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J. theor. Biol. (2001) 211, 201}217 doi:10.1006/jtbi.2001.2339, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on Arrhythmia as a Result of Poor Intercellular Coupling in the Sinus Node: A Simulation Study P OG *-, B W ? G O * ER STBORN JOG RN OHLFART AND UNNAR HLED N *Departments of Mathematical Physics, ‚und ;niversity, S-22100 ‚und, Sweden and ?Clinical Physiology, ‚und ;niversity, S-221 00 ‚und, Sweden (Received on 12 June 2000; Accepted in revised form on 24 April 2001) Thee!ects of reducedintercellularcouplingin the sinus nodewere investigatedby meansof simulations.Coupling was reduced both uniformly, and by introducing localized interaction blocks. In either case, model sinus node element networks typically splitted into frequency domains. These were de"ned as groups of neighbour elements which all attained the same mean "ring frequency.In systems, simulatingthe vicinityof an impulse outlet to the atrium, thesinusnodeelementsoftensplittedintotwodomains,oneslowly"ringjustinsidetheoutlet, and one normally "ring large domain in the sinus node interior. This two-domain situation was analysed using a two-element system. Wenckebach conduction and advanced (m:1) exit blocks were seen, together with more odd block patterns and slow chaotic rhythms. The two-domain situation appeared also when two discrete outlets were considered. The slow domainsaroundeachoutletsynchronizedviatheatrium.However,ifthereweresomedegree ofexitblockthroughoneoftheoutletsonly,brady-tachylikerhythmscouldbesimulateddue toare-entrantcircuitincludingbothsinusnodeandatrialtissue.Inconclusion,poorcoupling in the sinus node seems to be su$cient to produce most arrhythmias in the sick sinus syndrome (2001AcademicPress 1. Introduction et al., 1992). In this syndrome, sinus rhythm is mostoftenslowerthannormal,buttheremaybe In this study, we investigated which clinically paroxysmalattacksoftachycardiaoratrial"bril- signi"cant cardiac arrhythmias can appear be- lation. The latter situation is called the brady- cause of poor intercellular coupling in the sinus tachysyndrome.Theslowrhythmsmaybeeither node (SN). We aimed to obtain a qualitative periodic or aperiodic. By a periodic rhythm we picture, not to give parameter values at which mean a sequence of "ring intervals that "nally di!erent phenomena appear. repeats itself. The periodic rhythms are called Patientssu!eringfromarrhythmiaoriginating sino-atrial (SA) exit blocks. These include, for in the SN area are said to have the &&sick sinus example,Wenckebachconductionand advanced syndrome’’(Rubensteinet al.,1972; Ferrer,1973; (m:1) block. Slow aperiodic rhythms are called Kaplan et al., 1973; Jordan et al., 1978; Delon sinus arrest rhythms. There is convincing evidence that the cells in the SN entrain their frequencies because of the -Authortowhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressed. E-mail:[email protected] electric coupling which is mediated by gap 0022}5193/01/150201#17$35.00/0 ( 2001AcademicPress 202 P.OG STBORNE„A‚. junctions (De Haan, 1982; Jalife, 1984; Delmar interior. Leakage reduces the "ring frequency et al., 1986). Cai et al. (1993) have studied the since diastolic depolarization becomes slower. It complex dynamics arising in a pair of model SN isalsoassumedinthesimulationsthattheborder cells with di!erent natural frequencies when this between the SN and the atrium is sharp, and coupling is reduced. Examples of Wenckebach speci"cally that the impulse leaves the SN at rhythms and slow aperiodic rhythms in weakly discrete exit sites. The validity of these assump- coupled model SN cells have been obtained pre- tions is discussed in Section 4. viously by Michaels et al. (1986). We studied the activity of poorly coupled SN 2. Methods cells in an atrium with both simple and more complexmodels,inordertotestthegeneralityof TheIrisawa&Noma(1982)modelwasusedto the observed phenomena, and to