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ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY SCHOOL OF PHILOLOGY PROGRAMME OF STUDIES 2012-2013 www.lit.auth.gr THESSALONIKI 2012 CONTENTS I. Administration 7 Rectorate 7 Faculty of Philosophy 7 School of Philology 7 II. Academic Staff 8 Department of Classics 8 Department of Medieval and Modern Greek Philology 9 Department of Linguistics 10 Computer Science Staff 11 Teachers of Foreign Languages 12 Academic Staff on Sabbatical 12 Members of Staff that have not yet been appointed by the Ministry 12 of Education III. Courses offered to first degree students 2012-2013 13 Winter Semester: Compulsory Courses 13 Winter Semester: Elective Compulsory Courses (Specialization) 16 Department of Classics 16 Department of Medieval and Modern Greek Philology 18 Department of Linguistics 21 Spring Semester: Compulsory Courses 22 Spring Semester: Elective Compulsory Courses (Specialization) 25 Department of Classics 25 Department of Medieval and Modern Greek Philology 26 Department of Linguistics 29 Examination Syllabuses 30 Oral Examination Syllabus: Ancient Greek - Latin 30 Oral Examination Syllabus: Modern Greek Literature 30 Written Examination Syllabus: Medieval Greek Literature 32 Written Examination Syllabus: History of Ideas and International 32 Literary Movements IV. Postgraduate Studies 35 A. Postgraduate studies of School of Philology 35 Department of Classics 35 Department of Medieval and Modern Greek Philology 36 5 Department of Linguistics 38 B. “Studies of European Literature and Civilization” 39 V. Appendix: Useful services to students 41 6 I. ADMINISTRATION RECTORATE Rector: I. Mylopoulos Deputy Rectors: S. Kouidou-Andreou D. Lialiou I. Pantis FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY Dean: M. Papanikolaou (tel. 997151/5173) HEADS OF THE SCHOOLS School of Philology: M. Chryssanthopoulos School of History and Archaeology: I. Mourelos School of Philosophy and Education: B. Kalfas School of Psychology: E. Syngollitou School of English Language and Philology: Y. Kalogeras School of French Language and Philology: M. Makorpoulou School of German Language and Philology: E. Boutoulousi School of Italian Language and Philology: F.-B. Ghikopoulos SCHOOL OF PHILOLOGY Head: M. Chryssanthopoulos Deputy Head: I. Tzifopoulos SECRETARIAT Secretary: Z. Symeonidou srenia@lit.auth.gr 995246 Personnel: M. Emmanouilidou memmanou@lit.auth.gr 995244 L. Kalomiri 995232 P. Malamidou 995232 N.Theodosiadou ntheodos@lit.auth.gr 995260 S. Yiapraki 7 II. ACADEMIC STAFF DEPARTMENT OF CLASSICS Head: C. Tsagalis PROFESSORS of Ancient Greek Philology D. Christidis 210 n.b. 997165 D. Iakov 211 n.b. 997011 I. Kazazis 203 n.b. 997004 P. Kyriakou pbkyriak@lit.auth.gr 210 n.b. 998876 A. Mavroudis 209 n.b. 997066 A. Rengakos 203 n.b. 997041 I. Tzifopoulos tzif@lit.auth.gr 214 n.b. 997091 of Greek Palaeography and Codicology P. Sotiroudis 207 n.b. 997154 of Latin Philology S. Frangoulidis frango@lit.auth.gr 214 n.b. 997880 T. Papanghelis 213 n.b. 997044 L. Tromaras tromaras@lit.auth.gr 204 n.b. 997125 of Late Latin Philology D. Nikitas 204 n.b. 997034 ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS of Ancient Greek Philology P. Kotzia 210 n.b. 997046 T. Kouremenos 209 n.b. 997237 C. Tsagalis ctsagal@lit.auth.gr 214 n.b. E. Tsitsibakou-Vasalos 207 n.b. 997116 E. Sistakou sistakou@lit.auth.gr 214 n.b. 997898 ASSISTANT PROFESSORS of Ancient Greek Philology E. Alexiou 213 n.b. 997138 A. Lianeri alelia@lit.auth.gr 209 n.b 997026 A. Lolos 214 n.b. 997095 S. Matthaios matthaio@lit.auth.gr 210 n.b. 997984 8 M. Noussia minoussia@lit.auth.gr 203 n.b. T. Papadopoulou pthaleia@lit.auth.gr 209 n.b. 997147 M. Plastira-Valkanou 213 n.b. 997086 of Latin Philology V. Fyntikoglou vasfynt@lit.auth.gr 204 n.b. 997146 D. Tsitsikli ductum@otenet.gr 211 n.b. 997106 C. Tsitsiou-Chelidoni ctsitsiou@lit.auth.gr 204 n.b. 997146 SECRETARIAL PERSONNEL A. Vildou kvildou@lib.auth.gr 201 n.b. 997049 V. Drakousis 201 n.b. 997009 P. Keramidaki kerami@lit.auth.gr 201 n.b. 997002 E. Premeti epremeti@lib.auth.gr 201 n.b. 997049 DEPARTMENT OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN GREEK PHILOLOGY Head: S. Kotzabassi PROFESSORS of Modern Greek Philology G. Farinou-Malamatari gfar@lit.auth.gr 206 n.b. 997135 G. Kechagioglou gkehag@lit.auth.gr 205 n.b. 