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Preview ART-13 ARC-3

• $1.00 March 1972 26009 • m a g a z i n e for radio amateurs 2 3 • F e a t u r e A r t i c l e s • 2 3 CONVERSIONS: T-278 (2m), ART-13 ARC-3 (2m), ESM/l, etc. HR-2 Improvements F M Nicad Charger General Class & A Q r NEW 2 METE R FM T RANSCEIVE R Model SRC- 146 Frequency 143-149 J\IHz (2M Hz spread) Number of channels 5 11111 Supplied with 146.94 simplex. 146.341.94 (same plug in crystals as S R-C826 M) R.F. O utput.. l watt minimum Sensitivity better than 0.4 uv/20 DB O.S. Audio output. 500 mw Meter ." ... monitors battery voltage on Tx. S Meter on Rx C urrent drain .400 maf x. 15 maR x SBY Size s:Yg" high x 3" wide. x lffg" deep Weight 24 oz.. less batteries Options: external mic. or mic-speaker. stubby flexible antenna, desk top charger. leather case. Suggested Amateur Net Price Consider the new V H F-F M hand held Transceiver by Standard Communications Corp.. with ex clusive Astropoint design. For complete specifications and the name of your nearest dealer. write: STANDARD COMMUNICATIONS CORP. 639 North Marine Avenue. Wilmington. California 90744. (213 ) 775·6284 • magazine = 138 MARCH 1972 for radioamateurs _ CONTENTS 15 Converting The T -278/U Transmitter To 2m W6JTT What wou ld a surp lus issue be w ithout a surplus article? 19 Converting The ART·13 W21SL The supposed ly d ead resurrected . FEATURES 23 Improving Your' HR·2 .. •. .... ... ............... WA 1KJI Better selectivity . FM article. '2 Radio Amateur Newspage 24 Twelve Channels With The Regency H R-2 WA 1KJI 4 Repeater Update • Tsk , ano ther FM art icle! 4 Ho t Gear 25 MORSE CENTENNIAL Miligram 5 SST V Scene Morse died in 1872. H is code hasn 't yet. 27 Updating An Old Receiver W8RHR 6 Never Say Die W2NSD Like for in stance a 75A2. 8 N ovice Co lu m n 31 Learning From Emergencies ...•••.• •. •• . •• •. • • •. W2NSD 9 OX Footnotes Lo s Ange les SCM report reprinted. 10 Letters 33 Solid State Tunable I·F : Part II K1Cll 14 Caveat Emptor 1650 kH z, better than 455. Much better. 128 Propagation 37 Checking Zener Oiodes WA0ABI 128 Advertiser Index Using a voltmeter. 39 General Class Questions & Answers K5JKX Pract ice q uest ions. Yo u read the boo k. 48 Technical Aid Group . . . . . . . Staff An old 73 feature reborn. 49 Putting The ARC·3 On Two WA4NAI S uperbarga in 2 m rig. 59 Blown Fuse Indicators ..... . ... .. ...... ... .. • . . WGEOO For ac o r de fu ses. STAFF 65 Nonlinear Resistors W6GXN Editor-Publisher S uch as ligh t bu lbs, thermistors, etc. Wayne Green W2NSD/l 69 Constant Current Charger For Ni-Cads K6MVH They 're expensive so be nice to them. Assistant Editor 73 The ESM/l Transceiver WB6BIH Eric Falkof K1NUN Solid state pocket CW su rplus rig. Assistant Publisher 75 Low Cost Transistor RF WA8ZEL Yvette Grimes WA8ULU With tvpical transmitter circ uits. 101 Updating the W1PlJ Counter W6GXN Philip Pr ice From Feb. 68 issu e o f 73. Associate Editor 109 Circuits. Circuits. Circuits. . Staff Jim Kyle K5JKX Circu its. WTW Editor 113 Simple Diode Controller W20lV Dave Mann K2AGZ " Dimmer" for so ldering iron. Advertising Manager 115 low Pass Filter In Action VE3GSP Lin Green Take that, T VI! Art Director 121 Overseas Patching K6GKX Roger Block Mars does our public service for us. Graphtcs 125 Confessions Of A Surplus Hound W20lU Nancy Estle Neil is an old friend of Wayne's. Donna A . Lavoie Composition A uthmary Davis 73 Magazine is pu blished monthly by 73 l nc. , Peterboro ugh , New Subscriptions Ham pshire 03458. Subscrip tion rates are $6 for one year in No rth Dorothy Gibson America and U.S. Z ip Code areas overseas, $ 7 per year elsewhere. Circulation T wo years $11 in U.S . and $ 12 overseas. T hree years $ 15, and $ 16 overseas. Second class postage paid at Pete rborough, N .H. and at Barbara Block additional mailing offices. Printed at Menasha, Wisconsin 54952 Comptroller U.S. A . Entire con ten ts cop y right 1972 b y 73 l nc. , Peterboro ugh N il Georpiana Sage 03458. Ph one : 603 -924 ·38 73. 'Subscribers p lease ... PLEA S E . . . note, there is virtually n o way for'you to renew you r su bscription to Publications 73 without receiving at least o ne ex tra renewal n otice. We 've talked Bift Mahoney with our com p u ter and it is adamant about th is. T he publisher Traffic stands ready to award h imself and h is w ife a free all expenses paid Taylor Sage trip around the world, opera ting from at least 20 rare coun tries, if an yone can com e up with a system wh ich will enable the 73 Propagation com p u ter to stop sending renewal n otices a fter a renewal is sent in. John Nelson A copy o f this n o tice au tographed by the p ublisher w ill be sen t to Drafting all readers who comp lain a bout ge tting a re newal n otice after th ey R . K . Wildman W6MOG have already re newed. 