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Armed struggle and the search for state: the Palestinian national movement, 1949-1993 PDF

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Preview Armed struggle and the search for state: the Palestinian national movement, 1949-1993

SEARCHF OR STATE Till All'i "' 0 MOV�ME"ll 1)40' )'1! YEZID SAYIGH ArmeSdt ruggalnedt hSee arfcohSr t ate Thipsa gei ntentiolneaftbl llayn k ArmedS truggle andt heS earcfho rS tate TheP alestinNiaatni onMaolv ement 1949-1993 YEZIDS AYIGH INSTITUFTOER P ALESTISNTEU DIES WASHINGTON, D.C. CLARENDONP RESS OXFORD · Thbiosho akb se perni dnitgeidat npadrl olyd iuancs etda nsdpaercdi fication ionr dteeorn siutcrsoe n tianvuaiinlga bility OXFORD UNIVERSPIRTEYS S GreaCtl arendon OSxtfroerOedX2t ,6 DP OxforUdn iverPsrietsyiss a d epartmoeftn htUe n iverosfiO txyf ord. Itf urthtehrUesn iversoibtjye'cst oifev xec elliennrc ees earscchh,o larship, ande ducatbiyop nu bliswhoirnlgd wiinde OxforNde wY ork AucklanCda peT ownD aresS alaamH ongK ongK arachi KualLau mpuMra driMde lbournMee xicCoi tyN airobi NewD elhSih anghTaaii peTio ronto Witohff iciesn ArgentAiunsat rBiraaz il ChCizleecRh e publFirca nGcree ece GuatemaHluan garIyt alJya paSno utKho rePao lanPdo rtugal SingapoSrwei tzerTlhaandi lanTdu rkeUyk raiVniee tnam Oxforidsa r egistterraedmdea rko fO xforUdn iverPsrietsys int hUeK andi nc ertoatihne cro untries Publisihnte hdUe nitSetda tes byO xforUdn iverPsrietsyIs n cN.e,w Y ork TheI nstiftouPrta el estSitnued i1e9s9 7 © Them orarli ghotfts h aeu thhoarv bee eans serted DatabarsiegO hxtf orUdn iverPsrietsy(s m aker) Reprin2t0e40d Allr ighrtess erveNdo. p arotft hipsu blicamtaiybo enr eproduced. storienad r etriseyvsatle omrt, r ansmititnea dn.yf oromr b ya nym eans, withotuhtep r ipoerr missiinwo rni tionfOg x forUdn iverPsrietsys , ora se xpressly pbeyrl maiwot.rt u endd etre rmasg reweidt thh ea ppropriate reprograrpihgihcotsrs g anizaEtniqouni.rc ioensc ernirnegp roduction outsitdhees copoeft haeb ovseh oubleds enttot hRei ghDtesp artment. OxforUdn iverPsrietsyas tt, h aed dreasbso ve Youm usnto tc ircutlhaitbseo okin a nyo thebri ndionrcg o ver Andy oum usitm posteh is scaomned itoinoa nny a cquirer ISBN0 -19-829265-1 AntonRyo weL tdE.a,s tbourne Tom yp areYnutssa,inR fdo seSmaayryi gh, wiltohgv rea,t aintadud dmei,r ation Thipsa gei ntentiolneaftbl llayn k PREFACE An entierreae ndewdh enP alestLiinbee ratOirogna nizacthiaoinr mYaans ir ArafaantdI sraperliim mei nister YRiatbziphnra eks iodveedtr h es igninogft he DeclaraotfiP orni ncipl1e3sS eopnt emb1e9r9 3T.h eierx chanogfel ettoefr s recognitieonnd edde cadoefms u tuadle nibaelt wetehnen atiocnoamlm unities therye preseenvteeindft ,h ea ccodridnd o tfu ndamentarlelsyo lavlaels pecotf s thec onfliMcatn.yt housahnadds died,c ombboatth aanntdcs i vilsiianntcshe,e wart halte tdo t hees tablisohfmt ehJneet w ish isntP aatlee stainndte