Columbia River Project Water Use Plan Kinbasket and Arrow Recreation Management Plan Arrow Reservoir Recreational Demand Study – Final Report Implementation Year 5 Reference: CLBMON-41 Study Period: 2009-2013 LEES+Associates 509-318 Homer Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2V2 (604) 899-3806 February 6, 2015 CLBMON-41 Arrow Reservoir Recreational Demand Study Final Report (Study Period: 2009-2013) February 2015 Prepared by: Submitted to: LEES+Associates BC Hydro 509-318 Homer St Burnaby, BC Vancouver, BC Contact Information LEES + Associates 509-318 Homer St. Vancouver, BC V6B 2V2 T: 604-899-3806 F: 604-899-3805 [email protected] CLBMON 41 Arrow Reservoir Recreational Demand Study Final Report (2009-2013) Suggested Citation Lees+Associates. (2015). CLBMON-41 Arrow Reservoir Recreational Demand Study. Year 5 Final Report Study Period – 2009-2013. Vancouver, BC. BC Hydro, Water License Requirements. Table 1. CLBMON-41 STATUS of OBJECTIVES, MANAGEMENT QUESTIONS and HYPOTHESES after Year 5 Objectives Management Management Year 5 (2013) Status Questions Hypotheses The main The primary H : Changes in Results show that different 0 objective of the management question recreational use of reservoir water levels do not study is to: addressed by the Arrow Lake substantively affect quantity and 1) Relate program is whether Reservoir, if they frequency of recreational use of the volume and different reservoir occur, are not Arrow Lake Reservoir. type of use by water levels affect the related to Arrow recreational quantity and frequency Lake Reservoir users to Arrow of participation in levels. Lakes water-based and Reservoir water shore-based levels. recreational activities. A secondary H : Frequency of Fluctuating reservoir water levels 0A management question public use of Arrow have a minimal influence on is whether reservoir Lake is not frequency of public use. The levels affect types of influenced by majority of respondents (over four recreational activities. fluctuating reservoir out of five) would return to the water levels. Arrow Lakes for recreation activities regardless of water levels. H : Volume of Results show a modest relationship 0B public use of Arrow between the volume of public use Lake is not and fluctuating reservoir water influenced by levels. Water levels account for fluctuating reservoir 28.7% of the variation in visitor water levels. volume. Results show other variables influence volume of public use (i.e., total precipitation, maximum daily temperature, type of day and season). H : The different Fluctuating reservoir water levels 0C types of public use have a minimal affect on types of are not affected by public use. The majority of fluctuating water respondents (four out of five) would levels. return to the Arrow Lakes for recreation activities despite their type of public use. LEES + Associates - i - CLBMON-41 Arrow Reservoir Recreational Demand Study Final Report (2009-2013) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank the following people for their contributions to this project. Field Crew Harry Anderson, Nakusp, BC Pat Bennett, Valemount, BC Pierre Bertrand, Golden , BC Brian Ewings, Edgewood, BC Dave Fitchett, Castlegar, BC Kerry-Lynne Fontaine, Valemount, BC Peter Frew, Revelstoke, BC Doris Gutzman, Golden, BC Gary Krestinsky, Revelstoke, BC Cliff Lauder, Castlegar, BC Bonnie Marklund, Valemount, BC Craig McKee, Revelstoke, BC Dan Reibin, Nelson, BC Study Team Erik Lees, LEES+Associates Dr. Howie Harshaw, University of Alberta Ted Murray, LEES+Associates Heidi Redman, LEES+Associates BC Hydro Personnel Phil Bradshaw, Burnaby, BC Julie Fournier, Burnaby, BC Stuart MacGregor, Burnaby, BC Guy Martel, Burnaby, BC Neil McCririck, Burnaby, BC Jennifer Walker-Larsen, Revelstoke, BC LEES + Associates - ii - CLBMON-41 Arrow Reservoir Recreational Demand Study Final Report (2009-2013) TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... iv LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... v 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................. 1 2. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Background ........................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Management Questions ........................................................................................ 4 2.3 Objectives .............................................................................................................. 5 2.4 Monitoring Program Rationale ............................................................................... 5 2.5 Theoretical Foundation for Examining Visitor Demand and Use ........................... 5 3. METHODS ........................................................................................................................ 7 3.1 Sampling Sites ...................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Traffic Data Collection ......................................................................................... 10 3.3 Observational Data Collection ............................................................................. 11 3.4 Sampling Design ................................................................................................. 12 3.5 Survey Delivery ................................................................................................... 14 3.6 Survey Design ..................................................................................................... 14 3.7 Predictive Model .................................................................................................. 18 3.8 Survey Analyses .................................................................................................. 19 4. RESULTS ....................................................................................................................... 21 4.1 Management Hypothesis H .............................................................................. 