1 MA RCH 1972 • Monthly HalT MARCH MCMLXXII Reprinted from The Rockland County Frequently Jenkins works through Journal-News. Nyack , N. Y.. Dec. 2/. the Military Affiliate Radio System J97/. MARS. Ham rad io operators in Vier By Gale Tollin nam patch into a telephone which is Associated Press Wriler taken to the bed of a soldier in a Minneapolis. Minn. military hospital or on the hospita l rA P) c-His friends call him "Doc" but ships Sanctuary and Repose, anchored Felton Jenkins is a physicist-engineer off the Vietnam coast. and not a physician. He does his Jenkins is on the U.S. end of the healing in the basemen t of his home, transmission. fie calls the soldier's using eight powerful shortwave radios family by telephone and patches the and three telephone lines to deliver conversa tion into his radio . therapy to wounded serviceme n in If the father is at work and the Vietnam. mother at ho me, Jenkins phones each 'It 's my way of saying thanks to of them on d ifferent lines and patches the boys." explains Jenkins. them into a conference .call. The resu lt For the past fou r years Jenkins has is that the son in Vietnam. father on been devoting much of his time and his job and mother in her home can money to putting wounded soliders in chat in a three-way conversation. voice contact with their families. Six " It's like a party line." said Jenkins. da ys a week ~ with Sundays o ff - he " It gives me a certain amoun t o f is up at 6 a.m. sea ted amo ng h is pleasure to be able to do so mething microphones. dials and speakers. He for so me body else." he said . " 1 look handles 25 to 30 contacts each mo rn at life as a grea t big mirror. You look ing, in abou t th ree hours, and the in it and smile and it smiles back ." num ber has ru n as high as 37 when His hobby. he said, brings him condi tions are favorable. satisfactions that can't be measured in The sold ier's conversations with dollars. home, Jenkins feels, have medical As an example. he recalled the case benefits - especially when neTVOU!Y of an American solider who had lost ness and loneliness figure in the both legs in Vietnam. wounded man's condition. " His spirits were low, and he wasn 't Boy Scouts in Radio NEW MOBILE XCVR I AWARD OFFERED Explorer Post 160 of Fairmont MN Other Scouting awards that are is sponsoring the Friends of Scouting available from the Boys' Life Radio award . The purpose of this award is to Club (Certificate Department. D.S.A.. promo te the exchange of ideas, mem North Brunswick NJ 08903) are the ories, planning of future Scouting Worked Every Region -D.S.A. This is Linear Systems announced recently events. develop interest in the Scouts. fo r submission of QS Ls verifying con that it would be entering the two and so on. To obtain the certificate , tacts with members of the Scouts in me ter FM field with its new SBE you must work any 25 current mem the twelve Scouting Regions. The model SB-144. The new transceiver is bers in the Scouts in any coun try WAS-BSA is fo r working Scouters in ideally suited for the mobile installa where they may be registered . Ex the fifty sta tes. Only SWLs may cam tion. It has twelve channel capability, change QSL and GCR list Li.e., Scout the Call Area Spec ialist certificate for ten watts power output. buck-lit chan ing position such as Cu b, Boy Scout. verifying sta tions in all 10 U.S. call nel selector dial, and combin ation Exp lo re r. Commi tteeman. Sco ut areas; and the World Listener award is S-RF me ter. Co mes complete with master, etc.). Send these with a do llar issued for submitting cards from 25 mike, three sets o f popular crystals, to Ex plorer Post 160. c/o T win Valley different coun tries, at least one fro m and mobile mounting bracket. Write Council. Box 22. Mankato MN ShOO I. each of the six con tinents. to Linear Systems, 220 Airport Blvd.. SWLs are also eligible for the award. watsanvtite CA 95076. 2 "ews of the World 73 MAGAZINE IN PUEBLO COLORADO REPORT ON HUNTOON TAlK John Huntoon, ARRL Genera l He stated that in his o pnion many Manager, recently spoke befo re the co nditio nal licenses were obtained Pueblo (CO ) Ham Club. He commen t fra udulently and if a ham is really ed on League activities and policies, interested in ham radio recall by the and made some interesting comme n ts FCC should hold no fear for the about the 200 MUz band . After saying operator. At this poin t if it hadn't that the CBers stand a 50-50 chance been fo r Chuck Chambers K~YFR o f getting part o f the band , he went holding me , I might have fallen either on to say that the League has not filed to or through the floor. against the proposal and that the FCC Most o f the hams at the meeting L to R: M r. S E. Fetterman has no t definitely recommended it; disagreed with the above mentioned K3FEC. of Kensington, Maryland: Dr. " If it comes to be, it will hurt, but answer fo r a number of reasons. I for Robert R. Rodman WB4JA W, of won't hurt mu ch since the adven t o f one d isagree with his answer and the Sp ringfield , Virginia: Mrs. Terri two meter F M " . If you o bject. FCC actions for the fo llowing reasons: Simonsr XYL of the late Bert Simons; please write your League and it (nOl The average Tech condit ional because K4YLP; and .Hr. Wilmer G. Rogers mo st likely could be the next repeater of the bands allo tted to him has very WA40PW. ofA sh/and , Virginia. band." little opportunity to use CW. The FIRST K4YLP Following is a reprin t of o ne man's average General conditional usually opinion o f Huntoon's presen ta tion, uses phone as is the practice amongst courtesy of The Grid Leak : mo st hams. And besides when an MEMORIAL After Huntoon's lec ture he o pened ind ividual gets into ham radio and the floor for questio ns and discussion starts o perating he usually forgets all AWARD and o ur local hams in my o pinion the fine points of theory he learned really put Huntoo n through the good when he was st udying fo r his exami