gain an under- simulateSNelements.ThisisaHodgkin&Hux- standingofthedynamics.Thepaperisorganized ley (1952)-type membrane model based on volt- along a line of progressive simpli"cation. First, ageclampmeasurementsonaggregatesofrabbit we studied a network model of the vicinity of an SN cells. Five currents (i , i , i , i and i ) C! K N! h b impulse exit site to the atrium. This model in- contribute to the total current I #owing across cluded some ultrastructural qualities suggested the cell membrane. To save computation time, by experiments. We investigated the e!ects both the Na-channel was removed, and the Ca- of a uniform gap junction conductance decrease, channel activation variable d was set to its and of the introduction of electrically insulating steady-statevalued . These operationsare justi- = connective tissue strands. The same types of ar- "ed since the Na-current stays very small rhythmiaswereproducedineithercase.Thenwe throughout the limit cycle, and d adjusts very investigateda more schematic network model in quickly to d . = whichthein#uenceoftheatriumwasreplacedby To produce a frequency variation among a constant leakage current. The leakage arises elements, the membrane densities of Ca- and becausethe maximumdiastolic potential(MDP) K-current channels were altered, both with the of SN cells is less negative than the atrial cell same factor Q compared to their normal values. resting potential. The same arrhythmias were Frequency increased with Q, and the waveform seeninthismodel.TheSNelementsoftensplitted changed in a way similar to that recorded by into two frequency domains, one normally "ring Boyettet al. (1999)whenthey studieddi!erences interior domain, and one slow peripheral. This inspontaneousactivitybetweencentralandperi- allowed the use of only two SN elements, one of pheral parts of the rabbit SN. The model used is whichsu!eredfromastrongleakagecurrent.The speci"ed in Appendix A. bifurcation diagram resulting from changing Non-automatic (atrial) elements were simu- coupling strength was studied in detail. Again, lated with the membrane model developed by the same arrhythmias were seen. Owing to their Wohlfart&OhleHn(1999).Theequationsde"ning seeming generality, in an accompanying paper, this model are also given in Appendix A. we attempt to explain the rhythms and bifurca- The gap junction current j from cell k to kl tions of this system using circle maps based on a neighbour cell l was described as j " kl phase response curves. Model systems including g (<!<), with a constant conductance g . kl k l kl two SN exit sites showed the same type of dy- Here< isthemembranepotentialofcellk.Thus, k namics as those with a single exit site, but also < followed d</dt"!(I #+ j )/C , where k k k l kl k a kind of re-entry including both SN and atrial I is the current #owing across the cell k tissue. This might be one mechanism behind the membrane and C is the membrane capacitance. k brady-tachy syndrome. Cells were treated as two-dimensional squares, Severe sinus arrhythmia, as simulated in this and were coupled to neighbours l having a study, can only appear in vivo if the leakage common edge. current to the atrium makes it impossible for Since a large amount of data was to be col- theSN cellscloseto the SAjunctionto drivethe lected, we aimed to use the quickest possible atrium properly without help from the SN integrationmethodineachcase.Tointegratethe POORCOUPLINGINTHESINUSNODE 203 systems in Figs 1 and 4}8, the forward Euler dynamicswas recorded.After that, the dynamics method was used. For the two-element system always seemed independent of initial conditions. (Figs 5 and 6) the time step was set to 1ms, However, this was not systematically investi- otherwise 0.5ms was used. For the systems in gated. Figs 2 and 3, we used the integration method of Victorri et al. (1985). In this method, voltage 3. Results changes are controlled in each step. Such a method had to be used