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Index Armed Forces & Society Volume 25 Articles TITLES Accidental /Inadvertent Nuclear War and Information Warfare, by Stephen J. Cimbala, 4:000 Air Force Pilot Retention: Evaluating the Results of Alternative Models, by Brice Stone, Vince Wiggins, Kathryn Turner-Holland, and Larry Looper, 1:121 Changes in Patterns of Sexual Harassment in the U.S. Military: A Comparison of the 1988 and 1995 DoD Surveys, by Juanita Firestone and Richard J. Harris, 4:000 Civil Armies, Civil Societies, and NATO’s Entanglement, by Daniel N. Nelson, 1:137 Civil-Military Relations and the Potential to Influence: A Look at the National Security Decision-Making Process, by Christopher P. Gibson and Don M. Snider, 2:193 Contact Lenses: Explaining U.S.-Russian Military-to-Military Ties, by Kimberly Marten Zisk, 4:000 Deadly Transfers, National Hypocrisy, and Global Chaos, by Rob- ert Mandel, 2:307 Definite End of the Mass Army in Western Europe, The? by Karl W. Haltiner, 1:7 Desert Fax, The: A Research Note on Calling Home from Somalia, by D. Bruce Bell, Walter R. Schumm, Benjamin Knott, and Morten G. Ender, 3:000 Different Perspective, A: Cohesion, Morale, and Operational Effec- tiveness in the German Army, Fall 1944, by Robert S. Rush, 3:000 Does Enlistment Propensity Predict Accession? High School Se- niors’ Plans and Subsequent Behavior, by Jerald G. Bachman, David R. Segal, Peter Freedman-Doan, and Patrick M. O.Malley, 1:59 Durkheim's “Heroic Suicide” in Military Combat, by Jeffrey W. Reimer, 1:103 696 Armed Forces & Society/Summer 1999 From Integration to Segregation: The Role of Religion in the Israel Defense Force, by Stuart A. Cohen, 3:000 Gender Composition and Group Cohesion in U.S. Army Units: A Comparison across Five Studies, by Leora N. Rosen, Paul D. Bliese, Kathleen M. Wright, and Robert K. Gifford, 3:000 “Grand Design,” A?: Charles de Gaulle and the End of the Alge- rian War, by Gil Merom, 2:267 How Long Does It Take to Change a Culture? Integration at the U.S. Naval Academy, by John W. Bodnar, 2:289 Ideas, Interests, and Strategy: Bureaucratic Politics and the United States Navy, by Paul T. Mitchell, 2:243 Impact of Family Supportive Policies and Practices on Organiza- tional Commitment to the Army, The, by Chris Bourg and Mady Wechsler Segal, 4:000 Propensity to Serve in the U.S. Military: Temporal Trends and Sub- group Differences, by David R. Segal, Jerald G. Bachman, Peter Freedman-Doan, and Patrick M. O’Malley, 3:000 Rites of Passage and Group Bonding in the Canadian Airborne, by Donna Winslow, 3:000 Samuel Huntington and Communist Civil-Military Relations, by Dale R. Herspring, 4:000 Sociological Aspects of the Sirgapore Armed Forces, by Derek da Cunha, 3:000 U.S. as a “Hot Zone,” The: The Necessity for Medical Defense, by Charles T. Eppright, 1:37 U.S. Decision to Launch Operation Desert Storm, The: A Bureau- cratic Politics Analysis, by Lauren Holland, 2:219 Value Changes in Four Cohorts at the U.S. Military Academy, by Robert F. Priest and Johnston Beach, 1:81 War and Culture: A Neglected Relation: by John W. Jandora, 4:000 AUTHORS Bachman, Jerald G., David R. Segal, Peter Freedman-Doan, and Patrick M. O'Malley, Does Enlistment Propensity Predict Acces- sion? High School Seniors’ Plans and Subsequent Behavior, 1:59 Bachman, Jerald G. See Segal, D.R. Beach, Johnston. See Priest Bell, D. Bruce, Walter R. Schumm, Benjamin Knott, and Morten G. Ender, The Desert Fax: A Research Note on Calling Home from Somalia, 3:000 Bliese, Paul D. See Rosen Index 697 Bodnar, John W., How Long Does It Take to Change a Culture: Integration at the U.S. Naval Academy, 2:289 Bourg, Chris, and Mady Wechsler Segal, The Impact of Family Supportive Policies and Practices on Organizational Commit- ment to the Army, 4:000 Cimbala, Stephen J., Accidental/Inadvertent Nuclear War and In- formation Warfare, 4:000 Cohen, Stuart A., From Integration to Segregation: The Role