4 ii -(cid:24)I L 1(cid:24) 592 1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF iNVESTiGAT1ON § 1 ARISTOTLE ONASSIS -cw; A (cid:24)t-(cid:24)mi-(cid:2) 4 l92i'-II I P 1A RT UF 4 BUFILE: 100-125834 & #39;(cid:20) _ (cid:24)(cid:25)(cid:20);:(cid:20)1&-_-_-_-.7..i_....V....._______,(cid:24)- __ -._..___.(cid:24)V__r _&& #3#93;9";- , (cid:20) _ | - Q I . * . 92 _ _ Y (cid:24) (cid:24) l 7 . (cid:24) _ i v_ / 9; - _ .' ;__# (cid:24) _-- __ ._5 :.-. e. . _&- #~3. 9..;_ K - . K &i#39; i i - (cid:24) 1 1_ 1 L ; & #39;4' i . . . if I v - , 4 &(cid:24)#39; . v n » 92 _ (cid:25) ¢_:..~1=~.(cid:24) ; -= (cid:24) ' Q t! n_ -.. _.-. 9 2 ' Y " -. 15 - _ v W 9 & #39.; (cid:1) f & &##3399;; (cid:28) (cid:29) <(cid:20)&#& -3(cid:20)#9 3;*9(cid:24);4|_|-4| 92 & 1#:3-L9;-.1 . T .-"Q - *&"_ .#39; V _ - .- . -.".r v &-_ #-30_9_.; I 7 . __.. _ ___. __.....; .__._(cid:20)___.__.._ .....s . . . __ 7 _ _ _ _ _" l . (cid:24) " O NAS, A -&ri#s3t9e;t5sIl$is v CHI 1 ?& #39;1 1 E S UBJEi sCa TGreekw how ass tcoh eduleddeparftr om 3 'i ;sa paorwto nt fhet eer n" kCe-rea sln"liAdrenyti"- - ,'1-:;;_ B ushh esires" £'U o;,onS r,(cid:25)th- Teun1 be8y P e.n:-aHier. " & .#-3&9#;3.9;-(cid:24)_. _. - ope" w hich hheopesto s teol l t heH eS r hippAindg- m inI istratiT ohneI .hnbei sns(cid:25)yBueh nioressh asreceived I § i nformatf ioronmt heG reeM kinistet Ir&#S 3U9B;TJeEItnCsT j e xpress seendtimi entoni mtsicet lheI E1e o!f(cid:24)fforts , _ t heU nitN edatioa nnsi dt i sb elievt headh t isesti- v itiesw hilei n t heU ,S,s bheo uld observed, r""*§ 1 4 ; . S TATEc ognizant, . DIS 9292 - u 13 yL &5 #63 7 9e B 9;(cid:25)& 2 & #1 §Q3#,&A 93,1;9#1;3,192;,113<,B 1§l-zI;,7,,M1§(cid:6)5I!S, 5,S/BORG,PRH _1(cid:24)F_. , .; n (cid:24)=- §¥'7(cid:25)§ " 92 1- §§=""'¬, ,1 : I1 1(cid:28).- n =R » .; K. _ . I / 1" 4 -;.'_'-(cid:24){=_.- " 5 605 6 9e°° ? , 3 1 (cid:29)_ & #39;7&. (cid:29)-#34 -92;1 (cid:24)(cid:24) !_ . - n & #3= 95;80-(cid:24)°!** &&##3399;;° . -' . ,< . .9292 I71-'7'(cid:28) ;i i;1§',%%(cid:29)(cid:25)}92//;_92*(cid:25)hE 1 &;#:39;-qr 4' w _-¢ .&-,~=#<-3>9*; ° ° & #39; d V A $1 H r, " ls (cid:24)I " 6(cid:24) 5Q1 / J/J-£77!(cid:24) Q , ~ 1 E _~£§-lg; 6 %fmf(cid:2) , I 5 5Aue"e 1942 =-(cid:28)J & (cid:24) #39~ ; ' J UL1 942are - .---.-.»_.-_, _ W.(cid:28)--1-__ % Y9& 2#§3>94; (cid:24) X ": » _ I_ ! &_#39; ' 7 w mnnémm{ m rr H :|_ M ilitaryI ntelligencS eervice . . . _ .._w W &a#s3h9;i ngton (cid:28) (cid:28)""(cid:28)"""""""&:-#39;-92--nix , . S ubjectL :et te rof T o: L t. G 01.J . E dgarE oover . t (cid:24) F ederal B ureauo f Investigation D epartmeo nftJ fu. stice _ _ (cid:24)_ gr 92: . T hea ttachedc ommunicatie ornesf orwardef dor y our1 .I£J ?O»I(cid:24)ID_._-¬.,b.,&._#-39;-' (cid:24) - 1&#H3.