PRESENTED old fashioned ringer. Some of the nation. questions asked were as follows: Why Most licensed professions that I am At a recent meeting of the Virginia QST didn't carry mort: articles per acq uainted with never re-quire their Ama teur Radio Association in Rich raining to the subject of FM and FM licensees to ever have to take ano ther mo nd, Virginia , the first K4YLP Mem repeaters? Why didn' t ARR L print exam to prove their proficiency, even e rial Award was presented to Wilmer manuals concerning the FM mode of if the individual has been licensed G. Rogers WA40PW by Mrs. Terri transmission and repeaters'! Why is under a "grandfather clause ." Now I Simons. XYL of the late Bert Simons QST so difficult to read and under realize that ham radio is no t a pro K4YLP. Wilmer, an avid Dxer, was sta nd? Why is the FCC calling in at fession, bu t it is a licensed hobby and selected o n the basis o f the kindness. this lime Technician and General con conseq uently I feel that the law as it consideration and courtesy shown in ditionals for re-examination" What are applies to licensing anything should the field of amateur radio . the chances o f the CBers getting the apply. And the law on that point is 220 band? that it is illegal and a clear examp le o f W.G.• as some of his friends call Mr Huntoon sta ted that in the double jeopardy when an individ ual him. is a past presiden t of V.A.R.A. fu ture there will be more articles has to be subjected either to trial for He has given h is time unselfishly conce rning FM and FM repeaters. the same o ffense or to examination in training prospective hams. helping fel There is an ARR L manual on FM in a profession o r hobby for whic h he low hams with antenna pro blems, the process of being prepared and already has been issued a license. organizing club activit ies such as field should bt: ready eit her in the latter In private conversatio n with Mr. days and picnics, running phone part of 19 72 or the ea rly part of Huntoon, I to ld him I felt that the pa tches and many o ther things con tri 1973. QST will be more readable in ARRL doesn 't seem to go too far out bu ting to the hobby and th e Associa the fu ture. Last yea r he felt the o f its way battling for ha ms when tion. chances o f the Cbers getting the 220 various legal situations arise. He told This award was made possib le by band were 10 to I against th eir getting me that to a great ex ten t I was correct the Lo x & Bagels Radio Club , an it. bu t as of today he felt that they because the ARRL lacks fund s to get organiza tion of amateur radio opera stood a better than 50-5 0 chance of involved in legal and o ther sit uations tors spanning the east coast. The getting this band . that may arise all over the coun try. award, an impressive ce rtificate and a His answer to the questions about Unions defend their union mem S25 savings bond , will be awarded the Techs and Cond itionals kind of bers. yearly to the member of the Virgin ia ga....e me a sour taste in my mouth and Professional associations defend Amateur Radio Asso ciation who mo st left me with the feeling that the their me mbers. displays the qualificat ions exemplary ARRL as an o rganization is rather Why should n't ARRL defend its of those traits displayed by the late inept and rea lly isn't in too mu ch of a ham members'? Bert Simons. hurry to see the ama teur ranks grow. Dr. Morris Levinson WB0 BSV 3 At Long Beach Y L ' S T O M E E T women amateur radio operators luau. A visit to the Queen Mary and will gather at Long Beach, Califo rnia other harbor points of interest is There have been some questions during the long holiday weekend of planned. But the event these YL's about FM deviation used o n six an d May 26 -28, 1972. The Sixth inter an ticipate with the greatest interest is ten meters. The following reply to a national YLRL Convention marks the meeting in "eyelash QSO's" the YL's letter of inquiry by W6YAN clarifies 33rd year of this organization's activi they have met on the air or will look the issue: ties. As 33 has become the traditional for on the air once they return to Section 97.65(c) of the Commis sign-Off for QSO's between Yi's, the their home QTH and with whom they sion's rules require that F3 emissions 33rd birthday celebration is a high share their exciting hobby in friend used between 50.1 -52.5 MHz occupy point in the history of this o rganiza ship, public service and ever-ex pand the same bandwidth as a A3 signal or tion of women amateurs from all over ing horizons. Los Angeles YL's host 6 kHz. Part 2 of the Commission's the world, now numbering close to a ing this convention encourage all who rules (§2.202) defines bandwidth of thousand members. The convention attend to come supplied with a pocket an F3 signal as equal to two times the will have headquarters, operating sta full of snapshots for "swaps" to ex maximum modulation frequency plus tion, mee tings, entertainment, birth change with calls and autographs. two times the quantity one half the day luncheon and "cruise" banquet at They look forward to seeing Darleen difference between the maximum and the Edgewater Hyatt House on Pacific Souligny WA6FSC, who spent much minimum values of the instan taneous Coast Highway overlooking the Long of 1971 traveling and meeting DXers frequency. (Bn = 2M + 2DJ. A s you Beach Marina. around the world . This year's YLRL can calucutate. if the audio modula The Yl,ts will entertain their OM's President who will preside at the tion is 3 kHz , D must be zero. with a tour of the Swan Electronics convention is Mae Hipp K7QGO of FCC·Amateur Rules Section plant in Oceanside on Saturday, May Sparks, Nevada. 