of Religion in the Israel Defense Force, 3:000 da Cunha Derek, Sociological Aspects of the Singapore Armed Forces, 3:000 Ender, Morten G. See Bell Eppright, Charles T., The U.S. as a “Hot Zone”: The Necessity for Medical Defense, 1:37 Firestone, Juanita M., and Richard J. Harris, Changes in Patterns of Sexual Harassment in the U.S. Military: A Comparison of the 1988 and 1995 DoD Surveys, 4:000 Freedman-Doan, Peter. See Bachman Freedman-Doan, Peter. See Segal, D.R. Gibson, Christopher P., and Don M. Snider, Civil-Military Rela- tions and the Potential to Influence: A Look at the National Se- curity Decision Making Process, 2:193 Gifford, Robert K. See Rosen Haltiner, Karl W., The Definite End of the Mass Army in Western Europe? 1:7 Harris, Richard J. See Firestone Herspring, Dale R., Samuel Huntington and Communist Civil-Military Relations, 4:000 Holland, Lauren, The U.S. Decision to Launch Desert Storm: A Bureaucratic Politics Analysis, 2:219 Jandora, John W., War and Culture: A Neglected Relation, 4:000 Knott, Benjamin. See Bell Looper, Larry. See Stone Mandel, Robert, Deadly Transfers, National Hypocrisy, and Global Chaos, 2:307 Merom, Gil, A “Grand Design?: Charles de Gaulle and the End of the Algerian War, 2:267 Mitchell, Paul T., Ideas, Interests, and Strategy: Bureaucratic Poli- tics and the United States Navy, 2:243 Nelson, Daniel N., Civil Armies, Civil Societies, and NATO’s En- largement, 1:137 Armed Forces & Society/Summer 1999 O’Malley, Patrick M. See Bachman O'Malley, Patricia M. See Segal, D.R. Priest, Robert F., and Johnston Beach, Value Changes in Four Co- horts at the U.S. Military Academy, 1:81 Riemer, Jeffrey W., Durkheim's “Heroic Suicide” in Military Com- bat, 1:103 Rosen, Leora N., Paul D. Bliese, Kathleen M. Wright, and Robert K. Gifford, Gender Composition and Group Cohesion in U.S. Army Units: A Comparison across Five Studios, 3:000 Rush, Robert S., A Different Perspective: Cohesion, Morale, and Operational Effectiveness in the German Army, Fall 1944, 3:000 Schumm, Walter R. See Bell Segal, David R., Jerald S. Bachman, Peter Freeman-Doan, and Patrick M. O'Malley, Propensity to Serve in the U.S. Military: Temporal Trends and Subgroup Differences, 3:000 Segal, David R. See Bachman Segal, Mady Wechsler. See Bourg Snider, Don M. See Gibson Stone, Brice, Vince Wiggins, Kathryn Turner-Holland, and Larry Looper, Air Force Pilot Retention: Evaluating the Results of Al- ternative Models, 1:121 Turner-Holland, Kathryn. See Stone Wright, Kathleen M. See Rosen -Zisk, Kimberly Marten, Contact Lenses: Explaining U.S.-Russian Military-to-Military Ties, 4:000 Books AUTHORS Adams, James, The Next World War: Computers are the Weapons and the Front Line is Everywhere, reviewed by Lynch, 4:000 Ambrose, Stephen E., Citizen Soldiers, reviewed by Franck, 3:300 Buderi, Robert, The Invention That Changed the World: How a Small Group of Radar Pioneers Won the Second World War and Launched a Technical Revolution, reviewed by Williams, 3.000 Cohen, Stuart A., The Scroll or the Sword: Dilemmas at Religion and Military Service in Israel, reviewed by Malham M. Wakin, 2:338 Diamond, Larry, and Marc F. Plattner, eds., Civil-Military Relations and Democracy, reviewed by Rasmussen, 3:000 Doyle, Michael W., Ways of War and Peace: Realism, Liberalism, and Socialism, reviewed by Viotti, 1:177 Index 699 Eiler, Keith E., Mobilizing America: Robert P. Patterson and the War Effort, 1940-1945, reviewed by Koistinen, 4:000 Dycus, Stephen, National Defense and the Environment, reviewed by Feely, 4:000 Firth, Noel E., and James H. Noren, Soviet Defense Spending: A His- tory of CIA Estimates, 1950-1990, reviewed by Kaufman, 3:000 Fishel, John T., Civil Military Operations in the New World, reviewed by Last, 2:356 Fussell, Paul, Doing Battle: The Making of a Skeptic, reviewed by Stockfisch, 2:344 Gifford, Robert K. See Rosen Grandstaff, Mark R., Foundation of the Force: Air Force Enlisted Policy, 2907-1956, reviewed