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Preview ARK-LOW - EPA

Page 1 of 3 ONeill, Pat From: Williams, Allen Sent: 01 July 2009 12:06 To : ONeill, Pat; ‘[email protected]’; ‘[email protected]’; ‘[email protected]’; ‘[email protected]’; McGabhann, Declan; ‘margot cronin’ cc: Shaw, PJ; McHale, John Subject: RE: Arklow Port Dredge Spoil Disposal Licence Application - File ref. E3/2/11 Vo1.4 Mr Pat O’Neill m: ARK-LOW DUMPING AT SEA APPLICXEION H.C. Your email of DfhJ une 2009 refers. Arklow Port have submitted an “Arklow Port Dredge Spoil Disposal - Licence Application Supplementary Information” Report dated June 2009. This follows a request by the MLVC for further information in relation to their dumping at sea permit application dated 1 1t h March 2009 I have the following comments. Pit Disposal. Page 22 of the Modelling Study states “for current velocities below 0.45m/s, with no wave action, there is predicted to be no transport of bed sediments for any range of particle sizes from 0.1 mm to 0.9mm or above”. From Table 4.1 page 12 of the March 2009 Application to Dump Dredge Spoil at Sea, over 70% of the material from sample points BC7 and BC8 have a grain size <63im. (These samples contain grossly contaminated material). This prediction that there will be no transport of bed sediments for any range of particle sizes from 0. lmm to 0.9mm or above is therefore not very relevant. A hypothesis in relation to whether contaminated spoil of the particle size that is to be placed in the pit will remain there prior to capping is required. This should take into account the time elapse before capping occurs, the likelihood of high wave conditions and the predicted water velocities in the pit. Dredging Sequence Appendix A (Modelling ) on pages 3 to 4 has the ‘pit’ dredged first, then the uncontaminated material dredged and dumped and then the contaminated material placed in the ‘pit’. It would be preferable if the digging of the ‘pit’ took place just before the dredging of the contaminated material. This is to minimise the natural infilling of the pit and the erosion of the material which will be piled on the sea bed befor capping the pit. This benefit may be outweighed by having a delay between the dredging of the contaminated and uncontaminated material. The Consultants should be asked to comment on this prior to the MLVC deciding on the order of the works. Foreshore Licence, CZMD should consider whether it is appropriate to issue a foreshore licence/lease for the pit. The sea bed is being excavated and a spoil containment site, (which should be left undisturbed,) is being created there. Shellfish MonitorLng. 16/07/2009 I Page 2 of 3 If there is shell-fishing in the area a long term monitoring programme, to determine if there is a take up of contamination from the disposed spoil by the shellfish, should be considered. Conclusion. If the Consultants can give assurances that the contaminated material to be placed in the pit will remain there until it is capped, under the sea conditions likely to be experienced, (as mentioned in Pit Disposal above) then I have no objection to the proposal. Allen Williams 0 1/ 07/09 Allen Williains Engineering Division Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food 2 - 3 Leeson Lane Dublin 2 01 6072867 From: ONeill, Pat Sent: 29 June 2009 17:06 To: '[email protected]'; 'jimmy. [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; McGabhann, Declan; Williams, Allen Cc: OBrien, Grace; 'conor. [email protected]' Subject: FW: Arklow Port Dredge Spoil Disposal Licence Application - File ref. E3/2/11 Vo1.4 Importance: High Folks, Please find attached further information submitted by Mr. Buggy regarding the Arklow DAS application. I did not include Margot Cronin on the circulation list, as she was on the original mailing list below. Rega rd s Pat -----Original Message----- From: Conor Buggy [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 29 June 2009 16:50 To: ONeill, Pat Cc: Richard Trueman; Margot Cronin; OBrien, Grace Subject: D6224/40 Arklow Port Dredge Spoil Disposal Licence Application Importance: High