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ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FOR GENERAL DEGREE STUDENTS VOLUME 2: AROMATIC CHEMISTRY by P. W .G. SMITH, D.i.c, PH.D., A.R.C.S., A.R.I.C. A. R. TATCHELL, M . S C, PH.D., F.R.I.C. Senior Lecturers in Organic Chemistry The Woolwich Polytechnic PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD · LONDON · EDINBURGH · NEW YORK TORONTO · SYDNEY · PARIS · BRAUNSCHWEIG Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 & 5 Fitzroy Square, London W.l Pergamon Press (Scotland) Ltd., 2 & 3 Teviot Place, Edinburgh 1 Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523 Pergamon of Canada Ltd., 207 Queen's Quay West, Toronto 1 Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 19a Boundary Street, Rushcutters Bay, N.S.W. 2011, Australia Pergamon Press S.A.R.L., 24 rue des Ιcoles, Paris 5*" Vieweg & Sohn GmbH, Burgplatz 1, Braunschweig Copyright © 1969 Pergamon Press Ltd. First edition 1969 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 64-66138 Printed in Great Britain by Thomas Nelson (Printers) Ltd. Edinburgh This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise disposed of without the publisher's consent, in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published. 08 012947 1 (flexicover) 08 012948 X (hard cover) PREFACE THE scope and the manner of treatment of the subject-matter of this text book of Organic Chemistry are outHned in the preface to Volume 1. In this volume we have endeavoured to cover the im­ portant fundamental aspects of aromatic chemistry, including simple heteroaromatic systems, to a level which, broadly speaking, is adequate to meet the requirements of students reading for a B.Sc. General Degree and for examinations of a similar standing. The decision to separate the aromatic section from the aliphatic was intentional rather than one of convenience. We felt that in a course of this level the interests of the student are best served by a systematic study in the first instance of the chemistry of functional groups, based on their structural characteristics, in aliphatic systems. The study of aromatic compounds can then begin with the properties of the aromatic nucleus followed by a consideration of the manner in which interaction with the aromatic system may modify the reactivity of functional groups. On the basis that the student has already acquired some familiarity with the basic concepts of reaction mechanisms from the material presented in Volume 1, we have taken the opportunity, in this volume, of extending the treatment of selected mechanistic topics to a some­ what greater depth. Woolwich Polytechnic P. W. G. S. London, S.EA8 A. R. T. VII CHAPTER 1 BENZENE- STRUCTURE AND REACTIVITY Introduction As has been mentioned in the introduction to Volume 1, organic chemistry has from an early date been broadly divided into ali­ phatic and aromatic branches. This classification was largely one of convenience since aromatic compounds (so named because many of the earliest examples isolated from plant extracts had pleasant aromas) were found to possess chemical properties which were characteristically different from those of the aliphatic group. Many of the aromatic compounds isolated from these sources were recognised as derivatives of benzene (QH^) into which they could be converted by suitable reaction sequences; the following are illustrative. [O] C6H5CHO -> C6H5CO2H ^ • Q Ha Benzaldehyde Benzoic acid Benzene (from oil of bitter almonds) C,H4(OH)CO,H-^vC,H50H Salicylic acid Phenol Benzene (from oil of wintergreen) A detailed study of the reactions of benzene and its derivatives therefore formed the basis of aromatic chemistry as it is now known and aromatic chemistry may be defined as the chemistry of com- 1 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FOR GENERAL DEGREE STUDENTS pounds having the characteristic chemical properties of benzenoid compounds. The high carbon: hydrogen ratio found in benzene (CaH^^ C„H2,,_6, compare the alkanes, C,,H2„+2) might lead one to expect that it should react as a highly unsaturated compound. In fact the most significant feature of the chemistry of benzene (and of aro­ matic compounds in general) is its reluctance to enter into the addition reactions which unsaturated compounds so easily under­ go. For example, benzene does not decolorise a solution of bromine in carbon tetrachloride, a reagent commonly used for the detection of unsaturation. Rather does the action of bromine in the presence of a suitable catalyst lead to the formation of bromo- benzene by a substitution process. C6H6 + Br2 —•CóHsBr + HBr Bromobenzene Benzene is, furthermore, not affected by alkaline potassium per­ manganate solution, and in fact the benzene nucleus remains intact throughout many reactions involving relatively strongly oxidising conditions. Nevertheless, that benzene has a degree of unsaturation is shown by the fact that with dry chlorine, in the presence of light of a suitably short wavelength, it yields a hexa- chloride (C6H6C16), and that with hydrogen in the presence of catalysts it yields cyclohexane (C6H12). CI2 CM 6^12 CHCl CIHC^ ^<^HC1 C1HC\ /CHCl CHCl Benzene hexachloride Benzene Cyclohexane I This relationship of benzene to cyclohexane confirms the cyclic structure of benzene originally proposed by Kekulé (1865) but BENZENE—STRUCTURE AND REACTIVITY 3 precisely how the necessary degree of unsaturation can be incor­ porated into the six-membered cycHc system constitutes what may be termed the "problem" of the structure of benzene. Kekulé's original formulation of benzene as cyclohexatriene (I) was the best acceptable solution for many years and is supported by the ob­ servation that, although reaction is slow, benzene yields with ozone a triozonide (II) which is decomposed by water to give glyoxal. CHO OCH Hp HO HO OCH CHO No really satisfactory solution of the problem of the structure of benzene was possible, however, until the application of physico- chemical methods established the planar symmetrical hexagonal nature of the benzene molecule and allowed the structure to be interpreted upon the basis of the two complementary theoretical treatments, namely the molecular orbital (M.O.) and valence bond (V.B.) methods.! The Structure of the Benzene Molecule The geometry of the benzene molecule, which has a planar, regular hexagonal carbon skeleton with a carbon-carbon bond distance of 1-39 A, is established by X-ray and electron diffraction measurements. The σ-bonds which unite the carbon atoms in the ring arise from the mutual overlapping of two of the sp^ hybrid orbitals of each carbon atom with those of its neighbours. The six remaining hybrid orbitals are involved in the formation of the six t A preliminary discussion of the structure of benzene has already been presented in Volume 1. 