.Cohenhaslinkedleadership and strategy into a helpful guide for businesspeople, politicians, and trailblazers. His numerous well-written examples make it an enjoyable read, as well as a profitable one.’’—J. B. Hilmes, Lieutenant General, U.S.Army(retired),GroupExecutiveVP,ComputerScienceCorporation ‘‘Outstanding!Anindispensableguideforstrategistsanddecisionmak- ers. General Cohen has successfully identified the ten essential ele- mentsofstrategyandstrategicleadership.Masterthetenprinciplesin this book and you will master your competition.’’—Michael A. Mische, CEO, Synergy Industries, former Principal, KPMG Peat Marwick and author of Strategic Renewal: Becoming a High-Performance Organiza- tion ‘‘In this clear and well-written book, Dr. Cohen has thoroughly and in- telligently distilled from history the basic strategic principles that suc- cessful businesses must use. Of great interest at this time is his prescriptionthattheseprinciplesofstrategydonotinvolvelying,cheat- ing, or dishonesty. Every corporate officer who wants to develop and follow a strategy that will win should read this book.’’—Herbert Y. Schandler, PhD, George C. Marshall Professor of Grand Strategy, and former Chairman of the Strategy Department, Industrial College of the Armed Forces ‘‘Scores of anecdotes and examples show how these ten principles are essentialtoeverysuccessful businessstrategy, butalsotosports,poli- tics, and even romance! The Art of the Strategist deserves to be a Best Business Book of the Year!’’—Reginald Rhein, former Business Week magazinewriterandcurrentWashingtoneditorofScripWorldPharma- ceuticalNews ‘‘The Art of the Strategist makes new contributions to the knowledge of strategy. Everyone who reads this book will wish that they had done what it recommends a long time ago.’’—Ambassador Ronald F. Leh- man II, PhD, former Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarma- ment Agency and Assistant Secretary of Defense for International SecurityPolicy ..........................10679$ $$FM 03-23-0413:05:34 PS This page intentionally left blank The Art of the Strategist 10 Essential Principles for Leading Your Company to Victory William A. Cohen, PhD MAJOR GENERAL, USAFR, RETIRED American Management Association New York ❚ Atlanta ❚ Brussels ❚ Chicago ❚ Mexico City San Francisco ❚ Shanghai ❚ Tokyo ❚ Toronto ❚ Washington, D.C. ..........................10679$ $$FM 03-23-0413:05:36 PS SpecialdiscountsonbulkquantitiesofAMACOMbooksare availabletocorporations,professionalassociations,andother organizations.Fordetails,contactSpecialSalesDepartment, AMACOM,adivisionofAmericanManagementAssociation, 1601Broadway,NewYork,NY10019. Tel.:212-903-8316.Fax:212-903-8083. Thispublicationisdesignedtoprovideaccurateandauthoritative informationinregardtothesubjectmattercovered.Itissoldwiththe understandingthatthepublisherisnotengagedinrenderinglegal, accounting,orotherprofessionalservice.Iflegaladviceorotherexpert assistanceisrequired,theservicesofacompetentprofessionalperson shouldbesought. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Cohen,WilliamA.,1937– Theartofthestrategist:10essentialprinciplesforleadingyour companytovictory/WilliamA.Cohen. p. cm. Includesindex. ISBN0-8144-0782-X 1. Leadership. 2. Strategicplanning. 3. Successinbusiness. I. Title. HD57.7.C6425 2004 658.4(cid:1)012—dc22 2004003414 (cid:1)2004WilliamA.Cohen. Allrightsreserved. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. Thispublicationmaynotbereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem, ortransmittedinwholeorinpart, inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic, mechanical,photocopying,recording,orotherwise, withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofAMACOM, adivisionofAmericanManagementAssociation, 1601Broadway,NewYork,NY10019. Printingnumber 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ..........................10679$ $$FM 03-23-0413:05:36 PS Contents FOREWORD vii PREFACE ix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xiii PART1: The Roots of Strategy A. ForEveryLeader,StrategyIstheKeytoSuccess 3 B. Determiningthe10EssentialPrinciplesofStrategy 13 PART2: The 10 Essential Principles 1: TheFundamentalPrinciple:CommitFullytoa DefiniteObjective 27 2: SeizetheInitiativeandKeepIt 43 3: EconomizetoMassYourResources 59 4: UseStrategicPositioning 71 5: DotheUnexpected 83 6: KeepThingsSimple 