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Art Lab for Little Kids: 52 Playful Projects for Preschoolers PDF

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Preview Art Lab for Little Kids: 52 Playful Projects for Preschoolers

Art Lab for Little Kids 001-009_30004.indd 1 1/24/13 1:07 PM 001-009_30004.indd 1 1/24/13 2:03 PM ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss (Text)((RRaayy)) ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::11 AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss 5522 PPllaayyffuull PPrroojjeeccttss ffoorr PPrreesscchhoooolleerrss!! SSuussaann SScchhwwaakkee PPhhoottooggrraapphhyy bbyy RRaaiinneerr SScchhwwaakkee 001-009_30004.indd 2 1/24/13 1:07 PM 001-009_30004.indd 3 1/24/13 1:07 PM 001-009_30004.indd 2 1/24/13 2:03 PM 001-009_30004.indd 3 1/24/13 2:03 PM ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss ((RRaayy)) (Text)((RRaayy)) ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::22 ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::33 AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss 5522 PPllaayyffuull PPrroojjeeccttss ffoorr PPrreesscchhoooolleerrss!! SSuussaann SScchhwwaakkee PPhhoottooggrraapphhyy bbyy RRaaiinneerr SScchhwwaakkee 001-009_30004.indd 2 1/24/13 1:07 PM 001-009_30004.indd 3 1/24/13 1:07 PM 001-009_30004.indd 2 1/24/13 2:03 PM 001-009_30004.indd 3 1/24/13 2:03 PM ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss ((RRaayy)) (Text)((RRaayy)) ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::22 ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::33 © 2013 by Quarry Books Text © 2013 Susan Schwake First published in the United States of America in 2013 by Quarry Books, a member of Quayside Publishing Group 100 Cummings Center Suite 406-L Beverly, Massachusetts 01915-6101 Telephone: (978) 282-9590 Fax: (978) 283-2742 www.quarrybooks.com Visit www.Craftside.Typepad.com for a behind-the-scenes peek at our crafty world! All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owners. All images in this book have been reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the artists concerned, and no responsibility is accepted by the producer, publisher, or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with information supplied. We apologize for any inaccuracies that may have occurred and will resolve inaccurate or missing information in a subsequent reprinting of the book. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN: 978-1-59253-836-2 Digital edition published in 2013 eISBN: 978-1-61058-766-2 Dedication This book is dedicated with love to my own (not so) littles, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Schwake, Susan. Grace and Chloe, who have been the most creative and Art lab for little kids : 52 playful projects for preschoolers! / Susan Schwake. loving daughters I could have ever dreamed of. pages cm Summary: "Developed for the younger set (3–6 year olds) and targeting one of the most critical developmental periods for children, Art Lab for Little Kids is the perfect book for both parents and teachers who are seeking enriching and unique experiences to offer this age group. As in Susan Schwake's first book, Art Lab for Kids (Quarry Books, 2012), the Labs can be used as singular projects, or used to build up to a year of hands-on fine art experiences."— Provided by publisher. ISBN 978-1-59253-836-2 (pbk.) 1. Art—Technique—Juvenile literature. I. Title. N7440.S393 2013 372.5'044--dc23 2012045843 Book Layout: tabula rasa graphic design, www.trgraphicdesign.com Series Design: John Hall Design Group, www.johnhalldesign.com All photography by Rainer Schwake unless otherwise noted. Developmental Editor: Marla Stefanelli Printed in China 001-009_30004.indd 4 1/24/13 1:07 PM 001-009_30004.indd 5 1/24/13 1:07 PM 001-009_30004.indd 4 1/24/13 2:03 PM 001-009_30004.indd 5 1/24/13 2:03 PM ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss (Text)((RRaayy)) (Text)((RRaayy)) ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::44 ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::55 55 Contents Sculpture 92 TT Lab 31: Tinfoil Fun 94 NINI Lab 32: Mat Board Stacks 96 UU Lab 33: Clay Play 98 Lab 34: Tube Construction 100 Lab 35: Masks 102 Lab 36: Paper Vases 104 Lab 37: Royal Crowns 106 Lab 38: Mat Board Mobiles 108 Lab 39: Fairy & Toad Houses 110 Introduction 8 Lab 40: Personal Piñatas 112 Lab 41: Paper Mâché Minis 114 1 3 Setting the Stage for Making Art 10 PPaaiinnttiinngg 4488 66 T The Master Materials List 12 T LLaabb 1111:: SSpprraayy--BBoottttllee PPaaiinnttiinnggss 5500 Mixed Media 116 NI Basic Methods for Handling Materials NI LLaabb 1122:: PPiicckk aa BBrruusshh 5522 in the Studio 17 LLaabb 1133:: WWaatteerrccoolloorr MMaaggiicc 5544 TT Lab 42: Fabric Collage 118 U U LLaabb 1144:: DDrriipp,, DDrroopp,, SSppllaatt!! 