27th , returning to the Edgewater for a • • • A. Prose Walker, chief of the Ama HOT GEAR teur and CB Division of the FCC, has indicated FCC thoughts about these services. In an interview with CB Magazine (January , 1972 ) Mr. Walker HR2A, SIN 04-6208, stolen from car answered several questions that are in New Orleans LA. E. A. Shaw, P.O. foremost on the minds of many hams. Box 1346 , Pascagoula MS 39567. As far as a license without a code test, W5FXX/5. there is a possibilit y that such a CO K~PHF Pueblo 28-88 provision will be made. When asked FL WB4QEL Orlando 16,34- 76 Hea th SBI02, SIN 132-1 28107, about this, he stated , "The Interna IL W9MJL Danville 22-82 Warren Singer, 13721 Lynn St., Apt. tional Radio Regulations of the lTV MD K3BEQ is now WA3KWG 8 , Wo odb ridg e VA 2 21 91 to which the United States is a signa OR W7DXX Mt. Scott 34 -94 (703-49 1-2257). tory , contains various provisions relat T2.5 52.525 ing to the operation o f radio stations. T 2.88 29.68 List from Past IllSUe8: Artic le 41 , paragraph 3 (I ) states that CAN ADA Mfr., Model, Ser. No. Owner Issue Administrations may waive the re Ontario Halli., SR46A. #446100 WA I EMU 9f71 quirement fo r ca pability in Morse VE3KCR Chatham 34 -94 R(g.. HR·2. #04.0)505 WA5BNM 11 {71 code in the case of amateur stations (projected37 - 76) Sonar, FM3601, # I(0) WB2ARM 11/7 1 ccn.. making use exclusively of frequencies 75A4, #804 W0MGI 12/71 VE3 KER Kingston 34-706 GE. Portable. #104 1218 K2AOQ 1/72 above 144 MHz. For years we have VE3 LAC London 46-706 CoH., 75SE-B. # 15640 Col.SI.U. 1/7 2 been told that one o f the reasons why Coll.. 2IS3, # 120oo Col.SI.U. 1/72 more licensees in Citizens Radio do T h anks to W4FZX, WB9FOP, Coil., S16F2, # 1649 CoI.St.U. 1/72 not progress to Amateur Radio is Simp. Mod·A. #35457 W2PWG 1/72 VE3CSK, VE3RL. S8E S8-33 # 103906. WA5JGU 2/72 because of the requirement for the Heath tiW22A #907·18375 WI BDX 2/72 Amateur Radio , August 1971. New code. Even though the code req uire National HRU50 #2800 19 WA5DQF 2/72 Zealand has been working on a 2 ment for the Novice and Technician Hallicrafters SR160 #4 1f>(XlO-1080)9 meter band plan for the country . In license is only 5 words per minute, K9YVA 2/72 Drake TIO #3858 WA9EYL 2/72 the draft plan we received , they have indications are that it is still a hind Collins KWM2A#1 381S ARRLHQ 2/72 made provision for all modes of opera rance. We believe that 5 wo rds per M, Godwin tio n. There are FM simp lex channels Collins3 1284 #59920 every 50 kH z from 145.8 to 146.2 .7 with the outputs on 145.72 5, .775 Col ) OL 1 #40084 Col MPI #4450";1 MHz , with 145.85 , 146 .0 and 146. 15 and .8 25. 144.8 MHz, is set aside as an Col MM I (mob. mike] MHz, as the prime channels. 146 .0 RTTY net frequency . The beacons are Misco minispkr. Sgt.Hopkins 2/72 MHz to be first. On the FM repeater on ..the " hundred" equal to the call wnm. DE Police Swon SW174 #426-5 W0AXT 2/12 side they have allocated four channels area, e.g. Zll on 145.1 , ZL2 on Reg. HR2A #04-05896 K4GBL 2/72 on 700 kHz spacing. A pity , as it does 145.2 , ZL3 on 145. 3 , and ZL4 on not make them compatible to Austra 145.4 MHz. The segment 144.0 to lia. Inputs on 146 .3 , .35, .4 and ,4 5 144.1 MHz is set aside as OX and PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR ZIP CODE with the outputs on 145.6 , .65 , .7 and experimental working. 144.1 to 144.5 WHEN YOU WRITE 73. .75 . The three-channel AM repeater MHz is a general working segme nt. systems have inputs on 144.6, .65 and Federal Repeater Secretariat. 4 SEM ICONDUCTOR NEWS D . Thorpe HAM INJURED IN RCA says good bye to germanium and silicon small-signal transistors. ATTACK BY 'aST' RCA's Solid State Division has de cided to phase out over one hundred by WA1NQJ (Special from The types of small-signal transistors. In Squelch Tale) cluded in the cu tback is the whole line of small-signal silicon transistors. The devices discontinued are as follows: K l RGQ was viciously attacked by Silicon : 2N2475, 2N324 1, 2N3261, QST Magazine recently . However, 2N35 12, 2N393 2, 2N3933 , 2N4068, showing true heroism and amateur 2N4069, 2N4074, 2N4259 , 2N4390, spirtt, he rescued his Swan and 2N5 180, 2N5183 , 2N5184, 2N5 185, Regency, sustaining an injury to his 2N5186, 2N5 187, 2N5188 _ arm in the fray. John assured us th at Germa nium : 2N388, 2N398 , 2N404, he is now fully recuperated. 