A CompanitoonA ristoPtollei'tsi cs A CompanitooAn r istoPtollei'tsi cs BY KEYT MILLEJRR,. EDITED DAVID ANDF REDD . I BLACl<WELL fh/rml UK &-Camhritlre USA Copyrig©h ti ns electainoden d itormaitatleD ra viKde yt and Fred D.M illeJrr.,1 99 1°· Firstp ublis1h99ed1 First pubilniU sShAe 1d9 91 BasiBll ackweIlncl., 3 CambridCgeen ter CambridgMea,s sachtuts0se2 142U,S A BasiBll ackwLetldl 108C owleRyo adO,x fordO X4 IJFU,K Allr ighrtess ervEexdc.e pfotr theq uotatoifos nh orpta ssagfoerst hep urposoefs criticainsdrm e vienwo,p arotf t his publicabet iroenp rmodauyc esdt,o rienda retriesvyaslt eomr,t ransmititnae ndyfo, r mo rb ya ny means, elmeeccthraonniicca,l , photocopyriencgo,r doirno gt herwiwsiet,h otuhiep riopre rmissoifto hnep ublisher. Excepitnt heU niteSdt atoefsA merictah,ib so oki ss olsdu bjetcott h e condtihtaito n its hanlolt b,y w ayo ft radoero therwibsele e,n rte,- sohlidr,eo du to,r o therwise circulwaittehdo tuhtep ublishperri'ocsro nseinnta nyfo rm ofb indionrgc oveort her than tihnwa hti cihti sp ublisahneddw ithoau sti milcaorn ditiinocnl udtihnigs conditbieoinni gm posedon t hes ubsequpeunrtc haser. libraoryfC ongrCeastsa loigniP nugbl icDaattiaon A Compantoi oAnris totlPeo'lsi tIie cdsi tbeydD aviKde yta nd FreDd. M ilrl,Je r. .. p. cm. Inlcudebsi bliograrpehfiecraelan ncdei sn dex. ISBN1 -55786-200--1 ISBN 1-556-7-098 8-X (pbk.): I.A ristoPtollei.t i2c.sA .r ist-otCloen tributiinpo onlsi tical scienceI.. MilFlreerDd,y cus1,9 44-. I.IK eytD,a vid. JC71.A7A71599 0 320.'0I ' I - dc20 90-35094 CIP BritLiisbhr aCrya talogiunPi unbgl icDaattiao n A CIPc atalorgeuceo forrdt hibso oki sa vailafrbolme t heB ritish Library Typesient1 0o n1 1p tB askerville byT ecSeLtt dS,u rrey Printiedn G reaBtr itabiyBn i lliSnogn Ls&t dW,o rcester Connttes Conttroirbsu vii Precfae x Ackneodwglmtesn XI Abbrieavtions Xlll Inotdurction I AriosttlCeo'nsct eipoofnt hSeat te 13 A.C .B RADLEY 2 Aimasn dM ethodinsA ristoPtollei'tsi cs 57 CHRISTPOHERRO WE ThCeo nentciboent ween 'AEsrt ihasintcPdosol t ilteics 75 3 A.W . AHD.K INS 4 Mana sa P olitAinciamlia nAl r istotle WOLFGANKGU LLMANN 5 ThereB asTihce orienAm rsi lsetP'oostl itics 118 DAVIDK EYT 6 AritsltTeoh'eso orfy NaalSt luarvery 142 NICOHLASD . ISTMH /"' 7 ArisatnoEdt xlceh aVnagleu e 156 S.M EIKLE 8 AriosttlCeri'itsc iosfPm l a'tRsope ublic 182 R.F .S TALLEY 9 Arist'oDste elfnesoef PtrePi rvoaperty T.H .I RWIN IOA risotnoP trliaeon rPd o steCroiroraren,cMd t i tsaken Consttiiotnus WILLIAMW. F ORTENBAUGH I AIrt iostTlhee'osor fDy i sitbrvuetJ iuiscte 238 DAVIKDE YT 12A risotnoN taultreaL