because the large leak- 3.1. FREQUENCYDOMAINS age currents across the SA junction contributed Figure 1 shows results of simulations with tofastvoltagechangesofthesmallperipheralSN a network of 20]20 SN elements. In panel (a) elements.ThismadetheEuleralgorithmdiverge, these were not coupled, so that the mean "ring unless very small time steps were used. In our intervals were the same as the natural intervals. version of the Victorri method, if the voltage These were distributed according to a gradient change DD<D of any element exceeded 0.5mV, with a superposed smaller random variation. the time step Dt was halved and calculations Values of Q (Section 2) were assigned according wereredone.IfDD<D(0.5mVforallelements,Dt toQ"0.8#((k!1)/19)3#r,wherekistherow wasdoubledinthenextiteration.Dtwasinitially number, and r is a uniform random variable set to 0.5ms, and was not allowed to exceedthis between 0 and 0.2. This produced natural inter- value. vals between 369 and 288ms. This design was In all simulations, measurements were started inspiredbytheexperimentsbyOpthofetal.(1987) after su$ciently long time so that no transient and Boyett et al. (1999), which demonstrated FIG.1. Simulationsof20]20SNelementscoupledhomogenouslywithconductanceg.Naturalintervals(a)werevaried throughadistributionofQ(Section2).(b)Formationofsixfrequencydomainsforweakcoupling.Theelementmarkedwith anarrowisadomainofitsown,sinceithasnonearestneighbourswiththesamefrequency.Adi!erentscaleisusedinpanels (b)}(d),sothatthedomainsareeasiertodistinguish.(c)Frequencyentrainmentforhighercoupling.(d)Aninteractionblock ( )causedsplittingintotwodomainsofanentrainednetwork.(e)Standarddeviationsofthemeanintervalsforthesystem in(d)dividedbythemeanintervals.(f)Potentialtracesoftwoelementsmarkedin(e).Theelementfarfromthedomainborder "redmore regularlythan theelementclosetoit. 204 P.OG STBORNE„A‚. a gradient with longer natural intervals in 3.2. NETWORKMODELOFTHEVICINITYOFASINUS the rabbit SN centre (400}500 ms) than in the NODEIMPULSEEXITSITETOTHEATRIUM periphery towards the crista terminal is (CT) (&300ms). Figure2(a) showsthe systemunderconsidera- The introduction of a uniform coupling con- tion. It is intended to incorporate some ultra- ductance g, caused frequency entrainment for structural qualities suggested by experiments. g’4.5S/F [panel (c)]. For lower values of g, Arial cells are bigger than SN cells (James, 1977; frequencydomainsappeared.Thesewerede"ned Denyer&Brown,1990;Verheijcketal.,1998).To asgroupsofneighbourelementshavingidentical obtain a simple two-dimensional geometry, the mean frequencies. In panel (b), six domains non-automatic element capcitance (area) was set can be recognized for a uniform conductance 4 times higher than the SN element capacitance. g"4S/F. The thick lines represent electric insulation Thenaturalfrequencygradientwasapproxim- between nodal and atrial tissue. This design is atelylinear.Nevertheless,thefastestdomainwas motivatedbythestudybytenVeldeetal.(1995), substantially larger than the slower ones. This whichindicatedthattheatriumformsnarrowing was seen in other simulations too (not shown), strands penetrating into the SN, and that SN and thus seemed to be a general quality, at least cells are coupledto atrial cells only at the tips of of the present SN element model. these strands. The coupling between the shaded Panel (d) shows how an interaction block SN elements was set 10 times higher than the madeanentrainedsystemsplitintotwodomains coupling gSS between the other SN elements. [cf. with panel (c)]. The block could be inter- Microscope studies by Bleeker et al. (1980) in- preted as a strand of connective tissue, since dicated that intercellular coupling is greater in these seem to be electrically insulating the peripheral parts of the SN close to the CT. (DeMazie‘reetal.,1992).Frequencyentrainment Kwong et al. (1998) found that SN cells that was regained at g"5.7S/F. stained for the gap