2N 1302, 2N1303, 2N 1304, 2N 1305 , While tuning in on KIFFK - 6 2N 1306, 2N 1307, 2N 1308 , 2N 1309_ meters - and eagerly peaking his watt· 40,000 Series: 40231 , 40232, 30233 , meter, John saw that his homemade 40234 ,40235,40236, 40237, 40238, bookshelf containing many , many 40239, 40240,40242,40243,40244, years of back issues of QST Magazine 40245 , 40246, 40354, 40355 , 40397 , was beginning to topple. If things had 40398,40399, 40400, 40405, 40413, fallen in the direction they were 40458,40519. headed, all of his gear would have been knocked off his operating table to o blivion . John, anticipating damage to his gear, thre w himself over it ; the magazines and bookshelf fell, throw ing John to the floor and pinning him there. Alone in the house, it took John approximately an hour to extri cate himself. He is happy to report that his arm is fine now and th at none of his gear was damaged . No doubt the Ama teurs would like to be heard whenever the moment is propitious, such as the possible issu ance of a Notice of Proposed Rule Making. I repeat, we have no t yet reached a conclusion as to the manner in wh ich we shall dispose of RM-1 747_" As for the current abuses of the Citizens Band o n 27 MHz, Mr. Walker mentioned that working skip is not the main problem; "Actually , there SSTV are many o thers of a mo re serious nature which have nothing whatsoever SCENE to do with long distance transmissio n; failure to identify, use of pseudonyms in lieu of call signs, fou l and o bscene Among the notes of special interest language, threats of bodily harm to this mo nth is the addition of XW8AX others, use of high-power linear ampli to the SSTV ranks. Since Asia has the fiers, operation on frequencies not lowest amo unt of SSTV activity, I'm allocated to the Service , intentional sure he will be quite busy handing out interference, and many others which those 'Eyeball QSO's and instant reduce the potential usefu lness of the QS l's." This, at last , makes wo rked Service for those who wish to use it all continents on SSTV a reality for us for th e purposes intended ." He rnen all . . . provided you can catch him. tio ned that these viola tions are being Try listening around 1200 -1 300 taken into consideration. He further GMT Saturdays and Sundays on indicated that a very large amount of 14.230 kHz. You SSB DXers take self-regulation must prevail if th e Citi note here ... you can work anybody zens Service is to perform its intended in Asia for an Asian QSO . We have to fu nction. "One of the most useful work a specific station and swap not procedures would be to emulate the only signal reports, but pictu res as degree of self-regulation that has pre well. DXing Supreme, eh? vailed in the Amateu r Service for the (continued on page J3) past 50 years." 5 • mu st be so mething basically dense about me since none of the explana tions made sense . Why, if we are varying the amplitude of a transmitted carrier, does the carrier no t vary in amplitude? And those sidebands, what are they and where did they come fro m'! Pity a chap named Robinson out in Michigan who has managed to come ED/ TOR/AL BY WAYNE GREEN up with a real amplitude modulated GOING THROUGH CHANNELS carrier and has found that he has CONTROL One o f the biggest features o f FM patent problems because everyone , The key to the question of legalit y communications is the co ncept of of Techs being repeated out of the including the Patent Office thought channelizing. What a difference this Tech bands lies in the matter of that "amplitude modulation" resulted makes! One wonders what might control. If the FCC decides that the in the carrier vary ing in amplitude. happen to low band communications carrier coming from a Tech station is The process that we have always if we co uld introduce this novel controlling the transmitter of the re considered as amplitude modulation concept there. peater, then the Tech would be in was actually a high level mixing of With two kHz channels in the 20 con trol o f the output carrier and audio and radio frequencies, resulting, meter phone band we could have 75 would be required to be sure it was as always, in mixers, in the sum and sideband channels in that t 50 kHz within a band his license called for. difference o f the two mixed fre wide band. Would we have better But is the Tech carrier really in quencies plus the two o riginal fre communications this way or worse'? control? Let's look at that situation quencies. We might have essentially 7S going mo re carefully. Let's think a little I don't suppose you really want to roundtables during the more active more deeply about the word "con be bothered with an attack of theory hours, but the less time that each trol." Our problem here is one of a like that, but the concept hit me and I operator could talk would make it a lack of definition . .. one where Techs thought I would pass it along. lot easier for everyone. Or would it might have one definition and the develop that we would have 75 Commission another. channels all sounding like the CD Perhaps we can clear things a bit by channe ls? Would we have drawing a parallel. Let's take the case NORTHEASTERN REPEATER mutt i-kilowatts and giant beams of an Advanced Class sta tion on 20 MEETING blasting through on each of the meters. Sideband , of course. As nor channels, ignoring the lower powered Representatives of several of the mally operated this station used VOX peasants? It has worked well on two repeaters in the New York and New (voice on transmit), a gadge t which meters, perhaps it might on 20. We Jersey areas got together in early turns the transmitter o n when some could try. January to hash out problems o f one speaks into the mike. When a If we were to start with one repeater interference and , to the pleas visitor speaks over this station his channel on twenty meters and then ure o f all, came to agreements. This is voice turns on the transmitter, even gra d ua lly expand this to two, certainly a very welcome step ahead. though he has no amateur license at three ... etc., perhaps we could see