la w Jauntsdi ce 279 FREDD. M ILLERJR,. ArilsetA'onsta loyfs igOsal ricahnyDd e omccrya .3 07 13 ' RIHCARDM ULGAN viC ONTENTS 14 AristoontP loielt iCchaaln ge �, RONALPODL ANSKY 15P oltiicMsu,s iacn,Cd o ntetmipiolnnAa rtiostIldee'Sasatl t e 346 DAVIJD.D EPEW BibglriaopohnAy r ils'etPsoo tlitics 381 InxdL eocorum 390 Contributors A.w . H.A DKINiS sE dwaOrdl soPnre osfsoofrG reek Parenosdfs oofr PhiloasnoEdpa hryCl hryi sLtiitaenr aattt huUern veie rsoifCt hyai gc.oH e isa uthoorfM eritR epasonnds ibSitlyui idtynG: r eVeakl u(e16s90 ,)F rotmh e A Maynt toh Oen eAS: t uodyfP esronaalnViidety w osfH umaNant uirtneh C eo nxtotfe AnciGernetSe okc iVealtyu,ae snB de li(1efs 79 0,)M oraVall uaensPd o liticaJ BehaviinAo nucri ent(1 79G2ra)en,edP c oee tici nt ChEreaa rftGly r eEelke gists (1895.) A.c .B RADLE(Y 15-811395,) yao uenrbg rotohfet hrpe h liosopFh.He .r Bardlmeayd,he i nsa maesa S hakespecarriretaaitncth hearan sa c lassicist orp hilosHoepw haeser d.u tceaadt B aolllC iollegOex,fo r,wd herhee becaam fele loiwn1 784H.e l etO fxforidn1 88fo1ra preosfsorasth ip Unviesryi Ctolle,gL eivpeoorla,n dp rocefreodmet dh eirne1 889t oa preosfshoirapst G lgaoswU nviesryi.tI n1 90h1er etnuedrt oO xforads PreosfsoofPr o eyt.Hre i psa rticruelmaberemlrfoyer dh ibso oSkhsa pkeeasrean Trayg( 1e 0d94a)n Od xfoLredc tounPr oees(t1 ry09 9.) DAVIDJ .D EEPW isP reosfsoofPr h iloys aotCp alhiforSntiaaUt niev eirtsy, Fulle.rH teo enidosir t TohGfer eaendkt shG eo oLdife ( 1 890,a) ncdo -ietdoofr Evolnua tatC i roorsosa(1ds 89 5a)n Edn tpy,rI onformaatniEdov no l(u1 t89i8.oH) ne isc urtrleayntw orokn a booektn lietBdi olPoogyl,ia tniPdch sip lyho isno Airst'oPsto lleitics. WILLIAwM. F ORTENBAUGiHPs r eosfsooCfr al ssaitRc usgt eUrsnv iesryiw,th eer hei csu rrecnhtaliyro mfta hDnee pratmeonfC tl asasniAdcr sc hae.Fo olro gy teyne ahresh abse eDnie rctoofPr r joeTchtoe pahtsrus,i neatrnn alt iona undtearkiwnhgo sgeoa lisn clcuodlel eecdittiinangng,dt, r ansltahtei ng framgenotfAs r istpoutplTiehl'e soa pshtrHuesi .sa lseod iotfto hrse e ries RugterUsn iveSrtsuidityinC e lsa sHsuimcaanlai ntdai eutsh oorfA irstoont le Emot(i o51n)9a 7n Qdu el�lueErtn h Tiheko ph(r1 as89t4.s) T. IHWR.I Ni sPr eosfsoPrh iolfoy as toC porhneUlnvlie sritHye. a iusot rho f Plta'oMso ralT heo(ry1 797P)l,a' Gtso org(i17as99, A) irsto'Nsti lmceaochEetahni cs (918)5A,ir st'oFsti lrPesrti nc(i18p98,la) ensdC lasiscTaholu g(h918t9 .) viiCOiN TRIUBTORS DAVIDK EYTi sP reosfsoofPr h iloastot phUheny vi ertsyo ifW ashgitn.oH ne hahse lvdi siatpipnnomtgie nattCso rneilvlse irUttnhyU,en