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Althoughthepublishershavemadeeveryefforttoensuretheinformationwascorrectatthetimeof goingtopress,thepublishersdonotassumeandherebydisclaimanyliabilitytoanypartyforanyloss ordamagecausedbyerrors,omissions,oranypotentialtraveldisruptionduetolabororfinancialdif- ficulty,whethersuch errorsoromissionsresultfrom negligence,accidentor anyothercause. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many thanks go to the hundreds of people who assisted in making theArizona Hand- bookascompleteandaccurateasitis. IamespeciallyindebtedtotheNationalParkServ- ice people, whose high standards make Arizona's national parks and monuments such wonderful placestovisit. Staffatthe U.S. Forest Service, Bureauof Land Management, and U.S. FishandWildlifeServicegavemeconsiderablehelpinvisitinglandsundertheir care. Stategovernmentofficialshelpedtoo,andextrathanksgotoCarol Downeyofthe research library in the Capitol and to staff of the Fort Verde and Jerome State Historic Parksforgeneroususeoftheirhistoricphotos. Chambersofcommerce,fromthetiniest communities to the big cities, supplied valuable maps, ideas, and advice. TheArizona Handbookmanuscriptshowed some dramatic improvementsfromthefirstdraftstothe last, thanks to the enthusiasm and editorial skills of Deke Castleman at Moon Publica- tions, who also proofread the final version. Dr. Thomas Kreider at Berea College, Ken- tucky, and my mother, Doris Weir. Most of the Arizona animals and birds that grace thesepagesweredrawnbyfellowFlagstaffhiker KayStephenson. Diana Lasichalsoput her brush to work when additional drawings were needed at the last moment. Barton WrightkindlygavepermissiontousehisexcellentHopi Reservationmap.Theothertop- notch maps came from the steady hands of Dave Hurst and Louise Foote at Moon Publications. Louise Shannon typeset the text on a mad-hatter schedule so Dave Hurst could do the production. Much of the creditfor getting this bookto you goesto Sales Manager Donna Galassi.And lastly,appreciationisduemypublisher. Bill Dalton,whoin- spiredArizona Handbookand helped bring it to a successful completion. ILLUSTRATIONS AND PHOTOS front cover: View of Howlands Butte in the Grand Canyon; taken by the author from EastTontoTrail, blackandwhitephotos: GrandCanyonNational Park—pages3(neg. #2784), 33(neg. #5117),35(neg.#826),41 (neg. #3121),45(neg.#5130),52(neg.#2361), 58(neg. #5563), 59 (neg. #7080); Bill Weir-pages6(right), 7 (top), 9(left), 10(right), 17, 21,22,23,44,48,49,56,57,65,66,67,68(topandbottom),69,73,77,79,86,90,92,96, 98,99, 100(leftandright), 101, 103, 105, 106, 127, 129, 133, 135, 141, 142, 143, 144, 148, 149, 161, 170, 171 (leftandright), 175, 178(right), 179, 195, 198,200(leftand right),209, 212, 213, 214 (left and right), 215, 217, 218, 219 (bottom), 220, 224, 225, 230, 234 (top and bottom),236,238,240,247,251,252,254(topand bottom),256,260,261,262,263, 274, 275, 276, 279, 280, 282, 283, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 296, 297, 298, 303, 305, 306, 307, 311, 322, 323, 325, 331, 332, 333, 339, 343, 344, 345, 346, 348, 349 (left and right), 350, 359, 360, 361, 363 (top and bottom), 367, 370, 371, 375, 378, 381 (top), 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 392 (left and right), 394, 395, 400, 402, 405 (bottom), 409, 412, 415 (top and bottom), 416, 418, 419, 420, 421, 423 (bottom), 424; Arizona State Ar- - chives pages9(right),13,14, 19,34(bottom),87,89, 108,109,207(right),233,318,351 (leftand right), 404,405(top), 407,411,414,417,422(right), 423(top); FortVerde State — Historic Park pages 11, 163, 176(NationalArchives), 177(Mearns Collection, Libraryof Congress), 