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Arnold Schoenberg in Los Angeles Author(s): Dorothy Lamb Crawford Source: The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 86, No. 1 (Spring, 2002), pp. 6-48 Published by: Oxford University Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3601001 . Accessed: 21/06/2013 09:59 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . Oxford University Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Musical Quarterly. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:59:33 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Musics Arnold Schoenberg in Los Angeles DorothyL ambC rawford I only teach the whole of the art ... As a composerI must believe in inspirationr ather than in mechanics. -Arnold Schoenberg ArnoldS choenbergh adj ustt urneds ixtyw henh e madet he suddend e- cisioni n mid-Septembe1r9 34 to leavet he EastC oastf orC aliforniaH. e hadh eld the mostp restigioups ost in his fieldi n Germanyb, uth e wrote his friendst hat in LosA ngelesh e faced" ac ompletelyb lankp age,s o far as my musici s concerned."T1h e previousO ctoberh e hadb een abruptly notifiedb y the Germang overnmentth at his lifetimec ontracta nds alary in Berlinw eret erminatedW. ith no othera lternativeh, e had accepteda low salaryt o teacha t the brand-newM alkinC onservatoriyn Boston, with adjunctt eachingi n ManhattanS. trenuoucs ommutingin the harsh winterc limateh ads everelyd amagedh is health,a ndh e hadg one to the summerh omeo f the JuilliardS choolo f Musici n ChautauquaN, ew York, to recoverO. wingt o the depressiona,l l his effortst o obtaina n adequate teachings alarya t an establishedin stitutiono n the EastC oasth ad come to nothing.C arlE ngel,p residenot f G. Schirmer( his Americanm usic publisher)h, ad sent lettersr ecommendinSgc hoenberga s a lecturert o forty-sevenin stitutionsb, ut the resultsw erem eager.P2 rospectfso rt he financiasl ecurityh e wantedl ookeds o bleakt hat Schoenbergh ad even contactedH annsE islera ndt he conductorF ritzS tiedrya boutm aking connectionsf orh im in the SovietU nion. On 12 Septembert,h e dayb e- foreh is birthdayh, e wrotet o Stiedry( still workingin the USSR), "We areg oingt o Californiafo rt he climatea ndb ecausei t is cheaper."A3f ter he wast emporarilsye ttledi n a rentedH ollywoodh ousew ith his wife, Gertrud,a nd toddler,N uria, he expressed( in a letter to Anton Webern) his initial enthusiasmf or the beauty of his surroundings": It is Switzer- land, the Riviera, the Vienna woods, the desert, the Salzkammergut, Spain, Italy-everything in one place. And along with that scarcelya day,a pparentlye ven in winter, without sun."4H e recoveredh is health and energy and could indulge his intense desire to play tennis. By 1935, LeonardS tein (who would be his teaching assistantf rom 1939 to 1942) The MusicalQ uarterly8 6(1), Spring 2002, pp. 6-48; DOI: 10.1093/musqtl/gdg003 ? 2002 OxfordU niversityP ress 6 This content downloaded from on Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:59:33 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Schoenbeirng L osA ngeles 7 recalledS, choenbergw as" fita ndr oly-poly,s"p ringyf,u ll of vitality,a nd tanneda darkb ronze.5 Howevert, he resistanceto modemm usici n LosA ngelest hat had drivenH enryC owell'sN ew MusicS ocietyt o San Franciscog ave Schoenbergm ajorp roblemsU. pon his arrivailn New Yorka yeare arlier, his firstA mericane mployerJ, osephM alkin,h ada rrangedex tensivep ub- licity,w hichl ed to severalr eceptionsa ndp erformanceIsn. LosA ngeles therew asn o suchg reetingH. is primacya s a culturalle aderi n Europe hadb een enhancedb y a devotedc ircleo f disciples-both studentsa nd performers-whof, ollowingt he traditiono f master-apprentitcrea ining, in manyw aysi nsulatedh im fromm undanec hores.T his hade nabled him to carryo ut his oftenu topiano rganizationapll ansi n an authoritar- ian mannerF. romt he firsty earsi n Californiam, emorieso