junction protein Cx43 were The dynamics of the systems in panels (b) and arrangedinbundles.Insomesections,thesewere (d) was aperiodic. This was typically the case seen to abut atrial cells. Coppen et al. (1999) when global frequency entrainment was absent. found that Cx43 was present in the rabbit SN However,itcouldhappenthatthemeanfrequen- only in a restricted zone near the border to the cies of all domains became rationally related, CT, which is the preferential pathway out of the leading to periodic dynamics. This was seen SN (Cx40 and Cx45 were present throughout mainly when there were only two domains. the node). These results suggest that SN cells Panel (e) shows the standard deviations of the close to outlets to the atrium indeed are more "ring intervals for the system in panel (d), in stronglycoupled.ThenaturalintervalsoftheSN percentofthemeanintervals.Theslowerdomain elements were made to vary between 336 and showed larger interval variations. The interval 303ms, due to a uniform random probability variations were greatest close to the border be- distribution of Q between 1 and 1.4. Since the tween the domains, and tended to decrease with system was only intended to model an SN tissue the distance from this border. This was seen in around an exit site, we did not include the full other simulations too (not shown), and thus frequency gradient between the SN centre and seemed to be a general quality. Panel (f) shows periphery (Opthof et al., 1987; Verheijck et al., potentialtracesoftheelementsaandbmarkedin 1998),neverthelesssomerandomcell-to-cellvari- panel(e).The"ringsofaweremuchmoreregular ations are bound to exist. The coupling gSA than those of b. This "nding suggests that if the betweenSNandnon-automaticelementswasset splitting into domains is to have any clinical to 100S/F, and the coupling gAA between non- signi"cance,it has to occur close to the SA junc- automatic elements to 500S/F (siemens per unit tion. Otherwise, atrial intervals would probably SN element capacitance in both cases). We refer be quite regular. This is one reason why we to Section 4 for a discussion of these values. focusedourattentiononthedynamicsofSNcells Potential traces of the marked elements a, b, close to the SA border. and c are shown in panels (b)}(e). The leakage POORCOUPLINGINTHESINUSNODE 205 FIG.2. Dynamics of a system modelling the neighbourhood of an SN exit site. (a) System architecture. The thick lines representinteractionblocks.TheshadedSNelementsare10timesmorestronglycoupledthantheotherSNcells.Potential tracesofthemarkedelementsareshowninpanels(b)}(e).Forzerocoupling(gSS)betweenSNelements,thesixjunctionalSN elementsdidnot"reasaresultoftheleakage(b).ForgSS’21S/F,wehad1:1conduction(e).Forweakercoupling,exit blocksofvariousdegreesappeared(candd).Generally,the12shadedelementsformedaslowdomain,whereastheotherSN elements"rednormally.Theleakagecurrent#owingfromelementbtotheatriumisshowninpanels(b)}(e).(----)a;(**)b; ())))))c. current shown is the current #owing from ele- Figure 3 illustrates the e!ects of non-homo- ment b to the non-automatic element in front. geneous coupling decrease in the SN part of the Panel (b) illustrates that for gSS"0, the six SA system in Fig. 2. Interaction blocks of various junctional SN elements were quiescent (no bars sizes and positions were introduced. These were are shown). For gSS"10S/F, the SN tissue intended to model strands of connective tissue, splittedintotwodomains,wherethe meaninter- and are representedby thick lines.gSA and gAA vals of the 12 well-coupled junctional elements were the same as in Figure 2. gSS was set to were twice that of the other elements [panel (c)]. 