5566 NINI Lab 43: Sewing Cards 120 LLaabb 1155:: MMiixxiinngg IItt UUpp 5588 Lab 44: Torn Paper Collage 122 UU LLaabb 1166:: CCoottttoonn BBaallll CCoolloorr 6600 Lab 45: Wild Weavings 124 2 LLaabb 1177:: TThhaatt’’ss NNoott aa BBrruusshh!! 6622 Lab 46: Black & White & Red 126 Drawing 26 LLaabb 1188:: WWhheerree WWee LLiivvee 6644 Lab 47: Wonderful Wallpaper 128 LLaabb 1199:: SSwweeeett PPaaiinnttiinnggss 6666 Lab 48: Oil Pastels & Magazines 130 T Lab 1: Buttermilk Chalk 28 NI Lab 2: Crayon Fun 30 LLLLaaaabbbb 22220101:::: OCOCiipprrcc AAlleerr ttPP aa 66iinn88ttiinnggss 7700 LLaabb 4590:: JBurannkc Dhr aWweearv Cinoglsla g 1e3 4132 Lab 3: Dot to Dot 32 U Lab 51: Sand & Glue Paintings 136 Lab 4: Oil Pastels 34 Lab 52: Tape Shakers 138 Lab 5: Ice Drawings 36 Lab 6: Ink Spots 38 4 Lab 7: Ink & Cotton Swabs 40 Lab 8: Drawings on Fabric 42 PPrriinnttmmaakkiinngg 7722 Lab 9: Marble Drawing 44 T LLaabb 2222:: LLeetttteerr PPrriinnttss 7744 Lab 10: Tape Flags 46 NI LLaabb 2233:: FFoolldd MMee aa PPrriinntt 7766 LLaabb 2244:: SSppuuddss!! 7788 U LLaabb 2255:: WWhhaatt’’ss tthhee RRuubb?? 8800 LLaabb 2266:: WWaatteerrccoolloorr MMoonnoottyyppeess 8822 LLaabb 2277:: GGlluuee PPrriinnttss 8844 LLaabb 2288:: LLaaccee PPrriinnttss 8866 Resources for Materials 140 LLaabb 2299:: BBaalllloooonn PPrriinnttss 8888 Contributing Artists 141 LLaabb 3300:: LLeett’’ss PPrriinntt CCiirrcclleess && LLiinneess 9900 Acknowledgments 143 Photo Credits 143 About the Author 144 001-009_C68662.indd 6 2/14/13 3:53 PM 001-009_30004.indd 7 1/24/13 1:07 PM 001-009_30004.indd 6 1/24/13 2:03 PM 001-009_30004.indd 7 1/24/13 2:03 PM ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss (Text)((RRaayy)) (Text)((RRaayy)) 0 2 - C 6 8 6 6 2 ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::66 ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::77 55 Contents Sculpture 92 TT Lab 31: Tinfoil Fun 94 NINI Lab 32: Mat Board Stacks 96 UU Lab 33: Clay Play 98 Lab 34: Tube Construction 100 Lab 35: Masks 102 Lab 36: Paper Vases 104 Lab 37: Royal Crowns 106 Lab 38: Mat Board Mobiles 108 Lab 39: Fairy & Toad Houses 110 Introduction 8 Lab 40: Personal Piñatas 112 Lab 41: Paper Mâché Minis 114 1 3 Setting the Stage for Making Art 10 PPaaiinnttiinngg 4488 66 T The Master Materials List 12 T LLaabb 1111:: SSpprraayy--BBoottttllee PPaaiinnttiinnggss 5500 Mixed Media 116 NI Basic Methods for Handling Materials NI LLaabb 1122:: PPiicckk aa BBrruusshh 5522 in the Studio 17 LLaabb 1133:: WWaatteerrccoolloorr MMaaggiicc 5544 TT Lab 42: Fabric Collage 118 U U LLaabb 1144:: DDrriipp,, DDrroopp,, SSppllaatt!! 5566 NINI Lab 43: Sewing Cards 120 LLaabb 1155:: MMiixxiinngg IItt UUpp 5588 Lab 44: Torn Paper Collage 122 UU LLaabb 1166:: CCoottttoonn BBaallll CCoolloorr 6600 Lab 45: Wild Weavings 124 2 LLaabb 1177:: TThhaatt’’ss NNoott aa BBrruusshh!! 6622 Lab 46: Black & White & Red 126 Drawing 26 LLaabb 1188:: WWhheerree WWee LLiivvee 6644 Lab 47: Wonderful Wallpaper 128 LLaabb 1199:: SSwweeeett PPaaiinnttiinnggss 6666 Lab 48: Oil Pastels & Magazines 130 T Lab 1: Buttermilk Chalk 28 NI Lab 2: Crayon Fun 30 LLLLaaaabbbb 22220101:::: OCOCiipprrcc AAlleerr ttPP aa 66iinn88ttiinnggss 7700 LLaabb 4590:: JBurannkc Dhr aWweearv Cinoglsla g 1e3 4132 Lab 3: Dot to Dot 32 U Lab 51: Sand & Glue Paintings 136 Lab 4: Oil Pastels 34 Lab 52: Tape Shakers 138 Lab 5: Ice Drawings 36 Lab 6: Ink Spots 38 4 Lab 7: Ink & Cotton Swabs 40 Lab 8: Drawings on Fabric 42 PPrriinnttmmaakkiinngg 7722 Lab 9: Marble Drawing 44 T LLaabb 2222:: LLeetttteerr PPrriinnttss 7744 Lab 10: Tape Flags 46 NI LLaabb 2233:: FFoolldd MMee aa PPrriinntt 7766 LLaabb 2244:: SSppuuddss!! 7788 U LLaabb 2255:: WWhhaatt’’ss tthhee RRuubb?? 