viersoifHt oyn g KonPgr,ni cetUoninvs eiratnytd,h Leo s AnagneIdlrv iencsea mspeuosft he UnvieirtsoyfC alifoHrenh iaabs.e eanj uinofrle lw ooft hIesn ttiuetfo r Reesaricnth h Heum antiiaetts h Uen viersoifWt isyoc nsainntd h Cee tner foHre llSetnduiicie nsW ashtion,Dng C,a nadm emebro ft hIen istetufo tr AdvcaendS tduyi nP rientc.oH new ritoenbs o tahn ciaenndrt e ecnt philoys.o ph WOLFGANKGU LLMANiN sPr eossfoorfC laiscsPahli lloogoyft hUen viersoift y Frbeuigri m eBiarsugH.e i asut hoofrD aWsi rkdeeGnro titdnee Irrl i(1as 59 6,) DieQu eldleellrni a(1s 6 90,) Wissejtns ucnhMdae tholdnet.te arptrizeounre n aristoTtheeolridiseNerca t huerwnis sjte ns(1c 79h4a,)a ndD iTeel eoileio ndeg r aristotBeiloil(so9c1g7hi.9eHe )ne h apsu blinsumheerdoa urst iocnvl aersi ous topiincc lsa aslps hiilcolaonagdny cipehlniots oapnhidycs o e-diotfSo tru dia Plat(o9ln47i ) ac naod fS tudzuirae nnt Pihkielno asnoHdpe rmheise- Einz.e lschriften s.M EIKLEi sL ecetrui rnP hilosaotp hUtynh veies riotfyG lsago.Hw is publeidw sohrikms a inolnMy a r,xA riosttlaen,td h 'eeo cnmoicle'io fft he anciweolnrdtH. ei asut hoofrEs sentiiatnlh Tieho sumgof h Kta rMla r(1x 8 95). FRED D.M ILLER.iJRPs.r eosfsoofPr h ilosaonEpdxh yet ciuDvier eocftt ohre SociPahli loasnoPdpo hlyCi ecnyt aetBr owlGirenegSn t aUtnveie sritHye. isa ssoceidaiottfSeo o rc Pihailply ho sPoolHicyeh. a psu lbhiesndu merous & artiocnAl reiss tPoltaaltneood,,t hGerre pehki lorssao npidhas etw o rokna booekn ttliNeadt ,uJ rusetaicndRe i gihnAt irss t'oPsto lleitics. RICHARMDU LGAN isP reosfsoofrP oiltailSc utdiaetst hUe nviersoift y Auckl.Ba engdininniO nxgfo radn dt heinna numebro fN ewZ eadl an unirvseithiehe as,s, daiteff retnmite st,a ugphhitlo opsh,cy lasasnidc s, polistciiceaHnlec i esa. ut hoorfA irst'osPt olleiTtheiocry(a 1l7 97a)n do f nuemroaurst iocnAl reiss atnoodtt lheae srp eocfGt rse peokiil tctahle ory, as welalsb ooaknsad r tiocnNl eewZs e alpaonildt ics. RONLADP OLANSKiYs P reosfsoofPr h ilosaotDp uhqyu eUsnnviee rsaintdy ediotfoA rn ciPehniptlhy o.Hs eo aiust hoofmr a nayr tiocnlP elsaa tnod Aristaontdol fae c ommenyt oanrP last Tohe'aetHeitosut sh.ie tnre rests inucdlee armloyd eprolnti icpahli lpoh,ysh ouman chaarnadtc htee r, pasnssi.o CHRITSOPHERR OWEi Hse ado f Dtehpema ertnotfC a lssaincAdsr chageyao tl o thUen viesriotfyB rtio.sTl her esefoarrhc ihps a pienrt hviolsu mwea s cnodutceddu irntge neu orff lelsohwiaptst hEed ibnugrhI nstei fotru t AdvanSctedudi ienst hHeu matniiaensad tt hCee ntfoerHr el leSntiuecds i inW ashionnDg,Ct H.e i asu thoorfT heE uedmiaannNd io