f pastr epudia- tionsa ndh is senseo f his own importancae s a composerm adeh im hy- persensitiveto anys light,e ven if imaginedW. hile he wasa cutelya ware of his music'sn eed for" propagandaa,s" h e calledi t, he had little ease in the new Americana rto f publicr elations.6S tartingo vera t his age in the haphazaredn vironmenot f LosA ngeles-at firstw ith no institutional backing-his assumptionasn de xpectationws ereo ftenf rustrateda,n d his relationshipws eref requentlyd ifficulta s he struggledto makea living forh is muchy oungerw ifea ndt heirg rowingfa mily. Otto Klempererp'so sitionw ith the LosA ngelesP hilharmoniuc n- doubtedlyc ounteda s an advantageto SchoenbergY. ett he montha fter his arrivahl e refuseda n invitationt o a banqueth onoringK lemperer, forh e felt that the organizerosf the event owedh im greaterr ecognition than a "walk-onp"a rt.7A t firsth e took somep ainst o entertaint he soci- ety matriarchdso minatingL osA ngeles'sm usic,b ut in November1 935 his approachto the managero f the PhilharmonicB, essieB artlettF raenkl, wasp eremptoriyn tone. He invitedh er to attenda classo f his at the Universityo f SouthernC alifornia(U SC), becauseh, e wrote," Ik now whatI amd oingt herei s of the greatestim portancfeo re verybodyw ho is interestedin music.... Therew ill certainlyb e in perhapstw entyy earsa chapteri n the musicalh istoryo f LosA ngeles:' WhatS choenbergh as achievedi n LosA ngeles';a ndp erhapsth erew ill be anotherc hapter, asking:'W hath ave the peoplea ndt he societyo f LosA ngelest akeno f the advantageo fferedb y Schoenberg?"'8 Schoenberga ssumedth at he wouldc onducth is own worksi n Los Angeles.( His Europeanro yaltiesh add iminishedto nothing,a ndh e neededt he fees.) Klempereorf feredh im a guestp rogramw ith the Phil- harmonicin March1 935,a fterh imselfa chievingt he previousD ecember an extraordinarielyn thusiasticr esponseto Schoenberg'1s9 17o rchestra- tion of VerklarNtea cht.I n his own programS choenbergr epeatedt hat This content downloaded from on Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:59:33 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 8 TheM usicaQl uarterly work,o fferedh is Bacht ranscriptionins celebrationo f the 250tha n- niversaryo f Bach'sb irth,a ndc onductedB rahms'Ts hirdS ymphonyH. is performancoef the Brahmws ass everelyc riticizedfo ri ts leisurelyte mpo (which" irritateadn db affledt he players")a,n da lthought he audience applaudedth e composerw armlyo, ne critich opedt hat "wes houldh ave muchm oreS choenbergto hear-with Klemperecro nducting."T9h e followingD ecemberS choenberga gainm et with disasterc onducting the Philharmonict,h is time in an all-Schoenberpgr ogramth at included the full orchestraal rrangemen(tm adei n April 1935)o f his Chamber Symphonyn o. 1, op. 9 (1906). PeterY atesr ememberetdh e musicians in rehearsadl eliberatelsya botagingth e music( whicht heyd ubbedt he Jammersymphonbiye p) layingw rongn otesa nd" horsinga round."10 LeonardS tein suspectedth e playersw eret ipsyf romC hristmahs oliday revelsa ndf oundS choenberg'psa tiente ffortst o educatet he orchestra heartbreaking. 1 Schoenbergto ok on no furtherc onductingw ith the Philharmonic. In his helpfula nds tronglyw ordedp leaf ora 1936P hilharmonifcu nd- raisingd rive,h e expressedw hatb otheredh im aboutA mericanc ulture: "Ast he materialismof ourt ime seemst o endangerth e wholes phere of spirituacl ulture,I believei t is the dutyo f everym ant o fightf ort he existenceo f one of the mostv ital symbolso f man'sh igherl ife.""H12e conductedt he FederaSl ymphonyO rchestrat,h e goverment'se ffort to employo ut-of-workm usiciands uringt he depressionT. his mustn ot have helpedh im financiallyf,o rt he concertsw eref ree,b ut manyo f the programosf feredn ew music.S tudiom usicianse, agerf orc hallenging musicale xperiencesi,n vitedh im to conducta readingo rchestrao rga- nizedi n HollywoodC. riticalr esponset o his conductingr