8800 LLaabb 2266:: WWaatteerrccoolloorr MMoonnoottyyppeess 8822 LLaabb 2277:: GGlluuee PPrriinnttss 8844 LLaabb 2288:: LLaaccee PPrriinnttss 8866 Resources for Materials 140 LLaabb 2299:: BBaalllloooonn PPrriinnttss 8888 Contributing Artists 141 LLaabb 3300:: LLeett’’ss PPrriinntt CCiirrcclleess && LLiinneess 9900 Acknowledgments 143 Photo Credits 143 About the Author 144 001-009_C68662.indd 6 2/14/13 3:53 PM 001-009_30004.indd 7 1/24/13 1:07 PM 001-009_30004.indd 6 1/24/13 2:03 PM 001-009_30004.indd 7 1/24/13 2:03 PM ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss (Text)((RRaayy)) (Text)((RRaayy)) 0 2 - C 6 8 6 6 2 ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::66 ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::77 Introduction This book is a coLLecTion of Lessons for the littles in your life—the ones not quite tall enough to sit at “the big table.” They are the ones who—if you listen carefully and provide them with opportunity—will surprise you most with their curiosity, creativity, and ability. I have had the pleasure of making art with people of all ages for the past twenty years in a wide variety of settings. Each time I work with a mixed-age group, I can’t help but notice how the littler children are always the first to engage deeply and with pleasure right from the start. Sometimes by action and sometimes by observa- tion—but always engaged. I believe that we are born creative; to nurture this quality from an early age is so very important! It is the creative minds among us that help us conquer the biggest challenges in our lives. It is my sincere hope that this book will inspire you to playfully engage yourself with a child to make art and nurture that creative seed. 8 AArrtt LLAAbb FFoorr LLiittttLLee kkiiddss 9 001-009_30004.indd 8 1/24/13 1:07 PM 001-009_30004.indd 9 1/24/13 1:07 PM 001-009_30004.indd 8 1/24/13 2:03 PM 001-009_30004.indd 9 1/24/13 2:03 PM ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss (Text)((RRaayy)) (Text)((RRaayy)) ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::88 ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::99 Introduction This book is a coLLecTion of Lessons for the littles in your life—the ones not quite tall enough to sit at “the big table.” They are the ones who—if you listen carefully and provide them with opportunity—will surprise you most with their curiosity, creativity, and ability. I have had the pleasure of making art with people of all ages for the past twenty years in a wide variety of settings. Each time I work with a mixed-age group, I can’t help but notice how the littler children are always the first to engage deeply and with pleasure right from the start. Sometimes by action and sometimes by observa- tion—but always engaged. I believe that we are born creative; to nurture this quality from an early age is so very important! It is the creative minds among us that help us conquer the biggest challenges in our lives. It is my sincere hope that this book will inspire you to playfully engage yourself with a child to make art and nurture that creative seed. 8 AArrtt LLAAbb FFoorr LLiittttLLee kkiiddss 9 001-009_30004.indd 8 1/24/13 1:07 PM 001-009_30004.indd 9 1/24/13 1:07 PM 001-009_30004.indd 8 1/24/13 2:03 PM 001-009_30004.indd 9 1/24/13 2:03 PM ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss (Text)((RRaayy)) (Text)((RRaayy)) ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::88 ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::99 11 Setting the Stage for Making Art This uniT will prepare you to make art with children and keep things comfortable and under control in your art space no matter the size of your room. Some of you will be working on a student’s desktop, others at your tt kitchen table. Rest assured that these preparations help to make it comfortable for all. It can be daunting to set up a workspace for creating art, but these lists ii and tips will make it much easier whether you are working at home or in the nn classroom. For the little kids, it’s most important to find a table and chair that fits their size. Wobbling at a table that is too tall or sitting on their knees makes for a tough beginning. Start with a good fit, relax, and the rest will be easy! uu 10 AArrtt LLAAbb FFoorr LLiittttLLee kkiiddss sseettttiinngg tthhee ssttaAggee 11 010-025_30004.indd 10 1/24/13 1:08 PM 010-025_30004.indd 11 1/24/13 1:08 PM 010-025_30004.indd 10 1/24/13 2:03 PM 010-025_30004.indd 11 1/24/13 2:03 PM ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss ((FFooggrraa 2299__WWFF))JJoobb::0011--3300000044 TTiittllee::RRPP--AArrtt LLaabb ffoorr LLiittttllee KKiiddss (Text)((RRaayy)) (Text)((RRaayy)) ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::1100 ##117755 DDttpp::222255 PPaaggee::1111

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