30S/F in all panels, which led to frequency en- A2:1advancedexitblockwaspresent.Thenota- trainmentintheabsenceoftheblocks[Fig.2(e)]. tion m:n means that n out of m SN "rings reach In panels (a)}(d), a growing block, progressively the atrium. For gSS"15S/F, the ratio of mean decoupledtheSNperipheryfromtheinterior.In intervals between the junctional and interior SN panel(a),therewasa4:3Wenckebachrhythm,in elementswas3/2,anda3:2Wenckebachrhythm panel(b)anadvanced2:1block,andinpanel(c) was seen. All SN elements became frequency en- a5:2exitblock.Thelatterkindofrhythmwillbe trained for gSS’21S/F, leading to perfect im- discussed below, and also in the accompanying pulse transmission to the atrium. The dynamics paper.Finally,inpanel(d),a3:1blockisseen.If was periodic in all panels. the12well-coupledSNelementswerecompletely 206 P.OG STBORNE„A‚. developed. As in panel (a) a 4:3 block was pre- sent. However, it was not of the Wenckebach type.Rather,theblockcreateda&&miniatureSN’’ which was able to drive the atrium at a slightly lower, but quite regular rate. Blocks placed further inside the SN were not able to create conduction disorders. The dynamics was periodic in all panels. 3.3. SIMPLIFIEDNETWORKMODELOFSINUSNODE TISSUEAROUNDANEXITSITE The in#uence of the atrium was replaced by a leakage current, and the geometry of the SN tissuewassimpli"ed.Aconstantleakageof6A/F was added to the four central elements in a net- work of 10]10 elements [Fig. 4(b)]. These ele- ments should be imagined to be placed around adiscreteSNexitsite[Fig.4(a)].Foranisolated element, this leakage abolished spontaneous ac- tivity. As for the systems in Figs 2 and 3, each element was randomly assigned a Q value be- tween 1 and 1.4. The coupling between the 16 most central elements were set 10 times higher than the coupling g between the other elements. Figure4(b)}(f) shows mean"ring intervals for "ve di!erent values of g. In panel (b) there were three frequency domains. The relation between their mean intervals was 6:3:2, giving a 3:1 block. In panel (c) there was a 2:1 block, and in panel (d) a 3:2 Wenckebach rhythm. In these panels,theelements"redperiodically.Beforeen- trainment settled (f), there was a region around g"23S/F,inwhichsomecellsadjacenttothe16 FIG.3. SimulationswiththesamesystemasinFig.2,but central ones broke away from the large domain, with interaction blocks (connective tissue strands) inserted betweenSNelements.gSS"30S/Finallpanels.Successive and attained somewhat higher mean frequencies extensionofasmallstrandproducedmoreandmoresevere (e). The dynamics was aperiodic during this exit blocks. Potential traces from the same elements as in breakdown of the two-domain situation. Tem- Fig.2areshown.(a)4:3conduction,(b)2:1,(c)5:2,and(d) poraryexitblocksappearedatirregularintervals, 3:1.AblockfurtherinsidetheSNproducedalarger,slow, junctionaldomain(e),andgaveriseto4:3conduction. as seen in panel (g). 3.4. ASINUSNODEWITHONEEXITSITEMODELLED decoupled from the rest of the SN tissue, a com- ASATWO-ELEMENTSYSTEM plete SA block developed (not shown). In all Since states with only two domains occurred panels (a)}(d), a two-domain situation was pre- often, the dynamics during weak intra-nodal sent,withthe 12 junctionalelementsformingthe coupling was modelled with a two-element sys- slower domain. tem. The similarity between the dynamics of the In panel (e), the block was placed a bit further system in Figs 2 and 3 and that in Fig. 4, let us away from the atrium. In this case, a larger model the in#uence of the atrium as a leakage junctional domain consisting of 18 elements current. The SA blocks shown in Figs 2}4 POORCOUPLINGINTHESINUSNODE 207 FIG.5. Bifurcationdiagramforasimpli"edtwo-element systemin which element 2 su!ered from a leakage current 1.4A/F. The occurring "ring intervals of element 2 are shown for di!erent values of the coupling conductance g. m:1blocksoccupyagreatpartofthediagram.Wenckebach rhythms were found in the region marked W . In the 1 W }W regions, other Wenckebach-like rhythms were 2 4 found(seetext).IntheC -andC -regionsthedynamicswas 1 2 FIG.4. Simulations of 10]10SN elements in a plane. chaotic. The insets show that these regions appeared after The four central elements in the network su!ered from period-doubling cascades. (b) 4:3 Example of a Wencke- a leakage current of 6A/F and should be imagined to be bachrhythmatg "11.5S/F.Thesolidlinecorrespondsto 1 placedaroundadiscreteSNexitsite.Thecouplingconduc- element 2. „"347ms, „ "344ms. (c) 7:3 rhythm from I II tancebetween the 16 centralelements was10 times higher theW regionatg "6.2S/F.