emained poor,13w hile critical acceptance of Klemperer'ps erformanceso f his music with the Philharmonice mphasized" the Schoenberg luminosity and romanticism."14 It soon became clear to Schoenberg that his twelve-tone music would not fare well in musicallyu nsophisticatedL os Angeles. In No- vember 1934 he confided (in his new and strugglingE nglish) to Carl Engel in New York:" Have I now to appeara s only the composero f the VerkldrtNe acht... or as the devil in person, the atonalist, the construc- tor, the musical mathematiciane tc.? I hate this kind to consider a com- poser only from the view-point of history instead to enjoy (or not) what he says. I would like to learn your opinion about this matters."1T5 he Third String Quartet (1927), played in March 1935 by the local Abas Quartet, received a newspapern otice only. LeonardS tein, who was at that time beginning his lifelong devotion to new music, found it "the strangestm usic I'd ever heard."16In January1 938, Schoenberg's1 933 Concerto (after Handel) for String Quartet and Orchestra( in Klem- This content downloaded from on Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:59:33 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Schoenbeirng L osA ngeles 9 perer'ps erformancwe ith the Philharmoniacn dt he KolischQ uartet) struckt he criticI sabelM orseJ onesa s a "derangemenot"f H andel.S he wrote," Itw asi nterestingc hieflya s evidenceo f the progresos f Schoen- berg'sr emarkablteh eoriesa ndi t had momentso f fleetingb eautyA. s a musico-intellectuadle monstratioonf Schoenberg'pso wersi t wasa work to studya ndt o marvela t rathert han to reveli n."17 Practicallyn one of Schoenberg'ms usicw asa vailablein libraries or musics toresi n LosA ngeles.I n 1937E ngelh elpedp ropagandizfeo r Schoenbergb y havingS chirmer'psu blisha collectiono f writingsb y anda boutS choenberge, ditedb y the LosA ngelesi mpresariMo erleA r- mitage.W ith this informationJ,o nesa ttempteda morep robingd iscus- sion of Schoenberg'ms usicali deasi n the LosA ngeleTs imesH. erO ctober 1938r eporto n the premiere(b y memberos f the FoxS tudioO rchestra) of Schoenberg'rse centlyc ompletedK olN idre,o p. 39, expressedh ern ew attitude:" Wea rei ndeedo n the thresholdo f a profoundc hangei n musi- cal art.... Schoenbergl,i ke Einstein,i s essentiallya simplem ano f truth."1I8n his own writingse xcerptedfo rt he Armitageb ook,S choen- berga rticulatedh is philosophyo f composing: All I wantt o do is to expresms yt houghtasn dg ett hem ostp ossiblceo n- tenti n thel eastp ossiblsep ace.... Ifa composedro esn'wt ritef romt he hearth, e simplyca n'tp roducgeo odm usic.... I haven everh ada theory in myl ife.... I writew hatI feeli n myh eart-andw hatf inallyc omeso n paperis whatf irstc oursetdh rougehv eryfi breo f myb odyI. t is fort his reasonI cannott ella nyonew hatt hes tyleo f myn extc ompositiowni ll be.... Whatc anb e constructewdi tht heset welvet onesd ependosn one's inventivfea cultyT. heb asict onesw illn ot inventf ory ou.E xpressioisn limitedo nlyb yt hec omposerc'rse ativeneasns dh isp ersonality...I.n t he timeo f the [ChambeSry mphonnyo . 1, 1906]I, understoobde tterw hat I hadw rittena ndI hadm orep ersonapll easurwe itht hat,t hanw itht he musicw hichf ollowedT. hent o composwe asa greapt leasureIn. a later timei t wasa dutya gainsmt yselfI.t wasn ota questionof pleasureI .h ave a mission-at ask.... I amb utt hel oudspeakoefr a ni dea.... All music, in so fara si t is thep roducotf a trulyc reativme indi,s n ew.. .. It is no use to raila t newm usicb ecausiet containtso om anyid easM. usicw ithout ideasis un-thinkablaen, dp eoplew hoa ren otw illingto uset heirb rains to understanmdu sicw hichc annotb ef ullyg raspeadt thef irsht earing, ares implyla zy-mindeEdv. erytr uew orko f artt o be understoohda st o be thoughat bouto; therwisiet hasn o inherenlti fe.... Thea rtisits con- tentw itha spiratiown,h ereatsh em ediocrme usth aveb eautyA. ndy et