Arnold School of Public Health Preliminary Self-Study Report for Accreditation Prepared for the Council on Education for Public Health October 2016 Table of Contents List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................... ii 1.0 The School of Public Health ................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Mission ................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Evaluation ............................................................................................................................................... 9 1.3 Institutional Environment .................................................................................................................... 25 1.4 Organization and Administration ......................................................................................................... 31 1.5 Governance .......................................................................................................................................... 41 1.6 Fiscal Resources ................................................................................................................................... 51 1.7 Faculty and Other Resources ............................................................................................................... 57 1.8 Diversity ............................................................................................................................................... 71 2.0 Instructional Programs ......................................................................................................................... 79 2.1 Degree Offerings .................................................................................................................................. 79 2.2 Program Length .................................................................................................................................... 83 2.3 Public Health Core Knowledge ............................................................................................................. 85 2.4 Practical Skills ....................................................................................................................................... 87 2.5 Culminating Experience ....................................................................................................................... 93 2.6 Required Competencies ....................................................................................................................... 95 2.7 Assessment Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 119 2.8 Other Graduate Professional Degrees ............................................................................................... 137 2.9 Bachelor’s Degrees in Public Health .................................................................................................. 141 2.10 Other Bachelor’s Degrees ................................................................................................................ 157 2.11 Academic Degrees ............................................................................................................................ 159 2.12 Doctoral Degrees .............................................................................................................................. 161 2.13 Joint Degrees .................................................................................................................................... 167 2.14 Distance Education or Executive Degree Programs ......................................................................... 169 3.0 Creation, Application and Advancement of Knowledge .................................................................... 173 3.1 Research ............................................................................................................................................. 173 3.2 Service ................................................................................................................................................ 185 3.3 Workforce Development .................................................................................................................... 199 4.0 Faculty, Staff and Students ................................................................................................................ 209 4.1 Faculty Qualifications ......................................................................................................................... 209 4.2 Faculty Policies and Procedures ......................................................................................................... 213 4.3 Student Recruitment and Admissions ................................................................................................ 219 4.4 Advising and Career Counseling ......................................................................................................... 229 i ii List of Abbreviations Acronym Definition AAR Admissions Action Recommendation AD Associate Dean ADA Americans with Disabilities Act ADRD Alzheimer's Disease or Related Disorders ALDP Academic Leadership Development Program APL Academic Program Liaison ASHA American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (accrediting body for the MCD and MSP programs) ASPIRE Advanced Support for Innovative Research Excellence ASPPH Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health ATEP Athletic training (course acronym; in the department of exercise science) AY Academic Year BA Bachelor of Arts BBIP Behavioral-Biomedical Interface Program BCRC Biostatistics Collaborative Research Core BDMS Banner Document Management System BIOS Biostatistics (course acronym and division of the department of epidemiology & biostatistics) BRFSS Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System BS Bachelor of Science C&GA Office of Contract and Grant Accounting CAATE Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (accrediting body for the bachelor of science in athletic training) CAD Council of Academic Deans CAHME Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (accrediting