cmacEhtehaiAnc s: Styu idnt hDee veelnootpfA m ris'tsToh otulg(e1h 7t9 1P)l,a( 1t 8o94 ,) aPnlda to: Pluudrus (19 86H)e.i csru erntcloym plaec toimmnegn rtyoa nP loa'tPsh a.e do CONTIRBTUORS IX NICHOlD..,S \MSIT Hi Psr eosfsoofPr h isloopahtVy i grinPioatl eychInsnitci tute anSdt aUtnevie sritHyeh. a psu bleidns uhmreouasr tiicnGl reeespk h isloo phy,m anyw itch-o atuhoTrh oamsC .B rickhwoiutwshhe o,mh ew rote Scoraeostn T ri(1a 89l9 .B) rickuhsaoen Sdm iatrhce u rreantwto lroykna book ont ehp hoisloypo hfP lateoa'rpsle yr .i od R.F . STALiLSsEYe niLoerce triu nrP hoislopahtty h Uen ivieyrto sfG lasgow. Hei asu thoofA rnI ntrotdoPu lcattLioao'wn(ss 18 93.) Preface The paipnte hrcisos l lefocctuoisnot nhc ee ntcroanlc aenpadtr smg eunotfs AriosttlPeo'lsi Otniecp sa.p earn i insfl uieasnlutt dyfr omt hnei neteenth centfouuryrw; e re wsrepictitfiecfonar tl hlviyosu l mea;n tdh ree aminder havaelb le erne viasneuddp dtaefodr r epuabtli.iEo csns4aa yp pefoartr hse firstt imiena nE nglitsrnhas tlia.oT nhec ollectiisiot nne ndfoerad w ide audieinnccel,us dtiundgae nnsdtc sh olsaorcsai naipdlno lipthiilcoaslo phy as welalss epciailnGi rsetpeshk oi slhoyp. Greek tetrrmatsne sralareitexe cde pta p wohieinrbstee imnagd aeb out thGer eteektx a,n ndo thiinGn rge ielsket u fntrnaselda.I tsth oublend o ted thautp siilsto rnsa tlneiraats"e ud" e;ta as omegaas andi ota "e"; "o"; susbcriipset i tohmetiret odrr endebryae nd followtihsneug b rsitcped "i" voweTlh.ew or"dop l"ii stsr eaitnte hdvi olsu maesa n autralwiozreoddf Englisha nhE anvgilpnilgsau hl(r "opli"s)ae nsid st hupsrt ienidnL atin letterrast thhearin ni talics. Wea rger atteotfu hlSe o cPihaill osaonpdPho ylC iectnye artB owling GreSetna Utniev erasniidtt sysat ff fo rt hesiurop rpfotr t hpirsjo eacntid n partitcouM laaryrD islarv,eT ammSih arTpe,r rWieea vearn,dD an GreenbSepregct.ih aalna krdseu teoD anG reenJbeenrengrLi, a fngaen,d Thomsa Mayfo rt heaisrs isitnap nrceep atrhiienn gd. eW xea rael so indebtteoCd h ristSohpiheaelnrdMd sa rgtaM reeghdadfoprho eulwrpi th thtear nslaotfEi sosn4a .y aWlest oh aAnnkt hoRnayu bitasncKdh uerkt Lucknfoerar s sisotnat nhcceeo vielrtl ruas.tF iroenMdi llgerra tefully acknowlaeg drgafrenostm t hEea rhFaorutn daatr ieosne,la eracfrvhoe m BowlGirneegn a,n tdh heos pitoaftl hiFete yl looJfwe ss Cuosl lOexgfoer,,d alolfw hiecnhla ebhdi mt ow oroknt hviosul me. Finawlelm yu,c ahp pretchipeaa ttei eennoccurea,eg menatn,d expert assisotfa nBcleai cnbk rwienltglhi pinrsgjoc ett oc moploent.i DavKiedy Ste,a tWtalseh,oi nn gt FreDd.M ilrlJ,er B,o wlGirneegnO ,h oi