ARITHMETIC FOR HIGH SCHOOLS liY GOPAL KRISHNA GOKHALE, B.A. !'ROFl':SSQR, FERGUSSOr; COLLEGE, 1'OON" FELLOW Of 1 HE u;-.:n'EKSITY 01' DOMllAY REVISED AND IN PART REWRITTEN BY V[SHVANATH BALVANT NArK, M.A. !'RnFRSSOK, FEPGU;,SON COLLEGE, },OOf'''' ~·ELLOW 01 11jE~ 5 'U OY 1I0MLlAY MAC~fILLAN AND co., LIMITED ST. :\lARTIN'S STREET, LONDON COPYR!GIIT Flnlt. Editioll 1898. Reptintoo !s1l1. 1:1,)1, 1903, 1m, with aUdil.iolls 190~. 1906, 1908, VO!), 1910,11'11,1:112, 19l3, l'JU, l;la, ID16 (twio.::e).1917 twice), l~H), l!l~:!. H<l\"i",-d ac.<1 Enl&r~ed ]v21. ltepriuted 1:)2~.1~:.!;, l:l~,j, U:!~, l~Jl. 1':132, 1'J31, 1:J31,), l'ass, 19"O,1~.1, l'JH (t,d..:.:). PRINTED At'OO PL'suswm IN GiOi.A.T BIUTA-IN PREFACE TREAnSES on Arithmetic are so numerous that an aroJogy is needed for presuming to add one more to their number. 'Yhen teaching Arithmetic to the higher dasses of the Xew English School, Poona, I strongly felt that although there were a large number of books on Arithmetic, many of them admirable in their way) a book was yet wanting, which could meet all the requirements of advanced students-which contained a complete treatment of tbe theory of the subject, and at the same time a large number of examples of all kinds of difficulty-from the simplest to the most difficult. Some of the existing works present the theoretical side of the subject in an admirable manner, but do not propose questions of any real difficulty to adnnred students; wbile a few contain questions, often of great difficulty, but give little or no theory work. In the follo1\'ing pages an attempt has heen made to present the theory of Arithmetic in a clear and complete manner, and at the same time, questions of almost every variety and every difficulty have been proposed for solution. The book has heen written for students of Indian High Schools, and as such students enter on their High School course with a previous knowledge of the most elementary portion of Arithmetic, an elementary acquaintance with the four fundam~ntal operations has been assumed on their part. VI PREFACE. The solutions of a large number of typical examples have been given, in order that the book may be of assistance to students working without a teacher. Of the miscellaneous examples given at the end, a great many have been selected from various Examination papers. A few ha\'e also been kindly framed for me by my friend Mr. N. J. Bapat. In the preparation of this book I have received valuable assistance from several books-especially from De ~rorgan's Arithmetic, Pott's Aritbmetic, Girdlestone's Arithmetic, Munn's Theory of Arithmetic, and Mr. S. Radhakrishna Aiyar's Arithmetic. My most sincere thanks are also due to Mr. N. J. Bapat for the valuable assistance which I bave derived from him in verifying tbe answers given at the end. All suggestions will be most thankfully received. G. K. GOKHALE. PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION IN revising this book, I have constantly placed before my mind the aim which its renowned author proposed to him self in first writing it, viz. to produce a text-book for the use of advanced students, containing a clear and complete treatment of the theory of the subject, and at the same time treating of, and proposing for solution, examples of all kinds of difficulty. So far as the first part. of this aim, viz. the presentation of a complete theory of the subject, was concerned, I felt that while it had been admirably achieved in the case of the ordinary working rules of Arithmetic, the idea of number itself and the fundamental principles on which all arithmetical operations are based, had received too little attention at the hands of the author. Experience has shown me that, while in the earlier stages of a boy's educa tion attention is almost exclusively focussed upon giving him a mastery over the ordinary processes of calculation, in the later stages it is as exclusively focussed upon tbe many practical applications of these processes. The result is, that while he is able to work out correctly problems of great difficulty, he remains to the end ignorant of the basic principles on which all his work is founded, and occasionally commits gross blunders. I have therefore practically re written the carli<'\' chapters, and in doing so I bave not lost sight of the fact that the book is intended for those wbo have already gone through an elementary course of the vii Vlll PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITIOS. subject. The -examples appended to some of these chapters arc mainly intended to bring into prominent relief such points in the elementary theory as are most worth attending to, and many of them will serve as types of others which the teacher can easily frame for himself. On the practical side, it appeared to me that the methods of calculation, presented aa types, were in a good many cases not such as would be most conducive to quick and accurate calculation. The essential features of a good method of calculation ought to be that at no stage should the computer be in doubt as to the meaning of the particular step he might he taking and that he should have the means of judging at any stage whether the result he is arriving at is what is to be reasonably expected. To secure these features, I have replaced the typical solutions of examples (and in many cases the examples themselves) by others more in conformity with the metbods now generally adopted in making calculations. The chapters on decimal fractions and