ot hmea ss exoduosfi tAsr abp opulatiin1o 9n4 7-T9h.e P alestinnaitaino mnoavle ment wast or aisteh et winb anneorfs• totlailb eratainod·n a'r mesdt ruggilne ' followyienagrb su,tu ltimaptreolvye d untaolb ilbee raantype a rotfi tcsl aimed homelabnydf orcTeh.ec iviluiparni stihnaget r uptien1d 9 8i7n itiaaplpleya red moree ffectiivnse h aking Israebluit s tciotlnhlteP r LoOl fi,n alalcyc eptae d negotiatceodm promitsheet, e rmosf w hicrha nc ountteorv irtuaalltllhy e princiapnldae ism ist h ade spousfeodsr o l ong. How didt heP alestinian mnoavteimoennaatrl r iavtet hiosu tcome, and whatf actodretse rmdi intecso ursoev etrh ed ecadeCso?u lidth aveac hieved moreg,i vethne severeex terncalo nstraainndtd sa unticnhga llenbgoeths , militaanrdpy o lititchaaitltf , a ceHdo?w werei tpsr incilpeaald erso ragnadn i­ zatioanbslt eo m aintatihne iirnt ernal cfoonsrto rl ooln gd,e spittheeg laring discrepbaentcwye dene clagroeadla sn da ctuaaclh ievemaetne tasca hn de very stagLea?s btu tn otl easwth,a tr oldei dt hea rmed strugggliev etpnhl ea y, endurienmgp hasiitrs e ceiivneP da lestidniisacno uarnsdse t ratoengt yh eo ne handa,n do nt heo theirt s effeacbtainvdeo nmiennt th ec oursoeft hei ntifada andt hed iplomaptriocc etshsa lte ud ltimattoet lhye1 99a3c cord? Thibso okt eltlhsse tooryft heP alestinnaitainom noavle menbte twee1n9 49 and1 993t,a kitnhgea rmesdt ruggalsei tmsa inf ocuTsh.e c entrtahle siists h at the arsmterdu gpgrloev idtehdep olitiicmaplu lasned o rganizatdiyonnaamli c int hee volutoifoP na lestinnaitaino niadle ntaintdyi nt hef ormatioofn parastiantsatli tuatnidao bn us reaucrealtiittceh ,en ucleoufsg overnmenItt. dids ob yd rivimnags sp olitaincdts h ee stablisohfma e nnatt io·npaoll itical fieldi'nt, h ep roceesnsa blain negw p olitcilcaatslosf ormg,a irne cogniatnido n legitimaacnyda, s seirttls e adersBhyit ph.e same tokaernm,e sdt trhueg gle playead p ivotraoll ien d emarcattihnePg a lestinaisaa n dsi stincti na ctor regiopnoalli twiictsha noti nsignificanto fad uetgorneoem Ay .s ubsidiary thesiists h atth ek eyt ot hes urviovfat lh eP alestinniaatni omnoavle menatn d tot haet tainmoefan tlt e aasm to dicuomfi tosb jectivweasst ,h ea biltioet ffye ct fundamentsahli ftisng oalasn ds trataetcg ryi tistcaaglie nis t esv olutiTohne.s e shifttso opkl acienr espontsoee x tercniarlc umstaanndcc ehsa llenbguetts h,e y Preface viii alsroe quipraerldal cehla ngienis d eolsotgryu,c taunrdie n,t ernpaoll itiHcesr.e , agaiinti, sb yt ractihnceg o urosfet haer mesdt ruggbloet,ah s d iscouarnsde practtihcathete, t ransforcmaanbt eih oing hligmhotseetffd e ctively. Thef ollowaicncgo uinsdt i vidiendtf oo upre riodse-mdarcabtyet dh e Arab-Israeolf1i 9 4w18a9,r 6s17 ,9 7a3n,d 1 982-ainsbd r ougthoit t nsa tural concluisnit ohnPe L O-Isarcaceolor fdS eptem1b9e9rAn3 .i ntroduscetco­ry tionp receedaecsph a rtto s ummaritzheem aini nternatainodnr aelg ional trenthdasts