178 (left: Mearns Collection, Libraryof Congress), 181, 243(right: Carter Col- lection, National Archives), 315, 335 (Carter Collection, National Archives); Flagstaff ChamberofCommerce—pages24,29,93, 119, 125(topandbottom), 126, 131, 132,137, 138, 164, 165, 169, 173 (U.S. Forest Service); Arizona Office ofTourism-pages 39, 78, 94, 139, 222, 321; Tony Rose-pages 63, 64; Pimeria Alta Historical Society (Nogales)-pages 110, 396 (Rochlin Archives), 397 (Ellen Underwood Collection), 399 (Rochlin Archives), 401 (leftand right); Jerome State Historic Park—pages 185, 186 (left and right), 187 (top and bottom), 188, 189, 190; Mohave County Historical Society (Kingman)-pages 201, 205 (left and right), 206, 207 (left), 208, 216, 219 (top), 229; Phoenix Gazette (reprinted with permission)—page 253; Metropolitan Tucson Conven- tion and Visitors Bureau, Inc.—pages365, 373, 380(topand bottom), 381 (bottom),391, 408. illustrations: Andy Mosier, cartoonist—pages 5, 7 (bottom), 377; Kay Stephen- son-title page and pages 6 (left), 8 (left), 31 (left and right), 62, 97 (left and right), 117 (leftand right), 130, 204, 221 (leftand right), 239, 243(left),266, 267, 273(leftand right), 284, 285, 326, 328, 340, 341, 384, 390, 403; Diana Lasich-pages 30, 32 (leftand right), 157, 158, 159, 160. majorsourcesofhistoricillustrations: TheExplorationoftheCol- orado RiverandIts Canyons, formerly titled Canyons ofthe Colorado, by J.W. Powell; reprinted by Dover Publications-pages 1, 27, 34(top), 42,47, 51, 60, 61, 71, 72, 75,81, 82,83,91, 114, 115; TheMarvellousCountry;orThree YearsinArizonaandNewMexico, the Apache's Home by Samuel Cozzens-pages 10 (left), 12, 121, 241, 299, 302, 313, 329, 334, 353, 357, 393, 422 (left); Decorative Art of the Southwestern Indians by Dorothy Smith Sides, Dover Publications-pages 104, 112, 156, 246, 271, 352 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 TheLand 1 FloraandFauna 5 History 8 Events 15 Transport 15 Accommodationsand Food 18 Money, Measurements,andCommunications 20 Healthand Help 21 GRAND CANYON ANDTHEARIZONASTRIP 27 Introduction 27 VisitingtheGrandCanyonNational Park 35 Havasupaiand HualapaiIndian Reservations 65 TheArizonaStrip 69 NORTHEASTERN ARIZONA 83 Introduction 83 Western NavajoCountry 89 Northern NavajoCountry 91 Eastern NavajoCountry 96 HopiCountry 107 HopiKatsinam 112 NORTHCENTRALARIZONA 115 Introduction 115 Flagstaff 119 EastofFlagstaff 137 NorthofFlagstaff:TheSan FranciscoVolcanicField 139 WestofFlagstaff 152 SouthofFlagstaff 157 SedonaandtheRed RockCountry 164 AlongtheVerdeRiver 176 Prescott 191 WESTERN ARIZONA 201 Introduction 201 TheNorthwestCorner 208 LakeMead National RecreationArea 217 WestcentralArizona 222 TheSouthwestCorner 231 SOUTHCENTRALARIZONA 241 Introduction 241 PhoenixandtheValleyoftheSun 244 PhoenixSights 247 L 7 Scottsdale 255 Tempe 257 Mesa 262 ValleyoftheSunAccommodations 264 ValleyoftheSun Restaurants 267 ValleyoftheSun Entertainment 272 ValleyoftheSun Recreation 274 OtherValleyoftheSun Practicalities 279 NortheastofPhoenix 285 EastofPhoenix:TheApacheTrailLoop 293 SouthofPhoenix 304 SouthwestofPhoenix 307 NorthwestofPhoenix 308 EASTERN ARIZONA 313 Introduction 313 TheHigh Desert 31 Petrified ForestNationalParkandthePaintedDesert 321 TheWhiteMountains 326 EastoftheWhiteMountainApacheIndianReservation 337 TheLowDesert 346 SOUTHERN ARIZONA 353 Introduction 353 Tucson 354 WestofDowntown 364 NorthofDowntown 366 EastofDowntown 370 TucsonAccommodations 372 Tucson Restaurants 375 OtherTucsonPracticalities 377 WesttoOrgan PipeNational Monument 384 SouthfromTucsontoMexico 391 PatagoniaandVicinity 402 CochiseTrail(SoutheastofTucson) 404 BOOKLIST 425 INDEX 433