-9;..;.(cid:24). .(cid:24)..-a»u..-n. (cid:24) wri- t ion a nds ucha ction a s y ouc onsidera dvisable, I H - - F oot heC hieM f, ilitarI yntelligenS ceervice: _ Ʒ e: - - . ,__.-0(cid:25)? - :2(cid:24).".;».;~;~ - J & & ##_3399;&;9 2 #3- 9- ;.C & &#{39#.; l3&9#;39;:'§§g£z'.{5'~>7*' (cid:24) e ,_ C olonel,G eneralS taff, _ (cid:24) §Y-* V A sst.E xecutivO efficer,M .I . S. " , ~ -_/ (cid:24) ' Enclosures: 1 '|(cid:24) " ..__. F 1 (cid:28) 9 2 (cid:24) & #39;92 9 12-1 (cid:24)9922- (cid:24) "92. i . !LL_& #329;. . I L11-;¢_(cid:24)Q__ av. 92 4 1 9 2 & $#139; F K _ - &_.#.39; ..,...... A § e,P °°P- ~(cid:24)1 v,~/_»~ ./ w-..I*(cid:24).9.&3;#;39;>'*;§ .,(cid:24)?_,_.! A 1 Jl I h i!»-_& 1_# _3_9_; . , 1 - - :~<*-_ 9.;- . , _ _ Q i - ~ ~ P . - h I I - -_ - ____(cid:24) , 7 V - (cid:25)_.|(cid:24)i_-r9_2(cid:24)] f r~ (cid:28) ;5:i (cid:24) ~ I T . &#_ 3_9;_ h(cid:28)m2- h~(cid:24)_ & .#39v ;.¬_i;_._ ,LI&t§#:3-p9i;(cid:24); us/cl C0r*Hf>£N'r|AL GDD_,E, m PI-RB . WDEAPRARTMENT PAHALIA2 R9E1(cid:24)Q @U 1431 HID 20o1n.n nii, Ariatotelgnw r(cid:1)cei oHf eadqua;(cid:1)ers!W 1 TIEEZEI »., ...,*(cid:24)-:. . Place! >1(cid:25)! 7 fobnz1 aL6r!f1 ij9 431 . o Date o * * S(cid:28)hJ°°t(cid:24) OONAASrSiltIoSt,o lol 1|. (cid:24), Summary of Information: (cid:24)i-.& _#»3992;»§.(cid:24)r'-.'§(cid:24)»_-'-92- ~-r:(cid:24)_,._§ In ragnrd to the subject applicant, the following information is revealed in tho reoordd of the HID: - Information has boon rocoivod that Subject, {G1-oak, is raportod . - 9292- t hoave departed from Huonos A1r an for thd United States o Jnuno 18, 1942. It is f ruerpthoertred that _sub_1noti n part o owf ner the tanker: "C1111:-0y" and "Anti ope(cid:24), 1rh1oh._ho hopea to 5011 to the Ear Shipping Administration. %_¢r, __ Informntion reveals that tho .'¬(cid:25).mbuBauyo nino n Aifol h raasooivod information from the G2-oak Mini star that subject has oxprauod sentiments _-___-.-- i-zinioal to the 1'-oerf forts o thfe United Nnti ona. ' ..»-*'- 3 -,92~ - 725.-V 9, 2.-. Previous Distribution: .(cid:24)-(cid:24)T (cid:28)"(cid:24)*'_'=(cid:25) _ (cid:24) Evaluation DIl.S(cid:24)l'.I(cid:24)i: b 111LJ.0I1 _or State Dofznrtment é_B'*:e1§?':i'e_""2"i"--' om **(cid:20)"- 1 ""3 1 9 Questionab1e_i______ FBI F1l¬ (cid:25)/ Undetermined._i_______ Jb 1* 7 * * (cid:29) C9H'!"'l'UEhNTlAL 1(cid:24)*""@"" (cid:24)H 19 2 . - , -tQ (cid:24) 1.. (cid:24) . (cid:24)_.I ' I f(cid:25). (cid:25) ell (cid:24) ' 9 2 A (cid:24) I '92 - & #39; (cid:24)I(cid:25) "A.