997021 M. Mike mmike@lit.auth.gr 206 n.b. 997124 of Medieval Greek Philology I. Vassis ivassis@lit.auth.gr 202 n.b. 99.7025 V. Katsaros 208/3 n.b. 997045 of Byzantine Philology S. Kotzabassi kotzabas@lit.auth.gr 206 n.b. 997036 of Comparative Literature M. Chryssanthopoulos cryssant@lit.auth.gr 212 n.b. 997129 E. Tsirimokou firaris@lit.auth.gr 212 n.b. 997115 ASSISTANT PROFESSORS of Modern Greek Philology M. Iatrou miatrou@lit.auth.gr 423 n.b. 997453 A. Kaplanis A. Markomichelaki tmarkom@lit.auth.gr 202 n.b. 997522 9 S. Stavrakopoulou sstavrak@lit.auth.gr 208/10 n.b. 997166 A. Tiktopoulou atiktopo@lit.auth.gr 423A n.b. 997056 L. Varelas lvarelas@lit.auth.gr 208/8 n.b. 997012 of Medieval Greek Philology M. Avgerinou-Tzioga avgi@lit.auth.gr 208/4 n.b. 997048 of Comparative Literature M. Pehlivanos pehliv@lit.auth.gr 424 n.b. 997006 LECTURERS of Modern Greek Philology L. Arampatzidou lear@lit.auth.gr 208/13 n.b. 997860 M. Vassiliadi marthatv@lit.auth.gr 208/14 n.b. 997092 M. Bakoyiannis mixalisb@lit.auth.gr 208/17 n.b. 997055 of Medieval Greek Philology C. Simelidis csimelid@lit.auth.gr 208/12 n.b. 997421 I. Taxidis itaxidis@lit.auth.gr 208/9 n.b. 997029 of Comparative Literature I. Naoum naoum@lit.auth.gr 424B n.b. 997007 RESEARCH-TEACHING STAFF V. Kostopoulou bkostop@lit.auth.gr 208 n.b. 997111 M. Sakellariou sakellar@lit.auth.gr 208 n.b. 997027 S. Sachpekidou sachpek@lit.auth.gr 208 n.b. 997037 A. Sitas sitas@lit.auth.gr 208 n.b. 998766 SECRETARIAL PERSONNEL V. Sgourniou vasosg@lit.auth.gr 208 n.b. 997017 Fax 997094 S. Zegou szegou@lit.auth.gr 208 n.b. 997022 DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS Head: D. Koutsogiannis PROFESSORS of General Linguistics T. Pavlidou pavlidou@lit.auth.gr 305 o.b. 997054 10 M. Stavrou-Sifaki staurou@lit.suth.gr 301 o.b. 997144 I. Veloudis veloudis@lit.auth.gr 301 o.b. 997141 of General Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language S. Tsohatzidis savasts@lit.auth.gr 2α n.w. 997105 of Historical and Balkan Linguistics C. Tzitzilis 304 o.b. 997164 ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS of General Linguistics D. Koutsogiannis dkoutsog@lit.auth.gr 312 o.b. 997263 A. Revithiadou revith@lit.auth.gr 301 o.b. 997065 of Historical Linguistics G. Giannakis ggiannak@lit.auth.gr 305 o.b. 997104 ASSISTANT PROFESSORS of General Linguistics D. Papadopoulou depapa@lit.auth.gr 109 o.b. 997053 M. Theodoropoulou mtheod@lit.auth.gr 301 o.b. 997962 of the History of Greek M. Karali mkarali@lit.auth.gr 304 o.b. 997407 of Historical Linguistics G. Papanastasiou papana@phil.auth.gr 312 o.b. 997257 LECTURERS of Historical Linguistics D. Kyriazis kyrdoris@lit.auth.gr 301 o.b. 997155 RESEARCH-TEACHING STAFF E. Dota dotas@lit.auth.gr 309 o.b. 997409 SECRETARIAL PERSONNEL E. Bouchouroudi thaliabou@lit.auth.gr 302 o.b. 997419 E. Stoikou 309 o.b. 997409 COMPUTER SCIENCE STAFF A. Kaprara akap@lit.auth.gr 423 n.b. 997157 11 TEACHERS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES (Office: 410 / tel.: 997391/7394) The tutors will be announced by the special committee of the Faculty ACADEMIC STAFF ON SABBATICAL M. Chryssanthopoulos nine months (from 16.10.2012) L. Arampatzidou four months (from 1.3.2013) M. Karali four months (from 1.3.2012) V. Fyntikoglou seven months (from 15.10.2012) T. Kouremenos one year (from 1.10.2012) P. Kyriakou three months (from 1.3.2013) A. Revithiadou six months (from 1.3.2013) S. Tsohatzidis seven months (from 1.10.2012) ACADEMIC STAFF ATTACHED TO A DEPARTMENT OF MODERN GREEK ABROAD T. Pavlidou five months (from 1.10.2012) ACADEMIC STAFF ON UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE A. Kaplanis M. Noussia M. Pehlivanos MEMBERS OF STAFF THAT HAVE NOT YET BEEN APPOINTED BY THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION U. Vöhler (Professor, Ancient Greek Philology) G. Zografidis (Associate Professor, Ancient Greek Philology) A. Lamari (Lecturer, Ancient Greek Philology) T. Antoniadis (Lecturer, Latin Philology) I. Ziogas (Lecturer, Latin Philology) K. Yiavis (Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature) A. Tantos (Lecturer, General Linguistics) 12

aristotle university of thessaloniki . faculty of philosophy . school of philology . programme of studies . 2012-2013 . www.lit.auth.gr . thessaloniki 2012
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