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meniaannsdI ran Ramo VassEidliitaonr, FirEsdti tion Ar111enians and Iran - -- Ar01enians and Iran A Comprehensive Bibliography in Armenian, Persian and the English Languages (Romanized) Hamo Vassilian, Editor First Edition Armenians and Iran: A Comprehensive Bibliography Published by Armenian Reference Books Co. P.O. Box 231 Glendale, CA 91209 (818) 504-2550 First Edition Copyright~ 1991 by Hamo B. Vassilian All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, xerography, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN: 0-931539-01-3 Manufactured in the United States of America This hook is dedicated with deep affection to my parents, sisters and grandparents f A 1,J - Introduction This is my fifth title s_inceI 've started to publish reference books. My first publication was •Who 1s Who of Iranian Professional Librarians," which was published in Tehran, Iran, in 1979. After I left my native land. I continued to publish reference books that are related to my culture and heritage in the U.S.A. Armeniansa nd Iran is a unique and comprehensive bibliography about Armenians in Iran, which is prepared in Persian, Armenian, and the English languages in romanized form. It also includes any published book in the Persian language about Armenians in general, and any published book in the three mentioned above languages that describes the relation of Iran and Armenia throughout the history. Fortunately, after several years of research, I have been able to collect about 261 published books, the oldest of which was the Persian Armenian Dictionary by Georg Dpir Ter Hovhannessian which was published in Turkey, in 1826. This dictionary is available at the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. Armenians and Iran is not only a bibliography, but also a union catalog, which will help you locate the majority of the books mentioned in this guide. Those who are interested in studying these materials should contact their closest public or university libraries. If you are not able to locate that particular book, you should then contact the reference librarian and ask about inter-library loan service. The majority of these books in ilie English language are available in major university libraries such as the University of California Library System. I have tried to find the call numbers of the books as much as possible for your convenience. For Persian or Armenian language books, if the bibliography indicates "Available at Vassilian' s Library," it means that you may call or write for the availability of the book directly from me. This guide has been arranged in two parts. The first part includes a bibliography of 261 titles in Persian, Armenian, and the English languages in romanized form, by subject, author and title. Part two is a reprint section of a published book in Armenia about Iran, The Countriesa nd Peopleso f the Near and Middle East, XI, Iran, publishedb y the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian S.S.R., Yerevan, 1982. This section includes bibliographies of books and periodical articles about Armenians in the Persian language. For romanization I have used the Library of Congress standard transliteration chart for Persian and Arm~nian alphabets to make it easier to read and understand the alphabets in English letters. This is included in the section prior to the beginning of the bibliography section. I wish to thank all of those who assisted me in this project, particularly Mr. Sebo Minassian, who sent many books and other valuable information from Tehran, Iran, to m~ in the United States. To make the Armenians and Iran a much more valuable source, your assistance willb e greatly appreciated. Since this publication is planned to be revised periodically, I encourage those individuals who have other books that are missing in this edition to send your correspondence to Armenian Reference Books Co., P.O. Box 231, Glendale, California 91209. If you wish to contact me personally, you may reach me at (818) 504-2550. Hamo Vassilian Editor/Publisher August, 1991 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction . . . . . . . . . . 7 Transliteration Chart ...............•.•••••••••• 10 Bibliographies (Author, Title Subject index) •••••••••••• 13 Bibliography (Reprint from Countries of Near East and •••) • • 81 Transliterationa nd Dating Systems Theu se 11C1 111111c1nll1ll1c~, auJ profl\!I nJlllCS III the R11ss1a1-1\,1 1ncn1Jn,, 11111 \1Jb1c , ,.,~1mh111l'•c r1rn11a nJ 011uo11J11s)c 11ph ha, "catcJ the incv11ahlc pruhlem 1111 ransll1c,~t1011I. h e Russian lrtks have ken 1rans,;11he1alc couhng hi the l.1hra11o t ( ongrcss S)SIC111w,i lh ccrtJOUp r11pcr 11,1111ccxsc cptc,I leg Nichul;is a11J 1111N1 ikula,, \lc,Jmlcr .,ml 1111A1l ebamlr, etc J, anti w1thu11I 1l1.1c111t,m~I;o rks 111h raturc, the lraml,te,.111111u1l lhc ,\rn11·111a11,11 lcs WJS ,0111pl1catcd1 111111 111h, y the 1hllc1c11ts ys1e1111s 111L Jslc111J illi 1Ve~1c111 \1mc11131b1u t Jlso h)· the ,hllcrcn<c hctwccn the Sov1cl ,\1111c111aJm11l thc twh11u11ulo r1h11~raph1 1I he splc111 usctl here lollmvs the key tlcv,sc,1 by l'rutcssor R (, llova11111s1anw: l11d1 ,s haseu 11111 hc pl,u11c11cv alncs ul Cfass,cal an,I !·astern Armc111J11I l, t,te11l1<a111I 1ar~sh avc hcc111 1on11tcJ3, 111J 1wn c11111m111n1sIc), I 11a111eqsr y ,hi;htl) Iron, this system l·tclnntadtm a11u nut hl111u,11b11111, ,oya n,l 111,tI la, I rJn,htcratoon hum the l'crsoan, llt111111anI 1 1k1o sh, am! A1ah1<w ;,~ co111pl°'.1tcdh 1 the f,1<11 hat ea,h Ian gnJt:e 1131v1a rious tra11sc11pllo1S1)s tc111s I he SI\ le used hc1c ,s !)~sctl un the scheme ,uloptc,I h)' the l'ernJn lkrit.,i;c $.:rics Jnd tloe l11,:1•dopm:dwJ r,1111rn, bu1 w11h cc1IJIII cxceptoons, wl11d1 IJ"IIIJIC ~011,1s1e11cwy1 1h the lr311S• htcratmu S)1 11bulfso r 11,e Russian and i\r111c111saonu nds, thus sit, cl,, kh. i;h, s, c, ~. J11J Lh. mstcaJ of g, anti L. Murcuver, diacritical marks have been omiued, 11l11let he consoo1dnt k lrcplac111gt l,c Persian and Arabic q J and the l'Owcls o anJ u have hecn a,hlcd tor the 011t1111JTnu rkrsh 111les.C oon• monly 11$CnJ ames have been exccptcJ from this s)·s1e11(1e. g. Isfahan, lsnia • ,I, lh13h111N1,a khichcvan, Karahagh Cle. 111s1cauJf bfahan, l:sona• 11,U >rahi,n. N.okhJJv:11a1n,t l <)ar3hJgh) All Juloan anJ Arabic/l'ers13n lunar/solar dJICSh Jve been convertetl 1ntu those of the Gregorian calendar. • R C llo••n11111•n, n,, Rtpubli,· of A1mt11ia, Volume I. /918-19/9 (Berkeley, 1971), p, 478

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