-;'~j ~ I F EDERAL B UREAU O F INVESTIGATION : (cid:20) ---*=~ I mmlml . . - 1--»-=»===-u.--1.1:»m .-rsmomss, c urs-onan - - : &#I &3#93; 9;m m. 65-e091 l -e_ '|9. 2..g.eg..p..~ ¢w<-vu(cid:20) qg{%|:Hg-pg; IZTIIZIT I -.1(cid:24)(cid:24)-I,.E_h n oi sh7 GBL1 !5i 1 2/1-B9 / 4/23g,25.3°: . I i am. -" " "---" ~ I n/23.2%(cid:24)/4"*:(cid:28)(cid:24)-(cid:24)I(cid:24)?""'I=++'_a-I'#e-~-»..-92(cid:24)=1_<(cid:24)-_!r h e '1 . . . - . c .Z -(cid:25). & _# 39; I z&s#r3x9m; uae-_x . l'P.ISI(cid:24)UO&H#A3S9S;II&B#39;I,E EL(cid:25) . 9 2@,- . 9 2 1 _ Q , I nformatr ieocneivi e(cid:24)dror. I I7: D! 5.2!"- -153.5-.~ u orsryaocgrcaj(cid:2) t het s ubject e xpreseed s entiments i nimical & #A 39;. ' 1 (cid:25)i . w -(cid:24)K/4t "o w (cid:28)are ffort o f U . S . a ndi n r eceipto f -r l arge a mountso f m oney. I nvestigation a t (cid:24) ___ar_ (cid:24) 9I 292o'EPy L l t o d ate r eflects n doerogatory 1 nfor- _ _ __ ._w._ v. U I .(cid:24) 5n a9tion;a ndr evealed s ubject o perator for . - . --_l-qa- I . K oCwNneIAr LIDIS, o f t anker, C alliroy, (cid:24) o perating o ut o f L l. S ubjectr e9c;eeipt" I E I o r n one; l egal b usiness transactions, - - i e cl¢a:t.e"-d Sent - . 1! 3&#/3-39;- D . &#P 39" ; 3 ;;i .:ttcr______.__ --l .-&-, #(cid:24) I3.4 9; ,- (cid:20) '¥.(cid:24) I I 9; r e:t on1 1:-. 9;;==e=1q= - 4-Jo(cid:24) Q ETAIQz .=.(cid:25);(cid:24)._. 1 &#(cid:24) _ 3I 9n;vestiti niot hnic sasi eep r- e d n oi nnformraetcieoinved f rgW I;-" & F#-a3.9._;..~_*.&~,#5_ 3_1. 94;. ;;__. ,(cid:24)(cid:28).,f;."_&fI#(cid:24)3ih (cid:24)9a_;t tY:h"&.gi~#a"3l-=93=;1-(cid:24)3&;3i#,(cid:24)&3,#93;*9@;.T%l(cid:24):?-T@(cid:28)t_--.T.-&..#39;-.'-'- Li- G T6(cid:24) (cid:28)iiiI 1." P0?Q dla yc itz eno fI fgena , h ae xpressseendtiments .-_(cid:24)__ - _,,, i no imica t hew are ffort o i(cid:24)t heU nitedS tates. I nfomantf urthera dvised A t hat t he s ubjectr eceived$ 12,000.00b etweeJ nune1 0a ndJ uly2 6, 1 943.f rom' t he I -oeL ngeleeo ffice o i(cid:24)t he G eneralS teamshipC orporation. I n r eturn for . (cid:24) -,7 p aymentem adet o h imd thuirsi ng p eriod, h e e ubmittedc hecksp ayablet o the g eneral O oiporte tiiognnP ,e.dP .R .K CNIAb Ly1 ID.S IS.Q IASSII3, .21." r ano ndvd iaeingG nat{ gh int N eritorT kh. G eneS rcatoelrapmo-ship .§,_','.' ..