(d)Chaoticrhythmfromthe 2 2 than the coupling g between the other elements. Natural C region at g "0.6S/F. Firing intervals are given in 2 3 frequencieswerevariedthroughadistributionofQ(Section seconds. 2). (a) Imagined position of the plane. (b)}(f) Mean "ring intervalsforeachelementforasequenceofincreasingcon- ductancesg.(b)Threedomainsand3:1exitblock.(c)Two domains and 2:1 block. (d) Two domains and 3:2 appearedin suchasimpli"edsystemalso,and in Wenckebachconduction.(e)Breakdownofthetwo-domain the same order of appearance as coupling was situation, leading to aperiodic dynamics. (f) Perfect fre- altered. quency entrainment and 1:1 conduction. (g) Aperiodic blockrhythmof thesystemin(e). We let element 2 su!er from the leakage 1.4A/F[Fig.5(a)].Thisvalueislowerthaninthe 208 P.OG STBORNE„A‚. simpli"ed network simulations (Fig. 4) since the elementwasintendedtocorrespondtotheentire slow junctional domain. g is the coupling con- ductance between the elements. Both elements had Q"2 (Section 2). In Fig. 5(a), the occurring "ring intervals for element 2 at a given g are plotted against g. The "ring intervals of element 1 (corresponding to the SN interior) increased only slightly from its uncoupled value 280ms as g increased. The variance of its "ring inter- vals was small irrespective of the dynamics of element 2. In Fig. 5(a), plateaux on which every m-th "ring of the interior element triggered the SA junctionaloneareseen.mincreasedinstepsofone from 1 to 7 as g decreased. The widths of the FIG.6. The ratio R between the number of "rings of plateaux decreased with increasing m. elements1and2asafunctionofgintheWenckebachregion Between the 1:1 and 2:1 conduction areas, W in Fig. 5(a). R seems to form a Devil’s staircase, with 1 Wenckebach rhythms arose. The region is plateaux at all rationals between 1 and 2. The inset is an enlargementaroundthe5:3region. marked W . In Fig. 5(b), a 4:3 rhythm is shown. 1 The phase lag of the peripheral oscillator in- creased (D(D (D ), and the "ring interval period-doubling cascade [see insets in Fig. 5(a)]. I II III decreased („’„ ), before one excitation was After the "rst branching in the 7:1 (6:1) region, I II lost. These features are characteristic of Wen- every second "ring interval of element 2 was ckebachconduction.In Fig.6, the ratioR"m/n alittlebitlonger.Afterthesecondbranchingfour betweenthe numberof generatedand conducted slightly di!erent intervals occurred, then eight, impulses in the W region is plotted against g. and so on. By calculating the mean rate of 1 R(g) seemed to form a complete Devil’s staircase exponential divergence of nearby trajectories (Ott, 1993), in which there are steps at each ra- in phase space, the Lyapunov exponents for tional valuebetween one and two. It is seen that g"1.25 (C ) and 0.6S/F (C ) were estimated to 1 2 theWenckebachratios(m#1):moccupiedmost be 0.32 and 0.45s~1, respectively. Chaos is de- part of the parameter interval. The only other "ned to be present then there is a positive expo- rhythm that occurred on an interval with ap- nent. In Fig. 5(d), a rhythm of element 2 for preciable width was 5:3 conduction. In the en- g "0.6S/F is shown, with "ring intervals 3 larged picture, the more exotic ratios 8:5 and marked between the potential peaks. The most 11:7 are also seen. remarkablefeatureof thesedynamicalregimesis TherhythmsinregionW [Fig.5(a)]werealso thatsome"ringintervalsweremuchlongerthanin 2 Wenckebach-like. Here, at regular intervals, an the regular 6:1 and 7:1 regions which preceded additional "ring was lost in a basic 2:1 cycle. In