body for the MHA program) CAPTE Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (accrediting body for the DPT program) CARE Core for Applied Research and Evaluation CCCR Center for Colon Cancer Research CDC Center for Disease Control CEC Continuing Education and Conferences CENR Center for Environmental Nanoscience and Risk CEPH Council on Education for Public Health CEU Continuing Education Unit CGSPH Certificate of Graduate Study in Public Health CHE SC Commission on Higher Education CHSPR Center for Health Services and Policy Research COBRE Center of Biomedical Research Excellence COL Council on Linkages COMD Communication sciences and disorders (course acronym and academic department) CPCP Cancer Prevention and Control Program CRIMS Committee Review System CRN Course Registration Number CSDCAS Communication Sciences and Disorders Centralized Application Service iii CSLM Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope CTE Center for Teaching Excellence DFPM Department of Family and Preventative Medicine DLQR Distributed Learning Quality Review DPT Doctor of Physical Therapy DRDC Disability Research and Dissemination Center DSAC Dean’s Student Advisory Committee E&G Education and General e-IRB Electronic Institutional Review Board ENHS Environmental health sciences (course acronym and academic department) EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPI English Program for Internationals EPID Epidemiology (course acronym and division of the department of epidemiology & biostatistics) ERF Electronic Resource File EXSC Exercise science (course acronym and academic department) FacEd Faculty Expert Database FLIM Fluorescence-Lifetime Imaging Microscopy FTE Full time equivalent FY Fiscal Year GA Graduate Assistant GHS Greenville Health System GLD Graduation with Leadership Distinction GMAT Graduate Management Admission Test GMS Graduate Management System GPA Grade point average GRANT Gamecock Research Administrators Network Training GRE Graduate Record Exam GSS Graduate Student Services HBCU Historically Black College/University HEOA Higher Education Opportunity Act HEPA High-efficiency Particulate Arrestance HPEB Health promotion, education, and behavior (course acronym and academic department) HRSA US Health Resources and Services Administration HSPM Health services policy and management (course acronym and academic department) HSSC Health Sciences South Carolina IDC Indirect cost recovery IELTS International English Language Testing System IHI Institute for Healthcare Improvement IMPH SC Institute of Medicine and Public Health IT Information Technology IYS International Year of Soils JOUR School of Journalism and Mass Communications LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design LGBTQ Lesbian/Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer MCAT Medical College Admission Test MCD Master of Communication Disorders in Speech-Language Pathology MHA Master of Health Administration iv MPH Master of Public Health MSP Master of Speech Pathology MSW Master of Social Work MTTG Maximum Time to Graduation MUSC Medical University of South Carolina MySPH My Source for Public Health webiste ( NAS Network Attached Storage NCCDPHP National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion NCFDD National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity NCRR National Center for Research Resources OAA Office of Academic Affairs OGSS Office of Graduate Student Services OIRA Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs OIT Office of Information Technology and Data Management OPHE Office of Public Health Education ORC Office of Research Compliance OSA Office for the Study of Aging PA Physical Activity PAL Pipeline for Academy Leaders PAPH Physical Activity and Public Health PD Professional Development PE Physical Education PharmD Doctor of Pharmacy PHGrad Public Health Graduate Application PHRC Public Health Resource Center PHYT Physical therapy (course acronym; in the department of exercise science) Provost Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost PTCAS Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service PUBH Public health (course acronym for general public health courses) RAC Research Advisory Council RCCF Research Consortium on Children and Families RCI Research Cyberinfrastructure RGP Research Grant Position SACS Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (accrediting body for the University of South Carolina) SACSCOC Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges SAM Sponsored Awards Management SAN Storage Area Network SARS Student Appointment Scheduling System SAS Statistical Analysis Software SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test SBP Standalone Baccalaureate Program SC South Carolina SC DE South Carolina Department of Education SC DHEC SC Department of Health and Environmental Control SC DHHS SC Department of Health and Human Services SC PHC South Carolina Public Health Consortium SC RHRC South Carolina Rural Health Research Center v SCCP South Carolina College of Pharmacy SCHA SC Hospital Association SFR Student Faculty Ratio SLIS School of Library and Information Science SOM School of Medicine SOPHAS Schools of Public Health Application Service SOWK Social Work SPARC Support to Promote Advancement of Research and Creativity SREB Southern Regional Education Board SSC Self-Service Carolina SSSC Self-Study Steering Committee STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics SURF Science Undergraduate Research Fellowships SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language USC University of South Carolina USC PRC USC Prevention Research Center USCeRA USC Electronic Research Administration System USDA US Department of Agriculture USDE US Department of Education WES World Education Services - International Academic Credential Evaluation vi 1.0 The Arnold School of Public Health 1.1 Mission. The school shall have a clearly formulated and publicly stated mission with supporting goals, objectives and values. 