-., r a o an _ se o rman e nJ eot s r eportedly p art o wnero i(cid:24)t he tanker, l ~(cid:24)_V(cid:25) C l]-£11e 2g1il,inu tnggt ghreP anamf alangiaa nnt dhat tchoe ir r aactitoend (cid:1)t: = r8o e orra e s - I..,,.~-I ; =.~¢»» e~_I_I : -1;.-(cid:24) ~ .-&= #;3~9- -;=- . ; --'- _Y.; »~"- . 12¢ - ff--5;-I _ A ; §g*¥I.,- & =#39;.z"-me 1 - " .~.~"(cid:24)* - §*#%H (cid:24)§;-~_3§ 4 -&#_ 3;-9._;-..n1;§--u(cid:1)?b-".(cid:24)-**v(cid:24) (cid:24)J!-£2iI&!". #- *3I(cid:24)n91n" ;=-.i-,2 .?1(cid:25)&--(cid:25)-#(cid:24)%3¥-9-:*;"(cid:24);1 -_=&(cid:24)&.-#*. Y#_& 33-9#.9~;3-;&9-h &#;e._ #3-4-39.;-9;11f;§w(cid:24)5_-I1"&.!#_- 3-.f~9- _;;_-.:(cid:24);{&.;#~3&9#;3, 99;2" ..--=&-- :»#_, 53--r92,_ ;I :14:&,. .#_~ 3193;;-5"-.__.-_92I '- - .,- _,,._ _. ! _,-: , 92, ._,,jE;'_..¢;_-r q_=.3|;_Hi _1:(cid:24):(cid:28);l1:_; ;?_;:,If£_.(cid:24)9 ,;uI.2t--d9it%2$ j:.3_(cid:24)§ :_i-(cid:24)§.E.(cid:20),_l:p9_;1 2_»1 &~_e (cid:24)#;_::-3..&___ 9 1_:#;(cid:24)7;.3__§9&-;:~.#¢.3~§9~(cid:24);=<H*,(cid:24)._;,, _-4&_(cid:24)_;_(cid:24)_:(cid:24)&(cid:24)7;#_.(cid:24)3(cid:24),9.-(cid:24),;._f»f,_;;";:%_f(cid:24)§-;;_;-,,__ |_;_.:(cid:1).' - -S i-(cid:24)- (cid:24)I;&#(cid:24) 3& 9 ;#{3-19!;!=(cid:28)..~"»1,- ;-& #- ,F3 9%;il?15_&&##3399;;¢t;¥=(cid:24)(cid:24)"%¬t--2;_ #--hr.r1i(cid:24);,&(cid:24) &-##<33=99?;;.§;§<:&(cid:24)I_§#-¢3_,9t%(cid:20);!&,&»" # *.#.3&f3~9#9;"3;&-9=#;¢:3*>9v.;:~- .::1=¢-- (cid:24)- -;.e-r-": 1. -1,;*.&-.-#.3-9;=E:(cid:24):_:;**:"";: . _ ._;_,$-I,,t(cid:24)v _-_ 1:§;..-a_..=- - . -,-_,_9 .2-(cid:24) P92O-(cid:13)(cid:24). ?I -__(cid:24)_____I _I _- ~_,_<<-; ;&,.#39; F "Bi: _ I I I . I i & #3I 9;I #7?! - ~ ;',";u ;,,',$_ :(cid:2);_,.&..-#..3-9I»;.;-,.;13./.Z--.=.. _ _ & #3& - 9 #;39; ,. _ _ . . - _,_ _....__. .- .9 ..... ...(cid:24)2m_ _ K _. ,_.(cid:24)__ __,_4_-. .g.. .r .._ -.._&.._._..#..-.»-3~e--9A--»;., -kw{Q - _ . 9 _2_, (cid:24)V - . (cid:25) - 1'. .. (cid:25) (cid:28).0 4 92 -1 (cid:24) I . .,' & #. 39: ;- 9 " 1 " . 3,(cid:24):-_ --' .' =(cid:24)-. , & -?# 39; -;';. ' I Q. fl" tvg. J9(cid:24) (cid:24)~ 7-V . (cid:28) (cid:24) - W _ ~"(cid:24) - t '.-_9.&2#.&. 3-#Q93; 9;,.l - . - - X (cid:20) 1+ P='h ;-.'I'_- . .(cid:20) - 4' * ~. & _#:39; __(cid:24) ._92 -. - I v _. - ,..._-* ' & _#&3#93;9;.. - 2» >4 . t _ _ . . ..__ » - . ..- , . .-. - 1-_ (cid:24)I .3. .r{ .... ...' .- . __ -3'. A1. Q ,. 1,».. .... I. .1l=- , <-1 : -a&s# 39;?~?&:#:.»3(cid:28)91;. '.~=-*":- _{(cid:25) -,r.. ' or the Gelnteearanll l &(cid:28) #t. (cid:24)3=95;0T0g "' » --,w» (cid:25)/ t o Ange ea, ee that enhjeot 1 t|he repreaantatiwa er ,-?.??