thea rtisat ttainbs eautyw ithouwt illingit , forh e is onlys trivinagf ter truthfulness.19 The same book included an interview by the Los Angeles critic Jose Rodriguez in which Schoenberg discussed his reliance on instinct. When queried about feeling versus intellect in his music, he replied: This content downloaded from on Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:59:33 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 10 TheM usicaQl uarterly It mighta stonishs omec riticst hat I ams omewhatth e creatureo f inspira- tion. I composea ndp ainti nstinctively.... I see the worka s a wholef irst. Then I composet he details.I n workingo ut, I alwayslo se somethingT. his cannotb e avoidedT. herei s alwayss omel ossw henw e materialize.... I ams omewhast adt hatp eoplet alks o mucho f atonalityo, f twelve-tone systemso, f technicalm ethodsw heni t comest o mym usic.... I wisht hat mym usics houldb e considereda s an honesta ndi ntelligentp ersonw ho comest o us sayings omethingh e feelsd eeplya ndw hichi s of significance to all of us.20 Schoenbergtr iedf ort he remaindeorf his life to convincea wider publict hat this wash is truei ntenta s a composer.2H1e wrotes uccinctly to the composerR ogerS essions," ThatI writei n this or that styleo r methodi s myp rivatea ffaira nd is no concernt o any listener-but I wantm y messaget o be understooda nda ccepted."H oweverh, is relative isolationi n LosA ngeles( andK lempereri'lsl nessa nds ubsequenrte sig- nationf romh is Philharmonipco st) hinderedin formeda nds ympathetic performanceosf his orchestrawl orks.2H2 e lackedt he performinsgk ills that enableds uchc omposeras s BelaB art6kP, aulH indemithE, rnst KrenekI, gorS travinskya,n dE rnstT och-as concertp erformers-to promotet heirw orksi n persont o Americana udiencesW. ith the excep- tion of his own recordingo f Pierroltu nairein LosA ngelesf orC olumbia (in 1940),23S choenberg'ws orksw eren ot takenu p by majorA merican recordingco mpaniesu ntil afterh is death.A lthoughh e receivedp resti- giousa ndw ell-paidc ommissionfsr omE lizabethS pragueC oolidge,t he Koussevitzkfyo undationa, ndH arvardU niversitya, ll basedi n the East Coast,o btainingc ommissionos n the WestC oastw asd ifficulta ndu nre- wardingin termso f fees andp ublicitya, ndh e managedto get onlyf our. The firstc amei n 1938,w henS choenbergc ontactedL osA ngeles's mosti nfluentiaJl ewishl eaderR, abbiJ akobS onderlingS. choenbergh ad receivedd esperatep leasf orh elp fromf riendsa ndr elativest rappedin Austriaa ndG ermanyW. hile he wrotem anyt estimonialfso rt heses up- plicants,h e wasu nablet o meetr equirementtso guaranteeth eirf inancial stabilityi n the UnitedS tates,a ndh opedt o interestw ealthym emberos f RabbiS onderling'cso ngregationat the FairfaxT emplei n providingth e necessarya ffidavits.2T4o supportth is effort,h is Koln idre,o p. 39, was commissionebdy the rabbi( whoc ollaboratedw ith Schoenbergo n the text) forp erformancien a YomK ippurse rvicet hat fall, a monthb efore the disasteros f KristallnachtS.2c5h oenberg'fsr eet reatmenot f its cantus firmusc hantp reventedit s firstp erformancien a synagoguea, nds o the service,n arratedb y Sonderlingt,o ok placei n the CoconutG roven ight- cluba t the AmbassadoHr otel.26G . Schirmerr ejectedi t forp ublication in 1941.T he secondc ommissionf,o rt he PianoC oncerto,o p. 42 (1942), This content downloaded from on Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:59:33 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Schoenbeirng L osA ngeles 11 waso riginallyto have been a "pianop iece"f orw hichS choenberg's pupil,t he pianistO scarL evant,p ut up $100. When the workg rewi nto a concerto,L evantg ot cold feet overS choenberg'fse e andp erformance requirementasn dw ithdrew.2T7h e fee wasp aidb y a wealthyU niversity of CaliforniaL, osA ngeles( UCLA),s tudento f Schoenberg'sH, enry ClayS hriverA. notherp upil,N athanielS hilkret,w ho had been a mem- bero