The basic agreement was for re all. This is quite legal as long as the how we might go with channels. An peaters to shift to 600 kHz spacing licensed ama teur is present and is " in FM-sideband interface which would and thus bring about the orderly control" of the sta tion .. . which permit a two me ter repeater to work growth of repeater use on two meters. means in essence that he can t um off cross-band to twenty on a national A full report on the meeting will the station if something goes wrong. channel could be a starter. Perhaps eventually filter through , but the Control then is the ability to tum a something like 14,250 k Hz? This isn't word is that WA2SUR in New York transmitter on or off in an emergency a bad spot. It is a bit below the SSTV will shift from 19-73 to 13 -73;that and not the routine turning on and off group and above most of the serious WA 2UWR in Paramus will change of the transmitter, DXing. 11 is below the General Class from 28-79 to 19 - 79 , WA2YYQ on This is exactly the situation we band and the intensive QRM of the Sta ten Island will go from 25 - 88 to have with repeaters. While the carrier nets and frustrated rag chewers who 28 -88, WAIKGK in T rumbull will from a Tech does indeed actuate the operate there. Channel two could be change from 22-76 to 16- 76, repeater t ransmitter, this does not 14 ,248 ... etc. WA IKGD in New Haven from 11 - 61 interfere with overall control by the Think of the benefits to everyone. to 0 1-61 , and so on. II is possible licensee of the repeater. Control of a It would, first of all, make a lot more that K1MNS in Derry NH will go from repeater may be via 450 MHz link, by fu n fo r the two meter FMer, 25 -76 to 25 -85 , bu l this leaves a phone line , or other accepted means, ex panding his horizon to the world . It question about WA IKFX wh ich was bu t this is the control and the FCC would bring FM to the atten tio n o f 3 1-88 and was apparently being set will have to make sweeping changes in the low banders, whetting their up on 25 -85 as soon as eower was their interpretations of the rules be interest and perhaps speeding up the restored on Mt. Snow . . . it would fore they can prevent repeaters from swing 10 FM of more old timers. 11 clobber MNS. WAJJTB inGreenwich relaying Techs into the Ge neral parts would encourage more repeaters to is still in doubt too , but may go of the two meter band ... or even handle the traffic and rag chewing J 1- 91. into the Ex tra parts o f 75 meters! which wo u ld develop. And if This rash of agreements wiJI c h an nel ization helps on twenty undoubtedly bring about even mo re WHAT ISAM? meters, that would be the best benefit with KI FFK expected to shift to of all! Those readers who are theo ry 04 -64 , WAIKGS (Waltham) to The legal problems of Techs using minded may be able to commiserate Or-bl , WA IKHA to 25 -85 in 20 meters by proxy have been covered with me o n the problem o f amplitude Torrington, WA IKGQ to 19 -79, etc. in depth elsewhere. mo dulation. I've read a lot about it The move toward a national down through the years and felt there rransceive channel got a boost too, 6 with an agreement to go 146.5 2 transce ive throughout the New York -New Jersey areas. The next ste p is to encourage manufacturers and distri butors to see that all newly sold transceivers come out with this pair in them instead of the old 146.94 NEW WINCHES pair wh ich has mu ddied the waters so MODERNIZE TOWERS badly . in several major areas such as New York City and Chicago. Tri -E x Tower Corporation of Visalia, California, has announced the • • • release of two new electric win ches for crank-up towers. The 12 volt The FM scene changeth fast and it electric reversible winch is sold with is difficult to try and keep up with power ca bles; the battery in weather events in a month ly magazine . tigh t case and II OV AC ba ttery charg Saroc came and went in early Janu er are o ptio nal. It has forward and ary. There were more exhibitors and reverse speeds fo r raising and lowering visitors than ever and . despite a lack '-__,-- "" , of planning as far as the 'speaking but I do want to be heard and I want the lower, and a level wind asse mbly program went, everyone had a good Co help an yone else with ideas to be to keep the cable from stacking. Brak- time. FM was the watchword , with heard ... I ask no more than that. ing is immed iate, without coasting or hand units everywhere and the regular Power all too o fte n means running creeping. TIle electric winch adds a channels filled around the clo ck, o ften ro ughshod over people with ideas that safety feature in eliminating spinning sounding more like CB than amateur differ from yours and it is this power handles, slipping clutches or exposed after the frequent cock tail parties. that I dislike. gears. The Pallisades Amateur Radio Club The sy mposium should be interest / group turned up in force and brought ing. It will be reported in the next with them their own instant repeater issue of 73. The first session o f the (right out of the October 73, by the sy mposium will tackle frequency way) so everyone could use their syn thesis and will featu re a panel weird Los Angeles crystals Wh ile visit discussion with Ed Clegg and Andre ing Las Vegas ( 146.6 1 in, 147.33 (Vanguard Labs). Gil Boelke may also I -- out!). This enabled all of the club be present, if the