(cid:25)- -- xoummxs owwhnos tthaen ker, Callirtooyrw ,h hiai ch corporation aaeo t,az- 1-(cid:2)ea! broker. He advised that the aaounteo f m reocneeivyed by the mhjeot (cid:1)n 15-.-. t ._&#t3h9;e, oorporatiohw ere payaenataa de ine aahing aub,1eoo tI&ah #e3a9k;aa, wtatad _._?;(cid:24)§é,,f'" , rv. s um the aubjoct h baeaen recommended 1th»e; oorgoratiol(cid:2)a e(cid:2)ioea i nem _. _ Iranoiaoo, and that the tranaactione of money betweethne oorporationa nd 1 auhjeot wemree rela y n toera ne the eubjeotot oaehhi e oheot1ee p1J.y'a|"i5;(cid:24)§|f-HZ(cid:25)! 1%(cid:25) _, -L--' part o!(cid:25) hie huaineeeo perationa aa representative for It'.IIlLIDIB' I line. Be fhrther adwieedt hat the corporation hadn o peraoualo ont-act I1I:§(cid:24)i*?7".*&e #39;- the euahnjedc ttah 1a1t _daa11ngea ha w(cid:2)(cid:2)i1htlhht(cid:2)hl ea_were _. Y1. . . 9 (cid:25)2 : (cid:24)_ (cid:25) ' (cid:24)gm- Q27 D! 1*-(cid:24)ii-:11 ;t h&a&#t3 #93;9a;&ia#e3(cid:24)?9§;_?|1b£Je-;%- t' inf r .-& #39;¬'w; ing iBn ower e a the Dewar o1 and '1ea.ono"pe1dered " to.wner of the South Alex-lean Steaaehip Ooapany. '-Informant advletehda t E - __,. (cid:28)c;..' (cid:1)hjeot doein ot iirag&w#it3h9 o;.ti.hee gr ueete ofof reign axtractionhwoirt h (cid:1)ff3"'3"i;i§c1 .q :_ __ er the help. Be describendu a aa -pm-oer up and cum cm oheerwation he had no h_no_w1edge_o1a(cid:25) uthbeJ eot'a H :;.'-r~-,1. . Q ---I 7 I I"- 1,- an-Aaerioaa antiwltiea. .?.-, _.-._+ J(cid:24) .-'1: .9,»;;&--#43 9;-» &-.# 39; .45 . j;$@i§;@ ! -= 2-& #& 13#&93;#~93 ;I9 :;=-e;I-3~.- 1(cid:28)? 7 ""(cid:24)11*-P- .(cid:28) Ff(cid:24) , *. &#-3.-9&;1#(cid:28)3 9;-(cid:24) - '. -: 4. _--' ,- Q , 92 ma be above I(cid:24):-(cid:25)E'?',#."-'ih W I->1(cid:24) (cid:25) V , _.¢I} _~(cid:24) -gs" 1- - (cid:24),- z(cid:24). _. ., 3 ¢92&#-3 _9(cid:24); __- _ | ' &"I#l_3:9;:;;:_*&:;l#£3(cid:24)O9;,'_'-'5' 92- (cid:24) e I e 92. U 1 § 92 - -1 , e . _,-. 2. .- _, _-._ . I . 5 | (cid:24).':(cid:24)-(cid:24).05-&9#;.3 &9#;39;-". " "' . lb 1 he oavaoludc h tor: £ the tanker Oeedllvirioeye,d thet eubjectb 1roet .hex-in_-olemi oeA r ea nedlcl t *ih1bl" 9 2"1"°'Q>'l&! for the Inner here in be Angela. _ ' & - #39; A ' 1 Q A c ohf eck the records of the Immigration and Ieturelisetion Service, 1! Ina Angelee,t ailed to reveal a innfyormation on the eubjech A deeori-epeti omnr nie 1hee de e £01101": (cid:24) U-NQ [MB Age 33-3° . naps 5'6" - -e 5 Iei(cid:2)at 150! Q Heir Blllck i lyee Broln Nationality Argentine I 2 - PDTDIIGI s 1 i Q -»-E 3 '2 . . I .., _ '- " Fr(cid:24) . . V. -. 