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Art and the Roman Viewer The Transformation of Art from the Pagan World to Christianity [8 CAMBRIDGE CONTE List of Mlsravons page's Aekmcledgements wil Introduction ' PART I WAYS OF VIEWING IN THE ROMAN WORLD 5 1 Viewing and “the Real”: The /magins of Philostratus and the Tuabula of Cebes ” 2 Viewing and Society: Images, the View and the Roman House ” 3 Viewing and the Sacred: Pagan, Christian and the Vision of God ss 4 Viewing and Mlentity: The Travels of Pausanias; of, A Greck Pilgrim in the Roman World as PART I: THE TRANSFORMATION OF ROMAN ART FROM AUGUSTUS TO JUSTINIAN 87 5 Reflections on a Roman Revolution: ‘Transformation inthe Image and Conception ‘of the Emperor 159 6 From the Literal tothe Symbolic: A Trans: formation in the Nature of Roman Religion and Roman Religious Art 190, PART Ill: EPILOGUE: MODULATIONS OF CHANGE “The Truth within These Fmpty Figures" ‘The Genesis of Christian Visual Exegesis bibliography Nats Inde ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Freseo on lime plaster, from the Villa of P. Fannius Sinistor, Boscoreale (now in the Met- ropolitan Museum) first century w 2. Apse mosaic of the Transfiguration, Monas- tery of St Catherine at Me Sinai sixth cen 3. The Projecta Casket seen from the front, fourth century a.0., Fsquiline Treasure, Brit. ‘sh Museum, 44. Hercules fighting the Hydra, right-hand arco- solium, cubicalem N, Via Latina Catacomb, Rome, fourth century 4.0, 1. Mosaic of fish and octopus, from Pompeii (now in the Naples Museum), first century 2 Fresco of fish and bread-basket, from the Cat- acomb of Calistus, Rome, third century 4.0. 3. Villa of the Mysteries peristyle, Pompeii, frst, ‘century #.c, to first century 0. 4 Villa of the Mysteries peristyle, Pompei ist ‘century #.c, to first century .0. 65 5. Villa of the Mysteries (after Maiuri). Plan ‘with viewing positions around the perisyle: A, inside the central opening of the perstyle; B, inside the portico ofthe perstye. 46, Villa of the Mysteries, Occus 6, Pompeii, first century 2.6 +. Villa of the Mysteries, Occus 6, Pompeii first century 2.6 8. Villa ofthe Mysteries, viewing positions and perspectives in Oecus 6 (after Corlita Seag- Tari). ‘9. Atrium of the Samnite House, Hercula- rneum, first century to. Atti eum, first century 0. 11, Livias Vill at Prima Porta, garden view and fence (now in the National Museum in Rome), ist century a.¢ 12, Atrium of the Samnite House, Hereula- rneum, fist century nc 3. Apse and triumphal arch moses, Monas- tery of St Catherine at Mr Sina, sisth een- 14. The Monastery of St C from the east 15. Mostic of Moses before the burning bush, Monastery of St Catherine at Me Sinai, sixth 16. Mosc of Moses receiving the tablets of the Law, Monastery of St Catherine at Mt Sinai, sisth century 4.0 17. Apse mostc ofthe Transfigurat try of St Catherine at Me 18, Detail of apse mosaic of the Transfiguration, St Peter waking from sleep, Monastery of S Catherine at Mr Sinai, sith century 4.0. 19. Diagram of the Sinai mosaie programme 20, Statue of Augustus from Prima Porta (now in the Vatican Museums), frst eentury n.c. 106 ns us ny 165 3 Deuail of Prima Porta Augustus, breastplate, first century #.€ Reconstruction of the south wall and apse of the Luxor cult room, thied century’ 4.0 {after Deckers). J. Gardner Wilkinson's sketches ofthe Laxor cult room, nineteenth century 4.0. Diagram of the directions of processions, Luxor cult room, third century 4.0 Mosaic panel of Justinian and his entourage, presbytery of the Church of San Vitale in Ravenna north side, sith eentury 4.0. Mosaic panel of Theodora and her entou rage, presbytery of the Church of San Vitale in Ravenna, south side, sisth century 4.0. ‘Christ as universal emperor, apse mostic of the Church of San Vitale ia Ravenna, sith Apse frame with the Justinian panel, the ‘Church of San Vitale it Ravenna, sixth cen- Apse frame with the Theodora panel, the wurch of San Vitale in Ravenna, sixth cen- Are of eornueopiae, apse mosaic, the Church ‘of San Vitale in Ravenna, sixth Century 4.0. ‘The Ara Pacis from the west, first century Aeneas pouring a sacrificial libation, relief from the outer face, west front, south side of the entrance, Ara Pacis, Rome, frst century ‘Large procession”, sacriliial procession from the frieze on the outer face of the pre- inet walls, south side of the Ara Pacis, Rome, frst century #.c “Lange procession”, sacrificial procession from the frieze on the outer face of the pre- cinet walls, south side of the Ara Pacis, Rome, frst century a. 6s "79 tke 185 18s 193 19s 35 . * nall procession”, sacrificial procession on the frieze from the walls of the inner altar, outer face, north side of the Ara Pacis, Rome, frst century 2. Diagram of the Ara Pacis with the directions ‘ofthe processions. “Hala”, relief from the outer face, eat front, south side of the entrance, Ara Pacis, Rome, first century 2.c ‘The Ara Pacis from the east, Rome, fist century me: Bucrania, paterae and garlands, frieze from the inner face of the precinet walls, sou side of the Ara Pacis, Rome, first century TThe altar and the inner face of the precinet walls, south side of the