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Aristophanes: Lysistrata / Λυσιστράτη του Αριστοφάνη PDF

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Preview Aristophanes: Lysistrata / Λυσιστράτη του Αριστοφάνη

THE COMEDIES OF ARISTOPHANES: VOL. 7 LYSISTRATA Edited with translation and notes by Alan H. Sommerstein THE COMEDIES OF ARISTOPHANES Vol. 7 L Y S I S T R A T A Edited with translation and notes by ALAN H. SOMMERSTEIN Aris & Phillips Ltd — Warminster © Alan H. Sommerstein 1990. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Aristophanes Lysistrata. - (Classical texts, ISSN 09S3-7961) I. Title Π. Sommerstein, Alan H. (Alan Herbert), 1947- 882.01 ISBN 0 85668 457 0 cloth ISBN 0 85668 458 9 limp In grateful memory of John Arts Printed and published in England by Aris & Phillips Ltd., Teddingtonl House, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 8PQ * CONTENTS PREFACE iv REFERENCES AND ABBREVIATIONS v INTRODUCTORY NOTE 1 SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY TO LYSFSTRATA 7 NOTE ON THE TEXT 8 Sigla 9 LYSISTRATA 11 NOTES 155 PREFACE This edition, like its predecessors in the series, owes a great deal to the friendly assistance of other scholars, and on this occasion above all to Jeffrey Henderson. He made available to me, in successive drafts, his own admirable edition of Lysistrata long before it was published; subsequently, when I was preparing my text, he furnished me with his collations of most of the manuscripts, and with his microfilm of Parisinus gr. 2715 (B); and in a correspondence stretching back over ten years he has helped me thrash out many important issues connected with the play. Particular thanks are also due to Dr Colin Austin, who acquainted me with discoveries he had made (since published in Dodoni) entailing the reattribution of a considerable number of textual emendations in this play, and to Mr Nigel Wilson, who made it possible for me to consult and collate the manuscript Baroccianus 38B (O) in the Bodleian Library. Research for this volume was partly supported by a grant from the National Westminster Bank Research Fund, which is hereby gratefully acknowledged. Both the present volume, and the entire series to which it belongs, owe their existence to the foresight and acumen of the late John Aris, who in 1979 adopted and fostered an orphan project and proceeded to create for it a numerous and flourishing family. I feel it a great honour, on producing this latest addition to that family, to be able to inscribe it to his memory. ALAN H. SOMMERSTEIN Nottingham, December 1989 V REFERENCES AND ABBREVIATIONS (A) Collections of Fragments All citations of fragments of Greek authors (other than comic dramatists) made in this volume either are from one of the collections in the following list or else are accompanied by the name(s) or initial(s) of the editor(s); in the latter case particulars will be found in list (C) below if there might otherwise be difficulty in identifying the edition. If there is no editor designated and the author is not listed hoe, it may be assumed that the author is an Attic comic dramatist and the citation is from T. Kock, Comicorum Atticorum Fragmenta (Leipzig, 1880-8); unless otherwise stated, such references are also valid for J.M. Edmonds, The Fragments of Attic Comedy (Leiden, 1957-61). Aeschylus S.L. Radt, TrGF iii (Göttingen, 1985). Aleman D. L. Page, Poetae Melici Graeci (Oxford, 1962). Aristotle V. Rose, Aristotelis Fragmenta (Leipzig, 1886). Bacchylides B. Snell and H. Maehler, Bacchylidis Carmina cum Fragmentis (Leipzig, 1970). Callimachus R.H. Pfeiffer, Callimachus (Oxford, 194953). Euripides A. Nauck, Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta^ (Leipzig, 1889). Hesiod R. Merkelbach and M.L. West, Fragmenta Hesiodea (Oxford, 1967). Hipponax M.L. West, Iambi et Elegi Graeci i (Oxford, 1971). Ibycus Page (see Aleman). Menander A. Körte (rev. A. Thierfelder), Menandri quae supersunt: Pars altera (Leipzig, 1953). Pindar B. Snell and H. Maehler, Pindari Carmina cum Fragmentis: Pars Π (Leipzig, 1975). Sappho E. Lobel and D.L. Page, Poetarum Lesbiorum Fragmenta (Oxford, 1955). Simonides Page (see Aleman). Solon M.L. West, Iambi et Elegi Graeci ii (Oxford, 1972). Sophocles S. L. Radt, TrGF iv (Göttingen, 1977). Tyrtaeus West (see Solon). (B) Abbreviations: Ancient Authors and Works AA Ars Amatoria (Ovid). Ach. Acharnions. Aesch. Aeschylus. Ag. Agamemnon (Aeschylus). Ages. Agesilaus (Xenophon or Plutarch). Ale. Alcestis (Euripides) or Alcibiades (Plutarch). Alex. Alexipharmaca (Nicander). Anab. Anabasis (Xenophon). And oc. Andocides. Andr. Andromache (Euripides). Ant. Antiphon (the orator). Ant. Antigone (Sophocles). Anth. Pal. Palatine Anthology. Anth. Plan. Planudean Appendix to the Anthology. Apol. Apology (Plato). At. Aristophanes. Arist. Aristotle. Arist. Aristeides (Plutarch). Ath. Pol. Athinaiön Poiùeiâ (pseudo-Xenophon or Aristotle). Ba. Bacchae (Euripides). Bacchyl. Bacchylides. Bekk. An. Anecdota Graeca ed. I. Bekker (Berlin, 1814—21). Callim. Callimachus. Char. Characters (Theophrastus). Cho. Choephoroi (Aeschylus). Cim. Cimon (Plutarch). Clem. Alex. Clement of Alexandria. com. comic dramatist. com. adesp. comica adespota (anonymous fragments of comedy). Contempt. Contemplantes (Lucian). Cycl. Cyclops (Euripides). Cyneg. Cynegeticus (Xenophon). Cyr. Cyropaedia (Xenophon). Dem. Demosthenes. D.L. Diogenes Laertius. D.S. Diodorus Siculus. Dysk. Dyskolos (Menander). Eccl. Ecclesiazusae. El. Electra (Sophocles or Euripides). Ep. Epistulae (Plato). epigr. epigrams. Epitr. Epitrepontes (Menander). Et. Mag. Etymologicum Magnum ed. T. Gaisford (Oxford, 184e;. Eum. Eumenides (Aeschylus). Eup. Eupolis. Eur. Euripides. Fab. Fables (Aesop). fr. fragment. Gorg. Gorgias (Plato). HA Historia Animalium (Aristotle). Hdt. Herodotus. Hec. Hecuba (Euripides). Hel. Helen (Euripides). Hell. Hellenica (Xenophon). Heracl. Heracl eidae (Euripides). Hes. Hesiod. HF Hercules Furens (The Madness of Heracles) (Euripides). h.Hom.(Ap./Aph.) Homeric Hymn (to Apollo!Aphrodite). Hipp. Hippolytus (Euripides). REFERENCES & ABBREVIATIONS vii Hippocr. Hippocratic treatises. Hyp. Hypereides. Isocr. Isocrates. π Iphigeneia in Tauris (Euripides). La. Laches (Plato). Lac. Lacedaemonian Constitution (Xenophon). Leocr. Against Leocrates (Lycurgus). Luc. Lucian. Lyc. Lycurgus. Lyc. Lycurgus (Plutarch). Lys. Lysias. Lys. Lysistrata. Med. Medea (Euripides). Men. Menander. Menez. Menexenus (Plato). Mis. Misoumenos (Menander). Mor. Moralia (Plutarch). Nem. Nemeans (Pindar). NH Naturalis Historia (Pliny the Elder). Nie. Nicander. Nie. Nicias (Plutarch). OC Oedipus at Colonus (Sophocles). Oec. Oeconomicus (Xenophon). 01. Olympians (Pindar). Or. Orestes (Euripides) or Orations (Aristeides). στ Oedipus Tyrannus (Sophocles). Paed. Paedagogus (Clement of Alexandria). Paus. Pausanias, Description of Greece. Paus. Att. Pausanias the Atticist Pel. Pelopidas (Plutarch). Pe rik. Perikeiromene (Menander). P ers. Persae (Aeschylus). fhdr. Phaedrus (Plato). Phil. Philoctetes (Sophocles). Phoen. Phoenissae (Euripides). Phryn. Phrynichus. Pind. Pindar. Pisc. Piscator (Lucian). PI. Plato. Plin. Pliny the Elder. Plut. Plutarch. Poet. Poetics (Aristotle). Polit. Politicus (Plato). Polyb. Polybius. frobl. Problemata (Aristotle). from. Prometheus Bound (ascribed to Aeschylus). fyth. Pythians (Pindar). Pep. Republic (Plato). fhet. Rhetoric (Aristotle). iall. De Saltatione (Lucian). Samia (Menander). VUl REFERENCES & ABBREVIATIONS schol. scholium or scholia (ancient and medieval commentaries). Sol. Solon (Plutarch). Somn. Somnium (Lucian). Soph. Sophocles. Strom. Stromateis (Clement of Alexandria). Supp. Suppliants (Aeschylus or Euripides). Symp. Symposium (Plato or Xenophon). Theocr. Theocritus. Thesm. Tkesmophoriazusae. Thg. Tkeogony (Hesiod). Thphr. Theophrastus. Tht. Theaetetus (Plato). Thuc. Thucydides. Track. Trachiniae (Sophocles). Tro. Troades (Euripides). Xen. Xenophon. (C) Abbreviations: Modern Authors and Publications ABSA Annual of the British School at Athens. AE Arkhaiologike Ephemeris (Athens). Agora The Athenian Agora (Princeton, various dates): iii R.E. Wycherley, Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia (1957). xiv HA. Thompson and R.E. Wycherley, The Agora of Athens: The History, Shape and Uses of an Ancient City Center (1972). xvii D.W. Bradeen, Inscriptions: The Funerary Monuments (1974). “ xxi M. Lang, Graffiti and Dipinti (1976). AlON [Arch.] Annali dell’ Istituto Universitario Orientale: Sezione di Archeologia e Storia Antica (Naples). AJA American Journal of Archaeology. AJP American Journal of Philology. ARV2 J. D. Beazley, Athenian Red-Figure Vase-Painters2 (Oxford, 1963). BCH Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique. BICS Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, University of London. Brulé P. Brulé, La fille d’Athènes (Paris, 1987). Burkert W. Burkert, Greek Religion (Eng. tr. Oxford, 1985). CEG PA. Hansen, Carmina epigraphica Graeca saeculorum VIII-V a.Chr.n. (Berlin, 1983). CGFP C. Austin, Comicorum Graecorum fragmenta in papyris reperta (Berlin, 1973). CP Classical Philology. CQ Classical Quarterly. CR Classical Review. Dak2 A.M. Dak, The Lyric Metres of Greek Drama2 (Cambridge, 1968). Davies M. Davies, Epicorum Graecorum Fragmenta (Göttingen, 1988). D-K H. Diels, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker6 (rev. W. Kranz) (Berlin, 1951-2). Dover K. J. Dover, Aristophanic Comedy (Berkeley, 1972). FGrH F. Jacoby, Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (Berlin/Leiden, 1923-58).

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