574 Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory 13th Conference Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory CIRM, Marseille, France March 14–18, 2011 Geocrypt 2011 Bastia, France June 19–24, 2011 Yves Aubry Christophe Ritzenthaler Alexey Zykin Editors AmericanMathematicalSociety Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory 13th Conference Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory CIRM, Marseille, France March 14–18, 2011 Geocrypt 2011 Bastia, France June 19–24, 2011 Yves Aubry Christophe Ritzenthaler Alexey Zykin Editors 574 Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory 13th Conference Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory CIRM, Marseille, France March 14–18, 2011 Geocrypt 2011 Bastia, France June 19–24, 2011 Yves Aubry Christophe Ritzenthaler Alexey Zykin Editors AmericanMathematicalSociety Providence,RhodeIsland EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Dennis DeTurck, Managing Editor George Andrews Abel Klein Martin J. Strauss 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 11G10,11G20, 11M38, 11R42, 11T06, 11T71, 14G10, 14G15,14G50, 14Q05. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data International Conference “Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory” (13th : 2011: Marseille,France) Arithmetic, geometry, cryptography and coding theory : 13th Conference on Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory, March 14-18, 2011, CIRM, Marseille, France : Geocrypt2011,June19-24,2011,Bastia,France/YvesAubry,ChristopheRitzenthaler,Alexey Zykin,editors. p. cm. —(ContemporaryMathematics;v.574) Includesbibliographicalreferences. ISBN978-0-8218-7572-8(alk.paper) 1. Abelian varieties–Congresses. 2. Dimension theory (Algebra)–Congresses. I. Aubry, Yves,1965– II.Ritzenthaler,Christophe,1976– III.Zykin,Alexey,1984– IV.GeocryptCon- ference(2011: Bastia,France) V.Title. QA564.I576 2011 510(cid:2)–dc23 2012012152 Copying and reprinting. Materialinthisbookmaybereproducedbyanymeansfor edu- cationaland scientific purposes without fee or permissionwith the exception ofreproduction by servicesthatcollectfeesfordeliveryofdocumentsandprovidedthatthecustomaryacknowledg- ment of the source is given. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, or for resale. Requests for permission for commercialuseofmaterialshouldbeaddressedtotheAcquisitionsDepartment,AmericanMath- ematical Society, 201 Charles Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02904-2294, USA. Requests can [email protected]. Excludedfromtheseprovisionsismaterialinarticlesforwhichtheauthorholdscopyright. In suchcases,requestsforpermissiontouseorreprintshouldbeaddresseddirectlytotheauthor(s). (Copyrightownershipisindicatedinthenoticeinthelowerright-handcornerofthefirstpageof eacharticle.) (cid:2)c 2012bytheAmericanMathematicalSociety. Allrightsreserved. TheAmericanMathematicalSocietyretainsallrights exceptthosegrantedtotheUnitedStatesGovernment. Copyrightofindividualarticlesmayreverttothepublicdomain28years afterpublication. ContacttheAMSforcopyrightstatusofindividualarticles. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. (cid:2)∞ Thepaperusedinthisbookisacid-freeandfallswithintheguidelines establishedtoensurepermanenceanddurability. VisittheAMShomepageathttp://www.ams.org/ 10987654321 171615141312 Contents Preface vii Construction of a k-complete addition law on Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves of genus two Christophe Ar`ene and Romain Cosset 1 Number of points in an Artin–Schreier covering R´egis Blache 15 Some more functions that are not APN infinitely often. The case of Gold and Kasami exponents Eric F´erard, Roger Oyono, and Franc¸ois Rodier 27 Rational curves with many rational points over a finite field Satoru Fukasawa, Masaaki Homma, and Seon Jeong Kim 37 Enumeration of splitting subspaces over finite fields Sudhir R. Ghorpade and Samrith Ram 49 The characteristic polynomials of abelian varieties of dimension 4 over finite fields Safia Haloui and Vijaykumar Singh 59 New bounds on the maximum number of points on genus-4 curves over small finite fields Everett W. Howe 69 Some planar maps and related function fields Gohar M. Kyureghyan, Ferruh O¨zbudak, and Alexander Pott 87 New families of APN functions in characteristic 3 or 5 Elodie Leducq 115 Identities for Kloosterman sums and modular curves Petr Lisonˇek 125 Degreegrowth,linearindependenceandperiodsofaclassofrationaldynamical systems Alina Ostafe and Igor Shparlinski 131 Computer search for curves with many points among abelian covers of genus 2 curves Karl Ro¨kaeus 145 v vi CONTENTS The groups of points on abelian surfaces over finite fields Sergey Rybakov 151 Computing low-degree isogenies in genus 2 with the Dolgachev–Lehavi method Benjamin Smith 159 Hodge classes on certain hyperelliptic prymians Yuri G. Zarhin 171 Preface