them, respectively [Fig. 5(a)]. This is strange Fig. 5(c), such a 7:3 rhythm is shown. A 5:2 sincethetriggeringimpulsesfromelement1were rhythmofthistypeisseeninFig.3(c).Generally, stronger.Intheaccompanyingpaper,weattempt R"(2m#1)/m for these rhythms. The charac- to explain this and other qualities of the bifurca- teristic increasing phase lags and decreasing in- tion diagram using phase response curves. tervalsbeforethelost"ringwereseeninthiscase also. Analogously, in regions W and W , addi- 3 4 tional "rings were lost at regular intervals in 3.5. TAKINGMULTIPLESINUSNODEEXITSITES basic 3:1 and 4:1 rhythms. We had R" INTOACCOUNT (3m#1)/m and R"(4m#1)/m, respectively. In order to "nd out whether the existence of Thedynamicsin regions C and C seemed to twodiscreteoutletsfromtheSNmakesnewtypes 1 2 be chaotic. Both regions were entered via a of rhythmspossible,simulationsweremade with POORCOUPLINGINTHESINUSNODE 209 a network of 5]10SN elements, in which two elements at some distance from each other suf- fered from leakage, simulating the exit sites. To beabletostudythee!ectsofthesituationwhere thetwo outletsweresurroundedby SNelements with di!erent natural frequencies, a gradient of Q values (Section 2) was introduced [Fig. 7(a)]. InFig.7(b),itisseenthatforg"3S/F,theSN interior elements splitted into two domains, so thatthetwoSAjunctionalelementswerefedwith di!erent frequencies. Element b was locked in a2:1conductionratiowithrespecttothe"rings ofthesurroundingdomain,whereasnosuchrela- tion existed for element a. The overall dynamics was aperiodic. It seemed that all possible time delaysbetweena "ringof elementaandthe next "ring of element b occurred sometime (and vice versa). The last two qualities were typical when more than one interior domain was present. For higher g, the interior elements formed asingledomain[Fig.7(c)].IfnoQ-valuegradient was used [Fig. 7(a)], this situation appeared at averylowg(notshown).Inanycase,bothaand bbecamefrequencylocked in arational conduc- tion ratio with respect to the common feeding frequency, and the dynamics became periodic. Thereafter, each drained element followed the sequence of bifurcations in the two-element sys- tem [Fig. 5(a)]. For a given g, they could be at di!erent positions in the bifurcation diagram, dependingontheQvaluesofaandbandthoseof the surrounding elements. In Fig. 7(c), a was in a 2:1 state and b showed 5:3 conduction. Naively, the uncorrelated "rings of a and b FIG.7. Meanfrequenciesinanetworkof5]10SNcells in which cell a su!ered from a leakage of 1.1A/F and cell at g"3S/F indicate that long atrial activation bof1.4A/F,simulatingtwodiscreteSNexitsites.Cellswere intervals might alternate with very short ones. coupled with a common conductance g. A gradient of However, we have not taken into account that Q values ranging from 1 to 2 with a superimposed minor random variation created a gradient in natural periods. junctional elements at di!erent outlets interact Q(a)"1.5, Q(b)"1.7. (a) g"0S/F. Since a and b were via the atrium. To this end, the system described quiescent,nobarsareshown.(b)g"3S/F.Fourfrequency in Fig. 8(a) was studied. The two interior SN domains remained; two interior ones (2 and 3) and two junctional (1 and 4), corresponding to cells a and b. Both elements allow dynamics corresponding to the aandb"redirregularly.awaslockedina2:1conduction splitting of the SN interior into more than one ratio with respect to the surrounding (irregularly "ring) frequency domain [Fig. 7(b)]. domain.(c)g"4S/F.TheSNinteriorconstitutedasingle Itwasfoundthatwheneverg washighenough domain. a was locked in a 2:1 state, and b showed 5:3 d conduction.Periodicdynamics. to allow impulse conduction though the non- automatic elements, a "ring of SN element 4 immediately triggered element 1 via the atrium, the junctional domains in Fig. 7(b) and (c). The and vice versa. They achieved a common mean junctional cell synchronization made impossible frequency and could be said to form a single anyatrialactivationintervalshorterthannormal domain. This corresponds to the uni"cation of due to uncorrelated "rings. 