99 7: PrepareMultiple,SimultaneousAlternatives 113 8: TaketheIndirectRoutetoYourObjective 127 9: PracticeTimingandSequencing 145 10: ExploitYourSuccess 159 PART3: Putting the Strategic Principles into Action 11: StrategyMustBeTailoredtoFittheEnvironment 177 12: CrisisStrategy—WhattoDoWhenThings GoWrong 195 13: HowtoApplythePrinciplesofStrategy 211 14: ThePrinciplesAreNotOnlyEssential... They’reUniversal 219 NOTES 223 INDEX 229 ❚ v ..........................10679$ CNTS 03-23-0413:05:36 PS This page intentionally left blank Foreword B illCohenhasneverbeenafraidtotackleseeminglycomplexsubjects thatsomefeeldefyanalysisorproscription.InTheArtoftheStrate- gist he has taken on the important subject of strategy and put it in a framework of principles that are easily understood and ready for the practitioner. There are several aspects of this book that I found especially useful. First, it is not simply a book about strategy development, but rather a book that flows from determination of an objective through the phases of execution that lead to success. Second, it has interspersed real-world examplestoillustratetheprinciplesandthesubsetsoffactorstoconsider inapplyingtheprinciples.Finally,itmakesclearthatsensitivitytoenvi- ronmental factors and a willingness to change strategy, but not objec- tives, are an integral part of the process. It is also clear that application of these principles depends on the judgment and leadership qualities of the individual responsible for the success of the undertaking. The need for such leadership is no more apparent than in a crisis situation. Having been involved with strategy development and execution for three decades in government and over a decade in industry, I recom- mend this book to all who want to develop the strategic skills that lead to success. General James E. Dalton, USAF, Retired Former chief of staff, Supreme Hqs Allied Powers Europe (NATO); President, Logicon RDA ❚ vii ..........................10679$ FRWD 03-23-0413:05:36 PS This page intentionally left blank Preface I n writing this book, I have taken on a number of ‘‘sacred cows’’ and celebratedwritersofbusinessstrategy,includingeventheclassicCom- petitive StrategybyHarvard’sMichaelPorter.Idothiswithgreatreluc- tance, since I have the utmost respect for both Professor Porter, as a strategist and researcher, and Harvard, as one of our nation’s leading institutions ofhigherlearning.Butheisnot theonlystrategyresearcher who has, I believe, led us astray. Yearsago,anotheracademicstrategist,writingaboutmarketingstrat- egy,claimedthatgoodtacticalimplementationcanovercomeabadstrat- egy. That notion is ridiculous. If the strategy is bad or wrong, the only thing good tactical implementation will do is make a bad strategy result in something worse. The bad strategy may succeed, but it would be better if it failed. Forexample,assumethatyourstrategyinvolveddevelopingacertain technology instead of an alternative. It was the wrong choice, but you did not know it at the time. Tactically, you did everything right. You convinced investors and got the money. You recruited and motivated an outstanding scientific team. You spent millions of dollars, months of time,andintheend,youdevelopedthetechnology.Butitwasthewrong one! You should have developed the alternative technology. Your strat- egy was wrong even though your tactics were flawless. Tacticalimplementationshouldbedirectedtowardimplementingthe right thing—a good strategy. Good tactical implementation of a bad strategy is doing the wrong thing in the right way. It is optimizing the kind of approach that will eventually lead to defeat, not to triumph. I have had the good fortune to call renowned management expert Peter F. Drucker my friend, as well as my professor. One of his most famous quotes is: ‘‘What everyone knows is usually wrong.’’ On many keypoints, muchof theadvice thatbusinessstrategistshavebeengiving us foryearsisquite simply wrong.Tobeintellectually honestinwriting this book, I have had to go against much of ‘‘what everyone knows.’’ Consider for a minute those strategists who claim that business is war. In more than forty years of experience in the three worlds of the military,academia,andcommerce,I’veread,analyzed,visuallyscanned, and examined numerous books purporting to explain business strategy ❚ ix ..........................10679$ PREF 03-23-0413:05:41 PS