The13-thAGC2Tconference(Arithmetic,Geometry,CryptographyandCoding Theory) tookplace at CIRM (Centre International de Rencontres Math´ematiques) inMarseille, France, onMarch14–18, 2011. Thisinternationalconferencehasbeen amajoreventintheareaofarithmeticgeometryanditsapplicationsformorethan 25yearsandmorethan80participantsattendeditthisyear. Wethankallofthem for creating a stimulating research environment. The topics of the talks extended fromalgebraicnumbertheorytodiophantinegeometry,curvesandabelianvarieties over finite fields and applications to codes, boolean functions or cryptography. We especially thank the speakers Bruno Angl`es, St´ephane Ballet, Burcu Baran, R´egis Blache, Ivan Boyer, Nils Bruin, Alain Couvreur, Fr´ed´eric Edoukou, Arnaldo Gar- cia, Sudhir Ghorpade, Safia Haloui, Marc Hindry, Masaaki Homma, Everett Howe, Kamal Khuri-Makdisi, David Kohel, Aristides Kontogeorgis, Philippe Langevin, Gregor Leander, Elodie Leducq, Petr Lisonek, Kit-Ho Mak, Alina Ostafe, Ferruh Ozbudak, Franc¸ois Rodier, Karl R¨okaeus, C´ecilia Salgado, Jean-Pierre Serre, Vi- jaykumarSingh,BenjaminSmith,HenningStichtenoth,BiancaViray,GaborWiese and Yuri Zarhin for their lectures. Forthesecondtime,theAGC2TconferencewastwinnedwithGeocrypt(confer- ence on Geometry and Cryptography) which took place in la Marana near Bastia, Corsica, France, on June 19–24, 2011. This conference focuses on algebraic ge- ometry issues raised by cryptography. We would like to thank Christophe Arene, Xavier Caruso, Luca de Feo, Pierre D`ebes, Oumar Diao, Everett Howe, David Kohel, Reynald Lercier, Pascal Molin, Damien Robert, David Roe, E´ric Schost, Benjamin Smith, Peter Stevenhagen, Marco Streng, Emmanuel Thom´e and Os- manbey Uzunkol for their talks. We also thank the ANR CHIC (Hyperelliptic Curves Isogenies, Point Counting) for its financial support. The editors would like to thank the staff of CIRM (Olivia Barbarroux, Muriel Milton and Laure Stefanini) and that of the Institut de Math´ematiques de Luminy (Aur´elia Lozingot and Corinne Roux) for their remarkable professionalism. Finally, specialthankstotheSaint Patrick’sdaywhichgaveusanopportunity of a memorable party. vii ContemporaryMathematics Volume574,2012 http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/conm/574/11429 Construction of a k-complete addition law on Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves of genus two Christophe Ar`ene and Romain Cosset Abstract. In this paper we explain how to construct Fq-complete addition lawsontheJacobianofanhyperellipticcurveofgenus2classicallyembedded in P15, and provide the first explicit example of such addition laws in the genus 2 case. This is a generalization to abelian surfaces of the arithmetic completenessofadditionlawsonellipticmodelsfirstlyrevealedwithEdwards curvesin2007. 1. Introduction Cryptographic protocols using abelian varieties, specifically elliptic curves and abelian surfaces, have been studied intensively for at least the past two decades. They are based on the discrete logarithm problem and pairings for which the com- putationoftheadditionoftwopointsiscentral. Inparticular,onepaysattentionto twoaspects. Obviously, thenumberofoperationsneededtocomputetheequations must be as small as possible. It appears that their domain of definition has also to be taken into account. Indeed, with the development of embedded cryptosystems, the theoretical resistance of the discrete logarithm problem is no longer sufficient to ensure the protocol security, we also have to deal with physical attacks. For instance the implementation of the usual formulæ on the Weierstraß model of an elliptic curve is vulnerable against side-channel attacks due to the use of different formulæ for a generic addition or a doubling. We refer to [LM05] for a possible alternative on genus 2 curve cryptosystems. Inthispaperweonlyconsiderthissecondproblem. LangeandRuppert[LR85] first considered this problem geometrically. The(cid:2)y(cid:3)worked on the existence of com- pletesetsofadditionlaws,i.e. forallP,QinA k thereisanadditionlawdefined at (P,Q). See the definition of completeness in Definition 1.4 . Then Bosma and Lenstra [BL95] proved for an elliptic curve given in Weierstraß form that such a set has always cardinality greater than one, a fact generalized in [AKR11] to any abelianvarietywithaprojectiveembedding. Thismotivatestorestricttheadditon laws to the points defined on a non algebraically closed base field, specifically a finitefield. Anadditionlawissaidtobek-completeifitisdefinedover(A×A)(k). 2010 MathematicsSubjectClassification. Primary68-04;Secondary11-04. Key words and phrases. Theta functions, Jacobian, genus 2 curve, addition law, complete- ness,embedding,linebundle,finitefield. The authors acknowledge the financial support by grant ANR-09-BLAN-0020-01 from the FrenchANRandtheAXAResearchFundforthePh.D.grantofthefirstauthor. (cid:3)c2012 American Mathematical Society 1