ARPA-E Initiatives in High Efficiency Power Conversion Tim Heidel Program Director Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) U.S. Department of Energy APEC Plenary Session Ft. Worth, TX, March 14, 2014 ARPA-E Mission 1 The ARPA-E Approach Transformational & disruptive technologies that lead to new learning curves. transformational Steam-powered Cugnot (1769) e c Benz Motorwagen (1885) n a m transformational & disruptive r o f r e existing learning curve p / tipping t s o point c new learning curve Ford Model T (1914) time 2 Focused Programs Solar BEEST ADEPT BEETIT PETRO GRIDS Transportation Stationary Energy Energy Electrofuels Technologies Technologies IMPACCT MOVE ADEPT RANGE GENI HEATS AMPED REACT SBIR/STTR METALS SWITCHES REMOTE FOCUS 3 Electricity is ~40% of U.S. Energy Consumption U.S. Primary Energy U.S. Retail Sales of Electricity to Consumption 2011 Ultimate Customers 2011 Sector Transportation 7,672 (<1%) Industrial 991,316 (27%) Commercial 1,328,057 (35%) • In 2005, 30% of electricity in the U.S. flows through power converters. Residential 1,422,801 • By 2030, 80% of electricity (38%) could flow through power converters. Quadrillion Btu Million kWh U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Retail sales of electricity to ultimate customers, January 30, 2013. EIA, Annual Energy Review DOE/EIA-0384(2011), September 2012 4 L.M. Tolbert, et al., “Power Electronics for Distributed Energy Systems and Transmission and Distribution Applications: Assessing the Technical Needs for Utility Applications.“ (Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2005) Power Conversion is Ubiquitous • Universal Goals: • High Power Density Tradeoffs often required • Low Cost between these objectives. • High Efficiency 5 High Power Density, Low Cost, High Efficiency Requires New Magnetic Components Magnetic components are often the largest, most expensive parts in converters 1MW PV Inverter 40% Magnetics (by vol.) LED Driver Higher frequencies reduce the amount of material (lower cost) but reduces efficiency. 30-50% Magnetics (by vol.) Alex Leary, Paul Ohodnick, Michael McHenry, Soft Magnetic Materials in High-Frequency, High-Power Conversion Applications, 2012. 6 High Frequency Difficult at High Voltages/Powers 1200 V Silicon IGBTs Switching Performance 7 High Power, High Frequency Requires New Switches Semiconductor bandgap increases Crtiical electric field increases Drift region thickness can be decreased • Reduced carrier transit time • Increased frequency New device technologies needed for high power, high frequency power • Reduced on-resistance conversion. Michael A. Briere, GaN based Power Devices, RPI CFES Conference, International Rectifier, January 2013. 8 Jong-Mun Park, Evolution of Power Semiconductor Devices, October 2004. G. Miller: Future Trends in High Power Semiconductors, ECPE workshop, March 5th-6th, 2009. Semiconductor Materials Properties Conventional Wide band-gap GaN GaN Si GaAs 4H-SiC Diamond (2 DEG) (Bulk) Band Gap Eg (eV) 1.1 1.42 3.26 3.39 3.39 5.45 Electron n i 1.5×1010 1.5×106 8.2×10-9 1.9×10-10 1.9×10-10 1.6×10-27 Concentration (cm^-3) Electron Mobility μn 1350 8500 700 1000 500 1900 (low) (cm^2/V s) Electron Mobility μn 1450 8500 950 2000 1200 4000 (high) (cm^2/V s) Electron v sat 1 2 2 2.5 2.5 2.7 Saturation Velocity (10^7cm/s) Breakdown E br 0.3 0.4 3 3.3 3.3 5.6 Electric Field (MV/cm) Thermal Θ 1.5 0.43 4.9 1.3 2.3 20 Conductivity (W/cm K) Maximal Operation T (°C) 125 150 500 650 650 700 Temperature max FOM = Figure of Merit (Ebr * 1 2.7 20 27.5 27.5 50 vsat)/2π Umesh K. Mishra, Likun Shen, Thomas E. Kazior, Yi-Feng Wu, GaN-Based RF Power Devices and Amplifiers, IEEE, February 2008. 9 Frederic Morancho, State of the art and trends in power semiconductor devices for optimized power management, LAAS-CNRS, October 2008.