by Skelton, 4:000 Herek, Gregory M., Jared B. Jobe, and Ralph M. Carney, eds., Out in Force: Sexual Orientations and the Military, reviewed by Sinaiko, 2:347 Kagan, Donald, On the Origins of War and the Preservation of Peace, reviewed by Franck, 1:178 Koistinen, Paul A. C., Political Economy of American Warfare, The, 1806-1865, and Koistinen, Paul A. C., Political Economy of Ameri- can Warfare, The, 1965-1919, reviewed by Gropman, 2:329 Levi, Margaret, Consent, Dissent, and Patriotism, reviewed by Burk, 3:000 Lewer, Nick, and Steven Schofield, Non-lethal Weapons: A Fatal Attraction? Military Strategies and Technologies for 21st-Century Conflict, reviewed by Bernstein, 1:183 Lovell, John P., and David E. Albright, eds., To Sheathe the Sword: Civil-Military Relations in the Quest for Democracy, reviewed by Sarkesian, 1:163 McCormick, David, The Downsized Warrior: America’s Army in Transition, reviewed by Nagl, 1:171 Overy, Richard, Why the Allies Won, reviewed by Krieger, 1:180 Ricks, Thomas E., Making the Corps, reviewed by Little, 1: 166 Rummel, R. J., Power Kills: Democracy as a Method of Nonvio- lence, reviewed by Scott, 1:161 Schultz, Richard, Roy Goodson, and George Quester, eds., Security Studies for the 21st Century, reviewed by Murray and Vallance, 2:333 Shambaugh, David and Richard H. Yang, China’s Military in Tran- sition, reviewed by Bullard, 4:000 Snider, Don M., and Miranda A. Carlton-Carew, eds., U.S. Armed Forces & Society/Summer 1999 Civil-Military Relations: In Crisis or Transition? reviewed by Rasmussen, 3:000 Strobel, Warren P., Late-Breaking Foreign Policy: The News Media’s Influence on Peace Operations, reviewed by Holohan, 2:354 Turton, David, ed., War and Ethnicity: Global Connections and Local Violence, reviewed by Simons, 2:352 Vance, Jonathan F., Death So Noble: Memory, Meaning and the First World War, reviewed by Eyre, 2:340 Veremis, Thanos, The Military in Greek Politics: From Indepen- dence to Democracy, reviewed by Charles Moskos, 2:335 Wright, Kathleen M. See Rosen TITLES Beating Plowshares into Swords: The Political Economy of Ameri- can Warfare, 1806-1865, and Beating Plowshares into Swords: The Political Economy of Ameri- can Warfare, 1865-1919, by Paul A. C. Koistinen, 2:329 China’s Military in Transition, edited by David Shambaugh and Richard H. Yang, 4:000 Citizen Soldiers, by Stephen E. Ambrose, 3:000 Civil Military Operations in the New World, by John T. Fishel, 2:356 Civil-Military Relations and Democracy, edited by Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner, 3:000 Consent, Dissent, and Patriotism, by Margaret Levi, 3:000 Death So Noble: Memory, Meaning and the First World War, by Jonathan F. Vance, 2:340 Doing Battle: The Making of a Skeptic, by Paul Fussell, 2:344 Downsized Warrior, The: America’s Army in Transition, by David McCormick, 1:171 Foundation of the Force: Air Force Enlisted Policy, 1907-1956, by Mark R. Grandstaff, 4:000 Invention That Changed the World, The: How a Small Group of Radar Pioneers Won the Second World War and Launched a Technical Revolution, by Robert Buden, 3:000 Late-Breaking Foreign Policy: The News Media’s Influence on Peace Operations, by Warren P. Strobel, 2:354 Making the Corps, by Thomas Ricks, 1:166 Military in Greek Politics, The: Frorm Independence to Democracy, by Thanos Veremis, 2:335 Index 701 Mobilizing America: Robert P. Patterson and the War Effort, 1940- 1945, by Keith E. Eiler, 4:000 National Defense and the Environment, by Stephen Dycus, 4:000 Next World War, The: Computers are the Weapons and the Front Line is Everywhere, by James Adams, 4:000 Non-lethal Weapons: A Fatal Attraction? Military Strategies and Technologies for 21st-Century Conflict, by Nick Lewer and Steven Schofield, 1:183 On the Origins of War and the Preservation of Peace, by Donald Kagan, 1:178 Out in Force: Sexual Orientation and the Military, edited by Gre- gory M. Herek, Jared B. Jobe, and Ralph M. Carney, 2:347 Power Kills: Democracy as a Method of Nonviolence, by R. J. Rummel, 1:161 Scroll or Sword, The: Dilemmas at Religion and Military Service in Israel, by Stuart A. Cohen, 2:338 Security Studies for the 21st Century, edited by Richard Schultz, Roy Goodson, and George Queser, 2:333 Soviet Defense Spending: A History of CIA Estimates, 1950-1990, by Noel E. Firth and James H. Noren, 3:000 To Sheathe the Sword: Civil-Military Relations in the Quest for Democracy, edited by John P. Lovell and David E. Allbright, 1: 163 U.S. Civil-Military Relations: In Crisis or Transition? edited by Don M. Snider and Miranda A. Carlton-Carew, 3:000 War and Ethnicity, Global Connections and Local Violence, edited by David Turton, 2:3 52 Ways of War and Peace: Realism, Liberalism, and Socialism, by Michael W. Doyle, 1:177 Why the Allies Won, by Richard Overy, 1:180 REVIEWERS Bernstein, Alvin, Non-lethal Weapons: A Fatal Attraction? Military Strategies and Technologies for 21st-Century Conflict, by Lewer and Schofield, 1:183 Bullard, Monte, China’s Military in Transition, edited by Shambaugh and Yang, 4:000 Burk, James, Consent, Dissent, and Patriotism, by Levi, 3:000 Eyre, Dana P., Death So Noble: Memory, Meaning and the First World War, by Vance, 2:340 702 Armed Forces & Society/Summer 1999 Feely, Matthew S. A., National Defense and the Environment, by Dycus, 4:000 ; Franck, Raymond E., Jr., Citizen Soldiers, by Ambrose, 3:000 Franck, Raymond E., Jr., On the Origins of War and the Preserva- tion of Peace, by Kagan, 1:178 Gropman, Alan L., Beating Plowshares into Swords: The Political Economy of American Warfare, 1806-1865, and Beating Plow- shares into Swords: The Political Economy of American War- fare, 1865-1919, by Koistinen, 2:329 Holohan, Anne, Late-Breaking Foreign Policy: The News Media’s Influence on Peace Operations, by Strobel, 2:354 Kaufman, Richard F., Soviet Defense Spending: A History of CIA Estimates, 1950-1990, by Firth and Noren, 3:000 Koistinen, Paul A. C., Mobilizing America: Robert P. Patterson and the War Effort, 1940-1945, by Eiler, 4:000 Krieger, Clifford R., Why the Allies Won, by Overy, 1:180 Last, David, Civil Military Operations in the New World, by Fishel, 2:356 Little, Roger D., Making the Corps, by Ricks, 1:166 Lynch, Thomas F. III, The Next World War: Computers are the Weapons and the Front Line is Everywhere, by Adams, 4:000 Moskos, Charles, The Military in Greek Politics: From Indepen- dence to Democracy, by Veremis, 2:335 Murray, Douglas J., and Brenda J. Vallance, Security Studies for the 21st Century, edited by Schultz, Goodson, and Quester, 2:333 Nagl, John A., The Downsized Warrior: America’s Army in Transi- tion, by McCormick, 1:171 Rasmussen, Maria José Moyano, Civil-Military Relations and De- mocracy, edited by Diamond and Plattner, and U.S. Civil-Military Relations: In Crisis or Transition? edited by Snider and Carlton-Carew, 3:000 Sarkesian, Sam C., To Sheathe the Sword: Civil-Military Relations in the Quest for Democracy, edited by Lovell and Albright, 1: 163 Scott, Wilbur, Power Kills: Democracy as a Method of Nonvio- lence, by Rummel, 1:161 Simons, Anna, War and Ethnicity: Global Connections and Local Violence, by Turton, 2:352 Sinaiko, H. Wallace, Out in Force: Sexual Orientation and the Mili- tary, edited by Herek, Jobe, and Carney, 2:347 Index 703 Skelton, William B., Foundations of the Force: Air Force Enlisted Policy, 1907-1956, by Grandstaff, 4:000 Stockfisch, Jack A., Doing Battle: The Making of a Skeptic, by Fussell, 2:344 Vallance, Brenda J. See Murray Viotti, Paul R., Ways of War and Peace: Realism, Liberalism, and Socialism, by Doyle, 1:177 Wakin, Malham M., The Scroll or the Sword? Dilemmas at Reli- gion and Military Service in Israel, by Cohen, 2:338 Williams, Cindy, The Invention That Changed the World: How a Small Group of Radar Pioneers Won the Second World War and Launched a Technical Revolution, by Buderi, 3:000

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