23 0A: 4.2 Management Hypothesis H : ............................................................................. 28 0B 4.3 Management Hypothesis H : ............................................................................. 30 0C 5. DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................. 33 5.1 Management Hypothesis H : ............................................................................. 33 0A 5.2 Management Hypothesis H : ............................................................................. 34 0B 5.3 Management Hypothesis H : ............................................................................. 34 0C 5.4 Effect on Soft Constraints: ................................................................................... 34 6. LIMITATIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR FURTHER STUDY .................................. 35 7. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................ 36 9. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 38 10. ADDITIONAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS .............................................................. 39 APPENDIX A – TRAFx VEHICLE COUNTERS ......................................................................... 40 LEES + Associates - iii - CLBMON-41 Arrow Reservoir Recreational Demand Study Final Report (2009-2013) APPENDIX B – OBSERVATIONAL DATA FORMS AND DEFINITIONS ................................. 44 APPENDIX C – SAMPLING SCHEDULES ................................................................................ 52 APPENDIX D – NEWS ARTICLES ............................................................................................ 64 APPENDIX E – ARROW LAKES VISITOR SURVEY ................................................................ 70 APPENDIX F – QUESTIONNAIRE RATIONALE....................................................................... 75 APPENDIX G – SURVEY RESULTS ......................................................................................... 84 APPENDIX H – RESPONDENT GENERAL COMMENTS ....................................................... 139 APPENDIX I – TRAFFIC COUNTER RESULTS ...................................................................... 195 APPENDIX J – SITE PHOTOS ................................................................................................ 203 APPENDIX K – PREDICTIVE MODEL .................................................................................... 206 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Conceptual model of recreation satisfaction. ................................................................ 6 Figure 2. Study area and sampling locations ............................................................................... 9 Figure 3. Questionnaire returns by sample year. ....................................................................... 21 Figure 4. Returned questionnaires by sample location. ............................................................. 22 Figure 5. Percentage of respondents that will return to the Arrow Lakes for recreation activities based on their experiences the day that they completed a questionnaire. ................................. 24 Figure 6. Percentage of respondents that will return based on a low, medium or high operational reservoir level on the day they completed a questionnaire. ..................................... 25 Figure 7. Percentage of respondents that will return if water level on the Arrow Lakes was the same as the day they completed their questionnaire. ................................................................. 25 Figure 8. Percentage of respondents that will return if water level on the Arrow Lakes was lower than it was on the day they completed their questionnaire. ........................................................ 26 Figure 9. Percentage of respondents that will return if water level on the Arrow Lakes was higher than it was on the day they completed their questionnaire. ............................................. 26 Figure 10. Mean satisfaction with water levels on the Arrow Lakes. .......................................... 27 Figure 11. Mean satisfaction with water levels on the Arrow Lakes ........................................... 27 Figure 12. Number of total visits to the Arrow Lakes for lake elevation at Nakusp. ................... 28 Figure 13. Volume of public use and Arrow Lakes water levels at Nakusp................................ 29 Figure 14. Percentage of respondents that would return to the Arrow Lakes for recreation activities if water levels were lower, the same or higher. ............................................................ 35 Figure 15. TRAFx Magnetic Vehicle Counter ............................................................................. 41 Figure 16. Section 1 questions. .................................................................................................. 76 Figure 17. Section 2 questions. .................................................................................................. 76 LEES + Associates - iv - CLBMON-41 Arrow Reservoir Recreational Demand Study Final Report (2009-2013) Figure 18. Section 3 questions, part 1. ...................................................................................... 77 Figure 19. Section 3 questions, part 2. ...................................................................................... 78 Figure 20. Section 4 questions, part 1. ...................................................................................... 79 Figure 21. Section 4 questions, part 2. ...................................................................................... 80 Figure 22. Section 5 questions, part 1. ...................................................................................... 