Dear Pat, On behalf of the Arklow Harbour Commissioners please find attached the Arklow Port Dredge Disposal - Licence Application Supplementary Information Report. There are eight hardcopies in the post to you. If you require a CD copy please request one as soon as possible. Also attached is the complete data set from the laboratory which was requested by the Marine Institute. I have included Margot Cronin of the Marine Institute and Grace O'Brien from the Coastal Management Division in this email so that they can obtain the report and data immediately. Please forward on all material to the other members of the Marine Licence Vetting Committee as soon as possible in advance of the meeting on the 3rd July. I will be unavailable until the meeting on Friday. If you require any assistance please do not hesitate to contact my colleague Dr. Richard Trueman on 01- 2334409 or [email protected] 16/07/2009 Page 1 of2 ONeill, Pat From: ONeill, Pat Sent: 29 June 2009 17:06 To : '[email protected]'; 'jimmy.k [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; McGabhann, Declan; Williams, Allen cc: OBrien, Grace; 'conor.b [email protected]' Subject: FW: Arklow Port Dredge Spoil Disposal Licence Application - File ref. E3/2/11 Vo1.4 Importance: High Folks, Please find attached further information submitted by Mr Buggy regarding the Arklow DAS application I did not include Margot Cronin on the circulation list, as she was on the original mailing list below Rega rds Pat -----Original Message----- From: Conor Buggy [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 29 June 2009 16:50 To: ONeill, Pat Cc: Richard Trueman; Margot Cronin; OBrien, Grace Subject: D6224/40 Arklow Port Dredge Spoil Disposal Licence Application Importance: High Dear Pat, On behalf of the Arklow Harbour Commissioners please find attached the Arklow Port Dredge Disposal - Licence Application Supplementary Information Report. There are eight hardcopies in the post to you. If you require a CD copy please request one as soon as possible. Also attached is the complete data set from the laboratory which was requested by the Marine Institute. I have included Margot Cronin of the Marine Institute and Grace O'Brien from the Coastal Management Division in this email so that they can obtain the report and data immediately. Please forward on all material to the other members of the Marine Licence Vetting Committee as soon as possible in advance of the meeting on the 3rd July. I will be unavailable until the meeting on Friday. If you require any assistance please do not hesitate to contact my colleague Dr. Richard Trueman on 01- 2334409 or [email protected] Kind Regards, Conor. Arup Consulting Engineers 50 Ringsend Road Dublin 4 Ir e land Tel: +353 (0)l 233 4455 Fax: +353 (0)l 668 3169 E-mail : conor.b [email protected] om www.arup.ie "The information in this E-mail and any attachments is confidential and is for the addressee only. Reading, copying, disclosure or use by anybody 29 10 GI2 009 ONeill, Pat From: ONeill, Pat Sent: 10 June 2009 17:08 To : 'terry.m [email protected]' Subject: FW: Arklow Harbour DAS application - File ref. E3/2/11 Vol. 4 [Filed 10 Jun 2009 11: 24] Terry, FYI. I will pass on the details of the attendees when I receive them. Regards Pat ___-_ Original Message----- From: Conor Buggy [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 10 June 2009 17:05 To: ONeill, Pat Subject: RE: Arklow Harbour DAS application - File ref. E3/2/11 Vol. 4 [Filed 10 Jun 2009 11:24] Hi Pat, Arup can confirm that we can attend that meeting in Galway. I will revert with more details as to who will be attending and also if our client Arklow Harbour Commissioners will be attending also. Kind Regards, Conor. Arup Consulting Engineers 50 Ringsend Road Dublin 4 Ireland Tel : +353 (0)l 233 4455 Fax : +353 ( 0 ) l 668 3169 E-mail : [email protected] www.arup.ie "The information in this E-mail and any attachments is confidential and is for the addressee only. Reading, copying, disclosure or use by anybody else is not authorised. The content does not represent the opinion of Arup Consulting Engineers or any of its affiliates except to the extent that it relates to their official business. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this message arid any attachments and advise the sender by return e-mail". Ove Arup & Partners Ireland, trading as Arup Consulting Engineers P Please consider the environment before printing this email. ___-- Original Message----- From: ONeill, Pat [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 10 June 2009 11:07 To: Conor Buggy Subject: Arklow Harbour DAS application - File ref. E3/2/11 Vol. 4 [Filed 10 Jun 2009 11:2 41 1 , Pat From: Terry Mc Mah on [terry.m cma hon@ mari ne.i e] Sent: 10 June 2009 10:41 To: ONeill, Pat cc: Margot Cronin; Francis X 0 Beirn Subject: RE: Dumping at Sea application by Arklow Harbour Company - File ref. E3/2/11 Vol. 4 [Filed 06 Jun 2009 11:40] Pat Thanks for the e-mail. Could you reply to Mr. Buggy and say that we can meet him iri the Marine IriL,titlite in Galway on Friday 3rd July at 11:30. Thanks Terry _----O riginal Message----- From: ONeill, Pat [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 08 June 2009 12:28 To: Terry McMahon Subject: FW: Dumping at Sea application by Arklow Harbour Company - File ref. E3/2/11 Vol. 4 [Filed 06 Jun 2009 11:40] Terry, Please see below Conor Buggy's email stating that he will be unable to attend the proposed meeting on Tuesday 30/06/2009. He requests that if the meeting has to be held on 30/06/2009, that it be held in Dublin. Do you want to contact him to make alternative arrangements or do you want to give me a time and venue for an alternative meeting for transmission to hjh? Regards Pat -----O riginal Message----- From: Conor Buggy [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 08 June 2009 12:21 To: ONeill, Pat Cc: Richard Trueman Subject: RE: Dumping at Sea application by Arklow Harbour Company - File ref. E3/2/11 Vol. 4 [Filed 06 Jun 2009 11:40] Dear Pat, Thanks for taking the call regarding the meeting. As discussed, I will be unavailable on Tuesday 30th June as I am presenting at an international conference in Trinity College that day, the 4th International Symposium on Contaminated Sediment. It may be that some members of the MLVC are also attending the conference aswell. I would propose if at. all possible to have the meeting at an earlier or later date. Perhaps Friday 26th, Monday 29th or Friday 5th in Clonakility so that I can attend in person along with my colleague Dr. Richard Trueman. Or alternatively if the meeting has to take place on Tuesday 30th, that it takes place at 2.30pm at Departmental Offices in Dublin so that I can leave the conference for a few hours and 31-tend the meeting. If you could revert to me as soon as possible regarding the meeting it would be most appreciated. Kind Regards, Conor. 1 ONeill, Pat From: ONeill, Pat Sent: 08 June 2009 12:28 To: 'terry.m [email protected]' Subject: FW: Dumping at Sea application by Arklow Harbour Company - File ref. E3/2/11V ol. 4 [Filed 06 Jun 2009 11:40] Terry, Please see below Conor Buggy's email stating that he will be unable to attend the proposed meeting on Tuesday 30/06/2009. He requests that if the meeting has to be held on 30/06/2009, that it be held in Dublin. Do you want to contact him to make alternative arrangements or do yo11 want to give me a time and venue for an alternative meeting for transmission to him'? Regards Pat -----O riginal Message----- From: Conor Buggy [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 08 June 2009 12:21 To: ONeill, Pat Cc: Richard Trueman Subject: RE: Dumping at Sea application by Arklow Harbour Company - File ref. E3/2/11 Vol. 4 [Filed 06 Jun 2009 11:40] Dear Pat, Thanks for taking the call regarding the meeting. As discussed, I will be unavailable on Tuesday 30th June as I am presenting at an international conference in Trinity College that day, the 4th International Spposium on Contaminated Sediment. It may be that some members of the MLVC are also attending the conference aswell. I would propose if at all possible to have the meeting at an earlier GL later date. Perhaps Friday 26th, Monday 29th or