their applications to problems 8uch as those in com pound Interest will serve to illustrate the chatacter of the changes made. The part of Arithmetic dealing with approximate calcula tions is occupying a more and more prominent place in the course of Arithmetic taught in the High School, and is one. which the pupil is likely to find both of theoretical and practical value in his later career. I haye therefore giwn a somewhat full treatment to the subject, without however going beyond the proper province of Arithmetic. A chapter has also been added on the use of logarithms. I have incorporated in the book a goo~ deal of informa tion regarding money, money transactions, exchange, etc. Pro blems concerning these are the commonest applications PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION. IX of arithmetic, and the growing commercial spirit seems to point out the necessity of giving the pupil some elementary knowledge of the nature of the monetary dealings, in regard to which he is often given problems to work out, but of the exact character of which he has little knoTfledge. The examples that were given at the end of each chapter have all been classified into sets of increasing difficulty. The same has also been done in the case of the large col lection of miscellaneous examples at the end, which have, in addition, been arranged into smaller sets of six examples each to serve as test-papers. It is possible for difference of opinion to exist as to the exact place of a particular example, but, I hope, that on the whole the classification and arrange ment will commend themselves to teacLers. I have indicated by the letters A, B, C, D sets of examples suited to pupils in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th High School years respectively. The occasional use of algehraic symbols and (in a few cases) methods no longer needs to be apologised for, as everybody now recognises these as useful for clear and concise statement and helpful to the understanding. Be sides, in most examinations, the use of algebraic methods in solving questions in arithmetic is now allowed. Besides tl;e changes and additions mentioned abon, various other smaller alterations have been made which, j however, do not call for any special remarks. This work of revision was undert.aken in a SpIrIt of reverent gratitude to its departed author, whose pupil I bad the honour to be. It was first proposed to me by my former professor and present colleague, Prin. (now the Honourable Dr.) R. P. Paranjpye, M.A. (Cantab.), B.Sc. (Bombay), D.Se. x PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION. (Calcutta), and to him I am greatly beholden for the interest he has taken in the progress of the work and for many valuable suggestions. The pressure of other duties and the condition of my health might have altogether prevented me from carrying the task to completion, had I not been fortunate in securing the zealous and willing aasiatance of my former pupil and present colleague, Prof. V. A. Aptc, liLA., L.T. I cannot too strongly expres., my thankfulness to him for all the trouble be bas taken in carrying out the work of classification and verification, and also for many practical suggestions. I have alao to express my thanks to Prof. P. :\1:. Limaye, M.A., another colleague of mine, for reading and improving by his suggestions the chapter on money and exchange. Finally, I cannot omit to mention here the uniform courtesy shown me hy JIlessrs. Macmillan & Co., in spite of the delay in the completion of the work caused hy illness and other difficulties. V. B. NAIK.. FERGUSSON COLLEGE, Pomu, 30th April, 1923. CONTENTS CHAP. PAOli: I. THE IDEA OF NUMBER II. SYMBOLS, SIGNS, AND TABLES 5 III. NUMERATION AND NOTATIO~ 13 IV. THE QPERATIO'NS 011' ARITHMETIC 20 V. EXTENSION OF THE NOTION all' NUMBERS 46 VI. SOME SIMPLE METHODS AND ApPLICATIONS 60 YII. PRIME AND COMPOSITE NUMBERS 76 VIII. G.C.M. AND L.C.M. 80 IX. QPERATlO:SS WITH VULGAR FRACTIOXS 90 X. OPERATIONS WITH DECIMAL FRACTIONS 97 XI. ApPROXIMATE CALCULATIONS 111 XII. RECURRING DECIMALS 135 XIIb AREAS AND VOLUMES OF RECTANGCLAR FIGURES 139 XIV. EYOLUTION 148 XV, RATIO AND PROPORTIO~ 163 XVI. PROPORTIONAL PARTS 181 XVII. FELLOWSHIP OR PARTXF.RSHIP 198 XVIII' TIME, WORK, AND SPEED 202 XVIIIA. TDIE ASD THE CALEXDAR 222: xi XIl COXTESTS. CH.I,P. PAGW XIX. SIMPLE A:,m Cm1PO'C'~D I:"TEREST ~::?~D x~ PRESE!-IT WORTH A~D DISCOUn 245 X.XI. EQUATION OF PAY)IE~T3 XXII5 PROFIT A"n Loss 259 XXIII. M.O~EY AND ITS REPRESE'STATIVES 1:-; Tr..-\Dr: A~D EXCHANGE XXIV~' STOCKS AND SnARES 2SG XXV. ELEME'STARY )[E~St'R.-\TlO~ • 303 XXVI. TIlE USE OF LoGA.RITllliS 317 TEST PilERS A 329 TEST PUERS B 337 TEST PAPERS C 347 TEST PAPERS D 3G9 ANSWERS· 377 N.B.-The theoretical subject· matter i. mainly intended for the teacher, to help him in explaining principles and processes. The following arrangement of work is suggested for 8. High School course extending over four years (or terms) : 1. Re\;sion (I to XI. XIII. XIV (1-51. XY, XVI (Sect. 11. XVIII (Sect. I I. XIX (Sect. I. 31, XXII (Sect. I I, with examples marked A. xnn 2. XI (1-201. XVI (Sect. 21. XVII, (Sect. 21. XIX (Sect. 2, 4). XX (Sect. 11. XXII (Sect. 21. with examplos marked B. 3. XVI (Sect. 31. XVIII (Sect. 3). XIX. XX (Sect. 21, XXII (Sect. 3). XXIII, XXIV (Sect. I), XXV (Sect. I). with exa.rnples marked C. 4. XI (21-301. XII, XIV (6-12), XVI (Sec(. 41. XnII (Sect. 3). XIX (Sect. 5). XXI, XXIV (Sect. 2). XXV (Sect. 2). XXVI, with examples marked D.