92~. __ '(cid:24),;6.(cid:24)-|9 2. .59;; - A-,- ._ .2 _ F. _ > - - I.' 1 . 1 1 . Q- ___(cid:28)1-&~#"&3#93;-9 W;a9(cid:24).2..(cid:20) .; 0 , r(cid:24) - . 1 ,;.. . . (cid:24)l _ 1 -Q '3. ,. Yr _. I(cid:24) (cid:29) I J 5 . (cid:24) J 92 I .--_-I-,-~¢u u-p9 -; ,_- . _ . ;- - q,,----'-w --o.- - .-v__L' ,(cid:24) - -- o -- 92_ mmmnn 11(cid:24)-.:g_ : (cid:29) _,, . 1' ', 11-m Lmose ELEs"FIEm> n1v1s1;onv= - A. -_ .-(cid:24),9 __. = (cid:25)__ .1 (cid:25) in . _ ~.- -1- ;;' au- . _ _, _ r r .5- . yr 1£5S_LliGELES,__GA_LIPrUePpolIirIt§ t,h Ie1 i1n1fo rmation received --,~,,_ ,. * "&.,#39; from theB (cid:1)reau, is requested bywietteDre cember 1189, 43, ando t hne basil -A F71;-b o thfis information considetrh e possibility o fufrther investigation! _ ,_ ._ ...... ,5 @-..._; Q... (cid:24)ii; I i.(cid:24) ; fir _ {f1.";4_.(cid:24) - I . » " ._-(cid:24) 9 2 » - .""'(cid:28) (cid:24)FIS- S 5».-.- T!(cid:24) 0 1.£,»a=% . - 2'5(cid:24).-.(cid:20)(cid:24)_ - rt(cid:28) ._ J _, r an __,:-1_*: . _ _.__-J ,,-..., . 4 1 ~_-avg. . 0 9 D ,-. .1 @- 4(cid:20) I r 9 2. . _,_(cid:24) | __..(cid:24)i _ .E(cid:24).J Y I _ (cid:24)_ _ ~ : T -P _ . &- #39(cid:24) ;_ (cid:24)* u _(cid:24) (cid:24) ., . _7 (cid:24) (cid:24) I 3 -I19-;.1*(cid:24):*f(cid:24):-.-¢'»*I'=;L~ ' . I (cid:24) ' (cid:24) - - ._~ __c.¢.v,_,:_4 d_ f.(cid:24) g- -£13-f (cid:24)I ~(cid:24)§_-.-.._-f. . . -_.} .' n -. . (cid:24)(cid:24) n (cid:20)it 1 I f1 ;,_ - . . , , _92 &#& 39#;3 -" 9 &;5 5#;;3. -9-;..& #39;..- (cid:20) &#V 3&9#;39;- -(cid:24) - -; :.§__ &*#-&3I 9-#1;3:"-9.(cid:24) -;-', 92"92 92 "v " 4 25'2(cid:28);?-,.1. . . . .- _ _ . r , _ _ ,,_= § J_ 1=§" _ .(cid:24)~.*1<.&L. (cid:24):#%3; 9:_ :;:. 7*;(cid:24)i--,(cid:24)-+~_&--&#&3##933;99=;;~-*¢-~-.-"»" . __,_ _,.,_-1""; -. H 9 2 a -1 . .4 . 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Ƈ&.#93;91;"._,(cid:25) ; ~. * 4 1 (cid:24)(cid:24); . r .L,.,-.(cid:24) ,. _;(cid:25) 1&&##3399; ;,, .9f&,. #,9329,;_...v:- .(cid:24),__q _. ..._&- 1#*3& 9- ;#.,1 319¢;a nt3.&&##3399;~;¢9.2,.,9,-2....1 ||-.,,¢ 4-0"-PI - #5.--92.d@ _ .b- - » _... (cid:2) &#(cid:24) 3"49- _;-H9 2& &1# #3399;;14-QW (cid:24) "A (cid:24)- - , »-Q-pg» _ | 9 ; 1 - | _, u ps:v J -. Q - _ (cid:25).. ' wr I& "#. .3H9_;_r-_-3.;-div;-1-n-gpq:~1- II-n£-*&.:#&3#94 3;19§-(cid:24);&9(cid:1)#r2-3&*9#;3_99;2I¢1 4 & #39; & #39; . n 7 . . 1. ._._' . _ . 5. , ,__.(cid:24)_ ;____!_, é. , 1 . i (cid:24) "_§ 3&9#;3 ,3}_9.