Ara Pacis, Rome first century wc Acanthus scrolls, detail of the lower reliefs from the outer face of the precinet walls, Ara Pacis, Rome, first century 1. Interior view of the mithracum at Sta Maria in Capua Vetere, third century 4.0. Relief carving of tauroctone from the W brook Mithracum, London, | Painted —tauroetone from — the mith: at Marino, third century a0. Artemis of Ephesus, Roman copy'of the now lost original | Painted tauroctone from — the mith- acum at the third century a. Relief carving of tauroctone from Neuen= heim, third century 4.0 ‘Wall mosaies, north wall, westside, Church ‘of Sant? Apolinare Nuovo, Ravenna, sith century .D.: Procession of virgins leaving the city of Clase, bottom tier; unnamed saints ‘with books and scrolls, middle tier: CChristological scenes of healing the paralytic at Bethesda, the Gadarene swine and healing the paralytic at Capernaum, top tier. 204 209 m3 23 as 28 219 ay ” 2. 5 s 56. Wall mosaies, north wall, east side, Church of Sant” Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, sist century 4.0.: Procession of virgins and May to the Virgin enthroned, bottom tiers un ‘named saints with books and serolls, dle tier; Cheistological scenes of the calling of Peter and Andrew, the miracle ofthe loaves and fishes and the miracle at Cana, top tier osaies, south wall, westside, Church Apuilinare Nuovo, Ravenna, sixth century .D.: Procession of martyrs leaving Theories palace and the city’ of Ravenna, bortom tier; unnamed saints with books and scrolls, middle tier; Passion scenes of the women at the empty tomb, the road Em- ‘maus and the risen Christ before Doubting Thomas and the apostles, top ter. Wall mosaics, south wall, east side, Church ‘of Sant’ Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenin, sixth ‘century 4.0.: Procession of martyrs led by St Martin to Christ enthroned, bottom tier; "unnamed saints with books and scrolls, mid- de tier: Passion seenes of the Last Supper, the Agony in the Garden at Gethsemane, the kiss of Judas and the arrest of Christ, top Detail of the procession of viggins, Church ‘of Sant’ Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenin, sixth Detail ofthe procession of martyrs, Church ‘of Sant’ Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, sisth (Christ enthroned, Church of Sant” Apelli= ‘are Nuovo, Ravenna, sith century 4. TThe Virgin and Child enthroned, Church of Sant’ Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, sixth cen- Diagram of the directions of mosaics at Sant? Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna Sacrificial procession, mithracum at the ‘Church of Sta Prisca, Rome, third century 236 a8 330 37 24 38 ‘Venus at her toilet and the Christian inserip- tion, Projecta Casket, fourth century 4.0. Esquiline Treasure, British Museum. ‘The Projecta Casket seen from the front, fourth century 4.0. Vintaging erotes, floor mosaies from the Villa at Piazza Armerina, Sicily, fourth cen- Vintaging erotes, ceiling mosaics from the Church of Sta Costanza, Rome, fourth een- The sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, Vatican, fourth century 4.0. Inner medallion of Seeso’s hunting plate, Sevso Treasure, fourth century 4.0 Cup 15, from the Boscoreale Treasure (now inthe Louvre, Pais, first century a. Cup tag, from the Boscorcale Treasure (now inthe Louvre, Pais, first century 4.0. Cup 7, from the Boseoreale Treasure (now in the Louvre, Paris), fist century 4.0. Cup &, from the Boseoreale Treasure (now inthe Louvre, Paris), fist century 4.0. ‘The Riba Paten (now at Dumbarton Oaks, Washington), sisth century a.. David presented to plates (now in the Metropoli seventh century a. TThe Missorium of ‘Theodosius (now in the Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid), fourth century a. Plan of the Via Latina Catacomb, Rome, fourth century a.o. (after Ferrua) Diagram of cubicwlum N, Via Latina Cata- ‘comb, Rome, fourth century 4.0. Diagram of cubcalum C, Via Latina Cata- ‘comb, Rome, fourth century 4.0. Admetus dying, left-hand arcosolium, eubi- ‘lum N, Via Latina Catacomb, Rome, Fourth 16 sn ‘Hercules with Athena; lei-hand areosolum, ‘ubiculam N, Via Vatina Catacomb, Rome, fourth century a. Hercules triumphing over an enemy, left hand arcosolium, cubiewam N, Via Latina Catacomb, Rome, fourth century 4.0. Hercules restoring Alcestis to Admetus and holding Cerberus, right-hand arcosolium, twbiculun N, Via Latina Catacomb, Rome, fourth century 4. Hercules stealing the apples of the Hlsper= fides, righthand arcosolium, cubieam N, Via Latina Catacomb, Rome, fourth cen. “The Arch of Constantine, Rome, fourth cen “The Brescia Lipsanotheca (now in the Museo dll’ Ee Cristiana, Brescia), fourth century The Brescia Lipsanotheca, front, fourth cen- tury a,b. Medallion portraits of Christ and four apostles, top tier (in fact, the edge of the casket’ lid): Jonah swallowed and. vomited, by the whale, upper tier: Christ with Mary Magdalene (Noli me tanger), Christ teaching and Christ atthe ents the sheepfold, ‘mide section; Susanna and the Elders, Su- sanna and Daniel, and Daniel in the lions den, lower ti 9 as 283 285 28s

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