etth ceo ntefxoPtra lestpionliiaotinfc ts h pee riaondd,t ot ouch brieoflnyt hmeo ssta lideenvte lopmientn htPesa lestianrieanAnal .t houiigtsh inforbmyeb do tdhi sciptlhiinpser se,t etnodb sen eithape orl itical sociology noras tuodfyi nternaatilro enlatainodtn hsae,c coudnoten so ttr ascyes temati­ calolryi nc onsisdteetnattih lea ttitaunddef so rtuonfed si stiPnaclte stinian socifaolr cneosrth, o seo ft hper incriepgailo annadgl l obpaolw erRsa.t heirt, offerash istorreiccoanls troufct thieeo vno lutoifPo anl estpionliiatinpc raol­ grammeisd,e olodgiisccaolu arnsdoe r,g anizasttirouncatlau srr eesv,e aled by thec onnecttihnegmo ef a rmesdt ruggTlhei.bs o okw ilhla vaec hieved its purposiefi t d esertvobe esd escriabsae h di story. BetweeSnt ateasn dS tat-eBiulidng Thev oluminloiutse raotntu hreeP alesctoinnflei acttt etsott sh ep ersistent interanedsi tn teenmsoet iiohtna sgs e neraTtheerd e.c onstrpurcetsieonintn e d this ibsto hoek reoffoo rbev ioruesl evaanncdie n trinvsailcub eu,ti ti sa lssoe t aparfrto mc omparasbtlued biyei st dsi stinctive Efrsasmeenwtoitrahkli.ls y , viewtsh Pea lestiansei nagnasga eldm ocsotn tinusoiuns1cl9ey4 i8na h istorical proceosfss t ate-buwiiltdthih nePg L,O g raduaelmleyr gianftge1 r9 6a4st he non-terreiqtuoirviaaollfea n stt atNea.t iolniable rahtaisbo ene tnh eg oaolf manym ovemenitnts h ec olonainadpl o st-coelroanosifth a elt wenticeetnh­ turbyu,tt heP alestciansiea n sthhoawttsh es tate-budiylndaimdniogce nso t comei ntoop eratoinolnay ft eirn dependReantchee.tr h,es earfcohrs tate shaptehsea rticuloafgt oiaolfnso ,r mulaotfsi torna tecghioeioscf,eo rganiza­ tionsatlr uctaunrdce osn,d uocfit n ternpaoll itthircosu mguhc ho ft hper eced­ insgt ruggle. Thesaes sertrieoqnusie rleu cidabtuitao nd,i scmlerai isfi rsitn o rder. To assetrhta tth eP alestihniaavnbese ene ngagiends tate-buiistl od ing make neiat phoelre mipcoailnn to ra juridoinceaa lbo utth esitra taussa natioennatlio trdy i stincpte opalnedt heriirg hatc,c orditnoeg xleyr,c sieslef ­ determinsapteicoinf,ii ntc hafelo lryom fa ni ndepensdteanNttoe r.i ist mtaok e ah istoorrie cmapli ricclaalia mb outth de egrteoew hich-aantys taignet he thrdeeec adpersit oort hien auguroaftti hoen PaleAsuttihnoiriaintnt h yGe a za Strainpd t heW estB ank autonoamrye iansM ay1 99(4a nedv etnh eonn ly arguablyP)L-Ota hcet uaelxleyr csiosveedr eiagnntdfuy l filltehmdea jofurn c­ tioantst ributtote hdme o demt erritsotraitRaeal.t hearti, s saurete h eem er- Prefaciex gencaen dm aintenaonfac p ea rticsuelotaf pr o litpircaaclt aincdei sn stitutional arrangemceennttsr oendt heP LO;t hep rocestsherso uwghhi cihtr edefineidt s politrieclaalt wiiotnhsa, n ds oughttoc o-opt, Palestiannidta hne m asno­ciety; nero fi tisn teracwtiiotsnho veremiegmnb erosft her egioannadil n ternational stastyes teImtsi .si nt hisse nsteh atth eP LOc anb es eeans a ' stataicsttoa'rn ,d thatth eu nderlylionggio cfP