new Bara syn thesizer , . members to use their mobile and hand is completed in time. - .. ~. ' " ..: units during their stay without chang The second session will ta ckle need ing them over to the 34 - 94 Nevada ed FCC regulation and this will be The TDD-I OO Winch is driven by repeater channels. reported in full to the FCC. I think we the average 3/8 in. drill. Two drive With the idea of promoting some amateurs want to be self-policing and bits are furnished with the winch to 'Organization of the FM growth in the to have a strong say over o ur own he inserted into the gear train for northeast, we started the Repeater rules. Sessions such as this should help raising and lowering. If the drill is not Bulletin back in January. This publica us in this. reversible, the short drive bit can be tion is being sent free to everyone The third session will atremp t to inserted in the o pposite end o f the using the New England repeaters and get the representatives o f the New winch to lower the lo ad . Braking is the reaction to the rust 24-page Issue England repeater groups to set up a au tomatic and the TDD-IOO, stopped was universally enthusiastic. The frequency board which will help new at any point, will hold a lo ad indefi second issue , a 32-page bulletin, is repeaters to lind chan nels and assist ni tely . now out and the publication seems to pre sent repeater groups in working Both winches are easily installed be achieving its objective of providing toward a minimum of in terference. and bo lt directly onto the existing a foru m for discussion of development Following the third session will be tower win ch mounting frame. For of FM in the New England area. the banquet with Jean Shepherd complete information on the new In line with the idea o f helping New K20RS as the speaker. Jean. one of Electric Winches, write Tri-Ex Tower England repeater groups to coordi hamdom's best known writers and Corporation. 7/82 Rasmussen A~'e.. nate, an FM Symposium was planned _ humorists. is heard nightly over WOR, /-:.V.:i:s:a:.leia::"C':A::::9~3::'2:',7-7,.-,- for February 12th. Apparently this WGBH and other stations. has a book threw so me of the vested in terests on the curren t bes t seller list , and has sse HAND·HELD into panic and a swift behind the a television series (Jean Shepherd 's scenes effort was made to set up an If you d o not want to go FM, here's America) wh ich has been highly ac FM organization which would pull the a hand unit for the low band en rhus claimed . Few o f us have missed the rug out from under the symposium. iast, single side band at that. The Mini hilarious stories he has had published Rather than being d ismayed a t this, I Miner II is a crysta l con trolled rig th at in Playboy. wh ich have won him their think it is a good mo w . The o bjective runs four watts PEP ou tput into a coveted humor award for several years is to set up a syste m o f self-govern fifty to seven ty-two ohm load. The runnmg. ment and the agreements made so far beauty of this unit is that a short whip After th e banquet there will be one arc quite in line with this. There is still antenna is available as an accesso ry last technical sessio n ta ckling the pros mo re to be done, obviously. and 73 and the unit is instantly portable fo r and cons o f changing the current 600 will do whatever it can to help this field day , emergency, o r camping. o r kHz spacing to I MHz channel spac along. just having fun sitting under the sun in ing. The arguments are formidable for To those who are afraid that 73 o r your back yard . TIlt' power level is I MHz. so it is entirely possible that Wayne Green are going to try and take adequate for medium range QSOs the repeater representatives migh t o pt " po wer" away from them. I say that I when the kilowatts are not on top of for that on the spot. We shall see next sec-k only th e power o r reason . I do you , bu t that's the fun o f QRP opera- month. no t want to run anything o r dicta te. . . . W2NSD [cent, on page 8.) 7 More New Products (continued from page 7) lion. The Mini-Miner is availab le as a kit for $ 150. Popular frequencies of 3995, 72 15, or 7255 are availab le. and Dear Sirs: the rig can be changed according to SSB TRANSCEIVER I have been trying to receive OX instructions in the manual. For com stations and stations o n the West plete information. write to A merican You can be top man on any band Coast. However , I have not had very States Electronics, 1074 Wentworth with Sideband Engineers' SSB trans mu ch luck. Please tell me the times St.. Mountain View CA 94040. ceiver. This rig offers six digit fre during which I can work these sta quency readout on all bands eighty MINIATURE BUZZER tions, and the bands where th ey through ten ; that's 100 Ht direct Miniature is the word , too . . . usually are found . I would appreciate reading, and the vfo skirt is calibrated 7/8" long, 5/S" wide. and 3/8" thick it very much. so you can reset your rig to precisely is small. The output "is good and loud, Sincerely, the same frequency time after time. though. despite its small size to per Roger W. Miller WN IOGZ But that's not all. The 500 watt PEP mit it to be used for code practice for Bantam CT input is su fficient fo r barefoot o pera a good sized room full of people. The Dear Roger, tion, and for those who want to run buzzer is available in 1.5 and 12 volt