f Schoenberg'Ms alkinC onservatory-sponsorMeda nhattanc lass in 1933-34,p rovideda thirdc ommissionin 1945.H e hadc ome to Hol- lywoodi n the mid-1930sa ndc omposedfo rs everalf ilms tudiosa, ndw as associatedw ith VictorR ecordsH. e commissionedth e emigrec omposers MarioC astelnuovo-TedescDo,a riusM ilhaudS, travinskyA, lexandre TansmanT, och,a ndS choenbergto each writea singlem ovementf or a suitef orn arratorc,h orus,a ndo rchestrao n sectionso f the Booko f Genesis.T he workw asr ecordedb y VictorR edS eal Recordsa fteri ts November1 945p erformance.S28h ilkret'os wn movement", Creation," followedS choenberg'fsiv e-minuteP reludefo rt extlessc horusa ndf ull orchestra.2T9h e composeresa ch received$ 300-except Stravinskyw, ho held out for $1,000.30T he Phantasyf or Violin, op. 47 (1949), was com- missionedb y the Canadianv iolinistA dolfK oldofskyA. friendo f Rudolf Kolisch,h e camet o LosA ngelesi n 1944,a ndp layedt he firstW est Coastp erformancoef Schoenberg'Sst ringT rioi n May1 948a t "Eveningosn the Roof." This LosA ngelesc oncerts eriesd id the mosto f anyA mericanm u- sicalo rganizatiotno promoteS choenberg'ms usici n a sustainedw ayd ur- ing his Californiay ears.P eterY atest, he foundero f andc atalystf ort his enterpriseg, atheredp erformerasn da udiencesw illingt o ventureo utside the standardre pertoryY. atesh adb een inspiredin partb y Schoenberg's Societyf orP rivateM usicalP erformanceHs. e wasp articularliyn terested in undervaluegde niusa ndc elebratedS choenberg'rse sidencein LosA n- gelesf romt he firsts easono f his concertsi n 1939-40. Yatesp rogrammed mosto f Schoenberg'csh amberw orkss, omes everalt imes.31H is articles on Schoenbergw, hosed ifficultp ersonalityh e relisheda nde ndeavored to understanda,p pearedb eginningi n 1940 in the Californiap eriodical Artsa ndA rchitecturaen, df rom1 949o n in nationalp ublicationsY. ates's beliefi n his audience'as bilityt o understandS choenberg'ms usicg radu- allye ncouragedot herp erformanceins LosA ngeles. In Yates'fsi rstd iscussion(i n 1939)w ith Schoenberga bouth is workst, he composerd eclaredt hat his newlyp ublishedV iolinC oncerto couldn ot be performedb y anyonel iving,a sJ aschaH eifetzh ads aidh e couldn ot playi t.32J oseR odriguehz adr eportedto Schoenbergth at "a virtuoso"h ad toldh im the concertow ouldb e unplayabluen tilv iolinists couldg rowa newf ourthf ingerR. odriguedze scribedS choenberg" laughing This content downloaded from on Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:59:33 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 12 The MusicalQ uarterly like a pleasedc hild"a t this remarka ndc ontinuing", Yesy, es.T hat will be fine.T he concertoi s extremelyd ifficultj,u sta s muchf ort he heada s fort he hands.I am delightedt o adda notheru nplayabwleo rkt o the repertoireI. wantt he concertot o be difficulta ndI wantt he little finger to becomel onger.I can wait."3U3 ndauntedb y this informationY, ates convinceda HollywoodB owlY oungA rtists'A uditionw innert o lear the concertow ith his wife,t he experienced(a ndE uropean-trainepdi)- anistF rancesM ullen.W hen they took two movementsto Schoenberg t(on1 0 Februar1y9 40),t he composerw asp leasede noughw ith their workt hath e arrangedfo rt hemt o performo ne movemento n NBC ra- dio. He wrotek indlyo n the youngv iolinist'ss core," NowI heardt his for the firstt ime andI am satisfieda, bouty ou andt he compositionto o."34 Thesee xtremelyc ontradictorrye sponseisl lustrateb oth Schoen- berg'sc oncernf ors tudentsa ndh is angert owardt hosew ho crossedo r belittledh im. The pianistL eonardS tein rememberetdh at "Schoenberg neverm adea fussa bouth ow well one performehdi s worksH. e realized performerws ered oingt heirb est.H e'db e gladi f you camet o him before- handt o practiceH. e wouldn'th ave mucht o say.H e wasn'tg oingt o spendh is time goadingt he performers."H35o weverS, tein alsor emem- beredS choenbergb earings ucha grudgea