1.1.a A clear and concise mission statement for the school as a whole. The mission of the Arnold School of Public Health is to improve population health and well-being by fostering innovative education and research that promotes health and healthy environments and to use that knowledge to prevent and effectively respond to disease, disability, and environmental degradation in diverse communities. The vision is to advance discovery and innovation, develop outstanding graduates, and promote health through collaboration, dissemination, and outreach in our local and global communities. 1.1.b A statement of values that guides the school. The Arnold Schools values: • Community — The Arnold School actively engages and collaborates with community partners in its education, research, and public service. • Diversity and Inclusion — The vibrant intellectual environment of the Arnold School embraces respect for diversity and inclusion of all persons. • Impact — Through discovery and dissemination, the Arnold School improves community health, health systems, and the environment for populations and individuals worldwide. • Integrity — The Arnold School adheres to the highest standards of honesty, fairness, stewardship, professional responsibility, and scholarly ethics. • Learning — Students are the foundation of the school. With its outstanding faculty and staff, the Arnold School provides dynamic educational and experiential opportunities for learners at all levels. • Social Justice — In pursuit of health equity for all populations, the Arnold School seeks to bridge the deep divisions that prevent individuals from attaining complete environmental, physical, mental, and social well-being. • Translation — Through scholarship and outreach, the Arnold School supports evidence-based practices and policies and the application of scientific knowledge to improve individual, community, and societal health. 1.1.c One or more goal statements for each major function through which the school intends to attain its mission, including at a minimum, instruction, research and service. The school has four goals: 1. To provide educational programs of excellence for public health professionals and scholars to gain recognition as one of the top ten schools of public health in public institutions of higher education. 2. To achieve and maintain research excellence as demonstrated by the creation of knowledge of high impact and importance to public health. 1 3. To utilize available knowledge to address health and environmental issues that face South Carolina, the nation, and the world community. 4. To provide the infrastructure and resources to meet the goals of education, research, and professional service. 1.1.d A set of measurable objectives with quantifiable indicators related to each goal statement as provided in Criterion 1.1.c. In some cases, qualitative indicators may be used as appropriate. Table 1.1.d lists the objectives and indicators related to each of the school’s goals. Progress toward the indicators is measured annually. Specific targets and relevant due dates appear in table 1.2.c. Strategic plans and action plans are included in the Electronic Resource File (ERF). Table 1.1.d Objectives and indicators related to Arnold School goals Goal 1: To provide educational programs of excellence for public health professionals and scholars to gain recognition as one of the top ten schools of public health in public institutions of higher education. 1.1 Promote and enhance doctoral education in the Arnold School by increasing the quality and number of doctoral students and the educational opportunities available to them. • Number of students participating in university events (e.g., GRAD 701 for teaching assistants, events sponsored by the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) open to graduate students) • Dollar amount and number of student travel awarded to doctoral students • Proportion of doctoral students offered financial support (any combination of graduate assistantship, scholarship/fellowship or tuition supplement) at time of admission • Number of doctoral students supported by Arnold Fellowships • Number of doctoral students receiving graduate school or university funding (e.g., Presidential Fellowships, Behavioral-Biomedical Interface Program (BBIP) funding) 1.2 Incorporate public health curriculum into all academic and non-MPH/DrPH professional program curricula. • PUBH 700 added to all academic and non-MPH/DrPH professional program curricula by fall 2015 • Epidemiology added to all academic and non-MPH/DrPH professional program curricula by fall 2015 1.3 Continue to enhance academic program assessment, including linkage of learning outcomes and curriculum. • Partnership developed with university’s institutional assessment staff to facilitate review process and to minimize duplication or conflict with school/program assessment requirements by May 2015 • Number of technical assistance sessions provided by director of evaluation and academic assessment to program directors working with academic program assessments • Learning outcomes and curriculum maps revised by May 2016 • Improved assessment plans, as demonstrated by ratings on assessment plan rubric 1.4 Actively engage in collaborative instructional initiatives, both within academic curricula and through extra- curricular activities. • Number of Arnold School students in PUBH 678: Transforming Health Care for the Future • Number of Arnold School students who are members of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Open School • Number of course sessions taught for interdisciplinary programs (or cross-listed courses) • Number of sections of honors classes taught by Arnold School faculty • Number of sections of UNIV 101 taught by Arnold School faculty/staff 1.5 Enhance distributed education in the Arnold School by creating new courses and revising existing courses to meet campus distributed learning quality review (DLQR) standards. • Total number of students enrolled in online MPH in HPEB (AP) program • Total number of students enrolled in online MPH in HSPM program • Percentage of courses for the COMD MCD program that have been developed/revised through DLQR • Percentage of courses for the HPEB online program that have been developed/revised through DLQR 2