Well, I guess you have found that it the full legal limi t, a two kilowatt de models, with the 12·volt unit draw really takes a lot of digging to get th e linear amplifier will soon be available. ing only 15 rnA. quite low enough to DX. A lthough I am not as mu ch a The SB-36 has a built in VOX, semi be operated by a transistor gate for DXer as some , let me share some hints break-in CW, and separate crystal lat paging or warning applications. The I have worked out and a few o f those tice filters for upper and lower side quarter ounce unit is small and light from people more successful than I. band. These filt ers allow the rig to enough for uses in hand transceivers. First. listen a lot. There 's an old produce clean and crisp SSB audio The Model GA-IOO buzzer is solid adage that says God gave us one without frequency shift when chang state and has no moving contacts, mouth and two ears to be used in that ing sidebands. (Ever try to work some therefore there is no arcing and no ratio. It's good advice. Very few OX one o n LSB on fo rty in the evening? electrical or rf noise generated as with sta tions will come back to long COs. Try USB for a pleasant surp rise. ) most buzzer units which act as min ia and the rare ones usually do not come Accessories include an ex ternal vfo for ture spark transmitters. back to me then I call CO DX. That is split frequency o peration and a CW The output tone runs around 400 what I have found . Listen a lot in the receiving filter to help you pick out Hz, about right for code practice or General portions of the bands to get the rare ones from the QRM . For paging uses. an idea abo ut what freq uencies are more information on this amazing rig, The buzzer is being marketed by most active and open. Use a good write to Linear Systems tnc., 220 Projects Unlimited. Box 1426 North receiver with a good antenna ; a ten Airport Boulevard, Watsonville CA ridge, Dayton 0 1/45414. and sells for foot long-wire just will not ma ke it for 95076. $5. 95 through parts distributors. consiste ntly good results. A set o f SUBMINIATURE TOOL SET earphones is a good invest men t, MINIATURE TONE ENCOOER especially if you intend to do any lare night listening, and even more im portant if your shack is in your bedroom. Second . choose your frequency carefully. Fifteen seems to be going out and fo rty and eigh ty are coming T in y mu lti-purpose Inst ru ment in due to the changing sunspot cycle. tools in a n ·piece set are now avail Now tha t the sun is sending out less Alpha Electron ic Services Inc. has able for use on very small fasteners. radiation that ionizes our atmosphere . announced its new hybrid tone en Suitable fo r use by instrument repair higher frequency signals te.g.. fifteen coder Model ST-85J which is designed men and hobbyists the tools are de meters) are not being reflected to for use in all two-way radio communi signed for instrument repair and light distant locations. The last time the sunspots changed around like they are cation equipment including portable assembly work involving very small and hand herd units. This compact, nu ts. set screws. and machine screws. doing now (they work in eleven year easily installed unit provides an econ The tool set. Mini Kit No . 54, cycles •. I found that winter months omical me thod of controlling base contains six jeweler's type screw meant forty was my best band . A stations. repeater stations or special drivers. two cross-recessed Phillips friend of mine consiste ntly worked functions. Current requirement is less type drivers. live open-end wrenches. Russians on eigh ty. A second friend than -I rnA at I ~ .6V. Composed of three Allen-hex type wrenches. five used to listen intently on ten meters two thick film chips. o ne con taining socket wrenches. a marking scri be. for the freak band opening and he the encoder circuitry and one contain and a knurl....d . chuck-type handle fo r worked Africans. It is only fair to te ll ing the frequency dete rmi ning net positive gripping. The blades are inter you that all o f this was in the early work . the ST-85 J is available with cha ngeable . and all are made of hard morning. around six or seven. Others I severa l installation kits and simple ened. te mpered nickel-plated tool know preferred the la te . late night. step-by-..rep instructions to assure steel. The complete set is packaged in afte r the TV stations closed down. a dear plastic box for easy use and Their results were similar. By the way. easy installatio n in any make o r model of radio . especially where space is a convenie nt storage. It is priced at my best direction was Sou th America. pre mium. For additional informa tion. 5 14.50. postage paid . At night. you have probably found write A lpha Electronic Services. II/C.. For furth....r information . contac t that it is extremely hard to pick out ,v. 84./1 Monroe A venue. Stanton CA Jensen Tools and AJJo}'s, 4 1I 7 another ham on the fo rty mete r band . ()()f,80. 44th St., Phoenix A Z 850 /8. II seems that foreign broadcast sta- 8

STAFF. Editor-Publisher. Wayne Green W2NSD/l. Assistant Editor. Eric Falkof . events. develop interest in the Scouts. and so on. mike, three sets of popular crystals, and mobile There is an ARRL manual on FM in A. Prose Walker, chief of the Ama- variable crystal oscillator that is like a.
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