81 Figure 23. Section 5 questions, part 2. ...................................................................................... 81 Figure 24. Section 6 questions, part 1. ...................................................................................... 82 Figure 25. Section 6, part 2, questions pertaining to boat ramp use. ......................................... 82 Figure 26. Section 6 questions, part 3. ...................................................................................... 82 Figure 27. Section 7 questions. .................................................................................................. 83 Figure 28. Average standardized importance rank scores of management goals for the Arrow Lakes. ......................................................................................................................................... 96 Figure 29. Revelstoke Boat Launch ......................................................................................... 203 Figure 30. Shelter Bay Boat Launch ........................................................................................ 203 Figure 31. Eagle Bay Boat Launch .......................................................................................... 203 Figure 32. Nakusp Boat Launch ............................................................................................... 203 Figure 33. McDonald Creek Park Boat Launch ........................................................................ 203 Figure 34. Burton Historic Park Boat Launch ........................................................................... 203 Figure 35. Burton South Boat Launch ...................................................................................... 204 Figure 36. Fauquier Boat Launch ............................................................................................. 204 Figure 37. Edgewood Boat Launch .......................................................................................... 204 Figure 38. Syringa Creek Park Boat Launch ............................................................................ 204 Figure 39. Anderson Point Boat Launch .................................................................................. 204 Figure 40. Nakusp Beach ......................................................................................................... 204 Figure 41. Syringa Day Use ..................................................................................................... 205 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. CLBMON-41 STATUS after Year 5 ................................................................................. i Table 2. CLBMON-41 STATUS after Year 5 ................................................................................ 2 Table 3. Summary of Activities Completed by Year ..................................................................... 4 Table 4. Sampling locations. ........................................................................................................ 8 Table 5. Construction periods and high water periods. .............................................................. 11 Table 6. Observational data: variables collected each field day. ................................................ 12 LEES + Associates - v - CLBMON-41 Arrow Reservoir Recreational Demand Study Final Report (2009-2013) Table 7. Relation of Management Hypotheses to Specific Monitoring Parameters.................... 17 Table 8. Based on your experience today, will you come back to the Arrow Lakes for recreation activities? .................................................................................................................................... 18 Table 9. Relation of Management Hypotheses to Mode of Measurement for Predictive Model . 18 Table 10. Arrow Lakes visitors encountered and survey response rate. .................................... 21 Table 11. Returned questionnaires by sample location. ............................................................. 23 Table 12. Model 2: Standardized regression coefficients for multiple regression analysis predicting daily visits to Arrow Lakes boat launches with traffic counters. .................................. 30 Table 13. Overall satisfaction with water levels on the Arrow Lakes by different public uses. ... 31 Table 14. How similar water levels may affect different uses of the Arrow Lakes (2009–2013). 32 Table 15. How higher water levels may affect different uses of the Arrow Lakes (2009-2013). . 32 Table 16. How lower water levels may affect different uses of the Arrow Lakes (2009-2013). .. 33 Table 17. Traffic counter settings at Arrow Lakes (2009-2013). ................................................. 40 Table 18. Indicate all of the activities that you do on the water or on the shore of the Arrow Lakes. ......................................................................................................................................... 84 Table 19. On average, how many days per season do you visit the Arrow Lakes? ................... 85 Table 20. What recreation activities did you do today on the water or on the shore of the Arrow Lakes? ........................................................................................................................................ 86 Table 21. Are you participating in this activity today as a paying customer of a commercial recreation or tourism operator/guide? ......................................................................................... 87 Table 22. Of all of the activities that you do on the water or onshore of the Arrow Lakes, which one is the most important†? ........................................................................................................ 88 Table 23. How many years have you done this activity? ........................................................... 