Friday 5th in Clonakility so that I can attend in person along with my colleague Dr. Richard Trueman. Or alternatively if the meeting has to take place on Tuesday 30th, that it takes place at 2.30pm at [)epartmental Offices in Dublin so that I can leave the conference for d few hours and attend the meeting. If you could revert to me as soon as possible regarding the meeting it would be most appreciated. Kind Regards, Conor. Arup Consulting Engineers 50 Ririgsend Road Dublin 4 Ireland Tel : t353 (0)l 233 4455 Fax : t353 (011 668 3169 E-mail : [email protected] www.arup.ie "The information in this E-mail and any attachments is confidential dnd is for the addressee only. Reading, copying, disclosure or use by anybody else is riot authorised. The content does not represent the opinion of Arup Consulting Engineers or any of its affiliates except to the extent that it relates to their official business. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this message and any attachments and advise t-he sender by return e-mail". 1 ONeill. Pat From: Terry McMahon [[email protected]] Sent: 05 June 2009 1516 To: ONeill, Pat Subject: RE: Arklow harbour dredging (E3/2/11 vo1.4) Pat Yes, MLVC could meet with Mr. Buggy at the next meeting which is scheduled for 30th June next in Clonakilty. Could you check with Grace O'Brien to ensure meeting room is booked for that day. Suggest you advise Mr. Buggy that we could meet him at 2:30 p.m. and that i:t would be lielpful if lie could, in advance of the meeting, send any documentation hc. has prepared, if possible .. Thanks Terry _____O riginal Message----- From: ONeill, Pat [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 04 June 2009 15:11 To: Terry McMahon Subject: FW: Arklow harbour dredging (E3/2/11 vo1.4) mL erry, Please see the attached regarding Arklow Harbour. Before I return Mr. Buggy's call, please advise me if it would be possible for Arup to meet the MLVC to discuss this case. Mr. Buggy also wants to know when Arklow Harbour is due to be discussed at the MLVC. Regards Pat > _____O riginal Message----- > From: Sheil , Gerard > Sent: 04 June 2009 14:35 > To: ONeill, Pat Subject: Arklow harbour dredging (E3/2/11 vo1.4) ' .> Pat, >-, > Mr Conor Buggy from ARUP consulting engineers (01) 2334253 was in touch this afternoon regarding your recent letter which i understand that he received this morning. ARUP would like to progress the matter, especially taking account of thc! MLVC ' s concerns. > .> Mr Buggy has asked if you could advise him when the next MLVC will be meeting and also, if it would be possible for ARUP to meet the MLVC. Mr Buggy has asked if you would advise him as soon as possible to enable him have time to prepare response and cover the issues raised. Regards, %> 1 ;. Gerry, Foreshore section, 2 Coastal Zone Management Division. > , > Extn: 5525 > Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food The information contained in this email and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention and use of the intended recipient.(s). This information may be subject to legal and professional privilege. If you dre not <in intended recipient of this email, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or 1 ONeill, Pat From: ONeill, Pat Sent: 04 June 2009 15:ll To : 'terry.m [email protected]' Subject: FW: Arklow harbour dredging (E31211 1 vo1.4) Terry, Please see the attached regarding Arklow Harbour. Before I return Mr. Buggy's call, please advise me if it would be possible for Arup to meet the MLVC to discuss this case. Mr. Buggy also wants to know when Arklow Harbour is due to be discussed at the MLVC. Regards Pat -----Original Message----- From: Sheil, Gerard Sent: 04 June 2009 14:35 To: ONeill, Pat Subject: Arklow harbour dredging (E3/2/11 vo1.4) Pat, Mr Conor Buggy from ARUP consulting engineers (01) 2334253 was in touch this afternoon regarding your recent letter which i understand that he received this morning. ARUP would like to progress the matter, especially taking account of the MLVC's concerns. Mr Buggy has asked if you could advise him when the next MLVC will be meeting