gainstH eifetzt hat even in the impecunioulsa sty earso f his life he refusedth e violinist'sfi nancial help.36S uchp aradoxeisn Schoenberg'ast titudesw ereb asict o the complexitya nd intensityo f his mind.W hile studyingw ith him, Dika Newlinr ecordedin her diariesm anyi nstanceso f the "unresolvabcleo n- tradictionsi"n his character.3H7i s daughterN, uria,o ffersh er analysis: "Hew asg entlea ndh e wass evere,a ndh e wasa ngrya ndh e wass weet, andh e wash appya ndh e wass ad,a ndI thinkh e wasa ll of the things that everyonee lse is, to a muchm orei ntensifiedd egree.... When he wasa ngryh, e wasm ucha ngrierth an anyonee lse was.A nd whenh e was happyh, e wasm uchh appier."3C8a rlE ngelf oundt hat therew asn o one moreh erzlicohr cordialt han SchoenbergY. ete ven Engel,a longw ith otherN ew Yorkp ublishersc,r itics,r adio,a ndr ecordingc ompaniesr, e- ceivedd oseso f Schoenberg'fsr equentlyp aranoido utburstos f spleen.39 In LosA ngeles,E uropeanisn the growinge migrec ommunityo ftenw ere treatedf rostilyb y Schoenbergw, ho felt that they,m oret hanA mericans who lackeda sophisticatedm usicalb ackgroundsh, ouldc ertainlyp ayr e- spectt o his stature.4A0 nyonew homS choenbergsu spectedo f acting presumptuoustloyw ardh im felt his angerw, hichc ouldb e spikedw ith ironya ndw it. In 1948,a t the beginningo f his bittera ltercationw ith ThomasM anno vert he author'"s piratingo"f twelve-tonet heoryi n the novel DoctorF austusS, choenbergse nt Manna n invented" 1988"e ncy- clopediaa rticle( by a musicologisnt amed" HugoT riebsamen"w)h ich This content downloaded from on Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:59:33 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Schoenbeirng L osA ngeles 13 recordedth at ThomasM ann,t he composerw, ast he reali nventoro f the twelve-tones ystem,b ut havingb ecomea writerh e had allowedi ts ap- propriationb y the thievishc omposerS choenberg.4(1M annh ad indeed pumpedS choenbergfo rm ateriaol n musica ndt he life of a composer whenh e beganw ritingt he novel in May1 943.42S) choenbergw asn ot only enrageda boutt he book'sp ossiblei mpacto n his musicals tatureb, ut alsop articularliyn sultedt hat the composerin the novel wasa fflicted with syphilisM. artaF euchtwangerre membereSdc hoenbergin the BrentwoodM arkets, houtingt o herh is denialo f the disease.S he was takena backb ut gladt hat he wass peakingin German.43 Mann'sm ajors ourcef orh is novel'si nformationa boutS choenberg's twelve-tonem ethodw asT heodorA dorno,a nearn eighboro f both Manna ndS choenbergin the 1940s.A lthoughA doro felt he wase le- vatingS choenberg'rse putationin his polemicT heP hilosophoyf Modem Music,4S4 choenberga voidedh im. Mann,w ho usedA dorno'se ssayi n his novel, rememberetdh at "mucha s [Adomo]r everedS choenbergh e hadn o intercourswe ith him."4S5 choenberg(w hop ersistedin calling Adorno" WiesengrundA,"d orno'Js ewishf ather'ns ame)v entedh is feel- ingsa gainstA dornoi n a personaml emot itled" Wgr.T" his began," I neverc ouldb earh im,"a ndc riticizedth e bombastp, athos,a ndg randios- ity of Adorno'sw ritingA. n unbridgeablceh asmb etweenh imselfa nd Adomo lay in the fact that in his bookA domo discusseSs choenberg's dodecaphoni"c system,w" hereasS choenbergh imselfd eclaredth at "minei s no systemb ut only a method.... One followst he row,b ut composeso n the wholea s before."4S6c hoenbergw rotet o his European studentJ osefR ufer", Naturall[yA dornok] nowsa ll aboutt welve-tone music,b uth e has no ideao f the creativep rocess.... The bookw ill give manyo f my enemiesa handle,e speciallyb ecausei t is so scientifically done."4I7n his 1950w ill listingp ossiblea dvisorsto his wifeo n the dis- positiono f his legacyS, choenbergd emandedth at "Wiesengrunsdh ould be excludeda ltogether."48 On the otherh and,H annsE islerw, hosel oyaltyt o his teacherh ad resumedin the 1930s,w asa frequengt uesto f the Schoenbergas fterh is 1942m ovet o LosA ngeles.S