(cid:24).;. = -5;- ~ &#. 3-99;2..--. '-(cid:29).-.... - ~ - =, . ; * "= . & #.39;92-&.-#39;.(cid:24)_ _ ""(cid:24) Q ...-v(cid:24) (cid:24)*IG'Iq.- h _ ." * 5-92:_ :;:.(cid:24)&.#- 39; , (cid:24).'-3' - ~ -¢=1i;.?. (cid:24) 5 &-!#39; 5-(cid:24)- - * 1 .»;-l - '.--4.--._ & #39;."(cid:24)$&#; 3_9_;v °-¬_1:92",9- (cid:24) -K - (cid:20) 3*(cid:24)-=&:.#_3_9w;-E . 84!-&} #3_ 91;1"(cid:24):(cid:24)°- (cid:24)<_9_2- _ _-1m (cid:24) g!» -3 . # 1(cid:28) * 1 _-*?~'.(cid:24).'* f (cid:24)BP&: #13(cid:25)9;(cid:1) r(cid:24) .' i é-3*(cid:25) }{Q,";f(cid:24)qI - 1(cid:24) 92_ -I I(cid:24) if & Ie#h3Br9ura;rieln auurs otifg- I atisg 1 -92 liniteh EtaDteesp artmenJtu usft in ~(cid:28)"~"(cid:29) Ina ingelee, 13, California * December 18, 1943 - ».._ : u p e | I l nmscron, FBI 5,: .1(cid:24)-;5 (cid:24). e£s' § D Seira: r R AER:ISTOTLE ONASSIS _ _;(cid:24)T&(cid:24)#39;_5- 9 ,292_. ESPIONAGE (cid:20) I , i_92_ B leytter dated August 12, 1943, nistrict Intelligence -1:, fr_(cid:24) Office of the llth Naval District, advised this office that on(cid:24) I-1-we (cid:25), J 2u2l,y 1942, the Office of Naval Intelligence had reported that the Embassy in Buenoe hires had received information from the G Erieneisktry that the subject had expressed sentiments inimical to'the waerf forts of th United States. Subject is of G -_reek ~._. origin and reportedly a citizen of Argentina, from which country he departed at Buenos h inir_e1s942 for the United States. -.-__ The f oilfe s the Immigration and Naturalization Service at Ins Lngeles, Ihen checked, failed to reveal any information. It i srequested that the Bureau through available -v.-_, .&&##3399;;--5- sources ascertain specifically the nature of the statements ,allegedly made b thye subject. It is further requested that the Bureau determine from the State Department the present status of _.-fr . the subject w inh ile this country, and advise this office accord- 'lnn-1-ev- & &##3399;; """h"J' in, - -w V ert yyruoluyrs, _ 1 WW, 65-4091 12. B.n eomqo& nQ#13t19!e ; 5 43/av(cid:24) . r.m=m=1. sac $9 ve;<>t°,,m-, J r l t-J tn.-:1(cid:28) (cid:2)ig- Q 92g*i~n9(cid:24) 2 (cid:25) Egg(cid:24) (cid:24) ' cc? ,: . D V q!(cid:24) if .(cid:24)_(cid:24)__,___(cid:24) :_(cid:25)' F3cro1mr , (cid:24)(cid:28)h'~cf& 9#(cid:25)3 9;»ff»n-m~(cid:25) ° & #_, ,3(cid:24)9J-; i Ti|?ii ~ & #3(cid:24)9-3; Q - | J.(cid:25) 4 "-&A#-3+-91;. ; _. _ I :_p (cid:24)_I 9&; # 39; 9 2 a yb " (cid:24)LL-.£ 4 ;;'A._.;} sr(cid:1)¢'rs I _ (cid:24) c&(cid:25)1b ' (cid:28)Nil r