and also, if it would be possible for ARUP to meet the MLVC. Mr Buggy has asked if you would advise him as soon as possible to enable him have time to prepare a response and cover the issues raised. Regards, Gerry, Foreshore section, Coastal Zone Management Division Extn: 5525 1 F Department of \\II #1! ! Agriculture, Fisheries and Food /@ +D An Roiiin Talmhaiochta, lascaigh agus Bia Your ref. D 6224/40/CB/AP Otir ref. E3/2/1I Vol. 4 Mr. Conor Buggy A rii p Consu1 t in g Engineers 50 Ringsend Road Ri ngsend Dublin 4 3 June 2009 Re: Application for a Dumping at Sea Permit by Arklow Harbour Commissioners at Arklow Harbour Dear Mr. Buggy, I refer to previous correspondence, resting with my letter of the 19”’ instant, regarding tlie above Dumping at Sea application. Due to insufficient information the Marine Licence Vetting Coininittee is not presently in a on position to make a recoin~nendation this case. Tlie main issues of concern raised by tlie Committee are: I. Tlie lack of a detailed study of the proposed dunipsite, e.g. no sediment transport modelling carried out. 2. Insufficient detail Iias been provided 011 tlie nietliodology to be used to ensiire that the contaminated spoil is confined within tlie proposed disposal area prior to capping. an 3. The design of appropriate methodology to ensure tlie integrity of the cap and the confineinent of tlie contaminated sediment appears to not have been the subject of sufficient study and needs to be addressed adequately. 4. How is it intended to delineate between “i~~ico~ita~iii~iaantedd “”c ontamiiiated” areas‘? 5. What is tlie location and fiinction of the dewatering site referred to on Page 9 I ‘? 6. 0-value assessment to monitor ecological quality is proposed. This system was developed for use in freshwater. Is it applicable in tlie marine environment‘? 7. What is tlie intended purpose of daily monitoring of dredge spoil for inacro- invertebrate species? Yours sincerely. - ONeill. Pat From: Terry McMahon [[email protected]] Sent: 02 June 2009 16:34 To : ONeill, Pat Subject: RE: Greencastle Harbour and Arklow Harbour DAS applications. File refs. E3/2/40 Vol. 6 and E31211 1 Vol. 4 respectively MLVC queries applicant 2 1U. Pat Attached please find revised letter to applicant re Arklow Harbour DAS <3pplicati.on. As you can see I have merged MI and Engineering Division coiments and made them overall MLVC comments as I believe that this better reflects the Committee’s views. All the best Terry ----- Or iy irial Mess age- - -- - From: ONeill, Pat [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 26 May 2009 15:45 To: Terry McMahon Subject: Greencastle Harbour and Arklow Harbour DAS applications. File refs. E3/2/40 Vol. 6 and E3/2/11 Vol. 4 respectively Terry, As previously discussed, please find attached for your views draft letters for issue regarding these two cases. Regards Pat <<MLVC queries to applicant.doc>> <<MLVC queries to applicant.doc’; Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food The information contained in this email and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention and use of the intended recipient(s). This information may be subject to legal and professional privilege. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this message or any part of it. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete all copies of this email from your computer system(s). An Roinn Talmhaiochta, Iascaigh agus Bia Ta an t-eolais san riomhphost seo, agus in aon ceanglain leis, faoi phribhleid agus faoi riin ayus le h-aghaigh an seolai amhain. D’fheadfadh abhar an seoladh seo bheith faoi phribhlhid profisihta no dlithi6il. Mura tusa an seolai a bhi beartaithe leis an riomhphost seo a fhail, ta cosc air, n6 aon chuid de, a fisgid, a choipeal, n6 a scaoileadh. Ma thainig se chugat de bharr dearmad, teigh i dteagmhail 1t.i~a n seolt6ir agus scrios an t-abhar 6 do riomhaire le do thoil. 1

ONeill, Pat; ‘[email protected]’; Subject: FW: Arklow Port Dredge Spoil Disposal Licence Application - File ref. E3/2/11 Vo1.4 Importance: High
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