210 P.OG STBORNE„A‚. a total of three domains. When elements 2 and 3 formed one domain*corresponding to the situation where the SN as a whole contains only two domains, one interior and one junc- tional*the atrial rhythm again followed the bi- furcation diagram in Fig. 5(a) as g }g increased. a c Thus, the two-element approximation of a weakly coupled SN seems to be valid even if several SN exit sites are considered. However,ifconductionthroughoneoftheexit siteswasperfect(1:1),butthatthroughtheother was not, it was possible to induce re-entry. For theparametervaluesgiveninthe"gurelegend,if the ring was disconnected in the atrial part (b), SN element 1 showed 4:3 Wenckebach conduc- tion with respect to the frequency of elements 2 and 3, which formed a single domain. Their mean "ring interval was 368ms. Element 4 showed 1:1 conduction. Panel (c) shows what occurred in a simulation with an intact ring. When one "ring was lost in the Wenckebach cycle of element 1, the impulse transmitted through the exit site to the right re-entered the FIG.8. (a)Systemusedtostudyatrialrhythmwheninter- SN through the left exit site, triggered SN ele- actionsviatheatriumbetweenSAjunctionalcellsatdi!er- entexitsitesaretakenintoaccount.FourSNelementswere ments 2}4, which sent away a new impulse, and used[cf.Fig. 7(b)].The non-automaticelementswerecon- the cycle started over. The re-entrant rhythm nectedtoaone-dimensionalrow.g wasthecouplingcon- a persistedinde"nitely,withastablecyclelengthof ductancebetweenSNelements1and2,g between2and3, b andg betweenelements3and4.Thesameconductanceg 222ms. It settled for seemingly arbitrary initial c d wasusedtocoupleoneSNandonenon-automaticelement, conditions. No extra stimulus was needed. and two non-automatic elements. (b) and (c) Proposed mechanism of brady-tachy rhythms. When the ring was disconnectedintheatrialpart,therighthalf"rednormally whereas the left half showed 4:3 Wenckebach conduction 4. Discussion (b).Actionpotentialsoftwonon-automaticelementsaand baredisplayedtoshowprogressionoftheimpulse.Whenan 4.1. FREQUENCYDOMAINSANDLEAKAGE intact ring was used (c), the lost "ring in the Wenckebach cycleenabledanimpulsefromtherighttopenetratetheSN Theformationoffrequencydomainsseemedto retrogradelytotheleft,initiatingre-entranttachycardia.30 be such a generic phenomenon that if coupling Non-automaticelementswereused.Allelementsinthering had the same (unit) capacitance. Q "(2, 1.5, 2, 2) and ever becomes so weak that global frequency en- 1}4 g "(12, 20, 50, 100)S/F. (**) 4; (----) b; (})})})}) 1; trainment is lost, we expect that it arises no a}d ()))))))a. matter how peculiar is the SN ultrastructure. However, the splitting into domains seems to be clinically signi"cant only if it occurs close to an For the system in Fig. 8(a), consider the case SA junction and a severe leakage is assumed. If where g and g were too low to allow 1:1 fre- thesplittingoccursfarfromanexitsite,thelarge a c quencylockingbetweenSNelements1and2and peripheral SN domain can drive the atrium at between 3 and 4, respectively. Then, for g low areasonablerate(Fig.3).Theatrialintervalswill b enoughsothatSNelements2and3didnotform also be quite regular, due to the large distance a single domain, an aperiodic slow atrial rhythm from the domain border (Fig. 1). If leakage is resulted. This situation corresponds to that in weak, the frequencies of peripheral domains Fig. 7(b), but with interactions between a and (smallorlarge)canonlybeslightlydecreasedand b via the atrium taken into account, leading to nosevereexitblockscanappear.However,ifthe

Jun 12, 2000 of exit block through one of the outlets only, brady-tachy like rhythms could be simulated sino-atrial (SA) exit blocks. sinus arrest rhythms.
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