choenbergh adc orrespondewd ith Eisler aboutc reatinga musics chooli n the Soviet Union justp riort o his move to Californiaa ndd emonstratehdi s interesti n Eisler'fsa milyb y using moneyc onfiscatedin Germanyto orderE isler'fsa ther'bs ooko n philoso- phy soon after settling in Los Angeles.49A s a tributef or his teacher's seventieth birthday,E islerd edicated his favorite chamberw ork, Fourteen Wayst o DescribeR ain, op. 70, to Schoenberg, who was very pleased with it. A week afterE isler'sr eunion with Bertolt Brecht in Hollywood, Brecht commented in his journalo n Eisler'sr elationshipw ith Schoenberg: This content downloaded from on Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:59:33 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 14 The MusicalQ uarterly "sch6nberigs an old tyranta nde isler. .. tremblesa ndw orriesa bouth is tie beings traighto r arriving1 0 minutese arly."5O0n 29 July1 942E isler took Brecht-about whomS choenbergk newl ittle-to hearS choenberg lecturea t UCLAo n modemc ompositionT. heyw erei nviteda fterward to the Schoenbergh ome.B eforet he occasionE islerw arnedB recht,w ho wask nownf orh is uncompromisinrgu denesst,h at if Brechtl ost control andm adea nym aliciousc ommentst o Schoenbergh e, Eislerw, ould breako ff all relationsw ith his longtimec ollaboratorB. rechtw asd eeply impressedb y the keennesso f Schoenberg'isn tellecta nds o charmedb y his dry,s harpw it thath e sent Schoenberga poemi n gratitudefo rt he visit, duringw hichS choenbergh ad told a storyo f how he learnedf rom a donkeyt he easiestw ayt o climba hill.51 Eislerf elt that Schoenberg'hso me life with his second,v eryy oung familyw as" at welve-toneh ell"a nda "messo f disorganization."B5u2t wheny oungR onaldS choenbergn eededa n emergencya ppendectomy at the ageo f five,E islerw, ho wase arninga comfortabllei vinga t the time forh is films cores,o fferedt o lend Schoenbergth e necessarym oney. He only managedto get Schoenbergto acceptt his gestureb y sayingt hat repaymenwt ouldn ot be necessaryif Schoenbergw ouldg ive Eislers ome lessonsi nstead,t o whichS choenbergr eplied( withr elentlesslo gic)," If you still haven'tl earnedi t I can'tt eachy ou."5S3c hoenbergh elpedE isler get a teachingp ositiona t USC andr ecommendehdi m fors everalo ther academica ppointmentsb,u th e becamev eryn ervouso verE isler'ps oli- tics.54I n 1944, when the witch hunt for leftists was alreadyu nderway in HollywoodS, choenbergp ubliclys tatedt hatp oliticsw asa dangerous gameb est left to politiciansa, ndt hat artistsw ho dabbledin politics shouldb e treatedl ike immaturceh ildren.5W5 hen it becamec leari n late 1947t hat Eislerw ouldb e deportedS, choenbergw roteJ osefR ufer", IfI had anys ay in the matterI 'dt urnh im overm y knee like a sillyb oya nd give him twenty-fiveo f the best andm akeh im promisen evert o open his moutha gainb ut to stickt o scribblingm usic.T hath e has a giftf or, andt he resth e shouldl eavet o others.I f he wantst o appear'i mportant,' let him composei mportanmt usic."5A6f terE isler'ds eportationin 1948 Schoenberga gainw roteR ufer", Wew ho live in musich ave no placei n politicsa ndm ustr egardth ema s somethinge ssentiallya lient o us."57 Eislerm aintainedh is respect-even reverence-forS choenberga nd soon afterh is deportationg avea lecturei n Praguein which,w hileh e criticizedS choenberg'"sp etty-bourgeoaitst itudes,"h e remarked: Onec oulda lmossta yt hatt hec haracterisfteica turoef Schoenbergm'su sic is fear.... He is thel yricc omposeorf theg asc hamberosf Auschwitozf, Dachauco ncentratiocna mpo, f thec ompletde espaiorf them ani n the This content downloaded from on Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:59:33 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

Arnold Schoenberg had just turned sixty when he made the sudden de- chapter in the musical history of Los Angeles: 'What Schoenberg has.
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