89 Table 24. On a scale of 1 to 5, how skilled are you at this activity? ........................................... 89 Table 25. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being not important at all and 5 being very important, how important is this activity to your lifestyle? .................................................................................... 89 Table 26. Who do you usually do this recreation activity with? .................................................. 90 Table 27. On average, how many days per season do you do this activity? .............................. 91 Table 28. Consider how many people you are comfortable seeing while you are visiting the Arrow Lakes ................................................................................................................................ 92 Table 29. It doesn’t matter to me how many people I see. ......................................................... 92 Table 30. For each season below, indicate on a scale of 1 - 9 how crowded you have felt while visiting the Arrow Lakes. ............................................................................................................. 93 Table 31. Have you ever experienced any conflicts with other people or recreation activities while you were visiting the Arrow Lakes? ................................................................................... 94 Table 32. From the list below, indicate why you come to the Arrow Lakes. ............................... 95 Table 33. The management of the Arrow Lakes seeks to balance many tasks. Please indicate LEES + Associates - vi - CLBMON-41 Arrow Reservoir Recreational Demand Study Final Report (2009-2013) your satisfaction with management activities. ............................................................................. 97 Table 34. Compared to the water levels that you experienced today, how might different water levels affect your use of the Arrow Lakes for recreation activities? ............................................ 99 Table 35. How long have you been coming to the Arrow Lakes for recreation activities?........ 100 Table 36. Based on your experience today, will you come back to the Arrow Lakes for recreation activities? ................................................................................................................. 100 Table 37. What boat ramp facility do you usually use? ............................................................ 101 Table 38. Why did you come to this boat ramp facility today – Anderson Pt & Burton ............. 102 Table 39. Why did you come to this boat ramp facility today – Eagle Bay & Edgewood? ........ 103 Table 40. Why did you come to this boat ramp facility today – Fauquier & McDonald Creek? 104 Table 41. Why did you come to this boat ramp facility today – Nakusp Boat Launch & Nakusp Beach? ...................................................................................................................................... 105 Table 42. Why did you come to this boat ramp facility today – Revelstoke & Shelter Bay? ..... 106 Table 43. Why did you come to this boat ramp facility today – Syringa Creek Boat Launch & Syringa Creek Day Use? .......................................................................................................... 107 Table 44. What do you like most about the boat ramp facility that you visited today – Anderson Point & Burton Historic Park? ................................................................................................... 108 Table 45. What do you like most about the boat ramp facility that you visited today – Eagle Bay & Edgewood Community Park? ................................................................................................ 109 Table 46. What do you like most about the boat ramp facility that you visited today – Fauquier Park Boat Launch & MacDonald Creek Park? .......................................................................... 110 Table 47. What do you like most about the boat ramp facility that you visited today – Nakusp Boat Launch & Nakusp Beach? ................................................................................................ 111 Table 48. What do you like most about the boat ramp facility that you visited today – Revelstoke Boat Launch & Shelter Bay? ..................................................................................................... 112 Table 49. What do you like most about the boat ramp facility that you visited today – Syringa Creek Boat Launch & Syringa Creek Day Use? ....................................................................... 113 Table 50. What do you like least about the boat ramp facility that you visited today – Anderson Point & Burton Historic Park? ................................................................................................... 114 Table 51. What do you like least about the boat ramp facility that you visited today – Eagle Bay & Edgewood Community Park? ................................................................................................ 115 Table 52. What do you like least about the boat ramp facility that you visited today – Fauquier Community Park Boat Launch & MacDonald Creek Provincial Park? ...................................... 116 Table 53. What do you like least about the boat ramp facility that you visited today – Nakusp Boat Launch & Nakusp Beach? ................................................................................................ 118 Table 54. What do you like least about the boat ramp facility that you visited today – Revelstoke Boat Launch & Shelter Bay? ..................................................................................................... 120 Table 55. What do you like least about the boat ramp facility that you visited today – Syringa Creek Park Boat Launch & Syringa Creek Park Day Use? ...................................................... 122 LEES + Associates - vii -