alestinnaitaino pnoalli taincdos r ganizational evolution-wwihtihcifrhna mewortkh ea rmesdt ruggplreo vetdob es itu­ ated-si1n9c4eh 8a sb eeonn eo fs tate-building. A crucidails tinctiiosbn e inmga deh erbee tweetnh e' stateonfet shseP' L O (itasc tupaols sessoifto hne k eya ttribouftt ehses tatweh)i,c wha ss everely qualifainedid t,ss t atcihsatr acwtheirc,ih sb einga sserTtheeddi .s tinction draws ond efinitiooftn hses taitnes ocisacli enlciet erattoeu xrpel awihna tt heP LO wasn ot, wahnadti tw as. Charles Tilltyh ecs oummmmoanvr iieztweh sa atn 'organizwahtiicochno ntrthoel pso pulatioocnc upyaid negf intietrer iitsoa r y staitensf oar (1i)ti sd ifferentfrioamt oetdh eorr ganizaotpieornast iintn hge as samet errit(o2ir)tyi ;sa utonomo(u3si);ti sc entralainzd(e 4di;)t d si visioanrse formacloloyr dinwaitteohdn ea notheDrr'a.w1i nognM axW eberJ,o eMli gdal addtsh aatn e speciiamlployr tdaenfti nfuinncgt ioofnt hes taits'e t haeb iloirt y authortiomt ayk ea ndi mplemetnhteb indirnugl feosar l tlh pe eopalsew elals thep arametoefrr usl e-makinfgo r otshoecrio arlg anizaitnia o gnisv etne rri­ toryu,s ing fiofnr eccee sstaorh ya ve wiatys.' 2 Thatth eP LO lacked saouvterheoirogivnte yar d istinct taenrdpr oiptuo­ry latiioson b vioAutsn .o p oinwta si ta blteo e xercise ejxucrliussdiivtceht aito n, ist,om onopolize rulaen-dmt ahkemi enagno sf c oercioovne,tr h ei nhabitants ofa defined geograarpeheaiv,ce awnlh eni t fortmheerd u dimeonftp sa rallel governmenitnt hes tate-withini-trt ahnei -nJ sotradtaienn1 968-a7n1dL eba­ noni n1 972-T8h2ep. h ysical diosfpt ehrePs aalle stiannidat nhsesi urb ordina­ tiotno t hep olitiacdamli,n istraantdie vceo,n omsiycs teomfsv ariohuoss t governmenqtusa litfiheeds tatenoefts hseP LOe vefunr theNro.to nlwye rei ts attempttoas c hieve socicaoln tcionnutorcuooslnl tye sbtyer di vsatla cteen tres (especiIaslrlaayenl dJ ordabn)u,ti tosw nd evelopmaesna t s tataicsttow ra s ultimactoenltyi ngoennt th ee xisteonfac c eo unterpaas rotc:i ewtiyta hc om­ mon 'socioclaoslgp iacPea'.l estisnoicainew taysi tsienln fe eodf d emarcation anda rticulathteir oenc;u rsive elemtehnets tawtiet-hsiondc yiaeodtn yl bye ­ camer ealizwahbelnte h e1 99O3s lAoc corwde ddetdh eP LO'pso litfriacmael­ workt oa ni dentifisaobclieea clo,n omiacn,dt erritboarsiiean tl h eW estB ank andG azaS triTph.e f actth atth eP LO'osw nb ureaucrealtiwitaces a lready drawhne avifrloym thesaer eaasn,d t haitti nheriat reeda dgyo vernmental apparatiunst hef ormo ft heI sraelic-irvuianld ministraftiaocni,l itated thet ransiatnidoe nm phasiiztea dsa news tagiena ne stablipsrhoecdeo sfs state-building. Thats aiidt,w a sp recisientl eyr mosf i tpso litfriacmaelw ortkh atth eP LO wasm osti dentifiaasba l set atiasctt oarn,d n ots implbye cauistee xplicitly soughnta tioinnadle pendaenncdse t atehaosoi dt cse ntrgaola lA.b ovea lli,t

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