4 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FOR GENERAL DEGREE STUDENTS carbon-hydrogen bonds. These carbon-carbon and carbon-hydro­ gen σ-bonds accommodate three of the valence electrons on each carbon atom, leaving the six electrons originally occupying the unhybridised /?-orbital on each of the carbon atoms to be accounted for. It is these electrons (commonly referred to as the ''aromatic sextet") which are responsible for the special properties of benzene and a completed description of benzene incorporating these electrons can be arrived at by either the M.O. or the V.B. method. In the molecular orbital treatment, the six discrete unhybridised /7-orbitals are replaced by six molecular orbitals encompassing the entire ring system. The energy level of three of these molecular orbitals is less than that of an original unhybridised /?-orbital and these orbitals are therefore bonding orbitals, A pictorial representa­ tion of the molecular orbital of lowest energy, which has a nodal plane of zero electron density in the plane of the ring, has already been given (Vol. 1). Viewed from above this may be alternatively represented as III; each of the remaining two bonding orbitals has an additional nodal plane at right angles to the plane of the ring and may similarly be represented as IV and V. The energy levels of IV and V are identical (but higher than that of III); orbitals having equal energy levels are said to be degenerate. In the ground state of the molecule, each of these bonding orbitals is occupied by a pair of electrons of opposite spin; the completed description of the molecule in the ground state is then arrived at by superimposing these three occupied molecular orbitals. Π IS The remaining three molecular orbitals have further nodal planes at right angles to the plane of the ring (VI, VII and VIII). BENZENE—STRUCTURE AND REACTIVITY 5 As these all have a higher energy than the unhybridised p-orbitals they are anti-bonding orbitals', they are only occupied when the molecule assumes an excited state following the promotion of an electron from a bonding orbital as the result of the absorption of energy. Vlli In the valence bond treatment the unhybridised /^-orbitals are considered to overlap in pairs to form π-orbitals, each of which is occupied by a shared electron pair. Structures IX (i) to (v) illus­ trate the possible ways in which such overlapping may be achieved; IX (i) and (ii) represent the classical Kekulé structures of benzene; IX (iii), (iv) and (v) are additional (Dewar) forms. (lii) (V) The Kekulé forms have the lowest energy since overlapping be­ tween adjacent /7-orbitals is more effective than the overlapping between the diametrically opposite p-orbitals which is necessary to 6 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FOR GENERAL DEGREE STUDENTS form the elongated ("formal") bond in the Dewar structures. The non-localised character of the π-electrons in benzene is thus ex­ pressed in this valence bond approach by regarding the molecule as a resonance hybrid of all these possible forms, the equivalent Kekulé structures making the greater contribution. Both these theoretical treatments lead to a similar picture of benzene as a symmetrical hexagonal molecule which possesses a lower energy (as a result of electron delocalisation) than that ex­ pected from a molecule represented by a classical cyclohexatriene structure. The extent to which benzene is thus stabilised can be estimated from measurements of its heat of combustion, but a more accurate value is obtainable by comparing the heat of hydro- genation of benzene with that of cyclohexene. Since the value for benzene (49-8 kcal/mole) is less than three times that of cyclo­ hexene (3x28-8 kcal/mole), the difference (37 kcal/mole) is a measure of the energy required to offset the stabilisation conferred upon the molecule by electron delocalisation. It is for this reason that the benzene molecule not only possesses exceptional chemical stability but also, as explained in the following section, exhibits its marked preference to undergo reaction by substitution rather than addition. In formulating the reactions of benzene (and of other aromatic compounds in general) the molecule is as a matter of convenience usually represented by either of the Kekulé formulations, but the true structure of the molecule and the hybrid character of the carbon-carbon bonds must always be borne in mind. Electrophilic Substitution in Benzene From a consideration of the electronic description of the benzene molecule it is to be expected that benzene will be pre­ ferentially attacked by reagents of the electrophilic type, as indeed is the case with the olefins. Whereas, however, with the latter electrophilic addition results, benzene undergoes substitution. The mechanism for electrophilic substitution in benzene by an electrophile X® may be presented in the following way: BENZENE—STRUCTURE AND REACTIVITY (iii) Χ Φ Η Mesomeric cation X X XIII XV The preferred hne of approach of the attacking electrophile is approximately perpendicular to the plane of the ring. Initially an association of X® with the π-electron system results in the forma­ tion of an ill-defined 1:1 complex (XII; a π-complex). True chemical union of the reacting species necessitates the formation of a σ-bond between X® and one of the ring carbons giving the charged intermediate (X). This must involve the rehybridisation of the appropriate carbon atom to an sp'^ state thereby disrupting the closed delocalised system. Most of the resonance stabilisation of the system is thereby lost, although the carbonium ion X is stabilised to some extent by delocalisation of the remaining four π

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