PPRREE--PPRROOPPOOSSAALL CCOONNFFEERREENNCCEE MMaayy 1111,, 22001111 AARRMMOORREEDD CCAARR && CCAASSHH MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT SSEERRVVIICCEESS RRFFPP NNoo.. LLRRTT--1111--117711--AACCCCMMSS MMeeeettiinngg OOvveerrvviieeww Sign-In Sheets: Be sure to sign in. Sign-In sheets will be available on the METRO website. http://www.valleymetro.org/metro_light_rail/contracts_and_purchasing/current_opportunities Questions: Please defer all questions until the designated Question and Answer period. Opportunity: This conference is the sole opportunity to ask questions on the Request for Proposal process and/or technical scope of work with METRO and RPTA staff. All Proposal questions must be submitted in writing. PPrree--PPrrooppoossaall CCoonnffeerreennccee PPrroocceessss During the pre-proposal presentation, write your questions on the index cards provided. After the pre-proposal presentation, questions will be collected and read aloud. Where possible, verbal answers will be provided. Responses to all questions will be issued to all Record Holders by written addendum. Responses to questions that require further research will be included in a written addendum. AAggeennddaa Introductions / Opening Remarks Loralei Poll Project Overview / Scope John McCormack Jim Wright / Gardner Tabon Request for Proposal Overview Loralei Poll Question and Answers Closing Remarks / Adjourn Loralei Poll PPRROOJJEECCTT SSCCOOPPEE SSccooppee ooff SSeerrvviicceess The Regional Public Transportation Authority (RPTA) and Valley Metro Rail, Inc. (METRO), collectively (the Agencies), are soliciting proposals from qualified firms (hereinafter referred to as contractor) for Armored Car and Cash Management Services. The AGENCIES desire a Contractor to perform Armored Car Services for Ticket Vending Machines and RPTA Mesa facility. A Contractor is needed to perform Cash Management Services at their facility and at the Mesa facility. BBaacckkggrroouunndd -- RRPPTTAA RTPA - The Authority was established in 1985 along with the passage of a one-half of one percent sales tax increase to fund regional highway and public transportation improvements in Maricopa County, Arizona (the County). The Authority was created to develop a regional transit plan, to develop and operate a regional transit system in the County. RPTA is governed by a sixteen-member Board of Directors consisting of a member of the County Board of Supervisors and the mayors (or their designees) of the member cities and towns. For fiscal year 2010-11, the members included the cities of Avondale, Chandler, El Mirage, Glendale, Goodyear, Mesa, Peoria, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Surprise, Tempe and Tolleson, and the Towns of Buckeye, Gilbert and Wickenburg. BBaacckkggrroouunndd -- MMEETTRROO Valley Metro Rail, Inc. (METRO) was established under the laws of the State of Arizona in October 2002. Per the By-Laws, METRO is charged with a regional transit plan, developing and operating the regional rail transit system for Maricopa County. METRO is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of six Member Cities: Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, Glendale, Peoria and Chandler. SSccooppee ooff SSeerrvviicceess Term of Engagement: A three year contract is contemplated, subject to the annual review and recommendation of the AGENCIES. There is an option to extend this contract for two additional years. The RFP consist of 4 parts: Armored Car Services for TVMs Armored Car Services for Mesa Facility Cash Processing Services at Contractor facility for TVMs Cash Processing Services at Mesa facility by CPS Contractor SSccooppee ooff SSeerrvviicceess The Armored Car Services Contractor shall perform as follows: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Hours of Operation of CPC Size of equipment to be picked up and delivered. Estimated value of money in each TVM for METRO and RPTA Interface duties between Armored Car Services and Cash Processing Center: Pickup cash vaults and hoppers from a TVM and pickup of revenue at the RPTA Mesa Vault facility. Delivery cash vaults and hoppers to the Cash Processing Center and revenue from the RPTA Mesa Vault facility. Deliver reconciled revenue to bank